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Abstract. 1. The population of the lycosid Trochosa terricola Thorell was sampled from April 1973 to August 1975 at Weeting Heath NNR, a Breckland grass heath.
2. Four sampling methods were compared for efficiency. Hand searching gave density estimates between 38.3 and 70.1% of heat extraction.
3. The temperature range in the sward at +1 cm was –5°C to 39°C with January and July means of 3.2°C and 17.4°C.
4. Eight male and nine female instars were determined and the life cycle extended over 2 or 3 years.
5. Adults were nocturnal but the juveniles diurnal. An annual diplochrone activity pattern was observed for adult males.
6. The horizontal distribution within the sward was aggregated, the structure and microhabitat being important determining factors. The population density was greater in moist, young Festuca spp. tussocks. An equation relating population density to habitat characteristics was derived.
7. The overall population density ranged from 14.0 m-2 to 76.0 m-2 and was maximal in autumn after breeding. The population biomass was greatest during autumn (291.2 mg d.wt m-2).
8. Mean number of juveniles emerging from an egg sac was 77.3 (first sac) and 38.0 (second sac). The natality in 1973 was 66.8 individuals m-2.
9. The survivorship curve until maturity varied between types I and III in different years.
10. The population dynamics were compared and are discussed in the light of other data. The variable population characteristics suggested that Den Boer's "spreading of risk" theory applied to the T.terricola population.  相似文献   

