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<正>我国古代文化包罗万象,先民思维近取自身,远法自然,上自飞禽,下到走兽,深及虫鱼龙鳖,自然存在的和不存在的一切物象都给予先民们无尽的资源。这些动物从大到小,都让我们的文化充满了哲学性和诗性:大到天上的鲲,水里的鹏,东南西北的玄武白虎朱雀青龙;小到尘埃中的蜉蝣,槐安国中的蚂蚁和哲人梦中的蝴蝶。而蝴蝶,在这些物象群中,是卓尔不群,最具特色的一种。蝴蝶在我国古代文化中,是哲学的代表,也是爱情和自由的化身。可以说,蝴蝶之美,就是我国的文化之美。  相似文献   

生态蝴蝶园的类型与建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蝴蝶园作为可持续性利用的生态产业在世界范围内广为营建,尤其在发达国家。人们在工作之余来到生态环境优美的蝴蝶园,可以愉悦心情、享受自然,感悟人与自然和谐的美妙。我国生态蝴蝶园的产业属起步阶段,在温带地区的冬天、初春和秋末气温低,宜建封闭式温室型蝴蝶园,人为(电脑)控制室内的温度、湿度;在热带、南亚热带地区,全年大多数时间有蝴蝶活动,宜建开放式和封闭式网型蝴蝶园。本研究依据蝴蝶生态学的原理,首次提出了复式蝴蝶园的概念并在实践中获得良好的效果。复式蝴蝶园必须有森林生态的环境条件,地理位置处于原始林、次生林边缘的地方可以营建复式蝴蝶园,其类型是在开放式蝴蝶园中,建特定蝶种的封闭式网型蝴蝶园,选定的特定蝶种应属于大型、美丽和飞翔较缓慢的类群,以供人们观蝶和赏蝶;在出入封闭式网型蝴蝶园的人行道两旁种植上蜜源植物,在远离人行道的地方种植原生态蝶种的寄主植物,形成蜜源植物、寄主植物和封闭式网型蝴蝶园内蝶类发出的性信息素的三种引诱作用,吸引自然界中的蝴蝶在蜜源植物处群集,从而形成封闭式网型蝴蝶园外的开放式蝴蝶园。复式蝴蝶园兼有开放式和封闭式网型蝴蝶园的功能,是蝴蝶生态产业的新发展,它提升了蝶园的生动性、可看性与生态效益。  相似文献   

蝴蝶是进行生物多样性监测、评估及生态环境影响评价的重要指示生物.欧洲对蝴蝶的种类组成、种群动态与分布的长期监测已有数十年的历史,先后实施了许多具有国际性影响的长期监测计划.这些计划的目标是评估区域及国家范围的蝴蝶物种丰富度的变化趋势,分析其与栖境和气候变化等环境因素的相关性,为研究、保护和利用蝴蝶资源及预测环境变化提供基础数据,并在蝴蝶受威胁等级的划分、保护措施的制定、生态环境保护与管理等方面发挥了重要作用.本文在总结欧洲蝴蝶监测历史及现状的基础上,着重介绍英国蝴蝶监测计划(The UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme, UKBMS)、德国及欧盟等重要的蝴蝶监测计划,同时提出了开展我国蝴蝶监测工作的具体建议.  相似文献   

中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园(简称“版纳植物园”)保存着上万种植物,且生境多样,具有较高的蝴蝶多样性。本研究选择三类代表性生境:片段化雨林、次生林和专类园,聚焦于环境指示物种蝴蝶这一类群,通过样线法系统调查一年内蝴蝶多样性及其变化。观测结果显示:蝴蝶在版纳植物园内全年发生,共调查到其成虫5科126属218种6 015头,其中蛱蝶科多样性最高。蝴蝶种类及数量随月动态变化,生境间有差异,7-8月种类和数量达到最高峰;1月种类最少,而5-6月数量最低;每月均出现的种类仅有12种,绝大部分种类分散发生于不同月份。影响蝴蝶群落多样性的气候因子中,月最高温显著影响蝴蝶群落的物种丰富度和数量,月最低温显著影响物种丰富度、香农多样性和辛普森多样性,月平均温仅显著影响香农多样性。在版纳的三个典型季节中蝴蝶多样性存在差异,雨季物种丰富度最高,干热季香农和辛普森指数最高;雨季和雾凉季蝴蝶群落组成差异大,仅雾凉季与干热季的蝴蝶群落呈现中等程度相似。此外,在片段化雨林、次生林和专类园这3种不同生境中,蝴蝶群落组成也存在差异,蝴蝶物种丰富度和香农指数在次生林中最高,而辛普森指数则是片段化雨林最高;仅次生林与片段化雨林的蝴蝶群落呈现出中等程度相似。本研究揭示了版纳植物园蝴蝶群落的种类组成与月动态变化规律,并明确了不同季节和生境中蝴蝶群落的多样性变化,可为区域蝴蝶多样性观测及保护提供参考依据。  相似文献   

