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The diameter of the internal cervical os was measured in several groups of patients in an attempt to assess any damage caused by suction termination of pregnancy. Pregnant women who had had a previous abortion by vacuum aspiration had significantly greater cervical diameters than those who had not, and there was a statistically significant correlation between dilatation of the cervix at operation and cervical diameter at six weeks'' follow-up. Cervical dilatation to 10 mm or less was subsequently associated with a normal cervical diameter, but the diameter was often large when the extent of dilatation was greater than 12 mm or not known. Cervical dilatation at termination of pregnancy should, if possible not exceed 10 mm.  相似文献   

A new PGE2 derivative (16-phenoxy PGE2 methyl sulfonylamide sulprostone) was administered by the i.m. route to 48 women pregnancy in any of the three trimesters. The indications for pregnancy interruption were either serious medical problems in intact pregnancies (21 cases) or due to fetal death in utero (27 cases). Single doses of 500 micrograms were repeated every 4 hours in the former group or every 6 hours in the latter category for a maximum period of 24 hours. The treatment was successful in 81% of intact pregnancies and in 92.6% of fetal death cases with an overall mean induction interval of 12.9 hours. More than half the subjects did not experience any side effects apart from mild or moderate uterine colics. An overall mean of 1.4 episodes of vomiting or diarrhoea per induction trial was quite acceptable from the clinical point of view. The absence of serious complications in the group of critically sick women speaks in favor of the relative safety of the drug.  相似文献   

A retrospective study examined the reactions to the termination of pregnancy for fetal malformation and the follow up services that were available. Women resident in Mid Glamorgan who had had a termination between 1977 and 1981 because of positive findings after midtrimester prenatal diagnostic tests for neural tube defect or chromosome abnormalities were interviewed at home using a semistructured interview schedule. Three retrospective internal comparison groups were formed from those women who had also had a spontaneous abortion, previous stillbirth, or neonatal death or previous termination for medicosocial reasons early in pregnancy. Of the 48 women interviewed, 37 (77%) experienced an acute grief reaction after the index pregnancy was ended. This reaction was akin to that documented after stillbirth or neonatal death. Twenty two women (46%) remained symptomatic six months after the pregnancy had been ended, some requiring psychiatric support, compared with no such reaction after spontaneous abortion or termination for medicosocial reasons. All the women who had previously had a stillbirth or neonatal death were visited at home either by the general practitioner or by the midwife after that event but such follow up was limited to only eight of the study group after termination for fetal malformation. The findings suggest that support is inadequate for these patients and that improved follow up and counselling services may lessen the adverse sequelae of termination for fetal malformation.  相似文献   

The case histories of all women seeking late (more than 20 weeks'' gestation) abortion in the NHS district of Tower Hamlets in 1983 were assessed. Of 12 women requesting late abortion, seven underwent termination of pregnancy. All the women had severe social or psychological problems, or both. The main reasons for late presentation were denial of pregnancy, youth, and mental disorder. In a small group of atypical women late abortion seems to be justified for reasons other than fetal abnormality.  相似文献   

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