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MOTIVATION: Clustering techniques such as k-means and hierarchical clustering are commonly used to analyze DNA microarray derived gene expression data. However, the interactions between processes underlying the cell activity suggest that the complexity of the microarray data structure may not be fully represented with discrete clustering methods. RESULTS: A newly developed software tool called MILVA (microarray latent visualization and analysis) is presented here to investigate microarray data without separating gene expression profiles into discrete classes. The underpinning of the MILVA software is the two-dimensional topographic representation of multidimensional microarray data. On this basis, the interactive MILVA functions allow a continuous exploration of microarray data driven by the direct supervision of the biologist in detecting activity patterns of co-regulated genes. AVAILABILITY: The MILVA software is freely available. The software and the related documentation can be downloaded from http://www.ncrg.aston.ac.uk/Projects/milva. User 'surrey' as username and '3245' as password to login. The software is currently available for Windows platform only.  相似文献   

The manufacture and use of a whole-genome microarray is a complex process and it is essential that all data surrounding the process is stored, is accessible and can be easily associated with the data generated following hybridization and scanning. As part of a program funded by the Wellcome Trust, the Bacterial Microarray Group at St. George's Hospital Medical School (BmuG@S) will generate whole-genome microarrays for 12 bacterial pathogens for use in collaboration with specialist research groups. BmuG@S will collaborate with these groups at all levels, including the experimental design, methodology and analysis. In addition, we will provide informatic support in the form of a database system (BmuG@Sbase). BmuG@Sbase will provide access through a web interface to the microarray design data and will allow individual users to store their data in a searchable, secure manner. Tools developed by BmuG@S in collaboration with specific research groups investigating analysis methodology will also be made available to those groups using the arrays and submitting data to BmuG@Sbase.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Inferring genetic network architecture from time series data generated from high-throughput experimental technologies, such as cDNA microarray, can help us to understand the system behavior of living organisms. We have developed an interactive tool, GeneNetwork, which provides four reverse engineering models and three data interpolation approaches to infer relationships between genes. GeneNetwork enables a user to readily reconstruct genetic networks based on microarray data without having intimate knowledge of the mathematical models. A simple graphical user interface enables rapid, intuitive mapping and analysis of the reconstructed network allowing biologists to explore gene relationships at the system level. AVAILABILITY: Download from http://genenetwork.sbl.bc.sinica.edu.tw/. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplement documentation of algorithms for the four approaches is downloadable at the above location.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: ProMAT is a software tool for statistically analyzing data from enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay microarray experiments. The software estimates standard curves, sample protein concentrations and their uncertainties for multiple assays. ProMAT generates a set of comprehensive figures for assessing results and diagnosing process quality. The tool is available for Windows or Mac, and is distributed as open-source Java and R code. AVAILABILITY: ProMAT is available at http://www.pnl.gov/statistics/ProMAT. ProMAT requires Java version 1.5.0 and R version 1.9.1 (or more recent versions). ProMAT requires either Windows XP or Mac OS 10.4 or newer versions.  相似文献   



When publishing large-scale microarray datasets, it is of great value to create supplemental websites where either the full data, or selected subsets corresponding to figures within the paper, can be browsed. We set out to create a CGI application containing many of the features of some of the existing standalone software for the visualization of clustered microarray data.


We present GeneXplorer, a web application for interactive microarray data visualization and analysis in a web environment. GeneXplorer allows users to browse a microarray dataset in an intuitive fashion. It provides simple access to microarray data over the Internet and uses only HTML and JavaScript to display graphic and annotation information. It provides radar and zoom views of the data, allows display of the nearest neighbors to a gene expression vector based on their Pearson correlations and provides the ability to search gene annotation fields.


The software is released under the permissive MIT Open Source license, and the complete documentation and the entire source code are freely available for download from CPAN http://search.cpan.org/dist/Microarray-GeneXplorer/.

KnowledgeEditor is a graphical workbench for biological experts to model biomolecular network graphs. The modeled network data are represented by SRML, and can be published via the internet with the help of plug-in module 'GSCope'. KnowledgeEditor helps us to model and analyze biological pathways based on microarray data. It is possible to analyze the drawn networks by simulating up-down regulatory cascade in molecular interactions. AVAILABILITY: KnowledgeEditor is available at http://gscope.gsc.riken.go.jp/.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: In this paper we present a data mining system, which allows the application of different clustering and cluster validity algorithms for DNA microarray data. This tool may improve the quality of the data analysis results, and may support the prediction of the number of relevant clusters in the microarray datasets. This systematic evaluation approach may significantly aid genome expression analyses for knowledge discovery applications. The developed software system may be effectively used for clustering and validating not only DNA microarray expression analysis applications but also other biomedical and physical data with no limitations. AVAILABILITY: The program is freely available for non-profit use on request at http://www.cs.tcd.ie/Nadia.Bolshakova/Machaon.html CONTACT: Nadia.Bolshakova@cs.tcd.ie.  相似文献   



Recent advances in sequencing technologies promise to provide a better understanding of the genetics of human disease as well as the evolution of microbial populations. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) are established genetic markers that aid in the identification of loci affecting quantitative traits and/or disease in a wide variety of eukaryotic species. With today's technological capabilities, it has become possible to re-sequence a large set of appropriate candidate genes in individuals with a given disease in an attempt to identify causative mutations. In addition, SNPs have been used extensively in efforts to study the evolution of microbial populations, and the recent application of random shotgun sequencing to environmental samples enables more extensive SNP analysis of co-occurring and co-evolving microbial populations. The program is available at [1].  相似文献   

