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Most studies utilizing transgenic technology focus on the impact to traits of interest, rather than propagation of the transgene to offspring. In animals containing growth hormone constructs, transgene transmission to progeny follows a Mendelian pattern of inheritance in the first few generations following generation of a founder animal, but decreases in subsequent generations. In the present study, the ovine metallothionein 1a-ovine growth hormone (oMt1a-oGH) transgenic mouse was used to determine whether transgene transmission rate to progeny was affected by overexpression of ovine growth hormone in the transgenic parent. The oMt1a-oGH mouse is a useful model for assessing transgene transmission, as the construct is easily regulatable and transgene inactivation results in a return of plasma GH to basal levels. Male and female hemizygous oMt1a-oGH mice were assigned to 1 of 3 treatment groups: (1) mice never actively expressing the transgene, (2) mice actively expressing the transgene from 3 weeks of age, and (3) mice actively expressing the transgene from 3 to 11 (males) or 3 to 8 (females) weeks of age. Transgenic mice were mated to wild type animals and the resulting progeny were genotyped. Males never actively expressing the transgene passed on the transgene to progeny in a Mendelian fashion, while males actively expressing the transgene transmitted the transgene to a smaller than expected number of progeny. However, following inactivation of the oMt1a-oGH construct in transgenic males, subsequent offspring demonstrated Mendelian inheritance of the transgene. In contrast, females expressing the transgene from 3 to 8 weeks of age were able to pass on the oMt1a-oGH construct in a Mendelian fashion, but females from other treatment groups were not. In oMt1a-oGH males, reduced transgene transmission appears to be due to selection against transgenic gametes. In females, however, selection against the transgenic genotype likely occurs at the embryonic level.  相似文献   

利用PCR扩增方法获得1.5 kb人粒细胞集落刺激因子(G-CSF)基因组基因,将其受控于2.6 kb的鼠乳清酸蛋白(WAP)基因的启动子下,构建成乳腺表达载体.通过显微注射方法建立转基因鼠,PCR及DNA印迹鉴定证实获得两只转基因阳性鼠.在其乳腺表达出极低的G-CSF.为探讨低表达的原因,采用RT-PCR方法,从转基因鼠乳腺获得G-CSF cDNA,序列分析表明,其RNA剪接出现错误,将其第四外显子识别为内含子,由此导致其低水平表达.  相似文献   

Rahman  M. Azizur  Mak  Rohan  Ayad  Hala  Smith  Alan  Maclean  Norman 《Transgenic research》1998,7(5):357-370
Several lines of transgenic G1 and G2 tilapia fish (Oreochromis niloticus) have been produced following egg injection with gene constructs carrying growth hormone coding sequences of fish origin. Using a construct in which an ocean pout antifreeze promoter drives a chinook salmon growth hormone gene, dramatic growth enhancement has been demonstrated, in which the mean weight of the 7 month old G2 transgenic fish is more than three fold that of their non transgenic siblings. Somewhat surprisingly G1 fish transgenic for a construct consisting of a sockeye salmon metallothionein promoter spliced to a sockeye salmon growth hormone gene exhibited no growth enhancement, although salmon transgenic for this construct do show greatly enhanced growth. The growth enhanced transgenic lines were also strongly positive in a radio-immuno assay for the specific hormone in their serum, whereas the non growth enhanced lines were negative. Attempts to induce expression from the metallo thionein promoter by exposing fish to increased levels of zinc were also unsuccessful.Homozygous transgenic fish have been produced from the ocean pout antifreeze/chinook salmon GH construct and preliminary trials suggest that their growth performance is similar to that of the hemizygous transgenics. No abnormalities were apparent in the growth enhanced fish, although minor changes to skull shape and reduced fertility were noted in some fish. There is also preliminary evidence for improved food conversion ratios when growth enhanced transgenic tilapia are compared to their non-transgenic siblings.The long term objective of this study is to produce lines of tilapia which are both growth enhanced and sterile, so offering improved strains of this important food fish for aquaculture.  相似文献   

