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黑河河岸植被与环境因子间的相互作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2009-2010年,对黑河流域河岸植被分季节进行了详细调查,并实地测定各样点环境因子数据,采用PC-ORD和Canoco软件对数据进行分类排序与环境因子的指示种分析:(1)黑河河岸带植被分为4个植被型和6个群系,位于黑河上游的高山苔草+矮嵩草群系植被种类和数量最为丰富,草本层盖度最大,也是唯一没有乔木分布的群系;金露梅+沙棘+膜荚黄芪+针茅群系是灌木层密度和盖度最大的群系,草本植物种类相对较丰富;位于湿地的沙枣+水柏枝+芦苇+香蒲群系,土壤养分含量最高;(2)影响黑河河岸带植被分布的主要环境因子是海拔、降水、温度、土壤有机质、含水率以及全氮含量,其中,海拔、降水和温度为最重要的影响因子,土壤影响因子中土壤含水率>有机质>全氮,而全磷和速效氮没有显著影响;(3)在黑河河岸带共有20种植物是环境因子指示种,柽柳和苦豆子是温度、降水指示种,胡杨对海拔和降水有很强的指示作用,草本植物中没有土壤含水率和海拔指示种,而在乔灌木中没有土壤有机质指示种,这为气候、土壤条件的变化提供了很好的参考价值。  相似文献   

Anthropogenic drainage causes loss of natural character in herbaceous wetlands due to increased soil oxygen penetration. We related vegetation gradients in a New Zealand polje fen to long-term effects of drains by using hydrological, edaphic and vegetation data, and a before-after-control-impact (BACI) design to test responses to experimental drain closure. Soil profiles and continuous water level records revealed a site subject to frequent disturbance by intense but brief floods, followed by long drying periods during which areas close to drains experienced lower water tables and more variable water levels. Classification of vegetation data identified 12 groups along a moisture gradient, from dry areas dominated by pastoral alien species, to wet communities dominated by native wetland sedges. Lower total species diversity and native representation in pastoral communities were related to the high proportion of alien competitor and competitor-disturbance species, compared with the stress tolerator-dominated flora of other groups. Species–environment relationships revealed highly significant correlations with soil water content and aeration as measured by redox potential (EH) and steel rod oxidation depth, as well as soil nutrient content and bulk density. Comparison of root anatomy confirmed greater development of flood-tolerant traits in native species than in pastoral aliens, and vegetation N:P ratios indicated that most communities were probably nitrogen-limited. Flooding rapidly re-established wetland hydrology in dried sites in the impact area, and lowered EH and soil oxidation depth, but had no effect on N and P availability. Presence and cover of pastoral alien species decreased in these areas. This study supports the use of hydrological manipulation as a tool for reducing soil oxidation and thus the impact of alien plant species at restoration sites with minimal intervention, but suggests the need for detailed information on species flooding tolerances and hydrological preferences to underpin this approach.  相似文献   

【目的】为了解洪潮江水库浮游细菌群落组成、空间分布及其与环境因子的相互作用关系。【方法】基于16S rRNA基因高通量测序技术,对洪潮江水库浮游细菌群落结构与多样性进行了分析,同步对水体的理化指标进行检测。【结果】洪潮江水库共注释浮游细菌28门79纲168目243科325属85种。优势门为变形菌门、放线菌门、蓝细菌门、疣微菌门、拟杆菌门、浮霉菌门,分别占比21.95%、21.30%、17.98%、12.27%、11.72%、9.51%。基于Bray-Curtis距离的PCoA分析表明,洪潮江水库9个采样点可以被分为3组,细菌群落呈现沿上下游梯度变化的趋势。perMANOVA检验显示,各组差异显著,但是各组的多样性指数没有显著性差异。Mantel分析表明,透明度、浊度、总磷、亚硝酸盐氮、硝酸盐氮、叶绿素a、pH、溶解氧、氧化还原电位、比电导、总溶解固体以及营养状态会显著影响浮游细菌群落结构。【结论】洪潮江水库浮游细菌空间分布特征是自然环境理化因子和农业活动综合作用的结果。研究结果对了解浮游细菌群落空间格局及其对人类活动的响应,以及水库管理具有科学参考价值。  相似文献   

