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The accessibility of several outer membrane proteins for bacteriophages and colicins in isogenic smooth and rough Escherichia coli strains was investigated. The results show that O antigen carrying lipopolysaccharide is able to prevent access of all phages and colicins tested to their outer membrane protein receptors.  相似文献   

A variety of natural and synthetic siderophores capable of supporting the growth of Escherichia coli K-12 on iron-limited media also protect strain RW193+ (tonA+ ent-) from the killing action of colicins B, V, and Ia. Protective activity falls into two categories. The first, characteristic of enterobactin protection against colicin B and ferrichrome protection against colicin M, has properties of a specific receptor competition between the siderophore and the colicin. Thus, enterobactin specifically protects against colicin B in fes- mutants (able to accumulate but unable to utilize enterobactin) as predicted by our proposal that the colicin B receptor functions in the specific binding for uptake of enterobactin (Wayne and Neilands, 1975). Similarly ferrichrome specifically protects against colicin M in SidA mutants (defective in hydroxamate siderophore utilization). The second category of protective response, characteristic of the more general siderophore inhibition of colicins B, V, and Ia, requires the availability or metabolism of siderophore iron. Thus, enterobactin protects against colicins V and Ia, but only when the colicin indicator strain is fes+, and hydroxamate siderophores inhibit colicins B, V, and Ia, but only when the colicin indicator strain is SidA+. Moreover, ferrichrome inhibits colicins B, V, and Ia, yet chromium (III) deferriferrichrome is inactive, and ferrichrome itself does not prevent adsorption of colicin Ia receptor material in vitro. Although the nonspecific protection against colicins B, V, and Ia requires iron, the availability of siderophore iron for cell growth is not sufficient to bring about protection. None of the siderophores tested protect cells against the killing action of colicin E1 or K, or against the energy poisons azide, 2, 4-dinitrophenol, and carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone. We suggest that nonspecific siderophore protection against colicins B, V, and Ia may be due either to an induction of membrane alterations in response to siderophore iron metabolism or to a direct interference by siderophore iron with some unknown step in colicin action subsequent to adsorption.  相似文献   

Major outer membrane components which determine the structure and the barrier function of membrane Gram-negative bacteria are receptors for many bacteriophages. LPS--the major component of the outer membrane of Enterobacteria can be used by some phages with wide host range specificity. The other component of the outer membrane frequently include phage receptor component is OmpA protein. OmpA protein different areas can be used as receptors for different phages T--even group. A large group of phage receptors compose porin proteins, which are discovered in 32 species of bacteria. The synthesis of major porin proteins, which a receptor for several phages, are regulated by sufficiently complex system of some genes. These genes are sensitive to the changes of environment.  相似文献   

Several proteins of the Tol/Pal system are required for group A colicin import into Escherichia coli. Colicin A interacts with TolA and TolB via distinct regions of its N-terminal domain. Both interactions are required for colicin translocation. Using in vivo and in vitro approaches, we show in this study that colicin A also interacts with a third component of the Tol/Pal system required for colicin import, TolR. This interaction is specific to colicins dependent on TolR for their translocation, strongly suggesting a direct involvement of the interaction in the colicin translocation step. TolR is anchored to the inner membrane by a single transmembrane segment and protrudes into the periplasm. The interaction involves part of the periplasmic domain of TolR and a small region of the colicin A N-terminal domain. This region and the other regions responsible for the interaction with TolA and TolB have been mapped precisely within the colicin A N-terminal domain and appear to be arranged linearly in the colicin sequence. Multiple contacts with periplasmic-exposed Tol proteins are therefore a general principle required for group A colicin translocation.  相似文献   

Fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) with DEAE-Sepharose Fast Flow, PBE-94 and Q-Sepharose Fast Flow columns are applied to the purification of the ferric enterobactin protein receptor (FepA). The apparent single band of FepA on SDS-PAGE is isolated and purified into two proteins with very similar molecular weights. The two proteins are identified to be FepA and ferric citrate protein receptor (FecA) by N-terminus amino acid determination and a computer search with the Gene Bank file. The assay of binding activities of these proteins shows that both FepA and FecA bind ferric enterobactin, with the former having about double the activity of the latter. Competition studies shows that Fe-MECAM is competitively bound to both proteins and that ferric parabactin only slightly competes with [55Fe]ferric enterobactin. It is found that ferrichrome A has no effect on the binding of the receptor proteins with ferric enterobactin.  相似文献   

