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Suspected historic changes in juvenile southern bluefin tuna Thunnus maccoyii growth rates were investigated using otolith increment width data. Four hundred and ninety otoliths were selected from fish estimated to be between 1 and 41 years-old. The distance between the first five annuli were measured on the otoliths, giving estimates of otolith growth for age classes 1+ to 4+ years for fish spawned from the early 1960s to mid 1990s. The data showed that growth rates of juveniles (age 1+ and 2+ years) started to increase at around 1979–1980, and that growth continued to increase throughout the 1980s and early 1990s. Lee's phenomenon was not observed in the data. Correlation tests did not reveal clear relationships between annual otolith growth and regional environmental variables such as sea surface temperature or Southern Oscillation Index. The increase in otolith growth, however, was consistent with juvenile growth estimates obtained from other sources, and correlated with large-scale trends in population size and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Otolith increments in larval and juvenile windowpane Scophthalmus aquosus can provide an estimate of daily age for spring-spawned individuals held under summer conditions. Otolith increments for spring- and autumn-spawned individuals occurred at intervals >1 day under winter conditions. A significant decrease in the slope of the linear relationship between otolith size and somatic size at 40 mm LS coincided with significant habitat, morphological and behavioural transitions. In smaller, field-captured windowpane belonging to spring- and autumn-spawned cohorts, the formation of accessory growth centres coincided with a transitional settlement period and the completion of eye migration (c. 8–20 mm LS). Back-calculated growth rate estimates for spring-spawned windowpane were significantly faster than those for autumn-spawned windowpane and these differences could produce differential rates of survival for the two cohorts during the first year of life.  相似文献   

.Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus , initial age 12 days, were given an unrestricted (NR) or restricted (R) ration over 93 days which resulted in fish of very different sizes although the body condition factor ( K ) and the viscero-somatic index ( I V) remained almost unchanged. In a second stage (64 days) each group (NR & R) was divided into three subgroups that were subjected to 0 (NR0, R0), 15 (NR15, R15) and 30 (NR30, R30) days of food restriction, respectively. The impact of the different treatments on the somatic growth during the second stage of the experiment had an effect, with a highly significant difference between the mean ± S.D. masses ( M T) in the different subgroups (NR0= 115.0 ± 26.6 g; NR15 = 94.8 ± 24.9 g; NR30 = 56.3 ± 28 g; R0 = 76.4 ± 20.1 g; R15 = 72.l ± 17.6 g; R30 = 43.6 ± 17.2 g). Similarly, K and I V decreased. Irrespective of the initial feeding condition, the width of the otolith microincrements started to decrease at the end of the first or second day of restricted feeding. In the subgroups given a restricted food ration for 30 days (NR30 and R30), this decrease reached a plateau at about day 30, which was maintained even when the restriction had ended. This slowed growth did not lead to any marked halt in microincrement formation, since there were no significant differences (ANOVA; P >0.05) in the numbers of increments counted in the various subgroups. The results show that in 153 day old fish, a period of severe food restriction, even if prolonged (15 to 30 days), had no influence on the timing of the laying down of microincrements but only affected their growth.  相似文献   

Otolith and somatic mass of two Gadidae ( Merlangius merlangus and Trisopterus minutus ) were compared in order to analyse the sex-specific relationship between otolith and somatic growth at age. In the present study, otolith mass appeared a reliable indicator of age in both species. Otolith growth reflected somatic growth, but the relationship between these characters varied and differed between species and sexes.  相似文献   

