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Application and comparison of sex discriminant functions in different populations led to the conclusion that a certain combination and weighting of a few sex dimorphism variables (in this study we only used craniometric variables) can give a good discrimination between male and female individuals, independent of the racial group to which this function is applied. In our study, the sex-discriminatory power of five discriminant functions which were based on different ordination and selection procedures (e.g. professional knowledge, stepwise discriminant analysis, literature) of the cranial variables is compared. These discriminant functions were applied to three different data sets, the first being skull measurements from an Amsterdam series (Europids), the second skull measurements of a Zulu series (Negrids) and the third skull measurements of a Japan series (Mongolids). Our decision as to whether a function is a good or less good sex-discriminating function is determined by the Dt values (these values give an idea about the discriminatory value of the discriminant function when applied to a new test sample), the number of variables necessary to obtain this Dt and the location of the sectioning point (i.e. comparison between the estimation of the sectioning point and the ”real” sectioning point). These discriminant functions were compared withGiles Elliot's (1962, 1963) “race-independent” sex function.  相似文献   

In order to provide inferential support to the MI measure of sexual dimorphism we proposed for populations distributed as mixture models with two normal components, an interval estimate is constructed. There do not appear to exist measures of sexual dimorphism that possess inferential properties other than some statistics used with this purpose. The use of these sample functions in such a context as well as the purported inferential support of some other sexual dimorphism indices are discussed. A biological case study illustrates the distinct inferential conclusions that can be obtained when the indices here discussed and the one we proposed are considered.  相似文献   

The phenotype of a mother and the environment that she provides might differentially affect the phenotypes of her sons and daughters, leading to change in sexual size dimorphism. Whereas these maternal effects should evolve to accommodate the adaptations of both the maternal and offspring generations, the mechanisms by which this is accomplished are rarely known. In birds, females adjust the onset of incubation (coincident with the first egg or after all eggs are laid) in response to the environment during breeding, and thus, indirectly, determine the duration of offspring growth. In the two house finch (Carpodacus mexicanus) populations that breed at the extremes of the species' distribution (Montana and Alabama), females experience highly distinct climatic conditions during nesting. We show that in close association with these conditions, females adjusted jointly the onset of incubation and the sequence in which they produced male and female eggs and consequently modified the growth of sons and daughters. The onset of incubation in newly breeding females closely tracked ambient temperature in a pattern consistent with the maintenance of egg viability. Because of the very different climates in Montana and Alabama, females in these populations showed the opposite patterns of seasonal change in incubation onset and the opposite sex bias in egg-laying order. In females with breeding experience, incubation onset and sex bias in laying order were closely linked regardless of the climatic variation. In nests in which incubation began with the onset of egg laying, the first-laid eggs were mostly females in Montana, but mostly males in Alabama. Because in both populations, male, but not female, embryos grew faster when exposed to longer incubation, the sex-bias produced highly divergent sizes of male and female juveniles between the populations. Overall, the compensatory interaction between the onset of incubation and the sex-biased laying order achieved a compromise between maternal and offspring adaptations and contributed to rapid morphological divergence in sexual dimorphism between populations of the house finch breeding at the climatic extremes of the species range.  相似文献   

A t-test that can be used for evaluating the significance of differences in metric sexual dimorphism between populations is derived directly from mathematical considerations of the differences between distributions. It is compared with the t-test derived by Relethford and Hodges (1985), which was based upon linear regression with sex as a dummy variable. Both are determined to be mathematically equivalent, though the one derived here is more similar in form to traditional t-tests of differences and therefore may be simpler to employ. Both tests require only summary statistics for comparisons between populations and comparisons between generations within populations.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is discussed as a diffusion problem. The establishment of different gametic size is favoured through Brownian motion.  相似文献   

Estimating sexual dimorphism in skeletal and dental features of fossil species is difficult when the sex of individuals cannot be reliably determined. Several different methods of estimating dimorphism in this situation have been suggested: extrapolation from coefficients of variation, division of a sample about the mean or median into two subsamples which are then treated as males and females, and finite mixture analysis (specifically for estimating the maximum dimorphism that could be present in a unimodal distribution). The accuracy of none of these methods has been thoroughly investigated and compared in a controlled manner. Such analysis is necessary because the accuracy of all methods is potentially affected by fluctuations in either sample size, sex ratio, or the magnitude of intrasexual variability. Computer modeling experiments show that the mean method is the least sensitive to fluctuations in these parameters and generally provides the best estimates of dimorphism. However, no method can accurately estimate low to moderate levels of dimorphism, particularly if intrasexual variability is high and sex ratios are skewed. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have studied the influence of dietary arginine on tissue arginine content, and arginine metabolism in CD1 mice. Dietary arginine restriction produced by feeding mice with a low arginine diet (0.06%) produced a marked decrease in arginine concentrations in the plasma, skeletal muscle and kidney of female mice (72%, 67% and 54%, respectively) while in male mice the decreases were smaller (58% in blood and 18% in the skeletal muscle). This diet abolished not only the sexual dimorphism in arginine content observed in mice fed with the diet containing 1% arginine, but also reduced renal activities of arginase and nitric oxide synthase in the female mice and ornithine decarboxylase and the decarboxylation of arginine in the male mice. Urinary putrescine excretion was dramatically reduced by arginine restriction in the male mice whereas orotic acid excretion increased about 30 fold in both sexes; urea and creatinine excretion did not change. Taken together our results indicate that dietary arginine plays a relevant role in the maintenance of the sexual dimorphism in arginine content and arginine metabolism in CD1 mice, and that this may have physiological significance because of the important effects that arginine-derived products exert on a variety of cellular processes.  相似文献   

