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Comparative morphology of the leaf epidermis in Schisandra (Schisandraceae)   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The leaf epidermis of 127 samples representing ten species within Schisandra Michaux. and one species of the related genus, Kadsura Kaempf. ex Juss., was investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy. Many characters of the leaf epidermis in Schisandra , such as pattern of epidermal cells, type of stomata, shape of guard cell pairs and cuticular ornamentation, are usually constant within species and thus make good characters for studying the relationship between and within genera. A new character, rim number, of the outer stomatal rim in the genus is introduced. It is shown that double outer stomatal rims occur only in evergreen Schisandra species, whereas a single rim occurs in deciduous species. This character supports the classification of Schisandra into two subgenera based on habit and androecial organs. This classification is also supported by additional morphological and molecular taxonomic characters. Kadsura coccinea (Lem.) Smith A. C. is the most primitive taxon in the related genus Kadsura . The outer stomatal rim of this species also has double rims. Combined with morphological and molecular evidence, this suggests that Schisandra and Kadsura are closely related and may share a recent common ancestor.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 148 , 39–56.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS Silica deposition is one of the important characteristics of the family Poaceae. The distribution, deposition process and physiology of silica in this family have been extensively investigated. Bamboos among members of Poaceae have leaves with a fairly long life span, and the leaves continuously accumulate silica in their tissues throughout their life, not only during the course of leaf opening, but also after opening. It has been revealed that the silica deposition process in relation to ageing of the bamboo leaf after opening differed depending on the cell types comprising the tissues. However, silica deposition has never been examined during the development and maturation periods of bamboo leaves. Hence, to clarify the silica deposition process in a developmental stage of the bamboo leaf, distribution of silica was observed in the abaxial epidermis before the opening of the leaf blades of Pleioblastus chino. METHODS: Abaxial epidermal tissues of leaves were examined using a scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray microanalyser. KEY RESULTS: Among seven cell types comprising the abaxial epidermis, three types of cells, guard cells, prickle hairs and silica cells, deposited silica conspicuously, and another four types, cork cells, long cells, micro hairs and subsidiary cells, deposited only a little silica. Among the former group of cell types, silica cells and guard cells deposited silica over their entire surfaces, while prickle hairs deposited silica only in the point-tips. Silica deposition was detected firstly in prickle hairs, and then in silica cells and guard cells. Only silica cells were assumed to deposit silica conspicuously before leaf opening but not conspicuously after opening. CONCLUSIONS: Cell types in leaf epidermis of bamboo are classified into three groups according to the silica deposition pattern. Silica deposition in silica cells may be positive as a part of the physiological activities of leaves.  相似文献   

REJDALI, M., 1990. Seed morphology and taxonomy of the North African species of Sideritis L. (Lamiaceae). Seed morphology data are shown to support data from general morphology and palynology; they can be used for taxonomy at the sectional and specific levels. At times clear differences are apparent at the infraspecific level. Seed sculpturing was found to be of great value for separating taxa at all levels of the hierarchy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Silica deposition is one of the important characteristics of plants in the family Poaceae. There have been many investigations into the distribution, deposition and physiological functions of silica in this family. Two hypotheses on silica deposition have been proposed based on these studies. First, that silica deposition occurs passively as a result of water uptake by plants, and second, that silica deposition is controlled positively by plants. To test these two apparently contradictory hypotheses, silica deposition in relation to the ageing of leaf tissues in Sasa veitchii was investigated. METHODS: Tissues were examined using a light microscope and a scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray microanalyser. KEY RESULTS: The deposition process differed depending on cell type. In mesophyll tissue, fusoid cells deposited large amounts of silica depending on leaf age after maturation, while chlorenchyma cells deposited little. In epidermal tissue, comprised of eight cell types, only silica cells deposited large amounts of silica during the leaf's developmental process and none after maturation. Bulliform cells, micro-hairs and prickle hairs deposited silica densely and continuously after leaf maturation. Cork cells, guard cells, long cells and subsidiary cells deposited silica at low levels. CONCLUSIONS: The significance of these observations is discussed in relation to the two hypotheses proposed for silica deposition in Poaceae. The results of the present study clearly indicate that both hypotheses are compatible with each other dependent on cell types.  相似文献   

