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The dermatophytic fungiTrichophyton spp andMicrosporum spp secrete ferrichrome type siderophores under low iron conditions. Three different species ofMicrosporum, i.e.M. qypseum, M. canis andM. audouinii, as well asT. rubrum produce ferrichrome C and ferricrocin, whereasT. mentagrophytes andT. tonsurans produce only ferrichrome. The identification of the siderophores was established by means of thin layer chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography and mass spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The skin mycoses, perticularly dermatophytoses, in Lanzhou district, Northwestern China, was investigated during July 2002–June 2003. The specimens from patients suspected of having dermatomycoses were examined microscopically in KOH preparations and cultured on Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA). Among 1443 suspected cases, 594 were KOH positive and 221 cultures of fungi were isolated. The most frequently isolated fungi were Trichophyton rubrum (43.9%) Trichophyton mentagrophytes (29.4%) and Candida species (14.0%). The frequency of tinea pedis, onychomycosis and tinea manuum were 38.7, 27.8 and 13.5%, respectively. In Lanzhou district, tinea pedis is the most commonly seen dermatophytoses, and T. rubrum is the most frequent etiologic agent.  相似文献   

The causative agents of tinea capitis in Libyan nationals attending the out patient Dermatology Clinic of the Tripoli Medical Centre over the period December 1997 to December 1999 were investigated. Samples (hair and scalp scrapings) were taken from 940 patients who presented with suspected tinea capitis. The etiological agents were identified in 584 cases. Trichophyton violaceum was found to be the most prevalent organism isolated being responsible for 64.4% (376/584) of culture positive cases, followed by Microsporum canis at 24.7% (144/584) and T. mentagrophytes at 5.5% (32/584). The majority of infections (380/584) occurred in females and in children with ages less than 12 years (554/584). This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Strains of five dermatophyte species (Microsporum canis, Microsporum gypseum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton tonsurans) were selected for testing against Penicillium chrysogenum antifungal protein (PAF) and its combination with fluconazole (FCZ). Inhibition of microconidia germination and growth was detected with MICs of PAF ranging from 1.56 to 200 mug ml(-1) when it was used alone, or at constant concentration (100 mug ml(-1)) in combination with FCZ at from 0.25 to 32 mug ml(-1). The MICs for FCZ were found to be between 0.25 and 128 mug ml(-1). PAF caused a fungicidal effect at 200 mug ml(-1) and reduced growth at between 50 and 200 mug ml(-1). Total growth inhibition with fungistatic activity was detected at 64 mug ml(-1) of FCZ for M. gypseum, T. mentagrophytes, and T. tonsurans, and at 32 mug ml(-1) FCZ for M. canis and T. rubrum. PAF and FCZ acted synergistically and/or additively on all of the tested fungi except M. gypseum, where no interactions were detected.  相似文献   

Eleven strains of Epidermophyton floccosum were compared with 5 Microsporum and 5 Trichophyton species with respect to the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the mitochondrial DNA to reveal their phylogenetic relationships. The phylogeny of 11 species showed that the three dermatophyte genera could not be separated from each other and could be considered to be congeneric. This result is not inconsistent with the results from ribosomal RNA sequences.  相似文献   

The Nucleotide sequence of the chitin synthase1 (CHS1) gene of Epidermophyton floccosum, an anthrophophilic dermatophyte which is the type species of the genus Epidermophyton was analyzed to determine its phylogenetic relation to eight other dermatophyte species belonging to the genera Microsporum and Trichophyton, which were sequenced in our previous studies. A genomic DNA fragment about 620 bp in length of the CHS1 genewas amplified from E. floccosum by polymerasechain reaction (PCR) and was sequenced. The CHS1 nucleotide sequence showed more than 85% similarity with sequences derived from the other dermatophytes. Phylogenetic analyses of the sequences from E. floccosum revealed that the genus Epidermophyton may be genetically distinct from Microsporum and Trichophyton. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In the present study, the nucleotide sequences of the CHS1 gene from dermatophytes and related fungi in the genera Chrysosporium, Epidermophyton, Microsporum and Trichophyton were investigated using molecular methods. About 440-bp genomic DNA fragments of the CHS1 gene from 21 species were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced. The CHS1 nucleotide sequences of these fungi showed more than 83% similarity. The molecular taxonomy of the CHS1 gene sequences revealed that Microsporum was genetically distinct from Chrysosporium and Trichophyton, as classified by morphological characteristics. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Cocoyam (Colocasia spp.) corms and cormels showing spoilage symptoms were collected from many stores in Nsukka locality and examined for rot and associated fungal pathogens. Aspergillus niger, Botryodiplodia theobromae, Corticium rolfsii, Geotrichum candidum, Fusarium oxysporum, and F. solani were recovered from rotten cocoyams. The representative isolates of these species caused cocoyam rot in pathogenicity tests. The rot due to A. niger, B. theobromae and C. rolfsii was extensive resulting in complete maceration of cocoyam tissue. Potassium sorbate (0.1 mg/ml) protected cocoyams from fungal rot with the exception of C. rolfsii.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that ITS structural features can be used to define fungal groups, where sequence analysis is unsatisfactory, was examined in plant and animal pathogenic fungi. Structural models of ITS1 regions were predicted for presumed closely related species in Colletotrichum and Trichophyton anamorphs of Arthroderma species. Structural alignment of models and comparison with ITS sequence analysis identified a variable region in a conserved hairpin formed from a common inverted repeat. Thirteen different hairpin structure models were obtained for Colletotrichum species and five different models were obtained for Trichophyton species. The different structure types could be matched to individual species and species complexes as defined by ITS sequence analysis.  相似文献   

