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Mitochondrion plays a significant role in a variety of biological functions. Because of their diverse character and location in the cellular systems, mitochondria commonly get exposed to various extrinsic and intrinsic cellular stresses. The present study reports a novel approach to detection of mitochondrial dysfunction based on tryptophan autofluorescence of its proteins in mouse liver, using laser‐induced fluorescence (LIF) as a tool. Mitochondria, isolated from the mouse liver, were initially tested for purity and integrity using lactate dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) assays. Mitochondrial stress was induced by treating the isolated mitochondria with heavy metals at 10 and 0.01 mM for sodium arsenite and mercuric chloride, respectively. Upon treatment with the heavy metal, tryptophan autofluorescence quenching was recorded at 281 nm excitation. The functional integrity of the mitochondria treated with heavy metals was evaluated by measuring SDH and cytochrome c oxidase activities at various concentrations of mitochondria, which showed impaired activity as compared to control upto a concentration of 6.25 μg. A significant shift was also observed in the autofluorescence of proteins upto the level below 1 μg, suggesting their conformational change and hence altered structural integrity of mitochondria. Circular dichroism spectroscopy data of the mitochondrial proteins treated with heavy metals further validates their conformational change as compared to untreated control. The present study clearly shows that the LIF can be a novel detection tool to detect altered structural integrity of cellular mitochondria upon stress, and it also possesses the potentiality to combine with other interdisciplinary modalities.  相似文献   

We describe a novel, minimally invasive laser technology for skin rejuvenation by creating isolated microscopic lesions within tissue below the epidermis using laser induced optical breakdown. Using an in‐house built prototype device, tightly focused near‐infrared laser pulses are used to create optical breakdown in the dermis while leaving the epidermis intact, resulting in lesions due to cavitation and plasma explosion. This stimulates a healing response and consequently skin remodelling, resulting in skin rejuvenation effects. Analysis of ex‐vivo and in‐vivo treated human skin samples successfully demonstrated the safety and effectiveness of the microscopic lesion creation inside the dermis. Treatments led to mild side effects that can be controlled by small optimizations of the optical skin contact and treatment depth within the skin. The histological results from a limited panel test performed on five test volunteers show evidence of microscopic lesion creation and new collagen formation at the sites of the optical breakdown. This potentially introduces a safe, breakthrough treatment procedure for skin rejuvenation without damaging the epidermis with no or little social down‐time and with efficacy comparable to conventional fractional ablative techniques. (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Small animal deep‐tissue fluorescence imaging in the second Biological Window (II‐BW, 1000–1350 nm) is limited by the presence of undesirable infrared‐excited, infrared‐emitted (900–1700 nm) autofluorescence whose origin, spectral properties and dependence on strains is still unknown. In this work, the infrared autofluorescence and laser‐induced whole body heating of five different mouse strains with distinct coat colors (black, grey, agouti, white and nude) has been systematically investigated. While neither the spectral properties nor the magnitude of organ autofluorescence vary significantly between mouse strains, the coat color has been found to strongly determine both the autofluorescence intensity as well as the laser‐induced whole body heating. Results included in this work reveal mouse strain as a critical parameter that has to be seriously considered in the design and performance of small animal imaging experiments based on infrared‐emitting fluorescent markers.


Collagen‐induced arthritis (CIA) is an animal model for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is known to accelerate CIA; however, the pathogenetic mechanisms are not yet fully understood. In this study, type II collagen (CII)‐immunized mice were found to have marked increases in degree of expression of mRNA of inflammatory mediators such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF‐α), interleukin (IL)‐1β, and macrophage inflammatory protein‐2 (MIP‐2) in their arthritic paws and of serum anti‐CII antibody concentration before the onset of arthritis induced by LPS injection. The gene expression was rapid and continuous after direct activation of nuclear factor κB. The amounts of mRNA of TNF‐α, IL‐1β, and MIP‐2, as well as of matrix metalloproteinases and the receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand, increased with the development of arthritis, correlated positively with clinical severity and corresponded with histopathological changes. Moreover, anti‐TNF‐α neutralizing antibody inhibited the development of LPS‐accelerated CIA and a single injection of recombinant mouse TNF‐α induced increases in anti‐CII antibody concentrations, suggesting TNF‐α may contribute to the development of arthritis by both initiation of inflammation and production of autoantibodies. These data suggest that exacerbation of RA by LPS is associated with rapid and continuous production of inflammatory mediators and autoantibodies.  相似文献   

