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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The scarcity and unpredictability of active pollinators during late winter in temperate areas tends to favour extended flowering seasons and increased floral longevity in early blooming species, which are usually pollinated by diverse sets of insects. Daphne laureola is a gynodioecious woody perennial that flowers from January to April in southern Spain, a period characterized by cold temperatures, frequent rains and irregular snowfalls. METHODS: Pollinators were excluded at four different times during the flowering season in order to determine the effect of decreased exposure to pollinators on fruit set in female and hermaphrodite individuals. The role of nocturnal and diurnal pollination on reproductive success in each gender was simultaneously evaluated by selective exclusion. KEY RESULTS: A 50 % reduction in the flowering period decreased fruit set of females by 50 %, whereas the corresponding decrease in self-compatible hermaphrodites was only approx. 25 %. Day-active hymenopterans and lepidopterans were infrequent visitors, and nocturnal pollinators were inefficient, suggesting that pollen beetles, Meligethes elongatus, were the main pollinators of D. laureola in the study region. CONCLUSIONS: Beetles were less abundant in pollenless females, although discrimination did not apparently result in pollination limitation of female reproduction. A preference of beetles for sunny locations emphasized the relevance of abiotic conditions for pollination of this early blooming shrub.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Species that exhibit among-population variation in breeding system are particularly suitable to study the importance of the ecological context for the stability and evolution of gender polymorphism. Geographical variation in breeding system and sex ratio of Daphne laureola (Thymelaeaceae) was examined and their association with environmental conditions, plant and floral display sizes, and pollination environment in a broad geographic scale was analysed. METHODS: The proportion of female and hermaphrodite individuals in 38 populations within the Iberian Peninsula was scored. Average local temperature and precipitation from these sites were obtained from interpolation models based on 30 years of data. Pollination success was estimated as stigmatic pollen loads, pollen tubes per ovule and the proportion of unfertilized flowers per individual in a sub-set of hermaphroditic and gynodioecious populations. KEY RESULTS: Daphne laureola is predominantly gynodioecious, but hermaphroditic populations were found in northeastern and southwestern regions, characterized by higher temperatures and lower annual precipitation. In the gynodioecious populations, female plants were larger and bore more flowers than hermaphrodites. However, due to their lower pollination success, females did not consistently produce more seeds than hermaphrodites, which tends to negate a seed production advantage in D. laureola females. In the northeastern hermaphroditic populations, plants were smaller and produced 9-13 times fewer flowers than in the other Iberian regions, and thus presumably had a lower level of geitonogamous self-fertilization. However, in a few southern populations hermaphroditism was not associated with small plant size and low flower production. CONCLUSIONS: The findings highlight that different mechanisms, including abiotic conditions and pollinator service, may account for breeding system variation within a species' distribution range and also suggest that geitonogamy may affect plant breeding system evolution.  相似文献   

In several gynodioecious species, intermediate sex between female and hermaphrodite has been reported, but few studies have investigated fitness parameters of this intermediate phenotype. Here, we examined the interactions between plant sex and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal species affecting the reproductive output of Geranium sylvaticum, a sexually polymorphic plant species with frequent intermediate sexes between females and hermaphrodites, using a common garden experiment. Flowering phenology, AM colonisation levels and several plant vegetative and reproductive parameters, including seed and pollen production, were measured. Differences among sexes were detected in flowering, fruit set, pollen production and floral size. The two AM species used in the present work had different effects on plant fitness parameters. One AM species increased female fitness through increasing seed number and seed mass, while the other species reduced seed mass in all sexes investigated. AM fungi did not affect intermediate and hermaphrodite pollen content in anthers. The three sexes in G. sylvaticum did not differ in their reproductive output in terms of total seed production, but hermaphrodites had potentially larger fathering ability than intermediates due to higher anther number. The ultimate female function – seed production – did not differ among the sexes, but one of the AM fungi used potentially decreased host plant fitness. In addition, in the intermediate sex, mycorrhizal symbiosis functioned similarly in females as in hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