The ability of Bdellovibrio sp. to acquire the OmpF major outer membrane protein from its Escherichia coli prey was examined to determine if there were other outer membrane proteins which could or could not be acquired. Growth of bdellovibrios on mutant prey which were defective in the expression of outer membrane proteins revealed that Bdellovibrio sp. could acquire the OmpC protein in the absence of the OmpF protein. However, the OmpA, LamB, and protein 2 proteins could not be found in the Bdellovibrio Triton-insoluble outer membrane. The disappearance of the OmpF and OmpC proteins from the bdelloplast surface was measured, and it was determined that Bdellovibrio sp. exhibited a kinetic and temporal preference for the OmpF protein. Bdellovibrios could be grown on porin-deficient prey, and the progeny bdellovibrios possessed outer membranes with a protein mass deficiency.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli K-12 grown in iron-deficient media contained a large amount of outer membrane proteins O-2a, O-2b, and O-3, while cells grown in iron-supplemented media contained far smaller amounts of these proteins. The iron uptake by the iron-deficient cells was significantly stimulated in the presence of enterochelin, while that by the iron-rich cells was not. The outer membrane isolated from cells grown in the iron-deficient media showed enterochelin-stimulated binding of iron, while the outer membrane from iron-rich cells and cytoplasmic membranes from both types of cells did not show such binding activity. The amount of iron bound by the outer membrane was almost equivalent to the amount of O-2a, O2b, or O-3, irrespective of the amount of these proteins in the outer membrane, which is controlled by the amount of iron in the medium. Small particles rich in these proteins were prepared from cells by EDTA extraction. The particles were active in enterochelin-mediated iron binding and the amount of iron bound was equivalent to the amount of each of these proteins in the particles. Although the outer membrane of E. coli B was as active in iron binding as that of E. coli K-12, it did not possess an appreciable amount of O-2a. Gel electrophoretic analysis revealed that 9-2b and 9-3 were identical with the proteins missing mutants feuB and feuA, respectively.  相似文献   

Three Escherichia coli phages, TuIa, TuIb, and TuII, were isolated from local sewage. We present evidence that they use the major outer membrane proteins Ia, Ib, and II, respectively, as receptors. In all cases the proteins, under the experimental conditions used, required lipopolysaccharide to exhibit their receptor activity. For proteins Ia and II, an approximately two- to eightfold molar excess of lipopolysaccharide (based on one diglucosamine unit) was necessary to reach maximal receptor activity. Lipopolysaccharide did not appear to possess phage-binding sites. It seemed that the lipopolysaccharide requirement reflected a protein-lipopolysaccharide interaction in vivo, and lipopolysaccharide may thus cause the specific localization of these proteins. Inactivation of phage TuII by a protein II-lipopolysaccharide complex was reversible as long as the complex was in solution. Precipitation of the complex with Mg2+ led to irreversible phage inactivation with an inactivation constant (37 degrees C)K = 7 X 10-2 ml/min per microgram. With phages TuIa and TuIb and their respective protein-lipopolysaccharide complexes, only irreversible inactivation was found at 37 degrees C. The activity of the three proteins as phage receptors shows that part of them must be located at the cells surface. In addition, the association of proteins Ia and Ib with the murein layer of the cell envelope makes this pair trans-membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Outer membrane proteins (OMPs) of Gram-negative bacteria are key molecules that interface the cell with the environment. Traditional biochemical and genetic approaches have yielded a wealth of knowledge relating to the function of OMPs. Nonetheless, with the completion of the Escherichia coli genome sequencing project there is the opportunity to further expand our understanding of the organization, expression and function of the OMPs in this Gram-negative bacterium. In this report we describe a proteomic approach which provides a platform for parallel analysis of OMPs. We propose a rapid method for isolation of bacterial OMPs using carbonate incubation, purification and protein array by two-dimensional electrophoresis, followed by protein identification using mass spectrometry. Applying this method to examine E. coli K-12 cells grown in minimal media we identified 21 out of 26 (80%) of the predicted integral OMPs that are annotated in SWISS-PROT release 37 and predicted to separate within the range of pH 4-7 and molecular mass 10-80 kDa. Five outer membrane lipoproteins were also identified and only minor contamination by nonmembrane proteins was observed. Importantly, this research readily demonstrates that integral OMPs, commonly missing from 2D gel maps, are amenable to separation by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Two of the identified OMPs (YbiL, YeaF) were previously known only from their ORFs, and their identification confirms the cognate genes are transcribed and translated. Furthermore, we show that like the E. coli iron receptors FhuE and FhuA, the expression of YbiL is markedly increased by iron limitation, suggesting a putative role for this protein in iron transport. In an additional demonstration we show the value of parallel protein analysis to document changes in E. coli OMP expression as influenced by culture temperature.  相似文献   