蝴蝶是无脊椎动物中最受关注的类群和环境指示生物之一, 其种群动态及群落结构能快速地反映环境的状况。哀牢山和无量山国家级自然保护区具有复杂多样的生境, 含有丰富的动植物资源。为了有效地保护环境和资源, 2016‒2018年在这两个自然保护区开展了蝴蝶资源及其种群动态的研究。结果表明: 两地蝴蝶均具有较高的多样性水平, 且哀牢山蝴蝶多样性较无量山丰富。哀牢山共观测记录5科83属149种, 该地蝴蝶Shannon-Wiener指数(Hs′)为3.92, 物种丰富度为16.36, Simpson指数为0.97; 景东县无量山样区共记录蝴蝶5科88属143种, Shannon-Wiener指数(Hs′)为3.64, 物种丰富度为15.04, Simpson指数为0.96。哀牢山、无量山两个样区共有5科99属178种蝴蝶。生境分析表明两地蝴蝶均具有明显的垂直分布特征, 哀牢山蝴蝶主要分布在海拔1,100 m以下, 而无量山蝴蝶主要分布在1,100-1,400 m之间。调查时段分析表明, 两地蝴蝶主要分布在5-9月, 哀牢山8月蝴蝶种类较丰富, 而无量山9月蝴蝶种类较丰富。年份分析表明, 哀牢山、无量山两地均以2016年蝴蝶多样性最丰富, 这与适宜的气候及较弱的人为干扰有密切的关系。两地蝴蝶群落为中等相似, Jaccard相似性系数为0.64, 共有种有114种(64.05%)。鉴于无量山、哀牢山蝴蝶多样性较丰富, 且有13种近危物种、3种易危物种和56种个体数极低(≤ 10头)的未列入红色名录的物种, 因此蝴蝶保护工作刻不容缓。  相似文献   

蝴蝶资源的可持续性利用,可以通过人工饲养的途径来实现.人工饲养分全虫态饲养和非全虫态饲养.依据蝴蝶的生物学特性,满足饲养蝶种对生态环境的要求,是人工饲养获得成功的关键.蝴蝶的成功饲养、产业的持续发展和开拓创新,都离不开高素质人材.因此,应把人力资源建设放在蝴蝶饲养与产业发展的第一位.生态蝴蝶园建设,则列为蝴蝶资源多种利用的首选项目.  相似文献   

问:蝴蝶翅的颜色是哪里来的?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
问:蝴蝶翅的颜色是哪里来的?答:蝴蝶属于昆虫纲鳞翅目,故名思义,蝴蝶的翅是鳞翅。所谓“鳞翅”即膜质剧上覆盖有很多鳞片。此外,在蝴蝶的头部、胸部、腹部和翅基部等处还丛生有介于鳞片和毛之间的鳞毛。蝴蝶的鳞片是由一个单独特化的真皮细胞延伸并穿过表皮扩展而成...  相似文献   

蝴蝶资源的开发利用与保护   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
蝴蝶是一种漂亮的昆虫,被喻为“会飞的鲜花”,“大自然的舞姬”,它是大自然的艺术作品,点缀得世界更加美丽!人类对蝴蝶的称颂自古而然,而且中外一致;历代文人不知为蝴蝶写下了多少动人的诗篇,诗人画家把蝴蝶看作是春天、爱情的象征,涌现出大量咏蝶、赞蝶的文艺精品。民间故事,小说提到蝴蝶的就更多了。  相似文献   

