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In whole slide imaging (WSI), normally only a one layer imaging of the slide is performed. Autofocus at multiple positions is usually required. But defocus blur still exists due to tissue folding or specimen thickness. Repeated Z-stack scan be applied here, which, however, is too time consuming. Here, a high throughput slanted scanning WSI system is reported. In this system, the slide surface was slanted 1° relative to the focal plane. Thus, the focal plane spanned multiple layers of the sample. By moving the slide, multi-layer image data of the sample can be acquired simultaneously at a time frame comparable to conventional 1-layer imaging. With image fusion, defocus blur can be avoided. High quality and fast imaging of both cytological and histological slide specimens was demonstrated without applying aberration correction. The system can be a highly efficient way for the application of WSI in digital pathology.  相似文献   

We combined Michelson‐interferometer‐based off‐axis digital holographic microscopy (DHM) with a common flow cytometry (FCM) arrangement. Utilizing object recognition procedures and holographic autofocusing during the numerical reconstruction of the acquired off‐axis holograms, sharply focused quantitative phase images of suspended cells in flow were retrieved without labeling, from which biophysical cellular features of distinct cells, such as cell radius, refractive index and dry mass, can be subsequently retrieved in an automated manner. The performance of the proposed concept was first characterized by investigations on microspheres that were utilized as test standards. Then, we analyzed two types of pancreatic tumor cells with different morphology to further verify the applicability of the proposed method for quantitative live cell imaging. The retrieved biophysical datasets from cells in flow are found in good agreement with results from comparative investigations with previously developed DHM methods under static conditions, which demonstrates the effectiveness and reliability of our approach. Our results contribute to the establishment of DHM in imaging FCM and prospect to broaden the application spectrum of FCM by providing complementary quantitative imaging as well as additional biophysical cell parameters which are not accessible in current high‐throughput FCM measurements.  相似文献   

Light‐sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) is a powerful tool for biological studies because it allows for optical sectioning of dynamic samples with superior temporal resolution. However, LSFM using 2 orthogonally co‐aligned objectives requires a special sample geometry, and volumetric imaging speed is limited due to physical sample translation. This paper describes an oblique scanning 2‐photon LSFM (OS‐2P‐LSFM) that eliminates these limitations by using a single objective near the sample and a refractive scanning‐descanning system. This system also provides improved light‐sheet confinement against scattering by using a 2‐photon Bessel beam. The OS‐2P‐LSFM hold promise for studying structural, functional and dynamic aspects of living tissues and organisms because it allows for high‐speed, translation‐free and scattering‐robust 3D imaging of large biological specimens.   相似文献   

Multispectral and hyperspectral imaging (HSI) are emerging optical imaging techniques with the potential to transform the way surgery is performed but it is not clear whether current systems are capable of delivering real‐time tissue characterization and surgical guidance. We conducted a systematic review of surgical in vivo label‐free multispectral and HSI systems that have been assessed intraoperatively in adult patients, published over a 10‐year period to May 2018. We analysed 14 studies including 8 different HSI systems. Current in‐vivo HSI systems generate an intraoperative tissue oxygenation map or enable tumour detection. Intraoperative tissue oxygenation measurements may help to predict those patients at risk of postoperative complications and in‐vivo intraoperative tissue characterization may be performed with high specificity and sensitivity. All systems utilized a line‐scanning or wavelength‐scanning method but the spectral range and number of spectral bands employed varied significantly between studies and according to the system's clinical aim. The time to acquire a hyperspectral cube dataset ranged between 5 and 30 seconds. No safety concerns were reported in any studies. A small number of studies have demonstrated the capabilities of intraoperative in‐vivo label‐free HSI but further work is needed to fully integrate it into the current surgical workflow.   相似文献   

Whole‐organ and whole‐body optical tissue clearing methods allowing imaging in 3 dimensions are an area of profound research interest. Originally developed to study nervous tissue, they have been successfully applied to all murine organs, yet clearing and imaging of rat peripheral organs is less advanced. Here, a modification of CUBIC clearing protocol is presented. It provides a rapid and simple approach to clear the entire adult rat organism and thus all organs within as little as 4 days. Upgraded perfusion‐based rat CUBIC protocol preserves both anatomical structure of organs and signal from proteinaceous fluorophores, and furthermore is compatible with antibody staining. Finally, it enables also volumetric cells analyses and is tailored for staining of calcium deposits within unsectioned soft tissues.   相似文献   

