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In this study, we use dual‐wavelength optical imaging‐based laser speckle technique to assess cerebral blood flow and metabolic parameters in a mouse model of acute hyperglycemia (high blood glucose). The effect of acute glucose levels on physiological processes has been extensively described in multiple organ systems such as retina, kidney, and others. We postulated that hyperglycemia also alters brain function, which in turn can be monitored optically using dual‐wavelength laser speckle imaging (DW‐LSI) platform. DW‐LSI is a wide‐field, noncontact optical imaging modality that integrates the principles of laser flowmetry and oximetry to obtain macroscopic information such as hemoglobin concentration and blood flow. A total of eight mice (C57/BL6) were used, randomized into two groups of normoglycemia (control, n = 3) and hyperglycemia (n = 5). Hyperglycemia was induced by intraperitoneal injection of a commonly used anesthetic drug combining ketamine and xylazine (KX combo). We found that this KX combo increases blood glucose (BG) levels from 150 to 350 mg/dL, approximately, when measured 18 minutes post‐administration. BG continues to increase throughout the test period, with BG reaching an average of 463 ± 20.34 mg/dL within 60 minutes. BG levels were measured every 10 minutes from tail blood using commercially available glucometer. Experimental results demonstrated reductions in cerebral blood flow (CBF) by 55%, tissue oxygen saturation (SO2) by 15%, and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) by 75% following acute hyperglycemia. The observed decrease in these parameters was consistent with results reported in the literature, measured by a variety of experimental techniques. Measurements with laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) were also performed which confirmed a reduction in CBF following acute hyperglycemia. In summary, our findings indicate that acute hyperglycemia modified brain hemodynamic response and induced significant changes in blood flow and metabolism. As far as we are aware, the implementation of the DW‐LSI to monitor brain hemodynamic and metabolic response to acute hyperglycemia in intact mouse brain has not been previously reported.   相似文献   

The impairments of cerebral blood flow microcirculation brought on by cardiac and respiratory arrest were assessed with multi-modal diagnostic facilities, utilising laser speckle contrast imaging, fluorescence spectroscopy and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The results of laser speckle contrast imaging show a notable reduction of cerebral blood flow in small and medium size vessels during a few minutes of respiratory arrest, while the same effect was observed in large sinuses and their branches during the circulatory cessation. Concurrently, the redox ratio assessed with fluorescence spectroscopy indicates progressing hypoxia, NADH accumulation and increase of FAD consumption. The results of diffuse reflectance spectra measurements display a more rapid grow of the perfusion of deoxygenated blood in case of circulatory impairment. In addition, consequent histopathological analysis performed by using new tissue staining procedure developed in-house. It shows notably higher reduction of size of the neurons due to their wrinkling within brain tissues influenced by circulation impair. Whereas, the brain tissues altered with the respiratory arrest demonstrate focal perivascular oedema and mild hypoxic changes of neuronal morphology. Thus, the study suggests that consequences of a cessation of cerebral blood flow become more dramatic and dangerous compare to respiratory arrest.  相似文献   

Laser noninvasive methods for assessment of a tissue blood flow (BF), for example, the Laser Doppler Flowmetry (LDF), are well-known today. However, in such methods, low-frequency fluctuations (LFFs) in the registered optical signal caused by blood volume changes inside a tissue have not been studied in details until now. The aim of this study is to investigate the LFFs formation and to justify the LFFs-based diagnostic technique for cutaneous BF assessment. LFFs are theoretically described and experimentally shown in the input LDF signal inside the frequency range 0 to 10 Hz. They are substantiated as the basis of the new diagnostic method, in which BF is defined as the magnitude of blood volume changes in a tissue per unit time. The hand-made prototype of the promising diagnostic tool with light emitted diodes is used to validate the technique in experiments in vivo on 16 healthy volunteers in comparison with the LDF method. Experimental results show a good similarity of the recorded BF for both coherent and incoherent method. The proposed technique makes it possible the creation of inexpensive diagnostic equipment for assessment of cutaneous BF without using lasers and coherent light, completely and functionally comparable to LDF devices.  相似文献   