Gynodioecy, the co‐occurrence of hermaphrodite and female individuals within a species, is maintained by differential reproductive success between sexes. Recently, researchers recognized that not only pollinators but also herbivores are important agents in the evolution and maintenance of gynodioecy, when herbivory is hermaphrodite biased. In this study, we investigated whether there is hermaphrodite‐biased herbivory in a gynodioecious plant, Dianthus superbus var. longicalycinus, and if so, what floral traits influenced hermaphrodite‐biased herbivory. We measured flower morphology (flower diameter, calyx tube length, corolla height and petal width) and phenology of flowers of female individuals, hermaphrodites and gynomonoecious individuals in a natural population. We also investigated seed predation and predator species. At the study site, Sibinia weevils (Curculionidae; Coleoptera) and Coleophora moths (Coleophoridae; Lepidoptera) were common pre‐dispersal seed predators in this species. The weevil appeared early in the flowering season, and weevil predation correlated with flower phenology. Because female individuals did not flower early in the season, weevil predation was less frequent in female individuals. Moth predation correlated with calyx length. The calyx length of flowers of female individuals was smaller than those of hermaphrodites, but a direct comparison of moth predation rates failed to find a significant difference among sex morphs. We found that the two seed predators had different effects on floral traits in D. superbus var. longicalycinus. We suggest that weevil predation contributes to the maintenance of gynodioecy because female individuals successfully escaped weevil predation by flowering late. It remains unclear why flower phenology is different among sex morphs.  相似文献   

Sex-specific interactions with antagonists may explain female maintenance in gynodioecious populations if seeds produced by hermaphroditic plants are preferred over seeds produced by female plants. Among antagonistic interactions, pre-dispersal seed predators have received relatively little attention even though they may exert sex-specific selective pressures on the evolution of floral and flowering traits. In this work, I investigate temporal variation in seed predation in gynodioecious Geranium sylvaticum, where in addition to female and hermaphrodite individuals, plants with an intermediate sexual expression are also present in most populations. Specifically, I examined whether seed predation is linked to flowering phenology, plant gender, and sexual dimorphism in floral and seed traits over the flowering season using an experimental field population. Within the population, I selected female, intermediate, and hermaphrodite plants with different timing of flowering onset (early, mid, or late), and collected seeds across the fruiting period. Seeds were weighed and examined for seed predator damage. The results show that the three genders experienced similar levels of seed predation attack regardless of their flowering phenology, and that overall seed predation was not related to changes in seed production or seed mass. These results suggest that sexual dimorphism in seed predation cannot be responsible for female maintenance in this species.  相似文献   

李俊  龚明  孙航 《云南植物研究》2006,28(2):183-193
植物为适应植食动物的取食压力而进化出物理、化学等多种防御机制,以把植食伤害降到最低程度,但动物不断的抽样尝试行为还是让有防御行为的植物受到伤害。因此,向潜在的植食动物传达自己的防御信号对植物是有益的。颜色作为一种稳定有效的视觉信号通常是花和果实的诱惑信号,某些情况下也是一种警戒防御信号,植食动物经过抽样学习后能识别这种防御信号并主动回避,从而形成了植物的警戒色。起源于猎物-捕食者关系的警戒色理论在动物界得到了充分研究,但植物警戒色却不为人所知,直到2001年Hamilton关于秋季树叶颜色的信号假说公开发表后,才引起人们对植物警戒色的初步研究。如今在早秋变色树种、幼叶、多剌植物、植物繁殖器官都发现了警戒色的一些例证,尽管有些还不太明确甚至存在争议,但至少为植物警戒色的进一步研究奠定了基础。植物营养体颜色在时空上的多态性变化值得人们更深入地研究,防御权衡假说也预示了防御有害植食动物的警戒作用存在于繁殖器官的可能性,研究它们生理和生态适应意义有利于人们更深程度地理解植物-动物之间的复杂关系。  相似文献   

