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The periphyton communities established in Nyumba ya Mungu were investigated between July and September 1974.
One hundred and ninety-two taxa were identified. One hundred and fifteen taxa were collected in the southern end of the lake, where 97 taxa were non-selectively distributed in the littorine epiphytic, epilithic, and epixylic environments. The offshore epixylon supported only 53 taxa. The epipelon and epipsammon were poorly developed at the southern end of the lake but were well developed in the northern inflow regions.
Diatoms and cyanophytes were the dominant phyla which contributed over 80% of the algal numbers. Chlorophytes were not common. Taxonomic compositions of periphyton on artificial and natural surfaces were similar, but artificial substrata accumulated greater proportional representations of diatoms.
The mean net production rates of periphyton on artificial substrata located at depths from 0-0.65 m for 28 days ranged from 140 mg organic dry weight m-2 day-1 on shoots in the macrophyte zone to 820 mg organic dry weight m-2 day-1 on glass surfaces on a rocky shore. The epiphytic environments produced the least standing crops of less than 250, 000 individuals cm-2, but maximum densities of over 2,000,000 individuals cm-2 were recorded in the epilithon.  相似文献   

Eight species of Crustacea and 28 species of Rotifera were identified in zooplankton samples from Nyumba ya Mungu reservoir. In all localities the dominant organism was the copepod Thermocyclops hyalinus. Cladocerans and rotifers made a variable contribution. Insects, among which the Chironomidae were pre-eminent, formed the major component of littoral macroinvertebrate communities. Oligochaetes, crustaceans and gastropods, including vectors of Schistosomiasis, were rare or restricted in distribution. In contrast to the deep end of the lake, where submerged trees were the poorest substrate, those at the shallow end supported a high biomass of invertebrates, since prolonged exposure had accelerated rotting and facilitated colonisation by the burrowing nymphs of Povilla. The variety of invertebrates on stony and muddy shores was increased when rooted emergent plants were present. The richest benthic community was found in submerged beds of Ceratophyltum. It is suggested that drawdown and the restricted development and movement of floating vegetation, have limited the spread of gastropods in the lake. Zooplankton, chironomid larvae and pupae, and ephemeropteran nymphs were shown to be important in the diet of small carnivorous and omnivorous fish species.  相似文献   

Nyumba ya Mungu reservoir was completed in 1965 in northern Tanzania. By 1970 there was a thriving tilapia fishery but it declined catastrophically in subsequent years. A team of biologists surveyed the lake in 1974, and this paper outlines their hydrological, geographical, and climatic findings.
The dam, constructed across a north/south Neogene fault-trough 80 km south of Mt. Kilimanjaro, has produced a reservoir about 180 km2 with a mean depth of 6 m. The catchment area is extensive but the main source of water is from Mt. Kilimanjaro. The lake is situated in an arid area, and over one quarter of the input water evaporates from the lake's surface. The outflow is regulated by a hydro-electric power station and is practically constant. At full capacity the retention time of the lake is one year but due to abnormally low rainfall, the reservoir was not full, and the retention time was nearer nine months.
The lake is polymictic and a deep wind-driven current is maintained by the Trade Winds for most of the year.
The general features of Nyumba ya Mungu are briefly compared with other man-made and natural lakes in Africa.  相似文献   

The ecology of the fishes in Nyumba ya Mungu reservoir, Tanzania   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty species of fish were found in Nyumba ya Mungu reservoir on the River Pangani which, with two exceptions, were indigenous to the river basin. Their distribution is described and some information on their growth, reproduction and feeding habits is presented. The highest densities of fish were found in the littoral and the broad, shallow, upstream region of the lake. The lacustrine environment has favoured the endemic tilapias, Sarotherodon jipe and S. pangani , which graze periphyton, and the introduced species, S. esculentus which feeds on phytoplankton. Males of the endemic forms may grow to a large size, but the introduced species, including Tilapia rendalli , were heavier for a given length. A reduction in tilapia stocks since 1970 is reflected in experimental catches during 1972-74 and was attributed to the combined effects of heavy commercial exploitation and a loss of spawning grounds. In the same period a striking increase in the populations of small carnivores, Rhabdalestes leleupi and Haplochromis gr. bloyeti , was recorded. Kully plantivorous and piscivorous fish are absent but omnivores are represented by Barbus species and Synodontis punctulatus. Tilapias exhibited a high incidence of nematode infection and the available evidence indicates that fish-eating birds are important predators of cichlids in Nyumba ya Mungu.  相似文献   

