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The effect of HCl hydrolysis on the dye content (Feulgen reaction) of normal cells and mouse ascites tumor cells was examined by means of cytophotometric measurements. After 11 min of hydrolysis, 16-day-old tumor cells showed a hypotetraploid DNA line with doubling peaks. The DNA values were in the ratios of 1:2:4:8 during all the tested hydrolysis times (3 to 21 min). The size of the nucleus and the DNA concentration did not influence the hydrolysis and the dye content. However, the time of the hydrolysis considerably influenced the dye content of normal and tumor cells. The course of the curves obtained by plotting dye absorption against hydrolysis time showed an inflection of the curve at 9 min' hydrolysis time in tumor cells, whereas the inflection occurred at 8 min in mitotic cells. These inflections were statistically significant. The DNA stem-line1 for tumor cells shifted during different hydrolysis times when compared to normal cells. The possibility is discussed of two types of DNA which differed in their acid sensitivity and which yielded atypical hydrolysis curves.  相似文献   

Ehrlich癌细胞在cAMP诱导下,于接种后5-7天癌基因c-myc、c-fos、c-H-ras、c-sis的表达强烈被抑制.与此同时癌细胞膜对cAMP转运增强.膜蛋白分子扩散系数[D]值下降,均以接种后7天最为显著P<0.01.可动分子百分比提高.这反映出癌细胞的分化变异.但至接种后9天,上述癌基因重新表达,膜蛋白分子扩散系数上升,cAMP转运下降,这可能是导致接种后11天癌细胞增殖急剧上升,细胞内cAMP水平下降的原因.说明Ehrlich细胞在去恶化及恶化过程中,癌基因表达变异.膜蛋白分子运动和癌细胞多种表型之间密切相关.  相似文献   

  • 1 Ehrlich ascites tumor cells collected from donor mice on the 5th day after inoculation were injected into the peritoneal cavity of new recipient mice.
  • 2 Cell cycle times were drastically shortened by transplantation, for instance, the length of the cell cycle from 47 to 21.5 hr, and the duration of S from 26.5 to 16.5 hr.
  • 3 Transplantation also caused a transient delay of cells in G2 followed by a rapid acceleration and produced an immediate increase in the number of cells in DNA synthesis by about 5–8%.

本工作用外源性cAMP加氨茶碱处理艾氏腹水癌小鼠,于不同瘤龄期观察到癌细胞膜对cAMP的转运功能和膜内蛋白质分子侧向扩散运动的变化、以及膜内可动性蛋白质分子的百分比的改变。这些表型变化均在接种后5—7天最为显著。接种后第7天,实验组癌细胞膜对cAMP的转运加强,而膜内蛋白质分子侧向扩散运动??减慢,抑制率达72.8%,二者P值均小于0.01。而接种后第9天,实验组与对照组之间二者变化均无统计学差异。这些变化表现了癌细胞膜的功能状态的变化。进一步阐明了我们过去工作——3’,5’-cAMP对体内艾氏腹水癌细胞作用机理,接种后第9天癌细胞内cAMP水平升高不是外源性cAMP的积累,而是内源性的代谢结果;阐明了接种后第5天cAMP-PDE活性下降的动因。同时我们也进一步看到膜功能、膜结构和胞质内cAMP水平及其二酯酶活性等变化的动力学关系,以及它们和癌细胞增殖抑制之间的相互关系。从而说明这些变化在癌细胞“逆转”中的意义与其内在联系。  相似文献   

Electron microscope studies of eight different sublines of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells which had not, as far as could be determined, come in contact with any known virus, revealed dense particles measuring approximately 55 to 70 mµ in diameter, both within and attached to the wall of cytoplasmic vesicles identified as the endoplasmic reticulum. All tumor sublines contained significant numbers of particles and revealed no qualitative or quantitative differences in particle morphology or distribution. It is concluded that these structures are a constant morphological component of the Ehrlich ascites tumor and that they probably do not represent contaminating virus. Their morphology and distribution are described, and the possible interpretations of their significance are discussed.  相似文献   

