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HisB from Escherichia coli is a bifunctional enzyme catalyzing the sixth and eighth steps of l-histidine biosynthesis. The N-terminal domain (HisB-N) possesses histidinol phosphate phosphatase activity, and its crystal structure shows a single domain with fold similarity to the haloacid dehalogenase (HAD) enzyme family. HisB-N forms dimers in the crystal and in solution. The structure shows the presence of a structural Zn(2+) ion stabilizing the conformation of an extended loop. Two metal binding sites were also identified in the active site. Their presence was further confirmed by isothermal titration calorimetry. HisB-N is active in the presence of Mg(2+), Mn(2+), Co(2+), or Zn(2+), but Ca(2+) has an inhibitory effect. We have determined structures of several intermediate states corresponding to snapshots along the reaction pathway, including that of the phosphoaspartate intermediate. A catalytic mechanism, different from that described for other HAD enzymes, is proposed requiring the presence of the second metal ion not found in the active sites of previously characterized HAD enzymes, to complete the second half-reaction. The proposed mechanism is reminiscent of two-Mg(2+) ion catalysis utilized by DNA and RNA polymerases and many nucleases. The structure also provides an explanation for the inhibitory effect of Ca(2+).  相似文献   

Thoden JB  Huang X  Raushel FM  Holden HM 《Biochemistry》1999,38(49):16158-16166
Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase (CPS) plays a key role in both arginine and pyrimidine biosynthesis by catalyzing the production of carbamoyl phosphate. The enzyme from Escherichi coli consists of two polypeptide chains referred to as the small and large subunits. On the basis of both amino acid sequence analyses and X-ray structural studies, it is known that the small subunit belongs to the Triad or Type I class of amidotransferases, all of which contain a cysteine-histidine (Cys269 and His353) couple required for activity. The hydrolysis of glutamine by the small subunit has been proposed to occur via two tetrahedral intermediates and a glutamyl-thioester moiety. Here, we describe the three-dimensional structures of the C269S/glutamine and CPS/glutamate gamma-semialdehyde complexes, which serve as mimics for the Michaelis complex and the tetrahedral intermediates, respectively. In conjunction with the previously solved glutamyl-thioester intermediate complex, the stereochemical course of glutamine hydrolysis in CPS has been outlined. Specifically, attack by the thiolate of Cys269 occurs at the Si face of the carboxamide group of the glutamine substrate leading to a tetrahedral intermediate with an S-configuration. Both the backbone amide groups of Gly241 and Leu270, and O(gamma) of Ser47 play key roles in stabilizing the developing oxyanion. Collapse of the tetrahedral intermediate leads to formation of the glutamyl-thioester intermediate, which is subsequently attacked at the Si face by an activated water molecule positioned near His353. The results described here serve as a paradigm for other members of the Triad class of amidotranferases.  相似文献   

I-SceI is a homing endonuclease that specifically cleaves an 18-bp double-stranded DNA. I-SceI exhibits a strong preference for cleaving the bottom strand DNA. The published structure of I-SceI bound to an uncleaved DNA substrate provided a mechanism for bottom strand cleavage but not for top strand cleavage. To more fully elucidate the I-SceI catalytic mechanism, we determined the X-ray structures of I-SceI in complex with DNA substrates that are nicked in either the top or bottom strands. The structures resemble intermediates along the DNA cleavage reaction. In a structure containing a nick in the top strand, the spatial arrangement of metal ions is similar to that observed in the structure that contains uncleaved DNA, suggesting that cleavage of the bottom strand occurs by a common mechanism regardless of whether this strand is cleaved first or second. In the structure containing a nick in the bottom strand, a new metal binding site is present in the active site that cleaves the top strand. This new metal and a candidate nucleophilic water molecule are correctly positioned to cleave the top strand following bottom strand cleavage, providing a plausible mechanism for top strand cleavage.  相似文献   

