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The novel Australian sequestrate species Lepiota geogenia is described and illustrated. It is characterized by globose to subglobose sporocarps that stain pale yellow with handling, and fusiform, asymmetric spores. Lepiota geogenia is a member of sect. Lepiota, to which the sequestrate western American Cryptolepiota spp, Lepiota viridigleba, and the European slightly secotioid L. sardoa also belong. We place the Cryptolepiota species within Lepiota, and provide two new names and one new combination.  相似文献   

Biology Bulletin - In our ongoing efforts to inventory the lepiotaceous fungi of Pakistan, we here report on two species, new to Pakistan: Lepiota cingulum is also new to Asia, and L. oreadiformis....  相似文献   

The current classification of the Monocotylidae (Monogenea) is based on a phylogeny generated from morphological characters. The present study tests the morphological phylogenetic hypothesis using molecular methods. Sequences from domains C2 and D1 and the partial domains C1 and D2 from the 28S rDNA gene for 26 species of monocotylids from six of the seven subfamilies were used. Trees were generated using maximum parsimony, neighbour joining and maximum likelihood algorithms. The maximum parsimony tree, with branches showing less than 70% bootstrap support collapsed, had a topology identical to that obtained using the maximum likelihood analysis. The neighbour joining tree, with branches showing less than 70% support collapsed, differed only in its placement of Heterocotyle capricornensis as the sister group to the Decacotylinae clade. The molecular tree largely supports the subfamilies established using morphological characters. Differences are primarily how the subfamilies are related to each other. The monophyly of the Calicotylinae and Merizocotylinae and their sister group relationship is supported by high bootstrap values in all three methods, but relationships within the Merizocotylinae are unclear. Merizocotyle is paraphyletic and our data suggest that Mycteronastes and Thaumatocotyle, which were synonymized with Merizocotyle after the morphological cladistic analysis, should perhaps be resurrected as valid genera. The monophyly of the Monocotylinae and Decacotylinae is also supported by high bootstrap values. The Decacotylinae, which was considered previously to be the sister group to the Calicotylinae plus Merizocotylinae, is grouped in an unresolved polychotomy with the Monocotylinae and members of the Heterocotylinae. According to our molecular data, the Heterocotylinae is paraphyletic. Molecular data support a sister group relationship between Troglocephalus rhinobatidis and Neoheterocotyle rhinobatidis to the exclusion of the other species of Neoheterocotyle and recognition of Troglocephalus renders Neoheterocotyle paraphyletic. We propose Troglocephalus incertae sedis. An updated classification and full species list of the Monocotylidae is provided.  相似文献   

The current classification of the Monocotylidae (Monogenea) is based on a phylogeny generated from morphological characters. The present study tests the morphological phylogenetic hypothesis using molecular methods. Sequences from domains C2 and D1 and the partial domains C1 and D2 from the 28S rDNA gene for 26 species of monocotylids from six of the seven subfamilies were used. Trees were generated using maximum parsimony, neighbour joining and maximum likelihood algorithms. The maximum parsimony tree, with branches showing less than 70% bootstrap support collapsed, had a topology identical to that obtained using the maximum likelihood analysis. The neighbour joining tree, with branches showing less than 70% support collapsed, differed only in its placement of Heterocotyle capricornensis as the sister group to the Decacotylinae clade. The molecular tree largely supports the subfamilies established using morphological characters. Differences are primarily how the subfamilies are related to each other. The monophyly of the Calicotylinae and Merizocotylinae and their sister group relationship is supported by high bootstrap values in all three methods, but relationships within the Merizocotylinae are unclear. Merizocotyle is paraphyletic and our data suggest that Mycteronastes and Thaumatocotyle, which were synonymized with Merizocotyle after the morphological cladistic analysis, should perhaps be resurrected as valid genera. The monophyly of the Monocotylinae and Decacotylinae is also supported by high bootstrap values. The Decacotylinae, which was considered previously to be the sister group to the Calicotylinae plus Merizocotylinae, is grouped in an unresolved polychotomy with the Monocotylinae and members of the Heterocotylinae. According to our molecular data, the Heterocotylinae is paraphyletic. Molecular data support a sister group relationship between Troglocephalus rhinobatidis and Neoheterocotyle rhinobatidis to the exclusion of the other species of Neoheterocotyle and recognition of Troglocephalus renders Neoheterocotyle paraphyletic. We propose Troglocephalus incertae sedis. An updated classification and full species list of the Monocotylidae is provided.  相似文献   