In this study, the time decay of the chlorophyll fluorescence intensity (TDCFI) of vegetation was measured based on laser‐induced fluorescence (LIF) technology with a 355 nm laser serving as the excitation light source. The pseudo‐color diagram of the TDCFI (PDTDCFIs) was proposed for use as a characteristic fingerprint for the analysis of various plant species based on variations in the fluorescence intensity over time. Compared with the steady‐state fluorescence spectra, two‐dimensional PDTDCFIs contained more spectral information, including variations in both the shape of the laser‐induced fluorescence spectra and the relative intensity. The experimental results demonstrated that the PDTDCFIs of various plant species show distinct differences, and this was successfully applied in the classification of plant species. Therefore, the PDTDCFIs of plants could provide researchers with a more reliable and useful tool for the characterization of vegetation. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the present study, the elemental compositions of fat and nerve tissue during their plasma mediated laser ablation are studied in the context of tissue differentiation for laser surgery applications by using Laser‐Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS). Tissue samples of porcine fat and nerve were prepared as ex vivo experimental objects. Plasma mediated laser ablation is performed using an Nd : YAG laser in open air and under normal stray light conditions. The performed measurements suggest that the two tissue types show a high similarity in terms of qualitative elemental composition while at the same time revealing a distinct difference in the concentration of the constituent elements. Different analysis approaches are evaluated and discussed to optimize the tissue‐differentiation performance of the LIBS approach.

Plasma mediated laser tissue ablation.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). There are limited experimental data on vascular involvement in arthritis models. To study the link between CVD and inflammation in RA, we developed a model of vascular dysfunction and articular inflammation by collagen‐induced arthritis (CIA) in C57Bl/6 (B6) mice. We studied the expression of vascular inflammatory markers in CIA with and without concomitant hyperlipidic diet (HD). Collagen‐induced arthritis was induced with intradermal injection of chicken type‐II collagen followed by a boost 21 days later. Mice with and without CIA were fed a standard diet or an HD for 12 weeks starting from the day of the boost. Arthritis severity was evaluated with a validated clinical score. Aortic mRNA levels of vascular cell adhesion molecule‐1 (VCAM‐1), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and interleukin‐17 were analysed by quantitative RT‐PCR. Vascular cell adhesion molecule‐1 localization in the aortic sinus was determined by immunohistochemistry. Atherosclerotic plaque presence was assessed in aortas. Collagen‐induced arthritis was associated with increased expression of VCAM‐1, independent of diet. VCAM‐1 overexpression was detectable as early as 4 weeks after collagen immunization and persisted after 15 weeks. The HD induced atheroma plaque formation and aortic iNOS expression regardless of CIA. Concomitant CIA and HD had no additive effect on atheroma or VCAM‐1 or iNOS expression. CIA and an HD diet induced a distinct and independent expression of large‐vessel inflammation markers in B6 mice. This model may be relevant for the study of CVD in RA.  相似文献   

