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赵海鹏  张耀光  冉江波  赵海涛 《四川动物》2005,24(1):65-65,F003
多指(趾)畸形为常见的手足先天性畸形,六指(趾)畸形属多指(趾)畸形中占多数的一种。已有的文献对人类多指(趾)畸形有诸多报道,并从不同的角度进行了探讨。但是,人类以外的哺乳动物六趾畸形尤其四川短尾鼩(Anourosorcx sguamipes Milne-Edwards)六趾畸形未见报道。笔者于2004年6月10日15点左右在西南师范大学校园大门处采到一食虫目动物。采集时天降小雨,该动物沿着有浅积水的墙边行走,四肢运动频繁但速度缓慢。带回实验室经鉴定为四川短尾鼩(见封3图版,1),照相时发现前脚异常,  相似文献   

Variation in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was used together with comparative cytogenetics to examine the evolutionary history and taxonomic status of an African hystricomorphous rodent, the springhare Pedetes capensis. The mtDNA phylogeographic structure showed that the majority of the southern African populations (P. c. capensis) are characterized by unique but closely related maternal lineages. Based on restriction endonuclease fragment analysis, the east African populations (P. c. surdaster) appear more structured and are distinguished from those in southern Africa by an average sequence divergence of 5.52% (±1.4%). This marked divergence is concordant with results of the cytogenetic study. Specimens from southern Africa have 2n = 38, and those from east Africa 2n = 40. The change in diploid number is due to a single centric fusion. It is suggested that the closure of the Brachystegia or miombo woodland (20,000–10,000 B.P.), which delimits contemporary springhare ranges, may have been too recent to account for the accumulated genetic differences that distinguish these taxa. While rifting and associated habitat changes in east Africa can be invoked to explain genetic structure in this region, the southern African springhare populations, which have a high incidence of locality-specific haplotypes, show a shallow phylogeographic structure, in keeping with a relatively recent range expansion from smaller source populations. Given the magnitude of genetic, morphological, and ethological differences between the two geographic isolates, we believe that there is strong support for the elevation of the east African and southern African springhare populations to full species status, thus supporting earlier taxonomic treatments of this rodent.  相似文献   

Based on the field investigations in 91 investigation sites (counties) in southwest China between 2001 and 2019, the present paper reported the chigger mites on A. agrarius mice in southwest China for the first time by using a series of statistical methods. From 715 striped field mice captured in 28 of 91 investigated sites, only 255 chiggers were collected, and they were identified as 14 species, 6 genera in 3 subfamilies under 2 families. Of 715 A. agrarius mice, only 24 of them were infested with chigger mites with low overall prevalence (PM=3.4%), overall mean abundance (MA=0.36 mites/host) and overall mean intensity (MI=10.63 mites/host). The species diversity and infestation of chiggers on A. agrarius were much lower than those previously reported on some other rodents in southwest China. On a certain species of rodent, A. agrarius mouse in southwest China seems to have a very low susceptibility to chigger infestations than in other geographical regions. Of 14 chigger species, there were 3 dominant species, Leptotrombidium sialkotense, L. rupestre and Schoengastiella novoconfuciana, which were of aggregated distribution among different individuals of A. agrarius hosts. L. sialkotense, one of 6 main vectors of scrub typhus in China, was the first dominant on A. agrarius. The species similarity of chigger mites on male and female hosts was low with CSS=0.25, and this reflects the sex-bias of different genders of A. agrarius mice in harboring different chigger species.  相似文献   

Haffner, M. 2000. Structure and function of pilosebaceous units on the heads of small mammals (Insectivora, Chiroptera, Rodentia). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 81 : 195–203 The cranial integument of 32 species was examined for increased sebum production and structures serving sebum storage and expulsion by means of light and scanning electron microscopy. The head is rich in sebaceous glands in all species. Some have no further specializations other than regions with enlarged sebum production. These regions either need extra protection per se or they are situated where they can be used for fur grooming directly or be easily reached by the forepaws. The water shrew stores sebum that it can possibly apply as a water‐repellent lipid coating for the fur if required. All vespertilionid bats not only have huge glandular complexes with storage chambers, but also structures for the retaining and application of sebum. Stabilizing elements reflect the extent of external pressure on the specialized pilary canal during sebum discharge. Originally simple hair follicles evolved highly adapted pilosebaceous complexes that possibly produce scent themselves or at least a carrier substance for scent secreted by the many apocrine glands on the snout.  相似文献   

