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Can freshwater planktonic ciliates survive on a diet of picoplankton?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ciliate picoplanktivory was studied in two different freshwatersystems with abundant autotrophic picoplankton (APP): the eutrophic  相似文献   

The question about the tolerance of microorganisms to high-temperature heating at the moments when fragments are launched from the surface rocks of cosmic objects and enter an atmosphere is among the major aspects of the problem of life transfer through cosmic space. The heating process in the course of such events was modeled here, and the survival of microorganisms was revealed by the example of two E.coli K12 mutant strains. Samples of these cultures in desiccated state were exposed to short heating pulses. Heating took place under extremely low pressure. It was experimentally showed that bacteria survive at a temperature up to 250°C with duration ~10 s under vacuum conditions, meanwhile the same heating under atmospheric pressure leads to complete sterilization.  相似文献   

One of the most important aspects of the problem of life transfer in the cosmic space is the resistance of microorganisms to high-temperature heating during the launch and entry into the atmosphere. The high-temperature limits of the survival of microorganisms were studied under conditions modeling the laungh from the Mars and the landing on the Earth. Two strain of E. coli K12 exposed to short heating pulse were studied in order to tind out if they could resist high temperature while being in the desiccated state. The procedure was performed in vacuum. It was found that a fraction of bacteria survive heating pulses up to 250 degrees C in vacuum, while similar heating at normal atmospheric pressure leads to the total sterilization of samples.  相似文献   

Data on dietary preferences, filter-feeding mechanisms and ingestion rates of algae by tilapias are outlined and discussed. Quantitative data on algal ingestion by filter-feeding are incorporated into a bioenergetic model, demonstrating that under most conditions tilapias are unable to fulfil basic maintenance requirements and hence lose weight. It is concluded that the apparently high volumes of algae ingested by tilapias must be achieved by other means, by particulate feeding on aggregations of algae in the water column or flocculent surface scums of cyanobacteria or by grazing on periphytic mats.  相似文献   

During infections with intracellular microbes, macrophages have two roles. On the one hand, they are important effector cells for the control and killing of intracellular bacteria and protozoan parasites by oxidative and non-oxidative mechanisms. On the other hand, macrophages may also serve as long-term host cells that facilitate the replication and survival of the pathogens, for example, by protecting them against toxic components of the extracellular milieu. In this review, Christian Bogdan and Martin R?llinghoff summarize some of the more recently discovered mechanisms by which intracellular protozoan parasites, such as Leishmania spp, Trypanosoma cruzi and Toxoplasma gondii, manage to exploit macrophages as safe target cells.  相似文献   

Distribution of brackish-water zooplankton was surveyed in the Chikugo River estuary, Japan, at 3-h intervals for 24h, including several hours when the river was heavily flooded because of rainfall and discharge from an upstream dam. The populations of the dominant copepods Pseudodiaptomus inopinus and Sinocalanus sinensis were concentrated in the mixing zone of the salt wedge before river flooding. During the period of flooding, they were almost completely swept out from the river, but examination of water trapped by a sediment grab sampler revealed that adults of Pseudodiaptomus inopinus were aggregated immediately above the bottom of the submerged channel outside the river mouth. After the flood, aggregations of both species appeared again in the river together with the salt wedge, and the proportion of adults in the aggregations became significantly higher than before. These results suggest that immature copepods suffer population losses through river flooding, but that the copepods can survive such flooding by means of both behavioral and reproductive mechanisms; that is, adult copepods maintain their position on the bottom of submerged channels outside the river mouth during a river flood and replace the population loss through reproduction after the flood. Channels outside river mouths are thus regarded as important topographic refuges for river-estuarine zooplankton to survive a flood.  相似文献   

In semi-arid regions, a major population limitation for riparian trees is seedling desiccation during the dry season that follows annual spring floods. We investigated the stress response of first-year pioneer riparian seedlings to experimental water table declines (0, 1 and 3 cm day−1), focusing on the three dominant cottonwood and willows (family Salicaceae) in California’s San Joaquin Basin. We analyzed growth and belowground allocation response to water stress, and used logistic regression to determine if these traits had an influence on individual survival. The models indicate that high root growth (>3 mm day−1) and low shoot:root ratios (<1.5 g g−1) strongly predicted survival, but there was no evidence that plants increased belowground allocation in response to drawdown. Leaf δ13C values shifted most for the best-surviving species (net change of +3.5 per mil from −30.0 ± 0.3 control values for Goodding’s willow, Salix gooddingii), implying an important role of increased water-use efficiency for surviving water stress. Both S. gooddingii and sandbar willow (S. exigua) reduced leaf size from controls, whereas Fremont cottonwood (Populus fremontii) sustained a 29% reduction in specific leaf area (from 13.4 to 9.6 m2 kg−1). The functional responses exhibited by Goodding’s willow, the more drought-tolerant species, may play a role in its greater relative abundance in dry regions such as the San Joaquin Basin. This study highlights the potential for a shift in riparian forest composition. Under a future drier climate regime or under reduced regulated river flows, our results suggest that willow establishment will be favored over cottonwood.  相似文献   