由集邮与蝴蝶爱好者寿建新先生与著名昆虫学家周尧教授合著的《中外蝴蝶邮票》一书,近日已由陕西科技出版社出版发行。这是他们继10年前编著的《世界蝴蝶邮票》一书之后,又一本系统介绍世界蝴蝶和蝴蝶邮票的书。该书第一次给450余种外国蝴蝶命以中名。其特点有二:一是文字流畅、优美,便于读者接受;二是蝴蝶的中名,凡已见《中国蝶类志》者,一一与之统一。《中国蝶类志》上没有的外国蝶种,根据中国科学院科学名词审查委员会历次公布的内容,重新加以修订,以减少混乱,为今后外国蝴蝶译名的统一做准备,这也是今后中国生物科学赶超国际水平的基础工作。 该书印刷精美,大32开本,370页,内有彩图32页,黑白图120页。书中收入中外蝴蝶邮票961枚,邮票中共有蝴蝶471种,逐一鉴定蝴蝶的中名、学名、分类地位,记述了它们的特征和分布。读者从中可以增长集邮的兴趣,获得关于蝴蝶的科学知识。书后附有世界各国发行蝴蝶邮票目录和蝴蝶的拉丁文学名及中名索引,定会博得集邮者与蝴蝶爱好者的钟爱。 该书定价29.5元,每册邮挂费3.50元,需购书者可直接汇款至本编辑部。地址:北京中关村路19号,中科院动物所《昆虫知识》编辑部,100080(请注明书名和详细地址)。 (本刊)  相似文献   

为实现方便快捷地检索和认识蝴蝶,结合传统分类学理论,运用计算机的图像数字化处理、蝴蝶特征筛选等分类识别技术,研究设计一款基于Android系统的黑龙江省蝴蝶自动识别APP。该APP提供黑龙江省蝴蝶检索和识别功能,同时对农林害虫预警、植物保护和边境检疫起到技术支持作用。  相似文献   

滕派蝶画始于唐高祖李渊的第二十二皇子李元婴,唐贞观十三年,即公元639年受封为滕王,"滕派蝶画"因此而得名。滕派蝶画有其独特的手法与风格,其绘画技艺传至元婴之子李湛然时,王府幕宾梁太尉常伴湛然作画而学得滕派蝶画真传,并独家相传数十代之久,传至梁冠三时巳是清末时期。1923年,佟冠亚成为滕派蝶画的传人。1995年,佟冠亚之子佟起来成为当代滕派蝶画传人。滕派蝶画经历唐、宋、元、明、清1000多年没有失传。佟起来现任中国河南滕派蝶画院院长,他事业有成,创作了许多滕派蝶画的作品,继承和发扬了滕派蝶画,使蝶文化既有光辉的过去,也有更加灿烂的现在与将来。  相似文献   

山西省蝶类多样性与地带分布   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
结合自然地理与植被条件对山西蝶类多样性分布的现状进行研究,结果表明,其特点是:不同林区差异性大,呈南北递减趋势,受小气候环境影响较大,资源呈片段化分布,耕作区种类多样性丧失严重。根据已知的216种蝶类在山西15个林区的分布情况,采用聚类平均法(UPGMA)对这15个林区的蝶类多样性进行聚类分析,在相似性系数为0.85时,可将山西林区划分为5个蝶类分布地带。按照地理位置和自然景观的不同,分别称之为:Ⅰ.南端山地蝴蝶区;Ⅱ.南部盆地蝴蝶区;Ⅲ.中南部山地丘陵蝴蝶区;Ⅳ.中部高山蝴蝶区;Ⅴ.西北部丘陵蝴蝶区。在关键区系分析中,得知南端山地蝴蝶区和中部高山蝴蝶区是山西蝶类多样性分布的重要地区,对这两个区系加以保护,即可保护山西已知蝴蝶种类的97.7%。  相似文献   

