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Tobacco plants were grown in controlled-environment chambers with night/day temperatures of 10/15 C., 20/25 C., and 30/35 C., and with light durations of 6 hr, 12 hr, and 18 hr. Peroxidases and malate (NAD) dehydrogenases were extracted from green leaf tissue and analyzed for isozyme patterns by disc electrophoresis. A total of 18 anodic peroxidase bands were distinguishable—each alteration in a single environmental variable producing a different isozyme profile. Malate (NAD) dehydrogenase isozyme profiles resulting from each environmental condition exhibited at least four major components, but differences in daylength and temperature conditions changed the relative banding intensities and shifted migration rates of some bands. The physiological implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

NADP-malate dehydrogenase, a light-modulated enzyme of C4 photosynthesis, was purified to homogeneity from leaves of corn. The pure enzyme was activated by thioredoxin m that was reduced either photochemically (with ferredoxin and ferredoxin-thioredoxin reductase) or chemically (with dithiothreitol). Unactivated corn leaf NADP-malate dehydrogenase had a molecular weight of 50,000 to 60,000 and was chromophorefree. The enzyme appeared to have a high content of serine and glycine and to contain both S—S and SH groups. Consequently, NADP-malate dehydrogenase seems to be capable of undergoing reversible oxidation/reduction during its photoregulation.  相似文献   

Using butyl-TSK-gel chromatography, we purified NAD-malic enzyme(ME) (EC [EC] ), which is involved in C4 photosynthesis,to electrophoretic homogeneity, from leaves of Amaran-thus tricolor.Molecular weights of the native and SDS-denatured enzyme fromA. tricolor were 490 kDa and 61 kDa, respectively. During assayof the enzyme there was a slow reaction transient in the formof a lag before a steady-state rate was reached. The durationof this lag was inversely proportional to the concentrationof each substrate and the activator, fructose- 1,6-bis-phosphate(FBP). The optimal pH of the reaction fell with decreasing concentrationsof either malate or FBP. High pH prolonged the lag in reaction. Double reciprocal plots of the enzymatic activity as a functionof the concentration of malate yielded straight lines and didnot show any cooperativity for binding of malate. The enzymefrom A. tricolor was not inhibited by either HCO3 orCO2. At different concentrations of malate, the nature of theactivating effect of FBP was compared among the purified enzymesfrom A. tricolor and the C4 monocots Eleusine coracana and Panicumdichotomiflorum. At low levels of malate, FBP markedly stimulatedthe enzyme from each species. In contrast, at saturating levelsof malate, the response of enzymes to increasing concentrationsof FBP was different and depended on the source of enzyme. The immunochemical properties of the enzymes from the threespecies were compared using an enzyme-linked immunoadsorbentassay with antisera raised against the purified enzymes fromthe three species. Different cross-reactivities were observedamong the enzymes from different sources. The N-terminal aminoacid sequences of NAD-MEs from the three species were determinedand some differences were found among the three enzymes. 2Permanent address; Tohoku National Agricultural ExperimentStation, Morioka, 020-01 Japan. 3Permanent address; National Grassland Research Institute, Nishinasuno,Tochigi, 329-27 Japan. (Received December 12, 1988; Accepted February 17, 1989)  相似文献   

NADP malic enzyme (EC [EC] ) from leaves of two C4 speciesof Cyperus (C. rotundus and C. brevifolius var leiolepis) exihibiteda low level of activity in an assay mixture that contained lowconcentrations of Cl. This low level of activity wasmarkedly enhanced by increases in the concentration of NaClup to 200 mM. Since the activity of NADP malic enzyme was inhibitedby Na2SO4 and stimulated by relatively high concentration ofTris-HCl (50–100 mM, pH 7–8), the activation ofthe enzyme by NaCl appears to be due to Cl. Variationsin the concentration of Mg2+ affected the KA (the concentrationof activator giving half-maximal activation) for Cl,which decreased from 500 mM to 80 mM with increasing concentrationsof Mg2+ from 0.5 mM to 7 mM. The Km for Mg2+ was decreased from7.7 mM to 1.3 mM with increases in the concentration of NaClfrom zero to 200 mM, although the increase of Vmax was not remarkable.NADP malic enzyme from Cyperus, being similar to that from otherC4 species, was able to utilize Mn2+. The Km for Mn2+ was 5mM, a value similar to that for Mg2+. The addition of 91 mMNaCl markedly decreased the Km for Mn2+ to 20 +M. NADP malicenzyme from Setaria glauca, which contains rather less Clthan other C4 species, was inactivated by concentrations ofNaCl above 20 mM, although slight activation of the enzyme wasobserved at low concentrations of NaCl at pH7.6. (Received February 20, 1989; Accepted June 12, 1989)  相似文献   

