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频振式杀虫灯在茶树害虫测报、防治中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
宋昌琪  蓝建军  徐火忠 《昆虫知识》2005,42(3):324-325,283
应用佳多频振式杀虫灯进行了茶树害虫的预测预报和防治试验。结果表明,该灯对茶园中的茶细蛾Caloptiliatheivora(walsingham)、茶毛虫EuproctispseudoconspersaStrand、斜纹夜蛾Prodenialitura(Fabricius)等茶树主要害虫有明显的诱集作用;同时,根据害虫成虫诱集时间、数量与面上生育期观察,其动态变化基本一致,可以用于幼虫的发生期、发生量预报,在面上应用频振式杀虫灯对3种的防治试验中取得明显的效果。认为该灯是一种安全、经济、有效、无污染的茶树害虫预测预报和防治工具。  相似文献   

生物防治利用生物多样性保护生物多样性   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
本文论述了生物防治与保护生物多样性的关系,提出生物多样性是生防作用物的必要来源,生物防治是保护生物多样性的重要措施。文中分析了自然界和农田生态系统中天敌的多样性和寄主专一性,并从外来种的治理、濒危物种和栖境的保护等几个方面探讨了生物防治对于保护生物多样性的作用。作者还强调应加强国际间天敌资源的交换,建立严格的天敌引种释放法规,以便开展更多的安全有效的生物防治项目。  相似文献   

森林生物多样性与林木害虫的自然防治   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
森林生物多样性与林木害虫的自然防治谷昭威曲爱军朱承美(山东省林业科学研究所,济南250014)(山东省林业学校,泰安271000)ForestBiodiversityandNaturalControlofTreePests.GuZhaowei(Sha...  相似文献   

性诱盆与频振灯在棉铃虫成虫动态监测中的作用比较   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
20 0 1年在南疆棉区做了性信息素水盆诱捕器 (性诱盆 )和频振式杀虫灯 (频振灯 ,3 0W)对棉铃虫成虫诱捕效率的对比试验。结果表明 ,6个监测点平均 ,每日每只性诱盆和频振灯的诱蛾量分别为3 5 .4和 3 2 .3头 ,差异不显著 (P >0 .0 5 )。在 1代成虫盛发的前期和中后期 ,性诱盆相对于频振灯的诱蛾量有先低后高的现象。考虑到经济性和可识别性等因素 ,作者认为在南疆监测棉铃虫成虫动态性诱盆优于频振灯  相似文献   

论生物防治在生物多样性保护中的重要意义   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
陆庆光 《生物多样性》1997,5(3):224-230
外来种有害生物传入新区之后,在适宜条件下,往往严重干扰本地的生物多样性,破坏生态平衡,给人类带来巨大损失。传统生物防治学,采用国外天敌引种的策略和技术防治有害生物,常可获得持续控制的效果。文章概述国内外天敌引种研究情况,并根据我国现状提出了尽快健全法规,提高技术水平等若干建议。  相似文献   

从文献计量角度分析中国生物多样性研究现状   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
刘爱原  郭玉清  李世颖  林茂  王春光 《生态学报》2012,32(24):7635-7643
以汤森路透科技集团的WEB OF KNOWLEDGE信息平台提供的Science Citation Index Expanded数据库为数据源,检索到从1997年至2009年期间国际生物多样性研究论文文献219773篇,其中11182篇来自于中国学者。利用NoteExpress软件,对这13a间生物多样性研究论文发表的国家分布、年度分布、研究机构、引用情况、期刊分布和学科分类等做的分析与比较表明:1)全球生物多样性研究的论文数量一直呈增长趋势,中国13年间每年发文量占当年全球生物多样性论文总量的百分率逐年增加;2)从论文总被引频次、篇均引用次数和h-index三项论文影响力特征参数分析,中国与国际其他国家相比有一定差距;3)从学科分类来看,与国际相比,中国在生物多样性保护领域、进化生物学和海洋与淡水生物学领域研究略显不足,昆虫学和真菌学研究领域活跃。  相似文献   

系统发育多样性测度及其在生物多样性保护中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
生物多样性保护面临两个基本问题:如何确定生物多样性测度以及如何保护生物多样性。传统的生物多样性测度是以物种概念为基础的,用生态学和地理学方法确定各种生物多样性指数。其测度依赖于样方面积的大小,并且所有的物种在分类上同等对待。系统发育多样性测度基于系统发育和遗传学的理论和方法,能确定某一物种对类群多样性的贡献大小。该方法比较复杂,只有在类群的系统发育或遗传资料比较齐全时方能应用。本文认为,物种生存力途径和系统发育多样性测度相结合有助于确定物种和生态系统保护的优先秩序。  相似文献   

陶战 《生物多样性》1993,1(1):46-47
中国农业部门利用的国土面积达50%,农业生态系统是由古代生物多样性丰富的自然生态系统开发出来的,在农业生态系统中仍残存生物多样性富集的岛状野生生境和大量珍稀、濒危物种。农业上栽培和养殖利用1200多个动植物品种也是宝贵的种质资源,农业部门在保护生物多样性行动中责任重大。生物多样性是农业发展的潜在资源,开发不当会带来对农业再发展的危害。农业部门已开始了生物多样性保护行动,但存在许多需要改善与加强的环节,如国家首先要明确落实农业部门在保护生物多样性中的责任,保护农业生物多样性要列入国家和部门的发展计划,完善法规、政策、加强宣传教育,加强国内外合作交流等。  相似文献   