1. Life history and production were assessed for the crayfish Paranephrops zealandicus in three reaches of a headwater stream with a catchment of regenerating coniferous-broadleaf forest in the south-east of the South Island of New Zealand.
2. Crayfish density ranged from 3 to 4 m−2 in riffles and 4–12 m−2 in pools, depending on reach. Crayfish biomass (4–33 g AFDW m−2) and annual production (2–11 g AFDW m−2) were high compared with values reported elsewhere, while P:B ratio was low (0.33–0.43). This substantial production was dependent primarily upon high biomass rather than high growth rate.
3. The crayfish of this population rank amongst the longest lived and slowest growing ever recorded. Individuals estimated to be 16+ year of age were not uncommon. Females became reproductively active at 6+ year. Fewer than 4% of females carried eggs, and young remained attached to females for at least 15 months.
4. We propose that characteristics of this population are the consequence of a cool thermal regime (mean daily stream temperature = 7.0 °C, range 1.8–11.9 °C), and that low biomass turnover and poor reproductive rate precludes any sustainable commercial harvest of crayfish from streams in New Zealand with similar thermal regimes.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Changes in zoopiankton composition and abundance in Lake le Roux, a turbid subtropical reservoir on the Orange River in South Africa, were correlated with changes in water transparency (related to suspended sediment levels) during a 7 year field study. Results of radiotracer studies of the effect of mineral turbidity on zooplankton feeding rates which potentially influence competitive ability, and thus community structure, are reported here.
2. Feeding rates of five zooplankters were very variable, but consistently declined with rising turbidity: rates of decline differed between species. A regression estimate of the critical turbidity threshold at which food intake matched the estimated respiratory need was derived for each species. This yielded the following "turbidity-tolerance" ranking: Moina brachiata Jurine > Metadiaptomus meridianus (van Douwe) × Daphnia gibba Methuen > D. barbata Weltner > D. longispina O. F. Muller. The consistency between this ranking and one based upon abundance-transparency relationships in the field study suggests that community structure is related to differential feeding capabilities, although other influences are not excluded.
3. Tests on D. gibba and M. meridianus failed to reveal any detectable feeding rate saturation (incipient limiting food level) below 1.2mg 1−1 C. The relative reduction in feeding rates at elevated turbidity was nearly 3 times greater for the daphnid than the copepod over a range of food concentrations, and considerably reduces the competitive ability of this (and other) daphnids. The turbidity tolerance disparity between Moina and the daphnids demonstrates a more complex situation than a simple copepod/cladoceran dichotomy. These findings and their implieations are discussed in relation to wider features of zooplankton ecology.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Several dozen summer meltwater streams are located in the McMurdo Sound region (c. 78°S 165°E) of southern Victoria Land. They are characterized by a highly variable flow regime at diel, seasonal and annual times caleis; wide fluctuations in temperature and nutrient content; and a very simple epilithic community of cyanophytes ( Nostoc spp., Oscillatoriaceae), bacteria, fungi and microherbivores.
2. The epilithon survives the dark Antarctic winter as dry, frozen mats which provide a large inoculum for growth the following summer. This overwintering assemblage retains a high metabolic capacity and responds rapidly to rehydration.
3. In a series of artificial substrate experiments, biomass accumulation rates were generally less than 0.1 In units d−1. Colonization and growth on the substrates was inversely related to the suspended sediment load of the stream. There was also a visual correspondence between per cent algal cover of the natural streambed and the clarity of the streamwater. Sloughing losses may limit community biomass, particularly in the turbid flowing waters.
4. During running water conditions the mature communities had very low gross photosynthetic rates per unit chlorophyll (<0,1 μg C (μg chl a .h)−1 and per unit carbon (<0,2 μg C (mg biomass C.h)−1). Respiration was generally a high percentage (up to 92%) of gross photosynthesis, which probably reflected the high population densities of microheterotrophs in the community.
5. The floristically simple epilithic mats slowly accumulate to extreme biomass levels (>20 μg chl a cm −2, <20 mg C cm−2). Production rates per unit biomass are low, probably in response to the cold temperatures of the Antarctic stream environment, and the accumulated biomass represents several seasons of growth.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. We measured biomass and light/dark bottle productivity of macrophytes in a Wisconsin stream throughout one growing season. Except for a brief period in early spring when a Cladophora glomerata -filamentous algal community was dominant, Potamogeton pectinatus was the dominant macrophyte species in Badfish Creek.
2. Maximum community biomass was 710 g DW m−2, with a maximum above ground biomass of 620 g DW m−2 and a maximum below ground biomass of 120 g DW m−2. Annual productivity was estimated at 1435 g DW m−2 year−1, with a calculated P/B of 2.01.
3. In situ net production averaged 2.83g C g AFDW−1 h−1 Net positive carbon gain by the P. pectinatus community occurred when water temperatures were above 15°C, and daylength at least 12h. This is correlated to the onset of tuber germination in spring, and the point of maximal biomass decline in autumn.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The abundance and composition of entomostracan zooplankton were studied between 1977 and 1984 in relation to abiotic and biotic conditions in Lake le Roux (LLR), a large silt-laden reservoir on the Orange River formed in 1976. The community consisted of Metadiaptomus meridianus, Lovenula excellens (Calanoida), Daphnia gibba, D. barbata, D. longispina and Moina brachiata (Cladocera), and various Cyclopoida. 2. Zooplankton biomass varied seasonally from winter lows below 50 mg m?2 dry wt at temperatures of 9–10°C to summer peaks generally above 1000 mg m?2 at 21–23°C. It correlated strongly and positively with prevailing water temperature and transparency but only weakly with chlorophyll concentration. 3. Mean annual zooplankton biomass, which varied four-fold (97–408 mg m?2) in 7 years, increased with annual mean transparency (23–75 cm Secchi depth) and especially with summer heat content (33–230 degree-days above 20°C) which was itself positively correlated with transparency. 4. Daphnid species showed most annual variation in abundance. Large forms(D. gibba and D. barbata) were scarce or absent in two years of very low transparency and low planktivore abundance. The smaller D. longispina developed once during clearer conditions when more fish were present. Copepod biomass also varied inversely with turbidity, but was not as severely reduced at high turbidities. 5. Smallmouth yellowfish(Barbus aeneus: Cyprinidae) is the principal planktivore and candidate fishery species in LLR. It feeds selectively on Lovenula and large daphnids. Catches and growth rates of yellowfish varied directly with the abundance of zooplankton, particularly large food forms, and with water transparency. High turbidity and associated food limitation seems to reduce standing stocks especially of the daphnid zooplankton more than the effects of fish predation. 6. Spawning of yellowfish depends upon the release of water from an upstream reservoir which concurrently reduces transparency and thus zooplankton availability in LLR. Transparency values above 30–35cm SD appear necessary for the development of sufficient and suitable zooplankton to benefit the fishery.  相似文献   