The morphological expression of keratinolysis in fungi isolated from the air of Torino (98 isolates belonging to 36 species) was studied. Light microscopy on whole material and on semithin sections, as well as scanning electron microscopy was used. There were 19 keratinolytically active species, with seven in the genusChrysosporium (C. indicum, C. keratinophilum, C. pannicola, C. tropicum, C. an.Arthroderma cuniculi, C. an.Pectinotrichum llanense, C. an.Renispora flavissima), four in the genusMalbranchea (M. arcuata, M. fulva, M. sulphurea, M. st.Uncinocarpus reesii), and three in the genusTrichophyton (T. mentagrophytes, T. rubrum, T. terrestre). In addition there wereAphanoascus fulvescens, Beauveria bassiana, Geomyces pannorum v.pannorum, Gymnoascus umbrinus andMyceliophthora vellerea. Most of these species were capable of developing structures related to surface erosion and radial penetration contemporaneously. HoweverGymnoascus umbrinus, Myceliophthora vellerea, an isolate ofC. indicum, C. tropicum andTrichophyton mentagrophytes demonstrated only surface erosion. Different isolates of one species can vary in their production of invasive structures and in degree of keratinolytic activity. Thus such activity, like many biochemical activities of fungi, does not appear to be a constant or rigorously species-specific character.  相似文献   

The fungal community associated with the terrestrial photosynthetic orchid Gymnadenia conopsea was characterized through PCR-amplification directly from root extracted DNA and cloning of the PCR products. Six populations in two geographically distinct regions in Germany were investigated. New ITS-primers amplifying a wide taxonomic range including Basidiomycetes and Ascomycetes revealed a high taxonomic and ecological diversity of fungal associates, including typical orchid mycorrhizas of the Tulasnellaceae and Ceratobasidiaceae as well as several ectomycorrhizal taxa of the Pezizales. The wide spectrum of potential mycorrhizal partners may contribute to this orchid's ability to colonize different habitat types with their characteristic microbial communities. The fungal community of G. conopsea showed a clear spatial structure. With 43 % shared taxa the species composition of the two regions showed only little overlap. Regardless of regions, populations were highly variable concerning taxon richness, varying between 5 and 14 taxa per population. The spatial structure and the continuous presence of mycorrhizal taxa on the one hand and the low specificity towards certain fungal taxa on the other hand suggest that the fungal community associated with G. conopsea is determined by multiple factors. In this context, germination as well as pronounced morphological and genetic differentiation within G. conopsea deserve attention as potential factors affecting the composition of the fungal community.  相似文献   

Summary Geomyces and Chrysosporium species isolated from Antarctica were compared with a strain isolated from Italian soil. The Italian and Antarctic strains had different growth rates and membrane fatty acids at different temperatures.  相似文献   

390 strains of Chrysosporium were screened for their ability to produce enzymes. All strains produced: catalase, phosphatase, lipase, amylase, DNAse and phosphoamidase. No strains showed: valine arylamidase, oxidase, -galactosidase, urease, pectolase, protease nor RNAse.  相似文献   

Among Trichophyton spp. examined for urease production, T. rubrum was negative, whereas T. mentagrophytes appeared to be the most active species. Urease was not detected in cell-free culture fluids of the tested fungi. The endocellular urease of the test fungi was essentially constitutive. Moreover, addition of urea to the growth medium of these organisms markedly inhibited their mycelial biomass and ureolytic yield. Environmental factors showed variable effects on the test fungi and there was no correlation between mycelial growth and urease activity of these fungi.  相似文献   

A total of 28 species representing 15 fungal genera were found to be associated with the all different stages of the Egyptian cotton leafworm,Spodoptera littoralis Boisd., its faeces and the air of the containers where it was reared on Czapek Dox agar medium at 28°C.Aspergillus was the most common genus and was frequently isolated from all substrates.A. flavus was the only fungus associated with all insect stages. At least two well known facultative pathogens were obtained:Beauveria alba andCephaliophora tropica. Nearly all fungi recovered from insect faeces or its environment were also encountered from different insect stages. Forty-two isolates were tested for their abilities for growth on a synthetic medium (nitrogen- and carbon-free) containing partially purified chitin. Most (76.2%) had moderate growth rates.  相似文献   