In long-lived plants, sexual expression can be highly variable in time and space. The extent to which sexual dimorphism of flowers is expressed in the same or in separate individuals, may have implications for the plants’ dependence on pollen vectors, the compatibility of the pollen received, and the potential for setting fruit. Here, we account for variability in sexual expression in the small tree Acacia caven, which produces hermaphrodite and male flowers on the same or in separate individuals. We focus on whether individual sexual expression influences fruit set, which latter has been reported to be extremely low in this species. Individual sexual expression, estimated as the hermaphrodite: male flowers ratio was variable both within and among plants across two reproductive seasons. Though male flower production could be very high (up to 99% of the flowers), all trees produced both flower types within the same individual, thus confirming andromonoecy in this species. More interestingly, hermaphrodite: male flowers ratio had a negative effect on fruit set. This pattern was consistent across two reproductive seasons and suggests that maleness should favor female function. Similar trends found in other plant species with the same sexual system support the hypothesis that male flowers of andromonoecious species may contribute to reduce self-pollen interference compared with hermaphrodite flowers. By favoring the deposition of compatible pollen grains and increasing fruit set, maleness would then help to maintain andromonoecy in this and other andromonoecious species.  相似文献   

In most higher plants sexual interactions are mediated by animal pollinators that affect the number and differential reproductive success of mates. The number and sex of breeding individuals in populations are central factors in evolutionary theory, but the quantitative effect of plant population size on pollinator-mediated mating is understudied. We investigated variation in pollen removal (male function) and fruit set (female function) among flowering populations of different size of two bumblebee-and one butterfly-pollinated, rewardless, pollen-limited, hermaphroditic orchid species in Sweden. As the amount of pollen removed from plants by insects (either absolute or proportional) increased, so did the number of pollinations, whereas the proportions of plants with different pollinator-designated functional sex (male, female, hermaphrodite) depended primarily on the ratio between the amount of fruit set and pollen removed within populations. A larger population size was found to have several effects: (1) the total numbers of pollinia removed and fruits set increased; (2) the proportion of pollen removed from plants decreased; (3) the proportion of flowers pollinated decreased in the butterfly-but was not affected in the bumblebee-pollinated species; (4) the ratio between fruits set and pollinia removed increased linearly in the bumblebee-pollinated species but reached a maximum at c. 80 individuals in the butterfly-pollinated species; (5) the numbers of pollinator-designated pure male and hermaphrodite individuals increased; and (6) the variance in pollinium removal, but not fruit set, increased among individuals. These findings empirically verify the basic importance of population size for the mating structure of outcrossing plants, and indicate that selection for female sexual traits is reinforced when population size is smaller while selection for male sexual traits is reinforced when population size is larger.  相似文献   

Gynodioecy is a dimorphic breeding system in which hermaphrodite and female individuals coexist in populations. Sex ratio and gender-relative lifetime seed production determine the stability of gynodioecy, and both genetic and ecological factors may influence these parameters. I analyzed the consequences of variation in population sex ratio and site elevation for the relative pollination success of female and hermaphrodite individuals of Daphne laureola in southern Spain, where previous studies failed to detect female fecundity advantages at two mid-elevation sites. Pollination success, estimated as stigmatic pollen loads, number of pollen tubes per style, and percentage of fertilized flowers, was higher for hermaphrodites than females in populations with 20-56% females. Furthermore, female quantitative disadvantage in pollination success increased with elevation, suggesting that the higher availability of pollen due to the increased proportion of hermaphrodites could not mitigate the negative effect that other factors associated with elevation apparently had on pollination. Supplemental hand pollinations showed that female seed production was pollen limited in populations with a proportion of females >50%, although both pollination success and natural fruit set of females in these sites were the highest recorded.  相似文献   