The temperate woody bamboos (Arundinarieae) are highly diverse in morphology but lack a substantial amount of genetic variation. The taxonomy of this lineage is intractable, and the relationships within the tribe have not been well resolved. Recent studies indicated that this tribe could have a complex evolutionary history. Although phylogenetic studies of the tribe have been carried out, most of these phylogenetic reconstructions were based on plastid data, which provide lower phylogenetic resolution compared with nuclear data. In this study, we intended to identify a set of desirable nuclear genes for resolving the phylogeny of the temperate woody bamboos. Using two different methodologies, we identified 209 and 916 genes, respectively, as putative single copy orthologous genes. A total of 112 genes was successfully amplified and sequenced by next‐generation sequencing technologies in five species sampled from the tribe. As most of the genes exhibited intra‐individual allele heterozygotes, we investigated phylogenetic utility by reconstructing the phylogeny based on individual genes. Discordance among gene trees was observed and, to resolve the conflict, we performed a range of analyses using BUCKy and HybTree. While caution should be taken when inferring a phylogeny from multiple conflicting genes, our analysis indicated that 74 of the 112 investigated genes are potential markers for resolving the phylogeny of the temperate woody bamboos.  相似文献   

WEBB, M. E. & ALMEIDA, M. T., 1990. Micromorphology of the leaf epidermis in taxa of the Agropyron-Elymus complex (Poaceae). A comparative analysis by scanning electron microscopy was carried out on both leaf epidermes (adaxial and abaxial) of Elymus pychnanthus (Godr.) Meld, and Agropyron glaucum Roemer & Schultes.
The adaxial epidermes of E.pychnanthus and A. glaucum are similar in the position and the shape of the long cells, silica bodies and costal and papillate prickles. They differ in the higher number of silica cells in E. pychnanthus and in the presence of intercostal hooks in A. glaucum.
The abaxial epidermes of both species are similar in the shape of interstomatal cells, silica bodies and papillate prickles. They differ in the distribution of the stomata and in the contact zones of the long cells. Elymus pychnanthus and A. glaucum differ also in the trichomes situated along the margins of the leaf blade.
These micromorphological differences, especially those of the abaxial epidermis, are useful taxonomic features.  相似文献   

The morphology of the acrophallus, the distal portion of the male phallus carrying the phallotreme, was studied in 72 exemplar species representing 56 genera and subgenera of the flesh fly subfamily Sarcophaginae. For 42 of those species, scanning electron microscopy was used to clarify the phallic morphology. Terms used to describe the male genitalia were updated based on new interpretations of homology. Male genitalic characters, combined with other morphological characters of adult males and females and of larvae, were used to construct a phylogeny. The monophyly of the subfamily was supported, and some generic‐level sister‐group relationships proposed in the literature, but without previous cladistic analyses, were also supported. The genus Blaesoxipha Loew, as currently recognized, was not monophyletic in our analysis. The genus Helicobia Coquillett is synonymized with Sarcophaga Meigen syn. nov. and treated as a subgenus of the latter. The Sarcophaga subgenera Neobellieria Blanchard and Mehria Enderlein were not monophyletic. Many of the clades in the analysis were supported primarily or exclusively by male genitalic character states, highlighting the importance of the male genitalia as a source of morphological characters for sarcophagine phylogeny. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 158 , 740–778.  相似文献   