PROFILEGRAPH: an interactive graphical tool for protein sequence analysis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The computer program PROFILEGRAPH, a graphical interactive toolfor the analysis of amino acid sequences, is described. Themain task of the program is to integrate a variety of sliding-windowmethods into a single user-friendly shell. The program allowsthe user to combine any amino acid specific parameter with aselection of several possible types of analysis and to plotthe resulting graph in one of several windows on the screen.It is also possible to calculate the moment of the amino acidspecific parameter for a given secondary structure and to displayboth the absolute moment value and the moment angle relativeto a reference residue. Also included are several utilitiesthat facilitate visual analysis of protein primary structureslike, for example, helical-wheel diagrams. It is possible toadapt the majority of published sliding-window analysis proceduresfor use with PROFILEGRAPH.  相似文献   



Application of phenetic methods to gene expression analysis proved to be a successful approach. Visualizing the results in a 3-dimentional space may further enhance these techniques.  相似文献   

We have developed a program for microarray data analysis, which features the false discovery rate for testing statistical significance and the principal component analysis using the singular value decomposition method for detecting the global trends of gene-expression patterns. Additional features include analysis of variance with multiple methods for error variance adjustment, correction of cross-channel correlation for two-color microarrays, identification of genes specific to each cluster of tissue samples, biplot of tissues and corresponding tissue-specific genes, clustering of genes that are correlated with each principal component (PC), three-dimensional graphics based on virtual reality modeling language and sharing of PC between different experiments. The software also supports parameter adjustment, gene search and graphical output of results. The software is implemented as a web tool and thus the speed of analysis does not depend on the power of a client computer. AVAILABILITY: The tool can be used on-line or downloaded at http://lgsun.grc.nia.nih.gov/ANOVA/  相似文献   

SUMMARY: We have created a software tool, SNPTools, for analysis and visualization of microarray data, mainly SNP array data. The software can analyse and find differences in intensity levels between groups of arrays and identify segments of SNPs (genes, clones), where the intensity levels differ significantly between the groups. In addition, SNPTools can show jointly loss-of-heterozygosity (LOH) data (derived from genotypes) and intensity data for paired samples of tumour and normal arrays. The output graphs can be manipulated in various ways to modify and adjust the layout. A wizard allows options and parameters to be changed easily and graphs replotted. All output can be saved in various formats, and also re-opened in SNPTools for further analysis. For explorative use, SNPTools allows various genome information to be loaded onto the graphs. AVAILABILITY: The software, example data sets and tutorials are freely available from http://www.birc.au.dk/snptools  相似文献   

Microarray technology is rapidly emerging for genome-wide screening of differentially expressed genes between clinical subtypes or different conditions of human diseases. Traditional statistical testing approaches, such as the two-sample t-test or Wilcoxon test, are frequently used for evaluating statistical significance of informative expressions but require adjustment for large-scale multiplicity. Due to its simplicity, Bonferroni adjustment has been widely used to circumvent this problem. It is well known, however, that the standard Bonferroni test is often very conservative. In the present paper, we compare three multiple testing procedures in the microarray context: the original Bonferroni method, a Bonferroni-type improved single-step method and a step-down method. The latter two methods are based on nonparametric resampling, by which the null distribution can be derived with the dependency structure among gene expressions preserved and the family-wise error rate accurately controlled at the desired level. We also present a sample size calculation method for designing microarray studies. Through simulations and data analyses, we find that the proposed methods for testing and sample size calculation are computationally fast and control error and power precisely.  相似文献   

An economic analysis of biomass gasification and power generation in China   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
With vast territory and abundant biomass resources China appears to have suitable conditions to develop biomass utilization technologies. As an important decentralized power technology, biomass gasification and power generation (BGPG) has a potential market in making use of biomass wastes. In spite of the relatively high cost for controlling secondary pollution by wastewater, BGPG is economically feasible and can give a financial return owing to the low price of biomass wastes and insufficient power supply at present in some regions of China. In this work, experimental data from 1 MW-scale circulating fluidized bed (CFB) BGPG plants constructed recently in China were analyzed; and it was found that the unit capital cost of BGPG is only 60-70% of coal power station and its operation cost is much lower than that of conventional power plants. However, due to the relatively low efficiency of small-scale plant, the current BGPG technology will lose its economic attraction when its capacity is smaller than 160 kW or the price of biomass is higher than 200 Yuan RMB/ton. The development of medium-scale BGPG plants, with capacity ranging from 1000 to 5000 kW, is recommended; as is the demonstration of BGPG technology in suitable enterprises (e.g. rice mill and timber mill) in developing countries where large amounts of biomass wastes are available so that biomass collection and transportation can be avoided and the operation cost can be lowered.  相似文献   



Microarray experiments are increasing in size and samples are collected asynchronously over long time. Available data are re-analysed as more samples are hybridized. Systematic use of collected data requires tracking of biomaterials, array information, raw data, and assembly of annotations. To meet the information tracking and data analysis challenges in microarray experiments we reimplemented and improved BASE version 1.2.  相似文献   

GeneMerge--post-genomic analysis,data mining,and hypothesis testing   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
SUMMARY: GeneMerge is a web-based and standalone program written in PERL that returns a range of functional and genomic data for a given set of study genes and provides statistical rank scores for over-representation of particular functions or categories in the data set. Functional or categorical data of all kinds can be analyzed with GeneMerge, facilitating regulatory and metabolic pathway analysis, tests of population genetic hypotheses, cross-experiment comparisons, and tests of chromosomal clustering, among others. GeneMerge can perform analyses on a wide variety of genomic data quickly and easily and facilitates both data mining and hypothesis testing. AVAILABILITY: GeneMerge is available free of charge for academic use over the web and for download from: http://www.oeb.harvard.edu/hartl/lab/publications/GeneMerge.html.  相似文献   

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