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Monolayers of baby-hamster kidney cells were grown on glass in tissue culture and harvested with trypsin or EDTA in order to investigate the cell surface macromolecules removed by these cell-disaggregating agents. The release of nucleic acids from the cells during the harvesting procedure was monitored by labelling the cellular RNA with [5-(3)H]uridine and the cellular DNA with [2-(14)C]thymidine. Treatment of the cells with EDTA was found to cause an increase in the permeability of the plasma membrane with 7.6% of the cellular RNA, but less than 1% of the cellular DNA, being released. Moreover, 61% of the cells harvested with EDTA were permeable to Trypan Blue. With crude trypsin, lysis of the cell occurred with the release of similar amounts of RNA and DNA amounting to about 11% of the total cellular nucleic acid. In contrast, crystalline trypsin released only 1% of the cellular nucleic acids. Since virtually all the cells (99%) after harvesting in crystalline trypsin were impermeable to Trypan Blue, this method was suitable for obtaining cell surface macromolecules without contamination by intracellular damage. [1-(14)C]Glucosamine was incorporated by the cells only into bound hexosamines and sialic acids. [By monitoring the release of radioactivity in high-molecular-weight material in such experiments a measure of the release of macromolecules containing amino sugars was obtained.] Of the total macromolecules containing amino sugars in the cells 33%, 24% and 13% were released when the cells were harvested with crude trypsin, crystalline trypsin or EDTA respectively. Crystalline trypsin also released 39% of the total sialic acid of the cell, whereas less than 1% of the cellular sialic acid was present in the EDTA-treated fraction. It is concluded that the macromolecules containing amino sugars released with crude trypsin and EDTA are likely to be heavily contaminated with intracellular material. However, the macromolecules released by crystalline trypsin appear to come from the cell surface.  相似文献   

The physical methods (13C-NMR-spectroscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy) hitherto used for the elucidation of lipid-lipid and lipid-protein interactions in artificial and simple natural membranes were extended to the application of fatty acids, phospholipids and sphingolipids with photochemical labels (azide group) in defined positions, which on photolysis generate nitrenes. These highly reactive groups react with neighbouring molecules, either lipids or polypeptide chains, with insertion or addition. Highly radioactive 12-azido[9,10-3H2]stearic acid, 12-azido[12-3H]oleic acid and 18-azido-[9,10,12,13-3H4]linoleic acid were added to the growth medium of eukaryotic cell lines in tissue culture (BHK 21 cells and Chang liver cells). They were incorporated into neutral, phosphoand sphingolipids in amounts comparable with the unsubstituted parent fatty acids. The distribution of the azido fatty acids in the phospholipids has been determined by enzymatic hydrolysis (phospholipase A2) on the basis of the distribution of their radioactivity. Radio gas chromatography and combined gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy revealed that the azide group of the radioactive fatty acids remained unaltered.  相似文献   

An investigation of the possible contribution of bacteria to the labeling patterns of soybean seedling nucleic acid was made. The results using sucrose gradient, MAK column, and acrylamide gel electrophoretic fractionation together with base composition analyses of nucleic acid preparations show that contaminating bacteria do not contribute to the incorporation of 32P-orthophosphate into the RNA of excised hypocotyl or soybean root tip. Sterile, non-sterile, and CM-treated soybean hypocotyl synthesize D-RNA to the same extent. The contaminating bacteria do not synthesize an AMP-rich RNA. The G-C rich 32P-DNA component of the soybean tissues used in these studied results, at least primarily, from the incorporation by contaminating bacteria. CM can be used successfully to eliminate the contribution of bacteria to the labeling of nucleic acids by etiolated plant tissues. Bacterial counts, although valuable, are not sufficient to determine if contaminating bacteria will significantly contribute to nucleic acid labeling in plants.  相似文献   

Extracellular nucleic acids in cultures of A431 and HeLa cells were investigated. The data obtained demonstrate the presence of high weight DNA and RNA in the extracellular medium. Temporal changes of extracellular nucleic acids levels in growth medium were investigated.  相似文献   

A protocol is described for the incorporation of nitroxide spin-labels into specific 2'-sites within nucleic acids. This labeling strategy facilitates the investigation of nucleic acid structure and dynamics using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and macromolecular complex formation using paramagnetic relaxation enhancement NMR spectroscopy. A spin-labeling reagent, 4-isocyanato TEMPO, which can be prepared in one facile step or obtained commercially, is used for postsynthetic modification of site-specifically 2'-amino-modified nucleic acids. This spin-labeling protocol has been applied primarily to RNA, but is also applicable to DNA. Subsequently, EPR spectroscopic analysis of the spin-labeled nucleic acids allows for the measurements of distances, solvent accessibilities and conformation dynamics. Using the spin-labeling strategy described here, spin-labeled samples can be prepared in 2-4 d.  相似文献   

Growing cultures are shown to incorporate more radioactive phosphorus into ribo- and desoxyribonucleic acid than non-growing cultures. Strong indications are found that the incorporation of inorganic phosphorus into desoxyribonucleic acid parallels the mitotic coefficient and serves as a sensitive index of synthesis of new cells. There are indications that the phosphorus compounds from which the DNA molecule was synthesized were in equilibrium with the inorganic phosphorus of the medium. The effect of the implant upon growth of new cells and the assay of growth is discussed. Metabolic turnover was increased in adequate medium.  相似文献   

The influence of orotic acid on the incorporation of precursors into nucleic acids was studied in mice and rats and in isolated cells. In vivo, orotate levels were modified by two diets which are known to increase the rate of pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis in rat liver. Of these diets, a 1% orotate diet had greater inhibitory effects than an arginine-deficient diet on the incorporation of [3H]orotate into RNA of mouse kidney than mouse liver. This contrasted with the situation in the rat where there was a greater effect in the liver than the kidney. The situation in the rat was more readily interpreted than in the mouse in terms of previously established effects of these diets on ribonucleotide pool sizes. However, studies using [3H]adenosine as a precursor for incorporation into RNA suggested that even in the mouse the effects of orotate were on pool sizes rather than an inhibitory effect on RNA synthesis. The incorporation of [3H]thymidine into DNA was inhibited by orotate to a similar degree in cultured HTC hepatoma cells and a line of rat liver epithelial cells. An effect on DNA synthesis rather than solely on pool sizes was suggested by the observation that the pool size of dTTP was not increased by 5 mM orotate under conditions in which there was a four-fold increase in the level of UTP in HTC cells. An inhibitory effect of orotate on DNA synthesis was further supported by an observation of decreased incorporation of [3H]deoxyadenosine into DNA and a lower rate of cellular proliferation.  相似文献   

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