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猴免疫缺陷病毒(SIV)猴模型的建立   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
应用SIVmac毒株感染中国恒河猴13只,感染剂量为病毒液的10-1~2×10-5;感染食蟹猴4只,感染剂量为10-2。感染后2周出现各种症状和体征如皮疹,浅表淋巴结肿大,脾肿大,血象白细胞总数下降,出现异常淋巴细胞和中性白细胞。感染后期T4下降,T4、T8比例倒置等。从外周血淋巴细胞和血浆分离病毒阳性,血清抗体上升。淋巴结组织切片呈规律性改变,即淋巴滤泡增生-滤泡耗竭-淋巴组织耗竭或逐渐恢复。感染后2.5个月有急性死亡病例,以后呈散在死亡例,尸检还发现机遇性感染如肺寄生虫,肺、肝巨细胞病毒感染等。  相似文献   

PCR技术在猴免疫缺陷病毒(SIV)感染模型中的应用   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
目的(1)建立RT PCR方法,定性测定SIV感染猴血浆中病毒RNA,比较其与传统血浆病毒分离方法的敏感性;(2)建立DNA PCR方法,检测SIV感染猴外周血淋巴细胞(PBMCs)中的前病毒DNA。(3)检验DNA PCR和RNA PCR方法在猴SAIDS模型应用中的实用性和可操作性。方法用SIVmac251静脉感染恒河猴,定期采血,从血浆中提取病毒RNA,以RNA为模板通过RT PCR法扩增,凝胶电泳定性;从感染猴PBMC中提取带有整合的SIV前病毒DNA的细胞基因组DNA,巢式PCR扩增,凝胶电泳定性。结果DNA PCR和RNA PCR经两轮扩增后均得到一长度为477bp的特异条带,测序鉴定确为目的片段。9只实验猴感染SIV后7d,RNA PCR结果为79阳性,DNA PCR结果为100%阳性,而血浆病毒分离只有59阳性;此后一直到感染后的42d,RNA PCR和DNA PCR的结果一直为100%阳性,而血浆病毒分离阳性率在感染后35d下降到49,到42d时下降为零。结论PCR方法比病毒分离方法的敏感性高。尤其是DNA PCR,既可检测具有活跃病毒复制的受感染细胞,又可检测那些携带病毒处于转录休眠期的细胞,所以在感染的早期和中后期———血浆病毒水平较低的情况下或病毒处于潜伏感染的阶段,它作为猴艾滋病(SAIDS)模型病毒学指标之一有其必要性和重要性。这个指标的检测方法应该是较血浆病毒RNA检测更为敏感。  相似文献   

目的观察恒河猴艾滋病模型不同感染阶段中枢神经系统及淋巴结的超微结构改变,探讨艾滋病的发病机制和病理改变的发展过程。方法 15只恒河猴,1只为正常对照,其余14只静脉注射感染SIVmac239猴艾滋病病毒,分别于感染后1周,2周,1个月,2个月,12个月,18个月取腹股沟淋巴结及下丘脑组织进行透射电镜检查。结果感染后1周即可出现淋巴结内淋巴细胞病变,表现为线粒体肿胀,嵴溶解,出现自噬体等。感染后2周及1个月时淋巴细胞病变主要表现为线粒体肿胀,嵴溶解;感染2个月时淋巴细胞细胞核形态出现明显改变。感染后12个月淋巴结内多数淋巴细胞出现病变,细胞肿胀,细胞器正常形态大部分消失;部分细胞出现溶解性坏死的特征。至感染后期(18个月时),淋巴结内局部淋巴细胞稀疏,细胞核肿胀或形态不规则。中枢神经系统的病变在感染后1周出现,表现为神经纤维肿胀,感染后2周出现神经元的病变,表现为神经元线粒体肿胀,粗面内质网脱颗粒,尼氏体消失;神经纤维内出现空泡。感染后12个月及18个月时,神经元和神经纤维的病变加重。结论在SIV感染早期,淋巴结内淋巴细胞及中枢神经系统即可出现病变,维持一段相对稳定的时间后,至疾病后期,病变加重。中枢神经系统与淋巴结的超微结构病变发展规律有一定的相似性。  相似文献   

石蜡包埋组织中DNA的提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从石蜡包埋组织中提取DNA,是进一步研究抑癌基因的基础,而石蜡包埋组织中提取到的DNA往往已被降解成小分子且量微,作者经多次摸索试验,改进了一些步骤,取得了较好的抽提效果。  相似文献   

应用多聚酶链反应(PCR),直接从SIV感染的猴艾滋病(SAIDS)模型猴的外周血淋巴细胞总DNA中扩增出767bp的SIV核心蛋白P27基因片段。扩增产物经EcoRI及SalI双酶切后,克隆入相同酶切的表达质粒pBV220中,获得含SIV核心蛋白基因片段的重组质粒pBVSG,并进行DNA序列分析。用该重组质粒转化大肠杆菌DH5a经筛选、增殖及42℃温度诱导,SDS-PAGE表明外源基因表达蛋白含量占菌体总蛋白14.5%,Western-blot证实表达产物能被SIVP27单克隆抗体及SAIDS模型猴血清中特异性抗体识别。  相似文献   