The systematic significance of the morphological structure of achenes in the Himalayan–Tibetan Plateau endemic genera Soroseris, Syncalathium and Parasyncalathium is described and discussed. The achene surface sculpturing of 15 samples representing 13 species of the three genera was investigated using scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) to evaluate inter‐ and intrageneric relationships of the three genera. Characters such as cell arrangement, shape of the epidermis, type of ornamentation of the outer cell wall and degree of wax development are described. The results show that characters such as the shape of the epidermis and the type of ornamentation of the outer cell wall are distinct between the three genera and useful for species‐level classification. Parasyncalathium souliei differs from Syncalathium, in which it has traditionally been placed, in the short, stout beak of the achene and especially in the obscure outline of the epidermal cells and their long acuminate, steeple‐like, end walls. Combined with karyological and molecular data, the differences in achene morphology and sculpturing further support our recognition of Parasyncalathium as distinct from Syncalathium. The achene characters are not only useful for assessing relationships, but are also useful for delimiting species. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 173 , 476–486.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of Bambusoideae is in a state of flux and phylogenetic studies are required to help resolve systematic issues. Over 60 taxa, representing all subtribes of Bambuseae and related non-bambusoid grasses were sampled. A combined analysis of five plastid DNA regions, trnL intron, trnL-F intergenic spacer, atpB-rbcL intergenic spacer, rps16 intron, and matK, was used to study the phylogenetic relationships among the bamboos in general and the woody bamboos in particular. Within the BEP clade (Bambusoideae s.s., Ehrhartoideae, Pooideae), Pooideae were resolved as sister to Bambusoideae s.s. Tribe Bambuseae, the woody bamboos, as currently recognized were not monophyletic because Olyreae, the herbaceous bamboos, were sister to tropical Bambuseae. Temperate Bambuseae were sister to the group consisting of tropical Bambuseae and Olyreae. Thus, the temperate Bambuseae would be better treated as their own tribe Arundinarieae than as a subgroup of Bambuseae. Within the tropical Bambuseae, neotropical Bambuseae were sister to the palaeotropical and Austral Bambuseae. In addition, Melocanninae were found to be sister to the remaining palaeotropical and Austral Bambuseae. We discuss phylogenetic and morphological patterns of diversification and interpret them in a biogeographic context.  相似文献   

The sections Lindleyanae C.K. Schneid. and Retusae A. Kern. are two unique taxa of Salix . Although the former is distributed in the Himalayas and in south-west China's Hengduan Mountains, and the latter in the Arctic–Alpine region, they share similar phenotypic characters. To elucidate their relationships, some representative species were selected and their leaf epidermal characters were examined. Most Salix species had broadly similar leaf epidermal cell characteristics, but Lindleyanae and Retusae shared an anomocytic type of stomatal apparatus, which differed greatly from other taxa in Salix . It is unclear whether this epidermal similarity is indicative of similar environments or a single phylogenetic origin. Within the family Salicaceae, cyclocytic stomata were present in Chosenia , but absent from Populus and Salix , partly supporting the separation of Chosenia from Salix as an independent genus. Within single Salix species, obscure interspecific phenotypes could be identified by the shape of the epidermal cells, the presence or absence of stomata on the adaxial or abaxial sides, and the shape of the anticlinal walls. Stomatal size and density in Salix varied in response to environmental factors, and was of little diagnostic value in the separation of the species.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 157 , 311–322.  相似文献   

This study presents the results of confocal laser scanning microscopy and fluorescence‐labelled phalloidin used to visualize the system of body musculature in Beauchampiella eudactylota. Moreover, the poorly known trophi of B. eudactylota are described based on scanning electron microscopy. In total, four paired longitudinal muscles (musculi longitudinales I–IV) and three circular muscles (musculi circulares I–III) were identified. Among these are the musculus longitudinalis ventralis, the musculus longitudinalis dorsalis and the musculus circumpedalis as documented in previous studies for other rotifer species. Compared to other species, B. eudactylota is characterized by the low number of lateral longitudinal muscles and the absence of some longitudinal muscles (musculi longitudinales capitum) and circular muscles (corona sphincter, musculus pars coronalis). Moreover, scanning electron microscopic data on the trophi of B. eudactylota reveal a number of striking similarities to the trophi in some species of Epiphanidae. This suggests that either (1) these similarities represent plesiomorphic characters present both in Epiphanidae and B. eudactylota or (2) they are synapomorphic features of B. eudactylota and some species of Epiphanidae, which would question the monophyly of Euchlanidae.  相似文献   

The Dimorphandra group, as traditionally circumscribed, is a rather diverse assemblage of genera in Leguminosae subfamily Caesalpinioideae that share certain morphological characteristics with the basally branching lineages of subfamily Mimosoideae. It currently comprises 51 species in seven genera: Burkea (1 species), Dimorphandra (26 species), Erythrophleum (10 species), Mora (6 species), Pachyelasma (1 species), Stachyothyrsus (2 species) and Sympetalandra (5 species). This study investigates the pollen morphology of 25 samples from 19 species of all seven genera. Pollen of the Dimorphandra group is small, isopolar, trizonocolporate and released in monads. Apertures are almost equal to polar length, with correspondingly small apocolpial areas. The shape of the aperture apices varies from acute to wide and rounded. Surface ornamentation is psilate, perforate, microreticulate, or perforate‐rugulate. The wall structure is usually columellate with a well developed foot layer. The pollen is small and unspecialised, agreeing with a previously noted pattern of more fixed and homogenous pollen structure in the more derived clades in subfamily Caesalpinioideae, compared with the great diversity of pollen types found in the basally branching lineages.  相似文献   

