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Drought and salt are major abiotic stresses that adversely affect crop productivity. Thus, identification of factors that confer resistance to these stresses would pave way to increasing agricultural productivity. When grown on soil in green house longer than 5 weeks, transgenic Arabidopsis plants that overexpress an ATP‐binding cassette (ABC) transporter, AtABCG36/AtPDR8, produced higher shoot biomass and less chlorotic leaves than the wild‐type. We investigated whether the improved growth of AtABCG36‐overexpressing plants was due to their improved resistance to abiotic stresses, and found that AtABCG36‐overexpressing plants were more resistant to drought and salt stress and grew to higher shoot fresh weight (FW) than the wild‐type. On the contrary, T‐DNA insertional knockout lines were more sensitive to drought stress than wild‐type and were reduced in shoot FW. To understand the mechanism of enhanced salt and drought resistance of the AtABCG36 overexpressing plants, we measured sodium contents and found that AtABCG36 overexpressing plants were lower in sodium content than the wild‐type. Our data suggest that AtABCG36 contributes to drought and salt resistance in Arabidopsis by a mechanism that includes reduction of sodium content in plants.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis, abscisic acid responsive element-binding factor 3, ABF3 is known to play an important role in stress responses via regulating the expression of stress-responsive genes. In this study, we introduced pCAMBIA3301 vector harboring the ABF3 gene into creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) through Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in order to develop a stress-tolerant variety of turfgrass. After transformation, putative transgenic plants were selected using the herbicide resistance assay. Genomic integration of the transgene was confirmed by genomic PCR and Southern blot analysis, and gene expression was validated by northern blot analysis. Under drought-stressed condition, the transgenic plants overexpressing ABF3 displayed significantly enhanced drought tolerance with higher water content and slower water loss rate than the control plants. Furthermore, the stomata of the ABF3 transgenic plants closed more than those of wild-type creeping bentgrass plants, under both non-stressed and ABA treatment conditions. In addition, the transgenic plants showed enhanced tolerance to heat stress. These results suggest that the overexpression of the ABF3 gene in creeping bentgrass might enhance survival in water-limiting and high temperature environments through increased stomatal closure and reduced water losses.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades are highly conserved signaling modules found in all eukaryotes, and play significant roles in developmental and environmental signal transduction. In this study, a MAPK gene (GbMPK3), which showed homologous to AtMPK3 and NtWIPK, was isolated from sea-island cotton (Gossypium barbadense) and induced during multiple abiotic stress treatments including salt, cold, heat, dehydration and oxidative stress. Transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana benthamiana) with constitutively higher expression of GbMPK3 was conferred with enhanced drought tolerance, reduced water loss during drought treatment and improved plant height and survival rates after re-watering. Additionally, the gene expression levels and enzymatic activity of antioxidant enzymes were more strongly induced with depressed hydrogen peroxide accumulation in GbMPK3-overexpressing tobacco compared with wild-type under drought condition. Furthermore, observation of seed germination and leaf morphology showed that tolerance of transgenic plants to methyl viologen was improved due to increased antioxidant enzyme expression, suggesting that GbMPK3 may positively regulate drought tolerance through enhanced reactive oxygen species scavenging ability.  相似文献   

Plants have developed adaptive strategies to survive under different abiotic stressors. To identify new components involved in abiotic stress tolerance, we screened unannotated expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and evaluated their cold or drought response in Arabidopsis. We identified a drought response gene (DRG) encoding a 39.5-kDa polypeptide. This protein was expressed specifically in siliques and was induced by drought stress in most tissues. When a DRG-GFP construct was introduced into Arabidopsis protoplasts, GFP signals were detected only in the nucleus. The drg mutant plant was more sensitive to mannitol-induced osmotic stress in agar plates and to drought or freezing stress in soil than the wild-type. Activating the DRG restored the normal sensitivity of drg mutants to abiotic stressors. No differences in drought or freezing tolerance were observed between the wild-type and transgenic plants overexpressing the DRG. When DRG was expressed in a cold-sensitive Escherichia coli strain BX04, the transformed bacteria grew faster than the untransformed BXO4 cells under cold stress. These results demonstrate that DRG is a nuclear protein induced by abiotic stresses and it is required for drought and freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Drought and salinity are the major abiotic stresses, which reduce agricultural productivity. In plants, 14-3-3s function as regulators of many target proteins through direct protein-protein interactions and play an important role during response to abiotic stresses. Here we report that CaMV 35S promoter driven overexpression of a Pyrus pyrifolia 14-3-3 gene, Pp14-3-3, improves drought and NaCl tolerance in T1 generation plants of transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv Xanthi). Under drought and NaCl stresses, the Pp14-3-3 was largely expressed in T1 transgenic tobacco lines, and compared with the wild-type (WT), transgenic tobacco plants showed relatively normal growth condition. In addition, the levels of membrane lipid peroxidation in T1 transgenic lines were definitely lower than that in WT according to the significantly decreased content of malondialdehyde. Meanwhile, the T1 transgenic tobacco lines showed significantly slower superoxide anion production rate than the WT under abiotic stress. Moreover, both the glutathione S-transferase (GST) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activities in T1 transgenic lines were markedly higher than those in WT. GSTs and APXs are important components of plant antioxidant system, and the results of present study suggested that Pp14-3-3 should play a crucial role in reducing oxidative damage caused by drought and salt stresses.  相似文献   