Abstract HeLa cells pretreated with human lympho-blastoid interferon (Hu IFN-α (Ly)), at concentrations up to 100 IU / ml and infected with moderate multiplicities of encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus (10 PFU / cell) died 1 or 2 days after infection. However, if cells were repeatedly treated with high doses of IFN (800 IU / ml) they survived infection by EMC virus for at least a month. Cells survived Semliki Forest virus (SFV) infection when even lower IFN concentrations were used. By contrast infection of IFN-treated HeLa cells with other RNA-containing viruses, such as poliovirus, vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and reovirus type 3 resulted in cell death. Similarly, infection with a number of DNA-containing viruses such as adenovirus type 5, Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2) and vaccinia virus killed cells. The results are discussed in the light of different models for the molecular mechanism of action of interferon.  相似文献   

When the male is the heterogametic sex (XX♀-XY♂ or XX♀-XO♂), as inDrosophila, orthopteran insects, mammals andCaenorhabditis elegans, X-linked genes are subject to dosage compensation: the single X in the male is functionally equivalent to the two Xs in the female. However, when the female is heterogametic (ZZ♂-ZW♀), as in birds, butterflies and moths, Z-linked genes are apparently not dosage-compensated. This difference between X-linked and Z-linked genes raises fundamental questions about the role of dosage compensation. It is argued that (i) genes which require dosage compensation are primarily those that control morphogenesis and the prospective body plan; (ii) the products of these genes are required in disomic doses especially during oogenesis and early embryonic development; (iii) heterogametic females synthesize and store during oogenesis itself morphogenetically essential gene products - including those encoded by Z-linked genes — in large quantities; (iv) the abundance of these gene products in the egg and their persistence relatively late into embryogenesis enables heterogametic females to overcome the monosomic state of the Z chromosome in ZW embryos. Female heterogamety is predominant in birds, reptiles and amphibians, all of which have megalecithal eggs containing several thousand times more maternal RNA and other maternal messages than eggs of mammals,Caenorhabditis elegans, orDrosophila. This increase in egg size, yolk content and, concomitantly, the size of the maternal legacy to the embryo, may have facilitated female heterogamety and the absence of dosage compensation.  相似文献   

The authoritative talk by Professor Fowler (Fowler et al ., 1998), emphasized the huge increase in the rate of NOx (NO and NO2) emissions into the atmosphere due to fossil fuel combustion, from 1 Tg N y−1 to over 20 Tg N y−1 during the 100 yr between 1880 and 1980. He went on to predict that this rate of emission from anthropogenic sources would increase to 46 Tg N y−1 by the year 2025. In addition, NO can also be released from the soil following microbial action, a process that is very dependent upon soil temperature, nitrogen availability and water content. Later in the meeting, Professor Raven (Raven & Yin, 1998) pointed out that terrestrial plants, though not necessarily each individual species, have over the past 450 million yr coped with large changes in nitrogenous compounds in the environment. Nevertheless, this is no basis for complacency about the current situation because the rates of change caused by man's activities are probably unprecedented. Furthermore, the fact that terrestrial plant life in some form can continue, despite massive changes in environmental chemistry, does not necessarily indicate that the systems on which we ourselves are dependent will be conserved.  相似文献   

Commonly used definitions of osteoporosis rely upon the measurement of bone mass or bone mineral density and regard the difference between osteopenia and osteoporosis as gradual. An alternative definition has been proposed by Harold Frost, suggesting that osteopenia is the bone's physiological response to disuse. On the contrary, true osteoporoses imply the bone's inability to adapt to the loads imposed on them by their habitual mechanical usage. As a consequence, fractures occur with no or very little trauma in osteoporotic, but not in osteopenic bones. There is now ample evidence that mechanical stimuli can increase strength. Accordingly, exercise, in particular some new forms of it that involve high strain rates, seems to be preventing bone loss and possibly also induces increases in bone mass even at older ages. Hence, exercise may ameliorate osteopenia in the sense of Frost's definition. However, exercise must be feared to facilitate rather than to ameliorate the occurrence of true osteoporoses, e.g., due to microdamage accumulation. This is in sharp contrast to the general 'understanding'.  相似文献   

Can nicotine treat sepsis?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Matthay MA  Ware LB 《Nature medicine》2004,10(11):1161-1162

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