自1982年Palmiter[1]等人给小鼠受精卵雄原核注射大鼠生长激素基因培养成功“超级”鼠以来,由于人们认识到转基因技术导致动植物品种定向改良以及利用转基因动物作为生物反应器,大量合成和分泌贵重而安全的基因工程产品,因此转基因动物技术得到了迅速发展,相继开展了兔、鱼、猪、鸡、牛、羊等动物的转基因研究,并取得了一定的结果[2,3,4]。但是在上述具有经济价值的高等脊椎动物中从事转基因研究,成本高、操作困难,而金鱼属于低等脊椎动物.具有产卵多、易获得同步卵、可控制体外受精和体外发育等特点,因而成为转基因动物研究的方便材料。生长激素是动物脑下垂体前叶分泌的单链多肽⑸,生理功能是促进碳水化合物代谢及核酸、蛋白质合成,整体效应表现为动物生长。本文以金鱼为实验材料,探讨猪生长激素基因导入其受精卵后整合、表达以及生物效应等问题,为进一步研究外源基因在高等动物内整合和表达调控机理提供参考。  相似文献   

目的:分析转基因c-Ha-ras在C57-ras癌症小鼠模型中的组织表达谱及时空表达差异。方法:利用半定量及荧光定量RT-PCR法,分析不同首建鼠系、不同周龄小鼠各脏器中转基因c-Ha-ras的表达。结果:转基因c-Ha-ras在心、肝等13种组织器官中均有表达,在肺脏中表达最高,在肝脏中表达最低,No.2、No.3和No.5等3个首建鼠均呈现相似的变化规律;转基因在No.5首建鼠中表达水平最高,而在同一个首建鼠系中,12周龄时表达高于8周龄和24周龄。结论:转基因c-Ha-ras在各脏器中能高效表达,并间接表明该转基因能稳定遗传,为C57-ras癌症小鼠模型用于新药临床前致癌性评价提了供理论支持。  相似文献   

通过转基因动物乳腺生物反应器大规模生产药用蛋白质已成为现代生物技术新的生长点之一。为研制表达人促血小板生成素的哺乳动物生物反应器的转基因小鼠模型,本论文以小鼠乳清酸蛋白 (mWAP) 基因5挾说骺厍团-s1-酪蛋白基因3挾说骺厍魑鹘谠菇擞糜诒泶锶舜傺“迳伤氐娜橄僮橹匾煨员泶镌靥錺WAPTPO(Fig.1)。通过常规显微注射的方法把mWAP启动子指导的hTPO表达载体导入小鼠受精卵,获得出生小鼠16只。经PCR检测,有6只为转基因阳性(Fig.2)。G0代小鼠中转基因整合率为37.5% (6/16),用ELISA方法在G0代转基因雌鼠的乳汁中检测了促血小板生成素的表达,表达量在0.8 mg/mL以上(Table 1)。这些结果表明我们已建立了乳腺表达hTPO 的转基因小鼠模型,为以后大型家畜乳腺生物反应器的研制提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

组织纤溶酶原激活剂突变体(La-tPA)转基因鼠的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用羊β-乳球蛋白基因(BLG)5区5×103b(103b,旧称kb)为调控序列,构建了乳腺表达组织纤溶酶原激活剂突变体(La-tPA)载体.对540枚小鼠受精卵进行显微注射,经PCR和Southernblot检测,获得6只整合有人La-tPA的转基因小鼠,整合率为32%.这为未来利用转基因动物生产La-tPA提供依据  相似文献   