Proteolytic degradation of extracellular matrix is one of the principal features of cutaneous wound healing but little is known about the activities of gelatinases; matrix metalloproteinase‐2 (MMP‐2) and matrix metalloproteinase‐9 (MMP‐9) on abnormal scar formation. The aim of this study is to determine collagen levels and the gelatinase activities in tissue from hypertrophic scars, atrophic scars, keloids and donor skin in 36 patients and 14 donors. Gelatinase levels (proenzyme + active enzyme) were determined by ELISA and their activities by gelatin zymography. MMP‐9 activity was undetectable in gelatin zymography analysis. Pro‐MMP‐2 levels (median) were highest in normal skin group 53.58 (36.40–75.11) OD µg?1 protein, while active MMP‐2 levels were highest in keloid group 52.53 (42.47–61.51) OD µg?1 protein. The active/pro ratio was the highest in keloid group 0.97 followed by hypertrophic scar, normal skin and atrophic scar groups 0.69 > 0.54 > 0.48, respectively. According to results of our study, the two‐phase theory of the duration of hypertrophic scar and keloid formation can be supported by the data of tissue collagen and gelatinase analysis. This study is the first to relate scar formation relationship in regard to gelatinase activation ratio in a keloid, hypertrophic and atrophic scar patient group which is chosen appropriate in age and sex. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Solid‐state NMR studies of collagen samples of various origins confirm that the amplitude of collagen backbone and sidechain motions increases significantly on increasing the water content. This conclusion is supported by the changes observed in three different NMR observables: (i) the linewidth dependence on the 1H decoupling frequency; (ii) 13C CSA changes for the peptide carbonyl groups, and (iii) dephasing rates of 1H‐13C dipolar couplings. In particular, a nearly threefold increase in motional amplitudes of the backbone librations about C‐Cα or N‐Cα bonds was found on increasing the added water content up to 47 wt%D2O. On the basis of the frequencies of NMR observables involved, the timescale of the protein motions dependent on the added water content is estimated to be of the order of microseconds. This estimate agrees with that from wideline T2 1H NMR measurements. Also, our wideline 1H NMR measurements revealed that the timescale of the microsecond motions in proteins reduces significantly on increasing the added water content, i.e., an ~15‐fold increase in protein motional frequencies is observed on increasing the added water content to 45 wt% D2O. The observed changes in collagen dynamics is attributed to the increase in water translational diffusion on increasing the amount of added water, which leads to more frequent “bound water/free water” exchange on the protein surface, accompanied by the breakage and formation of new hydrogen bonds with polar functionalities of protein. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 246–256, 2014.  相似文献   

Although there is X‐ray crystallographic evidence that the interaction between major histocompatibility complex (MHC, in humans HLA) class I molecules and T cell receptors (TCR) or killer cell Ig‐like receptors (KIR) may be accompanied by considerable changes in the conformation of selected residues or even entire loops within TCR or KIR, conformational changes between receptor‐bound and ‐unbound MHC class I molecules of comparable magnitude have not been observed so far. We have previously determined the structure of the MHC class I molecule HLA‐A1 bound to a melanoma antigen‐encoding gene (MAGE)‐A1‐derived peptide in complex with a recombinant antibody fragment with TCR‐like specificity, Fab‐Hyb3. Here, we compare the X‐ray structure of HLA‐A1:MAGE‐A1 with that complexed with Fab‐Hyb3 to gain insight into structural changes of the MHC molecule that might be induced by the interaction with the antibody fragment. Apart from the expulsion of several water molecules from the interface, Fab‐Hyb3 binding results in major rearrangements (up to 5.5 Å) of heavy chain residues Arg65, Gln72, Arg145, and Lys146. Residue 65 is frequently and residues 72 and 146 are occasionally involved in TCR binding‐induced conformational changes, as revealed by a comparison with MHC class I structures in TCR‐liganded and ‐unliganded forms. On the other hand, residue 145 is subject to a reorientation following engagement of HLA‐Cw4 and KIR2DL1. Therefore, conformational changes within the HLA‐A1:MAGE‐A1:Fab‐Hyb3 complex include MHC residues that are also involved in reorientations in complexes with natural ligands, pointing to their central importance for the peptide‐dependent recognition of MHC molecules.  相似文献   

