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Synopsis Observations on the Caribbean sand tilefish, Malacanthus plumieri, were made during 3 dive trips in the Bahamas (Feb., 1986; July, 1986; Jan., 1987) at depths from 5 to 30 m. Eighteen mating groups contained 1 to 5 females (x = 2.9). Seven male home ranges (encompassing female ranges within mating groups) measured 250 to 700 m2. Of 134 paired rises recorded between 1733 and 1925 h EST, 38 had an observed cloud of gametes. Mating times are presented in relation to time of sunset and depth of water. Courtship begins with conspicuous looping behavior of the male as he swims to a female. Close pairing, criss-crossing, and low rises (<1.5 m) often precede a high quivering upward swim (1.5 to 6 m) which culminates in the release of a cloud of gametes at the apex. M. plumieri is compared to the protogynous hermaphroditic razorfishes, Xyrichtys pentadactylus and X. martinicensis, with regard to social organization, size of male home ranges in exposed sandy habitats near coral reefs, sexual size dimorphism, and sex ratio.  相似文献   

The threespine stickleback fish, Gasterosteus aculeatus, has undergone a remarkable postglacial adaptive radiation in which an ancient oceanic ancestor has given rise to uncountable freshwater populations. The radiation is characterized by repeated, independent evolution of similar derived phenotypes under similar environmental conditions. A common pattern of divergence is caused by differences in habitat that favor morphological and behavioral features that enhance efficiency of feeding on plankton (limnetic ecotypes) vs. those that enhance efficiency of feeding on benthic invertebrates (benthic ecotypes). These two ecotypes exhibit consistently different patterns of courtship and of foraging and cannibalistic behavior (divergent behavioral syndromes). Here, we demonstrate that there also exist differences in aggression toward conspecifics that are likely to be characteristic of the ecotypes. We report differences in patterns of aggression toward rivals between the ecotypes and offer evidence of differences in the patterns of phenotypic plasticity (norms of reaction) for these traits across population types, and of differences in the incorporation of aggressive elements of behavior in courtship. These data support an earlier suggestion that differences in aggressive tendencies could have facilitated assortative mating between the four benthic–limnetic species pairs found in British Columbia lakes, and they demonstrate the need to evaluate divergent behavioral phenotypes in this radiation as phenotypic norms of reaction rather than as fixed traits.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Fundamentally different mechanisms regulate femalesexual behavior in the ovoviviparous guppy and the oviparousgoldfish. In the female guppy, ovarian estrogen evidently synchronizescycles of sexual receptivity with endogenous cycles of ovarianmaturation and also increases female attractivity at the timeof maximum receptivity by stimulating the release of a sexualpheromone. In the goldfish, it appears that prostaglandin, releasedfrom the ovary or oviduct in conjunction with ovulation andthe presence of ovulated eggs, acts on the brain to stimulatespawning behavior. In contrast to the situation in the guppy,steroid treatments alone (in the absence of ovulated eggs) failto stimulate spawning behavior in the goldfish. It isproposedthat endocrine mechanisms regulating female sexual behaviorin the teleosts and in other vertebrates are less related tophylogeny than to the mode of reproduction employed. In thegoldfish and several other externally fertilizing teleosts,where sexual behavior involves oviposition, female sexual behaviorapparently is synchronized with ovulation by mechanisms whichrespond to elevated plasma prostaglandin as an indicator ofthe presence of ovulated eggs. In internally fertilizing species(guppy, reptiles, birds, mammals), where sexual behavior andfertilizationare temporally dissociated, female sexual behavior is synchronizedwith ovulation by mechanisms which anticipate either an imminentspontaneous ovulation, or the potential for reflex ovulation,by responding to increases in plasma estrogen associated withfolliculardevelopment.  相似文献   

In marine habitats, increasing ocean temperatures due to global climate change may distinctly reduce nutrient and consequently food availability for seabirds. Food availability is a known driver of body mass and reproductive investment in birds, but these traits may also depend on individual effects. Penguins show extreme intra-annual body mass variation and rely on accumulated body reserves for successful breeding. However, no study so far has tested individual consistency and phenotypic responses in body mass and reproductive investment in this taxon. Using a unique dataset on individually marked female and male southern rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome) across six years, we investigated 1) the individual consistency in body mass (measured at egg laying), body condition and reproductive investment across years, subsequently 2) identified the best-explanatory temperature-related environmental variables for female and male body mass, and 3) tested the effect of female and male body mass on reproductive investment. Body mass, body condition and reproductive investment were all highly repeatable. As body condition should control for the structural size of the birds, the similarly high repeatability estimates for body mass and body condition suggested that the consistent between-individual body mass differences were independent of structural size. This supported the use of body mass for the subsequent analyses. Body mass was higher under colder environmental conditions (positive Southern Annular Mode), but the overall phenotypic response appeared limited. Reproductive investment increased with female but not male body mass. While environmental effects on body mass in our study period were rather small, one can expect that ongoing global climate change will lead to a deterioration of food availability and we might therefore in the long-term expect a phenotypical decline in body mass and reproductive investment.  相似文献   