This paper studies the phylogeny of the rove beetle subtribe Philonthina, to test its hypothetical monophyly and to unravel the evolutionary relationships of the subtribe and its included genus‐level taxa, with emphasis on the genus Pseudohesperus and its close‐allied relatives. The phylogenetic analyses are based on 105 adult morphological characters and 66 terminal taxa, i.e., all six members of Pseudohesperus, 51 species to represent 29 other genera of the subtribe Philonthina, seven species to represent the other six subtribes of Staphylinini, one species of the tribes Arrowinini, and one of the Platyprosopini. According to the phylogenetic results obtained, the genus Erichsonius should move out from the hitherto‐defined subtribe Philonthina and thus the monophyly of this taxon is challenged. The phylogenetic tree suggests that the genera Hesperus and Belonuchus might not be monophyletic, but the monophyly of Pseudohesperus and the sister relationship between it and Bisnius are well supported. The species‐level phylogenetic relationships of the genus Pseudohesperus reveal a clear pattern of species diversification that can be correlated well with the species' zoogeographical patterns. The paper also revises the taxonomy of Pseudohesperus and describes five new species from China: Pseudohesperus luteus Li & Zhou sp. nov. , Pseudohesperus pedatiformis Li & Zhou sp. nov. , Pseudohesperus tripartitus Li & Zhou sp. nov. , Pseudohesperus sparsipunctatus Li & Zhou sp. nov. , and Bisnius lubricus Li & Zhou sp. nov. An identification key to the species of Pseudohesperus is provided and their geographical distributions are mapped. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 163 , 679–722.  相似文献   

Arundinarieae (temperate woody bamboos) is a taxonomically challenging group and the taxa in this tribe show a low level of DNA sequence variation, especially for plastid markers. As a result of the scarcity of flowering collections, species identification mainly depends on vegetative features, and leaf epidermal micromorphology has proven to be useful in bamboo taxonomy. In this study, we used scanning electron microscopy to investigate the abaxial leaf epidermal micromorphology of 94 species in 24 genera of Arundinarieae and three species of Bambuseae. Leaf epidermal characteristics differed mainly in the number and distribution pattern of papillae. Seven papilla forms were assigned, which had little taxonomic value at the generic and subtribal levels. However, the papilla patterns combined with other leaf epidermal features were useful in the discrimination of several species. Most papilla types were shared between tribes Arundinarieae and Bambuseae. We assessed the phylogenetic implications of the leaf epidermal micromorphology based on recently published molecular phylogenetic analyses. With one exception, none of the papilla types corresponded to a particular clade in the plastid or nuclear phylogenetic trees. Based on these results, the papilla patterns have limited phylogenetic value. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 176 , 46–65.  相似文献   

Male True Crabs use two pairs of gonopods to deliver mating products during copulation. Commonly, the second pair is shorter than the first pair, and most research to date has focused on species with short second gonopods. We investigated male and female copulatory organs in Calappula saussurei and Calappa pelii, two species of box crabs (Calappidae) with second gonopods which are longer than the first pair. Scanning electron microscopy and histological cross sectioning show that the female copulatory system is unique in several aspects: the genital duct is part concave and part simple type. The seminal receptacle is divided into two chambers, a ventral chamber of ectodermal and mesodermal origin, and a dorsal chamber of ectodermal origin. This dorsal chamber is the location of spermatophore reception during copulation. A sperm plug closes the dorsal chamber off. We propose that long second gonopods deliver male mating products directly into the dorsal chamber. To date, spermatophore reception has been associated with the mesodermal tissue of the seminal receptacle. The copulatory system of box crabs with long second gonopods shows novel deviations from this general pattern. J. Morphol. 276:77–89, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Only three species of the sponge genus Plakina Schulze have been described from the Mediterranean since 1880, in spite of a large amount of allegedly intraspecific variability in morphological characters. However, recent genetic studies based on electrophoretic techniques have revealed extensive cryptic speciation in north-western Mediterranean Plakina , demonstrating that most of this variation was interspecific rather than intraspecific. We describe in detail the morphology and anatomy of four new species of Plakina from the Mediterranean– P. crypta, P. weinbergi, P. endoumensis and P. jani –of which the latter two were discovered through allozyme electrophoresis. Plakina monolopha Schulze and P. trilopha Schulze are redescribed, and their morphological and geographical limits are discussed along with those of P. dilopha Schulze. Accurate analysis of the internal anatomy and of the shape and ramification pattern of lophose spicules in scanning electron microscopy provides new, powerful morphological criteria for species discrimination in Plakina. More widespread use of such new taxonomic characters should provide evidence against the alleged cosmopolitanism of some Plakina species, thus generating an increase in estimates of the biodiversity of plakinids.  相似文献   

