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Mitochondrial structure in yeast cells under various physiological conditions has been studied by high voltage electron microscopy of sections that are 0-5 to 2-0 mum thick. Such thick sections of the yeast Candida utilis had a small number of long, branched tubular mitochondria per cell. The mitochondria extended into cell buds and unseparated daughter cells. It was apparent from parallel studies with thin sections that most of the rounded mitochondrial profiles viewed in thin sections should not be interpreted as being numerous small individual mitochondria. Attempts to study thick sections of the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizossaccharomyces pombe were frustrated by poor contrast.  相似文献   

J M Smith 《Tissue & cell》1984,16(1):43-51
A staining procedure has been developed for imaging actin-containing structures in thick plastic sections in the electron microscope. The stress fibres of a fibroblastic cell line were used as a model system, and were first characterized immunocytochemically. After fixation of cells in formaldehyde, mordanting in a solution of gadolinium chloride allows stress fibres to be stained for light microscopy with haematoxylin. A brief exposure to a solution of ammonium paramolybdate renders haematoxylin-stained structures sufficiently electron-dense to be imaged in 1 micron thick plastic sections in a JEOL 200CX electron microscope, operating at 200 kV, and possibly in conventional instruments operating at 100 kV, particularly if equipped with a lanthanum hexaboride source.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the nucleolar argyrophilic components was studied by recording stereo-pairs of tilted thick sections--0.5-2 microns thick--observed with 200 and 300 kV high-voltage electron microscopy (HVEM). Using a very specific silver staining method, the argyrophilic components were stained with a high contrast relatively to the unstained background, thus allowing their study with a high resolution within thick sections. This study was performed on compact nucleoli (of HL60 and K562 cells), on reticulated nucleoli (of human breast cancerous cells) and on metaphasic nucleolar organizer regions (NORs). In compact nucleoli argyrophilic components show a 'knotted rope-like' structure in which knots are constituted of one central fibrillar centre surrounded at some distance by loops of the dense fibrillar component and in which the rope is constituted of dense fibrillar component. In reticulated nucleoli silver deposits are confined to the surface of the nucleolonema as several strands twisted at the periphery of the fibrillar component. During metaphase some NORs get a characteristic crescent-shaped structure disposed at the periphery of some chromosomes.  相似文献   

Structural changes of carcinoma cells and fibroblasts migrating through small spaces in the elastic-collagen reticulum of mouse peritoneum have been studied by high-voltage electron microscopy of serial thick sections and by computer graphics reconstruction of cell profiles. The change of shape profile of an individual cell, between serial sections is large and the distribution of organelles is very non-uniform and changes markedly between sections. Conclusions about adhesion, intercell contact, cell shape and polarization of cytoplasmic organelles could only be reached by assessing a complete set of serial sections. Our preliminary results suggest that interesting structural changes occur in both carcinoma cells and fibroblasts when migrating through this tissue.  相似文献   

A characteristic feature of the astrocytic processes is to assume the form of shin sheets or lamellate coverings of other brain constituents. We analyzed the extensive and finely divided processes of the protoplasmic astrocyte in the molecular layer of the rat dentate gyrus by means of computer electron tomography and stereo-photogrammetry using tilted high voltage electron microscope images of thick Golgi preparations. The surface area and volume of the astrocytic processes were measured and the surface/volume ratios were estimated. The surface/volume ratios of astrocytic processes in the neuropile ranged from 18.9 to 33.0 per μm, and the mean value was 26.2 ± 5.0 per μm. The values were roughly comparable to those previously reported for the microdomain of Bergmann glia cell terminal processes in the rat cerebellum, which were estimated from reconstructions using thin serial section electron microscope images. The large surface to volume ratio of the astrocytic processes in the neuropile resulted from the lamellar nature of the processes interposed between other cellular elements, and may reflect the functional activities of the astrocyte. The results suggest the usefulness of the electron tomography and stereo-photogrammetry for three-dimensional morphometrical analysis of the astrocytic processes, although both techniques can be expected to be refined further in order to provide more precise measurements of these complicated processes.  相似文献   

