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Concanavalin A stimulation of rat lymphocyte ATPase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Incubation of platelets from normal volunteers, who had not taken any medication at least for 2 weeks, with insulin (200 mu units/ml), resulted in the inhibition of the potentiation of ADP-induced platelet aggregation in the presence of (-)-epinephrine by 50-60% when compared with the control. The inhibitory effect of insulin was not related to the increased cyclic AMP level or decreased thromboxane A2 synthesis in these cells. It was found that the treatment of platelets with insulin decreased alpha 2 adrenergic receptors number of these cells from 413 +/- 92/platelet to 206 +/- 84/platelet as determined by Scatchard analysis of [3H]yohimbine binding. The affinity of the receptors (1.05 +/- 0.02 nM) remained essentially unchanged due to the treatment of platelets with the hormone (1.40 +/- 0.60 nM).  相似文献   

The effects of the mixed agonist epinephrine and the beta agonist isoproterenol, each alone and in combination with the alpha adrenergic blocker phentolamine and the beta blocker propranolol on the adenylate cyclase activity of human adipocyte membrane fragments were determined in a calcium free buffer. Neither phentolamine (10 muM) nor propranolol (32 muM) affected basal adenylate cyclase activity. Epinephrine (10 muM) stimulated adenylate cyclase activity and this effect was slightly enhanced by phentolamine. The combination of epinephrine plus propranolol depressed adenylate cyclase below the basal level. Isoproterenol (10 muM) markedly stimulated adenylate cyclase; the addition of phentolamine caused an equivocal further increase while the addition of propranolol depressed adenylate cyclase activity to, but not below, the basal level. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that human adipocytes have both alpha and beta adrenergic receptors and that these receptors are associated with the cell membrane adenylate cyclase system.  相似文献   

Norepinephrine (NE):adenosinetriphosphate (ATP) ratios were studied in a highly purified fraction of large dense core vesicles isolated from the bovine splenic nerve. Vesicles prepared from nerves chilled approximately 10 and 30 min post mortem were compared. The NE:ATP molar ratio decreased from 6.3 to 4.8, p less than 0.005; NE decreased from 61 to 42 nmol, while ATP decreased only from 9.6 to 8.8 nmol/mg protein. Animals weighing 180-360 kg were compared with heavier ones weighing 400-700 kg. NE increased from 42 to 68 nmol and ATP increased from 5.9 to 13.2 nmol/mg protein, while the NE:ATP molar ratio decreased from 7.2 to 5.2, p less than 0.005. Changes during vesicle maturation were studied by comparing vesicles identically prepared from equal weights of a proximal nerve segment close to the coeliac ganglion and a distal, intrasplenic segment. NE increased from 45 to 70 nmol while ATP remained unchanged at 10.0 nmol/mg protein and the NE:ATP molar ratio increased from 4.5 to 7.0, p less than 0.005. It was interpreted that vesicle ATP content, like dopamine beta-hydroxylase, was established early in the cell body and remained unchanged during axoplasmic transport. ATP was in a complex which was relatively stable to post mortem hydrolysis at least between 10 and 30 min prior to chilling the nerves. The addition of newly synthesized NE into a readily releasable pool during axoplasmic transport occurs without ATP and can account for the increased ratio above 4:1 in the distal segment vesicles.  相似文献   

We here describe the cloning of an additional gene, called alpha 2-1.8, which is similar to the previously cloned human alpha 2-adrenergic receptor located on chromosome 4. The alpha 2-1.8 gene was identified by using the polymerase chain reaction with primers specific for sequences in transmembrane regions 2 and 5 of the previously isolated human alpha 2-C4 and alpha 2-C10 adrenoceptor genes, which are localized on chromosomes 4 and 10, respectively. The new gene was identified by amplifying the 1.8 kb size fractionated region of PstI restriction cut human genomic DNA. The previously cloned alpha 2-C10 and alpha 2-C4 genes were recovered at their expected locations, 0.96 and 5.9 kb, respectively. We have identified 387 bases of the new alpha 2-1.8 gene, and its sequence is identical to the previously described alpha 2-C4 gene, but it is distinct from the alpha 2-C10 and alpha 2-C2 genes. Our results demonstrate that the alpha 2-C4 adrenergic receptor exists in more than one copy in the human genome.  相似文献   