As the first known structures of a glycoside hydrolase family 54 (GH54) enzyme, we determined the crystal structures of free and arabinose-complex forms of Aspergillus kawachii IFO4308 alpha-l-arabinofuranosidase (AkAbfB). AkAbfB comprises two domains: a catalytic domain and an arabinose-binding domain (ABD). The catalytic domain has a beta-sandwich fold similar to those of clan-B glycoside hydrolases. ABD has a beta-trefoil fold similar to that of carbohydrate-binding module (CBM) family 13. However, ABD shows a number of characteristics distinctive from those of CBM family 13, suggesting that it could be classified into a new CBM family. In the arabinose-complex structure, one of three arabinofuranose molecules is bound to the catalytic domain through many interactions. Interestingly, a disulfide bond formed between two adjacent cysteine residues recognized the arabinofuranose molecule in the active site. From the location of this arabinofuranose and the results of a mutational study, the nucleophile and acid/base residues were determined to be Glu(221) and Asp(297), respectively. The other two arabinofuranose molecules are bound to ABD. The O-1 atoms of the two arabinofuranose molecules bound at ABD are both pointed toward the solvent, indicating that these sites can both accommodate an arabinofuranose side-chain moiety linked to decorated arabinoxylans.  相似文献   

During the catalytic cycle of beta1,4-galactosyltransferase-1 (Gal-T1), upon the binding of Mn(2+) followed by UDP-Gal, two flexible loops, a long and a short loop, change their conformation from open to closed. We have determined the crystal structures of a human M340H-Gal-T1 mutant in the open conformation (apo-enzyme), its Mn(2+) and Mn(2+)-UDP-Gal-bound complexes, and of a pentenary complex of bovine Gal-T1-Mn(2+)-UDP-GalNAc-Glc-alpha-lactalbumin. These studies show that during the conformational changes in Gal-T1, the coordination of Mn(2+) undergoes significant changes. It loses a coordination bond with a water molecule bound in the open conformation of Gal-T1 while forming a new coordination bond with another water molecule in the closed conformation, creating an active ground-state structure that facilitates enzyme catalysis. In the crystal structure of the pentenary complex, the N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) moiety is found cleaved from UDP-GalNAc and is placed 2.7A away from the O4 oxygen atom of the acceptor Glc molecule, yet to form the product. The anomeric C1 atom of the cleaved GalNAc moiety has only two covalent bonds with its non-hydrogen atoms (O5 and C2 atoms), similar to either an oxocarbenium ion or N-acetylgalactal form, which are crystallographically indistinguishable at the present resolution. The structure also shows that the newly formed, metal-coordinating water molecule forms a hydrogen bond with the beta-phosphate group of the cleaved UDP moiety. This hydrogen bond formation results in the rotation of the beta-phosphate group of UDP away from the cleaved GalNAc moiety, thereby preventing the re-formation of the UDP-sugar during catalysis. Therefore, this water molecule plays an important role during catalysis in ensuring that the catalytic reaction proceeds in a forward direction.  相似文献   

Rad51, the major eukaryotic homologous recombinase, is important for the repair of DNA damage and the maintenance of genomic diversity and stability. The active form of this DNA-dependent ATPase is a helical filament within which the search for homology and strand exchange occurs. Here we present the crystal structure of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad51 filament formed by a gain-of-function mutant. This filament has a longer pitch than that seen in crystals of Rad51's prokaryotic homolog RecA, and places the ATPase site directly at a new interface between protomers. Although the filament exhibits approximate six-fold symmetry, alternate protein-protein interfaces are slightly different, implying that the functional unit of Rad51 within the filament may be a dimer. Additionally, we show that mutation of His352, which lies at this new interface, markedly disrupts DNA binding.  相似文献   