There is a need for quantitative biomarkers for early diagnosis of autism. Cerebral blood flow and oxidative metabolism parameters may show superior contrasts for improved characterization. Diffuse correlation spectroscopy (DCS) has been shown to be reliable method to obtain cerebral blood flow contrast in animals and humans. Thus, in this study, we evaluated the combination of DCS and fNIRS in an established autism mouse model. Our results indicate that autistic group had significantly (P = .001) lower (~40%) blood flow (1.16 ± 0.26) × 10−8 cm2/s), and significantly (P = .015) lower (~70%) oxidative metabolism (52.4 ± 16.6 μmol/100 g/min) compared to control group ([1.93 ± 0.74] × 10−8 cm2/s, 177.2 ± 45.8 μmol/100 g/min, respectively). These results suggest that the combination of DCS and fNIRS can provide hemodynamic and metabolic contrasts for in vivo assessment of autism pathological conditions noninvasively.  相似文献   

高时空分辨的脑功能光学成像研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脑功能成像技术对深入分析脑的信息加工过程,揭示脑的高级功能至关重要,是目前国际研究热点,已经在神经科学研究和神经系统疾病的临床诊断方面取得了很大的进展.已有脑功能成像技术如:功能磁共振成像(fMRI)、正电子断层成像(PET)、脑电图(EEG)、脑磁图(MEG)等等,虽然已被成功用于脑功能研究,但是目前这些方法也存在着时间或空间分辨率不够的局限.比较而言,光学成像方法表现出其独特魅力.激光散斑衬比成像和内源信号光学成像由于能提供空间取样、时间分辨率及空间分辨率三者的最佳组合和不需加入外源性标记物等特点,与其他脑功能成像技术相比其优势可能更为突出.具有较高的时间和空间分辨率的这两种脑功能光学成像技术及其应用都取得了重大发展,成为研究脑皮层功能构筑和脑病理生理的有力工具.但是目前这两种成像方法也面临着一些挑战.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of selective hypothermia of the brain (brain cooling) on regional cerebral blood flow and tissue metabolism, we have developed a brain thermo-regulator. Brain temperature was modulated by a water-cooled metallic plate placed on the surface of the rats' scalp to get the appropriate brain temperature precisely with ease. Regional cerebral blood flow and brain temperature were measured simultaneously using a Teflon-coated platinum electrode and thermocouple probe inserted stereotaxically into the parietal cortex and thalamus in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Experimental forebrain ischemia was induced by the occlusion of bilateral common carotid artery under normo- and hypothermic brain condition, and the supratentorial brain tissue metabolites were measured enzymatically after 60 min of forebrain ischemia. When cortical temperature was set to hypothermia, cortical blood flow was significantly lowered by 40% at 30°C and 20% at 33°C as compared with that at 36°C (p < 0.0001 and p < 0.05, respectively). Thalamic blood flow was also significantly reduced by 20% when cortical temperature was set to 30°C as compared with 36°C (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences in arterial blood pressure and gas parameters throughout these experiments. In the rats with selective brain hypothermia (30°C) immediately after the induction of cerebral ischemia, the level of brain ATP concentration after 60 min of ischemia was significantly higher than that in normothermia rats (36°C) (p < 0.05). Our findings indicate that: 1) the metallic plate brain thermo-regulator is useful in small animal experiments; 2) regional brain temperature regulates regional cerebral blood flow; and 3) selective brain hypothermia, even started after the forebrain ischemia, ameliorates the derangement of brain metabolism, suggesting its effectiveness as a cytoprotective strategy.  相似文献   

Cortical spreading depression (CSD) has been observed during the early phase of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). However, the effect of CSD on the cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral oxyhemoglobin (CHbO) during the early phase of SAH has not yet been assessed directly. We, therefore, used laser speckle imaging and optical intrinsic sinal imaging to record CBF and CHbO during CSD and cerebral cortex perfusion (CCP) at 24 hours after CSD in a mouse model of SAH. SAH was induced by blood injection into the prechiasmatic cistern. When CSD occurred, the change trend of CBF and CHbO in Sham group and SAH group was the same, but ischemia and hypoxia in SAH group was more significant. At 24 hours after SAH, the CCP of CSD group was lower than that of no CSD group, and the neurological function score of CSD group was lower. We conclude that induction of CSD further aggravates cerebral ischemia and worsens neurological dysfunction in the early stage of experimental SAH. Our study underscores the consequence of CSD in the development of early brain injury after SAH.  相似文献   