CHO transfectants expressing the three subtypes of rat alpha2 adrenergic receptors (alpha2AR): alpha2D, alpha2B, alpha2C were studied to compare the transduction pathways leading to the receptor-mediated stimulation of phospholipase A2 (PLA2) in the corresponding cell lines CHO-2D, CHO-2B, CHO-2C. The alpha2B subtype stimulated the arachidonic acid (AA) release after incubation of the cells with 1 microM epinephrine, whereas alpha2D and alpha2C gave no stimulation. Calcium ionophore A23187 (1 microM) increased the release by a factor of 2-4 in the three strains. When cells were incubated with both epinephrine and Ca2+ ionophore, the AA release differed greatly between cell lines with strong potentiation in CHO-2B (2-3 times greater than Ca2+ ionophore alone), moderate potentiation in CHO-2D, and no potentiation in CHO-2C. The three cell lines each inhibited adenylylcyclase with similar efficiencies when 1 microM epinephrine was used as the agonist. The potentiation depended on both alpha2AR and Gi proteins since yohimbine and pertussis toxin inhibited the process. Pretreatment of CHO-2B cells with MAFP which inhibits both cytosolic and Ca2+-independent PLA2, reduced the release of AA induced by epinephrine+Ca2+ ionophore to basal value, whereas bromoenol lactone, a specific Ca2+-independent PLA2 inhibitor, had no effect. Preincubation of the cells with the intracellular calcium chelator BAPTA gave a dose-dependent inhibition of the arachidonic acid (AA) release. In CHO cells expressing the angiotensin II type 1 receptor, coupled to a Gq protein, the agonist (10-7 M) produced maximal AA release: there was no extra increase when angiotensin and Ca2+ ionophore were added together. There was no increase in the amount of inositol 1,4, 5-triphosphate following stimulation of CHO-2B, -2C, -2D cells with 1 microM epinephrine. Epinephrine led to greater phosphorylation of cPLA2, resulting in an electrophoretic mobility shift for all three cell lines, so inadequate p42/44 MAPKs stimulation was not responsible for the weaker stimulation of cPLA2 in CHO-2C cells. Therefore, the stimulation of cPLA2 by Gi proteins presumably involves another unknown mechanism. The differential stimulation of cPLA2 in these transfectants will be of value to study the actual involvement of the transduction pathways leading to maximal cPLA2 stimulation.  相似文献   

Previously we found that in rats, electrical stimulation of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus elicited hyperglycemia associated with hyperglucagonemia without immediate hyperinsulinemia. To clarify the mechanism of these responses, we examined the effects of blockers of the autonomic nervous system on these responses. Hexamethonium, a ganglion blocker, suppressed the hyperglycemic and hyperglucagonemic responses to electrical stimulation of the SCN. Both bunazosin, an alpha 1-adrenergic blocker, and yohimbin, an alpha 2-adrenergic blocker, increased the level of insulin before stimulation, but only the latter suppressed the hyperglycemic and hyperglucagonemic responses. Propranolol, a beta-adrenergic blocker, partially inhibited the responses. These findings suggest that alpha 2- and beta-adrenergic mechanisms are involved in the hyperglycemic and hyperglucagonemic responses to SCN stimulation.  相似文献   

The alpha 2B adrenergic receptor (A2AB) is a heptahelical G protein-coupled receptor for catecholamines. We compared the almost complete coding region (about 1,175 bp) of the A2AB gene from 48 mammalian species, including eight newly determined sequences, representing all the 18 eutherian and two marsupial orders. Comparison of the encoded proteins reveals that residues thought to be involved in agonist binding are highly conserved, as are the regions playing a role in G protein-coupling. The three extracellular loops are generally more variable than the transmembrane domains and two of the intracellular loops, indicating a lower functional constraint. However, the greatest variation is observed in the very long, third intracellular loop, where only a few residues and a polyglutamyl tract are preserved. Although this polyglutamyl domain displays a great variation in length, its presence in all described A2ABs confirms its proposed role in agonist-dependent phosphorylation of the third intracellular loop. Phylogenetic analyses of the A2AB data set, including Bayesian methods, recognized the superordinal clades Afrotheria, Laurasiatheria, and Euarchontoglires, in agreement with recent molecular evidence, albeit with lower support. Within Afrotheria, A2AB strongly supports the paenungulate clade and the association of the continental African otter shrew with Malagasy tenrecs. Among Laurasiatheria, A2AB confirms the nesting of whales within the artiodactyls, as a sister group to hippopotamus. Within the Euarchontoglires, there is constant support for rodent monophyly.  相似文献   

Resting human lymphocytes were stimulated to initiate DNA synthesis by divalent mercury ions or by the divalent organomercurial, 1,4-bismercury-3, 4-dihydroxybutane. Monovalent methylmercury was ineffective, as was mercury-substituted dextran which is a polyvalent compound where the mercury atoms are farther apart than in the divalent butane derivative. These findings suggest that for organomercurials to stimulate lymphocyte DNA synthesis, they must crosslink protein sulfhydryl groups and bring these groups into close proximity.  相似文献   

The interaction between beta and alpha adrenergic agonists on regulation of cockerel aortic ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity was examined. The beta adrenergic agonist isoproterenol both reduced basal aortic ODC activity and prevented induction of the decarboxylase by the alpha adrenergic agonist methoxamine. 3-Isobutyl-1- methylxanthine (IBMX) similarly reduced basal ODC activity and blocked induction of the enzyme by methoxamine. When given ten minutes before or after methoxamine, isoproterenol prevented aortic ODC induction, but not large sustained increases in blood pressure evoked by the alpha adrenergic agonist. In contrast, when injected three hours after methoxamine, isoproterenol had no effect on already elevated levels of enzyme activity. Addition of isoproterenol (10(-7)M), IBMX (1 mM) or dibutyryl cAMP (2.5 mM) to isolated aortic segments cultured in minimal salts-glucose media evoked decreases in basal levels of ODC activity resembling those observed in the intact animal. These results suggest that the balance between alpha and beta adrenergic stimulation may be an important feature of the regulation of polyamine biosynthesis in artery wall cells.  相似文献   