We have developed techniques for studying patch-clamped membranes inside glass pipettes using high voltage electron microscopy (HVEM). To preserve the patch structure with the least possible distortion, we rapidly froze and freeze dried the pipette tip. The pipette is transparent for more than 50 microns from the tip. HVEM images of patches confirm light microscopy observations that the patch is not a bare bilayer, but a membrane-covered bleb of cytoplasm that may include organelles and cytoskeleton. The membrane that spans the pipette is commonly tens of micrometers from the tip of the pipette and occasionally as far as 100 microns. The structure of patches taken from a single cell type is variable but there are consistent differences between patches made from different cell types. With suction applied to the pipette before seal formation, we have seen in the light microscope vesicles swept from the plasmalemma up the pipette. These vesicles are visible in electron micrographs, particularly those made from chick cardiac muscle. Colloidal gold labeling of the patch permitted identification of lectin-binding sites and acetylcholine receptors. In young cultures of Xenopus myocytes, the receptors were diffuse. In 1-wk-old cultures, the receptors formed densely packed arrays. The patch pipette can serve, not only as a recording device, but as a tool for sampling discrete regions of the cell surface. Because the pipette has a constant path length for axial rotation, it is a unique specimen holder for microtomography. We have made preliminary tomographic reconstructions of a patch from Xenopus oocyte.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix organization and the spatial relationship between collagen fibrils, vesicular structures, and the first deposits of mineral in the calcifying leg tendon from the domestic turkey, Meleagris gallopavo, have been investigated by high voltage electron microscopy and three-dimensional computer graphic imaging of serial thick tissue sections. The work demonstrates that the tendon extracellular matrix is a complex assembly of somewhat flexible, highly aligned collagen fibrils with different diameters and occasionally opposite directionality. Smaller collagen fibrils appear to branch from larger fibrils or to aggregate to form those of greater size. While the matrices are dominated by fibrils, space exists between adjacent packed fibrils. The three-dimensional perspective indicates that approximately 60% of the total tendon volume is extrafibrillar over the regions examined. The first observable mineral in this tissue is extrafibrillar and appears to derive from vesicles. This view of three-dimensional matrix-mineral spatial relations supports earlier two-dimensional results that mineral is initially associated with membrane-invested vesicles and is deposited between collagen fibrils, but it is distinct in showing the mineral at different depths in the matrix rather than at a single depth as deduced from two-dimensional conventional electron microscopy. These results are important in the onset and development of tendon calcification in that they suggest, first, that collagen fibrils appear to be aligned three-dimensionally such that their hole zones are in contiguous arrangement. This situation may create channels or grooves within the collagen volume to accommodate extensive mineral deposition in association with the fibrils. Second, the results indicate that there are widely dispersed sites of vesicle-mediated mineralization in the tendon matrix, that the bulk of mineralization in this tissue is collagen-mediated, and that, while vesicles may possibly exert some local influence temporally on mineralization of neighboring collagen, vesicle- and collagen-mediated mineralization arise at spatially and structurally distinct sites by independent nucleation phenomena. Such concepts are fundamental in considerations of possible mechanisms of mineralization of tendon and potentially of other normally calcifying vertebrate tissues in general.  相似文献   