Wilts, E.F., Wulfken, D., Ahlrichs, W.H. and Martínez Arbizu, P. 2012. The musculature of Squatinella rostrum (Milne, 1886) (Rotifera: Lepadellidae) as revealed by confocal laser scanning microscopy with additional new data on its trophi and overall morphology.—Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 93 : 14–27. The monogonont rotifer Squatinella rostrum was investigated with light, scanning electron and confocal laser scanning microscopy to reveal new morphological data on its inner and outer anatomy. In total, the visualized somatic musculature displays five paired longitudinal muscles (musculi longitudinales I–V) and nine circular muscles (musculi circulares I–IX). Compared to other species, S. rostrum is characterized by the absence of several longitudinal and circular muscles (e.g. musculus longitudinalis capitis, corona sphincter and pars coronalis). A reconstruction of the mastax musculature revealed a total number of seven paired and two unpaired mastax muscles. Possibly homologous somatic and mastax muscles in other, thus far investigated rotifers are discussed. Moreover, we provide a phylogenetic evaluation of the revealed morphological characters and suggest possible autapomorphic characters supporting Squatinella and Lepadellidae. Finally, we refer to some striking similarities in the morphology, ecology and way of movement of Squatinella and Bryceella that may indicate a closer relationship of both taxa.  相似文献   

Heteropteran legs are very diverse within and among taxa, and such variation is frequently correlated with life habits. Structural modifications are commonly present in the legs of the Pentatomoidea but are poorly studied. Using scanning electron microscopy, the tibia and pretarsal microstructure of 82 species of Pentatomidae (Heteroptera), three species of Scutelleridae, and ten species of Thyreocoridae were described, focusing on the pretarsal structure, the foretibial apparatus, and the foretibial comb. The Pentatomidae, the Scutelleridae, and the Thyreocoridae have uniform pretarsal structures. Variation can be found in the length of the parempodial setae and in the shape of the parempodial projections. The foretibial combs of the Pentatomidae, the Thyreocoridae, and the Scutelleridae are described for the first time, and we have demonstrated that there is low structural variation in the foretibial comb complex of the studied species. The setae organization and distribution on the foretibial apparatus is uniform in the families studied. However, the Asopinae (Pentatomidae) bear a foretibial apparatus that is uniquely organized. The taxonomic and phylogenetic relevance of the pretarsal traits, the foretibial apparatus, and the foretibial comb are discussed.  相似文献   

K. Szpila  T. Pape 《Acta zoologica》2005,86(2):119-134
The first instar larva is described for three species of the kleptoparasitic miltogrammine genus Metopia Meigen: M. campestris (Fallén), M. argentata Macquart and M. argyrocephala (Meigen). Using a combination of light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, the morphology of the cephaloskeleton as well as the general external morphology are extensively documented, and the phylogenetic implications are discussed. Like other species of Miltogramminae, the first instar of species of Metopia possesses a strong labrum and well‐developed mouth‐hooks. Some other features found in Metopia spp. are rare in the Miltogramminae, such as a serrated ventral surface of the tip of the mouth‐hook and the lack of a posterior spiracular cavity. A few larval features apparently unique for species of Metopia have so far been documented: base of mouth‐hook with a lateral arm‐like extension and abdominal segments with transverse furrow ventrally. The body is equipped with longitudinal cuticular ridges on all segments, which may be a subfamily ground‐plan autapomorphy. Marked morphological and behavioural differences are documented between the first instar of M. argentata and that of M. argyrocephala, the adult females of which are otherwise difficult to separate.  相似文献   

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