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STUDIES ON THE FUNCTION OF INTRACELLULAR RIBONUCLEASES : III. The Relationship of the Ribonuclease Activity of Rat Liver Microsomes to their Biological Activity 下载免费PDF全文
Jay S. Roth 《The Journal of cell biology》1960,8(3):665-673
Attempts have been made to prepare rat liver microsomes and ribosomes free of RNase activity. Washing of microsomes with a large number of reagents, as well as preparation of microsomes by homogenizing the liver in the presence of a variety of reagents chosen to remove or inhibit RNase activity, failed to abolish completely the enzyme activity. However, when rat liver was homogenized in the presence of optimal concentrations of ATP the microsomes subsequently obtained showed no RNase activity. The composition of such microsomes was compared to controls prepared without the use of ATP. Preparation of microsomes with the use of ATP apparently repressed but did not remove the RNase activity for, when such microsomes were treated with 1 per cent deoxycholate to obtain ribosomes, the latter exhibited normal RNase activity. A possible explanation for these results based on several experiments is given. The incorporation of C14 of L-leucine-C14 into control and ATP-treated microsomes was measured. Repression of RNase activity by use of ATP or with RNase inhibitor, significantly reduced the incorporation. As a result of these and other experiments it is tentatively concluded that an alkaline RNase is a normal constituent of rat liver ribosomes and plays a role in the biological activity of these particles. 相似文献
Batchwise purification of liver ribosomes and polysomes on hydroxyl-apatite is a rapid procedure to remove glycogen, hemoglobin, ribonuclease and other contaminants from ribosomal preparations. Ribosomes and polysomes are adsorbed to hydroxylapatite in a Büchner filter funnel and the contaminants are eluted from the hydroxylapatite with 0.15 M KH2PO4. The ribosomes and polysomes are then eluted with 0.3–0.4 M KH2PO4 and concentrated by centrifugation. The resolution of the polysome profiles was greatly improved following purification. The purified ribosomes could be dissociated into subunits at 0.3 M KCl, and showed no loss of activity in poly-U directed phenylalanine synthesis. 相似文献
INTRACELLULAR LOCALIZATION OF ENZYMES IN SPLEEN : II. Some Properties and the Distribution of Ribonuclease in Rat Spleen 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2 下载免费PDF全文
Some properties of rat spleen ribonuclease have been studied, and the intracellular distribution of the enzyme and ribonucleic acid have been presented. Spleen ribonuclease exhibits maximal activity at pH 5.8, and although there is some evidence for the presence of an enzyme with an optimum at pH 7.0, it is not conclusive. The enzyme is concentrated primarily in the mitochondrial fraction, but significant quantities occur in the supernatant fluid. The latter contains ribonuclease inhibitor similar to that found in liver. The effects of whole body x-irradiation, magnesium ion, substrate concentration, type of buffer, presence of p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonic acid, deoxycholate, and Triton X-100 on ribonuclease activity are examined. 相似文献
根据过氧化氢酶的催化特性,采用盐析,透析,离心等技术,从大鼠肝脏中分离纯化过氧化氢酶,提纯倍数达到26倍,酶活性回收率为57%。为一般实验室分离纯化大鼠过氧化氢酶提供了一种有效的方法。酶学性质研究表明,该酶最适温度为37℃,最适pH值为7.5,在此条件下,以过氧化氢为底物的Km值为56 mmol.L-1。 相似文献
小叶章草地生态系统结构与功能的研究Ⅳ能量的固定和分配 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
小叶章草在生态系统年净初级生产力为30579。17kJ/m^2.a,其中地上净初级生产力占37.64%,地下净初级生产力占62.36%。不同植物器官(组分)的能量现存量差异很大,上部根占植物亚系统总能量现存量的54.87%,穗的能量现存量仅占0.03%,其它器官的能量现存量从大到小依次为:茎>叶>根茎>枯落物>下部根茎>死根。不同植物器官(组分)热值含量水平亦存在较大差异,以去灰分热值比较,由大到 相似文献
Helen Stillwell Thomas 《The Journal of general physiology》1918,1(2):203-207
These experiments show that 7.3 and 3.65 per cent ether solutions cause an increase in respiration followed by a decrease. The results agree with those of Haas on Laminaria, of Gustafson on higher fungi, and of Mrs. Brooks on bacteria. They do not agree with the theory of Verworn that anesthesia is a kind of asphyxia and that it decreases respiration. 相似文献
Zane B. Carothers 《American journal of botany》1973,60(8):819-828
Spermatogenesis in Blasia pusilla L. was reexamined with electron optics to help evaluate conflicting results of the two earlier light microscope studies of this species. The present micrographic resumé of spermatid transformation confirms Sharp's observation of centrosomes in very young spermatids and agrees with Woodburn's general account of spermatozoid maturation. Further, male gamete development in Blasia is shown to be closely comparable to that of Marchantia and Pellia. It is concluded that Sharp's report of blepharoplast development in Blasia by fragmentation and coalescence was based on anomalous plant material. 相似文献
从本试验观察到,核黄菌的生长全部过程是自配子或菌丝在培养基中开始发育成营养菌丝,部分菌丝形成配子囊形成配子,部分菌丝衰老自溶。当菌丝发育最盛时,核黄素的形成是最多,衰老时培养基核黄素逐渐丰富起来。核黄菌在有空气和缺乏空气时,它们的发育是有区别的,即是在缺乏空气(表面下生长)时,菌丝是细长不形成配子和产生少量核黄素。 相似文献
STUDIES ON THE OXIDATIVE METABOLISM OF SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE : I. Observations on the Fine Structure of the Yeast Cell 总被引:10,自引:7,他引:10 下载免费PDF全文
