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通过对贵州万山汞污染地区及北京地区猪肝脏和肾脏组织上清液进行凝胶过滤色谱分离(SephadexG 10 0 ) ,随后用原子荧光法测定它们蛋白质组分中汞和硒的含量 ,研究在汞暴露水平不同状态下微量元素汞和硒在动物体蛋白质分子水平上的分布 .发现这两个地区猪肝脏和肾脏组织上清液蛋白质组分中汞和硒的分布模式有明显差异 .贵州万山汞污染地区猪肝脏上清液中汞浓度比北京地区高 ,硒浓度也相应高 ,且前者与高分子量和低分子量蛋白结合的硒均明显高于后者 ;而北京地区猪肝脏上清液中的硒主要以与高分子量蛋白结合的形式存在 .贵州汞污染地区猪肝脏上清液中汞主要与高分子量蛋白结合 ,而北京地区猪肝脏上清液中汞则分布较为均匀 .贵州万山地区猪肾脏上清液中 ,含硒峰在高分子量蛋白区和低分子量区都有分布 ;而北京地区猪肾脏上清液中 ,硒则主要集中分布于高分子量蛋白范围 .这两个地区猪肾脏上清液中都有分子量约为 11kD的金属硫蛋白 (MT)存在 ,北京地区猪肾脏上清液中汞主要以与金属硫蛋白结合的形式出现 ,而贵州万山地区猪肾脏上清液中的汞除与金属硫蛋白结合外 ,尚有相当大部分是以与高分子量蛋白结合的形式存在 .研究结果表明 ,由于这两个地区汞暴露水平的差异 ,不仅使这两地区猪肝、肾上清液中的汞与硒含量  相似文献   

We estimated the nutritional availability of selenium (Se) in Se-enriched Kaiware radish sprouts (SeRS) by the tissue Se deposition and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activity of rats administered the sprouts, and examined the effect of SeRS on the formation of aberrant crypt foci (ACF) in the colon of mice administered 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) to evaluate anti-tumor activity. Male weanling Wistar rats were divided into seven groups and fed a Se-deficient basal diet or the basal diet supplemented with 0.05, 0.10, or 0.15 μg/g of Se as sodium selenite or SeRS for 28 d. Supplementation with Se dose-dependently increased serum and liver Se concentrations and GPX activities, and the selenite-supplemented groups showed a higher increase than the SeRS-supplemented groups. The nutritional availability of Se in SeRS was estimated to be 33 or 64% by slope ratio analysis. Male 4-week-old A/J mice were divided into seven groups and fed a low Se basal diet or the basal diet supplemented with selenite, SeRS, or selenite + non-Se-enriched radish sprouts (NonSeRS) at a level of 0.1 or 2.0 μg Se/g for 9 weeks. After 1 week of feeding, all mice were given six subcutaneous injections of DMH (20 mg/kg) at 1-week intervals. The average number of ACF formed in the colon of mice fed the basal diet was 4.3. At a supplementation level of 0.1 μg Se/g, only SeRS significantly inhibited ACF formation. At a supplementation level of 2.0 μg Se/g, both selenite and SeRS significantly inhibited ACF formation. The addition of NonSeRS to the selenite-supplemented diets tended to inhibit ACF formation, but this was not statistically significant. These results indicate that SeRS shows lower nutritional availability but higher anti-tumor activity than selenite.  相似文献   