蔡赫  卞少伟 《兽类学报》2015,35(3):288-296
2011-2013年,在天津古海岸与湿地国家级自然保护区6种生境中设置31个样方,利用铗日法调查啮齿动物,同时记录各个样方10个环境因子。调查期间共捕获啮齿动物7种157只,总铗捕率为1.69%。优势种为黑线姬鼠、褐家鼠和大仓鼠,铗捕率分别为0.59%、0.25%和0.23%。铗捕率以人类居住区和农田最高,水域岸边次之,其它生境较低;种数和多样性较高值均出现在人类居住区和农田,最低值在盐碱地;均匀度除了水域岸边较低外,其它生境较高,表明啮齿动物群落结构变化明显。利用余冗分析法对啮齿动物群落与环境因子之间关系进行分析,结果表明农作物距离、草本盖度、水体盐度、灌丛高度是影响古海岸湿地啮齿动物群落结构变化的关键环境因子。  相似文献   

南方某水库轮虫群落特征及其对环境因子的响应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王庆  刘丽君  杨宇峰 《生态学报》2010,30(13):3385-3395
于2006年8月至2007年8月,对广东省某水库4个站点轮虫群落的周年变化进行了调查分析,同时测定了浑浊度、叶绿素、总氮、总磷等理化因子。调查期间,共记录轮虫41种,以臂尾轮属和异尾轮属种类居多,全年以广布多肢轮虫(Polyarthravulgaris)和尖尾疣毛轮虫(Synchaetastylata)为主要优势种;轮虫丰度范围为6-1966ind./L,以库心和大坝处的轮虫丰度较高,高峰期出现在夏秋季。相关分析显示叶绿素浓度对轮虫群落有重要影响。典范对应分析(CCA)表明,采样站点具有明显的空间异质性。CCA分析还表明浑浊度和透明度是影响轮虫空间分布的重要因子,水温和叶绿素浓度是影响轮虫群落结构季节变化的主要因子。CCA排序可将轮虫分为3个类群,优势种广布多肢轮虫位于CCA坐标轴的原点附近,表明其所受环境因子影响较小。根据相关加权营养状态指数(TLI),该水库处于中营养型。  相似文献   

Synopsis Principal components analysis was performed on fish presence/absence data for 39 common fish species from 410 stream sites in Kansas. The analysis confirmed ten ecologically meaningful fish assemblages, based on species associations. Factor scores based on these assemblages were then clustered into six geographic areas or fish ecoregions. Canonical discriminant analysis identified environmental variables that distinguished the derived fish ecoregions. Mean annual runoff, mean annual growing season, and discharge appear most important. Mean width, mean depth, chloride concentration, water temperature, substrate type, gradient, and percent of pool habitat were less important. Correspondence exists between these fish ecoregions and the patterns of physiographic regions, river basins, geology, soil, and potential natural vegetation in Kansas. The multivariate statistical approach used to classify fish ecoregions should have considerable potential value for fish assessment and management purposes in areas other than the state of Kansas.  相似文献   

In this study, over 100 phytoclimatic indices and other climatic parameters were calculated using the climatic data from 260 meteorological stations in a Mediterranean territory located in the centre of the Iberian Peninsula. The nature of these indices was very different; some of them expressed general climatic features (e.g. continentality), while others were formulated for different Mediterranean territories and included particular limits of those indices that expressed differences in vegetation distribution. We wanted to know whether all of these indices were able to explain changes in vegetation on a spatial scale, and whether their boundaries worked similarly to the original territory. As they were so numerous, we investigated whether any of them were redundant. To relate vegetation to climate parameters we preferred to use its hierarchical nature, in discrete units (characterized by one or more dominant or co-dominant species), although it is known to vary continuously. These units give clearer results in this kind of phytoclimatic study. We have therefore used the main communities that represent natural potential vegetation. Multivariate and estimative analyses were used as statistical methods. The classification showed different levels of correlation among climatic parameters, but all of them were over 0.5. One hundred and eleven parameters were grouped into five larger groups: temperature (T), annual pluviothermic indices (PTY), summer pluviothermic indices (SPT), winter potential evapotranspiration (WPET) and thermal continentality indices (K). The remaining parameters showed low correlations with these five groups; some of them revealed obvious spatial changes in vegetation, such as summer hydric parameters that were zero in most vegetation types but not in high mountain vegetation. Others showed no clear results. For example, the Kerner index, an index of thermal continentality, showed lower values than expected for certain particular types of vegetation. Parameters relating to the water balance turned out to be very discriminative for separating vegetation types according to the season or the month when water begins to be scarce. Thus, water availability in soils is a limiting factor for the development of vegetation in spring or autumn as well as in summer. As expected, precipitation and temperature discriminated the altitudinal levels of vegetation. Finally, these index limits only worked in the territories where they were formulated, or in nearby areas.  相似文献   

