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A wearable scanning photoacoustic imaging (wPAI) system is presented for noninvasive brain study in behaving rats. This miniaturized wPAI system consists of four pico linear servos and a single transducer‐based PAI probe. It has a dimension of 50 mm × 35 mm × 40 mm, and a weight of 26 g excluding cablings. Phantom evaluation shows that wPAI achieves a lateral resolution of ~0.5 mm and an axial resolution of ~0.1 mm at a depth of up to 11 mm. Its imaging ability is also tested in a behaving rat, and the results indicate that wPAI is able to image blood vessels at a depth of up to 5 mm with intact scalp and skull. With its noninvasive, deep penetration, and functional imaging ability in behaving animals, wPAI can be used for behavior, cognition, and preclinical brain disease studies.


Acupuncture has been an effective treatment for various pain in China for several thousand years. However, the mechanisms underlying this mysterious ancient healing are still largely unknown. Here we applied photoacoustic microscopy (PAM) to investigate brain hemodynamic changes in response to electronic acupuncture (EA) at ST36 (Zusanli). Due to the high optical absorption of blood at 532 nm, PAM could sensitively probe changes in hemoglobin concentration (HbT, i.e., cerebral blood volume [CBV]) of cortical regions in high resolution. Six healthy mice were stimulated at the acupoint and three healthy mice were stimulated at sham points. Remarkable CBV changes in sensorimotor and retrosplenial agranular cortex were observed. Results showed the potential of PAM as a visualization tool to study the acupuncture effect on brain hemodynamics in animal models.

( a ) Schematic showing the stimulation points. ( b ) B‐scan images overlaid with mouse atlas. ( c ) & ( d ) Statistical results of CBV changes from cortical regions.  相似文献   

Brain imaging is an important technique in cognitive neuroscience. In this article, we designed a stereotaxic‐apparatus‐compatible photoacoustic microscope for the studies of rat cortical hemodynamics. Compared with existing optical resolution photoacoustic microscopy (ORPAM) systems, the probe owns feature of fast, light and miniature. In this microscope, we integrated a miniaturized ultrasound transducer with a center frequency of 10 MHz to detect photoacoustic signals and a 2‐dimensional (2D) microelectromechanical system (MEMS) scanner to achieve raster scanning of the optical focus. Based on phantom evaluation, this imaging probe has a high lateral resolution of 3.8 μm and an effective imaging domain of 2 × 2 mm2. Different from conventional ORPAMs, combining with standard stereotaxic apparatus enables broad studies of rodent brains without any motion artifact. To show its capability, we successfully captured red blood cell flow in the capillary, monitored the vascular changes during bleeding and blood infusion and visualized cortical hemodynamics induced by middle cerebral artery occlusion.   相似文献   

Fast functional and molecular photoacoustic microscopy requires pulsed laser excitations at multiple wavelengths with enough pulse energy and short wavelength‐switching time. Recent development of stimulated Raman scattering in optical fiber offers a low‐cost laser source for multiwavelength photoacoustic imaging. In this approach, long fibers temporally separate different wavelengths via optical delay. The time delay between adjacent wavelengths may eventually limits the highest A‐line rate. In addition, a long‐time delay in fiber may limit the highest pulse energy, leading to poor image quality. In order to achieve high pulse energy and ultrafast dual‐wavelength excitation, we present optical‐resolution photoacoustic microscopy with ultrafast dual‐wavelength excitation and a signal separation method. The signal separation method is validated in numerical simulation and phantom experiments. We show that when two photoacoustic signals are partially overlapped with a 50‐ns delay, they can be recovered with 98% accuracy. We apply this ultrafast dual‐wavelength excitation technique to in vivo OR‐PAM. Results demonstrate that A‐lines at two wavelengths can be successfully separated, and sO2 values can be reliably computed from the separated data. The ultrafast dual‐wavelength excitation enables fast functional photoacoustic microscopy with negligible misalignment among different wavelengths and high pulse energy, which is important for in vivo imaging of microvascular dynamics.  相似文献   

Non‐invasive photoacoustic tomography (PAT) of mouse brains with intact skulls has been a challenge due to the skull's strong acoustic attenuation, aberration, and reverberation, especially in the high‐frequency range (>15 MHz). In this paper, we systematically investigated the impacts of the murine skull on the photoacoustic wave propagation and on the PAT image reconstruction. We studied the photoacoustic acoustic wave aberration due to the acoustic impedance mismatch at the skull boundaries and the mode conversion between the longitudinal wave and shear wave. The wave's reverberation within the skull was investigated for both longitudinal and shear modes. In the inverse process, we reconstructed the transcranial photoacoustic computed tomography (PACT) and photoacoustic microscopy (PAM) images of a point target enclosed by the mouse skull, showing the skull's different impacts on both modalities. Finally, we experimentally validated the simulations by imaging an in vitro mouse skull phantom using representative transcranial PAM and PACT systems. The experimental results agreed well with the simulations and confirmed the accuracy of our forward and inverse models. We expect that our results will provide better understanding of the impacts of the murine skull on transcranial photoacoustic brain imaging and pave the ways for future technical improvements.   相似文献   