Nectar robbing not only affects the reproductive fitness of the plant but it may also potentially affect the pollination dynamics of the associated coflowering individuals. In this study, we established that the nectar robber Xylocopa sinensis robs nectar only from the hermaphrodite ramets of the gynodioecious plant Glechoma longituba but not from the female ramets. In populations with high rates of nectar robbing, this results in hermaphrodite ramets having reduced seed set whereas the female ramets have a slightly increased seed set. We hypothesize that selective nectar robbing confers an advantage to female individuals and thus ensures their maintenance in gynodioecious populations. Results of controlled experiments indicated that the reduction in the amounts of nectar available occasioned by nectar robbing resulted in some legitimate pollinators switching to visiting flowers on female rather than hermaphrodite ramets. This resulted in lower pollination rates and seed set for hermaphrodites and higher pollination rates and seed set for females. This study presents a previously unreported mechanism causing female advantage in gynodioecious plants.  相似文献   

Recent phylogenetic analyses of sexual reproductive systems supported the evolutionary pathway from hermaphroditism to dioecy via gynodioecy in different groups of angiosperms. In this study, we explore the evolution of sexual reproductive systems in Daphne laureola L. (Thymelaeaceae), a species with variation in reproductive system among population. Sequences from the ITS region of the nuclear ribosomal cistron and two plastid markers (psbA-trnH and ndhF) were analyzed and used to map the population reproductive system along the molecular phylogeny. Our results support D. laureola as a monophyletic lineage with three different clades within the Iberian Peninsula. The hermaphroditic populations belong to two different clades, whereas gynodioecy is ubiquitous but characteristic of the third clade, which grouped together all the North-Western Iberian populations sampled, including the apparently oldest haplotype sampled. Gynodioecy appears as the most likely basal condition of the 13 analyzed populations, but different evolutionary transitions in reproductive sexual system were traced within each D. laureola clade. Both ecological conditions and (meta)population dynamics may help explain plant reproductive system evolution at the microevolutionary scale. Phylogenetic studies in which the historical relationships between populations differing in reproductive system can be ascertained will help to clarify the process.  相似文献   

Genotypic trade-offs between male and female reproduction are commonly assumed in theoretical studies of the evolution of gender specialization. Although these trade-offs are supported by higher seed production of females than hermaphrodites in natural populations of gynodioecious species, comparisons between male and female reproductive allocation among hermaphrodite individuals under controlled conditions are rare. We assessed phenotypic and genotypic correlations between stamen and fruit production in fruiting males of the near-dioecious herb Astilbe biternata. In the field, we found a significant negative phenotypic correlation between stamen production and fruit production within individuals that produced both stamens and fruit as well as higher fruit set in females than fruiting males. The negative correlation between fruit and stamen production that was observed in the field was also apparent across clonally propagated genotypes. These results suggest that negative genetic correlations between male and female reproduction may limit the independent evolution of fruit and stamen production in A. biternata.  相似文献   

We evaluated the responses of three generalist herbivores (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to the most abundant coumarin in young leaves of spurge-laurel, Daphne laureola L. (Thymelaeaceae), a perennial shrub consistently fed upon by several noctuid species. Pseudenargia ulicis Staud and Noctua janthe Borkhausen are natural herbivores of the species in southeastern Spain, whereas Spodoptera littoralis Boisduval is a model species frequently used to address the antifeedant role of secondary compounds. Discrimination between control and coumarin-coated D. laureola leaves was investigated by short-term choice experiments. We found species-specific behavioural responses to the treatment: P. ulicis preferred the control leaves, whereas S. littoralis did not discriminate between leaf treatments, although it clearly avoided coumarin when incorporated into an artificial diet, and N. janthe preferred the coumarin-coated leaves. Furthermore, N. janthe larvae reduced consumption when the proportion of treated leaves ingested increased and consumption of S. littoralis larvae was also reduced in coumarin-containing diet under no-choice conditions. Our results highlight that different herbivore species feeding simultaneously on the same host plant respond differently to a single chemical defence compound, likely constraining a directional response of the plant to selection.  相似文献   