alpha-l-Arabinofuranosidases cleave the l-arabinofuranoside side chains of different hemicelluloses and are key enzymes in the complete degradation of the plant cell wall. The alpha-l-arabinofuranosidase from Geobacillus stearothermophilus T-6, a family 51 glycoside hydrolase, was subjected to a detailed mechanistic study. Aryl-alpha-l-arabinofuranosides with various leaving groups were synthesized and used to verify the catalytic mechanism and catalytic residues of the enzyme. The steady-state constants and the resulting Br?nsted plots for the E175A mutant are consistent with the role of Glu-175 as the acid-base catalytic residue. The proposed nucleophile residue, Glu-294, was replaced to Ala by a double-base pairs substitution. The resulting E294A mutant, with 4-nitrophenyl alpha-l-arabinofuranoside as the substrate, exhibited eight orders of magnitude lower activity and a 10-fold higher K(m) value compared with the wild type enzyme. Sodium azide accelerated by more than 40-fold the rate of the hydrolysis of 2',4',6'-trichlorophenyl alpha-l-arabinofuranoside by the E294A mutant. The glycosyl-azide product formed during this reaction was isolated and characterized as beta-l-arabinofuranosyl-azide by (1)H NMR, (13)C NMR, mass spectrometry, and Fourier transform infrared analysis. The anomeric configuration of this product supports the assignment of Glu-294 as the catalytic nucleophile residue of the alpha-l-arabinofuranosidase T-6 and allows for the first time the unequivocal identification of this residue in glycoside hydrolases family 51.  相似文献   

Cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase (CGTase) is an enzyme of the alpha-amylase family, which uses a double displacement mechanism to process alpha-linked glucose polymers. We have determined two X-ray structures of CGTase complexes, one with an intact substrate at 2.1 A resolution, and the other with a covalently bound reaction intermediate at 1.8 A resolution. These structures give evidence for substrate distortion and the covalent character of the intermediate and for the first time show, in atomic detail, how catalysis in the alpha-amylase family proceeds by the concerted action of all active site residues.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of a phospholipase D family member   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The first crystal structure of a phospholipase D (PLD) family member has been determined at 2.0 A resolution. The PLD superfamily is defined by a common sequence motif, HxK(x)4D(x)6GSxN, and includes enzymes involved in signal transduction, lipid biosynthesis, endonucleases and open reading frames in pathogenic viruses and bacteria. The crystal structure suggests that residues from two sequence motifs form a single active site. A histidine residue from one motif acts as a nucleophile in the catalytic mechanism, forming a phosphoenzyme intermediate, whereas a histidine residue from the other motif appears to function as a general acid in the cleavage of the phosphodiester bond. The structure suggests that the conserved lysine residues are involved in phosphate binding. Large-scale genomic sequencing revealed that there are many PLD family members. Our results suggest that all of these proteins may possess a common structure and catalytic mechanism.  相似文献   

Wang S  Eisenberg D 《Biochemistry》2006,45(6):1554-1561
Pantothenate synthetase (PS) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis represents a potential target for antituberculosis drugs. PS catalyzes the ATP-dependent condensation of pantoate and beta-alanine to form pantothenate. Previously, we determined the crystal structure of PS from M. tuberculosis and its complexes with AMPCPP, pantoate, and pantoyl adenylate. Here, we describe the crystal structure of this enzyme complexed with AMP and its last substrate, beta-alanine, and show that the phosphate group of AMP serves as an anchor for the binding of beta-alanine. This structure confirms that binding of beta-alanine in the active site cavity can occur only after formation of the pantoyl adenylate intermediate. A new crystal form was also obtained; it displays the flexible wall of the active site cavity in a conformation incapable of binding pantoate. Soaking of this crystal form with ATP and pantoate gives a fully occupied complex of PS with ATP. Crystal structures of these complexes with substrates, the reaction intermediate, and the reaction product AMP provide a step-by-step view of the PS-catalyzed reaction. A detailed reaction mechanism and its implications for inhibitor design are discussed.  相似文献   