Exploring the relative contribution of spatial factors and environmental variables in shaping communities is of widespread interest in biodiversity conservation and environmental management. Stream communities are hierarchically regulated by environmental variables over multiple spatial scales, and the reaction of different organisms to stressors are still equivocal. We sampled both macroinvertebrates and diatom at 80 sites and additional 10 sites for macroinvertebrates, field measured and laboratory analyzed environmental variables, from the tributaries of Qiantang River, Yangtze River Delta China in 2011. We used PCNM (principal coordinates of neighbor matrices) to generate spatial predictors. We applied redundancy analysis and variation partitioning procedures to identify key spatial and environmental factors, and to quantify their relative roles in shaping diatom and macroinvertebrate assemblages. Our results demonstrated the role of spatial and environmental variables differed in shaping benthic diatom and macroinvertebrate. Diatom assemblage variations were better explained by spatial factors, however macroinvertebrate assemblage variations were better explained by environmental variables. In terms of environmental variables, catchment scale variables (e.g., land use estimators, land use diversity) played the primary role in determining the patterns of both diatom and macroinvertebrate assemblages, whereas the influence of reach-scale variables (e.g., pH, substrates, and nutrients) appeared less. However, nutrients were the stronger factors influencing benthic diatom, whereas physical habitat (e.g., substrates) played more important role than water chemistry in structuring macroinvertebrates. Our results provided more evidence to the incorporation of spatial factors interpreting spatial patterns of stream organisms, and highlighted the useful of multiple organisms and environmental variables at different spatial scales in diagnosing mechanism of stream degradation and in building a sound stream conditions monitoring program for Yangtze River Delta.  相似文献   

玛曲县植被覆被变化及其对环境要素的响应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
植被覆被变化是气象要素和人类活动综合作用的结果,能够反映区域内生态系统的演替趋势。玛曲高寒生态区作为黄河上游重要的水源涵养和补给区,具有维持区域生物多样性和生态安全,保障经济社会健康发展的重要作用,因此厘清该区域植被变化与气候及人类活动等环境要素的相互关系有助于为玛曲县生态治理与恢复提供科学参考。鉴于此,以2000-2015年MODIS/NDVI数据为基础,结合同期气象与人类活动数据,应用趋势分析法、相关分析以及通径分析等方法,分析了玛曲县植被NDVI的时空变化规律,并详细探讨了气象要素和人类活动对植被覆被变化的影响。结果表明:(1)2000-2015年玛曲县NDVI呈波动上升趋势,上升速率为0.01015/10a;各土地利用/覆被类型中,增加幅度由大到小依次为高山稀疏植被、湿地、沙化草甸、山地疏林地、高寒草甸、亚高山硬叶灌丛、亚高山阔叶灌丛和高寒草原;增加面积占相应地类总面积比例由大到小分别是高山稀疏植被(75.57%)、山地疏林地(71.45%)、沙化草甸(71.18%)、湿地(70.66%)、高寒草甸(68.15%)、亚高山硬叶灌丛(66.96%)、亚高山阔叶灌丛(66.24%)和高寒草原(66.05%);(2)气象要素中,气温与NDVI间具有显著正相关(P < 0.05),是影响植被覆被的决定性因子,利于植被的生长与发育;降水与NDVI间相关不显著(P > 0.05),对植被覆被的影响较小;(3)人类活动要素中,与放牧强度密切相关的大牲畜存栏数和羊存栏数是植被生长的主控因子,其中大牲畜存栏数呈显著的抑制作用(P < 0.05),羊存栏数具有较强的促进作用(P < 0.05);(4)通径分析发现,气温、大牲畜存栏数和羊存栏数的决定系数依次为0.3005,-0.0563和0.0128,说明气温对NDVI的综合作用强度最高、大牲畜存栏数次之,羊存栏数最低;此外,剩余通径系数为0.53。该数值较大,表明仍有部分对NDVI增加存在影响的环境要素未考虑到,需在今后的研究中给予关注。  相似文献   

