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The 270-MHz proton NMR spectra of cobrotoxin from Naja naja atra were observed in 2H2O solution. The pKa value (5.93) of His-32 is slightly lower than the pKa value (6.65) of the reference model of N-acetylhistidine methylamide, because of the electrostatic interaction with Arg-33 and Asp-31. The pKa value (5.3--5.4) of His-4 is appreciably low, because of the interaction with the positively charged guanidino group possibly of Arg-59. The hydrogen-deuterium exchange rates in 2H2O solution were measured of cobrotoxin and imidazole-bearing models. The second-order rate constants of N-acetylhistidine methylamide, N-acetylhistidine and imidazole acetic acid satisfy the Br?nsted relation. With reference to this Br?nsted relation, the imidazole ring of His-32 is confirmed to be exposed. The imidazole ring of His-4 is also exposed and the exchange rate is excessively promoted by the presence possibly of Arg-59 in the proximity. All the methyl proton resonances are assigned to amino-acid types, by conventional double-resonance method and more effectively by the spin-echo double-resonance method. Eight methyl proton resonances are identified as due to the gamma and/or delta-methyl groups of Val-46, Leu-1, Ile-50 and Ile-52 residues. The proximity of aromatic ring protons and methyl protons is elucidated by the analyses of nulcear Overhauser effect enhancements. The aromatic proton resonances of Trp-29 are affected by the ionizable groups of Asp-31, His-32 and Tyr-35. The methyl groups of Ile-50 are in the proximity to the aromatic ring of Trp-29 and the methyl groups of Ile-52 are in the proximity to Tyr-25. The highest-field methyl proton resonance is due to a threonine residue in the proximity to His-4. The appreciable temperature-dependent chemical shift of this methyl proton resonance suggests a temperature-dependent local conformational equilibrium around the His-4 residue of the first loop of the cobrotoxin molecule.  相似文献   

T Ogino  Y Arata  S Fujiwara  H Shoun  T Beppu 《Biochemistry》1978,17(22):4742-4745
Proton correlation nuclear magnetic resonance has been used to investigate anaerobic metabolism of glucose in Escherichia coli cells. The time course of the concentrations of six metabolites (ethanol, lactate, acetate, pyruvate, succinate, and formate) has been followed at the very early state of fermentation, and used to discuss dynamical aspects of the mixed-acid fermentation of glucose by E. coli.  相似文献   

H Arakawa  Y Muto  Y Arata  A Ikai 《Biochemistry》1986,25(22):6785-6789
A proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) study is reported of human alpha-2-macroglobulin (alpha-2-M). It was observed that alpha-2-M, which consists of four identical subunits and has a molecular weight of 720,000, gives several sharp resonances. After cleavage of the "bait" region peptide with trypsin and subsequent removal of the peptide under a high salt condition, most of the sharp resonances disappeared, indicating that the sharp resonances observed in the native alpha-2-M originate from the amino acid residues in the bait region. Resonances due to the aromatic protons of the Tyr residue, which exists in the bait region, have been assigned on the basis of chemical shift. It was observed that the C3- and C5-H proton resonances for the Tyr residue are especially narrow, indicating that the side chain of the Tyr residue in the bait region is in a highly mobile state. Photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization experiments clearly show that the Tyr residue is actually exposed to the solvent. It was possible to identify resonances due to several His residues that are exposed to solvent. Other resonances, which probably originate from Arg residues in the bait region, were also observable in the conventional NMR spectra. On the basis of the present NMR data, we conclude that the bait region of the native alpha-2-M is highly flexible and exposed to solvent. On treatment of alpha-2-M with methylamine, no significant change has been detected in the NMR spectra observed in both the conventional and CIDNP mode.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

G M Smith 《Biochemistry》1979,18(8):1628-1634
Rhodospirillum rubrum cytochrome c2 was studied by proton nuclear magnetic resonance at 220 MHz. Assignments were made to the resonances of heme c by double-resonance techniques and by temperature-dependence studies. The aromatic resonances of Trp-62 and Tyr-70 of ferrocytochrome c2 were identified by spin-decoupling experiments. The resonances of the Met-91 methyl group of the ferri- and ferrocytochromes were assigned by saturation-transfer experiments. The assignments are compared to those made for cytochromes c. A pH titration showed that the methionine methyl resonance of ferricytochrome c2 shifted with a pK of 6.25 and disappeared above pH 9. No histidine CH resonances that titrated normally over the neutral pH range were observed in the spectrum of either oxidation state of the protein. The possible origins of the ionizations at pH 6.25 and 9 are discussed.  相似文献   