Many zoophilous plants attract their pollinators by offering nectar as a reward. In gynodioecious plants (i.e. populations are composed of female and hermaphrodite individuals) nectar production has been repeatedly reported to be larger in hermaphrodite compared to female flowers even though nectar production across the different floral phases in dichogamous plants (i.e. plants with time separation of pollen dispersal and stigma receptivity) has rarely been examined. In this study, sugar production in nectar standing crop and secretion rate were investigated in Geranium sylvaticum, a gynodioecious plant species with protandry (i.e. with hermaphrodite flowers releasing their pollen before the stigma is receptive). We found that flowers from hermaphrodites produced more nectar than female flowers in terms of total nectar sugar content. In addition, differences in nectar production among floral phases were found in hermaphrodite flowers but not in female flowers. In hermaphrodite flowers, maximum sugar content coincided with pollen presentation and declined slightly towards the female phase, indicating nectar reabsorption, whereas in female flowers sugar content did not differ between the floral phases. These differences in floral reward are discussed in relation to visitation patterns by pollinators and seed production in this species.  相似文献   

Summary Individual plants in gynodioecious populations ofPhacelia linearis (Hydrophyllaceae) vary in flower gender, flower size, and flower number. This paper reports the effects of variation in floral display on the visitation behaviour of this species' pollinators (mainly pollen-collecting solitary bees) in several natural and three experimental plant populations, and discusses the results in terms of the consequences for plant fitness. The working hypotheses were: (1) that because female plants do not produce pollen, pollen-collecting insects would visit hermaphrodite plants at a higher rate than female plants and would visit more flowers per hermaphrodite than per female; and (2) that pollinator arrival rate would increase with flower size and flower number, the two main components of visual display. These hypotheses were generally supported, but the effects of floral display on pollinator visitation varied substantially among plant populations. Hermaphrodites received significantly higher rates of pollinator arrivals and significantly higher rates of visits to flowers than did females in all experimental populations. Flower size affected arrival rate and flower visit rate positively in natural populations and in two of the three experimental populations. The flower size effect was significant only among female plants in one experimental population, and only among hermaphrodites in another. The effect of flower number on arrival rate was positive and highly significant in natural populations and in all experimental populations. In two out of three experimental populations, insects visited significantly more flowers per hermaphrodite than per female and visited more flowers on many-flowered plants than on few-flowered plants, but neither effect was detected in the third experimental population. Because seed production is not pollen-limited in this species, variation in pollinator visitation behaviour should mainly affect the male reproductive success of hermaphrodite plants. These findings suggest that pollinator-mediated natural selection for floral display inP. linearis varies in space and time.  相似文献   

In sexually polymorphic plant species the extent of gender divergence in floral morphology and phenology may be influenced by gender‐specific selection patterns imposed by pollinators, which may change geographically. Distribution margins are areas where changes in the pollinator fauna, and thus variation in gender divergence of floral traits, are expected. We tested for pollination‐driven geographic variation in the gender divergence in floral and phenological traits in the gynodioecious shrub Daphne laureola, in core and marginal areas differing in the identity of the main pollinator. Pollinators selected for longer corolla tubes in hermaphrodite individuals only in core populations, which in turn recorded higher fruit set. Consistent with these phenotypic selection patterns, gender divergence in flower corolla length was higher in core populations. Moreover, pollinators selected towards delayed flowering on hermaphrodite individuals only in marginal populations, where the two sexes differed more in flowering time. Our results support that a shift in main pollinators is able to contribute to geographic variation in the gender divergence of sexually polymorphic plant species.  相似文献   