从石蜡包埋和甲醛浸泡组织中提取DNA进行PCR扩增的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何从石蜡包埋组织中高质量的提取DNA从而进行分子生物学特别是基因工程方面的科研工作,目前在国内尚未见报道。我们采用二甲苯或水浴法对2块胃癌石蜡包埋组织进行脱蜡,并提取、纯化了DNA,进行PCR扩增,获得了成功。另外对用甲醛浸泡的组织其DNA的受损程度与上述进行了比较,现报告如下。  相似文献   

目的建立快速、敏感、特异的猴免疫缺陷病毒(SIV)TaqMan探针实时荧光定量PCR检测方法,对SIV病毒核酸进行定量检测。方法RT—PCR扩增SIVmac251保守gag基因序列796bp片段,进行TA克隆,构建标准品质粒pMD—SIVgag。通过对SIV定量外标准品的定量分析,优化反应体系,检测TaqMan探针实时荧光定量PCR方法的灵敏度、特异性和重复性。结果所建立的SIVQPCR检测方法,质粒DNA模板在10’~10。拷贝之间表现较好线性和相关性,标准曲线所得斜率为-3.26,相关系数为0.999。检测灵敏度达到200拷贝,方法重复性测试,检测25份临床样品CV%均小于1%。结论建立的SIVQPCR检测方法特异性、敏感性高,稳定性好,可用于定量测定猴免疫缺陷病毒(SIV)核酸拷贝量。  相似文献   

目的:比较石蜡包埋组织三种不同的前处理方式用不同试剂盒提取DNA效果,以期达到能根据各自实验室条件差异,选择合适的样本处理方式及相应的试剂盒,获得高质量DNA。方法:在提取DNA前,对石蜡块包埋的组织分别进行三种前处理,形成三种组织形式:切片机连续切片,手动刮取石蜡组织块后获得手刮片和切片后烤片制成的玻片,用Qiagen和Tiangen试剂盒提取DNA,并用琼脂糖电泳,PCR扩增和测序进行鉴定。结论:如果样本是玻片形式的石蜡包埋组织,可以选择改良过的Qiagen试剂盒提取DNA;样本如果是石蜡块包埋的组织,有切片机的,切片之后用Tiangen试剂盒提取DNA;而没有切片机的实验室可以选择用刀片刮取石蜡块组织,用Tiangen试剂盒提取DNA。  相似文献   

本文用氧钒核糖核苷复合物VRC(VanadylRibonucleosideComplex)孵育的方法,从石蜡包埋半年以上的肾组织中提取出RNA,分析了RNA的质量,探讨了影响RNA提取的因素。在此基础上,我们又采用tRNA助沉的方法,进一步从石蜡包埋的微量肾活检组织中提取出RNA,并用逆转录热启动PCR(RT-hotstart-PCR)方法,观察了石蜡包埋的肾活检组织中细胞因子的基因表达。  相似文献   

To develop a nonhuman primate model for maternal–fetal transmission of HIV infection, we have inoculated pregnant Macaca nemestrina with uncloned SIVMne. Three animals inoculated during the third trimester delivered healthy infants. One of the three infants, a male born 31 days after the mother was inoculated with SIV, became virus-positive but failed to produce SIV-specific antibody and died with overt simian immunodeficiency and disseminated adenovirus (SV20) infection at age six and one-half months. SIV and adenovirus antigen could be demonstrated by immunohistochemical methods in multiple organ systems.  相似文献   

Large-scale deletions of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have been associated with aging and disease in post-mitotic tissues. These post-mitotic tissues, including skeletal muscle, heart and brain, are heavily dependent on intact functional mitochondria. The cochlear tissues are known to contain an abundance of mitochondria. This observation stimulated a search for mtDNA deletions in the cochlea and its elements using a sensitive nested PCR methodology and long range PCR to explain the functional deficits observed in age-related hearing loss. The presence of the so-called “common” deletion (CD) was detected in cochlear tissue from two individuals with age-related hearing loss, 73 and 78 years of age. Three additional deletions, that to our knowledge have not been previously reported, were also identified in these two individuals, including a 5354 bp deletion flanked with a 3 bp repeat, a 9682 bp deletion flanked by a 10 bp repeat and a 5142 bp deletion without a flanking repeat. The 9682 and 5142 bp deletions were also detected in an individual 39 years of age with normal hearing, however, these two deletions were not detected in a normal hearing individual 9 years of age. In contrast, the 5354 bp deletion was detected in all four of the individuals studied. To localize the deletions within the cochlea, the cochlear elements were removed by laser capture microdissection (LCM) and the mtDNA from these tissues was studied. The 5142 and 5354 bp deletions were detected in the organ of corti, spiral ligament, and ganglion cells, but not in the stria vascularis. These findings correlate with the reduction in the number of spiral ganglion cells and outer hair cells, and the normal stria vascularis volume observed in this individual. All four of these deletions involve the cytochrome c oxidase (COX) subunit III gene, encoded by mtDNA. These observations suggest that multiple mtDNA deletions may contribute to a deficit in mitochondrial function in the cochlea and result in hearing loss if a level of physiological significance is reached.  相似文献   

