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A familial reciprocal translocation between three chromosomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The difficulties encountered in classifying the seven chromosomes of rye (Secale cereale L.) are discussed. Unequivocal classification is possible only with a standard testing system such as a translocation tester set. In the present paper a set is described which contains seven reciprocal translocations. Each chromosome participates at least once. The translocated chromosomes can be visually recognized. The size of the chromosome arms was measured and is expressed as % of the total complement length. Which chromosomes were involved in the translocations was studied by using a special graphic method based on the arm ratios of the mitotic chromosomes, and also by intercrossing followed by an analysis of the meiotic cofigurations in the F1's.  相似文献   

In Vietnam, Cattle Egrets (Bubulcus ibis) are common in a variety of habitats, such as freshwater marshes, beaches, and paddy fields. They are also found associated with cattle (Bos spp.) and occasionally with pigs (Sus scrofa), goats (Capra hircus), and horses (Equus caballus) and are kept for insect control in households. In this study, six Cattle Egrets were experimentally infected intranasally with highly pathogenic avian influenza (AI) A/duck/Vietnam/40D/04 (H5N1) to investigate a possible epidemiologic role for Cattle Egrets in outbreaks of H5N1 AI in Vietnam. The Cattle Egrets were highly susceptible to the infection and either died within a week or had to be euthanized. Five uninfected chickens housed with the inoculated Cattle Egrets from day 1 to day 8 postinfection showed no signs of disease or mortality. This observation was most probably due to the low-level virus shedding by the Cattle Egrets. We concluded that Cattle Egrets are not significant reservoir hosts for H5N1 AI virus.  相似文献   

Summary The degree of association between cattle egrets (Bubulcus ibis) and cattle was studied during one summer on Saint Catherines Island, Georgia, USA. Previous work by Grubb (1976) and others indicated that cattle egrets foraging with cattle require fewer steps and less time to catch prey than egrets foraging without cattle and single egrets catch prey at a higher rate than egrets foraging in groups of two or more with cattle. Accordingly, we predicted that when given a choice egrets should forage with cattle rather than alone, egrets should prefer to associate with standing rather than sitting cattle, and single egrets associated with cattle should be more common than expected by chance.In excess of two-thirds of the egrets accompanied cattle. Neither time of day nor month influenced the degree of association, but egrets in forest were more likely to be associated with cattle than egrets in pasture. Standing cattle were more likely to be accompanied by egrets than were sitting cattle. Single egrets occurred more frequently than expected by chance when accompanying standing cattle but not when associated with sitting cattle. Thus, cattle egrets usually distributed themselves among cattle in the way predicted by optimal foraging theory.We dedicate this paper to the memory of Michael D. Sabath  相似文献   

Naturally occurring secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism is described in the nestlings of two colonies of cattle egrets (Bubulcus ibis) from Central Texas (Bryan and San Antonio, Texas, USA). Nestlings from a third colony (Waco, Texas, USA) were collected in a subsequent year for comparison. Birds from the first two colonies consistently had severe osteopenia and associated curving deformities and folding fractures of their long bones. These birds also had reduced bone ash, increased osteoclasia, a marked decrease in osteoblast activity, variable lengthening and shortening of the hypertrophic zone of the epiphyseal cartilage, decreased and disorganized formation of new bone, and a marked hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the parathyroid glands as compared to birds collected from the third colony. Fibrous osteodystrophy was found in all of the birds from San Antonio and Bryan. Evidence of moderate to severe calcium deficiency was also identified in 33% of the cattle egrets collected from Waco. Gut contents of affected chicks contained predominately grasshoppers and crickets; vertebrate prey items were absent from the Bryan birds. Grasshoppers and crickets collected from fields frequented by the adult egrets in 1994 had 0.12-0.28% calcium and 0.76-0.81% phosphorus. Pooled grasshoppers and crickets collected during a subsequent wet early spring averaged 0.24% calcium and 0.65% phosphorus. Although the phosphorus content of the insect prey was adequate for growth, calcium was approximately one-third the minimum calcium requirement needed for growth for other species of birds. It was postulated that cattle egrets breeding in Central Texas have expanded their range into habitat that contains less vertebrate prey, and as a result, many nestling egrets are being fed diets that contain suboptimal calcium. Therefore, in years where vertebrate prey is scarce and forage for insect prey is reduced in calcium, nestling egrets are at risk for developing secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism.  相似文献   