北方土石山区典型树种耗水特征及环境影响因子   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究北方土石山区植物耗水特征和环境影响因子对于构建稳定的植被生态系统具有重要意义,能够为当地植被恢复策略提供科学指导。在北京林业大学西山试验林场于2016年7月至10月利用热扩散探针的方法,结合同步观测的土壤含水率和气象因子,对刺槐和油松人工混交林进行蒸腾观测和分析。结果表明:(1)尽管刺槐和油松蒸腾的日变化规律相近,但二者蒸腾的季节变化规律不同;(2)两个树种蒸腾与VPD(饱和水汽压差)成顺时针时滞。刺槐蒸腾与太阳辐射成顺时针时滞,油松则成逆时针时滞;(3)二者与大气环境的耦合程度均较高(Ω0.1),其气孔活动能够有效地控制蒸腾;(4)影响植物蒸腾的主要环境因子为太阳辐射(P0.01)、VPD(P0.01)和风速(P0.01),其中由VPD引起的蒸腾量高于太阳辐射;(5)浅层土壤(0—50cm)的水分条件可能并不是影响植物蒸腾的重要因素。研究表明,在实际管理中可以采取调控气孔导度的手段来减少刺槐和油松人工林的耗水量,来降低水分这一人工林成活的限制因子,从而提高造林成活率。  相似文献   

Factors determining changes in species composition of arable field weed vegetation in the northeastern part of the Czech Republic were studied. Gradsect sampling, i.e. a priori stratified selection of sampling sites, was used for the field research. Using this method, a data set of 174 vegetation plots, covering a whole range of basic environmental characteristics in the study area, was compiled in 2001–2003. A set of environmental variables (altitude, annual precipitation, mean annual temperature, soil type, soil pH and crop type) together with date of sampling was obtained for each plot. Ordination methods were used to determine the effects of variables on arable weed composition. For each variable, the gross and net effect on weed species composition were calculated. All variables considered in this study had a significant effect on weed species composition and explained 7.25% of the total variation in species data. Major changes in weed species composition in the study area were associated with different crop types. The second most important gradient in the variability of weed vegetation in the study area was associated with altitudinal and climatic changes followed by seasonal changes and different soil types and pH. Our results show that on a regional scale, the relative importance of different crop types and their associated management on changes in arable weed species composition is higher than the relative importance of climatic variables. The relative importance of climatic variables decreases with their decreasing length of gradient.  相似文献   

【目的】开展拉鲁湿地水体酵母菌多样性研究,探究理化因子与酵母菌群落结构的相互关系。【方法】采用原位培养法从拉鲁湿地11个水样中分离酵母菌,应用26S r RNA D1/D2区域序列分析,并结合经典分类法对获得的菌株进行分类鉴定,运用SPSS和CANOCO软件分析酵母菌多样性及其与环境因子相关性。【结果】从拉鲁湿地水体中分离得到169株酵母菌,鉴定分属为15个属31个种。优势种为Ustilentyloma graminis和Filobasidium magnum,优势属为Naganishia、Ustilentyloma、Filobasidium和Cystofibasidium。统计分析结果表明,化学需氧量(COD)是影响拉鲁湿地水体酵母菌数量的显著因素,另外,此理化因子是影响Ustilentyloma分布的重要环境条件。【结论】西藏拉鲁湿地酵母菌资源比较丰富,且存在明显的空间异质性。  相似文献   