Vegetative cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were fixed with potassium permanganate followed by uranyl nitrate, embedded in methacrylate, and studied in electron micrographs of thin sections. Details of the structure of the cell wall, cytoplasmic membrane, nucleus, vacuole, and mitochondria are described. Cell membranes, about 70 to 80 A thick, have been resolved into two dense layers, 20 to 25 A thick, separated by a light layer of the same dimensions, which correspond in thickness and appearance to the components of the "unit membrane" as described by Robertson (15). The cell wall is made up of zones of different electron opacity. Underlying the cell wall is the cytoplasmic membrane, a sinuous structure with numerous invaginations. The nucleoplasm, often of uneven electron opacity, is enclosed in a pair of unit membranes in which nuclear pores are apparent. The vacuole, limited by a single unit membrane, is usually irregular in outline and contains some dense material. Rod-shaped mitochondria, 0.4 to 0.6 µ in length and 0.2 to 0.3 µ in diameter, are smaller in size, but similar in structure to some of those described in plant and animal cells. Attempts to use osmium tetroxide as fixative were unsuccessful, a result similar to that obtained by other workers. It is suggested that yeast cells are impermeable to osmium tetroxide, except when grown under specific conditions. 相似文献
本文描述了采自北京香山的细子薄菜 Rorippa cantoniensis(Lour.)Ohwi(十字花科)上的一种新白粉菌 Erysiphe rorippae Chen & Zheng sp.DOV.蔊菜属是白粉菌属的寄主新记录。在附属丝形态上,本新种因附属丝往往在顶部略膨大呈棍棒形而与唇形科上的华阴白粉菌 Erysiphe huayinensis Zheng & Chen 颇为近似,但因子囊壳直径较大,子囊孢子数目较少、体积较大且在两端钝尖而与该种很易区分。与十字花科上的另外两个已知种,即十字花科白粉菌 Erysiphe cruciferarura(Opiz)Junell 和南芥白粉菌 Erysiphe arabidisZheng & Chen 相比则无论在什么方面都没有共同之处。这三个种可检索如下: 相似文献
Pancreatic ribosomes (guinea pig) aggregate and lose upon treatment with polyamines, particularly spermine, their bound secretory enzymes. Spermine, at 0.5 mM, for example, causes the release of about 85 per cent of the chymotrypsinogen and RNase, and from 85 to 100 per cent of the ribosomal amylase. At the same time, the particles lose about 10 per cent of their RNA, 7 to 24 per cent of their total protein, and from 75 to 100 per cent of their Mg++. Observations with the electron microscope confirm the heavy agglutinating of the ribosomes but otherwise show little change in the structure of the particles. Using radioactive spermine it was found that, concomitant with the loss of bound enzymes and Mg++ from the ribosomes, spermine became bound to the particle. The extent of binding ranged from 0.29 to 1.49 µmoles per 10µmoles RNA-P. The bound radioactive spermine can be removed by subsequent treatment of the ribosomes with GTP, ATP, or P-P, which treatment also removes most of the RNA of the particles, leaving behind ribosomes with a much lower RNA/protein ratio. From this evidence it was inferred that spermine, in releasing the Mg++ of the particle, becomes salt-linked to the free phosphate hydroxyl groups of the RNA. Freshly isolated pancreatic and hepatic ribosomes contain very little spermine, about 0.1 to 0.2 µmoles polyamine/10 µmoles RNA-P. The results are discussed in terms of the linkages between the structural protein, the bound secretory enzymes, and the RNA of the ribosomes. 相似文献
The transfer number of Cl in a KCl solution within the pores of a dried collodion membrane is always lower than 0.5. It depends on the concentration of the solution and decreases in general with decreasing concentration. However, the transfer number for any given KCl concentration has the significance of a definite and constant figure only when an infinitely small amount of coulombs is allowed to pass through the system. For finite durations of electric transfer experiments a polarization effect will always change the original transfer number. This polarization consists in an accumulation of the salt at the one boundary and a diminution at the other boundary of the membrane. Again, as the transfer number strongly depends on concentration, this change in concentration will bring about in its turn a gradual change in the transfer number too. It is shown under what conditions the transfer numbers for the anion as obtained by electic transfer experiments are higher or lower than the ones expected without polarization effect. Thus, by changing the character and magnitude of the force driving the ions across the membranes, and according to the history of previous treatment of the membrane, the whole character of what we may call the specific permeablity for ions of the membrane may be varied without any substantial change of the membrane itself concerning its structure, its chemical composition, or its pore size. Contemplation of the results obtained in this series of experiments in the light of the theoretical considerations just outlined has impressed us with the fallacy of speaking of the definite permeability of any type of membrane for electrolytes. The behavior of the membrane toward the passage of electrolytes depends on a variety of conditions. It may be recalled that different investigators have reported widely varying results concerning the permeability of certain physiological membranes for electrolytes. Such experiments as have been described in this paper may lead to an understanding of some of the factors responsible for such variations. We are aware that the collodion membrane in its simplicity is scarcely comparable to the extremely complicated biological membranes. Nevertheless any attempts to understand better the behavior of biological membranes may wisely begin with a study of the simplest prototypes. 相似文献