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As yet, cooperative breeding has been described only for some fish species. However, evidence is accumulating that it is widespread among Lake Tanganyika cichlids. We studied the cooperative breeding system of the substrate breeding cichlid Neolamprologus savoryi. Breeding groups typically consisted of a large breeding male with one to four breeding females and three to 33 helpers (mean group size: 14.3 members). Group size was significantly related to breeding male and female body sizes, and larger males had more breeding females and larger sized male helpers. The size of the largest female in the group was positively related to the number and sizes of secondary breeding females and female helpers. In case of multiple breeding females, these females usually divided the group's territory into sub‐territories, each with its own helpers (subgroups). Interspersed between groups, independent fish were detected defending an individual shelter (4.4% of all fish). In 9% of the groups no breeding female was present. All group members participated in territory defence and maintenance, and showed submissive behaviours to larger group members. As expected, the level of between‐subgroup conflicts was high compared with the level of within‐subgroup conflicts. We compare these results with data available from other cooperatively breeding fishes.  相似文献   

Capsule: Pairs of White-throated Dippers Cinclus cinclus which defended winter territories bred earlier than non-territorial individuals, but there was no difference in reproductive success.

Aims: The effect of winter territoriality on breeding ecology has rarely been studied in resident birds. We carried out a preliminary investigation of whether winter territorial behaviour and territory size affect the timing of reproduction, breeding territory size and reproductive success in a riverine bird, the White-throated Dipper.

Methods: We monitored an individually marked population of White-throated Dippers in the UK. Wintering individuals were classified as either territorial or ‘floaters’ according to their patterns of occurrence and behaviour, and their nesting attempts were closely monitored in the subsequent months. Winter and breeding territory sizes were measured by gently ‘pushing’ birds along the river and recording the point at which they turned back.

Results: All birds defending winter territories did so in pairs, but some individuals changed partners before breeding. Territorial pairs that were together throughout the study laid eggs significantly earlier than pairs containing floaters and those comprising territorial birds that changed partners. However, there were no significant differences in clutch size, nestling mass or the number of chicks fledged. There was no relationship between winter territory length and lay date or any measure of reproductive success, although sample sizes were small. Winter territories were found to be significantly shorter than breeding territories.

Conclusion: Winter territoriality may be advantageous because breeding earlier increases the likelihood that pairs will raise a second brood, but further study is needed. Territories are shorter in winter as altitudinal migrants from upland streams increase population density on rivers, but this may also reflect seasonal changes in nutritional and energetic demands.  相似文献   

The availability of food resources can affect the size and shape of territories, as well as the behaviors used to defend territories, in a variety of animal taxa. However, individuals within a population may respond differently to variation in food availability if the benefits of territoriality vary among those individuals. For example, benefits to territoriality may differ for animals of differing sizes, because larger individuals may require greater territory size to acquire required resources, or territorial behavior may differ between the sexes if males and females defend different resources in their territories. In this study, we tested whether arthropod abundance and biomass were associated with natural variation in territory size and defense in insectivorous green anole lizards, Anolis carolinensis. Our results showed that both male and female lizards had smaller territories in a habitat with greater prey biomass than lizards in habitats with less available prey, but the rates of aggressive behaviors used to defend territories did not differ among these habitats. Further, we did not find a relationship between body size and territory size, and the sexes did not differ in their relationships between food availability and territory size or behavioral defense. Together, these results suggest that differences in food availability influenced male and female territorial strategies similarly, and that territory size may be more strongly associated with variation in food resources than social display behavior. Thus, anole investment in the behavioral defense of a territory may not vary with territory quality.  相似文献   

