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Summary In five years (1992, 1994–97) we measured the frequency of extra-pair paternity (EPP) in a Bavarian population of polygynous Great Reed Warblers (Fränkische Weiher region: 49°40'N, 10°51'E); these data were compared with corresponding findings in Sweden. Progeny from copulations with a male other than the partner (extra-pair young, EPY) were identified by multi-locus DNA fingerprinting with oligonucleotide probes. In 48 broods with 194 nestlings we found 19 EPY in 5 broods. The extra-pair fertilisation (EPF) rate as a percentage of total juveniles (9.8%) is higher, but that with reference to nests (10.4%) is only insignificantly higher than in Sweden.In contrast to Sweden, neighbour males in our population were never involved in EPF. For two EPF nests the genetic fathers of the EPY were identified; both were unpaired males several years old, with very distant territories (2.4 km away). Both had larger song repertoires than the pair males, and one sang a Great Reed Warbler x Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) mixed song. In the other cases we were unable to detect the genetic father, either among the neighbouring males or the others tested. Presumably these EPY spring from floater males or rapid mate switching. As in Sweden, EPY were observed in nests of monogamous (2x) as well as polygynous (3x primary females) males. However, in Germany the breeding density was lower and distribution more patchy and the EPF broods were produced earlier (before the median egg-laying date) than those in Sweden. Our comparison supports the hypothesis that the EPF rate is higher in populations with greater genetic variability than in those with less variability. The relatively low EPP rate in this species seems to be due to a close correlation between male and territory characteristics.
Variation in der Häufigkeit von Fremdvaterschaften beim polygynen Drosselrohrsänger (Acrocephalus arundinaceus)
Zusammenfassung In 5 Jahren (1992, 1994–97) bestimmten wir die Häufigkeit von Fremdvaterschaften beim polygynen Drosselrohrsänger in einer bayerischen Population (Fränkisches Weihergebiet 49°40'N, 10°51'E) und verglichen sie mit entsprechenden Ergebnissen aus Schweden. Nachkommen aus Kopulationen außerhalb des Paarbundes (Fremdjunge, EPY) ermittelten wir mit Multi-locus-DNA-Fingerprinting über Oligonucleotidsonden in 48 Bruten mit 194 Nestlingen. Wir fanden 19 EPY in 5 Bruten. Die Rate an Fremdvaterschaften bezogen auf Jungvögel (9,8%) ist signifikant größer als in Schweden, jedoch nicht diejenige bezogen auf Nester (10,4%).Im Gegensatz zu Schweden waren in unserer Population nie Nachbarmännchen Väter von Fremdjungen. In 2 Nestern konnten die genetischen Väter der EPY gefunden werden. In beiden Fällen handelt es sich um unverpaarte mehrjährige Männchen, die in größerer Entfernung (2,4 km) Reviere hielten. Beide hatten größere Gesangsrepertoires als die Paarmännchen; eines war ein Drosselrohr- x Teichrohrsänger (Acrocephalus scirpaceus)-Mischsänger. In den anderen Fällen konnten wir weder unter den Nachbarmännchen noch unter den anderen überprüften Männchen die genetischen Väter ausfindig machen. Vermutlich sind diese EPY auf Floater-Männchen oder rapid mate switching zurückzuführen.Fremdjunge wurden wie in Schweden sowohl in Nestern von monogam (2x) als auch polygyn verpaarten Männchen (3x Erstweibchen) festgestellt. Im Gegensatz zu den Verhältnissen in Schweden ist die Brutdichte in Deutschland geringer, die Brutverteilung mehr lückenhaft und die EPF-Bruten lagen früher (vor dem Median der Eiablage). Unser Vergleich stützt auch die Hypothese, dass in Populationen mit größerer genetischer Variabilität die Rate von Fremdvaterschaften höher sein sollte als in Populationen mit geringer.Die enge Korrelation zwischen Männchen- und Reviermerkmalen scheint dafür verantwortlich, dass bei dieser Art die Rate von Fremdvaterschaften nicht sehr hoch, d. h. kleiner als das Mittel von polygynen Arten ist.

