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Genistein is an isoflavone with potent inhibitory activity on protein tyrosine kinase. Previous studies have shown that genistein has additional effects, among which the direct blocking effects on various ionic channels have recently been disclosed. Using whole-cell voltage clamp and current clamp techniques, we demonstrate that micromolar concentrations of genistein dose-dependently and reversibly inhibit the inward rectifying K(+) current, and depolarize the resting membrane potential, resulting in abnormal automaticity in guinea pig ventricular myocytes. Interestingly, another potent tyrosine kinase inhibitor, tyrphostin 51, did not produce the same inhibitory effect, while the inactive analogue of genistein, daidzein, had a similar blocking effect. We suggest that genistein directly blocks the inward rectifying K(+) current in ventricular myocytes, and one should be cautious of its pro-arrhythmic effect in clinical use.  相似文献   

J Ibarra  G E Morley    M Delmar 《Biophysical journal》1991,60(6):1534-1539
The potassium selective, inward rectifier current (IK1) is known to be responsible for maintaining the resting membrane potential of quiescent ventricular myocytes. However, the contribution of this current to the different phases of the cardiac action potential has not been adequately established. In the present study, we have used the action potential clamp (APC) technique to characterize the dynamic changes of a cesium-sensitive (i.e., Ik1) current which occur during the action potential. Our results show that (a) Ik1 is present during depolarization, as well as in the final phase of repolarization of the cardiac action potential. (b) The current reaches the zone of inward-going rectification before the regenerative action potential ensues. (c) The maximal outward current amplitude during repolarization is significantly lower than during depolarization, which supports the hypothesis that in adult guinea pig ventricular myocytes, Ik1 rectification is accentuated during the action potential plateau. Our results stress the importance of Ik1 in the modulation of cell excitability in the ventricular myocyte.  相似文献   

目的:观察银杏酮酯(GBE50)对模拟缺血豚鼠心室肌细胞延迟整流钾电流(IK)的影响,探讨GBE50抗心肌缺血的机制。方法:采用标准膜片钳全细胞记录方法观察GBE50对正常及模拟缺血豚鼠心室肌细胞IK的影响。结果:在细胞外液中分别加入25,50,100mg/L GBE50灌流,仅100mg/L GBE50对正常心室肌细胞IK有影响(P0.05),使IK电流密度减小,I-V曲线下移;模拟缺血液灌流20minIK减小,I-V曲线下移,在模拟缺血液中分别加入25,50,100mg/L GBE50后,仅25mg/L无效,50,100mg/LGBE50灌流20min后IK稍减小,I-V曲线稍有下移,与缺血前相比无显著性差异(P0.05)。结论:100mg/LGBE50可减少正常豚鼠心室肌细胞IK;在模拟缺血条件下豚鼠心室肌细胞IK受到明显的抑制,GBE50可明显逆转缺血所致IK的抑制效应,这可能是GBE50产生心肌保护作用的重要机制之一。  相似文献   

血管紧张素Ⅱ对缺血心肌细胞钾离子通道的作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Wang WW  Zhu YC  Yao T  Zheng P  Gong QL 《生理学报》2002,54(2):149-153
实验用胶原酶酶解法急性分离豚鼠心室肌细胞,利用全细胞膜片钳的方法记录心室肌细胞的延迟整流钾电流(Ik)、内向整流钾电流(Ik1)和ATP敏感钾电流(IKATP)。采用低氧、无糖、高乳酸和酸中毒综合方式模拟缺血灌流,造成细胞的模拟缺血,并在缺血的基础上继续用含100nmol/L AngⅡ灌流细胞,观察Ang Ⅱ对模拟缺血心室肌细胞钾离子通道的影响。实验结果显示:(1)模拟缺血时,Ik明显减小;Ang Ⅱ能进一步抑制Ik。(2)模拟缺血条件下,Ik1受到抑制,并且以内向电流的抑制为主;Ang Ⅱ可加强对Ik1内向电流的抑制,而对部分外向电流则有增加的作用。(3)模拟缺血使IKATP外向电流略有增加;Ang Ⅱ则明显加强IKATP外向电流,此效应能被优降糖所阻断。  相似文献   

