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Male cognition has gained recognition as an important potential player in sexual selection. A number of studies have found positive correlations between male sexual signals and cognitive performance an d/or female pref ere nces for males with better cog nitive performance, although other studies have not fou nd these relati on ships. Sex roles can differ dramatically, and sex differen ces in selection on cog nition likely follow from the different tasks associated with these sex roles. Here, using threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus, a species with clearly diverge nt sex roles and mutual mate choice, we focus on the cognitive trait inhibitory control because males must differentially respond to reproductive females versus other sticklebacks while defending territories and refrain from eating eggs and fry while performing paternal care. We presented fish with a detour task four times over a period of 7 days, allowing us to assess initial inhibitory control and improvement over time. We ask 1) whether there are sex differences in inhibitory control and 2) whether male mate choice is associated with female inhibitory control. Although males outperformed females on three different measures of detour task performance across four trials, these differences were largely explained by males being less neophobic than females. Females took more trials to successfully solve the detour task, even after accounting for sex differences in neophobia. Female cognitive abilities, however, were unrelated to the vigor with which males courted them. The equivocal results regarding sex differences in cognitive ability suggest further study given the very different selection pressures each sex experiences.  相似文献   

I review evidence that females deceive males in the context of sexual selection and sexual conflict in the green poison frog, Dendrobates auratus. In this species, males mate polygynously when they have the opportunity, but polygyny imposes a cost on female reproductive success. Some females attempt to guard their mates when those males are approached by other fe- males. This behavior involves both aggression toward other females and active "pseudo-courtship" of the male. This courtship is hypothesized to be a deceptive signal that ffmctions to prevent the male from mating with other females. Observational and com- parative evidence is presented in support of the predictions of this hypothesis. This form of deception is compared to similar be- haviors that occur in other species, and the possibility that other forms of deception occur in poison frogs is discussed  相似文献   

A sex difference in the penetration of selenium into the brain was observed using lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-injected mice. The selenium concentration increased in the brains of sodium selenite-injected LPS-treated female mice, but not males. The selenium concentration peaked when selenite was injected 3 h after the injection of LPS into female mice. In addition, selenium in the brain increased when a dosage of 30 μmol/kg and more of selenite was injected into LPS-treated female mice. Also, the selenium concentration in the brain increased and peaked 2–3 h after selenite injection; 24 h later, the level was similar to the Se-only group. The penetration of selenium into the brain was inhibited by pretreatment with aminoguanidine, an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthetase. From the present results, selenium more easily penetrated into the brains of female mice compared to males after LPS treatment, and nitric oxide may have affected the penetration. However, the sex difference mechanism for selenium penetration needs further investigation.  相似文献   

Nonlinear phenomena are commonly shown in the vocalization of animals and exerts different adaptive functions.Although some studies have pointed out that nonlinear phenomena can enhance the individual identification of male Odorrana tormota,whether the nonlinear phenomena play a specific role in the sexual selection of O.tormota remain unclear.Here we presented evidence that there was a significant negative correlation(Pearson:n=30,r=0.65,P<0.001)between the nonlinear phenomena content and snout-vent length in the male O.tormota,and two-choice amplexus experiments showed that female O.tormota preferred male with smaller body size containing higher nonlinear phenomena content in its calls.Phonotaxis experiments also revealed that females preferred calls with higher nonlinear phenomena content.Additionally,compared to the calls with lower nonlinear phenomena content and higher fundamental frequency,there was shorter response time in phonotactic behaviour of female induced by the calls with higher nonlinear phenomena content and lower fundamental frequency.We argue that the nonlinear phenomena content in the calls of male O.tormota can convey its body size information and may provide important clues for female frogs in darkened surroundings to identify males’body size during mate choice,meanwhile,higher nonlinear phenomena content in males’calls may increase the attractiveness of males to females.The results of this study provide confirmation that,for O.tormota,nonlinear phenomena have specific function in mate choice.  相似文献   