Understanding what constitutes high quality habitat is crucial for the conservation of species, especially those threatened with extinction. Habitat quality frequently is inferred by comparing the attributes of sites where a species is present with those where it is absent. However, species presence may not always indicate high quality habitat. Demographic parameters are likely to provide a more biologically relevant measure of quality, including a species’ ability to successfully reproduce. We examined factors believed to influence territory quality for the grey-crowned babbler (Pomatostomus temporalis), a cooperatively breeding woodland bird that has experienced major range contraction and population decline in south-eastern Australia. Across three broad regions, we identified active territories and determined the presence of fledglings and the size of family groups, as surrogates of territory quality. These measures were modelled in relation to habitat attributes within territories, the extent of surrounding wooded vegetation, isolation from neighbouring groups, and the size of the neighbourhood population. Fledgling presence was strongly positively associated with group size, indicating that helpers enhance breeding success. Surprisingly, no other territory or landscape-scale variables predicted territory quality, as inferred from either breeding success or group size. Relationships between group size and environmental variables may be obscured by longer-term dynamics in group size. Variation in biotic interactions, notably competition from the noisy miner (Manorina melanocephala), also may contribute. Conservation actions that enhance the number and size of family groups will contribute towards reversing declines of this species. Despite associated challenges, demographic studies have potential to identify mechanistic processes that underpin population performance; critical knowledge for effective conservation management.  相似文献   

STEVE ZACK 《Ibis》1986,128(2):214-233
Grey-backed Fiscal Shrikes Lanius excubitorius were studied over a 2j year period near Lake Naivasha, Kenya. Grey-backs are cooperative breeders, with group sizes ranging from two to II. Only one pair breeds per group, with all other group members aiding in the rearing of young. The study population ranged from 64 to 79 individuals that occurred in from 13 to 16 groups. Non-breeding helpers made up to 66% of the population, with male helpers being more numerous overall than females. The annual survival rate was 65%, with no differences detected between the survival of males and females, or of breeders and helpers. Only male helpers were observed to acquire breeding status within the natal territory. Some female helpers acquired breeding positions in territories adjacent to their natal territories. Group territorial displays occurred throughout the year but were most pronounced prior to breeding during rainy periods. Reproductive success was very low, with only 14.5% of the recorded breeding attempts leading to fledged young. Large groups (four or more birds) had greater reproductive success than small groups, but many factors other than, or in addition to, group size may have influenced this pattern. The breeding male contributed the most food to the incubating female and to the nestlings. Male helpers and the breeding female contributed more to nestlings than did female helpers. Observations on the post-fledging period indicate that socialization and establishment of dominance may be of importance in group-living species living in a restricted ecological and social setting.  相似文献   

1. Population density often has strong effects on the population dynamics and reproductive processes of territorial animals. However, most estimates of density-dependent effects use the number of breeding pairs per unit area in a given season and look for correlations across seasons, a technique that assigns the same density score to each breeding pair, irrespective of local spatial variation. 2. In this study, we employed GIS techniques to estimate individual breeding densities for great tits breeding in Wytham Woods UK, between 1965 and 1996. We then used linear mixed modelling to analyse the effect of density on reproductive processes. 3. The areas of Thiessen polygons formed around occupied nestboxes were used to approximate territory size (necessarily inverse of breeding density). There were significant, independent and positive relationships between clutch size, fledging mass and the number of offspring recruited to the population, and territory size (all P < 0.001), but no effect of territory size on lay-date or egg mass. 4. Thiessen polygons are contiguous and cover all of the available area. Therefore, at low nest densities territory polygons were excessively oversized. Using a novel procedure to address this limitation, territory sizes were systematically capped through a range of maxima, with the greatest effect in the models when territories were capped at 0.9-2.3 ha. This figure approximates to the maximum effective territory size in our population and is in close agreement with several field-based studies. This capping refinement also revealed a significant negative relationship between lay-date and territory size capped at 0.9 ha (P < 0.001). 5. These density-dependent effects were also detected when analyses were restricted to changes within individual females, suggesting that density effects do not merely result from either increased proportions of low-quality individuals, or increased occupation of poor sites, when population density is high. 6. Overall, these results suggest that, in the current population, great tits with territories smaller than c. 2 ha independently lay smaller and later clutches, have lighter fledglings, and recruit fewer offspring to the breeding population. These analyses thus suggest a pervasive and causal role of local population density in explaining individual reproductive processes.  相似文献   