Atlantic bluefin tuna is an iconic scombrid species with a high commercial and ecological value. Despite their importance, many physiological aspects, especially during the larval stages, are still unknown. Metabolic rates are one of the understudied aspects in scombrid larvae, likely due to challenges associated to larval handling before and during respirometry trials. Gaining reliable estimates of metabolic rates is essential to understand how larvae balance their high growth needs and activity and other physiological functions, which can be very useful for fisheries ecology and aquaculture. This is the first study to (a) estimate the relationship between routine metabolic rate (RMR) and larval dry weight (DW) (mass scaling exponent) at a constant temperature of 26°C, (b) measure the RMR under light and darkness and (c) test whether the interindividual differences in the RMR are related to larval nutritional status (RNA/DNA and DNA/DW). The RMR scaled nearly isometrically with body size (b = 0.99, 0.60–31.56 mg DW) in contrast to the allometric relationship observed in most fish larvae (average b = 0.87). The results show no significant differences in larval RMR under light and darkness, suggesting similar larval activity levels in both conditions. The size explained most of the variability in RMR (97%), and nutritional condition was unrelated to the interindividual differences in routine metabolism. This is the first study to report the metabolic rates of Atlantic bluefin tuna larvae and discuss the challenges of performing bioenergetic studies with early life stages of scombrids.  相似文献   

In experiments manipulating temperature and food levels, rates of short-term otolith growth and somatic growth of juvenile King George whiting Sillaginodes punctata became decoupled. Food levels were starvation, 100 and 1000 μg per fish per day and temperatures were 12 and 18° C. Short-term somatic growth was influenced predominantly by food, with negligible growth at starvation and low ration, and significant growth at high food ration at both temperatures. In contrast, short-term otolith growth was influenced predominantly by temperature, with significant otolith growth occurring for all food treatments, and elevated otolith growth occurring at the higher temperature across food treatments. The identification of such differential effects of food and temperature leading to decoupling is an important result that has significant implications for using otoliths to estimate short-term growth.  相似文献   

Sustained swimming of bluefin tuna was analysed from video recordings made of a captive patrolling fish school [lengths (L) 1.7–3.3 m, body mass (M) 54–433 kg]. Speeds ranged from 0.6 to 1.2 L s−1 (86–260 km day−1) while stride length during steady speed swimming varied between 0.54 and 0.93 L. Maximum swimming speed was estimated by measuring twitch contraction of the anaerobic swimming muscle in pithed fish 5 min after death. Muscle contraction time increased from the shortest just behind the head (30–50 ms at 20% L) to the longest at the tail peduncle (80–90 ms at 80% L) (all at 28°C). A fish (L = 2.26 m) with a muscle contraction time of 50 ms at 25% L can have a maximum tail beat frequency of 10 Hz and maximum swimming speed of 15m s−1 (54km h−1) with a stride length of 0.65L. With a stride length of 1 L a speed of 22.6 m s−1 (81.4 km h−1) is possible. Power used at maximum speed was estimated for this fish at between 10 and 40 kW, with corresponding values for the drag coefficient at a Reynolds number of 4.43 × 107 of 0.0007 and 0.0027.  相似文献   

Eight farmed Atlantic bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus were tagged with temperature and depth transmitters inserted in chub mackerels Scomber colias to characterize their digestive activity, feeding physiology and behaviour in captivity. Results obtained in the experiment can be used to optimize daily T. thynnus feeding strategy in farms, reducing the early regurgitation of food and thus the environmental effects of inappropriate feeding practices.  相似文献   

Archival tagging studies of southern bluefin tuna (SBT, Thunnus maccoyii) have revealed that juveniles residing in the Great Australian Bight (GAB) over the austral summer undertake seasonal cyclic migrations to the southeast Indian Ocean and the Tasman Sea during winter. However, there remains disagreement about the extent of mixing between juvenile SBT regularly caught by longline fleets south of Africa and those observed in the GAB. Some researchers have argued that archival tag recoveries indicate most juveniles reside in the GAB over the austral summer. Others have suggested that recoveries of conventional and archival tags are better explained by a juvenile population consisting of separate groups on the eastern and western sides of the Indian Ocean with limited intermixing. We present analyses of catch and tag recovery data and re‐examine archival tagging studies. The evidence provided strongly favors the hypothesis of separate juvenile subgroups, or contingents, with limited intermixing. We draw some tentative conclusions about the nature of the putative contingents and discuss some implications of these findings for the interpretation of existing datasets and future research priorities. We also provide the first evidence that the migration choices of juveniles that summer in the GAB are influenced by fidelity to winter feeding grounds and suggest this helps explain the collapse of the surface fishery off New South Wales in the 1980s.  相似文献   