Acoustic communication in many anuran species can show the effects of both natural and sexual selection. This is reflected in the sexually dimorphic an atomy of the lary nx and ear structures, as well as the allometric relationship of these morphological traits to head or body size. In this study, we examined laryngeal and ear structures of cricket frogs Acris crepitans not only as sexually dimorphic characteristics, but also as they differ across populations in environmentally different habitats. We used 2-way ANOVA to determine whether the volumetric or linear measurements of these structures differed by sex and population. Females have significantly larger body, head, and ear sizes, but significantly smaller larynges than males. Furthermore, females as well as males show larger body and head sizes, ears, and larynges in a dryer open habitat. An ANCOVA analysis shows that males, but not females, differ in laryngeal size across populations beyond the allometric changes attributable to head size alone indicating that males have a greater degree of laryngeal population variation. In contrast, our covariate analysis found that in both sexes many of the ear differences are non-sigrdficant once head size is accounted for, suggesting that most of the population-level ear variation is due to allometric effects of body size. We conclude that although both sexes show size differences in the larynx related to selection for larger body size in dry, open habitats, selection on males for larger larynx size related to the production of lower frequency calls in those habitats does not result in correlated changes in the female larynx. The results suggest that in anurans, selection for changes in body and head size affects both sexes equally, male calls and the vocal structures responsible for them can further diversify without concordant changes in females.  相似文献   

Boldness is defined as the tendency of an individual to take risks when exposed to novel objects or situations. The main aim of this work was to dilucidate if boldness was related to the development of the secondary sexual traits (SSTs) in the male of the fiver blenny Salariafluviatilis, a freshwater fish which takes care of eggs. As a second objective SSTs effect on pa rental status adoption was also be explored. Wild young fish were caught in the Segre River (Ebro basin) in November 2010. Fish were kept in five aquaria in groups of eight males and eight females with artificial nests. Boldness (boldness score and hesitancy) of males (initially with little SSTs development) was tested as the time required to exit a refuge when exposed to a new environ ment. Fish were mantained in the same aquaria for several months, and males' SSTs development and reproductive behaviour were monitored. Boldness score was negatively associated to cephalic crest development. Hesitancy was negatively related to male length and was also influenced by the interaction between male length and cephalic crest. Parental status acquisition was positively related to the male's length, marginally related to anal gland development, and nonrelated to cephalic crest. These re sults suggest an intrasexual role of the crest as an informative trait of boldness (honest signal) which might not necessarily be chosen by the females. It is also discussed that correlational selection could be responsible for linking boldness and growth rate in this species. Sexual selection, in addition to having directed the evolution of secondary sexual traits, might have favored certain personality traits (e.g. boldness) associated with the achievement of a larger body length .  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is a general phenomenon in lizards, and can evolve through sexual selection or natural selection. But natural selection, which was thought to operate mainly through reducing the competition be- tween the two sexes (niche divergence hypothesis), gave rise to a lot of controversy. We tested the niche divergence hypothesis in the toad-headed lizard Phrynocephalus przewalskii by comparing diet composition and prey sizes between males and females. The species was found to be sexual dimorphic, with males having relatively larger snout-vent length, head width, head length, and tail length, while females have relatively larger abdomen length. Based on analysis of 93 studied stomachs, a total of 1359 prey items were identified. The most common prey items were formicid, lygaeid and tenebrionid. The two sexes did not differ in the relative proportions of prey size categories they consumed and the dietary overlap based on prey species was high (O = 0.989). In addition, the meal size, the volume or any maximal dimension of the largest prey item in the stomach was not explained by the sexes. According to our results, food niche divergence might not play an important role in the SSD evolution ofP. przewalskii.  相似文献   

Males of the nursery web spider Pisaura mirabil usually offer an insect prey wrapped in white silk as a nuptial gift to facilitate copulation. Males exploit female foraging preferences in a sexual context as females feed on the gift during copula- tion. It is possible for males to copulate without a gift, however strong female preference for the gift leads to dramatically higher mating success for gift-giving males. Females are polyandrous, and gift-giving males achieve higher mating success, longer copulations, and increased sperm transfer that confer advantages in sperm competition. Intriguingly, field studies show that ap- proximately one third of males carry a worthless gift consisting of dry and empty insect exoskeletons or plant fragments wrapped in white silk. Silk wrapping disguises gift content and females are able to disclose gift content only after accepting and feeding on the gift, meanwhile males succeed in transferring sperm. The evolution of deceit by worthless gift donation may be favoured by strong intra-sexual competition and costs of gift-construction including prey capture, lost foraging opportunities and investment in silk wrapping. Females that receive empty worthless gifts terminate copulation sooner, which reduces sperm transfer and likely disadvantages males in sperm competition. The gift-giving trait may thus become a target of sexually antagonistic co-evolution, where deceit by worthless gifts leads to female resistance to the trait. We discuss factors such as female mating rate and intensity of sperm competition that may shape the evolution of male deception, and how ecological factors may influence the evolution and maintenance of worthless gifts as an evolutionarily stable alternative mating strategy by frequency dependent selection  相似文献   