Recent studies of non-social animals have shown that sexually selected traits signal at least one measure of genetic quality: heterozygosity. To determine whether similar cues reveal group quality in more complex social systems, we examined the relationship between territory size, song structure and heterozygosity in the subdesert mesite (Monias benschi), a group-living bird endemic to Madagascar. Using nine polymorphic microsatellite loci, we found that heterozygosity predicted both the size of territories and the structure of songs used to defend them: more heterozygous groups had larger territories, and more heterozygous males used longer, lower-pitched trills in their songs. Heterozygosity was linked to territory size and song structure in males, but not in females, implying that these traits are sexually selected by female choice and/or male-male competition. To our knowledge, this study provides the first direct evidence in any animal that territory size is related to genetic diversity. We also found a positive association between seasonal reproductive success and heterozygosity, suggesting that this heritable characteristic is a reliable indicator of group quality and fitness. Given that heterozygosity predicts song structure in males, and can therefore be determined by listening to acoustic cues, we identify a mechanism by which social animals may assess rival groups, prospective partners and group mates, information of potential importance in guiding decisions related to conflict, breeding and dispersal.  相似文献   

Territory size can be considered as the outcome of contests between an owner and its neighbours for the resource units in the defended area. Variation in territory size could be dependent upon three possible asymmetries: (1) difference in resource holding potential (RHP); (2) difference in resource value to the competitors; and (3) difference in ‘ownership’ status. These possibilities were tested in a 3-year study of moorhens which defend linear territories along ditches in a grazing marsh habitat. Of the three, relative difference in RHP between an owner and its two neighbours provided the best correlation with territory size. There was no relationship between the amount of resources per unit area and territory size nor between the time of establishing a territory and its later size. Heavier moorhens are more likely to win contests in winter flocks and are thought to have a greater RHP. The ratio of the weight of a male territory owner to the weight of both its male neighbours was highly correlated with territory size. Birds with larger territories may gain more potential nesting sites with good cover from predators.  相似文献   

CLARE J. VELTMAN 《Ibis》1989,131(4):601-608
The social behaviour of Australian Magpies Gymnorhina tibicen was studied at Linton in the Manawatu district, New Zealand, from June 1978 to November 1982. Territorial magpies defended all-purpose areas averaging 5 ha in size, and there was no correlation between territory size and the number of occupants. The mean adult survival rate was 0.85, and average annual productivity was 0.96 juveniles per breeding female. Nomadic flocks formed in the spring and foraged on open, treeless pasture. They mainly comprised 1–3-year-old magpies which did not breed. Territories were defended by monogamous pairs, and by groups ranging from three to six individuals. Some territorial groups probably originated in the flock, and may therefore have consisted of unrelated birds. Other territorial groups formed when juveniles did not disperse away from the natal territory, and were called family groups. Non-breeders did not help at the nest in any group, and there was no difference in the production of young by females breeding in group-defended territories compared with those in pair-defended territories. The opportunity to disperse into non-territorial flocks may have liberated Australian Magpies from cooperation.  相似文献   

Three groups of juvenile salmon were introduced sequentially into an artificial stream to investigate the effects of prior residence on behaviour and territory choice. Almost half of the first group obtained and defended distinct territories, the other half being constrained to an area approximately the size of one large territory. All of the fish in the subsequent groups, bar one, were also constrained to the same site. Since the fish were of similar size, prior residence alone seemed to influence which individuals obtained territories. However, within the first group, the fish that obtained territories were larger and more aggressive. The territorial fish did not appear to choose the most profitable territories, although they had the greatest opportunity to do so. Since juvenile salmon emerge from their gravel nests fairly synchronously, a time constraint on site sampling is hypothesised: there may be a risk in taking time to sample sites, since these same sites may become occupied with conspecifics. However, fish with territories fed at faster rates than non-territorial fish, possibly because of reduced competition for prey items. Consequently, fish from the first group (containing most of the territorial fish) grew faster than the other two groups. Moreover, most of the territory holders, but only one of the non-territorial fish, reached the threshold size that increases their probability of smolting the following year. This suggests that ability to obtain a defensible territory, primarily through prior residence, influences the age at which juvenile salmon can migrate to sea.  相似文献   