A study was made of the aquatic macrophyte ecology of Nyumba ya Mungu; a nine year old man-made lake in northern Tanzania. The vegetation is described with the aid of percentage cover histograms and standing crop estimates. Concurrent physical, chemical and biological studies helped in ecological interpretations. Distinct vegetation communities were found in the deltaic swamps of the two major inflow rivers and it is concluded that this was due to water chemical differences. The water of the more alkaline River Kikuletwa appeared to influence the greater part of the perimeter swamps as the species composition largely coincided with that reported for higher pH, higher conductivity African lakes. Typha domingensis swamp was predominant and extensive, whilst Cyperus alopecuroides and Paspalidium geminatum were also common emergent species. Floating and submerged plants were relatively unimportant in the lake with respect to cover. The major zonations of species appeared to be a function of water depth, while chemistry seemed the main factor controlling vegetation pattern. In conclusion the significance of interrelationships between the macrophytes and other aquatic organisms is discussed.  相似文献   

This publication reports on the chemical and phytoplankton aspects of a three month biological survey of Nyumba ya Mungu reservoir, Tanzania.
The lake had a total salt concentration of about 8 meq dm-3 and specific conductivity of 900 μS cm-1. The main salt in solution was sodium bicarbonate, and when the lake level fell it sometimes formed a crust on the exposed shore. The concentrations of major nutrient ions were probably not limiting to algal growth and good nutrient replenishment was provided by the two inflow rivers.
Nyumba ya Mungu supports a rich phytoplanton dominated by Melosira and blue-green algae. Acetone extractions gave chlorophyll 'a' concentrations ranging from 20–40 mgm-3 in the vertical profiles, and light and dark bottle experiments indicated a maximum gross photosynthesis of about 800 mg O2 m-3h-1. There was evidence of chemical stratification in the open water and diurnal stratification in the sheltered bays, but discontinuities were short-lived and the Trade Winds ensured regular mixing of the water. The lake appeared to have a higher primary production than the larger Rift Valley lakes and it was considered that this level of production would continue.  相似文献   

Hydrobiological events in Nyumba ya Mungu reservoir, a recent man-made lake in Tanzania, are reviewed in the light of those described for larger impoundments in other parts of Africa. An initial phase of rapid eutrophication and of high fish production has been replaced by a slower stabilization phase. At present the inflowing rivers supply a nutrient rich water and the level of primary production remains high. In spite of the risk of an encroachment of Typha domingensis across the shallow end and events associated with overfishing, the lake retains most of the essential requirements to continue as a useful tilapia fishery. The introduction of new fish into the reservoir, to fill gaps in the trophic structure of the fish community is not recommended.  相似文献   

1. Two enclosure experiments were carried out in Laguna Bufeos, a neotropical várzea lake located in the floodplain of River Ichilo (Bolivia). The experiments aimed (i) to assess the relative importance of bottom‐up and top‐down control on the plankton community, (ii) to assess the relative impact of direct and indirect effects of planktivorous fish on the zooplankton, and (iii) to attempt to identify the mechanisms responsible for these effects. 2. During the first experiment, bottom‐up control seemed to dominate the planktonic food web. Compared with fishless enclosures, oxygen concentrations, chlorophyll a levels and the population densities of all cladoceran zooplankton taxa increased in enclosures with fish. Birth rates of Moina minuta, the dominant taxon, were substantially higher in the presence than in the absence of fish, whereas death rates did not differ between treatments. These results are the first to suggest that the positive effects of fish on crustacean zooplankton via effects on nutrient cycling and the enhancement of primary production can compensate for losses because of fish‐related mortality. 3. During the second experiment, the direction of control appeared to vary between trophic levels: the phytoplankton appeared to be bottom‐up controlled whereas the zooplankton was mainly top‐down controlled. Chlorophyll a concentrations were enhanced by both fish and nutrient additions. The majority of the zooplankton taxa were reduced by the presence of fish. Birth rates of most cladoceran taxa did not differ between treatments, whereas death rates were higher in the enclosures with fish than in the fishless enclosures. Bosminopsis deitersi reached higher densities in the presence of fish, probably because of a release from predation by Chaoborus. 4. We convincingly showed strong deviations from trophic cascade‐based expectations, supporting the idea that trophic cascades may be weak in tropical lakes.  相似文献   