Prosimian and anthropoid females are generally thought to have divergent reproductive patterns, characterized by circumscribed and situation-dependent receptivity. This dichotomy underpins the traditional view that nonreproductive mating serves a social function in anthropoid females, distinguishing them from prosimians which, like most other mammals, mate only when conception is most probable. Circumscribed estrous cycles differ from anthropoid menstrual cycles by the presence of menstruation, and greater flexibility in timing and longer duration of receptivity in the latter. The degree to which sexual behavior is tightly synchronized to periovulatory events in Propithecus verreauxi was assessed via the behavioral, hormonal, and social correlates of reproduction in a free-ranging population. I collected data from two social groups before and during the 1990–1991 and 1991–1992 breeding seasons at Beza Mahafaly, Madagascar. I also conducted 644 focal-animal hours and collected 485 fecal samples from five marked females in the Vaovao and Vavy Masiaka social groups. Estrus was behaviorally characterized by 0.5–96-h periods of receptivity when females were motivated and willing to mate, the latter not always coincident with periovulatory events. Females exhibited age- and rank-related asynchronous receptivity, and in some cases, periovulatory synchrony within groups. Sifaka were not pair-bonded. Most females mated with multiple males, temporally ordering partners based on male residence and age. Mating was limited by male mate-guarding and sexual aggression by males, female mate competition, and aversions to mating with certain partners. It was facilitated by surreptitious copulations, positive mate choice, and the availability of non-resident mating partners.  相似文献   

雌性大熊猫发情行为观察与相关指标分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以2004年3月2004年5月以卧龙中国保护大熊猫研究中心的11只3.5~17岁、体重约在80~115kg的成年雌性大熊猫为研究对象,采用全事件记录法对雌性大熊猫的整个发情周期的行为和生殖系统外观变化进行详细记录,并于2004年3月9日~5月10日测定了8只雌性大熊猫尿中雌二醇浓度;统计分析了1991~2004年间的雌性大熊猫阴道上皮细胞角化率。结果表明,除了大熊猫帼帼在2004年1月28日开始有发情行为表现外,其他10只均在3~5月期间发情,发情行为无异常现象,其中5只完成了配种;尿中雌二醇浓度均在发情高潮期的当天或头天达到峰值,并于发情后期迅速降至发情前水平;阴道上皮细胞角化率变幅在39.0%~97.0%之间,也表现为在发情高潮期增加并达到最大值,此值介于75%~90%被认为是最佳配种时期。  相似文献   

Reaction norms of fourteen life history and morphological traits were investigated in four tetra- and two hexaploid genotypes of the annual weed species complex, Polygonum aviculare. The plants were cultivated in six treatments consisting of factorial combinations of three pot sizes and two fertility levels. All characters, except life span, were plastic but the relative importance of genotype (G), treatment (T) and interaction (G × T) to total variance was strongly trait-specific. Consistent genetic differentiation, not correlated with ploidy level, was found in metamer size and life history: genotypes originating from trampled sites had smaller metamers and shorter shoots while those originating from sites with a short growing season, due to weeding activities, had a shorter life span, an earlier flowering date and a higher biomass allocation to reproduction compared to genotypes from less disturbed sites. Significant variation was found in reaction norms for all characters, including a lower amount of plasticity in metamer size in genotypes with numerous metamers and a lower amount of plasticity in total weight in shortlived genotypes. This suggested that variation in phenotypic plasticity reflected developmental constraints imposed by contrasting life span and metamer size in different genotypes. There was no evidence for niche differentiation along the soil resource gradient, suggesting that the species is comprised of “general purpose” genotypes with respect to soil fertility. It is concluded that the Polygonum aviculare complex has evolved a “dual” adaptive strategy i.e. a combination of genetic polymorphism and high phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