《Micron (1969)》1981,12(3):227-257
Although high voltage electron microscopes have been in general use over the past decade microscopists have tended to ignore the contribution their use could make to the study of plant ultrastructure. The majority of biological high voltage research has been restricted to the fields of zoology and bio-medicine.The high voltage electron microscope (HVEM) has several advantages over the conventional transmission electron microscope (CTEM) when applied to biological specimens. These include increased penetrating power of the electron beam, reduced chromatic abberation in thick specimens, and both reduced beam heating and ionization damage. All these factors permit the observation of thick sections, whole cells and hydrated specimens. Most botanical HVEM research has been restricted to the study of thick sectioned material. Various staining techniques have been applied to overcome the decrease in image contrast at high accelerating voltages, but the commonest have been modifications of lead and uranium stains previously developed for thin sections. Selective staining can simplify the mass of information in a thick specimen thus specific structures may be studied against an unstained background. Acidified phosphotungstic acid can be used to stain the plasma membrane and osmium impregnation will selectively stain many of the cytoplasmic membranes in a variety of specimens. Other techniques for the selective localization of cell components, such as enzyme cytochemistry and autoradiography have yet to be fully exploited by high voltage electron microscopists.Interpretation of the great quantity of information in a thick specimen can be facilitated by tilting the specimen and producing stereo pairs. Quantitative depth information can be extracted from stereo pairs by the use of measuring mirror stereoscopes or by direct measurement from each member of a stereo pair. Serial thick sectioning has been employed as an alternative to prolonged serial thin sectioning to aid in the reconstruction of large specimens.Stereo images can be viewed in a variety of ways with lenticular pocket stereoscopes, reflecting mirror stereoscopes, prismatic spectacles, polarized spectacles when projected onto a non depolarizing screen or presented on TV monitors.  相似文献   

A procedure is described in which thick sections (2-10 mu or more) of plastic-embedded plant tissues are mounted in serial order on slides for use in routine light microscopy. Sections are cut with a steel knife on a rotary microtome while the block and blade are bathed with 40% alcohol. The cut sections are placed, in order, in 50% alcohol in the small wells of modified plastic trays where they become flat, pliable and suitable for subsequent handling. Sections remain separate and in correct order in the trays while they are stained, washed, and prepared for final mounting on slides. Mounting involves a simple and rapid procedure of transferring the sections to a slide and heating first on a 70-75 C hot plate (to slowly evaporate the water around the section and to partially affix the section) and then on a C hot plate. This second heating ensures adhesion when xylene-base mounting media, which tend to loosen weakly adhered plastic from the slides, are used. The technique of staining the sections loose provides the following advantages: (1) the problems of section loss and entrapment of stain between section and slide during staining are eliminated, (2) relatively high staining temperature, alkalinity, and alcohol concentration of the stain solvent (all of which promote loosening of pre-affixed sections from slides during staining) is allowed, and (3) staining is more even and selective. The procedure has been found to be reliable and fast enough to be of value in a significant variety of routine light microscope studies.  相似文献   

Twenty years ago a laboratory could devote an entire year or more to the collection and analysis of a single set of serial electron micrographs. In contrast, simple technical improvements have now made it possible to take embedded material and have in hand complete computer reconstructions of cells' organelles, microtubules, etc., in less than a week. With a few additional minor improvements, this time could be reduced to only two or three days. Experience in our laboratory suggests that almost without exception these reconstructions provide new insights into both the structure and function of cells. We illustrate this point by presenting a new, unpublished anatomic feature of mammalian nuclei, the "nuclear tube." This example is typical of many other unpublished incidental findings we have made over the last five years using serial electron microscopy as a routine tool, and we believe it represents only the tip of a largely unexplored world of three-dimensional cytoarchitecture.  相似文献   

Epimastigotes from Trypanosoma cruzi and promastigotes from Herpetomonas samuelpessoai were fixed with glutaraldehyde-tannic acid. Different concentrations of tannic acid were tested. With this technique the cellular membranes appear in negative contrast offering the same aspect as seen in cells fixed in glutaraldehyde only without post-fixation in osmium tetraoxide. An electron-dense deposit appears on the surface which possibly represents positively charged groups. The structure of the sub-pellicular microtubules appears well defined and it was possible to distinguish the 13 protofilaments which compose the microtubule wall.  相似文献   

The relationship between the mineral component of bone and associated collagen has been a matter of continued dispute. We use transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of cryogenically ion milled sections of fully-mineralized cortical bone to study the spatial and topological relationship between mineral and collagen. We observe that hydroxyapatite (HA) occurs largely as elongated plate-like structures which are external to and oriented parallel to the collagen fibrils. Dark field images suggest that the structures ("mineral structures") are polycrystalline. They are approximately 5 nm thick, 70 nm wide and several hundred nm long. Using energy-dispersive X-ray analysis we show that approximately 70% of the HA occurs as mineral structures external to the fibrils. The remainder is found constrained to the gap zones. Comparative studies of other species suggest that this structural motif is ubiquitous in all vertebrates.  相似文献   