1. Abundance and bacterial production (BP) of heterotrophic bacteria (HBact) were measured in the north and south basins of Lake Tanganyika, East Africa, during seasonal sampling series between 2002 and 2007. The major objective of the study was to assess whether BP can supplement phytoplankton particulate primary production (particulate PP) in the pelagic waters, and whether BP and particulate PP are related in this large lake. HBact were enumerated in the 0–100 m surface layer by epifluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry; BP was quantified using 3H‐thymidine incorporation, usually in three mixolimnion layers (0–40, 40–60 and 60–100 m). 2. Flow cytometry allowed three subpopulations to be distinguished: low nucleic acid content bacteria (LNA), high nucleic acid content bacteria (HNA) and Synechococcus‐like picocyanobacteria (PCya). The proportion of HNA was on average 67% of total bacterial abundance, and tended to increase with depth. HBact abundance was between 1.2 × 105 and 4.8 × 106 cells mL−1, and was maximal in the 0–40 m layer (i.e. roughly, the euphotic layer). Using a single conversion factor of 15 fg C cell−1, estimated from biovolume measurements, average HBact biomass (integrated over a 100‐m water column depth) was 1.89 ± 1.05 g C m−2. 3. Significant differences in BP appeared between seasons, especially in the south basin. The range of BP integrated over the 0–100 m layer was 93–735 mg C m−2 day−1, and overlapped with the range of particulate PP (150–1687 mg C m−2 day−1) measured in the same period of time at the same sites. 4. Depth‐integrated BP was significantly correlated to particulate PP and chlorophyll‐a, and BP in the euphotic layer was on average 25% of PP. 5. These results suggest that HBact contribute substantially to the particulate organic carbon available to consumers in Lake Tanganyika, and that BP may be sustained by phytoplankton‐derived organic carbon in the pelagic waters.  相似文献   

Fifty samples of freshwater fish, representing eight tropical species, were collected from Ethiopian Rift Valley lakes in order to study the variation of lipids and fatty acids (FA) both within and between species. Most specimens (36 samples) were low in fat, ≥5% of dry weight (dw). Medium- (nine samples) and high-fat fish (five samples) contained ≤6% and >10% dw, respectively. The extent of variation was more pronounced in the herbivore Oreochromis niloticus than in the omnivorous (e.g. Barbus sp.) or carnivorous–piscivorous ( Clarias gariepinus ) fishes. Twenty-eight FA of various chain lengths and saturation levels were identified. Most FA were unsaturated and long-chained. The major individual FA were palmitic acid (16:0), stearic acid (18 : 0), oleic acid (18 : 1ω9) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (22 : 6ω3). The ω3/ω6 ratio varied considerably (1·1–7·6) and O. niloticus from Lake Haiq was found to be superior in lipid quality to all the tropical fish species considered in this study. The data show that tropical freshwater fish are comparable to temperate freshwater fish as sources of polyunsaturated FA.  相似文献   