Contemporary populations of Homo sapiens are sexually dimorphic on a variety of traits. In terms of stature, men are reliably between 4% and 10% taller than women in well-sampled human populations. Are cross-cultural differences in the magnitude of sexual dimorphism consistent with expectations from sexual selection theory? Prior studies have provided conflicting answers to this question in part because they failed to agree on how the force of sexual selection should or could be operationalized. Here we offer a simple and unbiased method for operationalizing sexual selection and retest two separate predictions from earlier work (Alexander et al., 1979) about its expected impact on stature dimorphism in a sample of 155 societies. Neither prediction matches the observed cross-cultural distribution of dimorphism. However, this is not the consequence of a random distribution of dimorphism across societies. Instead, the data exhibit a robust and unexpected pattern.  相似文献   

Sexual differences are often dramatic and widespread across taxa. Their extravagance and ubiquity can be puzzling because the common underlying genome of males and females is expected to impede rather than foster phenotypic divergence. Widespread dimorphism, despite a shared genome, may be more readily explained by considering the multivariate, rather than univariate, framework governing the evolution of sexual dimorphism. In the univariate formulation, differences in genetic variances and a low intersexual genetic correlation () can facilitate the evolution of sexual dimorphism. However, studies that have analysed sex‐specific differences in heritabilities or genetic variances do not always find significant differences. Furthermore, many of the reported estimates of are very high and positive. When monomorphic heritabilities and a high are present together, the evolution of sexual dimorphism on a trait‐by‐trait basis is severely constrained. By contrast, the multivariate formulation has greater generality and more flexibility. Although the number of multivariate sexual dimorphism studies is low, almost all support sex‐specific differences in the G (variance‐covariance) matrix; G matrices can differ with respect to size and/or orientation, affecting the response to selection differently between the sexes. Second, whereas positive values of the univariate quantity only hinder positive changes in sexual dimorphism, positive covariances in the intersexual covariance B matrix can either help or hinder. Similarly, the handful of studies reporting B matrices indicate that it is often asymmetric, so that B can affect the evolution of single traits differently between the sexes. Multivariate approaches typically demonstrate that genetic covariances among traits can strongly constrain trait evolution when compared with univariate approaches. By contrast, in the evolution of sexual dimorphism, a multivariate view potentially reveals more opportunities for sexual dimorphism to evolve by considering the effect sex‐specific selection has on sex‐specific G matrices and an asymmetric B matrix.  相似文献   

Sexual segregation in Soay sheep (Ovis aries) was investigated using an experimental approach in order to test the sexual dimorphism-body size hypothesis. Two corollaries of the sexual dimorphism-body size hypothesis were tested: (1) in dimorphic species males, the larger sex, have relatively smaller bite sizes on short swards because of the scaling of incisor arcade with body weight, and (2) they move off earlier to feed on taller but poorer-quality swards when such swards are patchily distributed on a scale which enables the spatial segregation of individuals. Patch choice between sexes was estimated using a matrix of grass patches which differed in both quality and biomass of grass on offer (HQ: high-quality-low-biomass; LQ: low-quality-high-biomass). Sex differences in patch choice and grazing behaviour were tested in short-term preference trials. Incisor breadth showed no significant difference between sexes. On the other hand, muzzle width was dimorphic, with females having a narrower muzzle than males. Bite size was significantly different between the sexes, being smaller in females than in males, although it was not significantly different between sward types. Females had a higher bite rate than males and the bite rate was higher in the HQ sward type than the LQ sward type. When the effect of body mass was removed, no sex differences in muzzle size, bite size or bite rate were found. The intake rate did not differ between the sexes or between sward types. Whilst both sexes preferred the HQ sward type, females spent a significantly longer time feeding on the LQ sward type than did males. The difference detected between the sexes in patch choice was not consistent directly with the sexual dimorphism-body size hypothesis. Alternative explanations based on sex differences in foraging behaviour in relation to body mass sexual dimorphism are discussed to explain the result. Received: 1 February 1999 / Accepted: 12 May 1999  相似文献   