Blood and epidermal biopsies from free-ranging Tursiops truncatus captured and released during either summer or winter health assessments in Sarasota Bay, FL, were evaluated for concentrations of mercury, selenium, stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N), and blood glutathione peroxidase activity in conjunction with routine hematology and serum chemistry panels. Major objectives were to: 1) quantify and describe relationships among mercury, selenium, glutathione peroxidase, and stable isotopes of C and N in blood and epidermis; 2) elucidate major parameters that influence blood mercury and glutathione peroxidase activity; 3) relate measures of tissue mercury, selenium, and glutathione peroxidase to specific ecological, hematological, morphological, or life history parameters, including season, sex, age, and trophic level. Mercury in both tissues examined is almost exclusively methylmercury. Epidermal concentrations of mercury and selenium reflect their respective amounts in blood, albeit at several times blood concentrations of mercury. The strong association between blood mercury and serum selenium, in conjunction with a lack of significant correlation between blood mercury and glutathione peroxidase, implies that a substantial proportion of blood mercury is affiliated with another selenium-containing moiety or is related to recent dietary intakes (e.g., trophic level, intensive fish consumption). Circulating blood mercury may be described in terms of serum selenium concentration, along with interaction terms among serum selenium, blood δ15N, and age. Current selenium concentrations in Sarasota Bay dolphins appear adequate for maintenance of blood glutathione peroxidase activity. However, dolphins evidently are subject to seasonal exacerbation of oxidative stress, which might render them more vulnerable to toxic effects of mercury. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Fish-related consumption advisories have emerged based on the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids (omega-3 FA) intake and risks of Hg exposure from marine fish. However, only a few were based from freshwater fish. We integrated omega-3 FA and Hg data available from commonly eaten freshwater fish in China to provide a new perspective on consumption of these fish and also created a guide on the cost of basic omega-3 FA intake of 1750 mg/week. Results show that freshwater fish exhibited low omega-3 FA and Hg levels. The Hg bioaccumulation of functional feeding groups was significantly different (p <.05). Carnivorous species indicated relatively high Hg levels, whereas planktivorous fish species showed high omega-3 FA levels and extremely low costs for basic omega-3 FA intake. Results indicate that an advisory regarding reasonable fish consumption is necessary to maximize omega-3 FA and to minimize Hg exposure risks to fish consumers. This study provides temporary advisories and guide research for the creation of a proper dietary pattern. The advisory could reduce confusion and enforce benefit and risk communication for freshwater fish consumers. However, additional biomonitoring data in fish are needed to create more appropriate and specific freshwater fish consumption guidelines for the public.  相似文献   

Selenium accumulation and the growth of cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis (Nordst.) Geitl. were studied in a culture with sodium selenite-supplemented nutritional medium. Selenite concentrations below 20 mg/l did not inhibit the growth of S. platensis. The addition of 30 mg/l of this salt somewhat decreased the growth rate during the linear growth phase, induced the earlier suspension transition to the steady-state phase, and substantially lowered the highest optical density of the suspension. However, even at 170 mg/l Na2SeO3, the culture still demonstrated a capacity for growth. The content of selenium in the cells depended directly on its concentration in the medium, up to the lethal level. At high selenium concentrations (100–170 mg/l), S. platensis reduced Se(IV) up to Se(0). The latter was secreted onto the cell surface and into the cultural medium. The high concentrations of Na2SeO3 acidified the cytoplasmic pH as was measured by 31P-NMR spectroscopy. At the same time, the content of protein on a dry weight basis decreased and that of carbohydrates and lipids somewhat increased, just as was observed in S. platensis cells under other stress factors. In the presence of 20 mg/l Na2SeO3, the selenium content in the biomass increased by 20000 times as compared to that in the control cells, whereas the biochemical composition of biomass did not change. In this case, the selenium was incorporated almost completely in the protein fraction. The selenium concentration in this fraction increased more significantly when the sulfur content was lowered in the medium.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of dietary vitamin E, selenium, and their combination on the levels of fatty acid composition of the brain and liver tissues were examined. In brain tissue, the amounts of most fatty acids increased in vitamin E, combination and selenium groups compared with control group values. While the proportions of myristic, pentadecanoic, palmitic, linoleic, and total saturated fatty acids were decreased in vitamin E, Se and combination groups, eicosapentaenoic, total unsaturated and MUFA were increased in the same groups. In addition, the proportions arachidonic, eicosapentaenoic, total unsaturated, ω6 and MUFA in the combination group were higher than in the control group. In liver tissue, the amounts of myristic, pentadecanoic, palmitic, eicosedienoic, eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic, ω3 and PUFA were higher in the combination group than in the control group. Also the proportions of eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic acids in supplemented groups were higher than those in the control group. We conclude that dietary vitamin E and selenium have an influence on the levels of fatty acids in the brain and liver. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The behavior and fate of mercury (Hg) in soil is mainly controlled by adsorption and desorption processes with various adsorbents, particularly dissolved organic matter (DOM). This study was conducted to assess the effect of DOM from wheat straw (DOMw) and swine manure (DOMs) on Hg (II) adsorption of black, red, and fluvo-aquic soils in China. Results showed that the Hg (II) adsorption isotherms fitted well with Langmuir and Freundlich equations. The maximum Hg (II) potential adsorption capacity by the three soils followed this trend: black soil > red soil > fluvo-aquic soil. The amount of Hg (II) adsorbed on the soils significantly decreased when DOMw and DOMs were added to the soil samples. Furthermore, the extent by which DOMw affected the Hg (II) adsorption of the three soils was higher than the effect of equivalent amounts of DOMs. Therefore, DOM is important to determine the fate of Hg (II) and control Hg (II) pollution in the environment.  相似文献   