Studies by laser-Doppler flowmetry of middle ear microcirculation changes induced by physical and chemical stimuli in the animal have only recently been made. This prospective study, performed in humans, was designed to compare the effects of a postural manoeuvre (headup tilt 30°), hypotension and locally applied vasoconstriction on middle ear blood flow during anaesthesia. Circulatory changes provoked by a headup tilt of 30°, and successive intravenous boluses of potent vasodilators, were compared with circulatory changes provoked by locally applied adrenaline, in ten healthy patients in good physical states undergoing middle ear surgical repair. Heart rate and direct arterial pressure were continuously recorded via a radial artery cannula. Middle ear blood flow was continuously recorded via a laser-Doppler probe placed on the promontorium cavi tympani. Metabolic parameters (partial pressure of O2 and CO2 in arterial blood, pH, arterial lactate concentrations) and arterial concentrations of propofol were measured just before and just after the experiment. Headup tilt did not modify heart rate, mean arterial pressure or middle ear blood flow. Vasodilators (nicardipine, nitroprusside, nitroglycerin) provoked a fall in arterial pressure (P<0.0001,P<0.0001,P<0.019, respectively), but did not induce any significant variations in heart rate; variations occurred in middle ear blood flow (P>0.05, not significant) which were different according to patients and agents. Locally applied adrenaline provoked a fall in the middle ear blood flow (P<0.0012), with no effect on heart rate and arterial pressure. There were no significant changes in metabolic values, or propofol serum concentrations. The behaviour of the middle ear blood flow submitted to hypotension, posture, or to vasoconstriction could be related to counteracting regulatory responses and/or to direct vascular effects.  相似文献   

The dynamic light scattering methods are widely used in biomedical diagnostics involving evaluation of blood flow. However, there exist some difficulties in quantitative interpretation of backscattered light signals from the viewpoint of diagnostic information. This study considers the application of the high‐speed videocapillaroscopy (VCS) method that provides the direct measurement of the red blood cells (RBCs) velocity into a capillary. The VCS signal presents true oscillation nature of backscattered light caused by moving RBCs. Thus, the VCS signal can be assigned as a reference one with respect to more complicated signals like in laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF). An essential correlation between blood flow velocity oscillations in a separate human capillary and the integral perfusion estimate obtained by the LDF method has been found. The observation of blood flow by the VCS method during upper arm occlusion has shown emergence of the reverse blood flow effect in capillaries that corresponds to the biological zero signal in the LDF. The reverse blood flow effect has to be taken into account in interpretation of LDF signals.   相似文献   

The BTBR T+tf/J inbred mouse strain displays a variety of persistent phenotypic alterations similar to those exhibited in autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). The unique genetic background of the BTBR strain is thought to underlie its lack of reciprocal social interactions, elevated repetitive self-directed grooming, and restricted exploratory behaviors. In order to clarify the existence, range, and mechanisms of abnormal repetitive behaviors within BTBR mice, we performed detailed analyses of the microstructure of self-grooming patterns and noted increased overall grooming, higher percentages of interruptions in grooming bouts and a concomitant decrease in the proportion of incorrect sequence transitions compared to C57BL/6J inbred mice. Analyses of active phase home-cage behavior also revealed an increase in stereotypic bar-biting behavior in the BTBR strain relative to B6 mice. Finally, in a novel object investigation task, the BTBR mice exhibited greater baseline preference for specific unfamiliar objects as well as more patterned sequences of sequential investigations of those items. These results suggest that the repetitive, stereotyped behavior patterns of BTBR mice are relatively pervasive and reflect both motor and cognitive mechanisms. Furthermore, other pre-clinical mouse models of ASDs may benefit from these more detailed analyses of stereotypic behavior.  相似文献   

Cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebellar blood flow (CeBF) were measured and correlated with brain lactate, pyruvate and adenosine triphosphate concentrations from groups representing 3-week old suckling (n = 10), 18–22-week old adult (n = 9) and 70-week old aged (n = 7) Sprague-Dawley rats before and during bilateral carotid occlusion (BCO). The steal ratio, calculated as the ratio of %control CBF to %control CeBF, was 1.02 ± 0.06 (mean ± SEM) at 60 minutes of BCO in adult rats that exhibited normal levels of brain metabolites. By contrast, the ratios significantly decreased to 0.74 ± 0.06 in suckling rats and 0.69 ± 0.06 in aged rats with simultaneous increases by 2.4 to 2.9-fold of tissue lactate. Pyruvate and lactate/pyruvate ratio also increased by 1.4 to 1.8 times control in both suckling and aged rats. We conclude that there is age-related steal phenomenon occurring with blood flow during BCO. Ischemic derangement of the brain metabolism is in part related to poor blood supply from the posterior circulation in suckling and aged rats.  相似文献   