The low-field 220-MHz proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of four tRNA molecules, Escherichia coli tRNAPhe, tRNA1Val, and tRNAfMet1, and yeast tRNAPhe, at neutral and mildly acidic pH are compared. We find a net increase in the number of resonances contributing to the -9.9-ppm peak (downfield from sodium 4,4-dimethyl-4-silapentanesulfonate) in three of these tRNAs at pH 6, while tRNAfMet1 does not clearly exhibit this behavior. The increase in intensity at this resonance position is half-completed at pH 6.2 in the case of yeast tRNAPhe. An alteration at the 5'-phosphate terminus is not involved, since removal of the terminal phosphate does not affect the gain in intensity at -9.9 ppm. Based on a survey of the tertiary interactions in the four molecules, assuming that they possess tertiary structures like that of yeast tRNAPhe at neutral pH, we tentatively attribute this altered resonance in E. coli and yeast tRNAPhe to the protonation of the N3 of the adenine residue at position 9 which results in the stabilization of the tertiary triple A23-U12-A9. This intepretation is supported by model studies on the lowfield proton NMR spectrum of AN oligomers at acid pH, which reveal an exchanging proton resonance at -9.4 ppm if the chain length N greater than or equal to 6.  相似文献   

The efficacy of proton decoupling for enhancing the 19F nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signal-to-noise ratio and spectral resolution in the intact subject is demonstrated. A geometrically orthogonal cross-coil antenna configuration (Helmholtz pair, surface coil) is employed to provide 40 dB of isolation between the 19F observe and 1H decouple frequencies of 188 and 200 MHz, respectively. Further isolation is achieved through the use of high-quality notch filters on both observation and decoupling channels. Application of 19F-(1H) NMR spectroscopy to the study of 2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose metabolism in cerebral tissue in situ is presented. Significant improvements in sensitivity and resolution are obtained and result from both a collapse of the JFH multiple structure and a substantial positive nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE). To our knowledge, this is the first such demonstration of 1H decoupling in conjunction with 19F observation for study of the metabolism of a fluorinated compound in the living subject.  相似文献   

High resolution proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of normal and diseased human muscle extracts were recorded at 470 MHz. Resonances from lactic acid, creatine, glucose, ribose, purine and pyrimidine bases were identified. The longitudinal relaxation times of these resonances were determined to allow quantitation of muscle metabolites. With aid of a standardized reference capillary, inserted into the NMR tube containing the muscle extracts, the lactic acid and total creatine content of the extracts was determined. After 5 h of incubation at 37 degrees C, normal muscles contained on average 103 mumol lactic acid and 36 mumol creatine/173 mg of noncollagenous protein, equivalent to 1.0 g of fresh muscle. The lactic acid and creatine contents decreased slightly in scoliosis and idiopathic scoliosis and they decreased significantly in cerebral palsy. In an extract of a patient whose illness was diagnosed as 'scoliosis' no creatine was present, and in an extract of a patient with unknown diagnosis the creatine content was reduced to 2 mumol/173 mg of noncollagenous protein. The short time (1.7 sec to 6.5 min) and the small amount of tissue (300 mg) needed for an analysis add to the potential of proton NMR as a new technique for the characterization of muscular diseases.  相似文献   

The aqueous solution conformation of Tyr-Asn-Ile-Gln-Lys (UB5) corresponding to positions 59-63 of the polypeptide, ubiquitin, has been investigated by proton NMR. Like the parent protein, UB5 induces nonspecifically both T and B lymphocyte differentiation. The various NH and CH resonances of this pentapeptide have been assigned, and its solution conformation has been probed through a study of chemical shift variations with pH, temperature dependence of amide hydrogen chemical shifts, vicinal NH--C alpha H and C alpha H--C beta H2 coupling constant data, and amide hydrogen-exchange rates. The latter were measured in H2O by using a combination of transfer of solvent saturation and saturation recovery NMR experiments. The data are compatible with the assumption of a highly motile dynamic equilibrium among different conformations for this peptide. The various secondary amide hydrogens remain essentially exposed to the solvent. The temperature-dependence study of the amide hydrogen chemical shifts also did not reveal any strong internal hydrogen bonds. A rotamer population analysis of tyrosine and asparagine side chains suggests that two of the rotomers are predominantly populated for each of these residues. From these results, a picture emerges of the dynamic conformation of UB5 in aqueous solution.  相似文献   

A number of intact neutral glycosphingolipids (globo, asialoganglio, neolacto, and gala series), gangliosides, and sulfatide were analyzed by proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) using dimethyl-d6 sulfoxide as a solvent at different conditions of measurement. The chemical shifts of amide proton of ceramide, N-acetylhexosamine and sialic acid moieties were positioned with regularity, thus providing their molar composition. The chemical shifts of amide proton in ceramide moiety differed with respect to constituent fatty acids; delta 7.45 to 7.52 ppm at 25 degrees C for the nonhydroxy acids and 7.32 to 7.42 ppm for the hydroxy acids. The chemical shifts of methyl proton in N-acetyl group were distinguished between N-acetylhexosamine and N-acetylneuraminic acid, and those in N-acetylgalactosamine were discriminated between neutral glycolipids and gangliosides. In the presence or absence of D2O in dimethyl sulfoxide at 110 degrees C, the anomeric protons resonated with regularity characteristic of respective monosaccharide linkages, and the anomeric protons of N-acetylgalactosamine in neutral glycolipids and gangliosides were clearly distinguished. The present study thus demonstrates the general applicability of NMR procedure to glycosphingolipids, providing the determination of chemical composition of both the lipophilic and carbohydrate moieties and the structural elucidation.  相似文献   