Vinculin plays a dynamic role in the assembly of the actin cytoskeleton. A strong interaction between its head and tail domains that regulates binding to other cytoskeletal components is disrupted by acidic phospholipids. Here, we present the crystal structure of the vinculin tail, residues 879-1066. Five amphipathic helices form an antiparallel bundle that resembles exchangeable apolipoproteins. A C-terminal arm wraps across the base of the bundle and emerges as a hydrophobic hairpin surrounded by a collar of basic residues, adjacent to the N terminus. We show that the C-terminal arm is required for binding to acidic phospholipids but not to actin, and that binding either ligand induces conformational changes that may represent the first step in activation.  相似文献   

Five catalytic functions of yeast inorganic pyrophosphatase were measured over wide pH ranges: steady-state PP(i) hydrolysis (pH 4. 8-10) and synthesis (6.3-9.3), phosphate-water oxygen exchange (pH 4. 8-9.3), equilibrium formation of enzyme-bound PP(i) (pH 4.8-9.3), and Mg(2+) binding (pH 5.5-9.3). These data confirmed that enzyme-PP(i) intermediate undergoes isomerization in the reaction cycle and allowed estimation of the microscopic rate constant for chemical bond breakage and the macroscopic rate constant for PP(i) release. The isomerization was found to decrease the pK(a) of the essential group in the enzyme-PP(i) intermediate, presumably nucleophilic water, from >7 to 5.85. Protonation of the isomerized enzyme-PP(i) intermediate decelerates PP(i) hydrolysis but accelerates PP(i) release by affecting the back isomerization. The binding of two Mg(2+) ions to free enzyme requires about five basic groups with a mean pK(a) of 6.3. An acidic group with a pK(a) approximately 9 is modulatory in PP(i) hydrolysis and metal ion binding, suggesting that this group maintains overall enzyme structure rather than being directly involved in catalysis.  相似文献   

Phosphoserine phosphatase (PSP) is a member of a large class of enzymes that catalyze phosphoester hydrolysis using a phosphoaspartate-enzyme intermediate. PSP is a likely regulator of the steady-state d-serine level in the brain, which is a critical co-agonist of the N-methyl-d-aspartate type of glutamate receptors. Here, we present high-resolution (1.5-1.9 A) structures of PSP from Methanococcus jannaschii, which define the open state prior to substrate binding, the complex with phosphoserine substrate bound (with a D to N mutation in the active site), and the complex with AlF3, a transition-state analog for the phospho-transfer steps in the reaction. These structures, together with those described for the BeF3- complex (mimicking the phospho-enzyme) and the enzyme with phosphate product in the active site, provide a detailed structural picture of the full reaction cycle. The structure of the apo state indicates partial unfolding of the enzyme to allow substrate binding, with refolding in the presence of substrate to provide specificity. Interdomain and active-site conformational changes are identified. The structure with the transition state analog bound indicates a "tight" intermediate. A striking structure homology, with significant sequence conservation, among PSP, P-type ATPases and response regulators suggests that the knowledge of the PSP reaction mechanism from the structures determined will provide insights into the reaction mechanisms of the other enzymes in this family.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Barley beta-D-glucan glucohydrolases represent family 3 glycoside hydrolases that catalyze the hydrolytic removal of nonreducing glucosyl residues from beta-D-glucans and beta-D-glucooligosaccharides. After hydrolysis is completed, glucose remains bound in the active site. RESULTS: When conduritol B epoxide and 2', 4'-dinitrophenyl 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-beta-D-glucopyranoside are diffused into enzyme crystals, they displace the bound glucose and form covalent glycosyl-enzyme complexes through the Odelta1 of D285, which is thereby identified as the catalytic nucleophile. A nonhydrolyzable S-glycosyl analog, 4(I), 4(III), 4(V)-S-trithiocellohexaose, also diffuses into the active site, and a S-cellobioside moiety positions itself at the -1 and +1 subsites. The glycosidic S atom of the S-cellobioside moiety forms a short contact (2.75 A) with the Oepsilon2 of E491, which is likely to be the catalytic acid/base. The glucopyranosyl residues of the S-cellobioside moiety are not distorted from the low-energy 4C(1) conformation, but the glucopyranosyl ring at the +1 subsite is rotated and translated about the linkage. CONCLUSIONS: X-ray crystallography is used to define the three key intermediates during catalysis by beta-D-glucan glucohydrolase. Before a new hydrolytic event begins, the bound product (glucose) from the previous catalytic reaction is displaced by the incoming substrate, and a new enzyme-substrate complex is formed. The second stage of the hydrolytic pathway involves glycosidic bond cleavage, which proceeds through a double-displacement reaction mechanism. The crystallographic analysis of the S-cellobioside-enzyme complex with quantum mechanical modeling suggests that the complex might mimic the oxonium intermediate rather than the enzyme-substrate complex.  相似文献   