Light‐sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) allows volumetric live imaging at high‐speed and with low photo‐toxicity. Various LSFM modalities are commercially available, but their size and cost limit their access by the research community. A new method, termed sub‐voxel‐resolving (SVR) light‐sheet add‐on microscopy (SLAM), is presented to enable fast, resolution‐enhanced light‐sheet fluorescence imaging from a conventional wide‐field microscope. This method contains two components: a miniature add‐on device to regular wide‐field microscopes, which contains a horizontal laser light‐sheet illumination path to confine fluorophore excitation at the vicinity of the focal plane for optical sectioning; an off‐axis scanning strategy and a SVR algorithm that utilizes sub‐voxel spatial shifts to reconstruct the image volume that results in a twofold increase in resolution. SLAM method has been applied to observe the muscle activity change of crawling C. elegans, the heartbeat of developing zebrafish embryo, and the neural anatomy of cleared mouse brains, at high spatiotemporal resolution. It provides an efficient and cost‐effective solution to convert the vast number of in‐service microscopes for fast 3D live imaging with voxel‐super‐resolved capability.  相似文献   

Total internal reflection fluorescence excitation (TIRF) microscopy allows the selective observation of fluorescent molecules in immediate proximity to an interface between different refractive indices. Objective‐type or prism‐less TIRF excitation is typically achieved with laser light sources. We here propose a simple, yet optically advantageous light‐emitting diode (LED)‐based implementation of objective‐type TIRF (LED‐TIRF). The proposed LED‐TIRF condenser is affordable and easy to set up at any epifluorescence microscope to perform multicolor TIRF and/or combined TIRF‐epifluorescence imaging with even illumination of the entire field of view. Electrical control of LED light sources replaces mechanical shutters or optical modulators. LED‐TIRF microscopy eliminates safety burdens that are associated with laser sources, offers favorable instrument lifetime and stability without active cooling. The non‐coherent light source and the type of projection eliminate interference fringing and local scattering artifacts that are associated with conventional laser‐TIRF. Unlike azimuthal spinning laser‐TIRF, LED‐TIRF does not require synchronization between beam rotation and the camera and can be monitored with either global or rolling shutter cameras. Typical implementations, such as live cell multicolor imaging in TIRF and epifluorescence of imaging of short‐lived, localized translocation events of a Ca2+‐sensitive protein kinase C α fusion protein are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Label‐free quantitative imaging is highly desirable for studying live cells by extracting pathophysiological information without perturbing cell functions. Here, we demonstrate a novel label‐free multimodal optical imaging system with the capability of providing comprehensive morphological and molecular attributes of live cells. Our morpho‐molecular microscopy (3M) system draws on the combined strength of quantitative phase microscopy (QPM) and Raman microscopy to probe the morphological features and molecular fingerprinting characteristics of each cell under observation. While the commonr‐path geometry of our QPM system allows for highly sensitive phase measurement, the Raman microscopy is equipped with dual excitation wavelengths and utilizes the same detection and dispersion system, making it a distinctive multi‐wavelength system with a small footprint. We demonstrate the applicability of the 3M system by investigating nucleated and nonnucleated cells. This integrated label‐free platform has a promising potential in preclinical research, as well as in clinical diagnosis in the near future.   相似文献   

Two blue emitters based on fluorene‐bridged quinazoline and quinoxaline derivatives were prepared via the Suzuki reaction. Their photoluminescent properties were investigated. Furthermore, theoretical studies on these materials using the density functional theory calculation were conducted. To explore their electroluminescent properties, multilayered organic light‐emitting diodes were fabricated with the following device structure: indium–tin–oxide (180 nm)/4,4′‐bis(N‐(1‐naphthyl)‐N‐phenylamino)biphenyl (50 nm)/blue emitting materials ( 1 and 2 ) (30 nm)/bathophenanthroline (35 nm)/8‐hydroxy‐quinolinato lithium (2 nm)/Al (100 nm). Two devices showed efficient blue emission with the external quantum efficiencies of 1.58% and 1.30%, respectively, at 20 mA/cm2, and Commission Internationale dÉclairage coordinates of (0.18, 0.24) and (0.19, 0.27) at 6.0 V. These results suggest that the self‐aggregation properties of emitters would have considerable effects on their photoluminescent and electroluminescent properties.  相似文献   