1. In contrast to extensive studies of zooplankton in lakes, the role of microcrustaceans in wetlands is not well studied. In this study, spatial and temporal patterns of microcrustacean assemblage structure and secondary production were quantified over a 2-year period in a southeastern U.S.A. wetland.
2. Thirty-two species, including 19 cladocerans, 10 copepods and three ostracods, generated different temporal patterns of density and production between vegetated ( Nymphaea ) and non-vegetated (open-water) zones reflecting species-specific differences in life histories.
3. Summer assemblages were dominated by small, planktonic filter-feeders, typified by high annual production/biomass ( P / B ) and daily production. In contrast, winter assemblages were dominated by larger, epibenthic detritivores with low P / B and high biomass. Seasonal shifts in the relative importance of planktonic species in the warmer months to benthic and epiphytic species in the cooler months suggest that energy flow pathways through microcrustaceans may vary seasonally.
4. Total annual production was higher during both years in the Nymphaea zone (13.0 g and 13.6 g DM m−2 year−1) than the open-water (8.2 and 6.3 g DM m−2 year−1), and was similar between years for the entire wetland pond (12.3 and 12.2 g DM m−2 year−1).
5. Although wetland ecosystems have been the subject of considerable ecological research in the past 20 years, our study is one of the few to demonstrate a highly diverse and relatively productive microcrustacean assemblage. Such comprehensive production studies can be used to quantify the ecological importance of microcrustaceans in freshwater wetland ecosystems.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Val.), feeds on both phyto- and zooplankton and has been used in lake biomanipulation studies to suppress algal biomass. Because reports on the effects of silver carp on lake food webs have been contradictory, we conducted an enclosure experiment to test how a moderate biomass of the fish (10 g wet weight m−3) affects phytoplankton and crustacean zooplankton in a mesotrophic temperate reservoir.
2. Phytoplankton biomass <30 μm and particulate organic carbon (POC) <30 μm were significantly higher in enclosures with silver carp than in enclosures without fish, whereas Secchi depth was lower. Total copepod biomass declined strongly in both treatments during the experiment, but it was significantly higher in fish-free enclosures. Daphnid biomass was also consistently higher in enclosures without fish, although this effect was not significant. However, the presence of fish led to a fast and significant decrease in the size at maturity of Daphnia galeata Sars. Thus, the moderate biomass of silver carp had a stronger negative effect on cladoceran zooplankton than on phytoplankton.
3. Based on these results and those of previous studies, we conclude that silver carp should be used for biomanipulation only if the primary aim is to reduce nuisance blooms of large phytoplankton species (e.g. cyanobacteria) that cannot be effectively controlled by large herbivorous zooplankton. Therefore, stocking of silver carp appears to be most appropriate in tropical lakes that are highly productive and naturally lack large cladoceran zooplankton.  相似文献   

1. Large mixotrophic ciliates ( Stentor araucanus , S. amethystinus and Ophrydium naumanni ) were a characteristic component of a temperate, oligotrophic lake in North Patagonia. During a 1-year study, the abundance, biomass and primary production of these large Chlorella -bearing ciliates were compared with those of the total plankton community.
2. Mixotrophic ciliates peaked in spring and from late summer to autumn, accounting for 1.6–43% (annual average: 16.3%) and 67–99% (annual average: 92%) of total ciliate abundance and biomass, respectively. Their contribution to total zooplankton biomass, including flagellates, rotifers, ciliates and crustaceans, was 14–76%, or 47% as an annual average. Endosymbiotic algae accounted for up to 25% of total autotrophic biomass (annual mean: 3.9%).
3. Maximum cell-specific photosynthetic rates of S. araucanus and S. amethystinus at light saturation varied between 80 and 4400 pg C ciliate–1 h–1 with high values during autumn and winter, and low values during summer. The depth-integrated rates of photosynthesis (0–40 m) of algal endosymbionts contributed 1–25% to total photosynthesis (annual mean: 6.5%).
4. A comparison of calculated ingestion rates with photosynthetic rates of Stentor indicates that photosynthate produced by endosymbionts generally exceeded heterotrophic food supply of Stentor during autumn and winter, but was much lower during summer, when food supply was high.
5. The mixotrophic ciliates represent an important 'link' between nanoplankton and higher trophic levels within the plankton community because of their high heterotrophic biomass and considerable contribution to total photosynthesis.  相似文献   

