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Cytokinins are involved in shoot development of plants. Events of multiple bud formation and shoot development in apical embryonic axes of cotton treated for 2 or 20 days with the cytokinin benzyladenine (BA), were compared with the development of untreated control axes. Meristematic regions (supernumerary vegetative buds) were observed in axes treated for 20 days with BA. An average of 3.4 shoots per embryonary axis was obtained when explants were cultured on medium supplemented with 3 mg l-1 BA. Higher and lower concentrations of the growth regulator yielded fewer shoots per explant. Results shown in this report suggest that BA is directly responsible for re-programming the embryonic apical meristem axes of cotton toward the production of multiple buds and subsequent shoot development. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Small RNAs in sea urchins were examined in order to characterize developmental changes in their level, subcellular localization, synthesis, and association with proteins and other RNAs. Small RNAs such as the U snRNAs, 5S and 5.8S rRNAs, and 7S RNAs were identified by their mobility on highly cross-linked acrylamide gels. In addition, 7SL and U1 RNAs were identified by northern blot hybridization to cloned human and sea urchin probes, respectively. The level, subcellular localization, and association with proteins or RNA do not change for most small RNAs from fertilization to blastula, even though this is the time when the stored maternal pool of many small RNAs is being supplemented and replaced by embryonically synthesized RNAs. New embryonic synthesis of small RNAs was first detected at the 8-12 hr blastula stage. Although the predicted subsets of the total small RNA pool can be found in the appropriate subcellular compartments, newly synthesized small RNAs have a predominantly cytoplasmic localization: All of the newly synthesized small RNAs were found to be constituents of small RNPs. The RNPs containing newly synthesized small RNAs had sedimentation rates indistinguishable from their maternal counterparts. Thus, on the basis of sedimentation rate, no gross differences could be detected between maternal and embryonic small RNP pools. These small RNPs include a cytoplasmic RNP containing newly synthesized U1 snRNA and the sea urchin signal recognition particle (SRP) containing the 7SL, RNA. We have also identified a small RNP bearing the 5S rRNA which is present in both eggs and embryos. The presence of multiple, abundant, small RNAs and RNPs that are maintained at constant levels in particular subcellular fractions throughout development suggests that small RNAs may be involved in many more cellular activities than have so far been described.  相似文献   

Changes in calmodulin (CaM) levels in embryonic axes of Cicer arietinum L. cv. Castellana germinated under three different conditions were measured. Abscisic acid (ABA) and a temperature of 30°C, which delay chick-pea germination, respectively decreased and increased the concentration of CaM compared to the values obtained under normal germinating conditions (H2O-25°C). The CaM concentration was higher in those zones of the axes undergoing an active cell division.
The compartmentalization of CaM in 36-h-old embryonic axes grown under these three conditions was also measured. Cytosolic and mitochondrial CaM was higher in axes where a delayed germination occurred as well as in the cell walls of normally grown ones. On the other hand, CaM was higher in nuclear and microsomal fractions extracted from H2-O-25°C-treated axes. From these data we postulate that delayed germination could be an effect of altered CaM distribution in chick-pea embryonic axes.  相似文献   

Deterioration of soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Essex] seeds during accelerated aging at 41°C and 100% relative humidity predisposes the embryonic axis to injury during the initial period of imbibition. This injury was prevented or greatly reduced in severity when excised axes were imbibed on blotters containing 30% polyethylene glycol which slowed the rate of water uptake and when axes were pre-equilibrated to a high moisture level. Rates of water uptake by "high"(no treatment) and "low vigor"(accelerated aged) excised axes were identical. However, high vigor axes tolerated rapid water uptake during early imbition, whereas low vigor axes did not. Leakage of electrolytes during early imbibition was nearly six times greater in low than in high vigor axes. Polyethylene glycol significantly reduced the leakage of electrolytes from both low and high vigor axes. The data are in agreement with the hypothesis that seed deterioration in soybeans involves membrane changes which may predispose embryonic tissues to injury during imbibition. Reduction of the rate of water uptake during the initial period of imbibition would allow extra time for membrane repair or rearrangement, thus permitting the tissues to develop in a more orderly manner. The data indicate that deterioration in soybean seeds involves, at least in part, a decrease in ability of seed axes to tolerate rapid water uptake at the start of imbibition and that this weakness may be compensated by osmotic control of water uptake.  相似文献   