New blue‐emitting materials based on 1,2‐diphenylindolizine were designed and synthesized through a microwave‐assisted Suzuki coupling reaction. The photophysical, electrochemical, and thermal properties of the 1,2‐diphenylindolizine derivatives were investigated using UV–visible and fluorescence spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry, thermogravimetric analysis, and differential scanning calorimetry. The 1,2‐diphenylindolizine derivatives had band gaps of 3.1–3.4 eV and indicated proper emission of around 450 nm without significant difference between in solution and thin solid film. The indolizine derivatives show an enhanced thermal stability (?Tm > 100 °C), compared with 1,2‐diphenylindolizine. These results suggest the 1,2‐diphenylindolizine derivatives are suitable for blue‐emitting materials in organic light‐emitting devices. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Optical tissue clearing is a method allowing post‐mortem deep imaging of organs in three dimensions. By optimizing the CUBIC clearing protocol, the authors provide rapid and simple approach to clear the entire adult rat organism within as little as four days, which is accompanied by the variety of its staining and imaging techniques. The image was captured with polarizers and demonstrates transparent rodent heart with thread‐like crystals of clearing reagent. Further details can be found in the article by Pawe? Matryba et al. ( e201700248 ).


Light is an indispensable part of routine laboratory work in which conventional light is generally used. Light‐emitting diodes (LEDs) have come to replace conventional light, and thus could be a potent target in biomedical studies. Since blue light is a major component of visible light wavelength, in this study, using a somatic cell from the African green monkey kidney, we assessed the possible consequences of the blue spectra of LED light in future animal experiments and proposed a potent mitigation against light‐induced damage. COS‐7 cells were exposed to blue LED light (450 nm) and the growth and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage were assessed at different exposure times. A higher suppression in cell growth and viability was observed under a longer period of blue LED light exposure. The number of apoptotic cells increased as the light exposure time was prolonged. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation was also elevated in accordance to the extension of light exposure time. A comparison with dark‐maintained cells revealed that the upregulation of ROS by blue LED light plays a significant role in causing cellular dysfunction in DNA in a time‐dependent manner. In turn, antioxidant treatment has been shown to improve cell growth and viability under blue LED light conditions. This indicates that antioxidants have potential against blue LED light‐induced somatic cell damage. It is expected that this study will contribute to the understanding of the basic mechanism of somatic cell death under visible light and maximize the beneficial use of LED light in future animal experiments.  相似文献   

Intraoperative margin assessment of surgical tissues during cancer surgery is clinically important, especially in the case of tissue conserving surgery like Mohs micrographic surgery in which minimization of the surgical area is considered crucial. Frozen pathology is the gold standard of assessing excised tissues for signs of remaining cancerous lesions. The current protocol, however, is time‐consuming and labor‐intensive. Instead of the complex frozen sectioning, staining, and traditional white light microscopy imaging protocol, optically sectioned histopathological imaging of hematoxylin‐eosin stained whole‐mount skin tissues with a subfemtoliter resolution is demonstrated by using nonlinear microscopy in this study. With our proposed method, the reagents of staining and the contrast of imaging are fully consistent with the current clinical standard of frozen pathology, thus facilitating rapid intraoperative assessment of surgical tissues for future applications. Image: Slide‐free nonlinear microscopy imaging of H&E stained whole‐mount skin tissue showing the morphology of sweat glands.   相似文献   

Skin carcinoma such as melanoma (MM) and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) are considered as the highest mortality and the most aggressive skin cancers in dermatology. In view that early diagnosis and treatment can greatly improve the survival rate and life quality of the patients, developing noninvasive and effective evaluation methods is of great significance for the detection and identification of early stage cutaneous cancers. In this article, we propose a hybrid photoacoustic and hyperspectral dual‐modality microscopy to evaluate and differentiate skin carcinoma by structural and multiphysiological parameters. The proposed system's imaging abilities are verified by mimic phantoms and normal mice experiments. Furthermore, in vivo characterization and evaluation results of MM and cSCC mice are obtained successfully, which prove this novel method could be used as a reliable and useful method for skin cancer detection in early stages.  相似文献   

