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For the biosynthesis of punicic acid (18:3Delta9Z,11E,13Z) a (11,14)-linoleoyl desaturase activity has been proposed. To isolate this acyl-lipid-desaturase, PCR-based cloning was used. This approach resulted in the isolation of two complete cDNAs. The first isolated full-length cDNA harbors a sequence of 1350 bp encoding a protein of 395 amino acids. The second cDNA was 1415 bp long encoding a protein of 387 amino acids. For functional identification proteins encoded by the cDNAs were expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and formation of newly formed fatty acids was analyzed by gas chromatography-free induction decay (GC-FID) and GC/MS. The expression of the heterologous enzymes resulted in the first case in a significant amount of linoleic acid and in the second case, after linoleic acid supplementation, in formation of punicic acid. The results presented here identify one cDNA coding for a classical Delta12-acyl-lipid-desaturase. The other one codes for a new type of (1,4)-acyl-lipid-desaturase that converts a cis double bond located in the Delta12-position of linoleic acid or gamma-linolenic acid, but not in alpha-linolenic acid, into a conjugated cis-trans double bond system.  相似文献   

Divergent forms of the plant Delta(12)-oleic-acid desaturase (FAD2) have previously been shown to catalyze the formation of acetylenic bonds, epoxy groups, and conjugated Delta(11),Delta(13)-double bonds by modification of an existing Delta(12)-double bond in C(18) fatty acids. Here, we report a class of FAD2-related enzymes that modifies a Delta(9)-double bond to produce the conjugated trans-Delta(8),trans-Delta(10)-double bonds found in calendic acid (18:3Delta(8trans,10trans,12cis)), the major component of the seed oil of Calendula officinalis. Using an expressed sequence tag approach, cDNAs for two closely related FAD2-like enzymes, designated CoFADX-1 and CoFADX-2, were identified from a C. officinalis developing seed cDNA library. The deduced amino acid sequences of these polypeptides share 40-50% identity with those of other FAD2 and FAD2-related enzymes. Expression of either CoFADX-1 or CoFADX-2 in somatic soybean embryos resulted in the production of calendic acid. In embryos expressing CoFADX-2, calendic acid accumulated to as high as 22% (w/w) of the total fatty acids. In addition, expression of CoFADX-1 and CoFADX-2 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae was accompanied by calendic acid accumulation when induced cells were supplied exogenous linoleic acid (18:2Delta(9cis,12cis)). These results are thus consistent with a route of calendic acid synthesis involving modification of the Delta(9)-double bond of linoleic acid. Regiospecificity for Delta(9)-double bonds is unprecedented among FAD2-related enzymes and further expands the functional diversity found in this family of enzymes.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial metabolism of unsaturated fatty acids with conjugated double bonds at odd-numbered positions, e.g. 9-cis, 11-trans-octadecadienoic acid, was investigated. These fatty acids are substrates of beta-oxidation in isolated rat liver mitochondria and hence are expected to yield 5,7-dienoyl-CoA intermediates. 5, 7-Decadienoyl-CoA was used to study the degradation of these intermediates. After introduction of a 2-trans-double bond by acyl-CoA dehydrogenase or acyl-CoA oxidase, the resultant 2,5, 7-decatrienoyl-CoA can either continue its pass through the beta-oxidation cycle or be converted by Delta3,Delta2-enoyl-CoA isomerase to 3,5,7-decatrienoyl-CoA. The latter compound was isomerized by a novel enzyme, named Delta3,5,7,Delta2,4, 6-trienoyl-CoA isomerase, to 2,4,6-decatrienoyl-CoA, which is a substrate of 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase (Wang, H.-Y. and Schulz, H. (1989) Biochem. J. 264, 47-52) and hence can be completely degraded via beta-oxidation. Delta3,5,7,Delta2,4,6-Trienoyl-CoA isomerase was purified from pig heart to apparent homogeneity and found to be a component enzyme of Delta3,5,Delta2,4-dienoyl-CoA isomerase. Although the direct beta-oxidation of 2,5,7-decatrienoyl-CoA seems to be the major pathway, the degradation via 2,4,6-trienoyl-CoA makes a significant contribution to the total beta-oxidation of this intermediate.  相似文献   