Pathogenicity of some chrysosporium species isolated in France   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In order to appreciate the pathogenicity of several geophilic Chrysosporium species (including Anixiopsis stercoraria, Chrysosporium keratinophilum, C. tropicum, C. pannorum, C. state of Arthroderma curreyi, C. state of A. multifidum, and C. state of A. tuberculatum), the authors have realized two series of experimental infestations. Inoculation of these fungi on the back of guinea pigs produced rare erythematous scaling lesions which spontaneously disappeared 3–5 weeks later. No real hair invasion was observed. In white mice, eight weeks after intraperitoneal inoculation, granulomas with necrotic center were observed in the peritoneal tissue with C. keratinophilum, C. tropicum, C. state of A. curreyi and C. state of A. tuberculatum. Conidia were often intact in necrotic centers and retrocultures were positive. With C. state of A. curreyi, spherical spores associated with rare budding cells were noted. The pathogenic role of these keratinophilic fungi is uncertain. However, their ability to remain viable for several weeks in skin and peritoneal tissue indicates that they could become pathogen in certain circumstances.This paper was presented at the Xth congress of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology at Barcelona, Spain from June 27 to July 1, 1988.  相似文献   

越来越多的研究表明某些在环境中普遍存在的人与动物的病原微生物能够跨界侵染不同生物界的寄主。本文就Serratia marcescens,Enterobacter cloacae,Pseudomonas aeuriginosa,Klebsiella pneumoniae等动物条件病原细菌环境菌株跨界侵染植物的研究现状进行了综述。这些病原菌在自然界中普遍存在,能够利用与感染人类相同或不同的侵染策略跨界侵染植物,以拓宽其寄主范围。其中,肺炎克雷伯氏菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae)能在自然条件下引起玉米发生顶腐病,揭示了环境中的某些植物可作为各种病原细菌的天然储存库,在条件合适的情况下可能会感染人类和动物,以及在食品生产中的潜在危害。对这些跨界病原菌的研究,在人、动物和植物流行病学上具有非常重要意义,也为环境科学提出了新的研究热点。  相似文献   

Fungi in bathwater and sludge of bathroom drainpipes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Samples of bathwater from 14 homes and 22 public bathhouses and sludge in drainpipes from 19 house-hold bathrooms were plated out onto potato dextrose agar supplemented with chloramphenicol. Several media were used to study colony morphology of the isolates and the thermotolerance and alkaline tolerance of each isolate were examined.Eleven sludge samples produced 12 isolates of Exophiala jeanselmei, 2 of E. dermatitidis and 1 of E. moniliae. Five household bathwater samples produced 2 isolates of E. jeanselmei, 4 of E. dermatitidis and 1 of E. alcalophila. One isolate of E. jeanselmei, 2 of E. dermatitidis, 3 of E. moniliae and 2 of unidentified Exophiala species were recovered from 6 samples of the bathwater dissolving Chinese medicine in the bathtubs of public bathhouses. One isolate of E. jeanselmei was recovered from the 15 samples of bathwater from public bathhouses. Bathwater and sludge in bathroom drainpipes may be an important habitat of Exophiala species.  相似文献   

The presence of medically important fungi was studied in hallux nails scrapings obtained from 504 students (204 males, 300 females) of three universities in Cali. Specimens were examined by direct microscopic examination and fungal culture. Medically important fungi were found in 49 (9.7%) students, 24 (4.8%) had onychomycosis while the rest did not have nail lesions. Trichophyton rubrum was the most commonly isolated fungi in students with lesions, where as T. mentagrophytes predominated in healthy nails. Most of the students with fungi were males. The prevalence of fungi was higher in individuals between 26 and 35 years. No association was observed between fungi and practicing sports or undergoing pedicures. These results suggest that dermatophytes can be found in healthy hallux nails, which can be reservoirs of pathogenic fungi.  相似文献   

Summary Bacterial isolates from contaminated mint shoot cultures were characterized and identified as a preliminary step in determining an elimination treatment. The 22 bacteria were characterized using biochemical and morphological tests and subjected to sensitivity tests with four antibiotics. The isolates were compared with known organisms and assigned to genera according to similarities in characteristics. Seven isolates were analyzed by fatty acid analysis carried out by a commercial laboratory. Six were classified asAgrobacterium radiobacter; eight asXanthomonas; one each asPseudomonas fluorescens, Micrococcus spp.,Corynebacterium spp., andCurtobacterium spp.; four could not be assigned to genera. Inhibition of growth of the bacteria by most antibiotics was best at pH 7.5. Minimal inhibitory concentration and minimal bactericidal concentrations of gentamicin, rifampicin, streptomycin sulfate, and Timentin varied with genotype.  相似文献   

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