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Three broad classes of Ca(2+)-activated potassium channels are defined by their respective single channel conductances, i.e. the small, intermediate, and large conductance channels, often termed the SK, IK, and BK channels, respectively. SK channels are likely encoded by three genes, Kcnn1-3, whereas IK and most BK channels are most likely products of the Kcnn4 and Slo (Kcnma1) genes, respectively. IK channels are prominently expressed in cells of the hematopoietic system and in organs involved in salt and fluid transport, including the colon, lung, and salivary glands. IK channels likely underlie the K(+) permeability in red blood cells that is associated with water loss, which is a contributing factor in the pathophysiology of sickle cell disease. IK channels are also involved in the activation of T lymphocytes. The fluid-secreting acinar cells of the parotid gland express both IK and BK channels, raising questions about their particular respective roles. To test the physiological roles of channels encoded by the Kcnn4 gene, we constructed a mouse deficient in its expression. Kcnn4 null mice were of normal appearance and fertility, their parotid acinar cells expressed no IK channels, and their red blood cells lost K(+) permeability. The volume regulation of T lymphocytes and erythrocytes was severely impaired in Kcnn4 null mice but was normal in parotid acinar cells. Despite the loss of IK channels, activated fluid secretion from parotid glands was normal. These results confirm that IK channels in red blood cells, T lymphocytes, and parotid acinar cells are indeed encoded by the Kcnn4 gene. The role of these channels in water movement and the subsequent volume changes in red blood cells and T lymphocytes is also confirmed. Surprisingly, Kcnn4 channels appear to play no required role in fluid secretion and regulatory volume decrease in the parotid gland.  相似文献   

The complexity of mammalian physiology requires a diverse array of ion channel proteins. This diversity extends even to a single family of channels. For example, the family of Ca2+-activated K channels contains three structural subfamilies characterized by small, intermediate, and large single channel conductances. Many cells and tissues, including neurons, vascular smooth muscle, endothelial cells, macrophages, and salivary glands express more than a single class of these channels, raising questions about their specific physiological roles. We demonstrate here a novel interaction between two types of Ca2+-activated K channels: maxi-K channels, encoded by the KCa1.1 gene, and IK1 channels (KCa3.1). In both native parotid acinar cells and in a heterologous expression system, activation of IK1 channels inhibits maxi-K activity. This interaction was independent of the mode of activation of the IK1 channels: direct application of Ca2+, muscarinic receptor stimulation, or by direct chemical activation of the IK1 channels. The IK1-induced inhibition of maxi-K activity occurred in small, cell-free membrane patches and was due to a reduction in the maxi-K channel open probability and not to a change in the single channel current level. These data suggest that IK1 channels inhibit maxi-K channel activity via a direct, membrane-delimited interaction between the channel proteins. A quantitative analysis indicates that each maxi-K channel may be surrounded by four IK1 channels and will be inhibited if any one of these IK1 channels opens. This novel, regulated inhibition of maxi-K channels by activation of IK1 adds to the complexity of the properties of these Ca2+-activated K channels and likely contributes to the diversity of their functional roles.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that hIK1 is activated directly by ATP in excised, inside-out patches in a protein kinase A inhibitor 5-24 dependent manner, suggesting a role for phosphorylation in the regulation of this Ca(2+)-dependent channel. However, mutation of the single consensus cAMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylation site (S334A) failed to modify the response of hIK1 to ATP (Gerlach, A. C., Gangopadhyay, N. N., and Devor, D. C. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 585-598). Here we demonstrate that ATP does not similarly activate the highly homologous Ca(2+)-dependent K(+) channels, hSK1, rSK2, and rSK3. To define the region of hIK1 responsible for the ATP-dependent regulation, we generated a series of hIK1 truncations and hIK1/rSK2 chimeras. ATP did not activate a chimera containing the N terminus plus S1-S4 from hIK1. In contrast, ATP activated a chimera containing the hIK1 C-terminal amino acids His(299)-Lys(427). Furthermore, truncation of hIK1 at Leu(414) resulted in an ATP-dependent channel, whereas larger truncations of hIK1 failed to express. Additional hIK1/rSK2 chimeras defined the minimal region of hIK1 required to confer complete ATP sensitivity as including amino acids Arg(355)-Ala(413). An alanine scan of all non-conserved serines and threonines within this region failed to alter the response of hIK1 to ATP, suggesting that hIK1 itself is not directly phosphorylated. Additionally, substitution of amino acids Arg(355)-Met(368) of hIK1 into the corresponding region of rSK2 resulted in an ATP-dependent activation, which was approximately 50% of that of hIK1. These results demonstrate that amino acids Arg(355)-Ala(413) within the C terminus of hIK1 confer sensitivity to ATP. Finally, we demonstrate that the ATP-dependent phosphorylation of hIK1 or an associated protein is independent of Ca(2+).  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that hIK1 is activated directly by ATP in excised, inside-out patches in a protein kinase A inhibitor 5-24 dependent manner, suggesting a role for phosphorylation in the regulation of this Ca(2+)-dependent channel. However, mutation of the single consensus cAMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylation site (S334A) failed to modify the response of hIK1 to ATP (Gerlach, A. C., Gangopadhyay, N. N., and Devor, D. C. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 585-598). Here we demonstrate that ATP does not similarly activate the highly homologous Ca(2+)-dependent K(+) channels, hSK1, rSK2, and rSK3. To define the region of hIK1 responsible for the ATP-dependent regulation, we generated a series of hIK1 truncations and hIK1/rSK2 chimeras. ATP did not activate a chimera containing the N terminus plus S1-S4 from hIK1. In contrast, ATP activated a chimera containing the hIK1 C-terminal amino acids His(299)-Lys(427). Furthermore, truncation of hIK1 at Leu(414) resulted in an ATP-dependent channel, whereas larger truncations of hIK1 failed to express. Additional hIK1/rSK2 chimeras defined the minimal region of hIK1 required to confer complete ATP sensitivity as including amino acids Arg(355)-Ala(413). An alanine scan of all non-conserved serines and threonines within this region failed to alter the response of hIK1 to ATP, suggesting that hIK1 itself is not directly phosphorylated. Additionally, substitution of amino acids Arg(355)-Met(368) of hIK1 into the corresponding region of rSK2 resulted in an ATP-dependent activation, which was approximately 50% of that of hIK1. These results demonstrate that amino acids Arg(355)-Ala(413) within the C terminus of hIK1 confer sensitivity to ATP. Finally, we demonstrate that the ATP-dependent phosphorylation of hIK1 or an associated protein is independent of Ca(2+).  相似文献   

