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There has been growing interest in paramyosin as a vaccine component to combat schistosomiasis. Immunological and molecular techniques have been used in the past to investigate the effectiveness of a paramyosin vaccine as an anti-schistosomal treatment. However, recent localization studies at ultrastructural and morphological levels have highlighted a number of questions concerning the role of paramyosin within schistosome parasites. Debates about how a non-surface protein such as paramyosin might provide protection against schistosome infections have recently been addressed by microscopy results. Immunolocalization studies have indicated multiple functions of paramyosin within the parasite and provided insights into how a vaccine may target the parasite, as discussed here by Geoffrey Gobert.  相似文献   

Acquired immunity against helminths is characterised by a complex interplay between the effector Th1 and Th2 immune responses and it slowly manifests with age as a result of cumulative exposure to parasite antigens. Data from experimental models suggest that immunity is also influenced by regulatory T cells (Treg), but as yet studies on Treg in human schistosome infections are limited. This study investigated the relationship between schistosome infection intensity and the two cell populations regulatory T cells (TREG: CD4(+(dim))CD25(+(high))FOXP3(+)CD127(low)), and activated (Tact: CD4(+)CD25(+)FOXP3(-)) T cells in Zimbabweans exposed to Schistosoma haematobium parasites. Participants were partitioned into two age groups, young children (8-13 years) in whom schistosome infection levels were rising to peak and older people (14+ years) with declining infection levels. The relationship between Tact proportions and schistosome infection intensity remained unchanged with age. However Treg proportions rose significantly with increasing infection in the younger age group. In contrast Treg were negatively correlated to infection intensity in the older age group. The relative proportions of regulatory T cells differ significantly between young individuals in whom high infection is associated with an enhanced regulatory phenotype and older infected patients in whom the regulatory response is attenuated. This may influence or reflect different stages of the development of protective schistosome acquired immunity and immunopathogenesis.  相似文献   

Human IgG1 antibody responses are associated with protection against Schistosoma haematobium infection and are now a target for schistosome vaccine development. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between total IgG and the IgG subclasses and the monocyte IgG receptor, known as FcγRIIIa or CD16, in schistosome exposed people. Systemic levels of schistosome-specific anti-adult worm total IgG and IgG subclass titres were measured by ELISA in 100 individuals from an S. haematobium endemic area in Zimbabwe and, using parametric statistical methods and regression analysis, related to the levels of CD16 expression on individuals'' circulating monocytes, determined via flow cytometry. Monocyte CD16 expression rose with parasite-specific total IgG and IgG1 in healthy participants, but not in schistosome infected patients. Similar to parasite-specific IgG and IgG1, CD16 expression in healthy individuals is associated with protection against schistosome infection. This relationship indicates a mechanistic link between the innate and adaptive immune responses to helminth infection in protection against infection. Further understanding the elements of a protective immune response in schistosomiasis may aid in efforts to develop a protective vaccine against this disease.  相似文献   

Malaria is a vector-borne infectious disease caused by infection with eukaryotic pathogens termed Plasmodium. Epidemiological hallmarks of Plasmodium falciparum malaria are continuous re-infections, over which time the human host may experience several clinical malaria episodes, slow acquisition of partial protection against infection, and its partial decay upon migration away from endemic regions. To overcome the exposure-dependence of naturally acquired immunity and rapidly elicit robust long-term protection are ultimate goals of malaria vaccine development. However, cellular and molecular correlates of naturally acquired immunity against either parasite infection or malarial disease remain elusive. Sero-epidemiological studies consistently suggest that acquired immunity is primarily directed against the asexual blood stages. Here, we review available data on the relationship between immune responses against the Anopheles mosquito-transmitted sporozoite and exo-erythrocytic liver stages and the incidence of malaria. We discuss current limitations and research opportunities, including the identification of additional sporozoite antigens and the use of systematic immune profiling and functional studies in longitudinal cohorts to look for pre-erythrocytic signatures of naturally acquired immunity.  相似文献   