生物多样性保护的景观规划途径   总被引:96,自引:1,他引:96  
景观规划设计在生物多样性保护中起着决定性的作用。基于不同的保护哲学,生物多样性保护的景观规划途径主要可分为两种:一是以物种为核心的景观规划途径,另一种是以景观元素为核心和出发点的规划途径。前者首先确定物种,然后根据物种的生态特性来设计景观格局,后者则以各种尺度的景观元素作为保护对象,根据其空间位置和关系设计景观格局。多种空间战略被认为有利于生物多样性的保护,包括保护核心栖息地、建立缓冲区、构筑廊道、增加景观异质性和引入或恢复栖息地。落实这些空间战略必须首先回答选择什么和在什么地方设计上述景观元素的问题。对此,目前尚没有很好的答案。传统的生物保护战略被动地强调现存濒危物种和景观元素的保护,如果将物种运动和生态过程作为一个能动的景观控制过程来对待,我们将会有一种全新的景观规划途径。其中有三个方面的概念对这种新的景观规划途径有启发意义:即景观的空间构型对生态过程的作用,生物进化空间轨迹与景观格局设计及景观阻力与潜在的生态基础设施的设计。景观生态安全格局正是在这些方向上的一个新的探索。  相似文献   

未来十年的生物多样性保护目标   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生物多样性作为人类生存与发展的基础,正以前所未有的速度丧失.据国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)报道,在他们评估的5.2万个物种中有36%受到严重威胁,全球六千多种两栖类中有30%受到严重威胁,自2000年以来每年有600万公顷原始森林丧失,在过去的20年中红树林丧失了35%,目前70%的珊瑚礁受到严重破坏(http://www.iucn.org/iyb/about/bio-diversity_crisis/).  相似文献   

生物多样性的进化原理及其保护对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
曹家树  缪颖 《生物多样性》1997,5(3):220-223
本文论述了传统进化论学说对生物多样性解释的不足,探讨用生物适化学说解释生物多样性的形成,提出生物多样性产生的表达式: Bd=T[(Gc-m+MEc-(Nt+Ap+Hf)]dt, 并以此说明制订保育它们的原则对策。  相似文献   

寄生性和捕食性天敌昆虫成虫普遍存在通过取食蜜粉源植物补充营养的行为,这可不同程度地促进天敌昆虫性成熟、延长其寿命、提高其生殖力或寄生率,以及搜寻寄主效率和子代雌性比率,从而显著提高天敌昆虫在生物防治中的控害能力和效果。蜜粉源植物花的结构及植物对天敌昆虫产生的嗅觉、视觉信号和花蜜花粉对天敌昆虫产生的味觉信号又显著影响天敌昆虫选择蜜粉源植物的行为和结果。但是,蜜粉源植物也可成为害虫的补充营养植物,从而提高害虫的为害能力。因此,需深入研究不同蜜粉源植物对天敌昆虫及害虫的作用,趋利避害,才可能应用蜜粉源植物成功调控天敌与害虫的益害比,实现害虫的可持续控制。  相似文献   

斜纹夜蛾种群控制的研究概况   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周忠实 《昆虫知识》2009,46(3):354-361
斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura(Fabricius)是重要的农业害虫之一。为了控制斜纹夜蛾,使农作物免受危害,前人研究了化学防治、杀虫灯和性诱捕器诱杀、植物诱集和驱避、转基因抗虫品种以及生物防治对其种群控制作用。化学防治在压制斜纹夜蛾种群暴发、减轻农作物遭受损失方面作出了巨大贡献,但日益增强的抗药性、农药残留造成的环境污染、对天敌的杀伤和人畜安全的影响等问题不断受到关注,人们开始对该害虫的一些新的治理策略进行了探讨。在这些无公害的控制技术中,植物诱集和生物防治是2种值得提倡的有效措施。不少植物源提取物和昆虫生长调节剂对斜纹夜蛾幼虫具有极好的效果,是值得研发的2种新型生物制剂。香芋和蓖麻等诱集作物对斜纹夜蛾有较好的诱集效果,如果能将作物诱集和释放天敌昆虫或病原微生物制剂结合,使之成为一套有效的生态控制体系,将可现实斜纹夜蛾种群的持续控制。  相似文献   

