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A method of bilateral perfusion of the isolated human placenta was used to study the urea transport from the fetal placental stream into the maternal one, and of amino acid transport in the opposite direction. Experiments demonstrated that the method provided a sufficiently full perfusion of the intervillous space and offered possibilities for studying the placental transport. With equal amino nitrogen concentration in both circulations, its content in the fetal stream increased during the experiment. This elevation was more expressed when amino acid was added to the maternal circulation. The idea of amino acid "secretion" by the trophoblast cell elements into the fetal circulation was confirmed by the above experiments.  相似文献   

The degree of coupling (q) and the efficacy of accumulation i.e. the maximum static head accumulation ratio of α-aminoisobutyrate accounted for by ATP hydrolysis, have been assessed according to the rules of irreversible thermodynamics by comparing the mutual effect between α-aminoisobutyrate influx and ATP hydrolysis. Whereas the rate of α-aminoisobutyrate transport slightly rises with that of ATP hydrolysis, the latter was found to be completely independent of α-aminoisobutyrate transport. It was concluded that within the limits of experimental error, the degree of coupling and the efficacy of accumulation is negligible. In other words, there is no evidence that α-aminoisobutyrate transport in Ehrlich cell is directly energized by ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

On a medium containing either acetate as the sole source of carbon or arginine as the sole source of nitrogen and the two amino acid analogs,p-fluorophenylalanine (FPA) and ethionine, eight FPA-resistant mutants were selected. Dominance tests in heterozygous diploids showed that 3 out of 8 are recessive, 1 semidominant, and 4 dominant to their wild-type alleles. Mutants were characterized by the nature of amino acid transport detected on the basis of amino acid utilization patterns. Six new loci identified after genetic analysis were located on two linkage groups: three each on linkage groups I and II. Recombinants between pairs of locifpaD andfpaQ, andfpaK andfpaP, were found to be sensitive to FPA. The patterns of segregation of resistant markers and amino acid utilization were considered to characterize the specificity of transport mutants.  相似文献   

Sialin, the protein coded by SLC17A5, is responsible for membrane potential (Δψ)-driven aspartate and glutamate transport into synaptic vesicles in addition to H+/sialic acid co-transport in lysosomes. Rodent sialin mutants harboring the mutations associated with Salla disease in humans did not transport aspartate and glutamate whereas H+/sialic acid co-transport activity was about one-third of the wild-type protein. In this study, we investigate the effects of various mutations on the transport activities of human sialin. Proteoliposomes containing purified heterologously expressed human sialin exhibited both Δψ-driven aspartate and glutamate transport activity and H+/sialic acid co-transport activity. Aspartate and glutamate transport was not detected in the R39C and K136E mutant forms of SLC17A5 protein associated with Salla disease, whereas H+/sialic acid co-transport activity corresponded to 30-50% of the recombinant wild-type protein. In contrast, SLC17A5 protein harboring the mutations associated with infantile sialic acid storage disease, H183R and Δ268SSLRN272 still showed normal levels of Δψ-driven aspartate and glutamate transport even though H+/sialic acid co-transport activity was absent. Human sialin carrying the G328E mutation that causes both phenotypes, and P334R and G378V mutations that cause infantile sialic acid storage disease showed no transport activity. These results support the idea that people suffering from Salla disease have been defective in aspartergic and glutamatergic neurotransmissions.  相似文献   

The transport of phenylalanine by the general aromatic transport system in spheroplasts of Escherichia coli 9723 has been found to be stimulated by exogenous tRNA. Neither periodate-treated tRNA nor phenylalanine-charged tRNA stimulated, and the latter inhibited, phenylalanine uptake. Among preparations of specific tRNAs, tRNAPhe and tRNATyr were effective in stimulating the uptake of phenylalanine and tyrosine, respectively, and tRNAGlu and tRNAVal gave no detectable stimulation of phenylalanine or tyrosine transport. The preparation of tRNATyr was 10 times as active as unfractionated tRNA and gave as much as 167% stimulation of tyrosine transport. Correspondingly, the preparation of tRNAPhe was at least 3.5 times as active as the unfractionated tRNA and 2.5 times as active as the preparation of tRNATyr in stimulation of phenylalanine transport. Preliminary results in fractionation of the active component of tRNA for stimulating phenylalanine uptake show that the major activity resides in minor isoacceptor(s) tRNAPhe rather than the major component tRNAPhe, and the slight activity of preparations of tRNATyr is probably due to a contamination of the active tRNAPhe. Other preliminary results indicate that this type of stimulation occurs with uptake of other amino acids and their tRNA.  相似文献   

