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Summary A boy with partial monosomy 21 is described. The child has an unbalanced 20/21 translocation with deletion of the centromeric and juxtacentromeric region of chromosome 21. Examination by C-banding technique shows that the translocation is of maternal origin. Investigation of a number of genetic marker systems shows that the HL-A, AcP, and GPT loci are not located in the deleted segment.
Zusammenfassung Es wird ein Junge mit partieller Monosomie Nr. 21 beschrieben. Das Kind hat eine unbalancierte 20/21-Translokation mit einer Deletion der Zentromer-und Juxtazentromer-Region des Chromosomes Nr. 21. Untersuchung mit der C-Band-Technik zeigt, daß die Translokation mütterlichen Ursprungs ist. Untersuchung einer Reihe genetischer Markersysteme zeigt, daß die HL-A-, AcP- und GPT-Loci nicht in dem deletierten Segment liegen.

Monosomy 21 in spontaneous abortus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
K Ohama  T Kajii 《Humangenetik》1972,16(3):267-270

Summary Chromosome analysis of the amnion from a missed abortus revealed a 45,XX,G-karyotype. Giemsa banding pattern technique identified the chromosome involved in monosomy as No. 21.
Zusammenfassung Die Chromosomenanalyse des Amnions eines verhaltenen Abortus ergab einen 45,XX,G-Karyotyp. Dank der Anwendung der Giemsa banding pattern-Technik konnte festgestellt werden, daß die Monosomie das Chromosom Nr. 21 betrifft.

This study was supported by the Ford Foundation Population Program, Grant No. 640-0411 B, and by the World Health Organisation.  相似文献   

Summary Complex investigation of a spontaneous abortus with monosomy 21 was carried out. Phenotypic expression at the organism and tissue level was characterized by the pathology of the external form of the embryo and by abnormalities of the embryonic facial structures, the stomodeum, the anterior part of the primary gut, and neural tube development.The anomalies found in the embryo indicate primary morphogenetic disturbances arising at the initial stage of organogenesis. Investigation of LHC-431 strain cells derived from musculocutaneous embryonic fragments revealed a complex of cytophenotypic alterations similar to the cellular syndrome of trisomic cells and indicating an insufficient biologic maturity of the mutant cells (alterations of cellular form, disturbances in their contact orientation, underdevelopment of fibrillar apparatus and decreased collagen formation, changes in the accumulation of intracellular metabolic products, decreased growth capacity and alterations of mitotic cycle parameters). It was found that the single chromosome 21 takes part in associations twice as frequently as would theoretically be expected.  相似文献   

Human centromeres are poorly understood at both the genetic and the physical level. In this paper, we have been able to distinguish the alphoid centromeric sequences of chromosome 5 from those of chromosome 19. This result was obtained by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis after cutting genomic DNA with restriction endonucleases NcoI (chromosome 5) and BamHI (chromosome 19). We could thus define a highly polymorphic marker, representing length variations of the D5Z1 domain located at the q arm boundary of the chromosome 5 centromere. The centromeric region of chromosome 5 was then analyzed in full detail. We established an approximately 4.6-Mb physical map of the whole region with five rare-cutting enzymes by using nonchimeric YACs, two of which were shown to contain the very ends of 5cen on both sides. The p-arm side of 5cen was shown to contain an alphoid subset (D5Z12) different from those described thus far. Two genes and several putative cDNAs could be precisely located close to the centromere. Several L1 elements were shown to be present within alpha satellites at the boundary between alphoid and nonalphoid sequences on both sides of 5cen. They were used to define STSs that could serve as physical anchor points at the junction of 5cen with the p and q arms. Some STSs were placed on a radiation hybrid map. One was polymorphic and could therefore be used as a second centromeric genetic marker at the p arm boundary of 5cen. We could thus estimate recombination rates within and around the centromeric region of chromosome 5. Recombination is highly reduced within 5cen, with zero recombinants in 58 meioses being detected between the two markers located at the two extremities of the centromere. In its immediate vicinity, 5cen indeed exerts a direct negative effect on meiotic recombination within the proximal chromosomal DNA. This effect is, however, less important than expected and is polarized, as different rates are observed on both arms if one compares the 0 cM/Mb of the p proximal first 5.5 Mb and the 0.64 cM/Mb of the q proximal first 5 Mb to the sex-average 1.02 cM/Mb found throughout the entire chromosome 5. Rates then become close to the average when one goes further within the arms. Finally, most recombinants (21/22), irrespective of the arm, are of female origin, thus showing that recombination around 5cen is essentially occurring in the female lineage.  相似文献   

