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Viral nucleoprotein complexes were extracted from the nuclei of simian virus 40 (SV40)-infected TC7 cells by low-salt treatment in the absence of detergent, followed by sedimentation on neutral sucrose gradients. Two forms of SV40 nucleoprotein complexes, those containing SV40 replicative intermediate DNA and those containing SV40 (I) DNA, were separated from one another and were found to have sedimentation values of 125 and 93S, respectively. [(35)S]methioninelabeled proteins in the nucleoprotein complexes were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In addition to VP1, VP3, and histones, a protein with a molecular weight of 100,000 (100K) is present in the nucleoprotein complexes containing SV40 (I) DNA. The 100K protein was confirmed as SV40 100K T antigen, both by immunoprecipitation with SV40 anti-T serum and by tryptic peptide mapping. The 100K T antigen is predominantly associated with the SV40 (I) DNA-containing complexes. The 17K T antigen, however, is not associated with the SV40 (I) DNA-containing nucleoprotein complexes. The functional significance of the SV40 100K T antigen in the SV40 (I) DNA-containing nucleoprotein complexes was examined by immunoprecipitation of complexes from tsA58-infected TC7 cells. The 100K T antigen is present in nucleoprotein complexes extracted from cells grown at the permissive temperature but is clearly absent from complexes extracted from cells grown at the permissive temperature and shifted up to the nonpermissive temperature for 1 h before extraction, suggesting that the association of the 100K T antigen with the SV40 nucleoprotein complexes is involved in the initiation of SV40 DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

A specific antiserum was raised in rabbits against D2 hybrid T antigen that had been purified from HeLa cells infected with the adenovirus/simian virus 40 hybrid, Ad2(+)D2. The specificity of this serum was compared with that of a conventional hamster antiserum against simian virus 40-induced tumors by immunoprecipitation and by a new radioimmune assay that can detect nanogram quantities of D2 hybrid T antigen.  相似文献   

Subcellular Localization of Simian Virus 40 Large Tumor Antigen   总被引:25,自引:9,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
The distribution of simian virus 40 large tumor antigen in subcellular fractions from simian virus 40-transformed hamster (H-50) and mouse (VLM) cells and from simian virus 40-infected monkey cells was determined. Solubilized [(35)S]-methionine- or (32)P(i)-labeled surface membrane and nuclear fractions were prepared, immunoprecipitated with hamster anti-T serum, and analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Tumor antigen with an apparent molecular weight of approximately 96,000 was detected in both subcellular fractions. Minor components of approximately 68,000 and approximately 56,000 with anti-T reactivity which labeled with [(35)S]methionine were also detected in both fractions from H-50 cells, as were components of approximately 140,000 and approximately 56,000 from VLM cells. The 56,000 component appeared to be greatly reduced in (32)P(i)-labeled surface membrane fractions. Normal cells or cells transformed with a heterologous agent, such as polyoma virus or a chemical carcinogen, lacked immunoprecipitable tumor antigen. Cell fractionation was monitored by [(3)H]thymidine labeling, NADH-diaphorase activity, and Na(+)-K(+)-dependent ATPase activity. These analyses revealed only trace contamination of surface membranes by nuclei, extremely low levels of nuclear rupture during homogenization, and an approximate 10-fold enrichment of surface membrane. Reconstruction experiments demonstrated that soluble tumor antigen failed to associate or copurify with surface membranes during fractionation procedures. These results indicate the presence of a protein in the plasma membrane of cells transformed or infected by simian virus 40 that is immunologically indistinguishable from nuclear tumor antigen.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that simian virus 40 (SV40) large T antigen (LT) binds to the Bub1 kinase, a key regulator of the spindle checkpoint and chromosome segregation. Bub1 mutations or altered expression patterns are linked to chromosome missegregation and are considered to be a driving force in some human cancers. Here we report that LT, dependent on Bub1 binding, causes micronuclei, lagging chromatin, and anaphase bridges, which are hallmarks of chromosomal instability (CIN) and Bub1 insufficiency. Using time-lapse microscopy, we demonstrate that LT imposes a Bub1 binding-dependent delay in the metaphase-to-anaphase transition. Kinetochore fibers reveal that LT, via Bub1 binding, causes aberrant kinetochore (KT)-microtubule (MT) attachments and a shortened interkinetochore distance, consistent with a lack of tension. Previously, we showed that LT also induces the DNA damage response (DDR) via Bub1 binding. Using inducible LT cell lines, we show that an activated DDR was observed before the appearance of anaphase bridges and micronuclei. Furthermore, LT induction in serum-starved cells demonstrated γ-H2AX accumulation in cells that had not yet entered mitosis. Thus, DDR activation can occur independently of chromosome segregation defects. Replication stress pathways may be responsible, because signatures of replication stress were observed, which were attenuated by exogenous supplementation with nucleosides. Our observations allow us to propose a model that explains and integrates the diverse manifestations of genomic instability induced by LT.  相似文献   

