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Recently, it has been proposed that the one of the main determinants of complex societies in Hymenoptera is colony size, since the existence of large colonies reduces the direct reproductive success of an average individual, given a decreased chance of being part of the reproductive caste. In this study, we evaluate colony size evolution in corbiculate bees and their relationship with the sociality level shown by these bees. Specifically i) the correlation between colony size and level of sociality considering the phylogenetic relationship to evaluate a general evolutionary tendency, and ii) the hypothetical ancestral forms of several clades within a phylogeny of corbiculate bees, to address idiosyncratic process occurring at important nodes. We found that the level of social complexity in corbiculate bees is phylogenetically correlated with colony size. Additionally, another process is invoked to propose why colony size evolved concurrently with the level of social complexity. The study of this trait improves the understanding of the evolutionary transition from simple to complex societies, and highlights the importance of explicit probabilistic models to test the evolution of other important characters involved in the origin of eusociality.  相似文献   

Behavioural traits have been used extensively in recent years as an important character source for making phylogenetic inferences. The phylogenetic positions of the members of the Apini subtribe are increasingly being debated, and new characters must be examined. We analysed the presence and absence of certain behavioural patterns, as well as the sequences of some of these patterns, to generate 79 characters. Eleven species comprised the ingroup, and Xylocopini comprised the outgroup. Parsimony analysis showed that the most parsimonious tree was (Euglossina(Bombina(Apina+Meliponina))). This topology is consistent with most studies that use morphological data and the few that use behavioural data, which suggests that advanced eusociality arose only once in a common ancestor of the clade Apina plus Meliponina; however, this hypothesis is inconsistent with our molecular data. Thus we considered behavioural, molecular, and morphological data and recovered the same topology, in which eusociality has a single origin in corbiculate bees.  相似文献   

Numerous scenarios explain the origin of the eukaryote cell by fusion or endosymbiosis between an archaeon and a bacterium (and sometimes a third partner). We evaluate these hypotheses using the following three criteria. Can the data be explained by the null hypothesis that new features arise sequentially along a stem lineage? Second, hypotheses involving an archaeon and a bacterium should undergo standard phylogenetic tests of gene distribution. Third, accounting for past events by processes observed in modern cells is preferable to postulating unknown processes that have never been observed. For example, there are many eukaryote examples of bacteria as endosymbionts or endoparasites, but none known in archaea. Strictly post‐hoc hypotheses that ignore this third criterion should be avoided. Applying these three criteria significantly narrows the number of plausible hypotheses. Given current knowledge, our conclusion is that the eukaryote lineage must have diverged from an ancestor of archaea well prior to the origin of the mitochondrion. Significantly, the absence of ancestrally amitochondriate eukaryotes (archezoa) among extant eukaryotes is neither evidence for an archaeal host for the ancestor of mitochondria, nor evidence against a eukaryotic host. BioEssays 29: 74–84, 2007. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We provide a comparison of 520 base pairs of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene from exemplars of the Meliponini, the Apini, the Bombini and the Euglossini to determine the phylogenetic relationships within the corbiculate Apinae. Our results strongly suggest (91–97% according to bootstrap resampling) that the Meliponini and the Bombini are sister groups. This finding agrees with those of other molecular studies, but is discordant with previous hypotheses based on morphology and the combination of molecular and morphological data. If the Bombini and Meliponini are sister groups and reversal of advanced eusociality is unlikely, then advanced eusociality arose twice within this clade. However, if reversion of eusociality occurred, then it is not possible to discriminate between single or dual origins of advanced eusociality within this group.  相似文献   