特定环境和土地利用因素对酸性草原植被影响的时空建模酸性草原受到了农业集约化作业(伴随着养分添加)、牲畜密度增加以及土地撂荒等多种因素的威胁。为了认识和量化所选环境和土地利用因子对酸性草地植被观测变化的影响,本研究采用结构方程模型拟合了大尺度时空精度植被覆盖监测数据。通过分层模型结构将测量和采样不确定性的重要来源纳入其中。此外,本研究也将测量和采样的不确定性与过程的不确定性分离,这在生成可能反馈给当地保护管理决策的生态预测时有着重要的意义。研究结果表明,一般而言,大气氮沉降的增加会导致非禾本草本植物的盖度,取而代之的会是更多的以禾草植物为主的酸性草原生境。沙质土壤的酸性相对较强,而土壤类型既会对植被构成直接的影响,也会通过影响土壤pH值的方式对植被产生间接影响。土壤的类型和土壤的pH值都会对酸性草原上的植被造成影响。对于植被覆盖情况在时间上的变化,尽管该模型仅解释了其中相对较小的一部分,但在使用该模型对局部生态状况进行预测并制定具有自适应性的管理计划时,对不确定性的量化仍然是有价值的。  相似文献   

滑坡和泥石流灾害与环境因子的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
明确滑坡和泥石流灾害发生百分率与地学因子间的关系,对相关预报和危险度评价研究具有重要意义.基于全国18431个滑坡和泥石流灾害点的定位信息,结合1 km×1 km栅格内6个环境因子(高程、高差、坡度、坡向、植被类型、植被覆盖度)的空间分布数据,利用频率比数分析方法分析了这些环境因子与滑坡和泥石流灾害的关系.结果表明:滑坡和泥石流更多地分布于我国三大自然阶梯的第1和第2过渡带中海拔较低的地区;1 km×1 km栅格内高程差为300 m时,滑坡和泥石流灾害发生的可能性最大;当坡度为30°时,滑坡和泥石流灾害爆发的可能性最大;山区林地和坡耕地是最易发生滑坡和泥石流的两个地类;植被覆盖度在80%~90%时,滑坡和泥石流灾害的发生频率最高.  相似文献   

丹江口水库水滨带植物群落空间分布及环境解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘瑞雪  陈龙清  史志华 《生态学报》2015,35(4):1208-1216
探讨了环境因素对丹江口水库(南水北调中线水源地)水滨带植物群落空间分布的影响。通过对水滨带植物群落和环境因素的实地调查,用双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN)对201个水滨带植物群落进行分类;结合地形、土壤和水文因素用除趋势典范对应分析法(DCCA)分析环境因素对水滨带植物群落的影响;并对环境因素的解释能力进行定量分离。结果表明:(1)水滨带植物群落包括7种类型,分别是萹蓄群落、苘麻群落、细叶水芹+狗牙根群落、狗牙根群落、响叶杨-狗牙根群落、杜梨-白刺花-狗牙根群落和侧柏-牡荆-三穗苔草群落;(2)海拔和水淹影响对水滨带植物群落空间分布具有主导作用。海拔升高,水淹影响减弱,植物群落呈现由草本植物群落向木本植物群落变化的格局;(3)土壤因素的解释能力大于地形因素,水文因素的解释能力最小。各类环境因素之间存在交互作用,地形、水文和土壤因素三者间的交互作用最大,地形和土壤因素之间的交互作用最小。环境因素共解释水滨带植物群落空间分布的21.99%,未解释部分为78.01%。结果证明环境对植被的解释能力是由植被的复杂程度决定的,植被越复杂,环境的解释能力越低。  相似文献   

We examined how environmental factors combined with the diverse ways of the extensive management of mesic mountain grasslands affect species composition and diversity in the Polish part of Central Sudetes Mts. Based on the data from 100 research plots altitude, organic matter content and exchangeable magnesium in the soil, as well as the maximum soil water capacity and amount of sand fraction significantly affected species composition. Among the management methods, a significant effect on the differentiation of species composition was observed following the cessation of usage and mowing. Mown meadows had the highest share of forbs in the biomass, whereas those abandoned ones were dominated by tall and expansive grasses, mainly Calamagrostis epigejos. The species richest grasslands occurred in areas with soils of high water capacity, containing high concentrations of calcium and low amounts of total nitrogen. No significant effect of management methods on the total number of species as well as on the number of forb species was observed. Mown pastures had the highest mean value of the Shannon–Wiener diversity index.  相似文献   

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