Factor XI (FXI), a coagulation protein essential to normal hemostasis, circulates as a disulfide-linked dimer. Here we report the full-length FXI zymogen crystal structure, revealing that the protease and four apple domains assemble into a unique 'cup and saucer' architecture. The structure shows that the thrombin and platelet glycoprotein Ib binding sites are remote within the monomer but lie in close proximity across the dimer, suggesting a transactivation mechanism.  相似文献   

A GH (glycoside hydrolase) family 54 alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase from Trichoderma koningii G-39 (termed Abf) was successfully expressed in Pichia pastoris and purified to near homogeneity by cation-exchange chromatography. To determine the amino acid residues essential for the catalytic activity of Abf, extensive mutagenesis of 24 conserved glutamate and aspartate residues was performed. Among the mutants, D221N, E223Q and D299N were found to decrease catalytic activity significantly. The kcat values of the D221N and D299N mutants were 7000- and 1300-fold lower respectively, than that of the wild-type Abf. E223Q was nearly inactive. These results are consistent with observations obtained from the Aspergillus kawachii alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase three-dimensional structure. This structure indicates that Asp221 of T. koningii Abf is significant for substrate binding and that Glu223 as well as Asp299 function as a nucleophile and a general acid/base catalyst for the enzymatic reaction respectively. The catalytic mechanism of wild-type Abf was further investigated by NMR spectroscopy and kinetic analysis. The results showed that Abf is a retaining enzyme. It catalyses the hydrolysis of various substrates via the formation of a common intermediate that is probably an arabinosyl-enzyme intermediate. A two-step, double-displacement mechanism involving first the formation, and then the breakdown, of an arabinosyl-enzyme intermediate was proposed. Based on the kcat values of a series of aryl-alpha-L-arabinofuranosides catalytically hydrolysed by wild-type Abf, a relatively small Br?nsted constant, beta(lg)=-0.18, was obtained, suggesting that the rate-limiting step of the enzymatic reaction is the dearabinosylation step. Further kinetic studies with the D299G mutant revealed that the catalytic activity of this mutant depended largely on the pK(a) values (>6) of leaving phenols, with beta(lg)=-1.3, indicating that the rate-limiting step of the reaction becomes the arabinosylation step. This kinetic outcome supports the idea that Asp299 is the general acid/base residue. The pH activity profile of D299N provided further evidence strengthening this suggestion.  相似文献   