Sexual conflict in producing and raising offspring is a critical issue in evolutionary ecology research.Individual experience affects their breeding performance,as measured by such traits of provisioning of offspring and engagement in extra-pair copulations,and may cause an imbalance in sexual conflict.Thus,divorce is hypothesized to occur within aged social pairs,irrespective of current reproductive success.This concept was explored in the azure-winged magpie Cyanopica cyanus by investigating the divorce of a social pair and its relationship to their changes in breeding performance with prior experience.Females engaging in extra-pair copulation may intensify sexual conflicts and may be the main reason for divorce.Once divorced,females repairing with an inexperienced male realized higher reproductive success than that repairing with an experienced male;males repairing with an experienced female realized higher reproductive success than that repairing with an inexperienced female.This finding indicates that the fitness consequence of divorce depends on the breeding experience of new mates.Divorced females can obtain more extra-pair copulations,whereas divorced males cannot,when they repair with inexperienced breeders.Divorced females provisioned a brood at lower rates than inexperienced females whereas divorced males had no such difference.It appears that divorced females can obtain an advantage in sexual conflicts with inexperienced mates in future reproduction.Consequently,females are probably more active than males in divorcing their aged mates so as to select an inexperienced male as a new mate.Azure-winged magpies thus provide novel insights into the implicaticns of sexual conflict in birds.  相似文献   

<正> The Pyrenean chamois Rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica is a mountain-dwelling ungulate with an extensive presencein open areas. Optimal group size results from the trade off between advantages (a reduction in the risk of predation) and disadvantages(competition between members of the herd) of group living. In addition, advantages and disadvantages of group livingmay vary depending on the position of each individual within the herd. Our objective was to study the effect of central vs. peripheralposition in the herd on feeding and vigilance behavior in male and female Pyrenean chamois and to ascertain if a group sizeeffect existed. We used focal animal sampling and recorded social interactions when a focal animal was involved. With males,vigilance rate was higher in the central part of the group than at the periphery, probably due to a higher density of animals in thecentral part of the herd and a higher probability of being disturbed by conspecifics. With females, vigilance rate did not differ accordingto position in the herd. Females spent more time feeding than males, and males showed a higher frequency of the vigilancebehavior than females. We did not observe a clear relationship between group size and vigilance behavior. The differencesin vigilance behavior might be due to social interactions  相似文献   

Ecological variation in resources can in flue nee the distributi on and en counter rates of potential mates and competitors and, con sequently, the opport unity for sexual selection. Factors that influence the likelihood that females mate multiply could also affect the potential for sperm competition. In Wellington tree weta (Hemideina crassidens, plural "weta"), the size of tree cavities (called galleries) used as refuges affects weta distribution and thus the opport unity for sexual selection and selection on male weaponry size. We examined the predicted effects of gallery size and male weap onry size on the potential for sperm competition. We asked if gallery size in flue need the potential for multiple mating by females and potential for sperm competition, if male weaponry size was associated with relative expected sperm competition intensity (SCI), and if estimated male mating success was correlated with pote ntial SCI. To qua ntify relative competitive envir on merits of males, we created and analyzed networks of potential competitors based on which males could have mated with the same females. We found that small galleries had higher potential for female multiple mating and higher potential for sperm competition. Size of male weaponry was not associated with expected relative SCI. Regardless of gallery size, males with more potential mates were expected to face lower expected relative sperm competition. Thus, in this system, variation in the size of available refuges is likely to in flue nee the pote ntial for sperm competiti on, in a way that we might expect to in crease variation in overall reproductive success.  相似文献   

In many species, males signal quality with elaborate traits, but females often show inter-individual variation in pref ere nee for these traits. Choosi ng a mate requires multiple cog nitive steps;therefore, cog nitive style (how an in dividual processes information) likely in fluences the perception of sexual signals and ability to choose a high-quality mate. An important component of cognitive style is flexibility;cognitively flexible individuals are more perceptive to shifts in cues. We hypothesized that cognitively flexible individuals would acquire more information about potential mates, better discern between two quality-signaling traits, and thus be more discriminatory. Here, we show that mate assessment is correlated to other cognitive traits. Although we did not detect an effect of cogn itive style on mate pref ere nee or discriminatio n, we found that female threespi ne sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus that spent more time assessing potential mates (more responsive) in a dichotomous mate choice task reached both the initial and reversal learning criterion in a spatial learning task with fewer errors. However, these highly responsive females made more consecutive mistakes immediately at the beginning of the reversal phase, suggest!ng that they did not quickly adapt to the en vironmental cha nge but in stead rapidly formed strict routi nes duri ng the learning task that were eventually reversible after repeated errors. Furthermore, we found evidenee for condition-dependent mate pref ere nee, with larger females preferring the high-quality male. These are among the first results that illustrate how cog nitive traits might in flue nee mate choice, which has implicati ons for the st re ngth and di recti on of sexual selection.  相似文献   