Cytophotometric determination of single-cell DNA after repeated 3H-thymidine labelling of the JB-1 ascites tumour in the plateau phase of growth showed a massive accumulation of unlabelled cells with both G1 and G2 content. Autoradiography combined with cytophotometry or colcemid block demonstrated that some of these unlabelled cells were rapidly triggered into the cell cycle when plateau tumours were transferred to new hosts. This indicated that tumour cells may be held up in non-cycling stages corresponding to both the G1 and the G2 phase of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

We have examined the ultrastructure of mitochondria as it relates to energy metabolism in the intact cell. Oxidative phosphorylation was induced in ultrastructurally intact Ehrlich ascites tumor cells by rapidly generating intracellular adenosine diphosphate from endogenous adenosine triphosphate by the addition of 2-deoxyglucose. The occurrence of oxidative phosphorylation was ascertained indirectly by continuous and synchronous monitoring of respiratory rate, fluorescence of pyridine nucleotide, and 90° light-scattering. Oxidative phosphorylation was confirmed by direct enzymatic analysis of intracellular adenine nucleotides and by determination of intracellular inorganic orthophosphate. Microsamples of cells rapidly fixed for electron microscopy revealed that, in addition to oxidative phosphorylation, an orthodox → condensed ultrastructural transformation occurred in the mitochondria of all cells in less than 6 sec after the generation of adenosine diphosphate by 2-deoxyglucose. A 90° light-scattering increase, which also occurs at this time, showed a t ½ of only 25 sec which agreed temporally with a slower orthodox → maximally condensed mitochondrial transformation. Neither oxidative phosphorylation nor ultrastructural transformation could be initiated in mitochondria in intact cells by the intracellular generation of adenosine diphosphate in the presence of uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation. Partial and complete inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation by oligomycin resulted in a positive relationship to partial and complete inhibition of 2-deoxyglucose-induced ultrastructural transformation in the mitochondria in these cells. The data presented reveal that an orthodox → condensed ultrastructural transformation is linked to induced oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria in the intact ascites tumor cell.  相似文献   

The cytokinetics of the S-180 mouse ascites tumor system was determined on Days 2, 4, 6 and 9 of growth. Studies included volume tumor growth, per cent labeled mitoses curves, and repeated injections of tritiated thymidine. It was possible to extrapolate the cytokinetic compartment values to Day 0 of growth. Results indicate that the growth fraction of the S-180 system remains close to 1 throughout its growth, with progressive lengthening of G1, S and G2 times. Cell loss is minimal through 6 days but becomes significant thereafter. A theoretical growth curve constructed from cytokinetic values is similar to the actual volume growth curve.  相似文献   

Resting cells in tumours present a major problem in cancer chemotherapy. In the plateau phase of growth of the murine JB-1 ascites tumour (i.e. 10 days after 2–5 × 106 cells i.p.) large fractions of non-cycling cells with G1 and G2 DNA content (Q1 and Q2 cells) are present, and the fate of these resting cells was investigated after treatment with l-β-d-arabinofuranosylcytosine (Ara-C). The experimental work consisted of growth curves, percentage of labelled mitoses curves after continuous labelling with 3H-TdR, and cytophotometric determination of single-cell DNA content in unlabelled tumour cells. Treatment with an i.p. single injection of Ara-C 200 mg/kg in the plateau JB-1 tumour resulted in a significant reduction in the number of tumour cells 1 and 2 days later as compared with untreated controls, while no difference in the number of tumour cells was observed after 3 days. In tumours prelabelled with 3H-TdR 24 hr before Ara-C treatment, a significant decrease in the percentage of labelled mitoses was observed 6–8 hr later followed by a return to the initial value after 12 hr, and a new pronounced fall from 20 hr after Ara-C. The second fall in the percentage of labelled mitoses disappeared when the labelling with 3H-TdR was continued also after Ara-C treatment. Cytophotometry of unlabelled tumour cells prelabelled for 24 hr with 3H-TdR before Ara-C treatment showed 20 hr after Ara-C a pronounced decrease in the fraction of Qt cells paralleled by an increase in the fraction of unlabelled cells with S DNA content. These results indicate recycling of resting cells first with G2 and later with Gx DNA content, which contribute to the regrowth of the tumours.  相似文献   