Dance flies are predaceous insects which often form male mating swarms. In many species males prior to swarming catch an insect prey, which is presented to the female at mating. In Rhamphomyia marginata, females in contrast to males gather to swarm, while males carrying a prey visit swarms for mating. Here I describe the swarming and courtship behavior in R. marginata and provide data on sexual dimorphism and swarming female reproductive status. Females swarm in small clearings in the forests. There was no specific swarm-maker. The swarming period lasted for 2–3 h and peaked around sunset. Identical swarm sites were used each evening and for several years. The mean number of females in swarms (swarm sites with at least one female) was 9.9 ± 9.1 (range, 1–40; n = 107) in 1993 and 7.1 ± 7.0 (range, 1–35; n = 68) in 1994. No obvious competition between females in swarms was observed. The operational sex ratio in swarms was extremely female biased (all swarms, 0.04). Less than one-third of male visits to swarms resulted in mating and males were found more often in larger swarms. Nuptial prey consisted of male midges. Females seem to mate more than once. Swarming females had undeveloped eggs, whereas mated females in swarms had further developed eggs than unmated females. Amount of sperm in the spermatheca was correlated with egg size. Amount of sperm and egg size did not correlate with wet weight, wing length, or wing load, except for egg size and weight. The wing coloration pattern and shape in R. marginata females are unique among dance flies, being greatly enlarged (1.6 times larger than that of males) and bicolored (gray part, 60% of wing area). When females, instead of males, possess extravagant secondary sexual characters, it is predicted from sexual selection theory that females should compete for males and that males should be selective in their choice of partner. A sex-role reversal will evolve when assess to males limit female reproductive success. The dance fly species R. marginata, like Empis borealis, another dance fly species studied earlier and discussed here, seems to fit these predictions.  相似文献   



Spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) continuously undergo self-renewal division to support spermatogenesis. SSCs are thought to have a fixed phenotype, and development of a germ cell transplantation technique facilitated their characterization and prospective isolation in a deterministic manner; however, our in vitro SSC culture experiments indicated heterogeneity of cultured cells and suggested that they might not follow deterministic fate commitment in vitro.

Methodology and Principal Findings

In this study, we report phenotypic plasticity of SSCs. Although c-kit tyrosine kinase receptor (Kit) is not expressed in SSCs in vivo, it was upregulated when SSCs were cultured on laminin in vitro. Both Kit and Kit+ cells in culture showed comparable levels of SSC activity after germ cell transplantation. Unlike differentiating spermatogonia that depend on Kit for survival and proliferation, Kit expressed on SSCs did not play any role in SSC self-renewal. Moreover, Kit expression on SSCs changed dynamically once proliferation began after germ cell transplantation in vivo.


These results indicate that SSCs can change their phenotype according to their microenvironment and stochastically express Kit. Our results also suggest that activated and non-activated SSCs show distinct phenotypes.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity may be advantageous for plants to be able to rapidly cope with new and changing environments associated with climate change or during biological invasions. This is especially true for perennial plants, as they may need a longer period to respond genetically to selective pressures than annuals, and also because they are more likely to experience environmental changes during their lifespan. However, few studies have explored the plasticity of the reproductive life history traits of woody perennial species. This study focuses on a woody shrub, Ulex europaeus (common gorse), and on the response of its reproductive traits to one important environmental factor, shading. The study was performed on clones originating from western France (within the native range of this invasive species) and grown for seven years. We compared traits of plants grown in a shade treatment (with two successive shade levels) vs. full natural light. The traits monitored included flowering onset, pod production and seed predation. All traits studied responded to shading, exhibiting various levels of plasticity. In particular, dense shade induced a radical but reversible decrease in flower and pod production, while moderate shade had little effect on reproductive traits. The magnitude of the response to dense shade depended on the genotype, showing a genetically based polymorphism of plasticity. The level of plasticity also showed substantial variations between years, and the effect of environmental variations was cumulative over time. This suggests that plasticity can influence the lifetime fitness of U. Europaeus and is involved in the capacity of the species to grow under contrasting environmental conditions.  相似文献   

In annual plants, including amphicarpic annuals, variation in light availability can evoke phenotypic plasticity in multiple traits. We examined plasticity to light availability of vegetative and reproductive performance traits in Amphicarpaea bracteata (Fabaceae) by developing and evaluating three path-analysis models using data from a greenhouse study. To assess whether light availability altered the phenotypic integration of these performance traits, we examined the models' fit to data collected within a high- or a low-light treatment. We also examined whether a single model or alternate models were required to fit data from the two contrasting light treatments. Using our path-analysis approach, we also made comparisons among three population types: shade- and sun-native populations of the widespread variety A. bracteata var. bracteata and sun-native populations of the variety A. bracteata var. comosa. Although each type of population was somewhat distinctive in patterns of integration and in the plasticity of integration, patterns did not correspond to contrasting ecological affinity, i.e., shade- and sun-native population types or to genetic relatedness of the two varieties. Counter to the prediction that selection regimes involving variation in one or more environmental factor favor intermediate levels of integration, phenotypic integration in A. bracteata was very flexible, with plasticity occurring in a trait-by-trait manner. In particular, there was an inverse relationship between aerial and subterranean reproductive modes in low but not high light. Previous studies of amphicarpic annuals have not observed this type of environment-specific life history trade-off.  相似文献   