Miura  T. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,200(1):567-579
Stocking silver carp, a phytoplankton feeder, and bighead carp, an omnivorous plankton feeder, into an eutrophic lake at high densities caused a dramatic change in the lake ecosystem.Microcystis, which had been dominant in summer and a main food of the fishes decreased markedly, and green algae smaller than 10 μm then became dominant. Consequently, chlorophyll-a per unit area decreased slightly, while the rate of production was higher than that in the previous years. As the total density of the fishes increased (from 0.09 to 0.11 fish m−2), the growth of silver carp was retarded, while that of bighead carp increased.Microcystis, was unable to become dominant due to increased grazing pressure by the fishes, and small green algae became dominant. The lake conditions thus became more favourable for zooplankters which selectively consumed small green algae, and accordingly, the production of zooplankton rose. Bighead carp consumed more animal food, which they assimilate at a higher rate than plant food, and grew better in spite of the fact that the fish density increased. The feeding rate of silver carp was greatly reduced because the green algae were too small to ingest, and the fish therefore grew poorly. Results of a computer simulation of a model consisting of five compartments, representing the blue-green algae, green algae, zooplankton, silver and bighead carp, support the food-web change observed in the lake.  相似文献   

The Jordan reservoir, Czechoslovakia, was constructed in 1492 and the last full drainage and fish removal was in 1830. In this 'mature' fish community of 20 species (plus three hybrids), the roach, Rutilus rutilus (L.) (1446 fish ha–1) and beam, Abramis brama (L.) (1074 fish ha–1) dominated the fish stock (total of all species = 3628 fish ha–1). Predatory species made a small contribution to the total (maximum 7.7%, obligatory predators 2%). The contribution (12%) by perch, Perca fluviatilis L., was also low, and its numbers in successive age-groups showed a steady decrease. The high variability and time-synchronization in the year-class strengths of the principal cyprinid species may indicate unstable environmental conditions or intra-community cycles. The growth rates of non-predatory species were low. There was a high fishing rate on predatory species but there was little impact by fishery management on the whole 'mature' community. Intensive eutrophication from both communal waters and agriculture probably caused the high biomass level (all species) and the low abundance of zander, Stizostedion lucioperca (L.).  相似文献   

Abstract: Stable isotope studies of food webs in floodplains, large rivers, mangroves, and seagrasses have shown that, although a large proportion of the biomass may come from higher plants, microalgae provide a disproportionate amount of carbon assimilated by metazoan consumers. Evidence is building that this may also be the case for streams, especially those in the tropics. At the level of individual consumer species we also see that the apparent diet may not be reflected in the carbon assimilated. Tropical streams commonly have omnivore‐detritivore species that potentially show this phenomenon. We tested these concepts in four moderately shaded sites in a stream in well‐preserved Atlantic rainforest at Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro. We sampled aquatic insects, shrimps and fish as well as potential terrestrial and aquatic primary food sources. Carbon stocks from terrestrial sources predominated over carbon of algal origin (>99% of total). The primary sources of carbon showed distinctly different isotopic signatures: terrestrial sources had δ13C values close to ?30‰, microalgae were ?20‰ and macroalgae were ?25‰. All fauna had δ13C values consistent with a carbon source derived from microalgae. Baetid mayflies and atyid shrimps exert a strong grazing pressure on periphyton and organic sediments but appear to assimilate predominantly microalgae. The palaemonid shrimp Macrobrachium olfersi also ingests large amounts of detritus of terrestrial origin, but apparently assimilates animal prey with algal δ13C signatures. These results support the growing view that tropical stream food chains are primarily algal based.  相似文献   

A series of experimental streams studies carried out with biologically treated bleached kraft mill effluent (BKME) and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss included a variety of fish health parameters. There was a pattern of larger but fewer fish in BKME exposed streams. To determine if reduced fish numbers was a detrimental effect, we examined the relationship between number and weight for control and BKME exposed streams for the 9‐month effluent exposures of 1.3–5.1% v/v. A regression analysis indicated that fish numbers decreased at a similar rate for corresponding fish size in both control and BKME‐exposed streams. A dose‐response relationship for effluent and fish number was not found, indicating that reduced fish number was not a direct expression of toxicity. The factors which induced BKME‐exposed fish populations to tend toward fewer but larger fish were not determined but are hypothesized to relate to BKME food web stimulation, a related enhancement in trout growth, and a corresponding reduction in fish number.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton production was measured in situ in Kainji lake from December 1970 to September 1972 using the oxygen light and dark bottle technique. Seasonal variations in solar radiation, transparency, temperature, and composition of subsurface light were also measured. Oxygen production per unit area varied from 220 to 4500 mg O2 m–2 day–1, the maximum production rate from 95 to 400 mg O2 m–3 h–1. Seasonal mixing of lake water and river water of varying turbidity changed the optical properties of the lake water and consequently affected phytoplankton production. The annual flood pattern was found to be an important factor regulating phytoplankton production in the lake.  相似文献   