Concern over declining biodiversity and the implications for continued provision of ecosystem services has led, recently, to intense research effort to describe relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Here we extend this effort to the relationship between natural enemy species diversity and natural pest control. From simple modelled food‐webs and simulations of natural enemy species loss we derive specific predictions concerning the effect of herbivore life‐history traits, such as life‐cycle type and concealment, on the shape (reflecting diversity effects) and variance (reflecting species composition effects) of the relationship between natural enemy diversity and pest‐control. We show that these predictions are consistent with the emergence of different pest types following intensification of rice production in Asia. We suggest that basic biological insights can help define the structure of ecological processes and allow more accurate predictions of the effect of species loss on the delivery of ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Anastatus disparis (Ruschka) (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) is an egg parasitoid and considered a potential biological control agent of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). Only male offspring of A. disparis emerge from single eggs of L. dispar in the laboratory, and A. disparis exhibits low parasitism on L. dispar in the field. We therefore selected several lepidopteran species with various body sizes to evaluate the optimal egg size for hosting A. disparis. In addition, we explored whether the nutritional content of a single L. dispar egg influences the sex of A. disparis offspring and why female offspring can be reared from L. dispar eggs in the field. The results indicated that host egg size decisively influenced the body size and sex ratio of the parasitoid offspring. Therefore, larger hosts, especially the largest eggs of Antheraea pernyi Guérin‐Méneville (Saturniidae), might increase the fitness of A. disparis females. Lymantria dispar eggs concealed in the larger egg shell of A. pernyi produced female A. disparis, suggesting that adult A. disparis should prefer hosts with larger bodies and that the nutritional content of L. dispar eggs did not play a decisive role in the sex allocation of A. disparis. The results also indicated that the egg mass and the fur cover of L. dispar egg masses might be the key factors inducing female A. disparis to lay female offspring in L. dispar eggs.  相似文献   

Genetically modified plants are widely grown predominantly in North America and to a lesser extent in Australia, Argentina and China but their regions of production are expected to spread soon beyond these limited areas also reaching Europe where great controversy over the application of gene technology in agriculture persists. Currently, several cultivars of eight major crop plants are commercially available including canola, corn, cotton, potato, soybean, sugar beet, tobacco and tomato, but many more plants with new and combined multiple traits are close to registration. While currently agronomic traits (herbicide resistance, insect resistance) dominate, traits conferring “quality” traits (altered oil compositions, protein and starch contents) will begin to dominate within the next years. However, economically the most promising future lies in the development and marketing of crop plants expressing pharmaceutical or “nutraceuticals” (functional foods), and plants that express a number of different genes. From this it is clear that future agricultural and, ultimately, also natural ecosystems will be challenged by the large-scale introduction of entirely novel genes and gene products in new combinations at high frequencies all of which will have unknown impacts on their associated complex of non-target organisms, i.e. all organisms that are not targeted by the insecticidal protein. In times of severe global decline of biodiversity, pro-active precaution is necessary and careful consideration of the likely expected effects of transgenic plants on biodiversity of plants and insects is mandatory.In this paper possible implications of non-target effects for insect and plant biodiversity are discussed and a case example of such non-target effects is presented. In a multiple year research project, tritrophic and bitrophic effects of transgenic corn, expressing the gene from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt-corn) that codes for the high expression of an insecticidal toxin (Cry1Ab), on the natural enemy species, Chrysoperla carnea (the green lacewing), was investigated. In these laboratory trials, we found prey-mediated effects of transgenic Bt-corn causing significantly higher mortality of C. carnea larvae. In further laboratory trials, we confirmed that the route of exposure (fed directly or via a herbivorous prey) and the origin of the Bt (from transgenic plants or incorporated into artificial diet) strongly influenced the degree of mortality. In choice feeding trials where C. carnea could choose between Spodoptera littoralis fed transgenic Bt-corn and S. littoralis fed non-transgenic corn, larger instars showed a significant preference for S. littoralis fed non-transgenic corn while this was not the case when the choice was between Bt- and isogenic corn fed aphids. Field implications of these findings could be multifold but will be difficult to assess because they interfere in very intricate ways with complex ecosystem processes that we still know only very little about. The future challenge in pest management will be to explore how transgenic plants can be incorporated as safe and effective components of IPM systems and what gene technology can contribute to the needs of a modern sustainable agriculture that avoids or reduces adverse impacts on biodiversity? For mainly economically motivated resistance management purposes, constitutive high expression of Bt-toxins in transgenic plants is promoted seeking to kill almost 100% of all susceptible (and if possible heterozygote resistant) target pest insects. However, for pest management this is usually not necessary. Control at or below an established economic injury level is sufficient for most pests and cropping systems. It is proposed that partially or moderately resistant plants expressing quantitative rather than single gene traits and affecting the target pest sub-lethally may provide a more meaningful contribution of agricultural biotechnology to modern sustainable agriculture. Some examples of such plants produced through conventional breeding are presented. Non-target effects may be less severe allowing for better incorporation of these plants into IPM or biological control programs using multiple control strategies, thereby, also reducing selection pressure for pest resistance development.  相似文献   

Five species of Chalcididae (Hymenoptera) were collected from rice stores in Thailand. Proconura minusa Narendran was dominant and is thought to be an important parasitoid of Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier). Many individuals of Proconura caryobori (Hanna) were collected, and the host in rice stores of this species was Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton). Antrocephalus mitys (Walker) is known to parasitize C. cephalonica, but few individuals were collected; therefore, it is thought not to be important in Thailand. Notaspidiella clavata Narendran and Konishi sp. nov. and Notaspidium thailandicum Narendran and Konishi sp. nov. are described.  相似文献   

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