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The behaviour of Escherichia coli cells in which all or part of the ftsK gene is under inducible control shows that FtsK protein has two functional domains: an N-terminal part that is required for cell division, and a C-terminal part that is involved in chromosome localization within the cell.  相似文献   

Dorazi R  Dewar SJ 《FEBS letters》2000,478(1-2):13-18
The Escherichia coli FtsK protein targets the septum, is essential for cell division and may play a role in DNA partitioning. Computer modelling suggests that the first 180 amino acids of the protein are embedded in the cytoplasmic membrane by up to six transmembrane domains. We demonstrate, using gene fusions, that the N-terminus contains four transmembrane helices that link two periplasmic domains. The first periplasmic domain contains an HEXXH amino acid sequence characteristic of zinc metalloproteases. We show by mutation analysis that the conserved glutamic acid of the HEXXH sequence is essential for FtsK function during septation.  相似文献   

YhhP, a small protein of 81 amino acid residues encoded by the yhhP gene in the Escherichia coli database, is implicated in cell division although the precise biological function of this protein has not been yet identified. A variety of microorganisms have similar proteins, all of which contain a common CPxP sequence motif in the N-terminal region. We have determined the three-dimensional solution structure of YhhP by NMR spectroscopy in order to obtain insight into its biological function. It folds into a two-layered alpha/beta-sandwich structure with a betaalphabetaalphabetabeta fold, comprising a mixed four-stranded beta-sheet stacked against two alpha-helices, both of which are nearly parallel to the strands of the beta-sheet. The CPxP motif plays a significant structural role in stabilizing the first helix as a part of the new type N-capping box where the Cys-Pro peptide bond adopts a cis configuration. The structure of YhhP displays a striking resemblance to the C-terminal ribosome-binding domain of translation initiation factor IF3 (IF3C). In addition, the surface charge distribution of the RNA-recognition helix of IF3C is nearly the same as that of the corresponding helix of YhhP. These results suggest a structure-based hypothesis in which binding to an RNA target plays an essential role in the function of this ubiquitous protein.  相似文献   

FtsK is a multifunctional protein that acts in Escherichia coli cell division and chromosome segregation. Its C-terminal domain is required for XerCD-mediated recombination between dif sites that resolve chromosome dimers formed by recombination between sister chromosomes. We report the construction and analysis of a set of strains carrying different Xer recombination sites in place of dif, some of which recombine in an FtsK-independent manner. The results show that FtsK-independent Xer recombination does not support chromosome dimer resolution. Furthermore, resolution of dimers by the Cre/loxP system also requires FtsK. These findings reveal a second role for FtsK during chromosome dimer resolution in addition to XerCD activation. We propose that FtsK acts to position the dif regions, thus allowing a productive synapse between dif sites.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis experiments combined with fluorescence microscopy shed light on the role of Escherichia coli FtsW, a membrane protein belonging to the SEDS family that is involved in peptidoglycan assembly during cell elongation, division, and sporulation. This essential cell division protein has 10 transmembrane segments (TMSs). It is a late recruit to the division site and is required for subsequent recruitment of penicillin-binding protein 3 (PBP3) catalyzing peptide cross-linking. The results allow identification of several domains of the protein with distinct functions. The localization of PBP3 to the septum was found to be dependent on the periplasmic loop located between TMSs 9 and 10. The E240-A249 amphiphilic peptide in the periplasmic loop between TMSs 7 and 8 appears to be a key element in the functioning of FtsW in the septal peptidoglycan assembly machineries. The intracellular loop (containing the R166-F178 amphiphilic peptide) between TMSs 4 and 5 and Gly 311 in TMS 8 are important components of the amino acid sequence-folding information.  相似文献   

The membrane topology of Escherichia coli FtsW, a 46-kDa essential protein, was analyzed using a set of 28 ftsW-alkaline phosphatase (ftsW-phoA) and nine ftsW-beta-lactamase (ftsW-bla) gene fusions obtained by in vivo and in vitro methods. The alkaline phosphatase activities or resistance pattern of cells expressing the FtsW-PhoA or FtsW-Bla fusions confirmed only eight out of 10 transmembrane segments predicted by computational methods. After comparison with the recent topology of Streptococcus pneumoniae FtsW, we could identify all the fusions in absolute agreement with the predicted model: N-terminal and C-terminal ends in the cytoplasm, 10 transmembrane segments and one large loop of 67 amino acids (E240-E306) located in the periplasm.  相似文献   