The effects of external protons on single sodium channel currents recorded from cell-attached patches on guinea pig ventricular myocytes were investigated. Extracellular protons reduce single channel current amplitude in a dose-dependent manner, consistent with a simple rapid channel block model where protons bind to a site within the channel with an apparent pKH of 5.10. The reduction in single channel current amplitude by protons is voltage independent between -70 and -20 mV. Increasing external proton concentration also shifts channel gating parameters to more positive voltages, consistent with previous macroscopic results. Similar voltage shifts are seen in the steady-state inactivation (h infinity) curve, the time constant for macroscopic current inactivation (tau h), and the first latency function describing channel activation. As pHo decreases from 7.4 to 5.5 the midpoint of the h infinity curve shifts from -107.6 +/- 2.6 mV (mean +/- SD, n = 16) to -94.3 +/- 1.9 mV (n = 3, P less than 0.001). These effects on channel gating are consistent with a reduction in negative surface potential due to titration of negative external surface charge. The Gouy-Chapman-Stern surface charge model incorporating specific proton binding provides an excellent fit to the dose-response curve for the shift in the midpoint of the h infinity curve with protons, yielding an estimate for total negative surface charge density of -1e/490 A2 and a pKH for proton binding of 5.16. By reducing external surface Na+ concentration, titration of negative surface charge can also quantitatively account for the reduction in single Na+ channel current amplitude, although we cannot rule out a potential role for channel block. Thus, titration by protons of a single class of negatively charged sites may account for effects on both single channel current amplitude and gating.  相似文献   

It was previously demonstrated that transmural electrophysiological heterogeneities can inscribe the ECG T wave. However, the bifurcated T wave caused by loss of inward rectifier potassium current (I(K1)) function is not fully explained by transmural heterogeneities. Since right ventricular (RV) guinea pig myocytes have significantly lower I(K1) than left ventricular (LV) myocytes, we hypothesized that the complex ECG can be inscribed by heterogeneous chamber-specific responses to hypokalemia and partial I(K1) blockade. Ratiometric optical action potentials were recorded from the epicardial surface of the RV and LV. BaCl(2) (10 micromol/l) was perfused to partially block I(K1) in isolated guinea pig whole heart preparations. BaCl(2) or hypokalemia alone significantly increased RV basal (RV(B)) action potential duration (APD) by approximately 30% above control compared with LV apical (LV(A)) APD (14%, P<0.05). In the presence of BaCl(2), 2 mmol/l extracellular potassium (hypokalemia) further increased RV(B) APD to a greater extent (31%) than LV(A) APD (19%, P<0.05) compared with BaCl(2) perfusion alone. Maximal dispersion between RV(B) and LV(A) APD increased by 105% (P<0.05), and the QT interval prolonged by 55% (P<0.05) during hypokalemia and BaCl(2). Hypokalemia and BaCl(2) produced an ECG with a double repolarization wave. The first wave (QT1) corresponded to selective depression of apical LV plateau potentials, while the second wave (QT2) corresponded to the latest repolarizing RV(B) myocytes. These data suggest that final repolarization is more sensitive to extracellular potassium changes in regions with reduced I(K1), particularly when I(K1) availability is reduced. Furthermore, underlying I(K1) heterogeneities can potentially contribute to the complex ECG during I(K1) loss of function and hypokalemia.  相似文献   

Platelet-activating factor (PAF) has been implicated as one of the mediators of cardiac anaphylaxis. This phospholipid has been shown to have numerous effects on a variety of tissues, including the heart. Among these effects are alterations in the resting potential and generation of arrhythmias at very low concentrations. This suggests that PAF may modulate the activity of the background, inwardly-rectifying potassium current (IK1). Thus, the effects of PAF on IK1 were examined at the single channel level. Ventricular cells were isolated from adult guinea pig hearts and single channel currents recorded from cell-attached patches. PAF had substantial effects on the single channel currents at sub-nanomolar concentrations (10–11 to 10–10 M). PAF initially caused flickering of the channels, followed by a gradual prolonged depression of channel activity. Since these potassium channels play a major role in determining the resting potential and excitability of the cardiac cell, the effects of PAF on IK1 may play a major role in the deleterious electrophysiological actions of PAF on the heart.Abbreviations IK1 Inwardly-rectifying background potassium current - Lyso-PAF Lyso-platelet-activating factor - PAF Platelet-activating factor  相似文献   

