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To explore the impact of Core self-evaluations on job burnout of nurses, and especially to test and verify the mediator role of organizational commitment between the two variables.


Random cluster sampling was used to pick up participants sample, which consisted of 445 nurses of a hospital in Shanghai. Core self-evaluations questionnaire, job burnout scale and organizational commitment scale were administrated to the study participants.


There are significant relationships between Core self-evaluations and dimensions of job burnout and organizational commitment. There is a significant mediation effect of organizational commitment between Core self-evaluations and job burnout.


To enhance nurses’ Core self-evaluations can reduce the incidence of job burnout.  相似文献   



Burnout is recognized as an occupational hazard, and nursing has a high risk of burnout. This study aims to explore the relationship between psychological capital (PsyCap) and burnout among Chinese nurses and the mediating role of coping style in this relationship.


A total of 1,496 nurses (effective response rate: 80.11%) from two large general hospitals in Daqing City of China were selected as participants. Data were collected via the Chinese Maslach Burnout Inventory (CMBI), the psychological capital questionnaire (PCQ-24), the Chinese Trait Coping Style Questionnaire (TCSQ) and demographic and caregiver-patient relationship. Hierarchical linear regression analyses were performed to explore the mediating role of positive coping and negative coping, and we used the Bootstrap method to confirm the mediating effect.


Self-efficacy, hope, resilience and optimism of nurses were all negatively related with emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment among Chinese nurses. Positive coping partially mediated the relationship between hope/optimism and emotional exhaustion and between self-efficacy/optimism and reduced personal accomplishment. Negative coping fully mediated the relationship between self-efficacy and emotional exhaustion, and in the regression model self-efficacy was positively correlated with emotional exhaustion. And negative coping also partially mediated the relationship between hope/optimism and emotional exhaustion and between optimism and depersonalization.


PsyCap had effects on burnout and coping style was a mediator in this relationship among Chinese nurses. Nurses who had a strong sense of self-efficacy adopted more negative coping style, which in turn would lead to higher levels of emotional exhaustion. These findings shed light on the influence of negative coping on burnout, and positive coping was a positive resource for fighting against nurses’ burnout. Hence, in order to avoid negative coping style, improve skill of coping and enhance PsyCap of nurses, active interventions should be developed in the future.  相似文献   

目的 探讨公立医院工作场所患者暴力对护士职业倦怠的影响以及可能的机制。方法 采用横断面问卷调查法收集数据,采用多元阶层线性回归分析法进行数据统计分析。结果 公立医院工作场所暴力的发生频率由高到低的次序是语言侵犯、苛刻刁难、妨碍工作、诋毁声誉、威胁恐吓、躯体攻击、性骚扰类,样本护士的职业倦怠总体发生率为68.9%,遭受暴力对护士职业倦怠具有积极的预测作用(β=0.379,P<0.01)。结论 大多数护士遭受到过不同类型的患者暴力,职业倦怠在护士群体中也较为普遍。减少患者暴力并构建和谐的护患关系将有利于缓解护士的身心疲惫状态,进而提高护理服务质量。  相似文献   

目的 探讨医院实施组织职业生涯管理对护士工作满意度的影响。方法 随机选取我市3所已实施护士组织职业生涯管理的医院中80名护士进行调查分析,比较实施护士组织职业生涯管理的效果以及管理后护士工作满意度改善情况结果 实验组护士的晋升公平评分、注重培训评分、提供职业信息、促进职业自我发展及总评分均显著高于对照组,差异具有有统计学意义(P<0.05);实验组护士内在满意度评分、外在满意度评分及总满意度评分均显著高于对照组,差异具有有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 实施护士组织职业生涯管理能有效提高护士的工作满意度,有利于促进护士的职业生涯发展及提高护理管理质量。  相似文献   

目的 探讨公立医院医务人员职业倦怠对工作满意度及离职倾向的影响。方法 采用问卷调查法进行数据收集,采用多元线性阶层回归分析进行数据分析。结果 情绪衰竭(β= -0.292,P<0.01)和情感疏远(β= -0.300,P<0.01)能显著降低医务人员的工作满意度;情绪衰竭(β= 0.247,P<0.01)和情感疏远(β= 0.173,P<0.01)显著增加了医务人员的离职倾向;成就感低落可以预测医务人员的工作满意度(β= 0.175,P<0.01)。结论 职业倦怠显著降低医务人员工作满意度水平并增加了他们的离职倾向。  相似文献   



This study aimed to determine the potential association between core self-evaluation and the burnout syndrome among Chinese nurses, and the mediating role of coping styles in this relationship.