Photoacoustic (PA) imaging breaks the diffusion limit of conventional optical imaging by listening to the PA wave. As a new kind of functional imaging method, it has experienced tremendous growth in research community with wide range of applications. However, it is still an open and fundamental challenge that the conversion efficiency from light to sound based on PA effect is extremely low. The consequence is the poor signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) of PA signal especially in scenarios of low laser power and deep penetration. Conventional approach to enhance the SNR of PA signal in these noisy scenarios is data averaging, which is quite time‐consuming. To improve the signal fidelity and imaging speed, an algorithm of using empirical mode decomposition and independent component analysis de‐noising methods in PA imaging is proposed. The simulation and in vivo experimental results show obvious SNR enhancement of the PA signal and image contrast. The proposed method provides the potential to develop real‐time low‐cost PA imaging system with low‐power laser source.   相似文献   

无损光声成像技术结合了纯光学成像高选择特性和纯超声成像中深穿透特性的优点,克服了光散射限制,实现了对活体深层组织的高分辨、高对比度成像。该成像技术对内源物质例如脱氧血红蛋白、含氧血红蛋白、黑色素、脂质等进行成像,提供了活体生物组织结构和功能信息,已经在生物医学领域表现出巨大的应用前景。然而,很多与病理过程相关的特征分子的光吸收能力较弱,在活体环境中难以被光声成像系统所识别,从而限制了光声成像技术的应用范围。基于功能纳米探针的光声成像-光声分子成像极大拓展光声成像的应用范围,可以在活体层面对病理过程进行分子水平的定性和定量研究,将为实现目标疾病的早期诊断提供强大的技术支持。本文发展在近红外具有窄吸收线宽(半高宽仅为60 nm)的纳米金锥作为新型的光声探针。通过选择不同径长比的纳米金锥,可以任意调节纳米金锥的吸收峰。通过调谐激光器的波长,可实现对不同吸收峰纳米金锥的选择性激发。纳米金锥将有可能用于多光谱光声成像,实现对不同靶标的目标分子探测。  相似文献   

Optical‐resolution photoacoustic microscopy (OR‐PAM) has been shown to be an excellent imaging modality for monitoring and study of tumor microvasculature. However, previous studies focused mainly on the normal tissues and did not quantify the tumor microvasculature. In this study, we present an in vivo OR‐PAM imaging of the melanomas and hepatoma implanted in the mouse ear. We quantify the vessel growth by extracting the skeletons of both dense and thin branches of the tumor microvasculature obtained by Hessian matrix enhancement followed by improved two‐step multistencils fast marching method. Compared with the previous methods of using OR‐PAM for normal tissues, our method was more effective in extracting the binary vascular network in the tumor images and in obtaining the complete and continuous microvascular skeleton maps. Our demonstration of using OR‐PAM in improving microvasculature of tumors and quantification of tumor growth would push deep this technology for the early diagnosis and treatment of cancers.   相似文献   

A sensitive, noninvasive method to detect localized prostate cancer, particularly for early detection and repetitive study in patients undergoing active surveillance, remains an unmet need. Here, we propose a molecular photoacoustic (PA) imaging approach by targeting the prostate‐specific membrane antigen (PSMA), which is over‐expressed in the vast majority of prostate cancers. We performed spectroscopic PA imaging in an experimental model of prostate cancer, namely, in immunocompromised mice bearing PSMA+ (PC3 PIP) and PSMA? (PC3 flu) tumors through administration of the known PSMA‐targeted fluorescence agent, YC‐27. Differences in contrast between PSMA+ and isogenic control tumors were observed upon PA imaging, with PSMA+ tumors showing higher contrast in average of 66.07‐fold with 5 mice at the 24‐hour postinjection time points. These results were corroborated using standard near‐infrared fluorescence imaging with YC‐27, and the squared correlation between PA and fluorescence intensities was 0.89. Spectroscopic PA imaging is a new molecular imaging modality with sufficient sensitivity for targeting PSMA in vivo, demonstrating the potential applications for other saturable targets relevant to cancer and other disorders.   相似文献   