Untangling the relationships between morphology and phylogeny is key to building a reliable taxonomy, but is especially challenging for protists, where the existence of cryptic or pseudocryptic species makes finding relevant discriminant traits difficult. Here we use Hyalosphenia papilio (a testate amoeba) as a model species to investigate the contribution of phylogeny and phenotypic plasticity in its morphology. We study the response of H. papilio morphology (shape and pores number) to environmental variables in (i) a manipulative experiment with controlled conditions (water level), (ii) an observational study of a within‐site natural ecological gradient (water level), and (iii) an observational study across 37 European peatlands (climate). We showed that H. papilio morphology is correlated to environmental conditions (climate and water depth) as well as geography, while no relationship between morphology and phylogeny was brought to light. The relative contribution of genetic inheritance and phenotypic plasticity in shaping morphology varies depending on the taxonomic group and the trait under consideration. Thus, our data call for a reassessment of taxonomy based on morphology alone. This clearly calls for a substantial increase in taxonomic research on these globally still under‐studied organisms leading to a reassessment of estimates of global microbial eukaryotic diversity.  相似文献   

Hormones, Reproductive Behavior, and Speciation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A research plan is outlined which combines two ordinarily separatelines of investigation, namely, the reciprocal interaction betweenhormones and behavior and the role of behavior in the evolutionand maintenance of species, bringing both to bear on outstandingquestions in behavioral and evolutionary biology. This integrativeapproach to animal behavior, which spans three levelsµphysiology,behavior, and evolutionµshould not only yield answersto specific questions within each level of analysis, but, bytaking into account the adaptive value of each in nature, alsodemonstrate interrelationships between the leve.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of kelps to elevated temperatures has been linked to recent declines in some kelp populations, with cascading impacts on marine communities. However, it remains unclear how thermal stress affects the ability of kelps to respond to other environmental factors, which could influence their vulnerability to climate change. We investigated the effect of thermal stress on the ability of the bull kelp Nereocystis luetkeana to acclimate to its surrounding hydrodynamic environment through tension-regulated plasticity in blade morphology. We first determined optimal and stressful temperatures for N. luetkeana by measuring growth over nine temperatures from 5°C to 22°C. We then exposed N. luetkeana blades to a factorial combination of temperature (13°C and 20°C) and tension (0.5 N and 2.0 N) simulating different flow conditions, and measured changes in blade length and width after 7 days. The temperature at which N. luetkeana exhibited maximum growth was estimated to be ~11.9°C, though growth was high over a relatively wide temperature range. When thermally stressed, N. luetkeana maintained morphological responses to simulated high flow, but were inhibited from acclimating to low flow, indicated by an inability of blades to widen. Our results suggest that N. luetkeana in sheltered habitats may be particularly vulnerable to climate warming, where an inability to adjust blade morphology to local hydrodynamic conditions could drive declines at sublethal levels of warming. As ecologically important foundation species, declines in sheltered kelp populations could result in major biodiversity loss and disrupt ecosystem function.  相似文献   

The costs of reproduction, involving demands associated with both current and future reproductive efforts, may place a substantial burden on females. However, animals may minimize these costs by modifying their behavior across the reproductive cycle. We examined the effects of reproductive load on three types of behavior (locomotion, foraging, and social displays) in green anole lizards (Anolis carolinensis) by comparing egg, follicle, and oviduct mass and volume with field observational data. We found that female locomotor and social display behaviors decreased as reproductive load increased, suggesting behavioral modification in these traits, but we detected no relationship between foraging and reproductive load. We also examined these relationships across eight Anolis species using a phylogenetically informed analysis and found no associations between the evolution of reproductive load and any of the three behaviors. These results suggest that the evolution of increased reproductive load is not associated with the interspecific variation in behavior across the anoles and may result from varying life history traits or selective ecological pressures across species.  相似文献   

绞股蓝雌雄种群觅源行为和繁殖对策比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
绞股蓝(Gynostemma pentaphyllum)雌雄异株,种群性比偏雄。作者利用比较生态学方法,从行为生态学角度探讨相同生境中绞股蓝雌雄种群的觅源行为和繁殖对策,得到如下初步结果和结论:(1)绞股蓝雄性种群的主枝生物量比显著大于雌性种群,这意味着雄性种群的营养繁殖投资显著增加,而两性种群在其它结构中的生物量分配无显著差异;(2)雌性种群的叶面积比和单位叶面积比雄性种群显著增加,这与两性种群  相似文献   

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