Spatial variation in the chemistry (Mg, Mn, Sr and Ba) of recently deposited otolith material (last 20–30 days of life) was compared between two demersal fish species; snapper Pagrus auratus (Sparidae) and sand flathead Platycephalus bassensis (Platycephalidae), that were collected simultaneously at 12 sites across three bays in Victoria, south-eastern Australia. Otolith chemistry was also compared with ambient water chemistry and among three sampling positions adjacent to the proximal otolith margin. For both species, variation in otolith chemistry among bays was significant for Ba, Mn and Sr; however, differences among bays were only similar between species for Ba and Mn. Only Ba showed significant variation at the site level. Across the 12 sites, mean otolith Ba levels were significantly positively correlated between species. Further, although incorporation rates differed, mean ambient Ba levels for both species were positively correlated with ambient Ba levels. Spatial variation in multi-element otolith chemistry was also broadly similar between species and with multi-element water chemistry. Partition coefficients clearly indicated species-specific incorporation of elements into otoliths. Mg and Mn were consistently higher in snapper than sand flathead otoliths (mean ±s .d ., Mg snapper 22·1 ± 3·8 and sand flathead 9·9 ± 1·5 μg g−1, Mn snapper 4·4 ± 2·6 and sand flathead 0·5 ± 0·3 μg g−1), Sr was generally higher in sand flathead otoliths (sand flathead 1570 ± 235 and snapper 1346 ± 104 μg g−1) and Ba was generally higher in snapper otoliths (snapper 12·1 ± 12·8 and sand flathead 1·8 ± 1·4 μg g−1). For both species, Mg and Mn were higher in the faster accreting regions of the otolith margin, Sr was lower in the slower accreting region and Ba showed negligible variation among the three sampling regions. This pattern was consistent with the higher Mg and Mn, and generally lower Sr observed in the faster accreting snapper otoliths. It is hypothesized that the differences between species in the incorporation of these elements may be at least partly related to differences in metabolic and otolith accretion rate. Although rates of elemental incorporation into otoliths appear species specific, for elements such as Ba where incorporation appears consistently related to ambient concentrations, spatial variation in otolith chemistry should show similarity among co-occurring species.  相似文献   

Schooling behaviour and histological retinal light adaptation in juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis were examined under various light intensities to determine the effect of light intensity on behaviour. After monitoring the schooling behaviour of juveniles 35–36 and 45–46 days post hatching, schooling variables such as nearest neighbour distance and separation swimming index were measured under different light intensities. Furthermore, retinal indices of light adaptation were investigated histologically for each experimental light intensity. Under intensities >5 lx, schooling variables in the two juvenile growth stages were nearly constant, allowing schooling. In contrast, the schooling variables indicated that the fish gradually swam more widely and randomly with decreasing light intensities <5 lx. The retinal indices also showed a shift from light adaptation to dark adaptation at light levels <5 lx. From 5 to 0·01 lx, retinal adaptation and fish schooling behaviour changed with light intensity. These data suggest that the schooling behaviour of juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna is greatly affected by retinal adaptation.  相似文献   

Microsatellite‐enriched genomic libraries were obtained from the Atlantic northern bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus thynnus and seven tetranucleotide markers were successfully isolated and characterized from this library. These markers were found to have between 1 and 17 alleles in Atlantic northern bluefin tuna and heterozygosity ranged from 0 to 0.85. No deviations from the expectation of Hardy‐Weinburg equilibrium were found for any marker. Several of these markers amplify reliably in other tuna species.  相似文献   