A population of Tubifex tubifex in an organically rich stream was found to have an annual life-cycle with a prolonged period of reproductive activity throughout the winter and spring. Cocoons were produced mainly during the late winter and early spring. No cocoons were found during August and September, and there were few mature worms at this time.
The population density ranged between 5420 m−2 in mid-September and 613000 m −2 in mid-May. The maximum population biomass (Bmax) recorded was 106 g dry wt m−2 (March) and the minimum was 10 g dry wt m−2 (September). Total annual production (P) was 139 g dry wt m−2 and the average annual biomass ( B ) was 46 g dry wt m−2 giving an annual P/ B ratio of 3.0, and a P/Bmax ratio of 1.3.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Mean annual density and biomass () of Cambarus bartonii in an Appalachian mountain stream (U.S.A.) was 12 individuals m−2 and 1669 mg (ash-free dry weight) m−2.
2. Annual production ( P ) of C bartonii was 961 mg AFDW m−2. Despite high biomass, low growth rates resulted in low production and a low P/ ratio of 0.58.
3. While C bartonii constituted 61% of the total macroinvertebrate biomass, it contributed only 13% of annual community secondary production.
4. Litter processing was positively related to temperature and crayfish size. Cambariis bartotnii was estimated to comminute 36 g m−2 y−1 of leaf litter (>1 mm2) to 24 g m−>2 y−1 fine particulate material (<1 mm2). The annual pattern of litter comminution by crayfish was regulated by temperature. As a result, >5()% of shredding activity by crayfish occurred from June to September which was also the period of lowest litter standing crops and activity of other shredding macroinvertebrates.
5. We speculate that during summer crayfish play an important role in temperate woodland streams by converting slowly processed leaf litter species (e.g. Rhododendron ) to fine particles which are then available to collector-gatherers (e.g. Chironomidae, Oligochaeta).  相似文献   

1. The ingestion rates of planktonic, mixotrophic cryptophytes in two perennially ice-covered Antarctic lakes in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, were investigated during the summer of 1997–1998.
2. In Lake Fryxell, which is meromictic, ingestion rates increased with depth in November and were highest in a cryptophyte maximum close to the chemocline. In Lake Hoare, which is unstratified and freshwater, there was no significant difference in ingestion rates with depth. In both lakes, the highest ingestion rates occurred in early summer, decreasing in December and January. Ingestion rates varied between 0.2 bacteria cell−1 h−1 and 3.6 bacteria cell−1 h−1.
3. During November, mixotrophic cryptophytes removed up to 13% of bacterial biomass day−1 and had a greater grazing impact than heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNAN). As summer progressed, the grazing impact of cryptophytes and HNAN became similar.
4. The maximum depth of cryptophytes in Lake Fryxell was predated by a population of the ciliate Plagiocampa. Plagiocampa had an ingestion rate of 0.13–0.19 cryptophytes cell−1 h−1. The grazing impact on the cryptophyte community was insignificant. However, the ciliate appeared to be indulging in temporary mixotrophy, sequestering the cryptophytes for a number of weeks before digesting them.
5. It is suggested that mixotrophy is an important survival strategy in the extreme lake ecosystems of the McMurdo Dry Valleys.  相似文献   