Large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (BK) channels belong to the S4 superfamily of K+ channels that include voltage-dependent K+ (Kv) channels characterized by having six (S1-S6) transmembrane domains and a positively charged S4 domain. As Kv channels, BK channels contain a S4 domain, but they have an extra (S0) transmembrane domain that leads to an external NH2-terminus. The BK channel is activated by internal Ca2+, and using chimeric channels and mutagenesis, three distinct Ca2+-dependent regulatory mechanisms with different divalent cation selectivity have been identified in its large COOH-terminus. Two of these putative Ca2+-binding domains activate the BK channel when cytoplasmic Ca2+ reaches micromolar concentrations, and a low Ca2+ affinity mechanism may be involved in the physiological regulation by Mg2+. The presence in the BK channel of multiple Ca2+-binding sites explains the huge Ca2+ concentration range (0.1 microM-100 microM) in which the divalent cation influences channel gating. BK channels are also voltage-dependent, and all the experimental evidence points toward the S4 domain as the domain in charge of sensing the voltage. Calcium can open BK channels when all the voltage sensors are in their resting configuration, and voltage is able to activate channels in the complete absence of Ca2+. Therefore, Ca2+ and voltage act independently to enhance channel opening, and this behavior can be explained using a two-tiered allosteric gating mechanism.  相似文献   