It is crucial to identify cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of immunosuppressed patients, given their greater risk for developing severe infection. Many laboratory methods for the detection of CMV infection have been developed, including serology, viral culture, and molecular methods. Often, these methods reflect systemic involvement with CMV and do not specifically identify local tissue involvement. Therefore, detection of CMV infection in the GI tract is frequently done by traditional histology of biopsy tissue. Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining in conjunction with immunohistochemistry (IHC) have remained the mainstays of examining these biopsies. H&E and IHC sometimes result in atypical (equivocal) staining patterns, making interpretation difficult. It was shown that quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) for CMV can successfully be performed on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) biopsy tissue for very high sensitivity and specificity. The goal of this protocol is to demonstrate how to perform qPCR testing for the detection of CMV in FFPE biopsy tissue in a clinical laboratory setting. This method is likely to be of great benefit for patients in cases of equivocal staining for CMV in GI biopsies.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum is an intracellular protozoan that infects many domestic and wild animals. Domestic dogs and other canids function as definitive hosts, while other mammals serve as natural intermediate hosts. In the present study, the brain tissues of bats collected in Yunnan Province, Southern China were tested by N. caninum specific-nested PCR, targeting the Nc-5 gene and the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) region of the ribosomal DNA to determine whether bats could be infected with N. caninum. N. caninum DNA was detected in 1.8% (4/227) of bats, i.e., 1.7% (1/60) in Rousettus leschenaultia, 1.7% (1/58) in Hipposideros pomona, 2.9% (2/69) in Rhinolophus pusillus, and none (0/40) in Myotis daubentoniid. The findings of the present study are only the first indication that bats could serve as an intermediate host, and further studies are necessary to confirm whether bats are involved in the transmission of N. caninum infections.  相似文献   

Z. Aras  U.S. Uçan 《Theriogenology》2010,74(4):658-662
The aim of this study was to standardize and evaluate a PCR assay for the detection of Brucella canis (B. canis) in lymph node samples of naturally infected dogs. The performance of the PCR was compared with the results of bacteriological culture as reference method. Forty-eight inguinal lymph node samples were collected from 48 dogs (18 males and 30 females) that died in the city's pound in the years 2007-2008 and were examined by microbiological culture and the PCR assay. B. canis was isolated from 4 (8.3%) of 48 lymph node samples. Forty-four (91.7%) of the samples were bacteriological culture negative. B. canis DNA was directly detected from all culture positive lymph node samples (n = 4) by PCR. All of the culture negative samples were confirmed as negative by PCR. When the culture method was used as a gold standard, sensitivity and specificity of the PCR assay were found to be 100%. The limit of PCR detection of B. canis DNA was 1.4 × 101 CFU/g at least. In conclusion, the PCR assay has been shown to have a diagnostic performance equal to bacteriological culture for detection of B. canis. By a non-hazardous protocol for laboratory workers, the assay can be performed in one day.  相似文献   

对大豆油中DNA提取方法进行了研究,结果表明CTAB、SDS和Wizard试剂盒提取大豆油DNA均具有良好的效果。利用nested PCR和semi—nested PCR检测大豆(Roundup Ready)油中的转基因成分发现,该方法能够检测到大豆原油中的Lectin基因(112bp)、CaMV35S基因(147bP)和CP4-EPSPS基因(205bp),检测灵敏度达到10^-6ng/μl;但该方法未能从人豆成品油(一级)中扩增到上述基因,当中的转基因成分DNA含量低于10^-12ng/μl。  相似文献   

用NestedPCR检测牛白血病病毒的前病毒形式。从牛白血病病毒基因gp51上选择两对引物进行NestedPCR体外扩增,产物经2%agarose凝胶电泳和用生物素标记的探针鉴定,证实其特异性。结果表明该方法能从两个BAT-BLV细胞内检测出BLV的前病毒DNA形式。  相似文献   

目的由于检测SIV p27抗原试剂盒来源困难,有时不稳定,鉴于HIV-1 p24与SIVp27有较强的交叉抗原,本研究比较HIV-1 p24和SIV p27两种ELISA试剂盒检测SIV p27抗原得出的结果是否存在一定的相关性。方法 HIV-1 p24和SIV p27两种ELISA试剂盒定性和定量检测样品中SIV p27抗原,并对检测结果进行回归和相关分析。结果 HIV-1 p24和SIV p27两种ELISA试剂盒检测SIV p27抗原的灵敏度分别是150 pg/mL和62.5 pg/mL。两种试剂盒检测病毒液和血浆中SIV p27抗原的定性结果一致。定量结果的统计分析得出病毒液的直线回归决定系数R2=0.857,直线相关系数r=0.926,P〈0.01,直线正相关程度较高;血浆的直线回归决定系数R2=0.512,直线相关系数r=0.716,P〈0.05,直线正相关程度较低。结论 HIV-1 p24 ELISA试剂盒能够替代SIVp27 ELISA试剂盒定性检测病毒液和血浆中SIV p27抗原,但只能定量检测病毒液中SIV p27抗原。  相似文献   

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