To address the hypothesis that certain disease-associated mutants of the breast-ovarian cancer susceptibility gene BRCA1 have biological activity in vivo, we have expressed a truncated Brca1 protein (trBrca1) in cell-lines and in the mammary gland of transgenic mice. Immunofluorescent analysis of transfected cell-lines indicates that trBRCA1 is a stable protein and that it is localized in the cell cytoplasm. Functional analysis of these cell-lines indicates that expression of trBRCA1 confers an increased radiosensitivity phenotype on mammary epithelial cells, consistent with abrogation of the BRCA1 pathway. MMTV-trBrca1 transgenic mice from two independent lines displayed a delay in lactational mammary gland development, as demonstrated by altered histological profiles of lobuloalveolar structures. Cellular and molecular analyses indicate that this phenotype results from a defect in differentiation, rather than altered rates of proliferation or apoptosis. The results presented in this paper are consistent with trBrca1 possessing dominant-negative activity and playing an important role in regulating normal mammary development. They may also have implications for germline carriers of BRCA1 mutations.  相似文献   

为研究人DAF基因在小鼠体内遗传与表达的规律,从质粒pSFFV-DAF分离出一段包含人DAF基因的DNA片段。采用受精卵显微注射法建立转人DAF基因小鼠。提取出生小鼠的染色体DNA,经Dot-blot与Southern-blot杂交相结合确定首建转基因小鼠,并经Dot-blot杂交研究人DAF基因在转基因小鼠体内的遗传特征,Northern杂交确定其表达情况。小鼠受精卵经基因导入后,共生出24只小鼠,其中4只被确定为首建转基因小鼠,整合率为15%,在首建转基因小鼠两两交配生出的F1代小鼠中分别有70%和75%继续携带人DAF基因。首建转基因小鼠中有1只小鼠在RNA水平表达了人DAF基因。可见,人DAF基因整合入小鼠基因组中,并能够稳定遗传及表达。  相似文献   

Zhu X  Cheng J  Huang L  Gao J  Zhang ZT  Pak J  Wu XR 《Transgenic research》2003,12(2):155-162
Tissue-specific expression of human genes and secretion of human proteins into the body fluids in transgenic animals provides an important means of manufacturing large-quantity and high-quality pharmaceuticals. The present study demonstrates using transgenic mice that a 3.0 kb promoter of the mouse Tamm-Horsfall protein (THP, or uromodulin) gene directs the specific expression of human growth hormone (hGH) gene in the kidney followed by the secretion of hGH protein into the urine. hGH expression was detected in renal tubules that actively produce the THP, that is, the ascending limb of Henle's loop and distal convoluted tubules. Up to 500 ng/ml of hGH was detected in the urine, and this level remained constant throughout the 10-month observation period. hGH was also detectable in the stomach epithelium and serum in two of the transgenic lines, suggesting position-dependent effects of the transgene and leakage of hGH from the site of synthesis into the bloodstream, respectively. These results indicate that the 3.0 kb mouse THP promoter is primarily kidney-specific and can be used to convert kidney into a bioreactor in transgenic animals to produce recombinant proteins. Given the capacity of urine production independent of age, sex and lactation, the ease of urinary protein purification, and the potentially distinct machinery for post-translational modifications in the kidney epithelial cells, the kidney-based transgenic bioreactor may offer unique opportunities for producing certain complex pharmaceuticals.  相似文献   