NADP:malic enzyme from corn (Zea mays L.) leaves was purified by conventional techniques to apparent homogeneity as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Antibodies raised against this protein in rabbits were purified, coupled covalently to protein A-Sepharose CL-4B, and used as an immunoaffinity resin to purify the NADP:malic enzymes of the C3 plants spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), of the Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plant Bryophyllum daigremontianum R. Hamed et Perr. de la Bathie and the C4 plants corn, sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.), and Portulaca grandiflora L. Such procedures yielded homogeneous protein preparations with a single protein band, as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, except for P. grandiflora L. with two bands. The specific activities of the purified proteins ranged between 56 and 91 units (milligrams per protein). NADP:malic enzyme represented up to 1% of the total soluble protein in C4 plants, 0.5% in the CAM plant, and less than 0.01% in C3 plants. In immunotitration tests involving immunoprecipitation and immunoinhibition of activity by an antiserum against the corn leaf enzyme, the NADP:malic enzymes of corn and sugarcane showed virtually full identity of epitopes, while the NADP:malic enzymes of the C3 and CAM plants exhibited a cross-reaction of one-twentieth and one-fourth by these tests, respectively. The NADP:malic enzyme of P. grandiflora exhibited characteristics more closely related to the enzymes of C3 and CAM plants than to those of C4 plants.  相似文献   

RuBP carboxylase-oxygenase protein in three C3 species (Nicotianatabacum L., Solanum tuberosum L., Triticum aestivum L.) andthree C4 species (Panicum miliaceum L., Panicum texanum Buckl.,Zea mays L.) was quantitatively determined by sucrose densitygradient centrifugation and by immunochemical assay using antibodyraised to crystallized tobacco leaf RuBP carboxylase-oxygenase.The C3 species had 3- to 6-fold higher concentrations of RuBPcarboxylase-oxygenase than the C4 species when expressed oneither a chlorophyll or a leaf area basis. The C3 species alsoallocated a higher fraction of their total soluble protein tothis enzyme (from 25 to 60% for the C3 species compared to 8to 23% for the C4 species). There was no RuBP carboxylase-oxygenaseprotein or activity in the C4 mesophyll cells, while the enzymeconstituted from 20 to 40% of the total soluble protein in theC4 bundle sheath cells. A close correlation (r = +0·91)was found between catalytic activity and level of the enzymeprotein in the species examined.  相似文献   

Most Amelanchier arborea flowers have 10 ovules, but the number of filled (embryo-containing) seeds per fruit is usually less than 10 and is highly variable within each individual plant. Because fruit developmental time correlates with seed number, this variation in seed number results in asynchronous fruit ripening. Field experiments tested whether seed number was pollen- or resource-limited. Manipulation of resources in the shoot at the time of fruit initiation by defoliation, girdling, fruit thinning, or foliar feeding had no significant effect on seed number per fruit, although fruit set and seed weight were affected. Supplemental cross-pollination also had no demonstrable effect on seed number. Most ovules that do not become filled seeds are visible as small “undeveloped seeds”; these are not necessarily aborted seeds as this was also the fate of ovules in unpollinated carpels. Alternative hypotheses for the determination of seed number are proposed and discussed.  相似文献   

乳酸脱氢酶C4的精子免疫荧光定位特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用14个抗小鼠LDH-C4的单克隆抗体对小鼠、树鼯和人精子的LDH-C4进行了间接免疫荧光定位。结果显示:不同的单抗可以结合到小鼠精子表面不同的位置,其中PA1(K021)在尾部,PA2(K022)、PA4和PA5(K023)在中段和尾部,SM1、SM2和PG2的中段,SM3和SM4在顶体,SM5在顶体和赤道板。人和树鼯精子表面的LDH-C4也呈现类似的情况。这些研究表明精子表面的LDH-C4呈现  相似文献   