A cross-sectional survey was conducted in Shenyang, China, from May to July, 2013. A questionnaire which consisted of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey (MBI-GS), the Core Self-Evaluation Scale (CSE), and the Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire (CSQ), was completed by a total of 1,559 nurses. Hierarchical linear regression analyses and the Sobel test were performed to determine the mediating role of coping styles on the relationship between CSE and burnout.


Nurses who had higher self-evaluation characteristics, reported less emotional exhaustion and cynicism, and higher professional efficacy. Coping style had a partial mediating effect on the relationship between CSE and the burnout syndrome among nurses.


Core self-evaluation had effects on burnout and coping style was a mediating factor in this relationship among Chinese nurses. Therefore, the improvement of coping strategies may be helpful in the prevention of burnout among nurses, thus enhancing professional performance.  相似文献   

目的 首次检验护理职场中的组织公民压力对护理人员工作倦怠的影响并进行机制阐释。方法 使用组织公民压力量表和工作倦怠量表进行了一个横断面问卷调查,收集了845份护士的调查问卷,有效回收率为85.61%。结果 组织公民压力得分均值为(1.67±0.64)分,处于低水平;工作倦怠得分均值为(2.50±1.12)分,处于中等偏下水平;组织公民压力显著预测护理人员的工作倦怠(β= 0.566,P0.01)。结论 组织公民压力虽然程度不高,但是较普通存在护理职场,并能加剧护理人员的工作倦怠感。  相似文献   

目的 调查医学生在实习期间的职业倦怠现象并探究其心理状况。方法 采用职业倦怠调查问卷以及症状自评量表对2013年3月—2013年6月在院实习的180名医学实习生进行调查分析。结果 医学生在实习期间存在一定的职业倦怠现象,心理健康状况存在一定问题,但其与职业怠倦心理状态没有明显的相关性。结论 职业倦怠现象普遍存在于医学实习生中,虽其心理健康状态与职业倦怠没有明确的相关性,但我们应正视医学实习生的心理健康教育,帮助其树立正确的职业观。  相似文献   

目的 探讨知觉压力对麻醉医师组织心理依附的影响,并检验职业倦怠的中介作用。方法 采用网络问卷调查法收集数据。采用Pearson相关性分析及多元阶层线性回归分析法检验变量之间的关系及中介效应。结果 知觉压力对麻醉医师职业倦怠具有显著的正向影响(β=0.367,P<0.01),对组织心理依附具有显著的负向影响(β=-0.244,P<0.05),职业倦怠在二者之间扮演了完全的中介作用。结论 具有高知觉压力的麻醉医师,职业倦怠程度较高,进而削弱了他们的组织心理依附感。有望为麻醉医师心理健康与职业发展理论和实践方面提供科学参考。  相似文献   

目的:了解护士职业压力、职业倦怠现状;探讨两者之间的关系。方法:方便抽样,抽取哈尔滨市5所三级医院的468名护士进行问卷调查。采用护士一般情况调查表、护士工作压力源量表、职业倦怠量表进行调查。结果:护士职业倦怠程度为中等,去人格化属于中度倦怠,情感衰竭、低成就感程度达到了高度倦怠;职业压力得分为87.56±20.43,以工作量及时间分配维度压力最高,病人护理维度压力最低。情感耗竭与除工作环境及资源之外的职业压力维度呈显著正相关;去人格化与职业压力各维度均呈显著正相关;低成就感与职业压力中护理专业及工作、病人护理呈显著负相关(P0.05)。护士职业压力各维度对其职业倦怠的3个维度均有较好的预测作用,尤其对护士情感耗竭的解释程度达25.5%。结论:护士职业倦怠现象不容忽视,护理管理者有针对性的对护士进行管理,鼓励护士加强自身修养、学会自我疏导,适当授权等是降低护士职业倦怠的正性激励措施。  相似文献   