Proton nuclear magnetic resonance studies of mast cell histamine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The state of histamine in mast cells was studied by 1H NMR spectroscopy. Spectra were measured for histamine in situ in intact mast cells, for histamine in suspensions of mast cell granule matrices that had been stripped of their membranes, and for histamine in solutions of heparin. The 1H NMR spectrum of intact mast cells is relatively simple, consisting predominantly of resonances for intracellular histamine superimposed on a weaker background of resonances from heparin and proteins of the cells. All of the intracellular histamine contributes to the NMR signals, indicating it must be relatively mobile and not rigidly associated with the negatively charged granule matrix. Spectra for intracellular histamine and for histamine in granule matrices are similar, indicating the latter to be a reasonable model for the in situ situation. The dynamics of binding of histamine by granule matrices and by heparin are considerably different; exchange of histamine between the bulk water and the granule matrices is slow on the 1H NMR time scale, whereas exchange between the free and bound forms in heparin solution is fast. The chemical shifts of resonances for histamine in mast cells are pH dependent, decreasing as the intragranule pH increases without splitting or broadening. The results are interpreted to indicate that histamine in mast cells is relatively labile, with rapid exchange between bound histamine and pools of free histamine in water compartments confined in the granule matrix.  相似文献   

Bovine adrenodoxin in the reduced form has been measured by one- and two-dimensional 1H NMR spectroscopy. By comparing the spectrum of reduced adrenodoxin with that of the oxidized protein, resonances have been assigned for the aromatic residues. The spin-lattice relaxation time for the resonances due to histidine residues was found to depend on the reduction state of adrenodoxin. The distance from the paramagnetic center is calculated by using the Solomone-Bloembergen equation. The resonances from Tyr-82 and Ala-81 show large chemical shift changes upon reduction of adrenodoxin. The conformational change of adrenodoxin manifested by chemical shift difference between reduced and oxidized forms is found in the sequence around Tyr-82 and Ala-81. Modification with 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide at Glu-74, Asp-79, and Asp-86 inhibited the interaction with both adrenodoxin reductase and cytochrome P-450scc (Lambeth, D. J., Geren, L. M., and Millett, F. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 10025-10029; Geren, L. M., O'Brien, P., Stonehuerner, J., and Millett, F. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 2155-2160). Thus, the sequence of these amino acids was assigned to the interaction site with the redox partners. The present 1H NMR investigation of adrenodoxin demonstrates that a conformational change upon reduction of the iron-sulfur cluster occurs in the sequence of negatively charged amino acids that is a putative site for interaction with redox partners. This could offer the structural basis of the electron transfer mechanism in which adrenodoxin functions as a mobile electron carrier.  相似文献   

Cycloheximide-ribosome interactions from sensitive and resistant organisms were studied by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic techniques. The two methyl resonances of cycloheximide upon interaction with ribosomes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae showed preferential broadening. Comparison of cycloheximide line broadening as effected by ribosomes from S. cerevisiae (sensitive) and Microsporum canis (resistant) revealed that less cycloheximide is bound to the M. canis ribosomes. From the decrease in line broadening observed with increasing temperature it may be concluded that cycloheximide-ribosome interaction is a fast exchange reaction. Tetracycline did not compete with cycloheximide for binding site(s) on the ribosomes of S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

1H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) was adapted to isolated rabbit fundic glands and identification made of compounds responsible for several observed spectral resonances. A minimum gland concentration of 0.5 mg dry weight or 5 mg wet weight per 0.5 ml was needed for adequate signal-to-noise ratio. At physiological temperature and pH, the glands demonstrated reproducible spectra, stability for accumulation times greater than 30 min and responsiveness to histamine stimulation, as measured by oxygen consumption and aminopyrine uptake. The relatively anaerobic conditions favored use of proton compared to phosphorus NMR, since 1H-NMR allowed significantly shorter spectral accumulation times and therefore did not compromise glandular viability to the same extent as 31P-NMR. The most conspicuous resonance in the gland spectrum was assigned to the -N+(CH3)3 protons of choline and related compounds. In membrane-free lysates, several components of the signal were resolvable and assigned to choline, phosphatidylcholine, phosphocholine and L-alpha-glycerophosphocholine. Thin-layer chromatography verified that phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine were the major phospholipids present in gland lipid. Presumably, they represent the source of the surface-active phospholipids present in gastric juice, which may play a role in gastric cytoprotection.  相似文献   

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