It has been documented that social isolation imparts deleterious effects on gregarious rodents species, but caging in group imparts such effects on solitary rodents. This study was attempted at examining how kinship to affect body weight, behavioral interaction, mate choice and fitness when we caged male and female rat-like hamsters Tscheskia triton in pair, a solitary species. We found that females paired with nonsibling males became heavier than the females paired with sibling males, but both agonistic and amicable behavior between paired males and females did not differ between sibling and nonsibling groups. This indicated that kinship might reduce females' obesity in response to forced cohabitation, and dissociation might exist between physiological and behavioral responses. Furthermore, binary choice tests revealed that social familiarity between either siblings or nonsiblings decreased their investigating time spent in opposite sex conspeeifie of cage mates and/or their scents as compared with those of nonmates, suggesting effects of social association on mate and kin selection of the hamsters. On the other side, both females and males caged in pair with siblings show a preference between unfamiliar siblings or their scents and the counterparts of nonsiblings after two month separation, indicating that the kin recognition of the hamsters might also rely on phenotype matching. In addition, cohabitation (or permanent presence of fathers) elicited a lower survival of pups in nonsibling pairs than sibling pairs, but did not affect litter size, suggesting that kinship affects fitness when housing male and female ratlike hamsters together. Therefore, inbreeding might be adapted for rare and endangered animals.  相似文献   

We investigated the structure and seasonality of the proximity network in a group of polygynous western black crested gibbons (Nomascus concolor) using social network analysis. The spatial proximity changed seasonally and was affected by temperature and rainfall. Preferred proximity association was not distributed randomly among individuals. Kinship was one explanation for the social structure, as offspring preferred to maintain close proximity with their mothers. The proximity of infants to mothers decreased with age, and independent offspring had lower proximity to mothers than dependent ones. We found that the adult male had different proximity relationships with two different adult females. The frequency of proximity between the male and the infant-carrying female was significantly higher than that between the male and the female who had immigrated carrying one offspring of uncertain paternity into the group. Infanticide avoidance and/or predation protection for dependent infants might explain the proximity relationship differences. Temperature influenced group proximity association, with individual proximity increasing in the cold months and decreasing in the hot months. Group proximity decreased in months with higher anthropogenic disturbance.  相似文献   

Pollen limitation and resource limitation were invoked to account for the pattern that flowering plants produce more flowers and ovules than fruits and seeds. This study aimed to determine their relative importance in Veratrum nigrum, a self-compatible, perennial, andromonoecious herb. In order to determine whether female production was limited by pollen grains on stigmas or by available resources, we performed supplemental hand pollination in three populations, male-flower-bud removal in three other populations, and emasculation of hermaphroditic flowers in still another population, resulting in a total of seven populations experimentally manipulated. Across the three populations, supplemental hand pollination did not significantly increase fruit set, seed number per fruit, and total seed production per individual, nor did emasculation of hermaphroditic flowers. Taken together, our results suggest that pollen grains deposited on stigmas were abundant enough to fertilize all the ovules. Male-flower-bud removal significantly increased the mean size of hermaphroditic flowers in all three populations. Female reproductive success was increased in one population, but not in the other two populations possibly due to heavy flower/seed predation. We concluded that the female reproductive success of V. nigrum was not limited by pollen grains but by available resources, which is consistent with Bateman's principle. Furthermore, the female reproduction increase of male-flower-bud removal individuals might suggest a trade-off between male and female sexual functions.  相似文献   

We studied sexual dimorphism and female reproduction in an oviparous forest skink(Sphenomorphus incognitus)from South China.We incubated eggs under five thermal regimes(22,25,28,25±3 and 27±5°C)to examine the effects of constant versus fluctuating temperatures on incubation length and hatchling morphology.In our sample the largest male and female were 110 mm and 108 mm snout-vent length(SVL),respectively.Adult males and females did not differ in mean SVL;adult males were larger in head size(both length and width),longer in foreand hind-limb lengths and shorter in abdomen length than females of the same SVL.Accordingly,we conclude that S.incognitus is a sexually monomorphic species in terms of SVL but shows sexual dimorphism in head size,abdomen length and appendage length.Females laid a single clutch of 3-10 eggs per breeding season from early May to midAugust,with larger females generally laying more(but not always larger)eggs per clutch than did smaller ones.Embryonic stages at laying ranged from Dufaure and Hubert's(1961)stage 31 to 32,with a mean stage of 31.3.The positive relationship between clutch mass and female SVL was not significant.The offspring size-number trade-off does not exist in S.incognitus,as revealed by the fact that egg mass was independent of relative fecundity.Incubation length decreased as temperature increased,and stable temperatures resulted in delayed hatching.Hatchlings incubated under the five thermal regimes did not differ from each other in any examined trait,suggesting that S.incognitus is among oviparous reptilian species where incubation temperature has no role in modifying hatchling morphology as long as eggs are not exposed to extreme temperatures for prolonged periods of time.  相似文献   