Seeds of trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.) are sensitive to desiccation, and could not withstand reduction in moisture level below 20%, whereas the excised embryonic axes could be easily desiccated to moisture levels as low as 14% without much loss in viability. Axes could be successfully cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen (–196°C) for eight months. The viable embryonic axes exhibited good growth on modified Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented wiith 1-Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP). Growth of cryopreserved axes was promoted in the presence of charcoal in the medium allowing for plant recovery.Abbreviations NAA Napthaleneacetic acid - BAP 6-Benzylaminopurine - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) - LN Liquid nitrogen  相似文献   

The plant cell wall is a dynamic structure whose constant modification is necessary for plant cells to grow and divide. In the cell walls of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) there are at least four β‐galactosidases, whose presence and location in embryonic axes during the first 48 h of seed imbibition are discussed in this paper. We examined their roles as cell wall‐modifying enzymes in germinative and/or post‐germinative events. At the start of germination, only βV‐Gal, and to a lesser extent βIV‐Gal, appear in the axes before rupture of the testa, suggesting they are related to germination sensu stricto. Once the testa has broken, the four β‐galactosidases are involved in growth and differentiation of the axes. Immunolocation of the different proteins in axes, which in part confirms previous results in seedlings and plants, allows assignment of post‐germinative roles to βI‐Gal and βIII‐Gal as cell wall modifiers in vascular tissue elements. βIV‐Gal and βV‐Gal participate in the initial events of germination in which cell walls are involved: βV‐Gal in cell proliferation, detachment of root cap cells and initial vascular tissue differentiation; both of them in xylem maturation; and βIV‐Gal in thickening of the primary cell wall. Together with other cell wall‐modifying enzymes, such as expansins and XTH, chickpea galactosidases might function in a sequential order in turnover of the primary cell wall, allowing the elongation of embryonic axes during seed germination.  相似文献   

The influence of several plant growth regulators on the growth of the embryonic axes from red- and far-red-(R- and FR-)treated lettuce (Lactuca sativa L., cv. Grand Rapids) seeds was examined; as shown previously, the water potential of the axes from R-treated seeds has been lowered by 3.5–5.6 bars compared to that in axes from FR-treated ones. Kinetin and abscisic acid (ABA), when included in the incubation medium, reduced the elongation of the axes whereas fusicoccin stimulated it; however, these effects were the same in axes of both R- and FR-treated seeds. In contrast, elongation of axes from FR-treated seeds was stimulated by gibberellic acid (GA3, but elongation of axes from R-treated ones was not affected by this hormone. This latter result indicates that gibberellins may be involved in the phytochrome-mediated growth responses in lettuce axes.When the root caps of the embryos were removed prior to light treatment, R was still able to induce a water-potential decrease in the embryonic axes, indicating that at least a portion of the active Pfr resides in the axis and not the root cap.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - FR far red light - GA3 gibberellic acid - PEG polyethylene glycol - Pfr far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome - R red light  相似文献   

Intermediate states play well-established roles in the folding and misfolding reactions of individual RNA and protein molecules. In contrast, the roles of transient structural intermediates in multi-component ribonucleoprotein (RNP) assembly processes and their potential for misassembly are largely unexplored. The SRP19 protein is unstructured but forms a compact core domain and two extended RNA-binding loops upon binding the signal recognition particle (SRP) RNA. The SRP54 protein subsequently binds to the fully assembled SRP19-RNA complex to form an intimate threefold interface with both SRP19 and the RNA and without significantly altering the structure of SRP19. We show, however, that the presence of SRP54 during SRP19-RNA assembly dramatically alters the folding energy landscape to create a non-native folding pathway that leads to an aberrant SRP19-RNA conformation. The misassembled complex arises from the surprising ability of SRP54 to bind rapidly to an SRP19-RNA assembly intermediate and to interfere with subsequent folding of one of the RNA binding loops at the three-way protein-RNA interface. An incorrect temporal order of assembly thus readily yields a non-native three-component ribonucleoprotein particle. We propose there may exist a general requirement to regulate the order of interaction in multi-component RNP assembly reactions by spatial or temporal compartmentalization of individual constituents in the cell.  相似文献   