For the purpose of analyzing and imaging chemical components of cells and tissues at the electron microscopic level, 3 fundamental methods are available, chemical, physical and biological. Among the physical methods, two methods qualifying and quantifying the elements in the structural components are very often employed. The first method is radioautography which can demonstrate the localization of radiolabeled compounds which were incorporated into cells and tissues after the administration of radiolabeled compounds. The second method is X-ray microanalysis which can qualitatively analyze and quantify the total amounts of elements present in cells and tissues. We have developed the two methodologies in combination with intermediate high or high voltage transmission electron microscopy (200–400 kV) and applied them to various kinds of organic and inorganic compounds present in biological materials. As for the first method, radioautography, I had already contributed a chapter to PHC (37/2). To the contrary, this review deals with another method, X-ray microanalysis, using semi-thin sections and intermediate high voltage electron microscopy developed in our laboratory.

X-ray microanalysis is a useful method to qualify and quantify basic elements in biological specimens. We first quantified the end-products of histochemical reactions such as Ag in radioautographs, Ce in phosphatase reaction and Au in colloidal gold immunostaining using semithin sections and quantified the reaction products observing by intermediate high voltage transmission electron microscopy at accelerating voltages from 100 to 400 kV. The P/B ratios of all the end products Ag, Ce and Au increased with the increase of the accelerating voltages from 100 to 400 kV. Then we analyzed various trace elements such as Zn, Ca, S and Cl which originally existed in cytoplasmic matrix or cell organelles of various cells, or such elements as Al which was absorbed into cells and tissues after oral administration, using both conventional chemical fixation and cryo-fixation followed by cryo-sectioning and freeze-drying, or freeze-substitution and dry-sectioning, or freeze-drying and dry-sectioning producing semithin sections similarly to radioautography. As the results, some trace elements which originally existed in cytoplasmic matrix or cell organelles of various cells in different organs such as Zn, Ca, S and Cl, were effectively detected. Zn was demonstrated in Paneth cell granules of mouse intestines and its P/B ratios showed a peak at 300 kV. Ca was found in human ligaments and rat mast cells with a maximum of P/B ratios at 350 kV. S and Cl were detected in mouse colonic goblet cells with maxima of P/B ratios at 300 kV. On the other hand, some elements which were absorbed by experimental administration into various cells and tissues in various organs, such as Al in lysosomes of hepatocytes and uriniferous tubule cells in mice was detected with a maximum of P/B ratios at 300 kV.

From the results, it was shown that X-ray microanalysis using semi-thin sections observed by intermediate high voltage transmission electron microscopy at 300–400 kV was very useful resulting in high P/B ratios for quantifying some trace elements in biological specimens. These methodologies should be utilized in microanalysis of various compounds and elements in various cells and tissues in various organs.  相似文献   

Interactive computerized morphometry was used for the quantitative study of the terminal airway branches (alveolar ducts) that followed the last bronchioles in three human acini. Two normal adult human lungs from the autopsy service were fixed by instillation and serial sections were prepared; three tissues blocks showing a central bronchiole were selected. Primary and secondary alveolar walls were traced and the following parameters were measured: volume, surface area (of primary and secondary septa), curvature (in equivalent radius) for branches of individual generations, and cumulative values starting with the first alveolar duct and moving peripherally. Although branching was dichotomous, we noticed considerable asymmetry in the pattern of branching and number of side branches. The branching trees of alveolar ducts that we studied comprised 6,7, and 10 generations. The average volume of ducts was 0.04-0.13 mm3, the surface area of primary walls ranged from 0.3616 to 0.7931 mm2 and of secondary septal walls from 0.0100 to 0.0647 mm2. The equivalent radius of curvature was between 22.7 and 38.1 microns. Cumulative increases of volume and surface area revealed similarity in the first five generations. Secondary walls represented only 4% (or 8% if 2 sides are considered) of the primary surface area, strengthening the view that alveoli are incompletely developed side chambers secondary to the alveolar ducts.  相似文献   

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