The population characteristics of distylous species are highly sensitive to stochastic natural selection pressure.Therefore,populations growing under different environmental conditions may vary in floral morph ratios,potentially affecting female fitness and leading to inbreeding depression.However,the variation in offspring quality among populations as a result of inbreeding depression is poorly understood in distylous species.This study investigates variations in plant density,seed mass,seed viabilityfemale fitness,and post-dispersal inbreeding depression in both sexual morphs(long-styled and shortstyled plants)of the distylous Primula nivalis that were subjected to different pollination treatments along an elevational gradient from 1657 to 2704 m a.s.l.Population characteristics(morph plant density and ratio)and fruit set were significantly affected by sexual morph and elevation.Plant density and fruitset frequencies were lower for short-styled than for long-styled plants at 2704 m a.s.l.The seeds from the cross-pollinated flowers of both morphs were higher in quality than those of self-pollinated flowers.The female fitness of seeds from cross-pollinated flowers of both morphs was higher than that of seeds from open-pollinated and self-pollinated flowers.The female fitness of seeds from long-styled flowers was higher than that of seeds from short-styled flowers at all elevations.Inbreeding depression increased with elevation among plants with short-styled flowers but not among those with long-styled flowers.Variation in the elevation-dependent mating system might influence female fitness and affect inbreeding depression in both floral morphs.In conclusion,the low quality of seeds from short-styled flowers at high elevations might decrease short-styled flower frequency,affecting population characteristics.  相似文献   

Vocalizations play a critical role in mate recognition and mate choice in a number of taxa, especially, but not limited to, orthopterans, frogs, and birds. But receivers can only recognize and prefer sounds that they can hear. Thus a fundamental question linking neurobiology and sexual selection asks-what is the threshold for detecting acoustic sexual displays? In this study, we use 3 methods to assess such thresholds in tdngara frogs: behavioral responses, auditory brainstem responsesz and multi unit electrophysiological recordi ngs from the midbrain.We show that thresholds are lowest for multiunit recordings (ca. 45 dB SPL), and then for behavioral responses (ca. 61 dB SPL), with auditory brainstem responses exhibiting the highest thresholds (ca. 71 dB SPL). We discuss why these estimates differ and why, as with other studies, it is unlikely that they should be the same. Although all of these studies estimate thresholds they are not measuring the same thresholds;behavioral thresholds are based on signal salienee whereas the 2 neural assays estimate physiological thresholds. All 3 estimates, however, make it clear that to have an appreciation for detection and salienee of acoustic signals we must listen to those signals through the ears of the receivers.  相似文献   

Methoprene (an analogue of juvenile hormone) application and feeding on a protein diet is known to enhance male melon fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae Coquillett (Diptera: Tephritidae), mating success. In this study, we investigated the effect of these treatments on male B. cucurbitae's ability to inhibit female remating. While 14-d-old females were fed on protein diet, 6-d-old males were exposed to one of the following treatments: (i) topical application of methoprene and fed on a protein diet; (ii) no methoprene but fed on a protein diet; (iii) methoprene and sugar-fed only; and (iv) sugar-fed, 14-d-old males acted as controls. Treatments had no effect on a male's ability to depress the female remating receptivity in comparison to the control. Females mated with protein-deprived males showed higher remating receptivity than females first mated with protein-fed males. Methoprene and protein diet interaction had a positive effect on male mating success during the first and second mating of females. Significantly more females first mated with sugar-fed males remated with protein-fed males and females first mated with methoprene treated and protein-fed males were more likely to remate with similarly treated males. Females mating latency (time to start mating) was significantly shorter with protein-fed males, and mating duration was significantly longer with protein-fed males compared with protein-deprived males. These results are discussed in the context of methoprene and/or dietary protein as prerelease treatment of sterile males in area-wide control of melon fly integrating the sterile insect technique (SIT).  相似文献   

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