The development of subunit vaccines against most parasitic helminth infections will require a better understanding of the different components of a natural rejection process including (1) recognition of parasite antigens; (2) induction of protective immune response phenotypes; and (3) activation of appropriate immune effector mechanisms. While novel technologies have allowed significant progress to be made in the identification of candidate vaccine antigens, the large scale production of these antigens and their presentation to the host with appropriate adjuvant systems remains a major problem in vaccine research. Identification of the molecular interactions involved in the innate immune response to helminth infections and the application of new genomic and proteomic technologies are likely to lead to major advances in these research fields. Gastrointestinal nematode parasites and liver fluke are the most important helminth parasites of production animals. In recent years, a lot of new knowledge has been gathered on the immunobiology of the host-parasite interactions in these two infection systems, which has allowed new vaccination strategies to be considered. Functional genomic technologies such as gene expression analysis by microarrays, promise to further advance our understanding of the molecular pathways leading to protection against parasite infections. This will not only have implications for vaccine research, but also provide novel targets for drug development and genetic selection.  相似文献   

Development of a vaccine for schistosomiasis, a parasitic disease currently affecting over 200 million people worldwide, has been targeted as a priority by the World Health Organisation. Research demonstrating the ability of humans to acquire natural immunity to schistosome infection, together with the successful use of attenuated vaccines in animals both under laboratory and field conditions, suggest that development of a human vaccine is feasible. Attenuated vaccines for schistosomiasis are considered neither safe nor practicable for human use, however, and therefore other approaches must be considered. This review examines progress currently being undertaken in a number of different areas towards achieving the goal of a safe and effective human vaccine for schistosomiasis.  相似文献   

Schistosome female reproductive development   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Schistosome parasites have evolved to produce a number of unique features in their life history; one of these is separate sexes. This has, in turn, led to a novel interplay between the male and female parasite that has been recognized for over 50 years: the growth and reproductive development of the female parasite is in some way regulated by the male schistosome. Early classical and later experimental studies established that the presence of the male schistosome is necessary not only for the initiation of female development but also for the maintenance of her mature state. The male parasite regulates the reproductive development of the female, partly by providing a stimulus that is necessary for the development of the vitelline gland. The cells of the vitelline gland provide nutrients and shell precursors for the egg. Also in this review by Philip LoVerde and Li-ly Chen, it is interesting to note that recent molecular studies have confirmed early work by showing that gene expression in the female parasite is developmentally regulated in a tissue-specific manner and that this gene expression is controlled by the presence of a male parasite.  相似文献   

Schistosomes cause bilharzia (schistosomiasis), one of the most prevalent parasitic diseases for human and animals worldwide. Praziquantel (PZQ) is the only widely used drug for treatment and control of this parasitemia. Since a vaccine is not yet available, and in light of emerging resistance against PZQ, the search for alternatives has high priority. Here we present that Imatinib, a compound used in human cancer therapy (Gleevec; STI-571), significantly affected schistosome morphology and physiology in vitro. Besides its negative effect on gonad development and pairing stability, Imatinib led to pathological alterations of the gastrodermis, which finally caused the death of the parasite.  相似文献   

Epidemiological dynamics depend on the traits of hosts and parasites, but hosts and parasites are heterogeneous entities that exist in dynamic environments. Resource availability is a particularly dynamic and potent environmental driver of within‐host infection dynamics (temporal patterns of growth, reproduction, parasite production and survival). We developed, parameterised and validated a model for resource‐explicit infection dynamics by incorporating a parasitism module into dynamic energy budget theory. The model mechanistically explained the dynamic multivariate responses of the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni and its intermediate host snail to variation in resources and host density. At the population level, feedbacks mediated by resource competition could create a unimodal relationship between snail density and human risk of exposure to schistosomes. Consequently, weak snail control could backfire if reductions in snail density release remaining hosts from resource competition. If resource competition is strong and relevant to schistosome production in nature, it could inform control strategies.  相似文献   