In this review we evaluate evidence for three different hypotheses that explain how the corneal epithelium is maintained. The limbal epithelial stem cell(LESC)hypothesis is most widely accepted. This proposes that stem cells in the basal layer of the limbal epithelium, at the periphery of the cornea, maintain themselves and also produce transient(or transit) amplifying cells(TACs). TACs then move centripetally to the centre of the cornea in the basal layer of the corneal epithelium and also replenish cells in the overlying suprabasal layers. The LESCs maintain the corneal epithelium during normal homeostasis and become more active to repair significant wounds. Second, the corneal epithelial stem cell(CESC) hypothesis postulates that, during normal homeostasis, stem cells distributed throughout the basal corneal epithelium, maintain the tissue. According to this hypothesis, LESCs are present in the limbus but are only active during wound healing. We also consider a third possibility, that the corneal epithelium is maintained during normal homeostasis by proliferation of basal corneal epithelial cells without any input from stem cells. After reviewing the published evidence, we conclude that the LESC and CESC hypotheses are consistent with more of the evidence than the third hypothesis, so we do not consider this further. The LESC and CESC hypotheses each have difficulty accounting for one main type of evidence so we evaluate the two key lines of evidence that discriminate between them. Finally, we discuss how lineage-tracing experiments have begun to resolve the debate in favour of the LESC hypothesis. Nevertheless, it also seems likely that some basal corneal epithelial cells can act as long-term progenitors if limbal stem cell function is compromised. Thus, this aspect of the CESC hypothesis may have a lasting impact on our understanding of corneal epithelial maintenance, even if it is eventually shown that stem cells are restricted to the limbus as proposed by the LESC hypothesis.  相似文献   

Eusocial organisms are characterized by cooperative brood care, generation overlap and reproductive division of labour. Traits associated with eusociality are most developed in ants, termites, paper wasps and corbiculate bees; the fossil record indicates that each of these advanced eusocial taxa evolved in the Late Cretaceous or earlier (greater than 65 Myr ago). Halictid bees also include a large and diverse number of eusocial members, but, in contrast to advanced eusocial taxa, they are characterized by substantial intra- and inter-specific variation in social behaviour, which may be indicative of more recent eusocial evolution. To test this hypothesis, we used over 2400 bp of DNA sequence data gathered from three protein-coding nuclear genes (opsin, wingless and EF-1a) to infer the phylogeny of eusocial halictid lineages and their relatives. Results from relaxed molecular clock dating techniques that utilize a combination of molecular and fossil data indicate that the three independent origins of eusociality in halictid bees occurred within a narrow time frame between approximately 20 and 22 Myr ago. This relatively recent evolution helps to explain the pronounced levels of social variation observed within these bees. The three origins of eusociality appear to be temporally correlated with a period of global warming, suggesting that climate may have had an important role in the evolution and maintenance of eusociality in these bees.  相似文献   

The animal gut is a habitat for diverse communities of microorganisms (microbiota). Honeybees and bumblebees have recently been shown to harbour a distinct and species poor microbiota, which may confer protection against parasites. Here, we investigate diversity, host specificity and transmission mode of two of the most common, yet poorly known, gut bacteria of honeybees and bumblebees: Snodgrassella alvi (Betaproteobacteria) and Gilliamella apicola (Gammaproteobacteria). We analysed 16S rRNA gene sequences of these bacteria from diverse bee host species across most of the honeybee and bumblebee phylogenetic diversity from North America, Europe and Asia. These focal bacteria were present in 92% of bumblebee species and all honeybee species but were found to be absent in the two related corbiculate bee tribes, the stingless bees (Meliponini) and orchid bees (Euglossini). Both Snodgrassella alvi and Gilliamella apicola phylogenies show significant topological congruence with the phylogeny of their bee hosts, albeit with a considerable degree of putative host switches. Furthermore, we found that phylogenetic distances between Gilliamella apicola samples correlated with the geographical distance between sampling locations. This tentatively suggests that the environmental transmission rate, as set by geographical distance, affects the distribution of G. apicola infections. We show experimentally that both bacterial taxa can be vertically transmitted from the mother colony to daughter queens, and social contact with nest mates after emergence from the pupa greatly facilitates this transmission. Therefore, sociality may play an important role in vertical transmission and opens up the potential for co‐evolution or at least a close association of gut bacteria with their hosts.  相似文献   