筑巢是大多数鸟类繁殖成功的必要条件,筑巢花费精力较少的鸟类可以将更多的时间投入到后期繁殖中。因此,对于筑巢繁殖的鸟类来说,如何快速有效地建筑一个巢尤为重要。然而,对雀形目鸟类快速和投机筑巢的行为报道较少。2021年6至8月,在黑龙江扎龙国家级自然保护区,通过录像对繁殖期东方大苇莺(Acrocephalus orientalis)和黑眉苇莺(A. bistrigiceps)的筑巢行为进行研究,记录到黑眉苇莺盗取东方大苇莺巢材料的行为。根据视频内容和现场观察,本研究初步描述了黑眉苇莺偷窃行为的全过程。最后,通过文献查阅,对报道过巢材盗窃行为的部分雀形目鸟类进行了统计。本文研究结果为进一步确定雀形目鸟类的巢材盗窃行为的流行程度提供了基础信息。  相似文献   

We examined long-term responses in the breeding performance of the Great Reed Warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus to climate change. The study took place in various years from 1970 to 2007. During the study period, mean temperatures in the breeding season of the species increased and precipitation decreased significantly. We found evidence for the significant advancement in both earliest and annual median first-egg-laying dates. This advancement correlated with temperature increases early in the season. The latest first-egg laying dates, however, remained unchanged. Other breeding statistics: clutch size, nest losses, and production of young per nest, did not change significantly over the study period. Precipitation did not affect any of the analysed measures. It is important to note, though, that during dry seasons, the production of young per successful nest was higher. In contrast to some woodland species, the Great Reed Warbler seems to adapt well to climate change by shifting laying dates. The reason for this is probably to optimise food resources.  相似文献   

We assessed whether nest size affects the probability of nest loss using dyads of large and small (large being twice the size of small) inactive Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus nests placed at similar sites in Great Reed Warbler territories. Large nests were not predated significantly more frequently than small nests. Experimentally enlarged active Great Reed Warbler nests suffered non‐significantly higher predation compared with non‐manipulated control nests. Our experiments did not support the nest‐size hypothesis and suggested that nest size does not appear to be a factor affecting the risk of nest predation in this species. The probability of brood parasitism by the Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus was also unaffected by experimental nest enlargement, supporting the commonly accepted hypothesis that the Common Cuckoo searches for suitable host nests by host activity during nest building rather than nest size.  相似文献   

Avian brood parasites lay their eggs in the nests of other birds, and impose the costs associated with rearing parasitic young onto these hosts. Many hosts of brood parasites defend against parasitism by removing foreign eggs from the nest. In systems where parasitic eggs mimic host eggs in coloration and patterning, extensive intraclutch variation in egg appearances may impair the host’s ability to recognize and reject parasitic eggs, but experimental investigation of this effect has produced conflicting results. The cognitive mechanism by which hosts recognize parasitic eggs may vary across brood parasite hosts, and this may explain variation in experimental outcome across studies investigating egg rejection in hosts of egg-mimicking brood parasites. In contrast, for hosts of non-egg-mimetic parasites, intraclutch egg color variation is not predicted to co-vary with foreign egg rejection, irrespective of cognitive mechanism. Here we tested for effects of intraclutch egg color variation in a host of nonmimetic brood parasite by manipulating egg color in American robins (Turdus migratorius), hosts of brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater). We recorded robins’ behavioral responses to simulated cowbird parasitism in nests where color variation was artificially enhanced or reduced. We also quantified egg color variation within and between unmanipulated robin clutches as perceived by robins themselves using spectrophotometric measures and avian visual modeling. In unmanipulated nests, egg color varied more between than within robin clutches. As predicted, however, manipulation of color variation did not affect rejection rates. Overall, our results best support the scenario wherein egg rejection is the outcome of selective pressure by a nonmimetic brood parasite, because robins are efficient rejecters of foreign eggs, irrespective of the color variation within their own clutch.  相似文献   

We studied Great Reed Warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus at two localities in Ghana during the winter. In the north (Tono), the birds arrived from late September and conducted a rapid moult soon after arrival. Towards the end of moult, birds accumulated fat and disappeared from the site. In the south (Tafo), birds arrived from mid-November in fresh plumage. This seemed to be the final wintering area as birds stayed there during the winter. In March-April they again accumulated fat, although only small amounts, before spring migration back to breeding areas.  相似文献   

A. Dyrcz  H. Nagata 《Bird Study》2013,60(2):166-171
CapsuleTwo populations of the Eastern Great Reed Warblers, one close to settlements and one far away, differed mainly in nest losses which were higher at the latter site.

Aims To compare the breeding ecology of two Japanese populations, and with breeding data from Polish sites.

Methods We studied two sites in 1996. The Seimei site comprises a natural reed-bed (Phragmites australis) (2.0 ha) c. 2 km from residential areas. The Sakura site occurs as smaller reed-bed (0.8 ha) close to residential areas. Field study comprised mainly nest searching and nest monitoring.