The activities of several selected Na(+)-dependent amino acid transporters were identified in human liver plasma membrane vesicles by testing for Na(+)-dependent uptake of several naturally occurring neutral amino acids or their analogs. Alanine, 2-(methylamino)isobutyric acid, and 2-aminoisobutyric acid were shown to be almost exclusively transported by the same carrier, system A. Kinetic analysis of 2-(methylamino)isobutyric acid uptake by the human hepatic system A transporter revealed an apparent Km of 0.15 mM and a Vmax of 540 pmol.mg-1 protein.min-1. Human hepatic system A accepts a broad range of neutral amino acids including cysteine, glutamine, and histidine, which have been shown in other species to be transported mainly by disparate carriers. Inhibition analysis of Na(+)-dependent cysteine transport revealed that the portion of uptake not mediated by system A included at least two saturable carriers, system ASC and one other that has yet to be characterized. Most of the glutamine and histidine uptake was Na(+)-dependent, and the component not mediated by system A constituted system N. The largest portion of glycine transport was mediated through system A and the remainder by system ASC with no evidence for system Gly activity. Our examination of Na(+)-dependent amino acid transport documents the presence of several transport systems analogous to those described previously but with some notable differences in their functional activity. Most importantly, the results demonstrate that liver plasma membrane vesicles are a valuable resource for transport analysis of human tissue.  相似文献   

The properties of Na+-dependent L-alanine transport in human erythrocytes were investigated using K+ as the Na+ substitute. Initial rates of Na+-dependent L-alanine uptake (0.2 mM extracellular amino acid) for erythrocytes from 22 donors ranged from 40 to 180 mumol/litre of cells per h at 37 degrees C. Amino acid uptake over the concentration range 0.1-8 mM was consistent with a single saturable component of Na+-dependent L-alanine transport. Apparent Km and Vmax. values at 37 and 5 degrees C measured in erythrocytes from the same donor were 0.27 and 0.085 mM respectively, and 270 and 8.5 mumol/litre of cells per h respectively. The transporter responsible for this uptake was identified as system ASC on the basis of cross-inhibition studies with a series of 42 amino acids and amino acid analogues. Apparent Ki values for glycine, L-alpha-amino-n-butyrate, L-serine and L-leucine as inhibitors of Na+-dependent L-alanine uptake at 37 degrees C were 4.2, 0.12, 0.16 and 0.70 mM respectively. Reticulocytes from a patient with inherited pyruvate kinase deficiency were found to have a 10-fold elevated activity of Na+-dependent L-alanine uptake compared with erythrocytes from normal donors. Separation of erythrocytes according to cell density (cell age) established that even the oldest mature erythrocytes retained significant Na+-dependent L-alanine transport activity. Amino acid transport was, however, a more sensitive indicator of cell age than acetylcholinesterase activity. Erythrocytes were found to accumulate L-alanine against its concentration gradient (distribution ratio approx. 1.5 after 4 h incubation), an effect that was abolished in Na+-free media. Na+-dependent L-alanine uptake was shown to be associated with L-alanine-dependent Na+ influx, the measured coupling ratio being 1:1.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of a beta-galactoside-binding lectin from human placenta was determined at protein level. The lectin consists of 134 amino acids and its N-terminal alanine is blocked with acetate. The lectin shows about 50% similarity with chick 14K lectin, which was the first vertebrate beta-galactoside-binding lectin completely sequenced. Only 14 residues proved to be different from those of rat lung lectin, the sole mammalian lectin of which the complete sequence has been reported.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the consequences of maternal obesity in human placental fatty acids (FA) transport and metabolism is limited. Animal studies suggest that placental uptake of maternal FA is altered by maternal overnutrition. We hypothesized that high maternal body mass index (BMI) affects human placental FA transport by modifying expression of key transporters. Full-term placentas were obtained by vaginal delivery from normal weight (BMI, 18.5-24.9 kg/m(2)) and obese (BMI > 30 kg/m(2)) women. Blood samples were collected from the mother at each trimester and from cord blood at delivery. mRNA and protein expression levels were evaluated with real-time RT-PCR and Western blotting. Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity was evaluated using enzyme fluorescence. In vitro linoleic acid transport was studied with isolated trophoblasts. Our results demonstrated that maternal obesity is associated with increased placental weight, decreased gestational age, decreased maternal high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels during the first and third trimesters, increased maternal triglyceride levels during the second and third trimesters, and increased maternal T3 levels during all trimesters, and decreased maternal cholesterol (CHOL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels during the third trimester; and increased newborn CHOL, LDL, apolipoprotein B100, and T3 levels. Increases in placental CD36 mRNA and protein expression levels, decreased SLC27A4 and FABP1 mRNA and protein and FABP3 protein expression, and increased LPL activity and decreased villus cytotrophoblast linoleic acid transport were also observed. No changes were seen in expression of PPARA, PPARD, or PPARG mRNA and protein. Overall this study demonstrated that maternal obesity impacts placental FA uptake without affecting fetal growth. These changes, however, could modify the fetus metabolism and its predisposition to develop diseases later in life.  相似文献   

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