Understanding how sterile worker castes in social insects first evolved is one of the supreme puzzles in social evolution. Here, we show that in the bee tribe Allodapini, the earliest societies did not entail a foraging worker caste, but instead comprised females sharing a nest with supersedure of dominance. Subordinates delayed foraging until they became reproductively active, whereupon they provided food for their own brood as well as for those of previously dominant females. The earliest allodapine societies are, therefore, not consistent with an 'evo-devo' paradigm, where decoupling of foraging and reproductive tasks is proposed as a key early step in social evolution. Important features of these ancestral societies were insurance benefits for dominants, headstart benefits for subordinates and direct reproduction for both. The two lineages where morphologically distinct foraging worker castes evolved both occur in ecosystems with severe constraints on independent nesting and where brood rearing periods are very seasonally restricted. These conditions would have strongly curtailed dispersal options and increased the likelihood that dominance supersedure occurred after brood rearing opportunities were largely degraded. The origins of foraging castes, therefore, represented a shift towards assured fitness gains by subordinates, mediated by the dual constraints of social hierarchies and environmental harshness.  相似文献   

Rehan SM  Leys R  Schwarz MP 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e34690
The origin of sterile worker castes, resulting in eusociality, represents one of the major evolutionary transitions in the history of life. Understanding how eusociality has evolved is therefore an important issue for understanding life on earth. Here we show that in the large bee subfamily Xylocopinae, a simple form of sociality was present in the ancestral lineage and there have been at least four reversions to purely solitary nesting. The ancestral form of sociality did not involve morphological worker castes and maximum colony sizes were very small. True worker castes, entailing a life-time commitment to non-reproductive roles, have evolved only twice, and only one of these resulted in discrete queen-worker morphologies. Our results indicate extremely high barriers to the evolution of eusociality. Its origins are likely to have required very unusual life-history and ecological circumstances, rather than the amount of time that selection can operate on more simple forms of sociality.  相似文献   

Bees (Apidae), of which there are more than 19 900 species, are extremely important for ecosystem services and economic purposes, so taxon identity is a major concern. The goal of this study was to optimize the DNA barcode technique based on the Cytochrome c oxidase (COI) mitochondrial gene region. This approach has previously been shown to be useful in resolving taxonomic inconsistencies and for species identification when morphological data are poor. Specifically, we designed and tested new primers and standardized PCR conditions to amplify the barcode region for bees, focusing on the corbiculate Apids. In addition, primers were designed to amplify small COI amplicons and tested with pinned specimens. Short barcode sequences were easily obtained for some Bombus century‐old museum specimens and shown to be useful as mini‐barcodes. The new primers and PCR conditions established in this study proved to be successful for the amplification of the barcode region for all species tested, regardless of the conditions of tissue preservation. We saw no evidence of Wolbachia or numts amplification by these primers, and so we suggest that these new primers are of broad value for corbiculate bee identification through DNA barcode.  相似文献   

In a model based on the wasp family Vespidae, the origin of worker behaviour, which constitutes the eusociality threshold, is not based on relatedness, therefore the origin of eusociality does not depend on inclusive fitness, and workers at the eusociality threshold are not altruistic. Instead, incipient workers and queens behave selfishly and are subject to direct natural selection. Beyond the eusociality threshold, relatedness enables 'soft inheritance' as the framework for initial adaptations of eusociality. At the threshold of irreversibility, queen and worker castes become fixed in advanced eusociality. Transitions from solitary to facultative, facultative to primitive, and primitive to advanced eusociality occur via exaptation, phenotypic accommodation and genetic assimilation. Multilevel selection characterizes the solitary to highly eusocial transition, but components of multilevel selection vary across levels of eusociality. Roles of behavioural flexibility and developmental plasticity in the evolutionary process equal or exceed those of genotype.  相似文献   