Previously, we have reported a fine physical map of Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome 5, except for the centromeric and telomeric regions, by ordering clones from YAC, P1, TAC, and BAC libraries of the genome consisting of the two contigs of upper arm and lower arm, 11.6 M bases and 14.2 M bases, respectively. Here, the remaining centromeric and telomeric regions of chromosome 5 are completely characterized by the ordering of clones and PCR amplifications. Chromosome 5 of Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Columbia is about 28.4 M bases long. The centromeric region is estimated at about 2 M bases long between two 5S-rDNA clusters. The 180-bp repeat region mainly consists of blocks of 180-bp tandem family and various type retroelements dispersed over a 500-kb region. The telomeric regions of chromosome 5 are characterized by PCR cloning, sequencing and hybridization. The telomere repeats at both ends are about 2.5-kb long and interestingly, telomere-associated repeats (approximately 700 bp) are found near both ends of chromosome 5.  相似文献   

The sequence of the human genome is not yet complete, and major gaps remain at the centromere region of each chromosome, which is comprised of repetitive alpha satellite DNA. In this article, we describe the sequences in the vicinity of the centromere that are included in the current genome assembly, analyze the approximately 7Mb of alpha satellite that have been assembled thus far and anticipate the nature of the sequences that remain to be accounted for.  相似文献   

Using human telomeric repeats and centromeric alpha repeats, we have identified adjacent single copy cosmid clones from human chromosome 22 cosmid libraries. These single copy cosmids were mapped to chromosome 22 by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). Based on these cosmids, we established contigs that included part of the telomeric and subtelomeric regions, and part of the centromeric and pericentromeric regions of the long arm of human chromosome 22. Each of the two cosmid contigs consisted of five consecutive steps and spanned approximately 100–150 kb at both extreme ends of 22q. Moreover, highly informative polymorphic markers were identified in the telomeric region. Our results suggest that the telomere specific repeat (TTAGGG) n encompasses a region that is larger than 40 kb. The cosmid contigs and restriction fragment length polymorphism markers described here are useful tools for physical and genetic mapping of chromosome 22, and constitute the basis of further studies of the structure of the subtelomeric and pericentromeric regions of 22q. We also demonstrate the use of these clones in clinical diagnosis of different chromosome 22 aberrations by FISH.  相似文献   

Alpha satellite DNA is composed of variants of a short consensus sequence that are repeated in tandem arrays in the centromeric heterochromatin of each human chromosome. To define centromeric markers for linkage studies, we screened human genomic DNA for restriction fragment length polymorphisms using a probe detecting alphoid sequences on chromosomes 13 and 21. We describe one such DNA polymorphism. Analysis of linkage of this DNA marker to other polymorphic markers in the CEPH pedigrees demonstrates linkage to markers on the proximal long arm of chromosome 13 and defines the centromeric end of the linkage map of this chromosome.  相似文献   

A plasmid, AWZ1, that contained a dinucleotide (GT)n repeat was identified from a chromosome 21-specific genomic library. When amplified by PCR from human genomic DNA, the repeat length was highly polymorphic between individuals; its location, D21S215, was mapped in the CEPH pedigrees by linkage analysis to the pericentromeric region of chromosome 21. It is the closest polymorphic marker to alphoid sequences on this chromosome.  相似文献   