Recent studies based on molecular data (18S rDNA and partial 28S rDNA) and morphology did not resolve a terminal polytomy within the Polyopisthocotylea. Here, we have used sequences from the full domain D2 of the 28S rDNA for 24 species (18 new sequences) with three phylogenetic methods, maximum parsimony, neighbour-joining and maximum likelihood, to infer the relationships among the Polyopisthocotylea. The analysis of the domain D2 of the 28S rDNA has been performed on two data sets. The first one, complete, included the Polystomatidae as the outgroup in order to infer general relationships, and the second one, reduced, excluded the Polystomatidae and the polyopisthocotylean parasites of chondrichthyans, but used the Mazocraeidae as the outgroup in order to resolve the relationships between the terminal groups. The topology found, sustained by high bootstrap and decay index value, is: (outgroup (Chimaericolidae (Mazocraeidae (Gastrocotylinea, other Polyopisthocotylea)))). The polyopisthocotylean parasites of chondrichthyans are the sister-group of the polyopisthocotylean parasites of teleosts. In the latter, the Mazocraeidae, essentially parasites of Clupeidae, have a basal position. The polytomy between Gastrocotylinea, Discocotylinea and Microcotylinea is partially resolved in this study for the first time: the Gastrocotylinea are the sister-group of an unresolved group including the Microcotylinea, Discocotylinea and Plectanocotylidae. Inclusion of the Plectanocotylidae in the suborder Mazocraeinea is rejected. Monophyly of the Microcotylinea and Plectanocotylidae is confirmed, but monophyly of the Discocotylinea is questioned by the exclusion of Diplozoon.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the phylogenetic relationships among tick lineages has been limited by the lack of resolution provided by the most commonly used phylogenetic markers. Mitochondrial genomes are increasingly used to address controversial phylogenetic relationships. To date, the complete mitochondrial genomes of eleven tick species have been sequenced; however, only three of these species are metastriate ticks, the most speciose lineage of ticks. In this study, we present the nucleotide sequences of the complete mitochondrial genomes of five more species of metastriate ticks: Amblyomma elaphense, Amblyomma fimbriatum, Amblyomma sphenodonti, Bothriocroton concolor and Bothriocroton undatum. We use complete mitochondrial genome sequences to address the phylogenetic placement of two morphologically 'primitive' species -Am. elaphense and Am. sphenodonti - with respect to the genus Amblyomma. Our analysis of these five mitochondrial genomes with the other eleven tick mitochondrial genomes, as well as analysis of nuclear rRNA genes, provides strong evidence that the genus Amblyomma is polyphyletic with the inclusion of Am. sphenodonti and Am. elaphense. A new genus or two new genera may be required to describe Am. sphenodonti and Am. elaphense. It is also possible that these two species are sisters to two established genera, Bothriocroton in the case of Am. sphenodonti, and Haemaphysalis in the case of Am. elaphense. However, other arrangements of these taxa cannot be excluded with the current data. Thus, while Am. sphenodonti and Am. elaphense do not belong in the genus Amblyomma, the phylogenetic placement of these two species cannot be resolved without more data from metastriate ticks, either greater sampling of mitochondrial genomes, or a large data set of nuclear genes.  相似文献   

SSU rDNA was sequenced from the lichenized fungiBunodophoron scrobiculatum andLeifidium tenerum (Sphaerophoraceae), andStereocaulon ramulosum andPilophorus acicularis (Stereocaulaceae) and analysed by maximum parsimony with 44 homologous ascomycete sequences in a cladistic study. A small insertion (c. 60 nt.) was found in the sequence ofLeifidium tenerum. Sphaerophoraceae constitutes a strongly supported monophyletic group which groups together withLecanora dispersa and theStereocaulaceae. Together withPorpidia crustulata, this larger group is a sistergroup to thePeltigerineae. This analysis thus supports theLecanorales as monophyletic, includingSphaerophoraceae and thePeltigerineae, but does not provide strong support for this monophyly. The analysis also suggests that the prototunicate ascus in theSphaerophoraceae is a reversion to the plesiomorphic state. Based on morphological, anatomical and chemical reasons,Sphaerophoraceae is proposed to belong to one of the groups presently included in the paraphyletic suborderCladoniineae within theLecanorales.  相似文献   