Several conflicting models have been used to characterize the gating behavior of the cardiac delayed rectifier. In this study, whole-cell delayed rectifier currents were measured in voltage-clamped guinea pig ventricular myocytes, and a minimal model which reproduced the observed kinetic behavior was identified. First, whole-cell potassium currents between -10 and +70 mV were recorded using external solutions designed to eliminate Na and Ca currents and two components of time-dependent outward current were found. One component was a La3(+)-sensitive current which inactivated and resembled the transient outward current described in other cell types; single-channel observations confirmed the presence of a transient outward current in these guinea pig ventricular cells (gamma = 9.9 pS, [K]o = 4.5 mM). Analysis of envelopes of tail amplitudes demonstrated that this component was absent in solutions containing 30-100 microM La3+. The remaining time-dependent current, IK, activated with a sigmoidal time course that was well-characterized by three time constants. Nonlinear least-squares fits of a four-state Markovian chain model (closed - closed - closed - open) to IK activation were therefore compared to other models previously used to characterize IK gating: n2 and n4 Hodgkin-Huxley models and a Markovian chain model with only two closed states. In each case the four-state model was significantly better (P less than 0.05). The failure of the Hodgkin-Huxley models to adequately describe the macroscopic current indicates that identical and independent gating particles should not be assumed for this K channel. The voltage-dependent terms describing the rate constants for the four-state model were then derived using a global fitting approach for IK data obtained over a wide range of potentials (-80 to +70 mV). The fit was significantly improved by including a term representing the membrane dipole forces (P less than 0.01). The resulting rate constants predicted long single-channel openings (greater than 1 s) at voltages greater than 0 mV. In cell-attached patches, single delayed rectifier channels which had a mean chord conductance of 5.4 pS at +60 mV ([K]o = 4.5 mM) were recorded for brief periods. These channels exhibited behavior predicted by the four-state model: long openings and latency distributions with delayed peaks. These results suggest that the cardiac delayed rectifier undergoes at least two major transitions between closed states before opening upon depolarization.  相似文献   

Single sodium channel openings have been recorded from cell-attached patches of isolated guinea pig ventricular myocytes. A paired pulse protocol was used to test the hypothesis that channel openings are required for lidocaine block. While the averaged ensemble current during the test pulse was much reduced, there was no correlation between the appearance of channel openings during the conditioning pulse and the subsequent test pulse. Analysis of single channel records demonstrated that the unit conductance of open channels was not changed by lidocaine. The block of ensemble INa was explained by roughly equal reductions in number of open channel events, and in the average duration of opening for each event. These results suggest that lidocaine binding to Na+ channels is dependent upon voltage, but may occur before channel opening. A lidocaine-modified channel can still open, but will be less likely to remain open than a drug-free channel. These results are consistent with block of a pre-open state of the channel.  相似文献   

Since the first isolation of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) from human peripheral blood in 1997, many researchers have conducted studies to understand the characteristics and therapeutic effects of EPCs in vascular disease models. Nevertheless, the electrophysiological properties of EPCs have yet to be clearly elucidated. The inward rectifier potassium channel (Kir) performs a major role in controlling the membrane potential and cellular events. Here, via the whole cell patch-clamp technique, we found inwardly rectifying currents in EPCs and that these currents were inhibited by Ba(2+) (100 μM) and Cs(+) (1 mM), known as Kir blockers, in a dose-dependent manner (Ba(2+), 91.2 ± 1.4% at -140 mV and Cs(+), 76.1 ± 6.9% at -140 mV, respectively). Next, using DiBAC(3), a fluorescence indicator of membrane potential, we verified that Ba(2+) induced an increase of fluorescence in EPCs (10 μM, 123 ± 2.8%), implying the depolarization of EPCs. At the mRNA and protein levels, we confirmed the existence of several Kir subtypes, including Kir2.x, 3.x, 4.x, and 6.x. In a functional experiment, we observed that, in the presence of Ba(2+), the number of tubes on Matrigel formed by EPCs was dose-dependently reduced (10 μM, 62.3 ± 6.5%). In addition, the proliferation of EPCs was increased in a dose-dependent fashion (10 μM, 157.9 ± 17.4%), and specific inhibition of Kir2.1 by small interfering RNA also increased the proliferation of EPCs (116.2 ± 2.5%). Our results demonstrate that EPCs express several types of Kir which may modulate the endothelial function and proliferation of EPCs.  相似文献   