Irradiation with ultraviolet‐A (UVA) ray at doses of 20–100 J/cm2 diminished the cell viability of human keratinocytes HaCaT and human melanoma cells HMV‐II, both of which were protected by pre‐irradiational administration with the ascorbic acid (Asc) derivative, VC‐IP (2,3,5,6‐O‐tetra‐2′‐hexyldecanoyl‐L‐ascorbic acid; vitamin C‐isopalmityl tetraester), which is the first lipoidic‐liquiform pro‐vitamin C by itself that is materialized by esterization of all four intramolecular hydroxyl groups of an Asc molecule with branched chain fatty groups, resulting in molecular fluidity higher than that of the corresponding straight chains. Irradiation with UVA to HaCaT keratinocytes was shown to cause the formation of 8‐hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8‐OHdG), translocation of phosphatidylserine in the inner layer into the outer layer of cell membrane, and lowering of a mitochondrial membrane potential, all of which were repressed by pre‐irradiational administration with VC‐IP. Expression of p53 gene, another hallmark of UV‐induced DNA damages, was promoted by UVA irradiation to the keratinocytes but also repressed by VC‐IP. Administration with VC‐IP of 10–50 µM to human fibroblasts NHDF achieved the enhancement of collagen synthesis, repression of matrix metalloprotease‐2/9 activity, and increasing of intracellular Asc contents more markedly than that with Asc itself of the same concentrations. Thus UVA‐induced diverse harmful effects could be prevented by VC‐IP, which was suggested to ensue intrinsically from the persistent enrichment of intracellular Asc, through esterolytic conversion of VC‐IP to a free‐form Asc molecule, resulting in relief to UVA‐caused oxidative stress. J. Cell. Biochem. 106: 589–598, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Helminth‐derived products have recently been shown to prevent the development of inflammatory diseases in mouse models. However, most identified immunomodulators from helminthes are mixtures or macromolecules with potentially immunogenic side effects. We previously identified an immunomodulatory peptide called SJMHE1 from the HSP60 protein of Schistosoma japonicum. In this study, we assessed the ability of SJMHE1 to affect murine splenocytes and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) stimulated by toll‐like receptor (TLR) ligands in vitro and its treatment effect on mice with collagen‐induced arthritis (CIA). We show that SJMHE1 not only modulates the cytokine production of murine macrophage (MΦ) and dendritic cell but also affects cytokine production upon coculturing with allogeneic CD4+ T cell. SJMHE1 potently inhibits the cytokine response to TLR ligands lipopolysaccharide (LPS), CpG oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG) or resiquimod (R848) from mouse splenocytes, and human PBMCs stimulated by LPS. Furthermore, SJMHE1 suppressed clinical signs of CIA in mice and blocked joint erosion progression. This effect was mediated by downregulation of key cytokines involved in the pathogenesis of CIA, such as interferon‐γ (IFN‐γ), tumour necrosis factor‐α (TNF‐α), interleukin (IL)‐6, IL‐17, and IL‐22 and up‐regulation of the inhibitory cytokine IL‐10, Tgf‐β1 mRNA, and CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ Tregs. This study provides new evidence that the peptide from S. japonicum, which is the ‘safe’ selective generation of small molecule peptide that has evolved during host–parasite interactions, is of great value in the search for novel anti‐inflammatory agents and therapeutic targets for autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

Radiation therapy for patients with non‐small‐cell lung cancer is hampered by acute radiation‐induced toxicity in the esophagus. This study aims to validate that optical coherence tomography (OCT), a minimally invasive imaging technique with high resolution (~10 μm), is able to visualize and monitor acute radiation‐induced esophageal damage (ARIED) in mice. We compare our findings with histopathology as the gold standard. Irradiated mice receive a single dose of 40 Gy at proximal and distal spots of the esophagus of 10.0 mm in diameter. We scan mice using OCT at two, three, and seven days post‐irradiation. In OCT analysis, we define ARIED as a presence of distorted esophageal layering, change in backscattering signal properties, or change in the esophageal wall thickness. The average esophageal wall thickness is 0.53 mm larger on OCT when ARIED is present based on histopathology. The overall sensitivity and specificity of OCT to detect ARIED compared to histopathology are 94% and 47%, respectively. However, the overall sensitivity of OCT to assess ARIED is 100% seven days post‐irradiation. We validate the capability of OCT to detect ARIED induced by high doses in mice. Nevertheless, clinical studies are required to assess the potential role of OCT to visualize ARIED in humans.   相似文献   

Pronounced non‐genetic polymorphisms, or polyphenisms, occur in some monogonont rotifers reproducing by diploid, female parthenogenesis. In many brachionids, there is great variation in spine length. In trimorphic species of Asplanchna, females can vary in size and shape, from a small saccate morph to giant cruciform and campanulate morphs. In species that also reproduce sexually, diploid eggs can develop into two types of females. Amictic females produce diploid eggs that develop parthenogenetically into females; mictic females produce haploid eggs that develop parthenogenetically into males or, if fertilized, into resting eggs. In a species of Synchaeta, amictic females produce diploid eggs that can be either thin‐shelled and subitaneous or thicker‐shelled and diapausing. In all cases, morph determination occurs during the oogenesis or embryological development of diploid eggs in the maternal body cavity. For the first time, these polymorphisms are reviewed together and compared regarding a number of features associated with transitions from default to induced morphs: (i) type of variation (morphological, physiological, or both; continuous or discrete); (ii) inducing signal (environmental, endogenous, or both); (iii) universality of response to that signal (all or only some individuals); (iv) fitness cost; (v) reversibility; and (vi) ecological significance. Most of the polymorphisms fall into two major categories regarding these features. Transitions suitable for predictable environments involve: universal responses to environmental signals; continuous morphological variation; low reproductive cost; rapid reversibility; and adaptations for defence, hydrodynamics or prey ingestion. Transitions suitable for unpredictable environments are bet‐hedging strategies and usually involve: partial (stochastic) responses to environmental or endogenous signals; discontinuous physiological variation; initiation of diapause, and thus high reproductive cost and slow reversibility. Two cases of morphological variation also involve the simultaneous production of different morphs and likely are adaptations for an uncertain future: continuous spine‐length variation due to maternal age in Brachionus calyciflorus, and production of discrete cruciform and campanulate females in Asplanchna spp.  相似文献   