The 28S rDNA from nine species of the genus Syphacia collected in Japan was sequenced, and the phylogenetic relationship was inferred from multiple sequence alignment of 28S rDNA by the MAFFT program. Phylogenetic tree indicates that S. petrusewiczi, which was the only species belonging to the subgenus Seuratoxyuris, has diverged earlier than other rodent pinworms examined and was distantly separated from the others genetically. It was revealed that S. agraria and S. vandenbrueli, whose subgeneric status has not been specified, belonged to the subgenus Syphacia together with other 6 species. Syphacia montana from Clethrionomys, Eothenomys and Microtus was very closely related to S. obvelata from Mus, and that S. frederici from Apodemus and S. vandenbrueli from Micromys were comparatively closely related to the former two species. The phylogenetic relationship among the three species of Syphacia found in Japanese Apodemus was inconsistent with the biogeography of host rodents. The co-evolutionary relationship between pinworm species and their host rodents may not be so strict and host switching has probably occurred frequently during the course of evolution.  相似文献   

The coprophilous myxomycete Kelleromyxa fimicola (Dearn. & Bisby) Eliasson was first described in 1929 as Licea fimicola Dearn. & Bisby. Based on the superficial resemblance of its sporocarps to those of Licea biforis, the species was placed within the Liceales, an order assigned by molecular phylogenies to the bright-spored clade of myxomycetes. However, detailed studies of the morphology and life cycle of K. fimicola revealed several characters of the dark-spored order Physarales. To elucidate the systematic position of Kelleromyxa, we obtained three partial and one complete sequence of the SSU rDNA, which demonstrated a clear relationship of K. fimicola to the order Physarales. However, the obtained sequences are not closely related to any of the two known families of Physarales, supporting the erection of a monotypic family for this species. Along with morphological observations, our data support the exclusion of K. fimicola from the order Liceales and placement among the order Physarales within the dark-spored clade of myxomycetes.  相似文献   

Taxonomic relationships within the corals and anemones (Phylum Cnidaria: Class Anthozoa) are based upon few morphological characters. The significance of any given character is debatable, and there is little fossil record available for deriving evolutionary relationships. We analyzed complete 18S ribosomal sequences to examine subclass-level and ordinal-level organization within the Anthozoa. We suggest that the Subclass Ceriantipatharia is not an evolutionarily relevant grouping. The Order Corallimorpharia appears paraphyletic and closely related to the Order Scleractinia. The 18S rRNA gene may be insufficient for establishing robust phylogenetic hypotheses concerning the specific relationships of the Corallimorpharia and the Ceriantharia and the branching sequence for the orders within the Hexacorallia. The 18S rRNA gene has sufficient phylogenetic signal, however, to distinguish among the major groupings within the Class Anthozoa, and we use this information to suggest relationships for the enigmatic taxa Dactylanthus and Dendrobrachia.  相似文献   

Hordeum (Poaceae, Triticeae) occurs with 31 species worldwide in temperate regions, with the exception of Australasia. About 50% of the species are polyploids (4x, 6x) or occur as di- and polyploid forms. To analyze the phylogenetic relationships among diploid and polyploid taxa of the genus the nuclear rDNA internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) was analyzed for 91 accessions, representing all Hordeum species, together with 10 outgroup species. PCR products were either directly sequenced (outgroups) or cloned and eight clones per individual were analyzed. Phylogenetic analysis revealed four major clades that concur with the four genome groups in Hordeum (H, I, Xa, and Xu). Allopolyploids, putative autopolyploids, and species groups within the closely related H-genome clade could be identified. The ITS data indicate times of independent evolution of paralogous rDNA clusters on different chromosomes intermitted by sweeps of homogenization among these clusters and bi-directional homogenization of the clusters in diploids. Penalized likelihood analysis revealed an age of about 12 million years (my) for the genus and indicated the start of a rapid radiation in the H-genome group about 2.5 my ago in South America and Asia.  相似文献   

 Sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer of the 18S-5.8S-26S rDNA (ITS-1) region was performed in order to analyse the phylogenetic relationships of eleven taxa of cultivated and wild rye species. The ITS regions were amplified using designed primers. At least ten positive clones of each taxonomic unit were sequenced and compared. Two different ITS sequences were found in three taxa: Secale sylvestre Host, Secale strictum ssp. kuprijanovii Grossh. and Secale strictum ssp. africanum Stapf. Secale sylvestre Host was the species that showed the greatest number of comparative differences in the sequences, and was the most distant of all the taxonomic units analysed. A certain degree of variation was found among all four subspecies of S. strictum analysed. S. strictum Presl ssp. strictum was most closely related to S. strictum ssp. africanum Stapf and S. strictum ssp. kuprijanovii Grossh to S. strictum ssp. anatolicum (Boiss.) Hammer. S. vavilovii showed similarities with this group of subspecies and with the S. cereale group. No differences were found between the weed forms of S. cereale and cultivated rye. Received March 8, 2002; accepted May 31, 2002 Published online: November 20, 2002 Address of the authors: Alfredo De Bustos, Nicolás Jouve (e-mail: nicolas.jouve@uah.es), Department of Cell Biology and Genetics, University of Alcalá, E-28871 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), Spain.  相似文献   

Ray Neyland 《Brittonia》2001,53(1):108-115
Cuscuta is a parasitic angiosperm that has been considered alternatively either as a genus within Convolvulaceae or as a monogeneric family in its own right. Although typically placed in the Solanales,Cuscuta has also been positioned within the Polemoniales. Extreme reduction of morphological and anatomical characters, as well as chloroplast genome reductions and rearrangements, has made the phylogenetic placement ofCuscuta uncertain. Analysis of 26S rDNA sequences suggests thatCuscuta is a derived member of Convolvulaceae. Molecular results are discussed in relation to the morphological and anatomical characters of autotrophic members of Convolvulaceae.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of Glomeromycota by partial LSU rDNA sequences   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We analyzed the large subunit ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene [LSU ribosomal DNA (rDNA)] as a phylogenetic marker for arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal taxonomy. Partial LSU rDNA sequences were obtained from ten AM fungal isolates, comprising seven species, with two new primers designed for Glomeromycota LSU rDNA. The sequences, together with 58 sequences available from the databases, represented 31 AM fungal species. Neighbor joining and parsimony analyses were performed with the aim of evaluating the potential of the LSU rDNA for phylogenetic resolution. The resulting trees indicated that Archaeosporaceae are a basal group in Glomeromycota, Acaulosporaceae and Gigasporaceae belong to the same clade, while Glomeraceae are polyphyletic. The results support data obtained with the small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene, demonstrating that the LSU rRNA gene is a useful molecular marker for clarifying taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships in Glomeromycota.  相似文献   

The genusMicrosphaera has been considered to be derived from sectionErysiphe of the genusErysiphe by a single event. Cleistothecial appendages are the most distinct difference between the two genera and have an important role for overwintering. To understand the phylogenetic relationship betweenErysiphe sectionErysiphe andMicrosphaera more precisely, phylogenetic trees were constructed using the nucleotide sequences of the rDNA ITS region from 11Erysiphe (sectionErysiphe) and 16Microsphaera taxa. The phylogenetic trees indicated the close relationship between the two genera. However, the generaErysiphe (sectionErysiphe) andMicrosphaera did not group into separate monophyletic lineages; instead, they formed several small clusters that were mixed together. This result suggests that the differentiations of the genera occurred two or more times independently. This also supports the idea that appendage morphology does not always accurately reflect the phylogeny of the powdery mildews because the morphology of appendages may evolve convergently under the selection pressure of their particular biotopes (host plants). Contribution No. 144 from the Laboratory of Plant Pathology, Mie University.  相似文献   

Tubificids are aquatic clitellate worms, but recent analyses of morphological characters suggested that this family, as currently recognized, is paraphyletic. Sequences of the 18S rDNA gene of 40 protostome worm species (including 13 representatives of the Tubificidae) and 2 mollusc species were cladistically analyzed to test the monophyly of the Tubificidae and that of some of its constituent subfamilies. Under all alignments tested, the same general phylogenetic pattern emerged. The data support the idea that the Naididae, another clitellate taxon, is associated with some "rhyacodriline" groups within the Tubificidae. The data also corroborate the idea that the Tubificinae and the Limnodriloidinae are monophyletic but indicate that the Rhyacodrilinae and the Phallodrilinae are not. Bathydrilus does not appear to be closely related to other "phallodriline" genera.  相似文献   

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