Efficient separation of blood and cardiac wall in the beating embryonic heart is essential and critical for experiment‐based computational modelling and analysis of early‐stage cardiac biomechanics. Although speckle variance optical coherence tomography (SV‐OCT) relying on calculation of intensity variance over consecutively acquired frames is a powerful approach for segmentation of fluid flow from static tissue, application of this method in the beating embryonic heart remains challenging because moving structures generate SV signal indistinguishable from the blood. Here, we demonstrate a modified four‐dimensional SV‐OCT approach that effectively separates the blood flow from the dynamic heart wall in the beating mouse embryonic heart. The method takes advantage of the periodic motion of the cardiac wall and is based on calculation of the SV signal over the frames corresponding to the same phase of the heartbeat cycle. Through comparison with Doppler OCT imaging, we validate this speckle‐based approach and show advantages in its insensitiveness to the flow direction and velocity as well as reduced influence from the heart wall movement. This approach has a potential in variety of applications relying on visualization and segmentation of blood flow in periodically moving structures, such as mechanical simulation studies and finite element modelling. Picture : Four‐dimensional speckle variance OCT imaging shows the blood flow inside the beating heart of an E8.5 mouse embryo.  相似文献   

Qualitative impairments in communication, such as delayed language and poor interactive communication skills, are fundamental to the diagnosis of autism. Investigations into social communication in adult BTBR T+tf/J (BTBR) mice are needed to determine whether this inbred strain incorporates phenotypes relevant to the second diagnostic symptom of autism, communication deficits, along with its strong behavioral phenotypes relevant to the first and third diagnostic symptoms, impairments in social interactions and high levels of repetitive behavior. The aim of the present study was to simultaneously measure female urine‐elicited scent marking and ultrasonic vocalizations in adult male BTBR mice, in comparison with a standard control strain with high sociability, C57BL/6J (B6), for the assessment of a potential communication deficit in BTBR. Adult male BTBR mice displayed lower scent marking and minimal ultrasonic vocalization responses to female urine obtained from both B6 and BTBR females. Lower scent marking and ultrasonic vocalizations in a social setting by BTBR, as compared with B6, are consistent with the well‐replicated social deficits in this inbred mouse strain. Our findings support the interpretation that BTBR incorporate communication deficits, and suggest that scent marking and ultrasonic vocalizations offer promising measures of interest in social cues that may be widely applicable to investigations of mouse models of autism.  相似文献   

In this report, an integrated optical platform based on spatial illumination together with laser speckle contrast technique was utilized to measure multiple parameters in live tissue including absorption, scattering, saturation, composition, metabolism, and blood flow. Measurements in three models of tissue injury including drug toxicity, artery occlusion, and acute hyperglycemia were used to test the efficacy of this system. With this hybrid apparatus, a series of structured light patterns at low and high spatial frequencies are projected onto the tissue surface and diffuse reflected light is captured by a CCD camera. A six position filter wheel, equipped with four bandpass filters centered at wavelengths of 650, 690, 800 and 880 nm is placed in front of the camera. Then, light patterns are blocked and a laser source at 650 nm illuminates the tissue while the diffusely reflected light is captured by the camera through the two remaining open holes in the wheel. In this manner, near‐infrared (NIR) and laser speckle images are captured and stored together in the computer for off‐line processing to reconstruct the tissue's properties. Spatial patterns are used to differentiate the effects of tissue scattering from those of absorption, allowing accurate quantification of tissue hemodynamics and morphology, while a coherent light source is used to study blood flow changes, a feature which cannot be measured with the NIR structured light. This combined configuration utilizes the strengths of each system in a complementary way, thus collecting a larger range of sample properties. In addition, once the flow and hemodynamics are measured, tissue oxygen metabolism can be calculated, a property which cannot be measured independently. Therefore, this merged platform can be considered a multiparameter wide‐field imaging and spectroscopy modality. Overall, experiments demonstrate the capability of this spatially coregistered imaging setup to provide complementary, useful information of various tissue metrics in a simple and noncontact manner, making it attractive for use in a variety of biomedical applications.  相似文献   