The ever increasing problem of antibiotic resistance necessitates a search for new drug molecules that would target novel proteins in the prokaryotic system. FtsZ is one such target protein involved in the bacterial cell division machinery. In this study, we have shown that berberine, a natural plant alkaloid, targets Escherichia coli FtsZ, inhibits the assembly kinetics of the Z-ring, and perturbs cytokinesis. It also destabilizes FtsZ protofilaments and inhibits the FtsZ GTPase activity. Saturation transfer difference NMR spectroscopy of the FtsZ-berberine complex revealed that the dimethoxy groups, isoquinoline nucleus, and benzodioxolo ring of berberine are intimately involved in the interaction with FtsZ. Berberine perturbs the Z-ring morphology by disturbing its typical midcell localization and reduces the frequency of Z-rings per unit cell length to half. Berberine binds FtsZ with high affinity ( K D approximately 0.023 microM) and displaces bis-ANS, suggesting that it may bind FtsZ in a hydrophobic pocket. Isothermal titration calorimetry suggests that the FtsZ-berberine interaction occurs spontaneously and is enthalpy/entropy-driven. In silico molecular modeling suggests that the rearrangement of the side chains of the hydrophobic residues in the GTP binding pocket may facilitate the binding of the berberine to FtsZ and lead to inhibition of the association between FtsZ monomers. Together, these results clearly indicate the inhibitory role of berberine on the assembly function of FtsZ, establishing it as a novel FtsZ inhibitor that halts the first stage in bacterial cell division.  相似文献   

Bacterial chromosome partitioning and cell division are tightly connected cellular processes. We show here that the Caulobacter crescentus FtsK protein localizes to the division plane, where it mediates multiple functions involved in chromosome segregation and cytokinesis. The first 258 amino acids of the N terminus are necessary and sufficient for targeting the protein to the division plane. Furthermore, the FtsK N terminus is required to either assemble or maintain FtsZ rings at the division plane. The FtsK C terminus is essential in Caulobacter and is involved in maintaining accurate chromosome partitioning. In addition, the C-terminal region of FtsK is required for the localization of the topoisomerase IV ParC subunit to the replisome to facilitate chromosomal decatenation prior to cell division. These results suggest that the interdependence between chromosome partitioning and cell division in Caulobacter is mediated, in part, by the FtsK protein.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the substrate kinetics of the GTPase activity of FtsZ and the effects of two different GTPase inhibitors, GDP and the slowly hydrolyzable GTP analogue GMPCPP. In the absence of inhibitors the GTPase activity follows simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics, and both GDP and GMPCPP inhibited the activity in a competitive manner. These results indicate that the GTPase active sites in FtsZ filaments are independent of each other, a feature relevant to elucidate the role of GTP hydrolysis in FtsZ function and cell division.  相似文献   

K Dai  Y Xu    J Lutkenhaus 《Journal of bacteriology》1996,178(5):1328-1334
Genetic and biochemical approaches were used to analyze a topological model for FtsN, a 36-kDa protein with a putative transmembrane segment near the N terminus, and to ascertain the requirements of the putative cytoplasmic and membrane-spanning domains for the function of this protein. Analysis of FtsN-PhoA fusions revealed that the putative transmembrane segment of FtsN could act as a translocation signal. Protease accessibility studies of FtsN in spheroblasts and inverted membrane vesicles confirmed that FtsN had a simple bitopic topology with a short cytoplasmic amino terminus, a single membrane-spanning domain, and a large periplasmic carboxy terminus. To ascertain the functional requirements of the N-terminal segments of FtsN, various constructs were made. Deletion of the N-terminal cytoplasmic and membrane-spanning domains led to intracellular localization of the carboxy domain, instability,and loss of function. Replacement of the N-terminal cytoplasmic and membrane-spanning domains with a membrane-spanning domain from MalG restored subcellular localization and function. These N-terminal domains of FtsN could also be replaced by the cleavable MalE signal sequence with restoration of subcellular localization and function. It is concluded that the N-terminal, cytoplasmic, and transmembrane domains of FtsN are not required for function of the carboxy domain other than to transport it to the periplasm. FtsQ and FtsI were also analyzed.  相似文献   

Chen HA  Simpson P  Huyton T  Roper D  Matthews S 《Biochemistry》2005,44(18):6738-6744
CedA is a protein that is postulated to be involved in the regulation of cell division in Escherichia coli and related organisms; however, little biological data about its possible mode of action are available. Here we present a three-dimensional structure of this protein as determined by NMR spectroscopy. The protein is made up of four antiparallel beta-strands, an alpha-helix, and a large unstructured stretch of residues at the N-terminus. It shows structural similarity to a family of DNA-binding proteins which interact with dsDNA via a three-stranded beta-sheet, suggesting that CedA may be a DNA-binding protein. The putative binding surface of CedA is predominantly positively charged with a number of basic residues surrounding a groove largely dominated by aromatic residues. NMR chemical shift perturbations and gel-shift experiments performed with CedA confirm that the protein binds dsDNA, and its interaction is mediated primarily via the beta-sheet.  相似文献   

A new cell division operon in Escherichia coli   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
Summary At 76 min on theE. coli genetic map there is a cluster of genes affecting essential cellular functions, including the heat shock response and cell division. A combination ofin-vivo andin-vitro genetic analysis of cell division mutants suggests that the cell division genefts E is the second gene in a 3 gene operon. A cold-sensitive mutant, defective in the third gene, is also unable to divide at the restrictive temperature, and we designate this new cell division genefts X. Another cell division gene,fts S, is very close to, but distinct from, the 3 genes of the operon. Thefts E product is a 24.5 Kd polypeptide which shows strong homology with a small group of proteins involved in transport. Both thefts E product and the protein coded by the first gene (fts Y) in the operon have a sequence motif found in a wide range of heterogeneous proteins, including the Ras proteins of yeast. This common domain is indicative of a nucleotide-binding site.  相似文献   