Male-sterility mutations in hermaphroditic species represent the first step in the evolution of gender specialization. Male-sterile individuals commonly compensate the loss of the male function by increasing the number or quality of seeds. Because the magnitude of compensation determines the maintenance of females within populations and the evolution of sexual specialization, plant-animal interactions may affect these evolutionary processes if animals are sensitive to such reproductive asymmetries. Here we explore the effect of seed predation on the reproductive compensation of Erythroxylum havanense, a distylous shrub with morph-biased partial male sterility, during two consecutive years. Seed predation reduced the compensatory advantage of thrums in 1987, but not in 1988. Annual differences in the intensity of seed predation seem to be accounted for differences in the onset and synchrony of flowering. Thus, although seed predators may reduce the compensatory advantage of thrums, their impact is modulated by the environmental cues triggering flowering and insect emergence.  相似文献   

Gynodioecy is a dimorphic breeding system in which hermaphrodite and female individuals coexist in populations. Theoretical models have shown that if nuclear genes control sex expression, then gynodioecy can evolve only when females have large advantages in one or more fitness components. These female advantages must be large enough that females' expected lifetime production of viable seeds is more than twice that of hermaphrodites. Previous studies have found that cytoplasmic inheritance and/or a large offspring-vigor advantage of females (caused by hermaphrodite self-pollination and inbreeding depression of selfed seeds) account for this breeding system's evolution. This paper reports studies of gynodioecy in Phacelia linearis, an insect-pollinated annual plant in which gender inheritance appears to be nuclear. Twenty-six P. linearis populations surveyed in northern Utah, USA, contain a majority of perfect-flowered hermaphrodites, but most (22) also contain male-sterile individuals (females), at frequencies of up to 0.16. The hermaphrodite selfing rate is low (0.00–0.20 in four populations). Maternal gender does not consistently affect components of offspring vigor, such as seed size, germination rate, seedling survivorship, and vegetative size. Plants of the two genders do not differ in number of seeds per fruit or mean seed mass. Females produce significantly more fruits and seeds than hermaphrodites in natural populations. The ratio of the mean lifetime seed production of females to the mean lifetime seed production of hermaphrodites ranged from 1.31 to 2.52 in six natural populations. Females have greater shoot biomass than hermaphrodites and produce more seeds at any given shoot biomass than hermaphrodites, suggesting that their seed-production advantage arises from gender-specific patterns of resource allocation to growth and reproduction. The gender difference in plant size varies across environments and across genetic backgrounds. In this species nuclear gynodioecy appears to be evolutionarily stable mainly because of resource compensation by females, without a large outcrossing advantage of females.  相似文献   

Abstract: Some gynodloecious species present not only hermaphrodite and female individuals but also gynomonoecious individuals that produce both female and perfect flowers. In a study of natural populations of Silene italica , we found that gynomonoecious individuals were common in all populations (from 13 to 39%) and that their frequency was independent of the frequency of females. No relationship was found between the number of flowers a plant produced and its sex. The majority of gynomonoecious individuals showed a low proportion of female flowers but all proportions were found. Female flowers of these individuals were well-developed flowers that set fruit as often as female flowers on pure females. The percentage fruit set was characteristic of the type of flowers (around 56% for perfect flowers and 76% for female flowers) whatever the sex of the individual plant. The determination of sex is not known but data indicate that environmental conditions could be responsible for a shift between the hermaphrodite and the gynomonoecious states rather than between the female and the gynomonoecious states.  相似文献   

Flowering and fruiting behaviour of female and hermaphrodite florets is described and assessed in samples from three populations from Denmark, England and Sweden. Between 25 and 50% of the florets in capitula are female, and flowering gender varies little among plants in each population. Fruiting gender of individuals, G (femaleness), varies from 0 to 0.85, because of variation in fruit set and fruit abortion. Variation in fruiting gender was correlated with plant size parameters in two populations, but not in the third. The data suggest that post-anthesis regulation of maternal investment may be operating. Florets of A. vulgaris are either totally specialized for pollen receipt (female florets) or largely specialized for pollen donation (hermaphrodite florets), and show adaptations for avoiding interference with each other in these functions. Movement of capitula from a pendent position at flowering to an erect position at fruiting optimizes positions for dissemination of pollen and of seeds respectively.  相似文献   

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