We have developed a reflection‐mode switchable subwavelength Bessel‐beam (BB) and Gaussian‐beam (GB) photoacoustic microscopy (PAM) system. To achieve both reflection‐mode and high resolution, we tightly attached a very small ultrasound transducer to an optical objective lens with numerical aperture of 1.0 and working distance of 2.5 mm. We used axicon and an achromatic doublet in our system to obtain the extended depth of field (DOF) of the BB. To compare the DOF performance achieved with our BB‐PAM system against GB‐PAM system, we designed our system so that the GB can be easily generated by simply removing the lenses. Using a 532 nm pulse laser, we achieved the lateral resolutions of 300 and 270 nm for BB‐PAM and GB‐PAM, respectively. The measured DOF of BB‐PAM was approximately 229 μm, which was about 7× better than that of GB‐PAM. We imaged the vasculature of a mouse ear using BB‐PAM and GB‐PAM and confirmed that the DOF of BB‐PAM is much better than the DOF of GB‐PAM. Thus, we believe that the high resolution achieved at the extended DOF by our system is very practical for wide range of biomedical research including red blood cell (RBC) migration in blood vessels at various depths and observation of cell migration or cell culture.   相似文献   

We present a first in vivo application of phase dual‐slopes (DS?), measured with frequency‐domain near‐infrared spectroscopy on four healthy human subjects, to demonstrate their enhanced sensitivity to cerebral hemodynamics. During arterial blood pressure oscillations elicited at a frequency of 0.1 Hz, we compare three different ways to analyze either intensity (I) or phase (?) data collected on the subject's forehead at multiple source‐detector distances: Single‐distance, single‐slope and DS. Theoretical calculations based on diffusion theory show that the method with the deepest maximal sensitivity (at about 11 mm) is DS?. The in vivo results indicate a qualitative difference of phase data (especially DS?) and intensity data (especially single‐distance intensity [SDI]), which we assign to stronger contributions from scalp hemodynamics to SDI and from cortical hemodynamics to DS?. Our findings suggest that scalp hemodynamic oscillations may be dominated by blood volume dynamics, whereas cortical hemodynamics may be dominated by blood flow velocity dynamics.  相似文献   

As a stimulating point in acupuncture, acupoint has unique microcirculatory features, and its dynamics vary greatly depending on health status. Acupoint sensitization is defined as the transformation of an acupoint from a “silenced status” (healthy) to an “activated status” (disease). Our previous study demonstrated that acupoint sensitization is associated with an increase in the level of local blood perfusion. However, the structural changes in microcirculation during acupoint sensitization have yet to be elucidated because the high‐resolution microcirculation imaging of acupoints has been difficult to obtain. In this study, the structural changes in microcirculation at the Zusanli (ST36), Yanglingquan (GB34) and nonacupoint sites on days 0, 7 and 21 were dynamically observed during acupoint sensitization in an experimental knee osteoarthritis mouse model by using optical‐resolution photoacoustic microscopy. The results showed that no significant differences in microvessel density, the distribution of vessel diameters or vascular tortuosity were observed at the GB34, ST36 or nonacupoint sites among days 0, 7 and 21. We proposed that acupoint sensitization may not be associated with the structural changes in microcirculation and that the microcirculatory changes during acupoint sensitization are more likely to be functional. The functional characteristics of the sensitized acupoints warrant further investigation.   相似文献   

光声成像技术是近年来发展的一种新型的无损医学成像技术,它是以脉冲激光作为激发源,以检测的声信号为信息载体,通过相应的图像重建算法重建组织内部结构和功能信息的成像方法。该方法结合了光学成像和声学成像的特点,可提供深层组织高分辨率和高对比度的组织层析图像,在生物医学临床诊断以及在体成像领域具有广泛的应用前景。目前光声成像的扫描方式主要有基于步进电机扫描方式和基于振镜的扫描方式,本文针对目前步进电机扫描速度慢(10 mm×10 mm;0.001帧/s),振镜扫描范围小(1 mm2)的不足,发展了基于直线电机扫描的大视场快速光声显微成像系统。同一条扫描线过程中直线电机速度最高可达200 mm/s。该技术采用逐线采集光声信号的方式,比逐点采集光声信号的步进电机快800倍。该系统对10 mm×10 mm全场扫描的扫描速度为0.8帧/s。最大可扫描视场范围可以达到50 mm×50 mm。大视场快速光声显微成像系统的发展将为生物医学提供新的成像工具。  相似文献   

Delay‐and‐sum (DAS) is one of the most common algorithms used to construct the photoacoustic images due to its low complexity. However, it results in images with high sidelobes and low resolution. Delay‐and‐standard‐deviation (DASD) weighting factor can improve the contrast of the images compared to DAS. However, it still suffers from high sidelobes. In this work, a new weighting factor, named delay‐multiply‐and‐standard‐deviation (DMASD) is introduced to enhance the contrast of the reconstructed images compared to other mentioned methods. In the proposed method, the SD of the mutual multiplied delayed signals are calculated, normalized and multiplied to DAS beamformed data. The results show that DMASD improves the signal‐to‐noise‐ratio about 19.29 and 7.3 dB compared to DAS and DASD, respectively, for in vivo imaging of the sentinel lymph node. Moreover, the contrast ratio is improved by the DMASD about 23.61 and 10.81 dB compared to DAS and DASD, respectively.   相似文献   