The expression of sexual dimorphism is expected to be influenced by the acquisition of resources available to allocate to trait growth, combined with sex‐specific patterns of resource allocation. Resource acquisition in the wild may be mediated by a variety of ecological factors, such as the density of interspecific competitors. Allocation may in turn depend on social contexts, such as sex ratio, that alter the pay‐off for investment in sexual traits. How these factors interact to promote or constrain the expression and evolution of sexual dimorphism is poorly understood. We manipulated sex ratio and interspecific resource competition over the growing season of red‐spotted newts (Notophthalmus viridescens) in artificial ponds. Fish competitors had a stronger effect on female than male growth, which effectively eliminated the expression of sexual size dimorphism. In addition, newt sex ratio influenced fish growth, leading to reduction in fish mass with an increase in female newt frequency. Fish also reduced the expression of male tail height, a sexually selected trait, but only in tanks with a female‐biased sex ratio. This suggests males alter their resource allocation pattern in response to the strength of sexual selection. Our results demonstrate that ecologically and socially mediated interactions between sex‐specific resource acquisition and allocation can contribute to variation in the expression of sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Although a negative covariance between parasite load and sexually selected trait expression is a requirement of few sexual selection models, such a covariance may be a general result of life‐history allocation trade‐offs. If both allocation to sexually selected traits and to somatic maintenance (immunocompetence) are condition dependent, then in populations where individuals vary in condition, a positive covariance between trait expression and immunocompetence, and thus a negative covariance between trait and parasite load, is expected. We test the prediction that parasite load is generally related to the expression of sexual dimorphism across two breeding seasons in a wild salamander population and show that males have higher trematode parasite loads for their body size than females and that a key sexually selected trait covaries negatively with parasite load in males. We found evidence of a weaker negative relationship between the analogous female trait and parasite infection. These results underscore that parasite infection may covary with expression of sexually selected traits, both within and among species, regardless of the model of sexual selection, and also suggest that the evolution of condition dependence in males may affect the evolution of female trait expression.  相似文献   

Adult craniofacial morphology is quantified and compared using Euclidean distance matrix analysis (EDMA), a three-dimensional morphometric method for the comparison of forms, which localizes form differences between comparative groups. Results indicate that the number and magnitude of differences between male and female crania are striking. The face, basicranium and neurocranium exhibit the most dimorphism, while the palate shows the least. Significant differences also exist between young adult and fully adult individuals, especially males, supporting the delayed onset of sexual maturity and secondary sex characteristics in males. As one of the many new morphometric techniques available, EDMA was useful for identifying local form difference and provides insights into the understanding of sexual dimorphism in this species beyond that obtained from traditional statistical methods based on linear caliper measurements.  相似文献   

The parietal epithelium of Bowman's capsule has been analyzed by enzyme cytochemistry in kidneys of mice (C57BL/6J) from birth to 50 days of age. There is a greater tendency for cells in the central portions of the capsular crescent to be cuboidal in post-pubertal males than in pre-pubertal mice of either sex or in post-pubertal females where they are generally squamous; moreover, these heightened capsular cells have a distinct microvillous border. Cytochemical procedures were selected which might confirm the morphological suggestion that the cuboidal parietal epithelium possesses an absorptive capacity. The oxidoreductase activity of the mitochondria of the cuboidal cells of this layer is comparable to that of the columnar cells of the proximal convoluted tubule. The cytochrome oxidase activity of the mitochondria in both of these segments of the nephron is intense. This is in sharp contrast to the unreactive mitochondria in the squamous cells of the parietal epithelium. Furthermore, a striking heterogeneity in the degree of cytochrome oxidase activity is evident in the mitochondria of the cuboidal parietal cells as well as in the cells of the proximal tubules. In the former cells, active mitochondria were generally found near microvilli at the apical ends and in the areas of the basal infoldings whereas those in a central position were more frequently unreactive. The brush border of the cuboidal capsular epithelium had prominent alkaline phosphatase and aminopeptidase activities as has previously been observed in other brush borders. Functional capacity corresponding to the morphological and cytochemical specialization of the cuboidal capsular cells was demonstrated by their uptake of horseradish peroxidase. This exogenous protein tracer could be seen in apical vacuoles and phagosomes in the cuboidal parietal epithelium. The cytochemical resemblance of the cells of this epithelium to those of the proximal convoluted tubules suggests a similar involvement in resorption and perhaps in active transport. A possible relationship of this differentiation of the capsular epithelium to the proteinuria normal for adult male mice is discussed.  相似文献   

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