Results Breeding density, nest height, number of stems supporting nest, clutch size and brood size were not significantly different between sites. The proportion of nests built on reed stems standing in the water (60%) was significantly higher at the Seimei site (P < 0.001), and the warblers in this habitat experienced significantly higher nesting failure (P < 0.05). Predation was a principal cause of failure at both sites. Significantly more nests suffered from predation at Seimei (53%) than at Sakura (16%). Breeding density was higher at both sites compared with European populations but it fell within ranges of other Japanese populations. Mean first-egg date of first brood does not differ between our sites and Polish ones.

Conclusion The differences between the two Japanese populations and between Japanese and Polish populations were relatively small and were seen mainly in nest losses, breeding density and proportion of nests built over water.  相似文献   

Summary Complete summer moult in the Great Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus a. arundinaceus) is a rare phenomenon, and only two cases have so far been reported for Europe. In 5 years of summer ringing in Val Campotto, Northern Italy, 12 different individuals were found in complete moult. Only the two innermost primaries are generally renewed, with more advanced stages of moult involving up to 6 primaries, the tertials and the first secondaries. A single bird controlled in three subsequent years was always found at a similar degree of primary moult.  相似文献   

汪青雄  杨超  肖红 《四川动物》2013,(4):543-546
2012年5~7月,在陕西红碱淖对东方大苇莺的繁殖生态进行了研究。结果表明,东方大苇莺5月末迁来繁殖,营巢于芦苇丛中,巢口向上呈深杯状,由枯芦苇和芦苇絮编织而成。对17个巢的巢参数进行了测量:巢外径(11.85±0.216)cm,巢内径(5.87±0.101)cm,巢深(6.49±0.166)cm。巢距地面高度(106.00±4.421)cm,约位于芦苇高度的2/5处。平均窝卵数(4.67±0.188)枚,卵重为(2.70±0.044)g,卵长径为(21.93±0.13)mm,卵短径为(15.81±0.06)mm。孵化期为(15~18)d,孵化率为78.8%,巢雏成活率为95.2%。雏鸟的体重、体长的生长符合Logistic曲线方程拟合。芦苇的高度和密度是制约东方大苇莺巢址选择的主要因素,恶劣天气和大杜鹃巢寄生是影响繁殖成效的主要原因。  相似文献   

Summary In a population of Great Reed Warbler (42–53 stationary males) the sex ratio was balanced and occurence of polygynous males (on average 15 % of the males) was more or less compensated by respective number of unmated males. Prospective polygynists arrived earlier in spring on average than monogamists, and got the first female quicker. Their territories were larger (statistically insignificant) and more often situated close to good foraging grounds. The reeds around primary female nests were on average thicker (and taller) and not so dense as in the case of monogamous, secondary and tertiary females. The intensity of nestling feeding (no. of visits per nestling per hour) was higher in the nests of monogamous females, than in primary females, and lowest in secondary and tertiary females nests. Nestlings in secondary and tertiary female broods were on average lighter than in monogamous and primary female broods. The male helped feed nestlings in secondary female nest only exceptionally. In monogamous situation their share in feeding was ca. 50%, and less so in primary female nests. Production of fledglings per female was highest in primary females and lowest in secondary and tertiary females, mainly due to the high starvation rate in the nests of secondary and tertiary females. Generally, collected data strongly suggest that female choice is determined by territory quality, and polygyny threshold hypothesis cannot be rejected. The deception hypothesis cannot be rejected as well in some observed special situations (disruptive territories or polyterritoriality; four cases).
Voraussetzungen für fakultative Polygynie beim Drosselrohrsänger (Acrocephalus arundinaceus)
Zusammenfassung Das Geschlechterverhältnis in der untersuchten Drosselrohrsänger-Population von 42 bis 53 war ausgeglichen. Das Auftreten polygyner (durchschnittlich 15 % der ) wurde mehr oder weniger durch eine entsprechende Anzahl unverpaarter kompensiert. Prospektiv polygyne kamen durchschnittlich früher an als monogame und waren schneller verpaart. Ihre Reviere waren (statistisch nicht signifikant) größer und lagen näher zu günstigen Nahrungsgebieten. Das Schilf in der Nähe der Nester von Erst- war durchschnittlich dicker (und höher) als und nicht so dicht wie bei Einzel- oder Zweit- und Dritt- . Die Fütterungsfrequenz der Nestlinge (Anzahl der Besuche beider Altvögel mit Futter pro Nestling pro Stunde) war bei Nestern von Einzel- höher als bei Erst- und am niedrigsten bei Nestern von Zweit- und Dritt-. Nestlinge von Zweit- und Dritt- waren durchschnittlich leichter als solche von Einzel-und Erst- . halfen nur ausnahmsweise bei der Fütterung von Nestlingen von Zweit- . Bei monogamen Paaren beteiligten sich die ungefähr zur Hälfte an der Fütterung der Nestlinge, bei Nestern von Erst- in geringerem Umfang. Der Ausfliegeerfolg war am höchsten beim Erst- und am niedrigsten bei Zweit- und Dritt- , hauptsächlich bedingt durch Verhungern der Nestlinge. Allgemein legen die Daten nahe, da\ die die nach der Revierqualität auswählen und daß das Polygynieschwellenmodell vonOrians undVerner nicht abgelehnt werden kann. Einige Beobachtungen stützen die Hypothese, daß in bestimmten Situationen (unübersichtliche Reviere, Polyterritorialität) durch Täuschung polygyn werden.