Immunity to malaria.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Malaria remains prevalent throughout tropical and subtropical regions and almost a third of the World's population is exposed to the risk of infection. There is currently a serious resurgence of the disease in Asia and Central America. The failure of global eradication measures based upon the use of insecticides and chemotherapy has resulted from difficulties of practical implementation compounded by the spread of insecticide and drug resistance. Repeated natural infection does not produce detectable resistance to the exo-erythrocytic cycle of malaria in man. Irradiated sporzoite vaccines do, however, induce stage specific immunity in murine malaria and in a proportion of human subjects. Vaccinated individuals remain susceptible to blood stage infection which causes clinical malaria. In addition the vaccine is unstable and must be administered by intravenous inoculation. Since neither sporogonic nor exo-erythrocytic parasite development is cyclical in human malarias, there is little prospect for vaccine production through cultivation of these stages. The inhabitants of hyperendaemic areas become increasingly resistant to malaria during childhood and adolescence, through the slow development of specific, acquired immunity to asexual blood stage parasites. Immunity is mediated by antibody, which blocks merozoite invasion of red cells, as well as by cell mediated mechanisms and non-specific cytotoxic agents. Vaccination with merozoites induces long lasting immunity of broad serological specificity active against the blood-stage of the parasite. Merozoite vaccines can be preserved by freeze drying and harvested from continuous cultures of blood stage parasites. The major problem in development of a human merozoite vaccine concerns the requirement for Freund's complete adjuvant which is not acceptable for man. The effective immunity induced by vaccination contrasts with the slow development of incomplete resistance which follows repeated natural infection. The latter is associated with the generation of immune suppressor cells, lymphoid cell mitogens and soluble antigens, and in some species by the occurrence of antigenic variation--all of which may favour parasite survival. It is probable that vaccination with non-viable antigen of appropriate composition, induces immune effector processes without activating mechanisms which allow parasites to escape the consequences of immunity. Many effective vaccines such as those against measles, poliomyelitis, tetanus and rabies are commercially available but barely used in the developing world. The affected nations cannot afford their purchase, nor do the means exist for their distribution. It follows that if a safe and effective malaria vaccine were to be developed, its bulk manufacture and administration would require massive international support and cooperation.  相似文献   

Taking into consideration that the immune response following infection promotes the expansion of lymphocyte clones that are essentially non-specific, ensuring both parasite evasion and persistence inside the host, what would be the major consequences of this polyclonal response to the development of immunopathology? We favor the hypothesis that the polyclonal B cell responses triggered by the infection is responsible of the host susceptibility and is a major contributor to the maintenance of a progressive disease. In particular, the activation of B cells by parasite mitogens would contribute to the class determination of T cell responses and to the inhibition of macrophages - target cells for parasite multiplication and also responsible for parasite clearance. We also envisage that the activation of T cells by parasite 'superantigens', and the ensuing energy and deletion of these cells, processes that are frequently observed, would contribute for the immunosuppression as well as to parasite escape and persistence in the host. We had concentrated our efforts on the study of the non-specific aspects of the immune response following Trypanosoma cruzi infection. We aimed at finding new strategies to modulate and control the mechanisms leading to both the immunosuppression and the development of chronic auto-immunity leading to rational vaccine approaches against parasite infection and immunopathology.  相似文献   

Calcium-dependent, neutral cysteine-proteases (calpain) were purified from human blood flukes, Schistosoma mansoni. The electrophoretic mobilities, Western blot analyses and high specificity to peptide inhibitors confirmed the presence of both calpain I and II in the purified preparation. The schistosome calpains were localized in the surface syncytial epithelium and underlying musculature. Using peptide inhibitors, calpain was shown to function as a mediator of the surface membrane synthetic process. Since there was also no immunological cross-reactivity between vertebrate and schistosome calpains using antibodies affinity-purified from native and recombinant schistosome calpains, this protease may be usefully investigated as forming the basis of a molecular vaccine against schistosomiasis.  相似文献   

Malaria kills over 3,000 children each day. Modern molecular and biochemical approaches are being used to help understand and control Plasmodium falciparum, the parasite that causes this deadly disease. New drugs are being invented for both chemoprophylaxis and therapeutic treatments and their use is discussed along side that of the more commonly used treatments. Classical genetic crosses coupled with molecular analysis of gene loci are use to explain the genetics behind the development of specific drug resistances that the parasites have naturally developed. Rapid advances in DNA sequencing techniques have allowed the compete sequencing of the P. falciparum and several other rodent malaria parasite genomes. Proteomics and computational analysis of these vast databanks are being used to model and investigate the three-dimensional structure of many key malaria proteins in an attempt to facilitate drug design. Recombinant protein expression in bacteria and yeast coupled with cGMP purification technologies and conditions have lead to the recent availability of several dozen malaria protein antigens for human-use Phase I and Phase II vaccine trials. Drug companies, private foundations, and key government agencies have contributed to the coordinated efforts needed to test these antigens, adjuvants and delivery methods in an effort to find an effective malaria vaccine that will prevent infection and disease.  相似文献   