The application of radionuclides for the localization of essential trace elements in vivo and the characterization of their binding proteins is a story of intermittently made improvements of the techniques used for their detection. In this study we present the use of neutron activation analysis and different autoradiographic imaging methods including real-time digital autoradiography to reveal new insights in the hierarchy of selenium homeostasis. Selenoproteins containing the essential trace element selenium play important roles in the CNS. Although the CNS does not show the highest selenium concentration in the case of selenium-sufficient supply in comparison with other organs, it shows a high priority for selenium uptake and retention in the case of dietary selenium deficiency. To characterize the hierarchy of selenium supply in the brain, in vivo radiotracer labeling with 75Se in rats with different selenium status was combined with autoradiographic detection of 75Se in brain tissue sections and 75Se-labeled selenoproteins after protein separation by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. This study demonstrates significant differences in the uptake of 75Se into the brain of rats with different selenium status. A brain region-specific uptake pattern of the radiotracer 75Se in selenium-deficient rats could be revealed and the CSF was identified as a key part of the brain selenium homeostasis.  相似文献   

在很多"之歌"中,我非常喜欢《长江之歌》,歌中唱道"你从远古走来,……你是无穷的源泉".正值《生物化学与生物物理进展》创刊40周年的日子,我愿意唱一首心中的歌——"脑之歌".人类大脑就好比是一条历史长河,它从远古流到了今天,又将从今天流向未来,是自然通过漫长进化所产生的最精细、最复杂、最优美和最成功的器官,是智力演化的最伟大奇迹,是人类智力产生的源泉,是人类灵性的家园.人脑以其非凡的能力造就了人类知识和文明的社会传承.可是到如今,我们还不知道人脑在整体上是如何工作的.脑功能神经组学或许是破解脑的奥秘的钥匙.  相似文献   