Seed imbibition and radicle emergence are generally less affected by salinity in soybean than in other crop plants. In order to unveil the mechanisms underlying this remarkable salt tolerance of soybean at seed germination, a comparative label‐free shotgun proteomic analysis of embryonic axes exposed to salinity during germination sensu stricto (GSS) was conducted. The results revealed that the application of 100 and 200 mmol/L NaCl stress was accompanied by significant changes (>2‐fold, P<0.05) of 97 and 75 proteins, respectively. Most of these salt‐responsive proteins (70%) were classified into three major functional categories: disease/defense response, protein destination and storage and primary metabolism. The involvement of these proteins in salt tolerance of soybean was discussed, and some of them were suggested to be potential salt‐tolerant proteins. Furthermore, our results suggest that the cross‐protection against aldehydes, oxidative as well as osmotic stress, is the major adaptive response to salinity in soybean.  相似文献   

For prey species that rely on learning to recognize their predators, natural selection should favour individuals able to learn as early as possible. The earliest point at which individuals can gather information about the identity of their potential predators is during the embryonic stage. Indeed, recent experiments have demonstrated that amphibians can learn to recognize predators prior to hatching. Here, we conditioned woodfrog embryos to recognize predatory salamander cues either in the morning or in the evening, and subsequently exposed the two-week-old tadpoles to salamander cues either in the morning or in the evening, and recorded the intensity of their antipredator behaviour. The data indicate that amphibians learn to recognize potential predators while still in the egg, and also learn the temporal component of this information, which they use later in life, to adjust the intensity of their antipredator responses throughout the day.  相似文献   

T Pieler  V A Erdmann 《FEBS letters》1983,157(2):283-287
Mature oocytes of Xenopus laevis contain a 7 S RNP particle consisting of two components, ribosomal 5 S RNA and a protein of Mr approximately 45000. The structure of the free 5 S rRNA and the 7 S RNP complex has been studied by diethylpyrocarbonate modification of adenines. A74, A77, A90, A100, A101 and A103 of the 5 S rRNA are protected upon association of the protein.  相似文献   

The conserved signal recognition particle targets ribosomes synthesizing presecretory proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. Key to the activity of SRP is its ability to bind the ribosome at distant locations, the signal sequence exit and elongation factor-binding sites. These contacts are made by the S and Alu domains of SRP, respectively. We tested earlier secondary structure predictions of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae SRP RNA, scR1, and provide and test a consensus structure. The structure contains four non-conserved insertions, helices 9-12, into the core SRP RNA fold, and an extended helix 7. Using a series of scR1 mutants lacking part or all of these structural elements, we find that they are important for the RNA in both function and assembly of the RNP. About 20% of the RNA, corresponding to the outer regions of these helices, is dispensable for function. Further, we examined the role of several features within the S-domain section of the core, helix 5, and find that its length and flexibility are important for proper SRP function and become essential in the absence of helix 10, 11 and/or 7 regions. Overall, the genetic data indicate that regions of scR1 distant in both primary sequence and secondary structure have interrelated roles in the function of the complex, and possibly mediate communication between Alu and S domains during targeting.  相似文献   