The positions of the double bonds in fatty acids with conjugated double bonds may be determined by mass spectrometry of the methyl esters of their trimethylsilyl ether derivatives obtained by hydroxylation of the double bonds followed by silylation of the resulting polyols. The method has been applied to trans-9,trans-11- and trans-10, trans-12-octadecadienoic acid.  相似文献   

Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) are found naturally in dairy products. Two isomers of CLA, that differ only in the location of cis and trans double bonds, are found to have distinct and different biological effects. The cis 9 trans 11 (C9T11) isomer is believed to have anti-carcinogenic effects, while the trans 10 cis 12 (T10C12) isomer is believed to be associated with anti-obesity effects. In this paper we extend earlier molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of pure CLA–phosphatidylcholine bilayers to investigate the comparative effects of cholesterol on bilayers composed of the two respective isomers. Simulations of phosphatidylcholine lipid bilayers in which the sn-2 chains contained one of the two isomers of CLA were performed in which, for each isomer, the simulated bilayers contained 10% and 30% cholesterol (Chol). From MD trajectories we calculate and compare structural properties of the bilayers, including areas per molecule, thickness of bilayers, tilt angle of cholesterols, order parameter profiles, and one and two-dimensional radial distribution function (RDF), as functions of Chol concentration. While the structural effect of cholesterol is approximately the same for both isomers, we find differences at an atomistic level in order parameter profiles and in two-dimensional radial distribution functions.  相似文献   

In an earlier publication, we reported that corrinoids catalyze the sequential reduction of CCl4 to CHCl3, CH2Cl2, CH3Cl, and CH4 with titanium(III) citrate as electron donor [Krone, U. E., Thauer, R. K., & Hogenkamp, H. P. C. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 4908-4914]. However, the recovery of these products was less than 50%, indicating that other products were formed. We now report that, under the same experimental conditions, CCl4 is also converted to carbon monoxide. These studies were extended to include FREONs 11, 12, 13, and 14. Corrinoids were found to catalyze the reduction of CFCl3, CF2Cl2, and CF3Cl to CO and, in the case of CFCl3, to a lesser extent, to formate. CF4 was not reduced. The rate of CO and formate formation paralleled that of fluoride release. Both rates decreased in the series CFCl3, CF2Cl2, CCl4, and CF3Cl. The reduction of CFCl3 gave, in addition to CO and formate, CHFCl2, CH2FCl, CH3F, C2F2Cl2, and C2F2Cl4. The product pattern indicates that the corrinoid-mediated reduction of halogenated C1-hydrocarbons involves the intermediacy of dihalocarbenes, which may be a reason why these compounds are highly toxic for anaerobic bacteria.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial beta-oxidation of octa-2,4,6-trienoic acid was studied with the aim of elucidating the degradation of unsaturated fatty acids with conjugated double bonds. Octa-2,4,6-trienoic acid was found to be a respiratory substrate of coupled rat liver mitochondria, but not of rat heart mitochondria. Octa-2,4,6-trienoyl-CoA, the product of the inner-mitochondrial activation of the acid, was chemically synthesized and its degradation by purified enzymes of beta-oxidation was studied spectrophotometrically and by use of h.p.l.c. This compound is a substrate of NADPH-dependent 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase or 4-enoyl-CoA reductase (EC, which facilitates its further beta-oxidation. The product obtained after the NADPH-dependent reduction of octa-2,4,6-trienoyl-CoA and one round of beta-oxidation was hex-4-enoyl-CoA, which can be completely degraded via beta-oxidation. It is concluded that polyunsaturated fatty acids with two conjugated double bonds extending from even-numbered carbon atoms can be completely degraded via beta-oxidation because their presumed 2,4,6-trienoyl-CoA intermediates are substrates of 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase.  相似文献   

Summary A complex structural rearrangement of chromosomes 11, 12 and 13 was found in a normal female who gave birth to an affected child with partial trisomy for the short arm of chromosome 11 and a balanced translocation 12/13. The detailed analysis of the G-banded chromosomes from early metaphases permitted the delineation of new chromosomal bands which in turn proved essential to the identification of this unusual phenomenon.
Zusammenfassung Bei einer normalen Frau, die ein Kind mit partieller Trisomie des kurzen Armes des Chromosoms 11 und eine balancierte Translokation 12/13 hatte, wurde ein kompliziertes strukturelles Rearrangement der Chromosomen 11, 12 und 13 gefunden. Eine detaillierte Analyse der Chromosomen nach Darstellung der G-Banden aus frühen Metaphasen erlaubte die Abgrenzung neuer Chromosomenbanden, die sich ihrerseits als notwendig für die Analyse dieses seltenen Phänomens erwiesen.