FtsI, also known as penicillin-binding protein 3, is a transpeptidase required for the synthesis of peptidoglycan in the division septum of the bacterium, Escherichia coli . FtsI has been estimated to be present at about 100 molecules per cell, well below the detection limit of immunoelectron microscopy. Here, we confirm the low abundance of FtsI and use immunofluorescence microscopy, a highly sensitive technique, to show that FtsI is localized to the division site during the later stages of cell growth. FtsI was also sometimes observed at the cell pole; polar localization was not anticipated and its significance is not known. We conclude (i) that immunofluorescence microscopy can be used to localize proteins whose abundance is as low as approximately 100 molecules per cell; and (ii) that spatial and temporal regulation of FtsI activity in septum formation is achieved, at least in part, by timed localization of the protein to the division site.  相似文献   

During cell division in Gram-negative bacteria, the cell envelope invaginates and constricts at the septum, eventually severing the cell into two compartments, and separating the replicated genetic materials. In Escherichia coli, at least nine essential gene products participate directly in septum formation: FtsA, FtsI, FtsL, FtsK, FtsN, FtsQ, FtsW, FtsZ and ZipA. All nine proteins have been localized to the septal ring, an equatorial ring structure at the division site. We used translational fusions to green fluorescent protein (GFP) to demonstrate that FtsQ, FtsL and FtsI localize to potential division sites in filamentous cells depleted of FtsN, but not in those depleted of FtsK. We also constructed translational fusions of FtsZ, FtsA, FtsQ, FtsL and FtsI to enhanced cyan or yellow fluorescent protein (ECFP or EYFP respectively), GFP variants with different fluorescence spectra. Examination of cells expressing different combinations of the fusions indicated that FtsA, FtsQ, FtsL and FtsI co-localize with FtsZ in filaments depleted of FtsN. These localization results support the model that E. coli cell division proteins assemble sequentially as a multimeric complex at the division site: first FtsZ, then FtsA and ZipA independently of each other, followed successively by FtsK, FtsQ, FtsL, FtsW, FtsI and FtsN.  相似文献   

Summary The cell division genes ftsY, ftsE and ftsX form an operon mapping at 76 min on the Escherichia coli chromosome. The protein products of these genes have been indentified previously. We have studied the cellular location of the radiolabelled Fts proteins using maxicells and standard fractionation procedures. Previous protein sequence homologies suggested an inner membrane location for FtsE. We have confirmed this predicted location and have shown that FtsY and FtsX are also inner membrane-associated. These results are igreement with the hypothesis that FtsE may act at the inner membrane, in a septalsome complex, by coupling ATP hydrolysis to the process of bacterial cell division.  相似文献   

Deprivation of FtsN, the last protein in the hierarchy of divisome assembly, causes the disassembly of other elements from the division ring, even extending to already assembled proto‐ring proteins. Therefore the stability and function of the divisome to produce rings active in septation is not guaranteed until FtsN is recruited. Disassembly follows an inverse sequential pathway relative to assembly. In the absence of FtsN, the frequencies of FtsN and FtsQ rings are affected similarly. Among the proto‐ring components, ZipA are more sensitive than FtsZ or FtsA rings. In contrast, removal of FtsZ leads to an almost simultaneous disappearance of the other elements from rings. Although restoration of FtsN allows for a quick reincorporation of ZipA into proto‐rings, the de novo joint assembly of the three components when FtsZ levels are restored to FtsZ‐deprived filaments is even faster. This suggests that the recruitment of ZipA into FtsZ‐FtsA incomplete proto‐rings may require first a period for the reversal of these partial assemblies.  相似文献   

Summary It has been established that the strain CA8000 of Escherichia coli K 12 produces minicells. This phenotype of CA8000 has been shown to be suppressed by additional mutations in cya or crp genes. Minicell production by cya + crp + min bacteria is probably a consequence of error, introduced by horizontal growth, in the selection of site on the envelope for initiation of hemispherical growth.  相似文献   

The mechanism used by Escherichia coli to determine the correct site for cell division is unknown. In this report, we have attempted to distinguish between a model in which septal position is determined by the position of the nucleoids and a model in which septal position is predetermined by a mechanism that does not involve nucleoid position. To do this, filaments with extended nucleoid-free regions adjacent to the cell poles were produced by simultaneous inactivation of cell division and DNA replication. The positions of septa that formed within the nucleoid-free zones after division was allowed to resume were then analyzed. The results showed that septa were formed at a uniform distance from cell poles when division was restored, with no relation to the distance from the nearest nucleoid. In some cells, septa were formed directly over nucleoids. These results are inconsistent with models that invoke nucleoid positioning as the mechanism for determining the site of division site formation.  相似文献   

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