We examine sex ratio variation and sex-specific probability of successful fledgling in relation to hatching date across 376 broods of Great Reed Warblers (Acrocephalus arundinaceus). The sex ratio of complete broods as well as broods with partial mortality did not deviate significantly from parity (0.5 and 0.53, respectively). Variation in sex ratio between broods was not larger than expected from binomial distribution, thus females seem not to manipulate the sex ratio of their broods in the studied population. As a consequence, sex ratio did not vary in relation to hatching date, years and fishponds. Female offspring showed lower fledgling success than their brothers, but the relationship between probability of successful fledgling and hatching date differed between sexes. Fledgling success of female offspring declined with hatching date more strongly than the success of male offspring. Thus, our study shows that Great Reed Warblers do not adjust offspring sex to match observed seasonal sex-specific variation in survival.  相似文献   

Recent technological advancements now allow us to obtain geographical position data for a wide range of animal movements. Here we used light-level geolocators to study the annual migration cycle in great reed warblers (Acrocephalus arundinaceus), a passerine bird breeding in Eurasia and wintering in sub-Saharan Africa. We were specifically interested in seasonal strategies in routes and schedules of migration. We found that the great reed warblers (all males, no females were included) migrated from the Swedish breeding site in early August. After spending up to three weeks at scattered stopover sites in central to south-eastern Europe, they resumed migration and crossed the Mediterranean Sea and Sahara Desert without lengthy stopovers. They then spread out over a large overwintering area and each bird utilised two (or even three) main wintering sites that were spatially separated by a distinct mid-winter movement. Spring migration initiation date differed widely between individuals (1-27 April). Several males took a more westerly route over the Sahara in spring than in autumn, and in general there were fewer long-distance travels and more frequent shorter stopovers, including one in northern Africa, in spring. The shorter stopovers made spring migration on average faster than autumn migration. There was a strong correlation between the spring departure dates from wintering sites and the arrival dates at the breeding ground. All males had a high migration speed in spring despite large variation in departure dates, indicating a time-minimization strategy to achieve an early arrival at the breeding site; the latter being decisive for high reproductive success in great reed warblers. Our results have important implications for the understanding of long-distance migrants’ ability to predict conditions at distant breeding sites and adapt to rapid environmental change.  相似文献   

The evolution of brood parasitism has long attracted considerable attention among behavioural ecologists, especially in the common cuckoo system. Common cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) are obligatory brood parasites, laying eggs in nests of passerines and specializing on specific host species. Specialized races of cuckoos are genetically distinct. Often in a given area, cuckoos encounter multiple hosts showing substantial variation in egg morphology. Exploiting different hosts should lead to egg-phenotype specialization in cuckoos to match egg phenotypes of the hosts. Here we test this assumption using a wild population of two sympatrically occurring host species: the great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) and reed warbler (A. scirpaceus). Using colour spectrophotometry, egg shell dynamometry and egg size measurements, we studied egg morphologies of cuckoos parasitizing these two hosts. In spite of observing clear differences between host egg phenotypes, we found no clear differences in cuckoo egg morphologies. Interestingly, although chromatically cuckoo eggs were more similar to reed warbler eggs, after taking into account achromatic differences, cuckoo eggs seemed to be equally similar to both host species. We hypothesize that such pattern may represent an initial stage of an averaging strategy of cuckoos, that – instead of specializing for specific hosts or exploiting only one host – adapt to multiple hosts.  相似文献   