Schistosoma mansoni: TGF-beta signaling pathways   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Schistosome parasites have co-evolved an intricate relationship with their human and snail hosts as well as a novel interplay between the adult male and female parasites. We review the role of the TGF-beta signaling pathway in parasite development, host-parasite interactions and male-female interactions. The data to date support multiple roles for the TGF-beta signaling pathway throughout schistosome development, in particular, in the tegument which is at the interface with the host and between the male and female schistosome, development of vitelline cells in female worms whose genes and development are regulated by a stimulus from the male schistosome and embryogenesis of the egg. The human ligand TGF-beta1 has been demonstrated to regulate the expression of a schistosome target gene that encodes a gynecophoric canal protein in the schistosome worm itself. Studies on signaling in schistosomes opens a new era for investigation of host-parasite and male-female interactions.  相似文献   

A better understanding of how schistosomes exploit host nutrients, neuro-endocrine hormones and signalling pathways for growth, development and maturation may provide new insights for improved interventions in the control of schistosomiasis. This paper describes recent advances in the identification and characterisation of schistosome tyrosine kinase and signalling pathways. It discusses the potential intervention value of insulin signalling, which may play an important role in glucose uptake and carbohydrate metabolism in schistosomes, providing the nutrients essential for parasite growth, development and, notably, female fecundity. Significant progress has also been made in the characterisation of other schistosome growth factor receptors, such as transforming growth factor beta receptor and epidermal growth factor receptor, and in our understanding of their roles in the host-parasite molecular dialogue and parasite development. The use of parasite signal transduction components as novel vaccine or drug targets may prove invaluable in prevention, treatment and control strategies to combat schistosomiasis.  相似文献   

To infect a definitive host, schistosome cercorioe must identify and penetrate intact skin. This involves complex biochemical and morphological changes over a fairly brief time (48 hours), and possibly offers a potential point of intervention against infection. Attempts to define a vaccine against the invading organisms have so far been unsuccessful, but unravelling the complex biochemical interactions of schistosome penetration and transformation seems to suggest possible pharmacological or immunopharmacological interventions against these initial stages of infection.  相似文献   

Glycan-lectin recognition is vital to processes that impact human health, including viral infections. Proceeding from crystallographical evidence of case studies on adeno-, corona-, and rotaviral spike proteins, the relationship of these adhesins to mammalian galectins was examined by computational similarity assessments. Intrafamily diversity among human galectins was in the range of that to these viral surface proteins. Our findings are offered to inspire the consideration of lectin-based approaches to thwart infection by present and future viral threats, also mentioning possible implications for vaccine development.  相似文献   

Despite the overlapping distribution of Schistosoma haematobium and Plasmodium falciparum infections, few studies have investigated early immune responses to both parasites in young children resident in areas co-endemic for the parasites. This study measures infection levels of both parasites and relates them to exposure and immune responses in young children. Levels of IgM, IgE, IgG4 directed against schistosome cercariae, egg and adult worm and IgM, IgG directed against P. falciparum schizonts and the merozoite surface proteins 1 and 2 together with the cytokines IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-5, IL-10 and TNF-α were measured by ELISA in 95 Zimbabwean children aged 1-5 years. Schistosome infection prevalence was 14·7% and that of Plasmodium infection was 0% in the children. 43. 4% of the children showed immunological evidence of exposure to schistosome parasites and 13% showed immunological evidence of exposure to Plasmodium parasites. Schistosome-specific responses, indicative of exposure to parasite antigens, were positively associated with cercariae-specific IgE responses, while Plasmodium-specific responses, indicative of exposure to parasite antigens, were negatively associated with responses associated with protective immunity against Plasmodium. There was no significant association between schistosome-specific and Plasmodium-specific responses. Systemic cytokine levels rose with age as well as with schistosome infection and exposure. Overall the results show that (1) significantly more children are exposed to schistosome and Plasmodium infection than those currently infected and; (2) the development of protective acquired immunity commences in early childhood, although its effects on infection levels and pathology may take many years to become apparent.  相似文献   

This brief review discusses the history of leishmaniasis, considering its origin from the Paleoartic, Neoartic or Neotropic. We reassess some of the theories of the likely origin of this protozoan since the beginning of life on Earth, passing through the Mesozoic and continuing to the appearance of humans. The relationship between this parasite or its ancestors, possible vectors and hosts with regard to ecological modifications is discussed. Recent molecular techniques have helped to elucidate some of the evolutionary questions regarding Leishmania, but have also brought doubts about the origin and evolution of this human parasite. PCR has been used for studies in the new discipline of paleoparasitology, helping to elucidate some of the remaining evolutionary questions. Understanding of this global condition is fundamental in determining the best approach to use against the parasite, specifically for the development of an efficient vaccine.  相似文献   

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