1. We empirically modelled profundal macroinvertebrate biomass (PMB) from collections of macroinvertebrates and a suite of trophic, water chemistry and morphometric variables from 26 lakes located within the Boreal Mixedwood and Boreal Subarctic ecoregions of Alberta, Canada.
2. Hypolimnetic dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations (mg L−1) explained 37% of the variance in PMB ((g m−2)0.1) as a quadratic function, whereas water temperature (°C) explained 23% of variance in a linear relationship.
3. In contrast with other studies based on oligotrophic systems, indirect indicators of food availability (i.e. chlorophyll a and total phosphorus concentrations and Secchi depth) were not significant predictors of PMB in this study.
4. The predictive power of our models may be improved by obtaining more frequent (seasonal) estimates of PMB and hypolimnetic DO concentration and by quantifying biotic factors such as competition, predation, life history phenologies and recruitment success.  相似文献   

1. An in situ experiment was carried out in a high-mountain oligotrophic lake (La Caldera) to quantify the specific release rates of ammonium and phosphorus in different phases of the seasonal succession of plankton. The zooplankton community was dominated by the calanoid copepod Mixodiaptomus laciniatus .
2. The rates of release of N and P (from non-detectable to 3.58 μg N mg–1 DW h–1 and from 0.26 to 2.29 μg P mg–1 DW h–1, respectively) and the N : P released ratio (not detectable to 4.77) fell within the range typical of oligotrophic lakes dominated by copepodite assemblages.
3. The values of the zooplankton N : P ratio (5 : 1 to 10 : 1 by weight) were lower than those established for other species of calanoids, and followed a well-established pattern of seasonal variation from year to year with higher values after ice thaw and lower values as individual size increased (ontogenetic development).
4. The elemental composition of the zooplankton depended on individual size, while the released N : P ratio was inversely related to the N : P ratio of the food. This pattern conforms to the predictions of the homeostasis theory of Sterner (1990).
5. A feedback regulation was established between the stoichiometric composition of the zooplankton, their food and the released N : P ratio that can help explain changes in pelagic community structure during the ice-free period.  相似文献   

1. An in situ experiment was carried out in a high-mountain oligotrophic lake (La Caldera) to quantify the specific release rates of ammonium and phosphorus in different phases of the seasonal succession of plankton. The zooplankton community was dominated by the calanoid copepod Mixodiaptomus laciniatus .
2. The rates of release of N and P (from non-detectable to 3.58 μg N mg–1 DW h–1 and from 0.26 to 2.29 μg P mg–1 DW h–1, respectively) and the N : P released ratio (not detectable to 4.77) fell within the range typical of oligotrophic lakes dominated by copepodite assemblages.
3. The values of the zooplankton N : P ratio (5 : 1 to 10 : 1 by weight) were lower than those established for other species of calanoids, and followed a well-established pattern of seasonal variation from year to year with higher values after ice thaw and lower values as individual size increased (ontogenetic development).
4. The elemental composition of the zooplankton depended on individual size, while the released N : P ratio was inversely related to the N : P ratio of the food. This pattern conforms to the predictions of the homeostasis theory of Sterner (1990).
5. A feedback regulation was established between the stoichiometric composition of the zooplankton, their food and the released N : P ratio that can help explain changes in pelagic community structure during the ice-free period.  相似文献   

1. Resource competition is thought to be important in controlling zooplankton population dynamics and structuring zooplankton communities. Resource competition requires that resources are limiting. Ten field experiments were conducted to determine the presence and intensity of resource limitation of herbivorous planktonic rotifers in two mountain ponds. The intensity of food limitation was measured as Δ r , the difference between population growth rates in food supplemented versus control enclosures.
2. Rotifers were significantly food limited (Δ r  > 0) in most experiments. The intensity of food limitation varied between species. In Grady Lake, mean Δ r was 0.26 day−1 for Polyarthra vulgaris and 0.43 day−1 for an unidentified Synchaeta sp. In L1 Pond, mean Δ r was 0.07 day−1 for Keratella cochlearis and 0.28 day−1 for S. oblonga . The frequent and intense food limitation suggests that edible phytoplankton in both ponds were often present at low densities, were of low nutritional quality, or both. The intensity of food limitation often changed rapidly over time, indicating rapid temporal variation in resource availability.
3. For P. vulgaris , Δ r was not correlated with its population growth rate in Grady Lake. Thus, although food limitation was common, population dynamics may have been more strongly affected by other factors. For K. cochlearis , Δ r increased as population density increased, suggesting the existence of intraspecific resource competition that may regulate population dynamics.  相似文献   