Spheroplasts of Escherichia coli mutants were used to investigate the roles of the inner and outer membranes in the transport of iron. tonA mutants, known to be defective in an outer membrane component of the ferrichrome transport system, regained the ability to transport ferrichrome when converted to spheroplasts. On the other hand, the tonB mutant was unable to transport ferric enterochelin in either whole cells or spheroplasts. This implies that an element of the inner membrane is affected. fep mutants were also unable to transport ferric enterochelin, and fell into two classes, fepA and fepB. Spheroplasts of the former class transported ferric enterochelin, and those of the latter did not. This implies that the fepA mutants are defective in ferric enterochelin transport across the outer membrane, and that fepB mutants probably lack the facility to transport ferric enterochelin across the inner membrane. Colicin B action on fepA mutants was found to differ from that on fepB mutants.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of the low-molecular-weight iron carrier enterochelin and of three outer membrane polypeptides appears to be coordinately regulated by the amount of cell-associated iron in Escherichia coli K-12. Measurements of iron acquisition made throughout the growth cycle in iron-deficient media indicate that a very rapid accumulation of iron occurs in the first 2 h of growth; there is comparatively little iron uptake during exponential growth, which results in a gradual decrease in the cellular iron content with each generation. When this level falls below 400 ng of iron per mg (dry weight) of cells, there is a simultaneous onset of synthesis of the three outer membrane polypeptides and of enterochelin. This coordinate regulation was also observed in cells able to transport iron actively using only citrate as an iron-carrier.  相似文献   

The bfe locus codes for the cell surface receptor for vitamin B12, the E colicins, and bacteriophage BF23 in the Escherichia coli outer membrane. When the bfe+ allele, which is closely linked to the argH locus, was introduced into an argH bfe recipient by conjugation, arg+ recombinant cells rapidly and simultaneously acquired sensitivity to colicin E3 and phage BF23. In the reciprocal experiment introducing bfe into an argH bfe+ recipient, it was found that colicin E3-resistant, arg+ cells began to appear shortly after the arg+ recombinant population began to divide. This was far earlier than would have been predicted on the basis of 220 receptors per haploid cell. Moreover, there was a lag between the appearance of colicin resistance and the appearance of resistance to killing by phage BF23, and hence a period of time during which some arg+ recombinant cells were sensitive to the phage but resistant to the colicin. Colicin E3 added to cells during this period of time protected against phage killing, indicating that the colicin-resistant cells still had receptors capable of binding colicin on their surface. The modification of the phenotypic expression of colicin and phage resistance by inhibitors of deoxyribonucleic acid, ribonucleic acid, and protein synthesis was also investigated. The results obtained indicate that the receptor protein coded for by the bfe locus can exist on the cell surface in several different functional states.  相似文献   

Protein interactions in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Specific protein interactions in Escherichia coli outer membrane were analyzed using chemical cross-linking with truly cleavable reagents and symmetrical two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The major outer membrane proteins were shown to form cross-linked complexes. These include multimers of lambda receptor, protein I, II, III and the free form of lipoprotein. Lipoprotein was also found to be cross-linked to proteins II and III. The identity of many of these complexes was verified using appropriate mutants missing the proteins in question. No new protein interactions were detected in the mutants even when three of the major proteins were missing. Proteins II, III and the free form of lipoprotein could also be cross-linked to the peptidoglycan layer of the cell wall.  相似文献   

Covalent lipoprotein from the outer membrane of Escherichia coli.   总被引:74,自引:0,他引:74  

The electrical properties of Escherichia coli cells were examined by the patch-clamp technique. Giant cells or giant spheroplasts were generated by five different methods. By electron micrographic and other criteria we determined that the patches are most likely from the outer membrane. We regularly observed currents through at least two types of channels in this membrane. The first current is mechanosensitive and voltage-dependent, and can be observed in single gene mutants of the known major porins (ompF, ompC, phoE, lamB); this channel may represent a minor porin or a new class of outer membrane protein. The possible identity of the second, voltage-sensitive channel with one of the known outer membrane proteins is being explored. The high-resistance seals consistently formed on these patches and the presence of gated ion channels suggest that most of the pores of the outer membrane are not statically open, as commonly held, but are closed at rest and may be openable by physiological stimuli.  相似文献   

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