MTA/AdoHcy nucleosidase (MTAN) irreversibly hydrolyzes the N9-C1' bond in the nucleosides, 5'-methylthioadenosine (MTA) and S-adenosylhomocysteine (AdoHcy) to form adenine and the corresponding thioribose. MTAN plays a vital role in metabolic pathways involving methionine recycling, biological methylation, polyamine biosynthesis, and quorum sensing. Crystal structures of a wild-type (WT) MTAN complexed with glycerol, and mutant-enzyme and mutant-product complexes have been determined at 2.0A, 2.0A, and 2.1A resolution, respectively. The WT MTAN-glycerol structure provides a purine-free model and in combination with the previously solved thioribose-free MTAN-ADE structure, we now have separate apo structures for both MTAN binding subsites. The purine and thioribose-free states reveal an extensive enzyme-immobilized water network in their respective binding subsites. The Asp197Asn MTAN-MTA and Glu12Gln MTAN-MTR.ADE structures are the first enzyme-substrate and enzyme-product complexes reported for MTAN, respectively. These structures provide representative snapshots along the reaction coordinate and allow insight into the conformational changes of the enzyme and the nucleoside substrate. A "catalytic movie" detailing substrate binding, catalysis, and product release is presented.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae His6 gene codes for the enzyme phosphoribosyl-5-amino-1-phosphoribosyl-4-imidazolecarboxamide isomerase, catalyzing the fourth step in histidine biosynthesis. To get an insight into the structure and function of this enzyme, we determined its X-ray structure at a resolution of 1.30 A using the anomalous diffraction signal of the protein's sulphur atoms at 1.77 A wavelength. His6 folds in an (alpha/beta)8 barrel similar to HisA, which performs the same function in bacteria and archaea. We found a citrate molecule from the buffer bound in a pocket near the expected position of the active site and used it to model the open form of the substrate (phosphoribulosyl moiety), which is a reaction intermediate. This model enables us to identify catalytic residues and to propose a reaction mechanism where two aspartates act as acid/base catalysts: Asp134 as a proton donor for ring opening, and Asp9 as a proton acceptor and donor during enolization of the aminoaldose. Asp9 is conserved in yeast His6 and bacterial or archaeal HisA sequences, and Asp134 has equivalents in both HisA and TrpF, but they occur at a different position in the protein sequence.  相似文献   

Homologs of the Escherichia coli surE gene are present in many eubacteria and archaea. Despite the evolutionary conservation, little information is available on the structure and function of their gene products. We have determined the crystal structure of the SurE protein from Thermotoga maritima. The structure reveals the dimeric arrangement of the subunits and an active site around a bound metal ion. We also demonstrate that the SurE protein exhibits a divalent metal ion-dependent phosphatase activity that is inhibited by vanadate or tungstate. In the vanadate- and tungstate-complexed structures, the inhibitors bind adjacent to the divalent metal ion. Our structural and functional analyses identify the SurE proteins as a novel family of metal ion-dependent phosphatases.  相似文献   

Grancalcin is a Ca(2+)-binding protein expressed at high level in neutrophils. It belongs to the PEF family, proteins containing five EF-hand motifs and which are known to associate with membranes in Ca(2+)-dependent manner. Prototypic members of this family are Ca(2+)-binding domains of calpain. Our recent finding that grancalcin interacts with L-plastin, a protein known to have actin bundling activity, suggests that grancalcin may play a role in regulation of adherence and migration of neutrophils. The structure of human grancalcin has been determined at 1.9 A resolution in the absence of calcium (R-factor of 0.212 and R-free of 0.249) and at 2. 5 A resolution in the presence of calcium (R-factor of 0.226 and R-free of 0.281). The molecule is predominantly alpha-helical: it contains eight alpha-helices and only two short stretches of two-stranded beta-sheets between the loops of paired EF-hands. Grancalcin forms dimers through the association of the unpaired EF5 hands in a manner similar to that observed in calpain, confirming this mode of association as a paradigm for the PEF family. Only one Ca(2+) was found per dimer under crystallization conditions that included CaCl(2). This cation binds to EF3 in one molecule, while this site in the second molecule of the dimer is unoccupied. This unoccupied site shows higher mobility. The structure determined in the presence of calcium, although does not represent a fully Ca(2+)-loaded form, suggests that calcium induces rather small conformational rearrangements. Comparison with calpain suggests further that the relatively small magnitude of conformational changes invoked by calcium alone may be a characteristic feature of the PEF family. Moreover, the largest differences are localized to the EF1, thus supporting the notion that calcium signaling occurs through this portion of the molecule and that it may involve the N-terminal Gly/Pro rich segment. Electrostatic potential distribution shows significant differences between grancalcin and calpain domain VI demonstrating their distinct character.  相似文献   

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