One strategy to increase the level of drought and salinity tolerance is the transfer of genes codifying different types of proteins functionally related to macromolecules protection, such as group 2 of late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins or dehydrins. The TAS14 dehydrin was isolated and characterized in tomato and its expression was induced by osmotic stress (NaCl and mannitol) and abscisic acid (ABA) [Godoy et al., Plant Mol Biol 1994;26:1921-1934], yet its function in drought and salinity tolerance of tomato remains elusive. In this study, transgenic tomato plants overexpressing tas14 gene under the control of the 35SCaMV promoter were generated to assess the function of tas14 gene in drought and salinity tolerance. The plants overexpressing tas14 gene achieved improved long-term drought and salinity tolerance without affecting plant growth under non-stress conditions. A mechanism of osmotic stress tolerance via osmotic potential reduction and solutes accumulation, such as sugars and K(+) is operating in tas14 overexpressing plants in drought conditions. A similar mechanism of osmotic stress tolerance was observed under salinity. Moreover, the overexpression of tas14 gene increased Na(+) accumulation only in adult leaves, whereas in young leaves, the accumulated solutes were K(+) and sugars, suggesting that plants overexpressing tas14 gene are able to distribute the Na(+) accumulation between young and adult leaves over a prolonged period in stressful conditions. Measurement of ABA showed that the action mechanism of tas14 gene is associated with an earlier and greater accumulation of ABA in leaves during short-term periods. A good feature for the application of this gene in improving drought and salt stress tolerance is the fact that its constitutive expression does not affect plant growth under non-stress conditions, and tolerance induced by overexpression of tas14 gene was observed at the different stress degrees applied to the long term.  相似文献   

Abiotic stress is one of the most important factors reducing soybean yield. It is essential to identify regulatory factors contributing to stress responses.A previous study found that the tandem CCCH zincfinger protein Gm ZF351 is an oil level regulator. In this study, we discovered that the Gm ZF351 gene is induced by stress and that the overexpression of Gm ZF351 confers stress tolerance to transgenic soybean. Gm ZF351 directly regulates the expression of Gm CIPK9 and Gm SnRK, leading to stoma...  相似文献   

Most of the symplastic water transport in plants occurs via aquaporins, but the extent to which aquaporins contribute to plant water status under favorable growth conditions and abiotic stress is not clear. To address this issue, we constitutively overexpressed the Arabidopsis plasma membrane aquaporin, PIP1b, in transgenic tobacco plants. Under favorable growth conditions, PIP1b overexpression significantly increased plant growth rate, transpiration rate, stomatal density, and photosynthetic efficiency. By contrast, PIP1b overexpression had no beneficial effect under salt stress, whereas during drought stress it had a negative effect, causing faster wilting. Our results suggest that symplastic water transport via plasma membrane aquaporins represents a limiting factor for plant growth and vigor under favorable conditions and that even fully irrigated plants face limited water transportation. By contrast, enhanced symplastic water transport via plasma membrane aquaporins may not have any beneficial effect under salt stress, and it has a deleterious effect during drought stress.  相似文献   

Phytochelatin synthase (PCS) catalyzes the final step in the biosynthesis of phytochelatins, which are a family of cysteine-rich thiol-reactive peptides believed to play important roles in processing many thiol-reactive toxicants. A modified Arabidopsis thaliana PCS sequence (AtPCS1) was active in Escherichia coli. When AtPCS1 was overexpressed in Arabidopsis from a strong constitutive Arabidopsis actin regulatory sequence (A2), the A2::AtPCS1 plants were highly resistant to arsenic, accumulating 20-100 times more biomass on 250 and 300 microM arsenate than wild type (WT); however, they were hypersensitive to Cd(II). After exposure to cadmium and arsenic, the overall accumulation of thiol-peptides increased to 10-fold higher levels in the A2::AtPCS1 plants compared with WT, as determined by fluorescent HPLC. Whereas cadmium induced greater increases in traditional PCs (PC2, PC3, PC4), arsenic exposure resulted in the expression of many unknown thiol products. Unexpectedly, after arsenate or cadmium exposure, levels of the dipeptide substrate for PC synthesis, gamma-glutamyl cysteine (gamma-EC), were also dramatically increased. Despite these high thiol-peptide concentrations, there were no significant increases in concentrations of arsenic and cadmium in above-ground tissues in the AtPCS1 plants relative to WT plants. The potential for AtPCS1 overexpression to be useful in strategies for phytoremediating arsenic and to compound the negative effects of cadmium are discussed.  相似文献   



Plants are challenged by a large number of environmental stresses that reduce productivity and even cause death. Both chloroplasts and mitochondria produce reactive oxygen species under normal conditions; however, stress causes an imbalance in these species that leads to deviations from normal cellular conditions and a variety of toxic effects. Mitochondria have uncoupling proteins (UCPs) that uncouple electron transport from ATP synthesis. There is evidence that UCPs play a role in alleviating stress caused by reactive oxygen species overproduction. However, direct evidence that UCPs protect plants from abiotic stress is lacking.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Tolerances to salt and water deficit were analyzed in transgenic tobacco plants that overexpress a UCP (AtUCP1) from Arabidopsis thaliana. Seeds of AtUCP1 transgenic lines germinated faster, and adult plants showed better responses to drought and salt stress than wild-type (WT) plants. These phenotypes correlated with increased water retention and higher gas exchange parameters in transgenic plants that overexpress AtUCP1. WT plants exhibited increased respiration under stress, while transgenic plants were only slightly affected. Furthermore, the transgenic plants showed reduced accumulation of hydrogen peroxide in stressed leaves compared with WT plants.