Minimally invasive fetal interventions require accurate imaging from inside the uterine cavity. Twin‐to‐twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS), a condition considered in this study, occurs from abnormal vascular anastomoses in the placenta that allow blood to flow unevenly between the fetuses. Currently, TTTS is treated fetoscopically by identifying the anastomosing vessels, and then performing laser photocoagulation. However, white light fetoscopy provides limited visibility of placental vasculature, which can lead to missed anastomoses or incomplete photocoagulation. Photoacoustic (PA) imaging is an alternative imaging method that provides contrast for hemoglobin, and in this study, two PA systems were used to visualize chorionic (fetal) superficial and subsurface vasculature in human placentas. The first system comprised an optical parametric oscillator for PA excitation and a 2D Fabry‐Pérot cavity ultrasound sensor; the second, light emitting diode arrays and a 1D clinical linear‐array ultrasound imaging probe. Volumetric photoacoustic images were acquired from ex vivo normal term and TTTS‐treated placentas. It was shown that superficial and subsurface branching blood vessels could be visualized to depths of approximately 7 mm, and that ablated tissue yielded negative image contrast. This study demonstrated the strong potential of PA imaging to guide minimally invasive fetal therapies.   相似文献   

报道了一种利用直线电机连续-步进的扫描方式进行光声显微成像的系统,该系统在运动时走弓字型路线,其中直线电机在X轴方向上连续运动,在Y轴方向上以步进的方式运动,采集卡只在X轴电机运动的过程中连续采集。该成像系统较之前振镜扫描的方式扫描的范围更大,可达到厘米尺度范围内的生物组织光声成像;较之前的步进电机逐点扫描的方式扫描速度明显提高。同时本文采用电机带动光和超声换能器一同扫描的方式,较光和超声换能器不动电机带动样品扫描的方式更灵活。另外利用包埋碳丝的模拟样品和在体小鼠耳朵血管来验证系统的成像能力。实验结果表明,这种快速光声显微成像方法及其系统可以实现在体组织的高分辨率成像,有望成为一种无创、实时的光声显微镜应用于生物医学当中。  相似文献   

Noninvasive near‐infrared (NIR) light ranging from 650 to 1000 nm (NIR‐I) is widely employed in fundamental research and clinical applications; however, a recently discovered second NIR (NIR‐II) window from 1000 to 1700 nm exhibits even better deep‐tissue imaging capability due to reduced photon scattering, minimized tissue autofluorescence, and increased applicable power at longer wavelengths. This review focuses on recent advances of organic contrast agents developed for in vivo fluorescence and photoacoustic imaging in the NIR‐II optical window. The superiority of the NIR‐II over the NIR‐I window for molecular imaging is first discussed in detail, followed by discussion of fluorescence and photoacoustic imaging of cancer, vasculature, and the brain using organic contrast agents in the NIR‐II window. At last, challenges and perspectives of organic contrast agents for NIR‐II in vivo imaging are suggested.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a type of bacteria that infects the stomach. The detection of H. pylori is an essential part of current clinical practices because this disease can cause peptic ulcers, chronic inflammation of the stomach lining but also stomach cancer. Helicobacter pylori has a naturally occurring enzyme that hydrolyzes urea into ammonium carbonate called urease. Many methods exist for the detection of H. pylori infection, but an innovative approach is to detect the ammonia in the breath (ABT, Ammonia Breath Test). In this research study, using photoacoustic spectroscopy method, the ammonia concentration in the breathing zone of people with H. pylori were measured and were compared with ammonia concentration from the respiration of healthy people. From the ABT determinations of this study, the ammonia was established to be increased with 498 ppb at people with H. pylori when we compare with ABT of healthy people.  相似文献   

Needle placement is important for many clinical interventions, such as tissue biopsy, regional anesthesia and drug delivery. It is essential to visualize the spatial position of the needle and the target tissue during the interventions using appropriate imaging techniques. Based on the contrast of optical absorption, photoacoustic imaging is well suited for the guidance of interventional procedures. However, conventional photoacoustic imaging typically provides two‐dimensional (2D) slices of the region of interest and could only visualize the needle and the target when they are within the imaging plane of the probe at the same time. This requires great alignment skill and effort. To ease this problem, we developed a 3D interventional photoacoustic imaging technique by fast scanning a linear array ultrasound probe and stitching acquired image slices. in vivo sentinel lymph node biopsy experiment shows that the technique could precisely locate a needle and a sentinel lymph node in a tissue volume while a perfusion experiment demonstrates that the technique could visualize the 3D distribution of injected methylene blue dye underneath the skin at high temporal and spatial resolution. The proposed technique provides a practical way for photoacoustic image‐guided interventions.   相似文献   

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