Forty multiparous Holstein cows were used in a 16-week continuous design study to determine the effects of either selenium (Se) source, selenised yeast (SY) (derived from a specific strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3060) or sodium selenite (SS), or Se inclusion rate in the form of SY in the diets of lactating dairy cows on the Se concentration and speciation in blood, milk and cheese. Cows received ad libitum a total mixed ration (TMR) with a 1 : 1 forage : concentrate ratio on a dry matter (DM) basis. There were four diets (T1 to T4), which differed only in either source or dose of Se additive. Estimated total dietary Se for T1 (no supplement), T2 (SS), T3 (SY) and T4 (SY) was 0.16, 0.30, 0.30 and 0.45 mg/kg DM, respectively. Blood and milk samples were taken at 28-day intervals and at each time point there were positive linear effects of Se in the form of SY on the Se concentration in blood and milk. At day 112, blood and milk Se values for T1 to T4 were 177, 208, 248 and 279 ± 6.6 and 24, 38, 57 and 72 ± 3.7 ng/g fresh material, respectively, and indicate improved uptake and incorporation of Se from SY. In whole blood, selenocysteine (SeCys) was the main selenised amino acid and the concentration of selenomethionine (SeMet) increased with the increasing inclusion rate of SY. In milk, there were no marked treatment effects on the SeCys content, but Se source had a marked effect on the concentration of SeMet. At day 112, replacing SS (T2) with SY (T3) increased the SeMet concentration of milk from 36 to 111 ng Se/g and its concentration increased further to 157 ng Se/g dried sample as the inclusion rate of SY increased further (T4) to provide 0.45 mg Se/kg TMR. Neither Se source nor inclusion rate affected the keeping quality of milk. At day 112, milk from T1, T2 and T3 was made into a hard cheese and Se source had a marked effect on total Se and the concentration of total Se comprised as either SeMet or SeCys. Replacing SS (T2) with SY (T3) increased total Se, SeMet and SeCys content in cheese from 180 to 340 ng Se/g, 57 to 153 ng Se/g and 52 to 92 ng Se/g dried sample, respectively. The use of SY to produce food products with enhanced Se content as a means of meeting the Se requirements is discussed.  相似文献   


Previous studies have suggested that dogs facilitate social interaction between humans. Furthermore, the nature of social interaction is limited to nonverbal behavior such as smiling or gazing or to commonplace conversations. Four studies were carried out in field settings in order to explore if dogs can facilitate closer relationships. In the first experiment, a male confederate (accompanied or not by a dog) solicited people for money in the street. The second experiment was the same except that a female confederate was used. In a third experiment, a male confederate (with or without a dog) accidentally dropped some coins on the ground, to see if people would help him pick them up. In the fourth experiment, a male confederate (with or without a dog) solicited young women in the street for their phone numbers. Results show that the presence of the dog was associated with a higher rate of helping behavior (experiments 1, 2, 3) and higher compliance with the request of the confederate (experiment 4). The influence of a domestic dog as a facilitator to create affiliation and relations in social interaction is discussed.  相似文献   

The hypothesis being tested was that the exposure of female workers to the electromagnetic field (EMF) emitted by an induction hob (IHb) meeting public exposure limitations (evaluated according to EN/IEC 62233) is also compliant with European Directive 2013/35/EU on workers’ protection. The electric field induced in three female models in a realistic ergonomically comfortable posture near IHb was evaluated using numerical models of 25 kHz EMF sources (IHb covered by cooking vessels). It was found that, in analyzed ergonomically comfortable exposure situations, the electric field induced in the user's body may exceed public and workers’ limits when the vessels do not match the dimensions of IHb's heating zone. This can even be the case when IHb complies with Conformité Européenne labeling requirements (i.e. EMF exposure falls below public limits 30 cm away from IHb edge). In the 36 exposure scenarios analyzed, statistically significant differences were found when the distances from IHb and vessel dimension, and the height and body mass index of models in exposure scenarios varied, but not between the use of models of pregnant and nonpregnant women. The use of IHb complying with European requirements on general public protection does not ensure that EMF exposure to workers complies with the relevant limits. Adequate protection measures need to address these occupational environmental hazards. © 2020 Bioelectromagnetics Society.  相似文献   

Here I investigate whether patterns of scarid biomass across the continental shelf of the northern Great Barrier Reef can be explained by species associating with particular characteristics of the reef environment. Despite the widely documented tendency of scarids to graze and browse over exposed calcareous reef surfaces, scarid biomass was not significantly correlated with the availability of feeding substrata for any species investigated. Indeed positive correlations between biomass and substrata variables were rare for the 18 species investigated, indicating that biomass in these taxa was not strongly reliant on the availability of preferred substrata quantified at the spatial scale of sites (1620m2). Rather, species specific biomass was commonly highly variable between sites, suggesting that local aggregation of scarids commonly occurs at this scale. Such spatial patchiness potentially reflects the effects of spatially variable recruitment, fishes associating with unmeasured habitat characteristics or aggregating prior to spawning. Despite variability in the biomass of individual species between replicate sites within exposure regimes, exposure was generally a far more reliable predictor of biomass than the other variables quantified. This study provides little evidence to indicate that adult scarids have strict habitat requirements, rather they appear to be habitat generalists whose biomass is strongly influenced by exposure but weakly related to the cover of particular reef substratum.  相似文献   