目的 :研究蛋白激酶A和蛋白激酶C对豚鼠心室肌细胞延迟整流钾电流 (Ik)的影响。方法 :采用电极内液浓度差扩散法进行细胞内给药 ,利用全细胞膜片箝技术测定单细胞Ik。结果 :cAMP15 0 μmol/L使Ik及Ik ,tail(pA/pF)从 13.7± 2 .1和 6 .1± 0 .3增至 18.5± 3.3和 6 .4± 2 .1(P <0 .0 1,n =6 ) ;8 CPT cAMP15 0 μmol/L使电流 (pA/pF)从 11.4± 1.8及 5 .3± 0 .6增至 17.9± 4 .0和 6 .2± 1.3,PKA的选择性抑制剂 6 2 2 1.0 μmol/L的可逆转二者的作用。cAMP使Ik的激活曲线左移 ,半激活电压 (V1/ 2 )从 2 3.3mV移至 18.7mV ,激活曲线斜率 (k)在用药前后变化较小。 10 μmol/LPMA可以分别使Ik和Ik ,tial(pA/pF)从 12 .9± 1.8和 5 .0± 1.7升至 2 3.7± 2 .8和 7.5±1.1。PMA使I V曲线幅值增加 ,并随去极化电压的升高其作用加强 ,同时PMA使通道的激活曲线k从 15 .3mV升到 2 5 .6mV ,但对V1/ 2 基本无影响。结论 :蛋白激酶A和蛋白激酶C均可增加豚鼠心肌细胞Ik,但二者作用特点有所不同  相似文献   

Effects of stilbene disulfonates on single KATP channel currents were investigated in inside-out and outside-out membrane patches from guinea pig ventricular myocytes. All drugs tested, 4,4′-diisothiocyanatostilbene, 2,2′-disulfonic acid (DIDS), 4-acetamido0-4′-isothiocyanatostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (SITS), 4,4′-dinitrostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (DNDS), and 4,4′-diaminostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (DADS), inhibited the KATP channel when they were applied to the intracellular, but not extracellular side of the membrane patch. Inhibitory actions of DIDS and SITS were irreversible, whereas those induced by DNDS and DADS were reversible. KATP channel inhibition was concentration dependent with an order of potency of DIDS>SITS ≈ DNDS > DADS; the Hill coefficient was close to unity for each drug. No change in channel conductance was observed during exposure to DIDS or DNDS; however, channel kinetics was altered. Distribution of the open time within bursts and that between bursts could be described by a single exponential relation in the absence and presence of DIDS or DNDS. The time constant of the open time within bursts was not altered, but that between bursts was decreased by DIDS (from 40.0±8.1 to 29.8±6.7 msec, P< 0.05) and by DNDS (from 43.1±9.3 to 31.9±7.1 msec, P<0.05). Distributions of closed time within bursts were also fitted to a single exponential function both in the absence and presence of drugs, while those of the closed time between bursts were fitted to a single exponential function in the absence of drugs, but a double exponential function was required in the presence of drugs. The rates of onset and development of channel inhibition by DIDS and DNDS appeared to be concentration dependent; a longer time was required to reach a new steady-state of channel activity as drug concentration was decreased. Inhibition by DIDS or DNDS was regulated by intracellular pH; inhibition was greater during acidic conditions. For DIDS (0.1 mm), the open probability (P o) expressed as a fraction of the value before drug application was 42.9±8.3% at pH 7.4 and 8.2±6.6% at pH 6.5 (P<0.01); corresponding values for DNDS (1 mm) were 39.6±17.6 and 8.9 ±5.8%, respectively (P<0.01). From these data, we conclude that stilbene disulfonates block the KATP channel by binding to their target site with one-to-one stoichiometry. Similar to glibenclamide, the binding of stilbene disulfonates may reflect interpolation in an “intermediate lipid compartment” between the cytosolic drug and the site of drug action.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of monovalent thallium ion (Tl(+)) on the gating of single Kir2.1 channels, which open and close spontaneously at a constant membrane potential. In cell-attached recordings of single-channel inward current, changing the external permeant ion from K(+) to Tl(+) decreases the mean open-time by approximately 20-fold. Furthermore, the channel resides predominantly at a subconductance level, which results from a slow decay (tau = 2.7 ms at -100 mV) from the fully open level immediately following channel opening. Mutation of a pore-lining cysteine (C169) to valine abolishes the slow decay and subconductance level, and single-channel recordings from channels formed by tandem tetramers containing one to three C169V mutant subunits indicate that Tl(+) must interact with at least three C169 residues to induce these effects. However, the C169V mutation does not alter the single-channel closing kinetics of Tl(+) current. These results suggest that Tl(+) ions change the conformation of the ion conduction pathway during permeation and alter gating by two distinct mechanisms. First, they interact with the thiolate groups of C169 lining the cavity to induce conformational changes of the ion passageway, and thereby produce a slow decay of single-channel current and a dominant subconductance state. Second, they interact more strongly than K(+) with the main chain carbonyl oxygens lining the selectivity filter to destabilize the open state of the channel and, thus, alter the open/close kinetics of gating. In addition to altering gating, Tl(+) greatly diminishes Ba(2+) block. The unblocking rate of Ba(2+) is increased by >22-fold when the external permeant ion is switched from K(+) to Tl(+) regardless of the direction of Ba(2+) exit. This effect cannot be explained solely by ion-ion interactions, but is consistent with the notion that Tl(+) induces conformational changes in the selectivity filter.  相似文献   