The blue korhaan (Eupodotis caerulescens) is a poorly known bird endemic to the grasslands of southern Africa. It lives in permanently held territories defended by groups of individuals. During 2001 and 2002, 61 transects were carried out along 544 km of roads in Mpumalanga province (South Africa) to collect data on territory density and group size and composition in this species. Habitat, altitude and topography variables were measured to evaluate their influence on population density. Average territory density was 1.56 ± 0.19 (SE) territories per 5 km and maximum densities attained 5.6 territories per 5 km. Within its area of occurrence, higher densities occurred along transects with larger proportion of short grassland (either burned or grazed) and flatter topography. Mean group size was 3.03 ± 0.11 birds (n = 119), with 87.4% of the groups having one to four birds. Most common group composition was one male and one female‐like (34.5%), followed by two male and one female‐like (17.2%) and two male and two female‐like (13.8%). Single individuals were always males, and the male/female‐like ratio peaked at a group size of three and decreased thereafter. Mean group size increased with territory density (rs = 0.42, P = 0.007, n = 41). There were no differences in group size across habitat types. The occurrence of habitat saturation and cooperative breeding in this species could explain the observed results.  相似文献   

Abstract The theory of habitat selection predicts that organisms should use habitat that maximizes their fitness. The cooperatively breeding Rufous Treecreeper, Climacteris rufa, exhibits non‐random habitat use at a number of spatial scales. By assessing correlative relationships between nest‐site use and nest success, and territory use and reproductive success and survival, it was determined whether non‐random use of habitat yields fitness benefits. It was also determined whether breeding group size contributed significantly to fitness once differences in territory quality had been considered. Structural characteristics of nest sites that were positively correlated with the probability of a site being used had no relationship with nest success. This result probably reflects the relatively unrestricted access to an abundance of suitable nest sites in the study area. Habitat traits that predicted territory use by treecreepers were positively correlated with a number of fitness measures. They were also positively correlated with breeding group size and provisioning rate to nestlings, which in turn were correlated with fitness. However, group size was not significantly related to any measure of fitness, except primary male survival, once territory quality had been considered. The quality of territories occupied by Rufous Treecreepers appeared to be a significant factor for breeding group fitness.  相似文献   

The alpine accentorPrunella collaris is a territorial and polygynandrous mating species. The breeding unit is a group consisting of about seven members who share a group territory which contains all the resources necessary for living. Each female holds a small territory around her own nest within the larger group territory. Supplemental food in the form of millet seed was provided for a total of 23 group territories to test the hypothesis that the abundance and distribution of food influences the size of a female's territory and her dispersion pattern which, in turn, determine the mating system. Both males and females had regular access to the feeders, but females and groups provided with feeders did not have smaller territories than those without feeders. No groups were divided into two by offering extra food. Provision of extra food resulted in an increase of group size but did not alter the sex ratio. All members, including new settlers, were sexually active and the sexual relationships among the members of a group were still multiple matings. Food addition did not prompt the fed females to choose nest sites nearer the feeder. Nest sites were restricted to particular rocky slopes and non-vegetated areas which were invariably free from snow each year due to the effects of strong winds and the topography. Females showed a nest-site fidelity for successive years. The reason why supplemental food had no effect on the territory size or dispersion of female alpine accentors is discussed.  相似文献   