缺氧诱导因子1a (hypoxia inducible factor-1 a, HIF-1 a)是细胞在缺氧等条件下稳定表达的具有转录活性的蛋白,通过与多种靶基因调控区的缺氧反应元件(hypoxia response element, HRE)结合, 调控靶基因表达, 使机体对缺氧、缺血等病理生理过程产生适应性反应。为从整体动物水平研究HIF-1 a的作用, 需要建立HIF-1 a相关遗传修饰小鼠。分别针对HIF-1 a mRNA序列的两个靶位点合成两对互补的寡核苷酸链, 构建可诱导的RNA干扰真核表达载体HIF-AB和HIF-CD。分别将CRE重组酶真核表达载体CRE-ERT2与HIF-AB或HIF-CD转染入RAW264.7细胞, 筛选得到稳定表达CRE-ERT2与HIF-AB, 或CRE-ERT2与HIF-CD的稳定细胞系。在用4-HT诱导去除上述细胞系中HIF-AB或HIF-CD所含的Neo基因后, 用CoCl2诱导HIF-1 a表达, 采用半定量RT-PCR检测HIF-AB或HIF-CD对HIF-1 a 基因表达的影响。结果发现干扰载体(HIF-AB和HIF-CD)对HIF-1 a mRNA序列的沉默效果分别为85%和72%。选择干扰效率较高的表达载体HIF-AB经显微注射获得HIF-1 a基因敲低小鼠模型, 经PCR以及测序验证获得2个转基因阳性小鼠(Founders, G0代)。G0代雄鼠与FVB/N雌鼠交配后获得2只F1代(first filial generation)转基因阳性小鼠, 经与EIIA-Cre转基因小鼠交配, 得到EIIA-Cre; HIFRNAiflox/+小鼠, RT-PCR结果显示, EIIA-Cre; HIFRNAiflox/+小鼠肝、肺、肾等组织的HIF-1 a mRNA水平明显降低, 分别约为正常对照的44%、38.2%和23.5%。该小鼠模型的建立为进一步研究HIF-1 a的功能及作用机制提供了新的手段。  相似文献   

The bovine growth hormone (bGH) is a natural peptide hormone that controls the differentiation, growth and metabolism, and is produced in the pituitary gland of cows. For the production of bGH from plants, two different bgh clones, of which the pGAbGH1 contaions only mature peptide sequences and the pGAbGH15 contains signal sequences and the first intron, as well as mature peptide sequences, were used. Those bghs under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter and NOS terminator were introduced to tobacco plants via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. By PCR analyses using bgh and nptII specific primers, 17 and 21 putative transformants were respectively selected from pGAbGH1- and pGAbGH15-transformed tobacco plants. Northern blot analysis showed that the most of the transgenic lines expressed the bgh mRNA. Western blot analysis revealed that the pGAbGH1-transformed tobaccos produced recombinant bGH, but pGAbGH15-transformed ones did not produce the protein. Interestingly, some morphological changes were observed in the roots of transgenic tobacco plants. The transgenic tobacco plants had thick and short roots containing few root hairs in contrast to the non-transformed wild type plants.  相似文献   

TIMP-1转基因小鼠纯合子的建立及建系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用遗传学育种方法 ,使外源基因整合位点随机的基质金属蛋白酶抑制剂 1(TIMP 1)转基因小鼠成为单一整合位点的纯合子转基因小鼠而建立TIMP 1转基因小鼠品系 .通过受精卵原核显微注射方法 ,获得带有人TIMP 1基因的Founder小鼠 .将转基因小鼠与正常小鼠交配 ,得到子代小鼠 .通过PCR及Southern印迹等方法 ,检测TIMP 1DNA在转基因小鼠体内的整合情况 ,阳性率达5 0 %后 ,进行近亲交配 .提取小鼠组织总RNA ,Northern印迹分析阳性小鼠各组织外源性TIMP 1mRNA表达情况 ,以正常NIH小鼠做对照 .获得了 6代小鼠共 4 2 4只 ,其中PCR阳性鼠 2 72只 ,Southern阳性鼠 2 2 6只 ,纯合子转基因小鼠 12 8只 ;F4代后阳性率达到 95 %以上 .转基因小鼠TIMP 1基因表达情况在肾脏的丰度明显高于肝脏和脾脏 (P <0 0 1) ,而肝和脾之间并没有显著差异 (P>0 0 5 ) .外源基因在转基因小鼠体内可以稳定遗传 ,并得到了整合有TIMP 1基因的纯合子转基因小鼠 ,且在阳性的转基因小鼠体内在肾脏中特异性表达 ,为以后开展TIMP 1的肾脏病理生理研究提供了有用的手段  相似文献   