应用RT-PCR技术,从人黑色素瘤Bowes细胞株中扩增出人组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(tissue-typeplasminogenactivator,t-PA)cDNA。序列分析证实,与国外的报道完全一致。将含完整阅读框架的人t-PAcDNA克隆至昆虫细胞表达转移载体pBacPAK8中,获得重组质粒pBac-tPA。应用脂质体共转染法,将pBactPA和线性化杆状病毒BacPAK6DNA共转染Tn-5B-1昆虫细胞。经空斑筛选获得11株重组病毒。经PCR鉴定与生物活性测定,获得一株高效表达t-PA的重组病毒BactPA3。在含胎牛血清的培养基中,t-PA表达活性在感染(MOI≈10)后72h左右达到最高,为3.04×103IU/ml,即相当于1.8×104IU/106细胞;在无血清培养基中,t-PA最高表达水平相差不大,但时间为感染后132h左右。经SDS-PAGE纤维蛋白自显影分析,分子量为68kda左右。与从人黑色素瘤细胞培养液中提纯的天然t-PA相比,其受纤维蛋白原激活的特性、和纤维蛋白的亲和力及在血浆中的失活速率基本相同。表达的t-PA在血液循环中的半衰期为7min。  相似文献   

A method is described for obtaining highly purified lysosomes from Ehrlich ascites tumo cells grown in mice injected with Triton WR-1339. The isolated particles show a high specific activity for aryl sulfatase, representing an 80–90-fold purification over the homogenate, and a 15–18% yield of the total enzyme activity. Mitochondrial and microsomal marker enzymes are present in negligible amounts (0.2% of the activity of the homogenate). The biochemical evidence for a rather high degree of homogeneity of the fraction is supported by the electron microscopic examination of the purified lysosomes. The intracellular localizations of N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase, NADH-cytochrome c reductase and NADPH-cytochrome c reductase in Ehrlich ascites cells are also reported, the first two being present in highest concentration in the combined mitochondrial-lysosomal fraction and the third in the microsomal fraction.  相似文献   

利用透射电镜下正电荷铁蛋白标记技术,扫描电镜法和荧光偏振技术,发现ConA结合于Ehrlich腹水癌细胞表面可导致细胞成帽能力下降,入胞作用受抑,表面形态简化以及膜流动性下降等变化.讨论了这些变化之间的可能联系.  相似文献   

用组织化学技术方法 ,我们对 5 0例不同胎龄人胎儿的鼻粘膜和气管的组织内的肥大细胞组织化学特征以及其与周围其它细胞的关系进行了研究。结果发现 :随着胎龄的增加 ,肥大细胞的颗粒甲苯胺蓝 (TB)染色时从浅紫色加深至深紫色 ,Alcian蓝·藏红 (AB· S)染色呈从蓝色到出现红色、红蓝混合染色的变化 ,临界电解质浓度 (CEC)值和硫酸小蘖碱荧光染色强度逐渐增高 ;多见肥大细胞与成纤维细胞、淋巴细胞和毛细血管内皮等密切接触 ,且出现在神经内、外膜之中。这提示 :1肥大细胞的发育成熟与胎儿呼吸道器官的发育是相关的。 2肥大细胞可能参与细胞、组织的分化成熟。  相似文献   

A multicompartmental model of the cell cycle and proliferation kinetics was used to analyse the time-course behavior of the cell cycle time, the growth fraction, and the cell loss rate during Ehrlich ascites tumor growth. The growth rate of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells as the tumor aged was significantly influenced by change in the cell cycle time.  相似文献   