The role of the NH(2)-terminal leucine zipper and dileucine motifs of hIK1 in the assembly, trafficking, and function of the channel was investigated using cell surface immunoprecipitation, co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP), immunoblot, and whole-cell patch clamp techniques. Mutation of the NH(2)-terminal leucine zipper at amino acid positions 18 and 25 (L18A/L25A) resulted in a complete loss of steady-state protein expression, cell surface expression, and whole-cell current density. Inhibition of proteasomal degradation with lactacystin restored L18A/L25A protein expression, although this channel was not expressed at the cell surface as assessed by cell surface immunoprecipitation and whole-cell patch clamp. In contrast, inhibitors of lysosomal degradation (leupeptin/pepstatin) and endocytosis (chloroquine) had little effect on L18A/L25A protein expression or localization. Further studies confirmed the rapid degradation of this channel, having a time constant of 19.0 +/- 1.3 min compared with 3.2 +/- 0.8 h for wild type hIK1. Co-expression studies demonstrated that the L18A/L25A channel associates with wild type channel, thereby attenuating its expression at the cell surface. Co-IP studies confirmed this association. However, L18A/L25A channels failed to form homotetrameric channels, as assessed by Co-IP, suggesting the NH(2) terminus plays a role in tetrameric channel assembly. As with the leucine zipper, mutation of the dileucine motif to alanines, L18A/L19A, resulted in a near complete loss in steady-state protein expression with the protein being similarly targeted to the proteasome for degradation. In contrast to our results on the leucine zipper, however, both chloroquine and growing the cells at the permissive temperature of 27 degrees C restored expression of L18A/L19A at the cell surface, suggesting that the defect in the channel trafficking is the result of a subtle folding error. In conclusion, we demonstrate that the NH(2) terminus of hIK1 contains overlapping leucine zipper and dileucine motifs essential for channel assembly and trafficking to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Small conductance, Ca2+-activated voltage-independent potassium channels (SK channels) are widely expressed in diverse tissues; however, little is known about the molecular regulation of SK channel subunits. Direct alteration of ion channel subunits by kinases is a candidate mechanism for functional modulation of these channels. We find that activation of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) with forskolin (50 microm) causes a dramatic decrease in surface localization of the SK2 channel subunit expressed in COS7 cells due to direct phosphorylation of the SK2 channel subunit. PKA phosphorylation studies using the intracellular domains of the SK2 channel subunit expressed as glutathione S-transferase fusion protein constructs showed that both the amino-terminal and carboxyl-terminal regions are PKA substrates in vitro. Mutational analysis identified a single PKA phosphorylation site within the amino-terminal of the SK2 subunit at serine 136. Mutagenesis and mass spectrometry studies identified four PKA phosphorylation sites: Ser465 (minor site) and three amino acid residues Ser568, Ser569, and Ser570 (major sites) within the carboxyl-terminal region. A mutated SK2 channel subunit, with the three contiguous serines mutated to alanines to block phosphorylation at these sites, shows no decrease in surface expression after PKA stimulation. Thus, our findings suggest that PKA phosphorylation of these three sites is necessary for PKA-mediated reorganization of SK2 surface expression.  相似文献   

L Varecka  E Peterajová 《FEBS letters》1990,276(1-2):169-171
We found that vanadate-induced 45Ca2+ uptake by red cells is maximal at 25 degrees C. At this temperature, the Cai-induced increase of the K+ permeability (the Gárdos effect) shows a lag (up to 8 min) which is not observed at 37 degrees C. This cannot be explained by the lack of availability of Ca2+ for the Ca2(+)-activated K+ channel, and suggests that its activation by Ca2+ is mediated by a temperature-dependent mechanism which remains unknown so far. The lag is not observed when the Gárdos effect was initiated by propranolol. This shows that the putative temperature-dependent step is different from chloride transport.  相似文献   

Epithelial cells express calcium-activated Cl(-) channels of unknown molecular identity. These Cl(-) channels play a central role in diseases such as secretory diarrhea, polycystic kidney disease, and cystic fibrosis. The family of bestrophins has been suggested to form calcium-activated Cl(-) channels. Here, we demonstrate molecular and functional expression of bestrophin-1 (BEST1) in mouse and human airways, colon, and kidney. Endogenous calcium-activated whole cell Cl(-) currents coincide with endogenous expression of the Vmd2 gene product BEST1 in murine and human epithelial cells, whereas calcium-activated Cl(-) currents are absent in epithelial tissues lacking BEST1 expression. Blocking expression of BEST1 with short interfering RNA or applying an anti-BEST1 antibody to a patch pipette suppressed ATP-induced whole cell Cl(-) currents. Calcium-dependent Cl(-) currents were activated by ATP in HEK293 cells expressing BEST1. Thus, BEST1 may form the Ca2+-activated Cl(-) current, or it may be a component of a Cl(-) channel complex in epithelial tissues.  相似文献   

Polymyxin B, a novel inhibitor of red cell Ca2+-activated K+ channel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Polymyxin B (PXB), a cyclic peptide antibiotic, in concentrations 0.1-3.0 mg/ml (0.08-4.0 mmol/l), inhibited the K+ efflux induced by opening of the Ca2+-activated K+ channel (the Gárdos effect) in intact human red blood cells. The inhibition was observed when the Gárdos effect was elicited by Ca2+ in the presence of vanadate, or propranolol, in ATP-depleted cells, and in A23187-treated cells. The inhibition of the Gárdos effect is caused neither by the inhibition of the anion channel by PXB nor by the inhibition of Ca2+ entry. It can be ascribed to the inhibition of the Ca2+-activated K+ channel. The mechanism of the inhibition remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Functional modification of a Ca2+-activated K+ channel by trimethyloxonium   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
R MacKinnon  C Miller 《Biochemistry》1989,28(20):8087-8092
Single Ca2+-activated K+ channels from rat skeletal muscle plasma membranes were studied in neutral phospholipid bilayers. Channels were chemically modified by briefly exposing the external side to the carboxyl group modifying reagent trimethyloxonium (TMO). TMO modification, in a "multi-hit" fashion, reduces the single-channel conductance without affecting ion selectivity. Modification also shifts the voltage activation curve toward more depolarized voltages and reduces the affinity of the channel blocker charybdotoxin (CTX). CTX, bound to the channel during the TMO exposure, prevents the TMO-induced reduction of the single-channel conductance. These data suggest that the high-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel has carboxyl groups on its external surface. These groups influence ion conduction, gating, and the binding of CTX.  相似文献   