Inward rectifier potassium channels of the Kir2 subfamily are important determinants of the electrical activity of brain and muscle cells. Genetic mutations in Kir2.1 associate with Andersen-Tawil syndrome (ATS), a familial disorder leading to stress-triggered periodic paralysis and ventricular arrhythmia. To identify the molecular mechanisms of this stress trigger, we analyze Kir channel function and localization electrophysiologically and by time-resolved confocal microscopy. Furthermore, we employ a mathematical model of muscular membrane potential. We identify a novel corticoid signaling pathway that, when activated by glucocorticoids, leads to enrichment of Kir2 channels in the plasma membranes of mammalian cell lines and isolated cardiac and skeletal muscle cells. We further demonstrate that activation of this pathway can either partly restore (40% of cases) or further impair (20% of cases) the function of mutant ATS channels, depending on the particular Kir2.1 mutation. This means that glucocorticoid treatment might either alleviate or deteriorate symptoms of ATS depending on the patient's individual Kir2.1 genotype. Thus, our findings provide a possible explanation for the contradictory effects of glucocorticoid treatment on symptoms in patients with ATS and may open new pathways for the design of personalized medicines in ATS therapy.  相似文献   

Intramembrane charge movement was recorded in guinea pig ventricular myocytes at 19-22 degrees C using the whole-cell patch clamp technique. From a holding potential of -110 mV, the dependence of intramembrane charge moved on test voltage (Q(V)) followed the sum of two Boltzmann components. One component had a transition voltage (V) of -48 mV and a total charge (Qmax) of congruent to 3 nC/microF. The other had a V of -18 mV and a Qmax of 11 nC/microF. Ba2+ currents through Ca channels began to activate at -45 mV and peaked at congruent to -15 mV. Na+ current peaked at -35 to -30 mV. Availability of charge (in pulses from -70 to +10 mV) depended on the voltage of conditioning depolarizations as two Boltzmann terms plus a constant. One term had a V of -88 mV and a Qmax of 2.5 nC/microF; the other had a V of -29 mV and a Qmax of 6.3 nC/microF. From the Q(V) dependence, the voltage dependence of the ionic currents, and the voltage dependence of the availability of charge, the low voltage term of Q(V) and availability was identified as Na gating charge, at a total of 3.5 nC/microF. The remainder, 11 nC/microF, was attributed to Ca channels. After pulses to -40 mV and above, the OFF charge movement had a slow exponentially decaying component. Its time constant had a bell-shaped dependence on OFF voltage peaking at 11 ms near -100 mV. Conditioning depolarizations above -40 mV increased the slow component exponentially with the conditioning duration (tau approximately equal to 480 ms). Its magnitude was reduced as the separation between conditioning and test pulses increased (tau approximately equal to 160 ms). The voltage distribution of the slow component of charge was measured after long (5 s) depolarizations. Its V was -100 mV, a shift of -80 mV from the value in normally polarized cells. This voltage was the same at which the time constant of the slow component peaked. Qmax and the steepness of the voltage distribution were unchanged by depolarization. This indicates that the same molecules that produce the charge movement in normally polarized cells also produce the slow component in depolarized cells. 100 microns D600 increased by 77% the slow charge movement after a 500-ms conditioning pulse. These results demonstrate two classes of charge movement associated with L-type Ca channels, with kinetics and voltage dependence similar to charge 1 and charge 2 of skeletal muscle.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Inward rectifier potassium (Kir) channels act as cellular diodes, allowing unrestricted flow of potassium (K+) into the cell while preventing currents of large magnitude in the outward direction. The rectification mechanism by which this occurs involves a coupling between K+ and intracellular blockers—magnesium (Mg2+) or polyamines—that simultaneously occupy the permeation pathway. In addition to the transmembrane pore, Kirs possess a large cytoplasmic domain (CD) that provides a favorable electronegative environment for cations. Electrophysiological experiments have shown that the CD is a key regulator of both conductance and rectification. In this study, we calculate and compare averaged equilibrium probability densities of K+ and Cl in open-pore models of the CDs of a weak (Kir1.1-ROMK) and a strong (Kir2.1-IRK) rectifier through explicit-solvent molecular-dynamics simulations in ∼1 M KCl. The CD of both channels concentrates K+ ions greater than threefold inside the cytoplasmic pore while IRK shows an additional K+ accumulation region near the cytoplasmic entrance. Simulations carried out with Mg2+ or spermine (SPM4+) show that these ions interact with pore-lining residues, shielding the surface charge and reducing K+ in both channels. The results also show that SPM4+ behaves differently inside these two channels. Although SPM4+ remains inside the CD of ROMK, it diffuses around the entire volume of the pore. In contrast, this polyatomic cation finds long-lived conformational states inside the IRK pore, interacting with residues E224, D259, and E299. The strong rectifier CD is also capable of sequestering an additional SPM4+ at the cytoplasmic entrance near a cluster of negative residues D249, D274, E275, and D276. Although understanding the actual mechanism of rectification blockade will require high-resolution structural information of the blocked state, these simulations provide insight into how sequence variation in the CD can affect the multi-ion distributions that underlie the mechanisms of conduction, rectification affinity, and kinetics.  相似文献   