Summary The progeny of four crosses between a structural heterozygote for a reciprocal translocation and a homozygote for the standard chromosome arrangement were analyzed in rye (Secale cereale L. cv Ailés) for the electrophoretic patterns of eight different leaf and endosperm isozymes and also for the meiotic configuration at metaphase I. The Pgi-1, 6-Pgd-2 and Mdh-1 loci are linked to each other and also to the reciprocal translocation. These loci have been located on chromosome 1R. The Mdh-1 locus is located in the interstitial segment of chromosome 1R, between the centromere and the breakpoint. The Pgm-1 locus has been located on chromosome arm 4RS and is linked to Pgi-1, 6-Pgd-2, Mdh-1 and the reciprocal translocation. The estimated distance between the Pgm-1 locus and the centromere is 14.98 ± 2.27 cM. Therefore, the reciprocal translocation involves the 1R and 4R chromosomes. Other linked loci detected have been Mdh-2b and Est-2 (7.40 ± 2.90 cM) and Got-3 and Est-2 (5.62 ± 3.07 cM). These three last loci are located on chromosome 3R and their order most probably is Mdh-2bEst-2Got-3.  相似文献   

Reciprocal translocations, the most frequent structural aberration in humans, are mainly transmitted by one of the parents. In order to analyze the chromosomal content of the spermatozoa from carriers of chromosomal reorganizations, two methods have been used, karyotyping of sperm chromosomes by the human-hamster system and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in decondensed sperm nuclei. In this work, we review 92 sperm chromosome segregation studies from 85 different reciprocal translocation carriers, including a triple translocation carrier. Using the human-hamster method, a total of 5,818 spermatozoa from 44 reciprocal translocation carriers have been analyzed, 43 of them carrying a single reciprocal translocation and one was a carrier of a double reciprocal translocation. A segregation analysis in a carrier of a t(2;22;11) has been also reported. Carrying out FISH in sperm nuclei, a total of 237,042 spermatozoa from 46 reciprocal translocation carriers have been analyzed. Six of these were also analyzed by the human-hamster system. Taking into account both methods, a total of 76 different reciprocal translocations have been studied. In 74 of these 76 translocations, the reorganization occurs between autosomes, and in the other two, the Y chromosome is involved. Although along general lines, there are similarities between the results obtained by the two methods of analysis, variations are observed when the distribution of the different types of segregations that produce imbalances is compared. As a general rule reciprocal translocation carriers produce more unbalanced sperm than normal or balanced sperm. The results reported also corroborate that the proportion of unbalanced forms depends on the characteristics of the reorganization and that it varies widely. Thus the importance of performing a detailed meiotic behavior analysis for each particular translocation in order to obtain enough information to give adequate genetic counseling is stressed. Aspects as to the possible overestimation of 3:1 segregations or the presence of interchromosomal effects still need to be elucidated.  相似文献   

This work evaluated the breeding success of Bubulcus ibis (Ardeidae), Egretta thula, Nycticorax nycticorax, Phimosus infuscatus and Plegadis chihi in Rio Grande do Sul during two consecutive nesting seasons. Mean clutch size for B. ibis was 2.59 in 1998/1999 and 2.49 in 1999/2000. The species with both the smallest and largest clutch was P. infuscatus, with 2.04 in 1999/2000, and 3.16 in 1998/1999. The highest mean number of nestlings per nest was 2.86 for P. chihi in 1998/1999 and the lowest was 1.85 for B. ibis in 1998/1999 and P. infuscatus in 1999/2000. In both nesting seasons all the species had major success, laying three eggs and raising two nestlings, exept for B. ibis. The breeding success for P. chihi varied from 1.54 young/nest in 1998/1999 to 0.4 in 1999/2000, whereas B. ibis ranged from 1.16 in the first period to 0.99 in the second.  相似文献   

The Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) is native to the old world. Before 1877 no Cattle Egrets had been sighted in the Americas. There are no written records of this species being transported to or escaping from captivity in South America and there is enough evidence to suggest that individuals are capable of making the crossing from Africa to the Americas unaided. Since long-distance movements of species are partly dependent on meteorological events we analyze the possibility of B. ibis crossing the Atlantic Ocean aided only by wind conditions evaluating existing theories and shedding light on their feasibility through the analysis of weather patterns and atmospheric circulation. Zonal and meridional wind components taken from the Twentieth Century Reanalysis Project were used to calculate trajectories between different points along the West African coast and South America between 1871 and 1920 in two seasons (March–April and September–October). From a total of 192,864 trajectories analyzed, 1,695 with origin in the west coast of Africa reached the NE coast of South America or the Caribbean islands in less than a week (successful trajectories). The probability of these successful trajectories originating in Central Africa was above 0.65 for the majority of the destinations analyzed. Particularly, in Guyana and Suriname where B. ibis was first sighted, the probability of the origin being Central Africa was 0.84, most of them occurring during March. Several weather events favored not only the colonization of the Cattle Egret but also its establishment and spread all throughout the Americas.  相似文献   

卜艳珍  张路平 《四川动物》2007,26(3):490-491
2006年5月对采自河南省信阳地区的一只牛背鹭进行解剖,从砂囊内检获一批线虫,经鉴定为缩迭脱门线虫Desportesius invaginatus(Linstow,1901)。本文主要对该种线虫进行了描述。本种线虫与前人的描述基本相同,但所采标本虫体尾部较短,雌虫尾端内陷。该种线虫在河南省属首次报道,为河南省新记录种。  相似文献   

Lampbrush chromosomes isolated from the germinal vesicle of medium sized oocytes can be individually identified by differences in two characters: (1) chromosome regions rich in well developed loops, and (2) number and position of spheres. Actually the lateral loops are not all equally extended, but those which are inserted in a certain region of the axis of some chromosomes are more developed and sometimes are loaded with dense and copious matrix; chiasmata do not occur inside these regions. One or more spheres are present on eight chromosomes in the complement (chromosomes I–VI, VIII and X): the total number of spheres inserted on S. salamandra lampbrush chromosomes is the highest among the salamandrid species studied so far. These landmarks as well as the maximally developed normal loops are schematically drawn on the maps of the single lampbrush chromosomes. The length of the maps corresponds to the mean value of the lengths of each chromosome relative to that of chromosome XII, taken as 100 units long.Also bivalents from first metaphase spermatocytes have been analysed: they are generally ring-shaped with two terminal or subterminal chiasmata.  相似文献   

A spontaneous interchange with breaks in the centromeric regions of the L2 and L3 submetacentric chromosome pairs is described, using the C-banding technique, in a male of the mountain grasshopper Gomphocerus sibiricus (2n=17). In 100% of the examined cells from standard follicles of the mutant, the interchange was present as a ring of four and concordant separations during anaphase-I were always observed. The orientation of these rings is predominantly either adjacent I or II and a very much lower frequency was detected for the alternate type. Fertility is therefore expected to be low. — A single follicle was found where the centromeric region of the 32 chromosome had split, resulting in two telocentric chromosomes. At meiosis chains with five centromeric regions resulted. The nature of the original interchange has been interpreted on the basis of this new aberration. — A large variation in the number of nucleoli is regularly present in spermatocytes at the same stage and differences between the two karyotypes (mutant and standard) could not be demonstrated using Ag-staining. This technique has also been used to study the morphology, with respect to number and localization of the adjunct centrioles, of the spermatids in the mutant.  相似文献   

The chromosome complement of 2 male and 15 female adult squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) have been studied in peripheral blood and kidney cultures and bone marrow preparations. The diploid chromosome number is 44. Six of the chromosome pairs are metacentric (isobrachial), 9 pairs submetacentric (heterobrachial) and the remaining 6 pairs are acrocentric (cephalobrachial). The X chromosome is the longest submetacentric (heterobrachial), ranking 5 in order of decreasing size. The Y chromosome is the smallest acrocentric (cephalobrachial) of the complement.A female and male karyotype is presented.Supported, in part, by Grant HDO 1952-03 from the United States Public Health Service.  相似文献   