1. We conducted enclosure experiments in a shallow eutrophic lake, in which a biomass gradient of the filter-feeding planktivore, silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Valenciennes, was created, and subsequent community changes in both zooplankton and phytoplankton were examined.
2. During a summer experiment, a bloom of Anabaena flos-aquae developed (≈ 8000 cells mL−1) solely in an enclosure without silver carp. Concurrent with, or slightly preceding the Anabaena bloom, the number of rotifer species and their abundance increased from seven to twelve species (1700–14 400 organisms L−1) after the bloom in this fish-free enclosure. Protozoans and bacteria were generally insensitive to the gradient of silver carp biomass.
3. During an autumn experiment, on the other hand, large herbivorous crustaceans were more efficient than silver carp in suppressing the algae, partly because the lower water temperature (≈ 24 °C) inhibited active feeding of this warm-water fish and also formation of algal colonies. Heterotrophic nanoflagellate and bacterial densities were also influenced negatively by the crustaceans.
4. Correspondence analysis (CA) was applied to the weekly community data of zooplankton and phytoplankton. A major effect detected in the zooplankton community was the presence/absence of silver carp rather than the biomass of silver carp, whereas that in the phytoplankton community was the fish biomass before the Anabaena bloom, but shifted to the presence/absence of the fish after the bloom.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Populations of Stalls lutaria L. were sampled quantitatively at about monthly intervals during 3 years at two localities in the macrophyte rich River Suså, Denmark.
2. The life cycle was univoltine. The larvae hatched in June-July, and the initial S. lutaria population densities varied between 10 and 370 ind. m−2. These differences were probably due to extreme variations in stream discharge during the period of recruitment, high velocities preventing the small swimming larvae from reaching the sediment.
3. The S. lutaria rate of elimination varied between 0.11 and 1.47% d−1at the two localities. The high rate of elimination was possibly due to fish predation.
4. The growth rates varied between 0.54 and 15% d−1. Growth rates differed between localities and years.
5. Numbers of potential prey organisms were not higher in sample units with S. lutaria than in sample units without S. lutaria . Numbers of leeches, which were potential competitors, did not differ significantly in sample units with and without S. lutaria .
6. Production of S. lutaria varied between 0.16 and 2.49 g ash free dry weight m−2 y−1, and the P/ ratios varied between 3.0 and 7.3 y−1. The P/ ratios increased significantly with increasing rate of elimination.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. A population of the glossiphonid leech Helobdella stagnalis was studied over a period of 16 months in the organically polluted River Ely, South Wales. There were two generations each year. The overwintering population released young (the spring-brood) in June. The spring-brood in turn produced their own offspring (summer-brood) in August.
Seasonal patterns of mortality were related to flow, temperature and life-cycle stage. Individual growth rates were dependent upon both temperature and life-cycle stage.
Annual population production (P) was 7.56 g wet wt m-2, mean annual population biomass (B) was 1.43 g wet wt m-2 and the annual P/B ratio was 5.29.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Population dynamics and production of Jesogammarus annandalei , an endemic amphipod in Lake Biwa, were examined from April 1997 to June 1998. The life cycle of this species was 1 year with the new generation beginning in early autumn. They preferred low temperature (<12 °C) and their spatial distribution varied seasonally and accordingly.
2. In deep water, the abundance of J. annandalei ranged from 200 to 63 000 m−2 and decreased towards summer and the biomass (0.01∼3.6 g C m−2) was on average comparable that of zooplankton. The density was much higher than that recorded by a study conducted 35 years ago.
3. Individual growth rate of this amphipod was high in winter and spring but decreased in summer. Annual production of J. annandalei (6.2 g C m−2 year−1) was only 2% of primary production but was at the higher end of the range reported for amphipods in oligo- and mesotrophic lakes.
4. These results are consistent with the view that Lake Biwa is becoming more eutrophic, with a consequent decrease in the abundance of predatory fish in the profundal zone.  相似文献   

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