This work was partly supported by research Grant No. HD-01962 from the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

Summary A severely retarded child with multiple malformations was found to present a mosaic karyotype 46,XX,-13,+t(13;13)(p11;q11)/46,XX,del (13)(p11), which probably originated as the result of a de novo 13/13 translocation in a parental gamete, followed by postzygotic fission of the translocation chromosomse.  相似文献   

The elongated form of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), conjugated eicosadienoic acid (CEA, conj. 20:2delta(c11,t13/t12,c14)), was generated from CLA by liver microsomal fractions. Subsequent testing showed that dietary CEA significantly reduced body fat, and increased lean mass similar to CLA when compared to controls. CEA also decreased lipoprotein lipase activity and triacylglyceride, and increased glycerol release in 3T3-L1 adipocytes, correlated with the trans-12,cis-14 isomer, but CEA required a longer incubation period than cells treated with CLA. Based on the fact that CEA fed animals had CLA in tissue, we suggest that the effect of CEA is due to the CLA converted from CEA in the system. The delta-6 desaturated and elongated form of trans-10,cis-12 CLA (conjugated eicosatrienoic acid, CETA, conj. 20:3delta(c8,t12,c14)) inhibited LPL activity and increased glycerol release but was less active than trans-10,cis-12 CLA or CEA. The 21-carbon conjugated fatty acid, conjugated heneicosadienoic acid (CHDA, conj. 21:2delta(c12,t14/c13,t15)), was not active on LPL inhibition, triacylglyceride, or glycerol release in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. We also provide evidence that CLA was metabolized to conjugated dodecadienoic acid (conj. 12:2delta(c3,t5/t4,c6)). In addition, there were indications of the presence of conjugated tetradecadienoic acid (conj. 14:2delta(c5,t7/t6,c8)), suggesting that CLA can be metabolized through fatty acid beta-oxidation. This is the first work to report the presence of conjugated 12 and 14 carbon fatty acids, originated from CLA, and the biological activities of CEA, CETA and CHDA.  相似文献   

A translocation affecting chromosomes 8 and 12 was detected in 11 persons of 3 generations of a family. The propositus, a child with multiple malformations, had a mosaicism consisting of (a) cells with 46 chromosomes which included the balanced translocation and (b) cells with 47 chromosomes and partially trisomic for chromosomes 8 and 12.  相似文献   

Subunit structure in the walls of sectioned microtubules was first noted by Ledbetter and Porter (6), who clearly showed that certain microtubules of plant meristematic cells have 13 wall protofilaments when seen in cross section. Earlier, protofilaments of microtubular elements had been described in negatively stained material, although exact counts of their number were difficult to obtain. In microtubular elements of axonemes, some success has been achieved in visualizing protofilaments in conventionally fixed and sectioned material (8, 10); much less success has been achieved in identifying and counting protofilaments of singlet cytoplasmic microtubules. By using glutaraldehyde-tannic acid fixation, as described by Misuhira and Futaesaku (7), Tilney et al. (12) studied microtubules from a number of sources and found that all have 13 protofilaments comprising their walls. These authors note that "...the number of subunits and their arrangement as protofilaments appear universal...". Preliminary studies of ventral nerve cord of crayfish fixed in glutaraldehyde-tannic acid indicated that axonal microtubules in this material possess only 12 protofilaments (4). On the basis of this observation, tannic acid preparations of several other neuronal and non-neuronal systems were examined. Protofilaments in microtubules from these several cell types are clearly demonstrated, and counts have been made which show that some kinds of microtubules have more or fewer protofilaments than the usual 13 and that at least one kind of microtubule has an even rather than an odd number.  相似文献   