Summary— Balbiani ring premessenger ribonucleoprotein (RNP) particles are built from a 7-nm RNP fiber which is tightly folded into a ring-shaped RNP ribbon. Isolated particles are known to disintegrate in an all-or-none fashion upon RNase A treatment. In the present study we investigated whether this mode of disintegration is dependent on an intact particle structure or is inherent in the 7-nm fiber. When treated at low ionic strength, the Balbiani ring (BR) particles lost their higher order structure and the 7-nm fiber was unpacked, as evidenced by sucrose gradient sedimentation and electron microscopy. When treated with RNase A, unfolded as well as intact particles disintegrated in the all-or-none fashion, with similar kinetics and without apparent intermediates. Proteinase K treatment, however, obliterated this pattern: the protein-free particle RNA degraded progressively. As the typical disintegration pattern of the particles was not altered by unfolding, but was lost by deproteinization, the all-or-none mode of disintegration is likely to be a property of the 7-nm RNP fiber.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Cryopreservation is the only long-term conservation strategy available for germplasm of recalcitrant-seeded species. Efforts to cryopreserve this form of germplasm are hampered by potentially lethal intracellular freezing events; thus, it is important to understand the relationships among cryo-exposure techniques, water content, structure and survival.


Undried embryonic axes of Acer saccharinum and those rapidly dried to two different water contents were cooled at three rates and re-warmed at two rates. Ultrastructural observations were carried out on radicle and shoot tips prepared by freeze-fracture and freeze-substitution to assess immediate (i.e. pre-thaw) responses to cooling treatments. Survival of axes was assessed in vitro.

Key Results

Intracellular ice formation was not necessarily lethal. Embryo cells survived when crystal diameter was between 0·2 and 0·4 µm and fewer than 20 crystals were distributed per μm2 in the cytoplasm. Ice was not uniformly distributed within the cells. In fully hydrated axes cooled at an intermediate rate, the interiors of many organelles were apparently ice-free; this may have prevented the disruption of vital intracellular machinery. Intracytoplasmic ice formation did not apparently impact the integrity of the plasmalemma. The maximum number of ice crystals was far greater in shoot apices, which were more sensitive than radicles to cryo-exposure.


The findings challenge the accepted paradigm that intracellular ice formation is always lethal, as the results show that cells can survive intracellular ice if crystals are small and localized in the cytoplasm. Further understanding of the interactions among water content, cooling rate, cell structure and ice structure is required to optimize cryopreservation treatments without undue reliance on empirical approaches.  相似文献   

Caveolin-1 (Cav-1) isoforms, including Cav-1α and Cav-1β, were identified as integral membrane proteins and the major components of caveolae. Cav-1 proteins are highly conserved during evolution from {itCaenorhabditis elegans} to human and are capable of interacting with many signaling molecules through their caveolin scaffolding domains to regulate the activities of multiple signaling pathways. Thus, Cav-1 plays crucial roles in the regulation of cellular proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis in a cell-specific and contextual manner. In addition, Cav-1 is essential for embryonic development of vertebrates owing to its regulation of BMP, Wnt, TGF-β and other key signaling molecules. Moreover, Cav-1 is mainly expressed in terminally differentiated cells and its abnormal expression is often associated with human diseases, such as tumor progression, cardiovascular diseases, fibrosis, lung regeneration, and diseases related to virus. In this review, we will further discuss the potential of Cav-1 as a target for disease therapy and multiple drug resistance.  相似文献   

During seed maturation, cells from embryonic tissues stop division at different phases of the cell cycle. In maize, neither these phases nor the effect of exogenous auxin on them are known. Disinfected whole maize ( Zea mays L. Mexican commercial hybrid H30) seeds or sectioned embryonic axes were incubated in Murashige and Skoog medium, with or without 2-(2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxy)propionic acid (MCPP), a synthetic auxin. For some in vitro experiments, radioactive [3H]-thymidine was also added. After the stated incubation period, meristems of mesocotyl, primary and seminal roots from embryonic axes were dissected, fixed, and analyzed under a microscope. The percentage of mitotic indices was recorded. In the labeling experiments, labeled and non-labeled percentage of mitotic figures (MI %) were determined. It was found that cell division is a programmed event in the meristematic tissues of maize embryonic axes. Populations of cells entering cell division were obseved during the germination process. The mesocotyl was the first tissue to divide, followed by seminal and primary roots.
Meristematic cells from dry embryos are arrested during the G2 and G1 phases of the cell cycle. MCPP has a differential effect, stimulating G2 cells to enter cell division. It is concluded that MCPP might regulate the cell cycle at specific points.  相似文献   

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