?????? 目的 分析医院聘用制医务人员组织承诺及其与工作满意度的关系,为提高聘用制医务人员组织忠诚、稳定医务人员队伍提供有益的参考。方法 以该院2006年度及2009年度入职的聘用制医务人员为对象,使用组织承诺量表及明尼苏达满意度问卷进行调查研究。结果 样本医院聘用制医务人员的总体组织承诺、情感承诺、继续承诺、规范承诺得分分别为(58.53士16.69)分、(21.50士6.02)分、(18.59士5.44)分、(18.45士7.20)分;组织承诺与工作满意度有显著的相关性,内在满意度与组织承诺之间相关性最为显著(r=0.676,P<0.01)。结论 通过提高聘用制医务人员的工作满意度特别是内在满意度能有效提高其组织承诺。  相似文献   

目的 分析医务人员的工作状况,心理资本、工作满意度与离职倾向的关系。方法 采用问卷调查法进行数据收集,运用SPSS、AMOS软件进行数据分析。结果 心理资本总体处于较高水平(M=4.44);心理资本及其希望、乐观两维度对工作满意度有显著正向影响(β=0.308~0.516,P<0.01),对离职倾向有显著负向影响(β=-0.227~-0.271,P<0.01);工作满意度在心理资本对离职倾向的负向影响中具有完全中介作用。结论 医务人员心理资本的提升对提高工作满意度、降低离职倾向具有重要作用,提出优化医院内部管理等相关对策建议。  相似文献   

目的 探讨工作家庭冲突对麻醉医师工作倦怠的影响,并检验工作满意度的中介作用。方法 采用网络问卷调查法收集数据。采用描述性统计分析、Pearson相关性分析及多元阶层线性回归分析法检验变量之间的关系及中介效应。结果 工作家庭冲突对麻醉医师工作倦怠(β=0.240, P<0.01)具有显著的正向影响,对工作满意度(β=-0.282, P<0.01)具有显著的负向影响。工作满意度在二者之间扮演了完全的中介作用。结论 工作家庭冲突显著降低麻醉医师的工作满意度,进而导致他们出现工作倦怠症状。因此,工作家庭冲突对麻醉医师的工作及生活会产生不利影响。  相似文献   

目的 探讨公立医院职场排斥对护士情绪耗竭和工作满意度的影响以及可能的机制。方法 采用横断面问卷调查法收集数据,采用多元阶层回归分析法进行数据统计分析。结果 职场排斥得分均值为(1.53±0.72),处于较低水平;52.2%护士表现出情绪耗竭倾向;职场排斥能够显著预测护士的情感耗竭(β=0.186,P<0.01)和工作满意度(β= -0.252,P<0.01)。其中,情绪耗竭在二者之间扮演部分中介作用。结论 公立医院职场排斥在护理人群中并不普遍,但却应该引起关注;护士情绪耗竭较为严重。而且,职场排斥将直接或者通过情绪耗竭中介作用影响她们的工作满意度评价。  相似文献   

目的 评估护士精神薪酬满意度现状,为准确制定护士激励政策提供依据。方法 应用护士精神薪酬满意度量表(Psychological Reward Satisfaction Scale,PReSS),采用方便抽样方法,在哈尔滨市辖区内抽取5家三级甲等医院538名护士进行问卷调查。结果 目标医院护士精神薪酬满意度平均得分为(4.11±0.71)分,其中来自护士长的精神薪酬满意度(4.14±0.76)分,高于来自医生的精神薪酬满意度(4.07±0.80)分;不同科室、职称护士精神薪酬满意度差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 目标医院护士精神薪酬满意度水平较高;护士长对护士薪酬满意度影响较大;提示护理管理人员应努力提升自身管理能力与领导魅力,以提高护士的精神薪酬水平,激发其工作动力。  相似文献   

目的 归纳总结护理人员对患者实施关怀护理的组织环境因素,为护理管理者制定合理应对措施优化实施关怀护理的组织环境提供参考。方法 采用质性研究方法,对15名护理人员进行半结构式访谈,用现象学分析法进行资料分析。结果 护理人员在实际工作中感知到的对患者实施关怀护理的组织环境因素包括物理环境、心理环境、组织资源、组织制度和组织气氛。结论 关怀护理的良好实施需要组织环境的支持。  相似文献   



Robust evidence on interventions to improve the shortage of health workers in rural areas is needed. We assessed stated factors that would attract short-term contract nurses and midwives to work in a rural area of Peru.