Transformation by simian virus 40 large T antigen (TAg) is dependent on the inactivation of cellular tumor suppressors. Transformation minimally requires the following three domains: (i) a C-terminal domain that mediates binding to p53; (ii) the LXCXE domain (residues 103 to 107), necessary for binding to the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein, pRB, and the related p107 and p130; and (iii) an N-terminal domain that is homologous to the J domain of DnaJ molecular chaperone proteins. We have previously demonstrated that the N-terminal J domain of TAg affects the RB-related proteins by perturbing the phosphorylation status of p107 and p130 and promoting the degradation of p130 and that this domain is required for transformation of cells that express either p107 or p130. In this work, we demonstrate that the J domain of TAg is required to inactivate the ability of each member of the pRB family to induce a G1 arrest in Saos-2 cells. Furthermore, the J domain is required to override the repression of E2F activity mediated by p130 and pRB and to disrupt p130-E2F DNA binding complexes. These results imply that while the LXCXE domain serves as a binding site for the RB-related proteins, the J domain plays an important role in inactivating their function.  相似文献   

为了建立中枢神经系统肿瘤小鼠模型,构建了大鼠神经元特异性烯醇化酶(ratneu-ron-specificenolase,NSE)基因启动子调控下的猿猴病毒40大T抗原基因(simianvirus40largeTantigengene,SV40TAg)转基因载体,通过受精卵雄原核显微注射的方法制备转基因小鼠。PCR鉴定转基因小鼠的基因型;RT-PCR和Northern印迹检测转基因阳性鼠中SV40TAgRNA水平的表达及其组织特异性;免疫组化检测其蛋白质水平的表达。经显微注射共获得9只首代转基因阳性鼠(首建者,Founder小鼠),其中2例出生时即发生神经干细胞来源的肿瘤,其他Founder小鼠经繁育后共建立了5个SV40TAg转基因小鼠系,其中有4个系检测到SV40TAgRNA水平的表达且特异性地表达于脑组织,但未检测到蛋白质水平的表达。研究表明NSE启动子活性具有较强的组织特异性,并起始于小鼠胚胎发育期;SV40TAg具有明显的致癌作用,且SV40TAg诱发的神经系统肿瘤易造成转基因小鼠早期死亡。  相似文献   

Little is known about the ability of simian virus 40 (SV40) T antigen to bind single-stranded DNA. We demonstrate here that a mutant (259-708) missing the first 258 amino acids of T antigen and its origin-binding domain bound single-stranded DNA at close to normal levels, whereas a mutant containing only the first 259 amino acids failed to bind any single-stranded DNA. The 259-708 mutant also assembled into high-molecular-weight oligomers in the presence of single-stranded DNA. Its ATPase activity was stimulated by single-stranded DNA similarly to the wild type (WT). Furthermore, WT T antigen’s ability to bind to single-stranded DNA was inhibited by the binding of two monoclonal antibodies that recognize a region after residue 362. These results show that the domain responsible for binding to single-stranded DNA is completely separate from the origin-binding domain.  相似文献   