A three-state, discrete-time Markov chain is used to model the dynamics of energy flow in a tri-trophic food web. The distribution of energy in the three trophic levels is related to the rates of flow between the trophic levels and calculated for the entire range of possible flow values. These distributions are then analysed for stability and used to test the idea that plants are resource-limited and herbivores are predation-limited. Low rates of death and decomposition, when coupled with low rates of herbivory and carnivory, tend to destabilize this food web. Food webs with higher rates of death and decomposition are relatively more stable regardless of rates of herbivory and carnivory. Plants are more prone to resource-limitation and herbivores are, in general, limited by their predators, which supports Hairston et al. (Am. Nat. 94 (1960) 421). The rate of decomposition often mediates the roles of top-down and bottom-up control of energy flow in the food web.  相似文献   

Planktonic microbial community structure and classical food web were investigated in the large shallow eutrophic Lake Taihu (2338 km2, mean depth 1.9 m) located in subtropical Southeast China. The water column of the lake was sampled biweekly at two sites located 22 km apart over a period of twelve month. Site 1 is under the regime of heavy eutrophication while Site 2 is governed by wind-driven sediment resuspension. Within-lake comparison indicates that phosphorus enrichment resulted in increased abundance of microbial components. However, the coupling between total phosphorus and abundance of microbial components was different between the two sites. Much stronger coupling was observed at Site 1 than at Site 2. The weak coupling at Site 2 was mainly caused by strong sediment resuspension, which limited growth of phytoplankton and, consequently, growth of bacterioplankton and other microbial components. High percentages of attached bacteria, which were strongly correlated with the biomass of phytoplankton, especially Microcystis spp., were found at Site 1 during summer and early autumn, but no such correlation was observed at Site 2. This potentially leads to differences in carbon flow through microbial food web at different locations. Overall, significant heterogeneity of microbial food web structure between the two sites was observed. Site-specific differences in nutrient enrichment (i.e. nitrogen and phosphorus) and sediment resuspension were identified as driving forces of the observed intra-habitat differences in food web structure.  相似文献   

Larvae of the common green lacewing Chrysoperla carnea are predacious and feed on a wide range of small, soft‐bodied arthropods. In addition to their feeding on prey arthropods to cover their nutritional requirements for growth and development, the consumption of non‐prey foods such as honeydew has been reported. It is commonly believed that these food supplements are primarily exploited by the larvae when prey is scarce or of low nutritional quality. Here, we assess whether C. carnea larvae also use honeydew when high‐quality aphid prey are readily available. In a choice experiment, the feeding behaviour of C. carnea larvae was observed in the presence of both aphids and honeydew. The larvae were starved, aphid‐fed, or honeydew‐fed prior to the experiment. The time spent feeding on honeydew compared with feeding on aphids was highest for starved larvae and lowest for honeydew‐fed larvae. Among the three treatments, the aphid‐fed larvae spent the most time resting and the least time searching. In an additional experiment food intake was assessed in terms of weight change when larvae were provided with an ad libitum supply of either aphids or honeydew. Larvae yielded a significant lower relative weight increase on honeydew compared with aphids. The reduced weight increase on honeydew was compensated when larvae were subsequently provided with aphids, but not when honeydew was provided again. This study showed that (i) prior honeydew feeding reduces overall aphid consumption, and (ii) larvae do consume honeydew even after they have been given ad libitum access to aphids. The fact that larvae of C. carnea still use honeydew as a food source in the presence of suitable prey underlines the importance of carbohydrates as foods.  相似文献   

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