The metabolic pathway of Propionibacterium grown under an aerobic condition is still not clear so far. In this work, cell growth, organic acid formation, vitamin B12 synthesis, and enzyme activities were determined in different aerobic cultivation systems. It was found that the propionate, which is accumulated during anaerobic cultivation, was completely decomposed when the cultivation was shifted to an aerobic condition. Moreover, pyruvate was formed in accordance with the decomposition of the propionate. Besides, more acetate was produced and a large amount of malate was formed during the aerobic cultivation. Such phenomena could be repeatedly observed in a periodic cultivation in which the dissolved oxygen concentration was alternatively controlled at 0 or 1 ppm. Enzyme analysis indicates that the regulation of organic acid formation depends on which molecule, i.e., oxygen or fumarate, serves as an electron acceptor in the respiratory chain reactions. No tricarboxylic acid cycle was found to exist in this species grown under an aerobic condition. It is evident that the randomizing pathway worked in a reversed direction in the presence of oxygen, through which the propionate is oxidized to pyruvate. The 13C NMR spectral analysis confirmed this observation.  相似文献   

The distal region of 11p13 and associated genetic diseases.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The distal region of human chromosome band 11p13 is believed to contain a cluster of genes involved in the development of the eye, kidney, urogenital tract, and possibly the nervous system. Genetic abnormalities of this region can lead to Wilms tumor, aniridia, urogenital abnormalities, and mental retardation (WAGR syndrome). Using 11 DNA markers covering the entire distal region of 11p13, including the WAGR region, we have carried out molecular studies on 58 patients with one or more features of this syndrome and patients with other diseases or structural cytogenetic abnormalities associated with 11p13. Cytogenetic analyses were performed in all cases. In 12 patients we were able to demonstrate deletions of this region. In 2 patients balanced translocations and in 2 additional patients duplications of this region were characterized. In total, 5 chromosomal breakpoints within 11p13 were identified. One of these breakpoints maps within the smallest region of overlap of WAGR deletions. Moreover, we were unable to demonstrate constitutional deletions in a candidate sequence for the Wilms tumor gene or any other marker in 2 patients with aniridia and urogenital abnormalities, 4 patients with Wilms tumor and urogenital abnormalities, 5 patients with bilateral Wilms tumors, and 3 familial Wilms tumor cases. We suggest that the molecular techniques used here (heterozygosity testing for polymorphic markers mapping between AN2 and WT1 and deletion analysis by dosage, cytogenetic analysis, or in situ hybridization) can be employed to identify sporadic aniridia patients with and without increased tumor risk.  相似文献   

We completed fine mapping of nine positional candidate regions for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in an extended population sample of 308 affected sibling pairs (ASPs), constituting the largest linkage sample of families with ADHD published to date. The candidate chromosomal regions were selected from all three published genomewide scans for ADHD, and fine mapping was done to comprehensively validate these positional candidate regions in our sample. Multipoint maximum LOD score (MLS) analysis yielded significant evidence of linkage on 6q12 (MLS 3.30; empiric P=.024) and 17p11 (MLS 3.63; empiric P=.015), as well as suggestive evidence on 5p13 (MLS 2.55; empiric P=.091). In conjunction with the previously reported significant linkage on the basis of fine mapping 16p13 in the same sample as this report, the analyses presented here indicate that four chromosomal regions--5p13, 6q12, 16p13, and 17p11--are likely to harbor susceptibility genes for ADHD. The refinement of linkage within each of these regions lays the foundation for subsequent investigations using association methods to detect risk genes of moderate effect size.  相似文献   

? Signalling by ubiquitination is implicated in diverse aspects of the plant lifecycle, and enzymes of ubiquitin metabolism are overrepresented in the Arabidopsis genome compared with other model eukaryotes. Despite the importance of ubiquitination in the regulation of signalling, little is known about deubiquitinating enzymes, which reverse the process of ubiquitination. ? Transgenic RNA interference-based cosuppression and the isolation of Atubp12/13 double mutants collectively provides the first report that AtUBP12 and AtUBP13 are functionally redundant and are required for immunity against virulent Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato in Arabidopsis. The Solanaceous AtUBP12 orthologue NtUBP12 was identified. Viral-induced gene silencing and transient gain-of-function assays were employed to establish that the NtUBP12 protein functions as a negative regulator of the Cf-9-triggered hypersensitive response. ? Here, we demonstrate that NtUBP12 and AtUBP12 are bona fide deubiquitinating enzymes capable of cleaving lysine-48-linked ubiquitin chains. AtUBP12 and NtUBP12 are functionally interchangeable and their deubiquitinating activity is required to suppress plant cell death. ? Overall, our data implicate AtUBP12- and NtUBP12-dependent deubiquitination in the stabilization of common substrates across Solanaceae and Brassicaceae which regulate disease resistance.  相似文献   

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