JC polyomavirus (JCV), the causative agent of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), is ubiquitous in humans, infecting children asymptomatically and then persisting in the kidney. Renal JCV is not latent but replicates to excrete progeny in the urine. The renal-urinary JCV DNAs carry the archetype regulatory region that generates various rearranged regulatory regions occurring in JCVs derived from the brains of PML patients. Tissue cultures that support the efficient growth of archetype JCV have not been reported. We studied whether archetype JCV could replicate in COS-7 cells, simian cells transformed with an origin-defective mutant of simian virus 40 (SV40). Efficient JCV replication, as detected by a hemagglutination assay, was observed in cultures transfected with five of the six archetype DNAs. The progeny JCVs could be passaged to fresh COS-7 cells. However, when the parental cells of COS-7 not expressing T antigen were transfected with archetype JCV DNAs, no viral replication was detected, indicating that SV40 T antigen is essential for the growth of JCV in COS-7 cells. The archetype regulatory region was conserved during viral growth in COS-7 cells, although a small proportion of JCV DNAs underwent rearrangements outside the regulatory region. We then attempted to recover archetype JCV from urine by viral culture in COS-7 cells. Efficient JCV production was observed in COS-7 cells infected with five of the six JCV-positive urine samples examined. Thus, COS-7 cells should be of use not only for the production of archetype JCV on a large scale but also for the isolation of archetype JCV from urine.  相似文献   

The simian virus 40 (SV40) large tumor antigen (Tag) is a virus-encoded oncoprotein which is the target of a strong cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response. Three immunodominant H-2(b)-restricted epitopes, designated epitopes I, II/III, and IV, have been defined. We investigated whether induction of CTLs directed against these Tag epitopes might control Tag-induced tumors in SV11(+) (H-2(b)) mice. SV11(+) mice develop spontaneous tumors of the choroid plexus due to expression of SV40 Tag as a transgene. We demonstrate that SV11(+) mice are functionally tolerant to the immunodominant Tag CTL epitopes. CTLs specific for the H-2Kb-restricted Tag epitope IV were induced in SV11(+) mice following adoptive transfer with unprimed C57BL/6 spleen cells and immunization with recombinant vaccinia viruses expressing either full-length Tag or the H-2Kb-restricted epitope IV as a minigene. In addition, irradiation of SV11(+) mice prior to adoptive transfer with unprimed C57BL/6 spleen cells led to the priming of epitope IV-specific CTLs by the endogenous Tag. Induction of epitope IV-specific CTLs in SV11(+) mice by either approach correlated with increased life span and control of the choroid plexus tumor progression, indicating that CTLs specific for the immunodominant Tag epitope IV control the progressive growth of spontaneous tumors induced by this DNA virus oncogene in transgenic mice.  相似文献   

The species of proteins associated with chromatin and ribosomes of simian virus 40 (SV40)-transformed and untransformed monkey, mouse, and rat cells have been compared by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis after phosphorylation of these proteins either in vivo or in vitro. In vitro phosphorylation was carried out by protein kinase associated with these organelles and [gamma-(32) P]ATP as the phosphoryl donor. The reaction products contained both phosphoserine and phosphothreonine in approximately equal amounts. The electrophoretic analysis of the phosphorylated proteins revealed that the highly phosphorylated protein with a molecular weight of approximately 90,000 (90K protein) was associated with chromatin and ribosomes from transformed cells but not from untransformed cells. The 90K protein could be extracted from chromatin and ribosomes with 0.5 to 1.0 M NaCl or KCl. The 90K protein was still associated with the runoff ribosomes prepared by the puromycin reaction of the post-mitochondrial supernatant in the protein-synthesizing system. In vitro phosphorylation of chromatin and ribosomes from SV40 tsA-transformed mouse and rat cells indicated that the amounts of 90K protein associated with these organelles decreased greatly when the cells were cultivated at the restrictive temperature. A similar temperature-dependent decrease in the amount of (32)P-labeled 90K protein was observed in nonhistone chromosomal and ribosome-associated protein fractions prepared from SV40 tsA-transformed cells labeled with [(3)H]leucine and [(32)P]orthophosphate in vivo. In vitro phosphorylated 90K protein in nonhistone chromosomal and ribosome-associated proteins extracted with high salt was not immunoprecipitated with anti-SV40 T sera.  相似文献   