Mx—cre转基因小鼠品系的建立及其培育   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
将携带MX启动子调控的Cre基因真核表达载体pMx-cre线性化后,通过受卵显微注射途径制备转基因小鼠,共注射99个卵,产佴0只,利用PCR对小鼠进行筛选,以基因组Southern blot确证,最后得到一个阳性的小鼠品系,进而将其保护和扩大繁殖。  相似文献   

转基因小鼠乳腺表达人瘦蛋白的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用转基因动物乳腺生产药用蛋白质是近年来研究的热点,在这方面已有不少成功的例子,展现出良好的应用前景[1,2].本研究选择人瘦蛋白基因作为目标基因是因为其表达产物瘦蛋白能对人体内脂肪的蓄积和能量消耗进行有效的反馈调控,美国科学家已将用E.coli表达的人瘦蛋白用于人肥胖症的治疗并取得了良好的治疗效果[3],但尚未见到利用转基因动物乳腺表达这种蛋白质的研究报道.  相似文献   

转基因小鼠中外源基因遗传及表达稳定性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
挑选两个乳汁中人凝血因子IX(hFIX)表达量相差较大的转基因小鼠家系,分别用PCR、Southern blot、FISH和ELISA对两个家系中的小鼠进行检测。结果显示后代小鼠的转基因阳性率为50%左右;外源基因的整合是完整的,没有发现可见的丢失现象;家系中的各个小鼠表达量有差异,FIX-33家系中hFIX在乳汁中的表达量为(43.32±5.41)?g/mL;FIX-124家系中hFIX在乳汁中的表达量是(1.16±0.45)?g/mL。而两个家系之间的表达量则差异极为显著(P<0.01)。这表明原代转基因小鼠的遗传及表达特性可以得到稳定的传递。  相似文献   

用鼻咽相对特异性调控区建立N-LMP1转基因小鼠   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了研究EBV LMP1在鼻咽癌发生发展中的作用 ,构建了EDL 2、PLUNC p双启动子调控鼻咽癌来源的LMP1(latentmembraneprotein 1,潜伏膜蛋白 1)的表达载体 ,采用受精卵前核显微注射法构建转基因小鼠。结果表明 ,在所获得的 5 8只转基因首建鼠中 ,4只整合阳性 ,其中的一只转基因小鼠在鼻咽、前胃、舌根等部位检测到了外源基因的表达。  相似文献   

IGF-I regulates lactation by stimulating mammary mitogenesis, inhibiting apoptosis, and partially mediating the effects of growth hormone on lactogenesis. Herein, lactation performance during first and second parity was assessed in transgenic swine (TG) that over-expressed human IGF-I in milk under the control of the bovine α-lactalbumin promoter, regulatory regions and signal peptide coding sequence. Milk samples were collected throughout lactation (farrowing to d24) from TG sows and non-transgenic littermates (CON) and IGF-I, IGF-II, and IGFBP determined. Colostral (<24 h postpartum) IGF-I content was 26-fold greater (p < 0.001) in TG sows (949 ± 107 μg/L; range 228–1600 μg/L) than CON (36 ± 17.8 μg/L) and was 50- to 90-fold greater (p < 0.001) in mature milk (d2-24 postpartum). There was no effect of parity on milk IGF-I content. Milk IGF-II concentration was unaffected by IGF-I over-expression. Low molecular weight IGFBP (IGFBP-2 and -5) in the milk of TG sows were higher (p = 0.02) than CON in the early postpartum period, but did not differ in mature milk. Milk yield, determined by weigh-suckle-weigh, was similar in TG and CON as was litter weight gain. Milk nutrient composition was not significantly affected by IGF over-expression. Thus, mammary specific transgenic over-expression of IGF-I significantly increased milk IGF-I and IGFBP content, but did not impact lactation performance in swine.  相似文献   

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