For most territorial species that defend food or other resources, territory size is inversely related to resource density. However, in some food-based territorial species, larger territories are known to contain greater absolute resource availability. For these latter species, both the specific determinants of territory size, and the relationship between territory size and fitness, remain unclear. We predicted that in American red squirrels ( Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ), where larger territories tend to hold increased food resources, survival should be correlated positively with territory size and that both individual (body mass, sex, duration of territory ownership) and habitat-specific (population density) attributes would contribute to variation in territory size. We monitored survival and territory size of 58 squirrels during a two-year period using live-trapping and radio-telemetry. Survival and territory size were correlated positively, with each 0.1 ha decrease in territory size typically resulting in a 16.6% increase in mortality risk; mortality risk for squirrels with the smallest versus largest territories differed by up to 23-fold. Territory size was negatively related to local population density, but not to any attributes of individual squirrels, implying that, in this species, territory size may not be influenced strongly by individual quality. We conclude that while larger territories may confer a survival advantage to squirrels, territory size is unrelated to individual physical attributes, likely because costs associated with the acquisition of a larger or richer territory outweigh potential benefits of increased food access.  相似文献   

The social and spatial organization of urban fox groups prior to and during an outbreak of sarcoptic mange was compared with predictions derived from the resource dispersion hypothesis (RDH). We investigated the availability of three key resources. Neither daytime rest sites nor breeding sites appeared to be limited in availability. The availability of food deliberately supplied by local householders was examined by questionnaire surveys. The daily and weekly amount of food supplied was greatly in excess of the minimum requirements of a pair of foxes, but was consistent between territories. The availability of this food source increased markedly as a result of more people feeding the foxes. In agreement with the RDH, group size prior to the outbreak of mange increased from 2.25 animals (N=4) to 6.57 animals (N=7). Before the outbreak of mange, two territories were divided. Increased scavenge availability on smaller territories may have promoted these changes. Excluding these spatial changes, territories were very stable between years. After the outbreak of mange, group size declined as a direct result of mange-induced mortality. Surviving animals increased their ranges only after neighbouring groups had died out. Ranges did not increase in size in response to a decline in food availability. Nor were the increases in range size associated with the relinquishment of parts of the existing territory. These postmange changes are contrary to the RDH. Three factors may have promoted these changes: the elimination of interstitial space, the forced dispersal of young or future division of the territory. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Size-dependent use of territorial space by a rock-dwelling cichlid fish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Markert JA  Arnegard ME 《Oecologia》2007,154(3):611-621
Territoriality fundamentally influences animal mating systems and patterns of population structure. Although territory ownership is already known to contribute importantly to male reproductive success and the ecological coexistence of African rock-dwelling cichlids, the significance of variation in territory features has received little attention in these fishes. In Lake Malawi, males of Pseudotropheus tropheops "orange chest" defend territories on either of two substrate classes at Harbour Island: flat rock slabs lacking crevices and caves, or structurally complex boulder fields containing cave shelters. Focal watches of this species demonstrated that both territory size and occupancy on either substrate type depend on the size of male residents. Males larger than a threshold size exclusively held the largest and most structurally complex territories. After removal of conspecific residents, more vacant territorial areas on cave-containing substrate were reoccupied by "orange chest" males in full breeding coloration compared to vacant areas on flat substrate. These findings suggest competition among "orange chest" males for complex rocky substrate. Defense of caves was associated with enhanced male courtship rates: the number of caves within a male's territory was a better predictor of courtship activity than was male size or territory area. In addition to territories being crucial for male reproductive success and therefore likely playing a role in sexual selection, male-male competition for caves in rock-dwelling cichlids may be promoted by the ecological advantage of enemy-free space. Smaller "orange chest" males lacking caves tended to move into adjacent boulder fields in the presence of predators, particularly at night. In contrast, males defending caves were more likely to remain on their territories when nocturnal predators were present. The territorial behaviors of P. tropheops "orange chest" that we observed in situ provide an instructive natural framework for testing the roles of substrate and ecology in the mating systems of rock-dwelling cichlid fishes.  相似文献   

Capsule In pastured old oak woodland, breeding pairs of Eurasian Nuthatch selected territories with significantly higher densities of trees and cavities.

Aims To define territorial borders that exist within a nuthatch population and to compare densities of trees and cavities between used and non-used parts of their available habitat in order to determine habitat preferences.