Heating to 45 C induced in virus-free clones of simian virus 40 (SV40) transformed BSC1 cells the synthesis of SV40 viral antigen, as evidenced by immunofluorescence. Up to 3.8% of the cells exhibited viral antigen 72 hr after heating to 45 C for 30 min. Depletion of arginine from the medium of the heated cells enhanced and increased the percentage of cells synthesizing viral antigen to 11%. Cytosine arabinoside completely inhibited the induction of the viral antigen. No infectious virus was recovered from the cells in which synthesis of viral antigen was induced. However, small amounts of infectious SV40 virus were rescued from the BSC1 transformed cells by fusion with rabbit kidney cells or by treatment with mitomycin C.  相似文献   

Simian Virus 40-Induced T and Tumor Antigens   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Antigen extracts from simian virus 40 (SV40) transplanted hamster tumors were studied by rate-zonal centrifugation. Three species or molecular forms of antigen were demonstrated. The major antigen component corresponded to a molecular weight of 65,000 to 75,000, and two larger species were detectable in smaller quantities. Similar studies were carried out on SV40 virus-induced T antigen from BSC-1 cells. Three antigen components were again detected. Quantitative differences in the expression of "T" and tumor antigen species were reproducibly found.  相似文献   

The complement-fixing tumor (T) antigen induced by simian virus 40 (SV40) has been prepared from SV40-infected cell cultures, from infected cell cultures treated at the time of infection with 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosylcytosine (ara-C), and from SV40-transformed cells. Upon partial purification, the T antigen exhibited the following properties: it was tightly adsorbed by calcium phosphate gel, it was precipitated by acetic acid at pH 5 or by ammonium sulfate at about 20 to 32% saturation, and it had a molecular weight greater than 250,000, as estimated by Sephadex G-200 gel chromatography. In contrast, deoxycytidylate (dCMP) deaminase, thymidylate (dTMP) kinase, and thymidine (dT) kinase were less strongly bound to calcium phosphate and were not precipitated at pH 5; these enzymes also had much lower molecular weights than the T antigen, as did dihydrofolic (FH(2)) reductase. Furthermore, higher ammonium sulfate concentrations were required to precipitate dCMP deaminase, dTMP kinase, and FH(2) reductase activities than to precipitate the T antigen. Another difference was that the T antigen was not stabilized, but dCMP deaminase, dTMP kinase, and dT kinase, were stabilized, respectively, by dCTP, dTMP, and dT or dTTP. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) polymerase activity resembled the T antigen in adsorption to calcium phosphate, in precipitation by ammonium sulfate or at pH 5, and in the rate of inactivation when incubated at 38 C. However, the polymerase activity could be partly separated from the T antigen by Sephadex G-200 gel chromatography. The cell fraction containing partially purified T antigen also contained a soluble complement-fixing antigen (presumably a subunit of the viral capsid) which reacted with hyperimmune monkey sera. The latter antigen was present in very low titers or absent from cell extracts prepared from SV40-infected monkey kidney cell cultures which had been treated with ara-C at the time of infection, or from SV40-transformed mouse kidney (mKS) or hamster tumor (H-50) cells. The T antigen, however, was present in usual amounts in SV40-transformed cells or ara-C treated, infected cells.  相似文献   