Clonal strains of the dinoflagellate Gymnodinium nolleri Ellegaard and Moestrup were intercrossed to determine if cyst‐related traits are genetically regulated and to clarify unknown aspects in the sexuality of this species. The objectives were to determine whether the parental identity influenced the physiological and morphological aspects of the cyst offspring, and to describe and compare nuclear development and cell division of encysting and non‐encysting zygotes. Variables characteristic of each parental cross (difference in growth rates among parents, cyst production (CP), and genetic distance (GD) among parents assessed via an amplified fragment length analysis analysis) were studied to seek for possible relationships of the parental crosses with some characteristics of the cyst offspring (cyst size, length of dormancy period, germination success, and germling viability (V)). A principal component analysis using these variables showed three main results: (1) the dormancy period of cysts responded to a simple pattern of inheritance, (2) the larger the GD between parents, the smaller the CP, and progeny V, and (3) the size of cysts was influenced by both CP and the parental strain identity. A stable inheritance of the short dormancy period (14.6±5.5 days), dominant over medium (31.0±8.5 days) and long periods (52.7±9.2 days), was confirmed through two subsequent generations of cysts. The regulation of the sexual processes by a multiple loci system is discussed based on the pattern of inheritance of the dormancy period and the number of sexual recombination events recorded within cultures with self‐CP capability. Fusion of the gamete nuclei happened 0–48 h after the total cytoplasmic fusion. The nucleus of the zygote was bilobed and had thick and distinct chromosomes. Similar processes of nuclear and cell division occurred in the non‐encysting or encysting planozygote, and were characterized by the loss of the chromosomal structure, an apparent increase of the DNA content, and the formation of thinner chromosomes.  相似文献   

The effects of vitamin B1 and B12, temperature, light intensity and photoperiod on dry weight production and zoosporogenesis of Cladophora glomerata (L.)Kütz. were investigated by factorial experiments. Statistical analysis showed all of the above factors to be significantly (P < 0.01) influenced by these two parameters. Zoosporogenesis appeared to be more sensitive to vitamin limitation than dry weight production. Dry weight production and zoosporogenesis exhibited significantly different maxima. Dry weight production was most strongly influenced by temperature whereas photoperiod exerted the strongest influence on zoosporogenesis. It was possible to experimentally separate the light intensity and photoperiod factors; analysis showed photoperiod to be the primary factor influencing zoosporogenesis. Among the conditions tested, an 8:16 h LD short day photoperiod elicited the greatest number of zoosporangia.  相似文献   

Growth, blade shape and blade thickness of young gametophytes of Porphyra abbottae Krishnamurthy cultured from conchospores were determined at various combinations of temperature (8, 10, 12° C), photon flux density (17.5, 70, 140 μmol·m-?2·S?1), nutrient concentration (5, 25, 50, 100% f medium) and water motion (0, 50, 100, 150 rpm). Growth (as surface area) was light-saturated at 70 μmol· m?2· S?1, light-inhabited at 140 μmol·m?2· S?1, and nutrient-saturated an 25% f medium. Temperature had no significant effect on growth. Water motion and nutrients had an interactive effect on growth, with water motion having the greatest effect at the lowest nutrient concentrations. Water motion enhanced growth even at saturating nutrient concentrations. Blade length / width ratio was greater in low light (2.5) than in saturating light (1.9); with increasing water motion the ratio increased from 1.2 to 2.4. Blade thickness (53-88 μm) was greatest at the highest nutrient concentrations and at the lowest water motion levels. Temperature and light did not have a consistent effect on blade thickness.  相似文献   

Humpback whale diving behavior changes subtly when exposed to signals transmitted from the Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate (ATOC) sound projector located 14 km offshore the island of Kauai. This study considered whether such responses would lead to changes in distribution and abundance. A land-based shore station measured humpback whale locations (scan samples) for both nearshore (<5 km) and offshore (5–10 km) areas. Control observations were made in 1994 and 1998. In 1998 multipleday blocks with ATOC transmissions were interspersed with multiple-day control blocks without transmissions. Sighting rates were higher in 1998 (ATOC) than in 1994 (control year), probably due to better sighting conditions, but may reflect increased population size. Sighting rates did not differ between control and ATOC conditions in 1998. A seasonal sighting peak was observed in both years. No vessel effect on sighting rate was detected in 1998.
There was no effect of ATOC on the distance from the shore station to whales, or the depth of water where pods were located. However, the distribution of whales shifted slightly eastward during the ATOC blocks and the mean distance between the ATOC source and pods was greater during transmissions. Nonetheless, more whales were found close to the source when it was on, suggesting a more variable response rather than simple avoidance, with whales found both closer to, and farther away from, the source during transmissions.  相似文献   

Leaves of three C4 plants, Setaria italica, Pennisetum typhoides,and Amaranthus paniculatus possessed five- to ten-fold higheractivities of a (Na+-K+)-dependent ATPase than those of twoC3 plants, Oryza sativa and Rumex vesicarius. Na+-K+ ATPasefrom leaves of Amarathus exhibited an optimal pH of 7?5 andan optimal temperature of 35 ?C. It required 40 mM K+ and 80mM Na+ for maximal activity. Ouabain partially inhibited (Na+-K+)-dependentATPase activity in leaves of C4 plants. Ouabain also blockedthe movement of label from initially formed C4 acids into endproducts in leaves of only C4 plants, Setaria and Amaranthusbut not in a C3 plant, Rumex. We propose that Na+-K+ ATPasemay mediate transfer of energy during active transport of C4acids from mesophyll into the bundle sheath.  相似文献   