In this study, CuS nanoparticles with optical absorption covering both near‐infrared I (NIR‐I) and NIR‐II biological windows were prepared and served as the contrast agents for multispectral photoacoustic imaging. The physiological parameters including concentrations of deoxyhemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin as well as the water content in the tumor location were quantified based on the multispectral photoacoustic reconstruction method. More importantly, the concentration of CuS nanoparticles/drugs accumulated in the tumor was also recovered after intravenously injection, which are essential for image‐guided cancer theranostics. In addition, phantom and in vivo experimental tests were performed to inspect and compare the imaging depth and signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) between the two NIR biological windows. Interestingly, we discovered that a higher SNR was obtained in the NIR‐II window than that in the NIR‐I window. Meanwhile, the multispectral imaging results also demonstrated that the imaging contrast and penetration depth in the NIR‐II window were also significantly improved as compared to those from the NIR‐I window.   相似文献   

This study characterizes the scatter‐specific tissue contrast that can be obtained by high spatial frequency (HSF) domain imaging and cross‐polarization (CP) imaging, using a standard color imaging system, and how combining them may be beneficial. Both HSF and CP approaches are known to modulate the sensitivity of epi‐illumination reflectance images between diffuse multiply scattered and superficially backscattered photons, providing enhanced contrast from microstructure and composition than what is achieved by standard wide‐field imaging. Measurements in tissue‐simulating optical phantoms show that CP imaging returns localized assessments of both scattering and absorption effects, while HSF has uniquely specific sensitivity to scatter‐only contrast, with a strong suppression of visible contrast from blood. The combination of CP and HSF imaging provided an expanded sensitivity to scatter compared with CP imaging, while rejecting specular reflections detected by HSF imaging. ex vivo imaging of an atlas of dissected rodent organs/tissues demonstrated the scatter‐based contrast achieved with HSF, CP and HSF‐CP imaging, with the white light spectral signal returned by each approach translated to a color image for intuitive encoding of scatter‐based contrast within images of tissue. The results suggest that visible CP‐HSF imaging could have the potential to aid diagnostic imaging of lesions in skin or mucosal tissues and organs, where just CP is currently the standard practice imaging modality.   相似文献   

In acoustic‐resolution photoacoustic microscopy (AR‐PAM) systems, the lateral resolution in the focal zone of the ultrasound (US) transducer is determined by the numerical aperture (NA) of the transducer. To have a high lateral resolution, a large NA is used. However, the larger the NA, the smaller the depth of focus [DOF]. As a result, the lateral resolution is deteriorated at depths out of the focal region. The synthetic aperture focusing technique (SAFT) along with a beamformer can be used to improve the resolution outside the focal region. In this work, for image formation in AR‐PAM, we propose the double‐stage delay‐multiply‐and‐sum (DS_DMAS) algorithm to be combined with SAFT. The proposed method is evaluated experimentally using hair targets and in vivo vasculature imaging. It is shown that DS_DMAS provides a higher resolution and contrast compared to other methods. For the B‐mode images obtained using the hair phantom, the proposed method reduces the average noise level for all the depths by about 134%, 57% and 23%, compared to the original low‐ resolution, SAFT+DAS and SAFT+DMAS methods, respectively. All the results indicate that the proposed method can be an appropriate algorithm for image formation in AR‐PAM systems.   相似文献   

A series of Ba2P2O7:xEu2+,yCe3+,zTb3+ phosphors was synthesized via a co‐precipitation method, then their crystal structure, quantum efficiency and luminescent properties were analyzed by XRD and FL, respectively. The results showed that these phosphors not only presented the excitation characteristics of Ba2P2O7:xEu2+,zTb3+, but also exhibited that of the Ba2P2O7:yCe3+,zTb3+ phosphor. Meanwhile, the tri‐doped phosphor showed a stronger absorption around 320 nm in contrast with the Eu2+/Ce3+:Tb3+ co‐doped phosphor. Not only can energy transfer from Ce3+→Eu2+ be observed; the energy transfer mechanism from Eu2+ to Tb3+ is discussed in the tri‐doped system. Ce3+ affects the luminescence properties of Ba2P2O7:xEu2+,yCe3+,zTb3+ phosphors just as the sensitizer whereas Eu2+ is considered both as the sensitizer and the activator. The chromaticity coordinates of tri‐doped phosphors excited at 320 nm stayed steadily in the bluish‐white light region,and the emitted color and color temperature (CCT) of these phosphors could be tuned by adjusting the relative contents of Eu2+, Ce3+ and Tb3+. Hence, the single phase Ba2P2O7:xEu2+,yCe3+,zTb3+ phosphors may be considered as potential candidates for white light‐emitting diodes.  相似文献   

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