Nuclear import of the simian virus 40 large tumor antigen (T-ag) is dependent on its nuclear localization signal (NLS) within amino acids 126–132 that is recognized by the importin α/β1 heterodimer, as well as a protein kinase CK2 site at serine 112 upstream of the NLS, which enhances the interaction ∼50-fold. Here we show for the first time that T-ag nuclear import is negatively regulated by N-terminal sequences (amino acids 102–110), which represent the binding site (BS) for the retinoblastoma (Rb) tumor suppressor protein (p110Rb). Quantitative confocal laser scanning microscopic analysis of the transport properties of T-ag constructs with or without Rb binding site mutations in living transfected cells or in a reconstituted nuclear transport system indicates that the presence of the RbBS significantly reduces nuclear accumulation of T-ag. A number of approaches, including the analysis of T-ag nuclear import in an isogenic cell pair with and without functional p110Rb implicate p110Rb binding as being responsible for the reduced nuclear accumulation, with the Ser106 phosphorylation site within the RbBS appearing to enhance the inhibitory effect. Immunoprecipitation experiments confirmed association of T-ag and p110Rb and dependence thereof on negative charge at Ser106. The involvement of p110Rb in modulating T-ag nuclear transport has implications for the regulation of nuclear import of other proteins from viruses of medical significance that interact with p110Rb, and how this may relate to transformation.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 large T antigen (TAg) transforms cells in culture and induces tumors in rodents. Genetic studies suggest that TAg interaction with the chaperone hsp70 and tumor suppressors pRb and p53 may not be sufficient to elicit complete transformation of cells. In order to identify additional cellular factors important for transformation, we designed mutations on the solvent-exposed surface of TAg. We hypothesized that surface residues would interact directly with cellular targets and that the mutation of these residues might disrupt this interaction without perturbing TAg''s global structure. Using structural data, we identified 61 amino acids on the surface of TAg. Each surface amino acid was changed to an alanine. Furthermore, five patches containing clusters of charged amino acids on the surface of TAg were identified. Within these patches, we selectively mutated three to four charged amino acids and thus generated five mutants (patch mutants 1 to 5). We observed that while patch mutants 3 and 4 induced foci in REF52 cells, patch mutants 1 and 2 were deficient in focus formation. We determined that the patch 1 mutant is defective in p53 binding, thus explaining its defect in transformation. The patch 2 mutant can interact with the Rb family members and p53 like wild-type TAg but is unable to transform cells, suggesting that it is defective for action on an unknown cellular target essential for transformation. Our results suggest that the histone acetyltransferase CBP/p300 is one of the potential targets affected by the mutations in patch 2.Simian virus 40 (SV40) large T antigen is a multifunctional protein that is essential for productive viral infection and for cellular transformation (26). T antigen possesses several biochemical activities, some of which map to discrete domains that can act independently and/or coordinately. To effect replication and transformation, T antigen binds to several cellular targets via different domains/regions. For example, during replication, T antigen associates with components of the cellular replication apparatus such as DNA polymerase α, replication protein A, and topoisomerase I (11, 14, 24, 31, 39). Three regions of T antigen are essential to elicit cellular transformation (1, 2, 36). The LXCXE motif mediates binding to the members of the Rb family (pRb, p107, and p130) and in conjunction with the J domain results in the inactivation of the Rb family function. While these domains reside in the N terminus of T antigen, a third transforming function in the C terminus of T antigen is essential for inactivation of the tumor suppressor p53. Genetic studies suggest that inactivation of pRb and p53 is not always sufficient to induce T-antigen-mediated transformation (7, 30, 38), thus indicating the presence of additional targets of T antigen contributing to transformation. In the past few years, several additional targets of T antigen, including CBP/p300, Bub1, Cul7, Fbw7, and IRS-1, have been discovered (8, 9, 12, 17, 29, 40, 42); however, their roles in T-antigen-mediated transformation are not clear. T antigen also targets the DNA-damage-sensing and -processing complex Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 and may induce genetic instability that contributes to transformation (10, 42). The issue is complicated further by the observation that T antigen has redundant functions, that is, it can act on critical targets via multiple mechanisms (7, 37).One of the key strategies to delineate functions of T antigen required for transformation is the use of amino acid substitution and truncation mutants. However, a caveat to this approach is the production of mutants that are defective in transformation due to a loss of integrity of the secondary, or even local, structure. In this study, we combined available sequence data with structural information to design mutants. Sequence alignments allow the identification of conserved amino acid residues, while structural data provide information about amino acid residues on the surface of the molecule. This approach allows us to combine structural elements and target binding sites. In addition, identification of residues conserved across species, followed by mutation of these conserved residues, will likely yield better insights into common biological pathways. Using this method, we have generated four mutants, of which two are defective in transformation and, thus, of great interest for the identification of novel cellular pathways regulating cell growth and proliferation.  相似文献   

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