The condensed centromeric regions of higher eukaryotic chromosomes contain satellite sequences, transposons and retroelements, as well as transcribed genes that perform a variety of functions. These chromosomal domains nucleate kinetochores, mediate sister chromatid cohesion and inhibit recombination, yet their characterization has often lagged behind that of chromosome arms. Here, we describe a whole-genome fractionation technique that rapidly identifies bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones derived from plant centromeric regions. This approach, which relies on hybridization of methylated genomic DNA, revealed BACs that correspond to the genetically mapped and sequenced Arabidopsis thaliana centromeric regions. Extending this method to other species in the Brassicaceae family identified centromere-linked clones and provided genome-wide estimates of methylated DNA abundance. Sequencing these clones will elucidate the changes that occur during plant centromere evolution. This genomic fractionation technique could identify centromeric DNA in genomes with similar methylation and repetitive DNA content, including those from crops and mammals.  相似文献   

Composition and structure of the centromeric region of rice chromosome 8   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Understanding the organization of eukaryotic centromeres has both fundamental and applied importance because of their roles in chromosome segregation, karyotypic stability, and artificial chromosome-based cloning and expression vectors. Using clone-by-clone sequencing methodology, we obtained the complete genomic sequence of the centromeric region of rice (Oryza sativa) chromosome 8. Analysis of 1.97 Mb of contiguous nucleotide sequence revealed three large clusters of CentO satellite repeats (68.5 kb of 155-bp repeats) and >220 transposable element (TE)-related sequences; together, these account for approximately 60% of this centromeric region. The 155-bp repeats were tandemly arrayed head to tail within the clusters, which had different orientations and were interrupted by TE-related sequences. The individual 155-bp CentO satellite repeats showed frequent transitions and transversions at eight nucleotide positions. The 40 TE elements with highly conserved sequences were mostly gypsy-type retrotransposons. Furthermore, 48 genes, showing high BLAST homology to known proteins or to rice full-length cDNAs, were predicted within the region; some were close to the CentO clusters. We then performed a genome-wide survey of the sequences and organization of CentO and RIRE7 families. Our study provides the complete sequence of a centromeric region from either plants or animals and likely will provide insight into the evolutionary and functional analysis of plant centromeres.  相似文献   

Pre- and postnatal diagnosis of chromosomal aberrations is generally based on conventional cytogenetic analysis. In this paper, we have devised a quantitative polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR) method to determine gene dose effects and applied it in cases of regular trisomy 21 as a model. The method is based on quantitative assessment of PCR products after using primers amplifying DNA fragments located in the pericentromeric, heterochromatic, euchromatic and telomeric regions of chromosome 21. A gene dose effect on the amount of PCR product in cases of trisomy 21 was confirmed. Moreover, a correlation between the amount of the PCR product of the examined sequences and their location in the chromosome was observed. The obtained results suggest that the Q-PCR technique can be applied in the diagnosis of aneuploidies.  相似文献   

Page BT  Wanous MK  Birchler JA 《Genetics》2001,159(1):291-302
Previous work has identified sequences specific to the B chromosome that are a major component of the B centromere. To address the issue of the origin of the B and the evolution of centromere-localized sequences, DNA prepared from plants without B chromosomes was probed to seek evidence for related sequences. Clones were isolated from maize line B73 without B chromosomes by screening DNA at reduced stringency with a B centromeric probe. These clones were localized to maize centromere 4 using fluorescence in situ hybridization. They showed homology to a maize centromere-mapped sequence, to maize B chromosome centromere sequences, and to a portion of the unit repeat of knobs, which act as neocentromeres in maize. A representative copy was used to screen a BAC library to obtain these sequences in a larger context. Each of the six positive BACs obtained was analyzed to determine the nature of centromere 4-specific sequences present. Fifteen subclones of one BAC were sequenced and the organization of this chromosome 4-specific repeat was examined.  相似文献   

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