Ca(2+) activation of Cl and K channels is a key event underlying stimulated fluid secretion from parotid salivary glands. Cl channels are exclusively present on the apical plasma membrane (PM), whereas the localization of K channels has not been established. Mathematical models have suggested that localization of some K channels to the apical PM is optimum for fluid secretion. A combination of whole cell electrophysiology and temporally resolved digital imaging with local manipulation of intracellular [Ca(2+)] was used to investigate if Ca(2+)-activated K channels are present in the apical PM of parotid acinar cells. Initial experiments established Ca(2+)-buffering conditions that produced brief, localized increases in [Ca(2+)] after focal laser photolysis of caged Ca(2+). Conditions were used to isolate K(+) and Cl(-) conductances. Photolysis at the apical PM resulted in a robust increase in K(+) and Cl(-) currents. A localized reduction in [Ca(2+)] at the apical PM after photolysis of Diazo-2, a caged Ca(2+) chelator, resulted in a decrease in both K(+) and Cl(-) currents. The K(+) currents evoked by apical photolysis were partially blocked by both paxilline and TRAM-34, specific blockers of large-conductance "maxi-K" (BK) and intermediate K (IK), respectively, and almost abolished by incubation with both antagonists. Apical TRAM-34-sensitive K(+) currents were also observed in BK-null parotid acini. In contrast, when the [Ca(2+)] was increased at the basal or lateral PM, no increase in either K(+) or Cl(-) currents was evoked. These data provide strong evidence that K and Cl channels are similarly distributed in the apical PM. Furthermore, both IK and BK channels are present in this domain, and the density of these channels appears higher in the apical versus basolateral PM. Collectively, this study provides support for a model in which fluid secretion is optimized after expression of K channels specifically in the apical PM.  相似文献   

Throughout the CNS, small conductance Ca(2+)-activated potassium (SK) channels modulate firing frequency and neuronal excitability. We have identified a novel, shorter isoform of standard SK2 (SK2-std) in mouse brain which we named SK2-sh. SK2-sh is alternatively spliced at exon 3 and therefore lacks 140 amino acids, which include transmembrane domains S3, S4 and S5, compared with SK2-std. Western blot analysis of mouse hippocampal tissue revealed a 47 kDa protein product as predicted for SK2-sh along with a 64 kDa band representing the standard SK2 isoform. Electrophysiological recordings from transiently expressed SK2-sh revealed no functional channel activity or interaction with SK2-std. With the help of real-time PCR, we found significantly higher expression levels of SK2-sh mRNA in cortical tissue from AD cases when compared with age-matched controls. A similar increase in SK2-sh expression was induced in cortical neurons from mice by cytokine exposure. Substantial clinical evidence suggests that excess cytokines are centrally involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Thus, SK2-sh as a downstream target of cytokines, provide a promising target for additional investigation regarding potential therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

Iberiotoxin, a toxin purified from the scorpion Buthus tamulus is a 37 amino acid peptide having 68% homology with charybdotoxin. Charybdotoxin blocks large conductance Ca(2+)-activated K+ channels at nanomolar concentrations from the external side only (Miller, C., E. Moczydlowski, R. Latorre, and M. Phillips. 1985. Nature (Lond.). 313:316-318). Like charybdotoxin, iberiotoxin is only able to block the skeletal muscle membrane Ca(2+)-activated K+ channel incorporated into neutral-planar bilayers when applied to the external side. In the presence of iberiotoxin, channel activity is interrupted by quiescent periods that can last for several minutes. From single-channel records it was possible to determine that iberiotoxin binds to Ca(2+)-activate K+ channel in a bimolecular reaction. When the solution bathing the membrane are 300 mM K+ internal and 300 mM Na+ external the toxin second order association rate constant is 3.3 x 10(6) s-1 M-1 and the first order dissociation rate constant is 3.8 x 10(-3) s-1, yielding an apparent equilibrium dissociation constant of 1.16 nM. This constant is 10-fold lower than that of charybdotoxin, and the values for the rate constants showed above indicate that this is mainly due to the very low dissociation rate constant; mean blocked time approximately 5 min. The fact that tetraethylammonium competitively inhibits the iberiotoxin binding to the channel is a strong suggestion that this toxin binds to the channel external vestibule. Increasing the external K+ concentration makes the association rate constant to decrease with no effect on the dissociation reaction indicating that the surface charges located in the external channel vestibule play an important role in modulating toxin binding.  相似文献   