Summary Unitary K+ currents in single cells isolated from ventricular muscle of newborn rat hearts were measured in response to different potentials and [K] o . TheI/V curves were linear for potentials more negative than the zero-current voltage: especially in high [K] o (150nm KCl), no clear outward currents could be detected indicating a drastic rectification in the inward direction. The channel is mainly selective to K+ but Na+ ions are also carried (P Na/P K=0.056). The channel conductance is proportional to the square root of [K] o but Na+ ions seem to have a facilitatory effect on K, the single-channel conductance. The channel activity, measured asP o, i.e. the probability to find the channel in open state, decreased as the membrane was hyperpolarized. This behavior was tentatively explained by an inactivation process as the membrane becomes more negative. The rate constants of the transitions between the different states were calculated according to a C–O–C model. A control of the gating process by permeant ion K+ was postulated, based on the increase of one of the rate constants from the closed to the open state with [K] o . Finally, the macroscopicI/V curves calculated fromP o and i, the unit current, were found to be characteristic of a ion-blocked inward rectifier.  相似文献   

Kir2.x channels in ventricular cardiomyocytes (most prominently Kir2.1) account for the inward rectifier potassium current IK1, which controls the resting membrane potential and the final phase of action potential repolarization. Recently it was hypothesized that the dystrophin-associated protein complex (DAPC) is important in the regulation of Kir2.x channels. To test this hypothesis, we investigated potential IK1 abnormalities in dystrophin-deficient ventricular cardiomyocytes derived from the hearts of Duchenne muscular dystrophy mouse models. We found that IK1 was substantially diminished in dystrophin-deficient cardiomyocytes when compared to wild type myocytes. This finding represents the first functional evidence for a significant role of the DAPC in the regulation of Kir2.x channels.  相似文献   

三羟异黄酮对豚鼠心室肌细胞内游离钙浓度的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ji ES  Wang C  He RR 《生理学报》2004,56(2):204-209
用激光共聚焦显微镜观察研究三羟异黄酮(genistein,GST)对豚鼠心室肌细胞内游离钙浓度([Ca^2 ]i)的影响。结果用相对荧光强度(FI-F0/FX0,%)表示。实验结果显示,在正常台氏液、无钙台氏液和正常台氏液中加入3mmol/L EGTA后,GST(10~40μmol/L)浓度依赖性地降低细胞内钙浓度。蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶抑制剂正钒酸钠(sodium orthovanadate)和L-型Ca^2 通道激动剂Bay K8644可部分抑制正常台氏液时GST的效应。当细胞外液钙浓度由1mmol/L增加到10mmol/L而诱发心室肌细胞钙超载时,部分心室肌细胞产生可传播的钙波,GST(40μmol/L)可降低钙波的传播速度和持续时间,最终阻断钙波。以上结果提示,GST降低心室肌细胞内游离钙浓度,此作用与其抑制电压依赖性Ca^2 通道、减弱酪氨酸激酶抑制和豚鼠心室肌细胞肌浆网内钙释放有关。  相似文献   

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