Induction of somatic embryos and plant regeneration was demonstrated for the first time in Alnus glutinosa. Somatic embryos were initiated from zygotic embryos collected 1–3 weeks post-anthesis (WPA), i.e., when they were at globular or early cotyledonary stage and were 0.5–1 mm in length. Induction frequency (16.6 %) and the mean number of somatic embryos (4.5 embryos/explant) were highest after culture of zygotic embryos, collected at 3 WPA, on Murashige and Skoog medium (MS) supplemented with 0.9-μM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 2.22-μM benzyladenine (BA). No embryogenic induction was observed on medium with BA alone. Initial somatic embryos differentiated indirectly from callus tissue formed at the surface of the zygotic embryos. Embryogenic competence was maintained by secondary embryogenesis, which was affected by explant type, plant growth regulators and genotype. Secondary embryogenesis was induced by culture of small groups of whole somatic embryos or isolated cotyledon explants on medium consisting of MS medium (half-strength macronutrients) supplemented with 0.44-μM BA. Histological study of isolated cotyledon explants revealed that secondary embryos developed directly from differentiated embryogenic tissue on the surface of cotyledons. Somatic embryos at successive stages of development, including cotyledonary-stage embryos with shoot and root meristems, were evident. For plantlet conversion, somatic embryos were transferred to maturation medium supplemented with 3 % maltose, followed by 6 weeks of culture in Woody Plant Medium supplemented with 0.44-μM BA and 0.46-μM Zeatin (Z). This novel protocol appears promising for mass propagation, conservation and genetic transformation of black alder.  相似文献   

Segregation behavior of a reciprocal translocation involving the long arm of chromosome No. 1 and a microchromosome was studied in secondary spermatocytes and embryos produced by heterozygous cockerels. The types and frequencies of the various balanced and unbalanced chromosome complements were determined. Complementary products of segregation did not occur in the expected ratios of 1:1 in secondary spermatocytes. The excess of spermatocytes with deficiency of the long arm and duplication of the short arm might be the result of lagging of the long arm at meiosis I, the centromere of the long arm being derived from a microchromosome. In the samples of secondary spermatocytes and embryos 52.5% and 49.6%, respectively, contained balanced chromosome complements. A significantly higher proportion of duplications and deletions of the long arm was seen in embryos than in secondary spermatocytes. Conversely, a lower proportion of duplications and deletions of the short arm was seen in embryos than in secondary spermatocytes. Apparently, spermatogenic cells bearing different unbalanced genomic contents are not equally viable or fertile.  相似文献   

During normal cytogenetic investigations on the Chianina cattle (BTA) breed, a normal looking young bull was found to carry an abnormal Y chromosome which was a product of a reciprocal translocation between chromosomes Y and 9. This was revealed by both CBA- and RBG-banding techniques and was clearly confirmed by FISH-mapping analysis with IDVGA50 (which paints the complete Yq arm in a normal Y), as well as with AMD1, CGA, IGF2R (mapping to BTA9q16, BTA9q22 and BTA9q27-->q28, respectively) and SRY (mapping to normal BTAYq23). Analysis on sperm from four different samples revealed azoospermia in the carrier, indicating that the rcp(Y;9) induces sterility in the bull.  相似文献   

An autosomal reciprocal translocation (12;21) was found in five seemingly unrelated families in Finland. Three families had had multiple spontaneous abortions and two families had a child with Down's syndrome. The genealogies of the five families were traced using population registries, and four families were found to have a common ancestor born in 1752. Kinship to the fifth family could not be established but its ancestors were traced back to the same rural parishes as those of the four other families. The translocation segregated at the same frequency as normal chromosomes. A statistically insignificant increase in spontaneous abortions was detected when the matings of translocation carriers were compared with non-carrier matings. The increase may however be clinically significant. These results permit more accurate counselling in these and similar translocation families.  相似文献   

Cytological analysis of microsporogenesis in 72 popcorn plants, comprising nine from the original population (CMS-43, S(0)) and 63 from seven cycles of self-fertilization (S(1) to S(7)), one plant of S(0) generation (plant 2) was identified with B chromosomes. The number of B chromosomes varied from two to three in the same anther. The pattern of chromosome pairing and meiotic behavior of Bs were similar to those found in other plant species. The presence of B chromosomes did not affect chiasma frequency and chiasma distribution in A chromosomes. This is the first report of B chromosomes in popcorn.  相似文献   

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