Methods and Findings

A discrete choice experiment (DCE) was conducted to evaluate the job preferences of nurses and midwives currently working on a short-term contract in the public sector in Ayacucho, Peru. Job attributes, and their levels, were based on literature review, qualitative interviews and focus groups of local health personnel and policy makers. A labelled design with two choices, rural community or Ayacucho city, was used. Job attributes were tailored to these settings. Multiple conditional logistic regressions were used to assess the determinants of job preferences. Then we used the best-fitting estimated model to predict the impact of potential policy incentives on the probability of choosing a rural job or a job in Ayacucho city. We studied 205 nurses and midwives. The odds of choosing an urban post was 14.74 times than that of choosing a rural one. Salary increase, health center-type of facility and scholarship for specialization were preferred attributes for choosing a rural job. Increased number of years before securing a permanent contract acted as a disincentive for both rural and urban jobs. Policy simulations showed that the most effective attraction package to uptake a rural job included a 75% increase in salary plus scholarship for a specialization, which would increase the proportion of health workers taking a rural job from 36.4% up to 60%.


Urban jobs were more strongly preferred than rural ones. However, combined financial and non-financial incentives could almost double rural job uptake by nurses and midwifes. These packages may provide meaningful attraction strategies to rural areas and should be considered by policy makers for implementation.  相似文献   


????? 目的 分析急诊科护士疲劳状况、工作压力源及两者之间的相关性。方法 随机抽取四家三级甲等医院的136名急诊科护士,采用疲劳评定量表、护士工作压力源量表进行问卷调查。结果 136名护士的疲劳总分为(5.33±0.89)分,其中19名(13.97%)为无疲劳,29名(21.32%)为轻度疲劳,64名(47.06%)为中度疲劳,24名(17.65%)重度疲劳。136名护士的压力源总分为(79.86±10.57)分,其中49名(36.03%)为轻度压力,65名(47.79%)为中度压力,22名(16.17%)重度压力。疲劳总分及各因子和压力总分及各因子之间相关性很高,且有显著性意义(P<0.01)。结论 急诊科的护士疲劳状况不容乐观,工作压力是影响护士疲劳程度的主要因素,医院管理层要关心护士的工作和生活。减轻护士的压力,降低护士的疲劳程度。


目的 探讨护士长的工作方式对护患关系的影响。方法 护士长改变传统的工作方式,每天与病人家属进行有效沟通,主要针对新病人、危重症病人、临出院病人。结果 实验组病人家属对护理工作的满意度较对照组有明显改善。结论 与病人家属建立良好的护患关系,为患者及家属提供优质的服务,是改善护患关系的重要举措。  相似文献   

V Swami  MJ Tovée 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e42593


Previous work has suggested that the experience of psychological stress may influence physical attractiveness ideals, but most evidence in favour of this hypothesis remains archival. The objective of this study was to experimentally investigate the impact of stress on men''s judgements of female body size.


Men were randomly assigned to either an experimental group, in which they took part in a task that heightened stress (experimental group, n = 41) or in which they did not take part in such a task (control group, n = 40). Both groups rated the attractiveness of female bodies varying in size from emaciated to obese, completed a measure of appetite sensation, and had their body mass indices (BMIs) measured.


Between-groups analyses showed that the experimental group was matched with the control group in terms of mean age, BMI, and appetite sensation. Further analyses showed that men in the experimental group rated a significantly heavier female body size as maximally attractive than the control group. Men in the experimental group also rated heavier female bodies as more attractive and idealised a wider range of female figures than did the control group.


This study found that the experience of stress was associated with a preference among men for heavier female body sizes. These results indicate that human attractiveness judgements are sensitive to variations in local ecologies and reflect adaptive strategies for dealing with changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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