Local cerebral glucose metabolism (LCMRglc) and local cerebral blood flow (LCBF) were studied following implantation of a microdialysis fiber in rat dorsal hippocampus. Recovery time after implantation varied from 0 to 24 h. All rats showed pronounced disturbances in LCMRglc and LCBF during the first 2 h of implantation. The changes consisted of (a) a general decrease in blood flow and glucose phosphorylation and (b) small areas (spots) around the fiber with increased glucose phosphorylation and decreased blood flow. Animals allowed to recover for 24 h demonstrated a near normalization of LCMRglu and LCBF, and the focal disturbances (spots) of glucose phosphorylation and blood flow disappeared. The slight reduction in blood flow and glucose metabolism at this time must be accepted, because extension of the recovery period beyond 24 h may give interpretation problems due to the developing gliosis.  相似文献   

Fabry disease is an X-linked lysosomal disorder characterized by deficient alpha-galactosidase A activity and intracellular accumulations of glycosphingolipids, mainly globotriaosylceramide (Gb3). Clinically, patients occasionally present CNS dysfunction. To examine the pathophysiology underlying brain dysfunction, we examined glucose utilization (CMR(glc)) and cerebral blood flow (CBF) globally and locally in 18 brain structures in the alpha-galactosidase A gene knockout mouse. Global CMR(glc) was statistically significantly reduced by 22% in Fabry mice (p < 0.01). All 18 structures showed decreases in local CMR(glc) ranging from 14% to 33%. The decreases in all structures of the diencephalon, caudate-putamen, brain stem, and cerebellar cortex were statistically significant (p < 0.05). Global cerebral blood flow (CBF) and local CBF measured in the same 18 structures were lower in Fabry mice than in control mice, but none statistically significantly. Histological examination of brain revealed no cerebral infarcts but abundant Gb3 deposits in the walls of the cerebral vessels with neuronal deposits localized to the medulla oblongata. These results indicate an impairment in cerebral energy metabolism in the Fabry mice, but one not necessarily due to circulatory insufficiency.  相似文献   

Race‐specific differences in the level of glycated hemoglobin are well known. However, these differences were detected by invasive measurement of mean oxygenation, and their understanding remains far from complete. Given that oxygen is delivered to the cells by hemoglobin through the cardiovascular system, a possible approach is to investigate the phase coherence between blood flow and oxygen transportation. Here we introduce a noninvasive optical method based on simultaneous recordings using NIRS, white light spectroscopy and LDF, combined with wavelet‐based phase coherence analysis. Signals were recorded simultaneously for individuals in two groups of healthy subjects, 16 from Sub‐Saharan Africa (BA group) and 16 Europeans (CA group). It was found that the power of myogenic oscillations in oxygenated and de‐oxygenated hemoglobin is higher in the BA group, but that the phase coherence between blood flow and oxygen saturation, or blood flow and hemoglobin concentrations is higher in the CA group  相似文献   

The most consistent neurochemical finding in autism has been elevated group mean levels of blood platelet 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT, serotonin). The origin and significance of this platelet hyperserotonemia remain poorly understood. The 5-HT(1A) receptor plays important roles in the developing brain and is also expressed in the gut, the main source of platelet 5-HT. Post-natal tissue levels of 5-HT, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) and tryptophan were examined in the brain, duodenum and blood of 5-HT(1A) receptor-knockout and wild-type mice. At 3 days after birth, the knockout mice had lower mean brain 5-HT levels and normal mean platelet 5-HT levels. Also, at 3 days after birth, the mean tryptophan levels in the brain, duodenum and blood of the knockout mice were around 30% lower than those of the wild-type mice. By 2 weeks after birth, the mean brain 5-HT levels of the knockout mice normalized, but their mean platelet 5-HT levels became 24% higher than normal. The possible causes of these dynamic shifts were explored by examining correlations between central and peripheral levels of 5-HT, 5-HIAA and tryptophan. The results are discussed in relation to the possible role of 5-HT in the ontogeny of autism.  相似文献   

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