Close affinities recognized between taxa in Mexico and the contiguous USA have led to a variety of biogeographical scenarios. One such hypothesis suggests that species that occur in both countries have an origin in central Mexico followed by dispersal into the USA. This study expands upon previous phylogeographical work of the ringneck snake Diadophis punctatus by incorporating new data from previously unsampled areas appropriate to critically assess hypotheses regarding a Mexican origin for this species. Maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony analyses inferred a derived position for the lineage from southern Mexico with constraint tests for alternate evolutionary hypotheses resulting in significantly worse likelihood values. Ancestral area reconstructions inferred an origin for D. punctatus in the south‐eastern USA followed by a south‐east to north‐east then westward directionality of historical migration. The position within the phylogeny and date estimate for the south‐western + Mexico clade suggests a recent invasion into central Mexico with expansion into the Nearctic/Neotropic transition zone. The extensive lineage diversity inferred from the mtDNA suggests that the genus is a complex of cryptic species whose conservational status should be re‐evaluated on both the national and regional levels. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 158 , 629–640.  相似文献   

Polyploidy is a common phenomenon occurring in a vast number of land plants. Investigations of patterns of inheritance and the origins of plants (i.e., autopolyploidy vs. allopolyploidy) usually involve cytogenetic and molecular studies of chromosome pairing, chromosome mapping, and marker segregation analysis through experimental crosses and progeny tests. Such studies are missing for most wild species, for which artificial crosses are difficult, not feasible, or unaffordable. We report here a Bayesian method to discriminate between alternative inheritance patterns in the two extant, tetraploid species of the monocot genus Borderea (Dioscoreaceae), which does not involve progeny array tests. Our approach is based on the screening of a large number of SSR genotypes, which were obtained from successful amplifications of 17 microsatellite regions in individuals of both B. chouardii and B. pyrenaica. We tested for tetrasomic vs. disomic modes of inheritance, using the Bayes factor test. Assignment of genotypes under both alternatives could be unequivocally done for 14 and 11 of the 17 studied microsatellite regions in B. chouardii and B. pyrenaica, respectively, totaling 9502 analyzed genotypes. The comparison of posterior probabilities for the two competing hypotheses across the surveyed loci clearly favored a disomic inheritance pattern. Linkage tests indicated that none of the studied SSR loci were in linkage disequilibrium, thus representing independent samples of the Borderea genome. These results, along with previous allozyme data, support the allotetraploid origin of this paleoendemic genus and reveal the lowest reported chromosome base number for the family of the yams.  相似文献   

Nesting resources structure native bee communities and the availability of suitable nests may enhance population abundance and persistence. Nesting rates of ground-nesting bees have proven challenging to assess due to a lack of standardized methods. We quantified the abundance of ground-nesting native bees using emergence traps over a seven-month study period. We then compared specimens captured in emergence traps with pan- and net-collected specimens. We hypothesized that ground-nesting bees would be highly similar to bees found foraging within our study site. However, the species assemblage of ground-nesting bees collected from emergence traps was significantly dissimilar from the assemblages collected with aerial nets and pan traps, indicating different sampling methods target different components of the species assemblage. We then examined the importance of nesting resources found at each emergence trap on the abundance of ground-nesting bees collected from emergence traps. Quantification of potential nesting resources, such as percent bare soil, has been proposed as a proxy of nesting habitat for ground-nesting guilds. Sloped ground and soil compaction were the most predictive nesting resources at the community-level. Further, spatial distribution of nesting resources within the study landscape also affected nesting rates, although this varied by species. Bees occurred in 85% of emergence traps, with sampling date strongly affecting the number of bees collected. Emergence traps provide a useful method of sampling the ground-nesting native bee community and investigating nesting incidence.  相似文献   

The Ctenoplectridae (for the genera Ctenoplectra and Ctenoplectrina) are separated from the Melittidae, in which they have commonly been included. Ctenoplectrids differ from melittids in many characters, and are more closely related to the long-tongued families Fideliidae, Megachilidae, Anthophoridae, and Apidae than to the Melittidae and other short-tongued families. Ctenoplectrids are the sister-group of the long-tongued bees (and could be considered as long as long-tongued bees with labial palpi of short-tongued bees); melittids are the sister-group to the ctenoplectrids plus long-tongued bees. Characters are listed that support these relationships. Ctenoplectra species appear to be oil collectors from flowers of curcurbits. Some behavioural observations are included. Ctenoplectrina is a probable parasite in nests of Ctenoplectra, as it lacks the pollen and oil manipulating apparatus.  相似文献   

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