Higher levels of AtUCP1 improved tolerance to multiple abiotic stresses, and this protection was correlated with lower oxidative stress. Our data support previous assumptions that UCPs reduce the imbalance of reactive oxygen species. Our data also suggest that UCPs may play a role in stomatal closure, which agrees with other evidence of a direct relationship between these proteins and photosynthesis. Manipulation of the UCP protein expression in mitochondria is a new avenue for crop improvement and may lead to crops with greater tolerance for challenging environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) is essential for scavenging redundant aldehydes when plants are exposed to stress. The aim of the present study was to validate the ectopic expression of the ScALDH21 gene, which is isolated from Syntrichia caninervis, an extremely drought-tolerant moss, to improve drought tolerance in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). In our study, the ScALDH21-transformed cotton was identified via PCR, RT-PCR, and DNA gel blotting, and the growth and physiological characteristics related to drought tolerance were compared between the transgenic cotton (TC) and non-transgenic cotton (NT) grown in a greenhouse and in field conditions. The results indicated that TC accumulated approximately 11.8–304 % more proline than did NT under drought stress, and produced a lower concentration of lipid peroxidation-derived reactive aldehydes and had a higher peroxidase activity under oxidative stress. Moreover, TC showed reduced loss of the net photosynthetic rate compared with NT. Under field conditions, TC showed greater plant height, larger bolls, and greater cotton fiber yield than NT, but no significant difference in fiber quality between TC and NT following different water-withholding treatments. These results suggest that overexpression of ScALDH21 can greatly improve the drought tolerance of cotton without reduction in yield and fiber quality.  相似文献   

Drought stress has often caused significant decreases in crop production which could be associated with global warming. Enhancing drought tolerance without a grain yield penalty has been a great challenge in crop improvement. Here, we report the Arabidopsis thaliana galactinol synthase 2 gene (AtGolS2) was able to confer drought tolerance and increase grain yield in two different rice (Oryza sativa) genotypes under dry field conditions. The developed transgenic lines expressing AtGolS2 under the control of the constitutive maize ubiquitin promoter (Ubi:AtGolS2) also had higher levels of galactinol than the non‐transgenic control. The increased grain yield of the transgenic rice under drought conditions was related to a higher number of panicles, grain fertility and biomass. Extensive confined field trials using Ubi:AtGolS2 transgenic lines in Curinga, tropical japonica and NERICA4, interspecific hybrid across two different seasons and environments revealed the verified lines have the proven field drought tolerance of the Ubi:AtGolS2 transgenic rice. The amended drought tolerance was associated with higher relative water content of leaves, higher photosynthesis activity, lesser reduction in plant growth and faster recovering ability. Collectively, our results provide strong evidence that AtGolS2 is a useful biotechnological tool to reduce grain yield losses in rice beyond genetic differences under field drought stress.  相似文献   

Post-translational modification of histone N-tails affects eukaryotic gene activity. In Arabidopsis, the histone modification level correlates with gene activation and repression in vernalization and flowering processes, but there is little information on changes in histone modification status and nucleosome structure under abiotic stresses. We determined the temporal and spatial changes in nucleosome occupancy and levels of H3K4me3, H3K9ac, H3K14ac, H3K23ac and H3K27ac in the histone H3 N-tail on the regions of four Arabidopsis drought stress-inducible genes, RD29A, RD29B, RD20 and At2g20880 [corrected], under drought stress conditions by chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis. We found two types of regulatory mechanisms of nucleosome occupancy function in the drought stress response. For RD29A and RD29B genes, nucleosome occupancy of promoter regions is low compared with that of coding regions, and no notable nucleosome loss occurs under drought stress. In contrast, nucleosome density is gradually decreased in response to drought stress on RD20 and At2g20880 [corrected] genes. Enrichments of H3K4me3 and H3K9ac correlate with gene activation in response to drought stress in all four genes. Interestingly, establishment of H3K4me3 occurs after accumulation of RNAPII on the coding regions of RD29A and At2g20880 [corrected]. Enrichment of H3K23ac and H3K27ac occurs in response to drought stress on the coding regions of RD29B, RD20 and At2g20880 [corrected], but not on the coding region of At2g20880 [corrected]. Our results indicate that histone modifications on the H3 N-tail are altered with gene activation on the coding regions of drought stress-responsive genes under drought stress conditions and that several patterns of nucleosome changes function in the drought stress response.  相似文献   

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