Twenty‐five microsatellites from Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus thynnus) were characterized. All 25 microsatellites were polymorphic; the number of alleles among up to 56 individuals surveyed ranged from two to 23. Atlantic bluefin tuna are highly exploited and major questions remain as to stock structure and abundance in the eastern and western North Atlantic. The microsatellites will be useful in testing stock‐structure hypotheses and in generating estimates of effective population size. The polymerase chain reaction primer sets developed also amplified identifiable alleles in three other species of genus Thunnus: T. albacares (yellowfin tuna), T. alalunga (albacore tuna) and T. obesus (bigeye tuna).  相似文献   

Otolith growth rates of the early life stages of herring Clupea harengus ( n = 472) and smelt Osmerus eperlanus ( n = 348) collected in the Vistula Lagoon (Baltic Sea) during 1997–1999 were analysed. The larvae and early juveniles were not only collected in the same geographical area they were also of the same size (range 15–43 mm standard length, L S), similar ages and were collected during the same seasons (May to July). Although the two clupeid species experienced very similar environmental conditions, there were significant discrepancies in the analysed relationships. The otolith growth of larval and juvenile smelt was very strongly related to somatic growth while temperature had a minor effect. In herring, the effect of somatic growth, although clearly visible and statistically highly significant, was of less importance than temperature. Furthermore, variation in the otolith size and L S relationship was affected by temperature and somatic growth in both species, but the variance of otolith size at L S was higher for herring than for smelt. Although growth backcalculation from otoliths can presently be recommended as an appropriate method for use with both smelt and herring (despite possibly lower precision and accuracy with the latter), other methods referring directly to short-term increment width changes ( e.g. marginal increment analysis) are recommended for smelt but not for herring.  相似文献   

Rising ocean temperatures are causing marine fish species to shift spatial distributions and ranges, and are altering predator‐prey dynamics in food webs. Most documented cases of species shifts so far involve relatively small species at lower trophic levels, and consider individual species in ecological isolation from others. Here, we show that a large highly migratory top predator fish species has entered a high latitude subpolar area beyond its usual range. Bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus Linnaeus 1758, were captured in waters east of Greenland (65°N) in August 2012 during exploratory fishing for Atlantic mackerel, Scomber scombrus Linnaeus 1758. The bluefin tuna were captured in a single net‐haul in 9–11 °C water together with 6 tonnes of mackerel, which is a preferred prey species and itself a new immigrant to the area. Regional temperatures in August 2012 were historically high and contributed to a warming trend since 1985, when temperatures began to rise. The presence of bluefin tuna in this region is likely due to a combination of warm temperatures that are physiologically more tolerable and immigration of an important prey species to the region. We conclude that a cascade of climate change impacts is restructuring the food web in east Greenland waters.  相似文献   

The temperature stress that pelagic fishes experience can induce physiological and behavioural changes that leave a signature in gene expression profiles. We used a functional genomics approach to identify genes that were up- or down-regulated following thermal stress in the Pacific bluefin tuna. Following the acclimation period, 113, 81 and 196 genes were found to be differentially expressed between the control (20 °C) and cold (15°) treatment groups, in ventricle, red muscle and white muscle, respectively. The genes whose expression levels were responsive to thermal acclimation varied according to muscle fibre type, perhaps reflecting the tissue-specific degrees of endothermy characteristic of this species.  相似文献   

Twenty-three new polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated in the Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis. Each locus comprised three to 34 alleles. The expected and observed heterozygosities ranged between 0.46 and 0.96 and between 0.44 and 0.97, respectively. The Kto9, Kto11, and Kto42 markers demonstrated significant deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium; high null allele frequencies (0.08-0.14) were observed in the deviating group. From the results of simulation of parentage assignment, a combination of four loci (i.e. Kto15, Kto23, Kto38, and Kto39) was considered the best for parentage assignment.  相似文献   

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