The chlorophyll-based specific activity of cytochrome oxidase and three exclusively mitochondrial enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle showed little variation between leaves of C3 and C4 plants or between mesophyll and bundle sheath cells of Atriplex spongiosa and Sorghum bicolor. However, a large, light-dependent transfer of label from intermediates of the tricarboxylic acid cycle to photosynthetic products was a feature of leaves of C4 plants. This light-dependent transfer of label was barely detectable in leaves of C3 plants and in leaves of F1 and F3 hybrids of Atriplex rosea (C4) and Atriplex patula spp hastata (C3). The light-dependent transfer of label to photosynthetic products in leaves of C4 plants was inhibited by the tricarboxylic acid cycle inhibitors malonate and fluoroacetate. The requirement for continued tricarboxylic acid cycle activity was also indicated in experiments with specifically labeled succinate-14C. These experiments, together with the distribution of 14C in glucose prepared from sucrose-14C formed during the metabolism of succinate-2,3-14C, confirmed that the photosynthetic metabolism of malate and aspartate derived from the tricarboxylic acid cycle, and not the refixation of respiratory CO2, was the main path of carbon from the cycle to photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Geographic patterns of genetic variation (mitochondrial DNA [mtDNA] and allozymes) were used to examine effects of intrinsic characteristics (e.g., vagility, habitat specificity, and reproductive behaviors) and extrinsic factors (e.g., climatic and geological history) on population fragmentation. The three species of cyprinid fishes examined (Tiaroga cobitis, Meda fulgida, and Agosia chrysogaster) occupied similar historical ranges within the lower Colorado River drainage, but differ in intrinsic characteristics conducive to population fragmentation. Relationships among populations were similar across species, reflecting common historical influences, but results indicate the distribution of variation among species is strongly affected by intrinsic characteristics. Variation within two species (T. cobitis and M. fulgida) is subdivided among populations, suggesting little gene flow among rivers. In contrast, similarity of A. chrysogaster populations throughout the Gila River drainage supports the hypothesis that levels of gene flow are high for this species. Levels of mtDNA divergence were much higher than expected for both T. cobitis and A. chrysogaster suggesting long-term isolation of geographic regions. These results indicate that both long-term and short-term extrinsic factors have shaped basic patterns of variation within these fishes; however, the intrinsic characteristics of each species have strongly affected the population genetic structure of these fishes.  相似文献   

Factors affecting the circulation of haemopoietic stem cells (CFU) in the peripheral blood of mice were investigated. I.v. injection of sublethal doses of endotoxin, trypsin and proteinase appeared to raise the number of CFU per ml blood from about 30–40 to about 300–400 or more within 10 min. The effect was smaller when smaller doses of the substances were injected. After this initial rise the number of circulating cells returned to normal in a few hours. Following endotoxin there was a second rise which started 2–3 days after injection and attained a peak on the 6th–7th day. The first rise is explained as a mobilization of stem cells from their normal microenvironments into the blood stream; the second rise is considered to reflect proliferation of CFUs in the haemopoietic tissues. The spleen seems to be acting as an organ capturing CFUs from the blood and not as a source adding stem cells to the blood.
The early mobilization of CFU after endotoxin injection did not coincide with a mobilization of neutrophils. The number of circulating band cells was increased during the first hours.
The importance of 'open sites'in the haemopoietic tissue for capturing CFUs was studied by emptying these sites through a lethal X-irradiation and injecting normal bone marrow cells. When a greater number of syngeneic bone marrow cells was injected intravenously, the level of circulating CFU in irradiated mice was slightly lower than the level in unirradiated mice during the first hours.  相似文献   

Effects of serving size, gender, age, tea type, tea‐making technique and water quality on the sensory attributes (appearance, aroma and taste), overall acceptability and preference of Rooibos tea were investigated. In general, there were significant effects of age and main factor interactions on the attributes and product acceptability (P ≤ 0.05). The interaction of serving size, gender and age affected the acceptability of Rooibos (P ≤ 0.05). Although there was significant difference between natural and vanilla‐flavored tea in terms of color, clarity, odor and taste (P ≤ 0.05), no difference was observed in the product acceptability (P > 0.05). The tea‐making technique only affected the odor, with traditionally brewed tea having lower intensity scores than the infused tea. The tea prepared using natural spring water was found to be clearer and had higher acceptability scores than the tea prepared using tap water (P ≤ 0.05). There was no existing significant preference for the natural Rooibos over the vanilla‐flavored one, and the traditionally brewed tea over the infused one; however, the tea prepared using the spring water was preferred over the one prepared using tap water.  相似文献   

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