Genetic structure of the large Japanese field mouse populations in suburban landscape of West Tokyo, Japan was determined using mitochondrial DNA control region sequence. Samples were collected from six habitats linked by forests and green tract along the Tama River, and from two forests segregated by urban areas from those continuous habitats. Thirty-five haplotypes were detected in 221 animals. Four to eight haplotypes were found within each local population belonging to the continuous landscape. Some haplotypes were shared by two or three adjacent local populations. On the other hand, two isolated habitats were occupied by one or two indigenous haplotypes. Significant genetic differentiation between all pairs of local populations, except for one pair in the continuous habitats, was found by analysis of molecular variance (amova). The geographical distance between habitats did not explain the large variance of pairwise F(ST)-values among local populations. F(ST)-values between local populations segregated by urban areas were higher than those between local populations in the continuous habitat, regardless of geographical distance. The results of this study demonstrated quantitatively that urban areas inhibit the migration of Apodemus speciosus, whereas a linear green tract along a river functions as a corridor. Moreover, it preserves the metapopulation structure of A. speciosus as well as the corridors in suburban landscape.  相似文献   

根据2001至2015年对云南省30个县(市)的现场调查,本文对短尾鼩(Anourosorex squamipes)体表螨类(革螨和恙螨)的感染状况和相关生态规律进行了初步分析.常规统计短尾鼩体表螨类的构成比(Cr)、感染率(PM)、平均多度(MA)和感染度(MI).用Jaccard相似性系数(J)比较螨类物种相似度....  相似文献   

The impact of wearing a radio-collar was investigated for 124 Yellow-necked Mice Apodemus flavicollis, in mixed deciduous woodlands. Collared mice neither lost more weight nor lost weight more frequently than control individuals. The cost of wearing a collar was not greater for small individuals than for larger ones. The impact of wearing a radio-collar was mostly due to the shape and size of the radio-collar and the external antenna rather than the package weight. This aspect was particularly acute in the presence of ticks. One solution to this problem may be to build and use radio-transmitter packages as compact (but nevertheless resistant to gnawing) and symmetrical as possible and to use collars impregnated with tick repellent.  相似文献   

Yuan SL  Lin LK  Oshida T 《Molecular ecology》2006,15(8):2119-2130
To test the Pleistocene interglacial refugia hypothesis with a high-elevation mammal, we studied the phylogeography of the mole-shrew (Anourosorex yamashinai) using partial mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences (737 bases). This shrew is endemic to Taiwan. It is mainly distributed in the highlands from 1000 to 2500 m in elevation. We examined 103 specimens from 24 localities in three mountain ranges of Taiwan and found 36 haplotypes. These haplotypes separated into two major phylogroups (Northern and Southern) plus a minor phylogroup (Houhuan) of only one haplotype. This demonstrated strong association with geography. The formation of these three phylogroups may be the result of interglacial refugia during the middle Pleistocene. Distinct sublineages were not found within each major phylogroup, suggesting that the populations (phylogroups) explosively expanded from the interglacial refugia of ancestral founder haplotypes. The present distribution pattern of haplotypes suggests that Mount Houhuan is an effective refugium in central Taiwan. It was not possible to specify the refugia for the Northern and Southern phylogroups.  相似文献   

九寨沟自然保护区川金丝猴的分布及种群数量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2014年2月至5月,对四川省九寨沟自然保护区野生川金丝猴的种群分布、数量及其社会结构进行调查,初步探讨该种群与其他种群在外部形态和社会结构方面的差异性。采用"V"型路线法调查,发现九寨沟保护区共有川金丝猴4群。然后结合长时间的持续跟踪观察,证实家庭单元19个,全雄群3个,能区分不同个体296只。OMU大小平均为12.7只,其中OMU内的成年个体占38%,青少年个体占53%,幼仔占9%。成年与青少年比例为1∶1.39,成年雌雄的比例为3.84∶1。与秦岭种群的外部形态相比,该种群的成年雄性更为壮大,毛发弯曲程度明显;成年雌性毛发略显灰黑色,金黄色暗淡,大部分个体嘴角长有很小的肉瘤;青少年个体毛色泛白。亦发现九寨沟种群倾向于选择海拔偏高(2400—3550 m)的针叶林带活动。  相似文献   

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