Tentoxin at 10--1000 micrometer causes a marked species-selective stimulation of coupling factor 1 Ca2+-dependent ATPase activity (Ka 6.3 . 10(3) M-1). This effect decreases the Km for ATP to about 0.3 mM and increases V 2.75-fold. Above 1.6 micrometer tentoxin the rate of coupled electron transport was reduced to basal without uncoupling.  相似文献   

Rabbit central ear arteries, with and without endothelium, were perfused at a constant flow rate and the perfusion pressure was measured as an index of the vessel resistance. Transmural nerve stimulation (TNS) induced a frequency-dependent increase in perfusion pressure in all vessels that was blocked by tetrodotoxin, phentolamine, and prazosin. Removal of endothelium significantly enhanced contractions induced by TNS. The inhibitory effect of endothelium was not modified by indomethacin but was abolished by hemoglobin, indicating that endothelium-derived relaxant factor (EDRF) was the vasodilator involved. The endothelium-dependent inhibitory effect (rubbed vessel minus control vessel contractions) increased with time during the first 10-20 s after the beginning of TNS, and was frequency dependent and inhibited by low doses of phentolamine, which suggest a receptor-mediated mechanism. To analyze whether amine neurotransmitters are able to permeate the artery wall and contact the endothelial cell membrane, the passage of [3H]acetylcholine from the abluminal side to the lumen was studied in intact vessels. [3H]acetylcholine readily permeated the vessel wall, as assessed by radioautography, and appeared in the perfusion fluid at a concentration that explains the relaxation induced by perivascular acetylcholine. These data suggest that endothelial cells modulate the effect of perivascular neurotransmitters by a receptor-mediated mechanism. In the case of the sympathetic innervation, such modulation would be more relevant at low levels of transmitter release and would be minimized during intense sympathetic stimulation.  相似文献   

Serotonergic raphe deafferentiation elicits an up regulation of a nM (3H)WB-4101 binding site in rat hippocampus for which norepinephrine displays high affinity and prazosin displays low affinity. Guanine nucleotide affects the nM binding to hippocampal alpha-1 adrenergic receptors. Firstly, Gpp(NH)p, a nonhydrolyzable analog of GTP, inhibits (3H)WB-4101 binding at 3 nM concentration of the radioligand, the ligand concentration labelling the lower affinity, nM, binding site. Secondly, the addition of Gpp(NH)p causes recovery of the heterogeneity of binding sites lost upon preincubation of the membranes with 100 microM epinephrine, apparently by decreasing the affinity of the nM (3H)WB-4101 binding site for the adrenergic receptors. The phenomenon was still observed in the presence of saturating concentrations of the alpha-2 antagonist, yohimbine, and the beta antagonist, propranolol. The results imply that Gpp(NH)p regulates ligand binding to hippocampal alpha-1 agonist sites. It is likely that agonist and antagonist binding sites for the alpha-1 receptor exist in hippocampus with the agonist site being modulated by serotonin.  相似文献   

Kinetic mechanism of myofibril ATPase.   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
The kinetic mechanism of myofibril ATPase was investigated using psoas and mixed back muscle over a range of ionic strengths. Myofibrils were labeled with pyrene iodoacetamide to measure the rate constants for the binding of ATP and formation of the weakly attached state. The velocity of shortening was measured by stopping the contraction at various times by mixing with pH 4.5 buffer. The transient and steady-state rates of ATP hydrolysis were measured by the quench flow method. The results fitted the kinetic scheme [formula: see text] The rate constants (or equilibrium constants for steps 1 and 6) were obtained for the six steps. k5 was calculated from the KM for shortening velocity, K1, and k2. The rate constants were essentially equal for myofibrils and acto-S-1 at low ionic strength. Increasing the ionic strength up to 100 mM in NaCl increased the rate of the hydrolysis step and the size of the phosphate burst and the effective rate of product release became the rate-limiting step. The step calculated from the velocity of shortening, k5, and k2 is 15 nm, based on a model in which step 4 is the force-generating step.  相似文献   

Isoelectric focusing in the presence of Nonidet P-40 splits human chromatographically pure γ globin chains into two bands of isoelectric points 6.95 and 6.85, respectively. The comparison of the relative proportions of the two bands with the ratios between the Gγ and Aγ non allelic chains of human fetal hemoglobin suggests that the band at pI 6.95 corresponds to Gγ and the band at pI 6.85 corresponds to the Aγ chain; the latter is the only band present in a patient with Greek type hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin, producing only Aγ chains. Fluorography of electrofocusing-separated radioactive γ globin chains synthesized by thalassemic reticulocytes indicates that the relative GγAγ synthetic ratios are similar to the relative amounts of Gγ and Aγ chains accumulated in the erythrocytes, suggesting that the activities for the Gγ and Aγ mRNAs decay at roughly similar rates.  相似文献   

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