Methods The number and location of territories was estimated by mapping the individual positions of colour-ringed birds. We measured habitat characteristics in regular sampling grid (number of trees and number of cavities per 50?×?50?m) during three successive seasons and modelled probability of occurrence of nuthatch territories in the area.

Results Breeding pairs were observed to defend territories of median size between 1.46 and 2.93?ha. These sizes correspond well to high-quality habitat territories for this species. We found that pairs tended to occupy territories with higher densities of trees and cavities. Based on generalized linear mixed-effects model estimates, we found that in pastured oak woodland habitat with density of 60 trees per ha, the estimated probability of occurrence (with 95% confidence interval) of a nuthatch territory was about 96% (83?99). For cavity density, the probability of territory occurrence was about 74% (52?89) at the level of 60 cavities per ha.

Conclusion We suggest that higher tree and cavity densities reduce territory defence costs in the species because birds may use less energy during foraging, predation avoidance and competition for a nest hole.  相似文献   

In the maritime Antarctic, brown skuas (Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi) show two foraging strategies: some pairs occupy feeding territories in penguin colonies, while others can only feed in unoccupied areas of a penguin colony without defending a feeding territory. One-third of the studied breeding skua population in the South Shetlands occupied territories of varying size (48 to >3,000 penguin nests) and monopolised 93% of all penguin nests in sub-colonies. Skuas without feeding territories foraged in only 7% of penguin sub-colonies and in part of the main colony. Females owning feeding territories were larger in body size than females without feeding territories; no differences in size were found in males. Territory holders permanently controlled their resources but defence power diminished towards the end of the reproductive season. Territory ownership guaranteed sufficient food supply and led to a 5.5 days earlier egg-laying and chick-hatching. Short distances between nest and foraging site allowed territorial pairs a higher nest-attendance rate such that their chicks survived better (71%) than chicks from skua pairs without feeding territories (45%). Due to lower hatching success in territorial pairs, no difference in breeding success of pairs with and without feeding territories was found in 3 years. We conclude that skuas owning feeding territories in penguin colonies benefit from the predictable and stable food resource by an earlier termination of the annual breeding cycle and higher offspring survivorship.Research licence: Umweltbundesamt Bonn 13.4-94003-1/5-7.  相似文献   

In a population of Lapwings Vanellus vanellus studied for 5 years near Bergen, southwester Norway, 23–41% of the males were polygynous, having two and sometimes three mates, whereas 50–77% were monogamous and 0–21% remained unmated. Bachelors held territories in or immediately adjacent to the study area each of the years. As predicted from the Polygyny Threshold model, primary females generally laid eggs earlier than monogamous females, but the overlap in laying dates was substantial between these two classes. The number of females and start of breeding on the territories were analysed in relation to nine variables pertaining to safety from predation and to food. Of these, territory size correlated most consistently with number of females (positively) and the laying of first egg (negatively). Numbers of females observed were not significantly different from numbers expected from territory size in 4 out of 5 years; however, earlier start of breeding on large territories indicated that females did not settle according to the Neutral Mate Choice model. The Female-biased Sex Ratio hypothesis was refuted, unmated territorial males being available throughout the breeding seasons.  相似文献   

M. E. BIRKHEAD 《Ibis》1981,123(1):75-84
Observations were carried out on a colour-ringed population of Dunnocks. During the winter, regular feeding groups formed at feeding sites, stable in composition, space and time. Dominance hierarchies formed and were weight related. Males were significantly heavier than females. The mean size of winter home-ranges was not significantly different from the mean size of breeding territories.
Three categories of breeding territory were established: solitary males, male-female pairs and pairs plus a male helper. There was one case of a bigamous male plus a helper. Pairs plus a helper had significantly larger territories than pairs alone; however, pairs raised significantly more fledglings. Five pairs produced a total of 23 fledglings, whereas four groups (pairs plus a helper) only produced seven fledglings.  相似文献   

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