The vast majority of bird species build a nest in which to breed. Some species build more than one nest, but the function of most multiple nest-building remains unclear. Here we describe the unusual nest-building behaviour of the Australian Reed Warbler Acrocephalus australis , and test experimentally the hypotheses that multiple nest-building is related to individual condition or territory quality, and plays a role in mate assessment. Australian Reed Warblers built two types of nest structures: 'type I' nests, which were used for eggs and nestlings, and 'type II' nests, which were structurally distinct from type I nests, did not support eggs, nestlings or adults and were not essential for successful breeding. The number of type II nests built in each territory varied. Type II nests were only built before breeding had commenced in a territory and females were not observed participating in their construction, supporting a role in female mate choice. Birds provided with supplementary food built significantly more type II nests than control birds. However, supplementary-fed birds did not have greater pairing success, and the addition of further type II nests to territories did not increase the pairing rate or type II nest construction in those territories. There was no relationship between the presence of type II nests and either reproductive success or likelihood of nest predation. We discuss the implications of these results in light of previous suggestions regarding the function of multiple nest-building in birds.  相似文献   

藏羚寄生蠕虫卵粪检调查初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2004年12月25日~2005年1月5日对位于青藏公路楚玛尔河大桥附近集群的藏羚(Pantholopshodgsoni),随机拣取其新鲜粪便共计36份带回实验室。利用漂浮法、沉淀法对粪样进行寄生虫蠕虫卵检查,结果显示,粪样中存在有细颈属(Nematodirus)、马歇尔属(Marshallagia)线虫卵和莫尼茨属(Moniezia)绦虫卵,其感染率在19.4%~94.4%之间,感染强度(EPG)分别为5.58、5.11和2.86。结果表明,冬季藏羚的寄生蠕虫感染率高,但感染种类少和感染强度低。  相似文献   

The continental African Reed Warbler Acrocephalus baeticatus, like its relative the Seychelles Warbler Acrocephalus sechellensis, breeds in isolated patches. We studied the mating system of the African Reed Warbler to see whether this species, like the Seychelles Warbler, shows co-operative breeding. The African Reed Warbler is not polygynous. The majority breed monogamously (88%, n = 65), however in 12% of the territories three adult unrelated birds (mostly males) were observed participating in the brooding and feeding of nestlings, suggesting a polyandrous breeding system. Multilocus DNA fingerprinting revealed that the helping bird was unrelated to the pair birds. The percentage of nests with helpers was low compared to rates found in the Seychelles Warbler or Henderson Reed Warbler Acrocephalus vaughani taiti. This could be due to the scarcity of potential helpers or to the fact that, although limited, birds still had the opportunity to disperse within a meta-population structure in search of vacant territories. The presence of helpers was associated with increased hatching success due to lower predation rates, but not with increased fledging success. Another possible benefit of helping behaviour in this species could be improved predator detection and mobbing. Nest predation was high and warblers tended to build their nests in the highest, most dense reed patches available in their territory. There was no relation between habitat quality, measured as insect food availability, and the occurrence of helpers.  相似文献   

Previous experimental studies have found that the majority of chaffinches, Fringilla coelebs, are able to reject both non‐mimetic and mimetic cuckoo eggs and also non‐mimetic conspecific eggs. However, interestingly the frequency of rejecters of moderately mimetic conspecific eggs has been found to be only approx. 50%. We examined the possibility that acceptors of moderately mimetic conspecific eggs are first time breeders, because these individuals may lack the experience needed to reject eggs that deviate only slightly from their own eggs. Older individuals, with good knowledge of their own egg appearance, should therefore reject such eggs. We also examined the possibility that acceptors of moderately mimetic eggs have a higher intraclutch variation in egg appearance, which makes it more difficult to recognize such eggs when compared with rejecters. We obtained no support for any age‐specific pattern in rejection behaviour. Furthermore, there was no relationship between age and intraclutch variation, or intraclutch variation and rejection behaviour. As there is no evidence of intraspecific brood parasitism in this species, the rejection of any foreign eggs is most probably an adaptation to past cuckoo, Cuculus canorus, parasitism. Acceptance of good and moderately mimetic conspecific eggs is probably due to cognitive limitations, because evolution of a more fine‐tuned recognition ability is unnecessary in the absence of intraspecific brood parasitism.  相似文献   

Vocal mimicry by the Black-browed Reed Warbler Acrocephalus bistrigiceps was investigated. To identify mimicry objectively, we measured similarities between the sounds of models and those of Warblers by means of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using a set of acoustic parameters. Of the sounds suspected of being mimicry according to visual inspection of sonagrams, only 57% were identifiable as mimicry according to PCA. Previous studies have not included quantitative criteria for assessing vocal mimicry, and our results suggest that judgements might not be reliable in the absence of objective criteria. Male Warblers incorporated the mimetic sounds into their songs, and each male mimicked 2–5 species. We found no evidence that females preferred males with large mimetic repertoires. This suggests that vocal mimicry has not evolved in response to selection by females in this species, although our analysis did not reveal entire mimetic repertoires in the Warbler songs.  相似文献   

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