We determined the effect of nucleotides and protein kinase A (PKA) on the Ca(2+)-dependent gating of the cloned intermediate conductance, Ca(2+)-dependent K(+) channel, hIK1. In Xenopus oocytes, during two-electrode voltage-clamp, forskolin plus isobutylmethylxanthine induced a Ca(2+)-dependent increase in hIK1 activity. In excised inside-out patches, addition of ATP induced a Ca(2+)-dependent increase in hIK1 activity (NP(o)). In contrast, neither nonhydrolyzable (AMP-PNP, AMP-PCP) nor hydrolyzable ATP analogs (GTP, CTP, UTP, and ITP) activated hIK1. The ATP-dependent activation of hIK1 required Mg(2+) and was reversed by either exogenous alkaline phosphatase or the PKA inhibitor PKI(5-24). The Ca(2+) dependence of hIK1 activation was best fit with a stimulatory constant (K(s)) of 350 nM and a Hill coefficient (n) of 2.3. ATP increased NP(o) at [Ca(2+)] >100 nM while having no effect on K(s) or n. Mutation of the single PKA consensus phosphorylation site at serine 334 to alanine (S334A) had no effect on the PKA-dependent activation during either two-electrode voltage-clamp or in excised inside-out patches. When expressed in HEK293 cells, ATP activated hIK1 in a Mg(2+)-dependent fashion, being reversed by alkaline phosphatase. Neither PKI(5-24) nor CaMKII(281-309) or PKC(19-31) affected the ATP-dependent activation. Northern blot analysis revealed hIK1 expression in the T84 colonic cell line. Endogenous hIK1 was activated by ATP in a Mg(2+)- and PKI(5-24)-dependent fashion and was reversed by alkaline phosphatase, whereas CaMKII(281-309) and PKC(19-31) had no effect on the ATP-dependent activation. The Ca(2+)-dependent activation (K(s) and n) was unaffected by ATP. In conclusion, hIK1 is activated by a membrane delimited PKA when endogenously expressed. Although the oocyte expression system recapitulates this regulation, expression in HEK293 cells does not. The effect of PKA on hIK1 gating is Ca(2+)-dependent and occurs via an increase in NP(o) without an effect on either Ca(2+) affinity or apparent cooperativity.  相似文献   

We report here the expression and properties of the intermediate-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) (IK(Ca)) channel in the GL-15 human glioblastoma cell line. Macroscopic IK(Ca) currents on GL-15 cells displayed a mean amplitude of 7.2+/-0.8 pA/pF at 0 mV, at day 1 after plating. The current was inhibited by clotrimazole (CTL, IC(50)=257 nM), TRAM-34 (IC(50)=55 nM), and charybdotoxin (CTX, IC(50)=10.3 nM). RT-PCR analysis demonstrated the expression of mRNA encoding the IK(Ca) channel in GL-15 cells. Unitary currents recorded using the inside-out configuration had a conductance of 25 pS, a K(D) for Ca(2+) of 188 nM at -100 mV, and no voltage dependence. We tested whether the IKCa channel expression in GL-15 cells could be the result of an increased ERK activity. Inhibition of the ERK pathway with the MEK antagonist PD98059 (25 muM, for 5 days) virtually suppressed the IK(Ca) current in GL-15 cells. PD98059 treatment also increased the length of cellular processes and up-regulated the astrocytic differentiative marker GFAP. A significant reduction of the IKCa current amplitude was also observed with time in culture, with mean currents of 7.17+/-0.75 pA/pF at 1-2 days, and 3.11+/-1.35 pA/pF at 5-6 days after plating. This time-dependent downregulation of the IK(Ca) current was not accompanied by changes in the ERK activity, as assessed by immunoblot analysis. Semiquantitative RT-PCR analysis demonstrated a ~35% reduction of the IK(Ca) channel mRNA resulting from ERK inhibition and a approximately 50% reduction with time in culture.  相似文献   

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