There is a marked increase in the number of peritoneal leukocytes (lymphocytes, monocytes and granulocytes) during the growth of Ehrlich ascites tumor in mice. No local proliferation (as indicated by a labeling at 1 hr following a single 3H-TdR injection) was observed in the normal peritoneal leukocytes or those in the ascites tumor, except for a very minor labeling of some tumor macrophages. Kinetics of peritoneal leukocytes was studied with a series of twelve injections of 3H-thymidine (20 μCi every 8 hr) in normal mice as well as mice injected with 106 tumor cells i.p. 2 hr after the last 3H-TdR injection. Animals were sacrificed at intervals up to 6 days. Granulocyte labeling in the blood as well as peritoneal space was near 100% in both groups of animals at all the intervals. Temporal changes in the labeling of lymphocytes (from 10% at 0 day to 22% at day 6), and monocytes (from 20% at 0 day to 57% at day 6) were identical in the blood and peritoneal space of normal animals, indicating a free exchange of cells between these compartments. Higher labeling indices than those in the controls were attained in the blood of tumor-bearing hosts (viz 40% for lymphocytes and 80% for monocytes at 6 days) suggesting an increased turnover of these cells in the circulation. In addition, peritoneal mononuclear cells of tumor-bearing mice showed even a higher labeling than those in the blood (viz 65% for lymphocytes and 92% for monocytes at 6 days) indicating a selective migration and/or retention of newly formed cells within the tumor, in contrast to a random migration into the normal peritoneal cavity. Furthermore, an identical labeling of macrophages to that of monocytes within the tumor indicated a short monocyte-macrophage transition. The preferential accumulation of young mononuclear cells into the tumor may be of functional importance.  相似文献   

Abstract— In this work we have studied the effect of afferent electrical stimulation (AES) of the contralateral brachial plexus on the release of glutamine and glutamate from the cat's brain into the cerebral venous blood, at rest and during continuous infusion of L-glutamine and sucrose solutions.
(1) In the resting state, before stimulation, there was a net outflow of glutamine from the brain into the cerebral venous blood, but no release of glutamic acid. (2) AES caused release of glutamate and increased 3.5-fold the release of glutamine. The increase in release of glutamine and glutamate was found to be reversed very shortly after stimulation. (3) Steady intravenous infusion of a 0.3 M-gluta-mine solution for 10 min changed the negative arterio-venous difference in glutamine to a positive one and increased the content in brain by 15×20%. In this case AES caused a singificant drop, to zero of the glutamine arterio-venous difference. (4) At the onset of pentamethylenetetrazole (PTZ) seizures, like AES, there was a significant reduction of the level of glutamine in the cats'cerebral cortex. This reduction vanished when the animals were infused with L-glutamine solution but not with 0.3 M-sucrose solution that was used as an inert electrolyte. (5) The kinetic behaviour of the glutamine transport is compatible with a carrier-mediated process, but not with passive diffusion.  相似文献   

武玮Lin 《动物学报》1995,41(2):173-180
用微电极细胞内记录技术研究了东方蝾螈胚胎表皮细胞膜的静电位、输入电阻与其兴奋性的关系,在兴奋性形成期间正常胚胎表皮细胞的静息膜电位逐渐增大,膜的输入电阻逐渐减小。与不显示兴奋性的离体非典型胚胎表皮细胞相比,显示兴奋性的膜电位较高,膜电阻较低。用葡萄糖处理非典型表皮,在兴奋性出现同时,细胞膜超极化,膜电阻减小。用哇巴因处理表皮囊泡,在兴奋性消失同时,细胞膜去极化。结果表明,细胞能量供应不足所造成的膜  相似文献   

DNA-synthesis (S) times of myelocytes and nucleated erythroid cells in the bone marrow of healthy mice as well as mice bearing advanced Ehrlich ascites tumors were measured with the aid of a combined in vivo-in vitro double isotope labeling technique. Neither the S-period nor the rate of proliferation of these cells were influenced by the presence of the tumor in these hosts. This finding discounts the possibility that the marked retardation of DNA-synthesis and proliferation rate observed in the tumor cells themselves with advancing tumor-age is a nonspecific effect of the nutritional deterioration in the host.  相似文献   

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