Twin studies suggest that genetic factors play a substantial role in anorexia nervosa (AN) and self‐induced vomiting (SV), a key symptom that is shared among different types of eating disorders (EDs). We investigated the association of 25 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), capturing 71–91% of the common variance in candidate genes, stathmin (STMN1), serotonin receptor 1D (HTR1D), tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (TPH2) and brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), with AN and EDs characterized by regular SV. The first allele frequencies of all the SNPs were compared between a Dutch case group (182 AN, 149 EDs characterized by SV) and 607 controls. Associations rendering P‐values < 0.05 from this initial study were then tested for replication in a meta‐analysis with two additional independent ED case–control samples, together providing 887 AN cases, 306 cases with an ED characterized by SV and 1914 controls. A significant effect for the minor C‐allele of tryptophan hydroxylase 2 rs1473473 was observed for both AN [odds ratio (OR) = 1.30, 95% CI 1.08–1.57, P < 0.003] and EDs characterized by SV (OR = 1.52, 95% CI 1.28–2.04, P < 0.006). In the combined case group, a dominant effect was observed for rs1473473 (OR = 1.38, 95% CI 1.16–1.64, P < 0.0003). The meta‐analysis revealed that the tryptophan hydroxylase 2 polymorphism rs1473473 was associated with a higher risk for AN, EDs characterized by SV and for the combined group.  相似文献   

Hemochromatosis factor E (HFE) is a member of class I MHC family and plays a significant role in the iron homeostasis. Denaturation of HFE induced by guanidinium chloride (GdmCl) was measured by monitoring changes in [θ]222 (mean residue ellipticity at 222 nm), intrinsic fluorescence emission intensity at 346 nm (F346) and the difference absorption coefficient at 287 nm (Δε287) at pH 8.0 and 25°C. Coincidence of denaturation curves of these optical properties suggests that GdmCl‐induced denaturation (native (N) state ? denatured (D) state) is a two‐state process. The GdmCl‐induced denaturation was found reversible in the entire concentration range of the denaturant. All denaturation curves were analyzed for , Gibbs free energy change associated with the denaturation equilibrium (N state ? D state) in the absence of GdmCl, which is a measure of HFE stability. We further performed molecular dynamics simulation for 40 ns to see the effect of GdmCl on the structural stability of HFE. A well defined correlation was established between in vitro and in silico studies. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 105: 133–142, 2016.  相似文献   

Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) is used for preventing muscle atrophy and improving muscle strength in patients and healthy people. However, the current intensity of NMES is usually set at a level that causes the stimulated muscles to contract. This typically causes pain. Quantifying the instantaneous changes in muscle microcirculation and metabolism during NMES before muscle contraction occurs is crucial, because it enables the current intensity to be optimally tuned, thereby reducing the NMES‐induced muscle pain and fatigue. We applied near‐infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to measure instantaneous tissue oxygenation and deoxygenation changes in 43 healthy young adults during NMES at 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 mA. Having been stabilized at the NIRS signal baseline, the tissue oxygenation and total hemoglobin concentration increased immediately after stimulation in a dose‐dependent manner (P < 0.05) until stimulation was stopped at the level causing muscle contraction without pain. Tissue deoxygenation appeared relatively unchanged during NMES. We conclude that NIRS can be used to determine the optimal NMES current intensity by monitoring oxygenation changes.   相似文献   

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