魏萍 《生物信息学》2016,1(3):40-55
中国经济进入新常态,经济结构得到优化调整的同时,也将促使收入分配格局发生变化,教育是影响收入分配差距的重要因素之一,其扩展、分布与质量对收入分配差距的影响机制各不相同。理论上,在结构效应和工资压缩效应相互作用下,教育扩展对收入不平等程度的影响呈现先扩大后缩小的趋势;教育分布不平等则会扩大收入分配差距;教育扩展与质量对收入分配差距的影响还与经济发展水平有关,即存在“经济门槛效应”。本文采用1995-2011年中国24个省份的面板数据从教育的扩展、分布与质量三方面重点考察了教育对收入分配差距的影响。实证结果表明,教育扩展和收入分配差距之间存在库兹涅茨“倒U”关系,且目前中国仍处于“倒U”曲线的左侧;教育分布越不平等,收入分配差距越大;教育质量的改善未能起到缩小收入分配差距的效果,原因在于城乡、地区之间教育资源分配的不均衡。因此,政府应加快普及高中教育,贯彻落实教育扩展政策;统筹教育协调发展,促进教育分布公平;优化教育投入结构,促进教育质量提升。  相似文献   

The possible use of vanadium compounds in the treatment of diabetic patients is now being evaluated. However, previously to establish the optimal maximum dose for diabetes therapy, it should be taken into account that vanadium is a highly toxic element to man and animals. The toxic effects of vanadium are here reviewed. The tissue vanadium accumulation, which would mean an additional risk of toxicity following prolonged vanadium administration is also discussed. Recently, it has been shown that coadministration of vanadate and TIRON, an effective chelator in the treatment of vanadium intoxication, reduced the tissue accumulation of this element, decreasing the possibility of toxic side effects derived from chronic vanadium administration without diminishing the hypoglycemic effect of vanadium. However, previously to assess the effectiveness of this treatment in diabetic patients, a critical reevaluation of the antidiabetic action of vanadium and its potential toxicity is clearly needed.  相似文献   

青花菜含有天然活性成分萝卜硫素(sulforaphane),并且具有富硒能力。大量的流行病学、动物实验和临床研究表明,萝卜硫素和硒都具有抗多种癌症的生理功能,并且效果显著。已有的研究表明,硒与参与合成萝卜硫素的硫存在竞争效应,影响植物体内萝卜硫素含量。但两者在预防和治疗癌症中具有协同效应。硒和萝卜硫素的矛盾备受关注且对人类健康意义重大。本文综述了青花菜萝卜硫素和富硒能力的研究进展和关系,总结了二者抗癌功能的机制。  相似文献   

Data from eight published studies were combined to show that the influence of traffic density on Pb contents in roadside soils increases with proximity to the road.  相似文献   

Some aquatic oligochaete species, mainly certain naidids and tubificids, are often associated with polluted environments, with high levels of organic matter and oxygen deficit. However, in the stations sampled in the Guadaira river basin, which can be arranged on an axis of organic pollution, the main aquatic oligochaete species (Nais elinguis and Tubifex tubifex) inhabiting these environments do not show a distribution pattern significantly related to the water physico-chemical characteristics measured. Nor, have we registered any association between these species and any kind of microhabitat, defined here: water current, presence of different types of vegetation, substrate coarseness and presence of anoxic sediments. Paranais litoralis is the exception, being related to areas without water current, located at higher altitudes, with high levels of dissolved organic matter and an anoxic substrate made up of fine particles. These results can be explained by the highly fluctuating nature of Mediterranean ecosystems and by the marked generalist character and ubiquity of the oligochaete assemblage species, able to colonize any kind of environment.  相似文献   

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