Species richness patterns along altitudinal gradients are well-documented ecological phenomena, yet very little data are available on how environmental filtering processes influence the composition and traits of butterfly assemblages at high altitudes. We have studied the diversity patterns of butterfly species at 34 sites along an altitudinal gradient ranging from 600 to 2,000 m a.s.l. in the National Park Berchtesgaden (Germany) and analysed traits of butterfly assemblages associated with dispersal capacity, reproductive strategies and developmental time from lowlands to highlands, including phylogenetic analyses. We found a linear decline in butterfly species richness along the altitudinal gradient, but the phylogenetic relatedness of the butterfly assemblages did not increase with altitude. Compared to butterfly assemblages at lower altitudes, those at higher altitudes were composed of species with larger wings (on average 9 %) which laid an average of 68 % more eggs. In contrast, egg maturation time in butterfly assemblages decreased by about 22 % along the altitudinal gradient. Further, butterfly assemblages at higher altitudes were increasingly dominated by less widespread species. Based on our abundance data, but not on data in the literature, population density increased with altitude, suggesting a reversed density–distribution relationship, with higher population densities of habitat specialists in harsh environments. In conclusion, our data provide evidence for significant shifts in the composition of butterfly assemblages and for the dominance of different traits along the altitudinal gradient. In our study, these changes were mainly driven by environmental factors, whereas phylogenetic filtering played a minor role along the studied altitudinal range.  相似文献   

Fire is an important tool in the conservation and restoration of tallgrass prairie ecosystems. We investigated how both the vegetation composition and butterfly community of tallgrass prairie remnants changed in relation to the elapsed time (in months) since prescribed fire. Butterfly richness and butterfly abundance were positively correlated with the time since burn. Habitat-specialist butterfly richness recovery time was greater than 70 months post-fire and habitat-specialist butterfly abundance recovery time was approximately 50 months post-fire. Thus, recovery times for butterfly populations after prescribed fires in our study were potentially longer than those previously reported. We used Path Analysis to evaluate the relative contributions of the direct effect of time since fire and the indirect effects of time since fire through changes in vegetation composition on butterfly abundance. Path models highlighted the importance of the indirect effects of fire on habitat features, such as increases in the cover of bare ground. Because fire return intervals on managed prairie remnants are often less than 5 years, information on recovery times for habitat-specialist insect species are of great importance.  相似文献   

Riparian ecosystems play an important role in modulating a range of ecosystem processes that affect aquatic and terrestrial organisms. Butterflies are a major herbivore in terrestrial ecosystems and are also common in riparian ecosystems. Since butterflies use plants for larval food and adult nectar sources in riparian ecosystems, butterfly diversity can be utilized to evaluate riparian ecosystems. We compiled butterfly data from 33 sites in three riparian ecosystem types across the country and compared butterfly diversity in terms of number of species and quality index in relation to riparian environmental variables. Number of butterfly and plant species was not different among three riparian habitat types. Additionally, there was no significant ecological variable to distinguish the butterfly communities on three riparian habitats. Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling ordination showed that butterfly communities in three riparian ecosystem types differed from each other, and butterfly riparian quality index was the main variable for butterfly assemblages. Five indicator species for moor and another five species for riverine riparian ecosystems were identified. Three and one indicator species for moor and riparian ecosystems, respectively, were plant specialists, while 44 butterflies were general feeders, feeding on a wide range of hostplants in several habitats. These results suggest that butterfly species use actively riparian habitats for nectar and larval food, and the butterfly riparian quality index can be employed to track faunal change in riparian habitats, which are frequently threatened by disturbances such as water level and climate changes, and invasive species.  相似文献   

We investigated butterfly responses to plot-level characteristics (plant species richness, vegetation height, and range in NDVI [normalized difference vegetation index]) and spatial heterogeneity in topography and landscape patterns (composition and configuration) at multiple spatial scales. Stratified random sampling was used to collect data on butterfly species richness from seventy-six 20 × 50 m plots. The plant species richness and average vegetation height data were collected from 76 modified-Whittaker plots overlaid on 76 butterfly plots. Spatial heterogeneity around sample plots was quantified by measuring topographic variables and landscape metrics at eight spatial extents (radii of 300, 600 to 2,400 m). The number of butterfly species recorded was strongly positively correlated with plant species richness, proportion of shrubland and mean patch size of shrubland. Patterns in butterfly species richness were negatively correlated with other variables including mean patch size, average vegetation height, elevation, and range in NDVI. The best predictive model selected using Akaike’s Information Criterion corrected for small sample size (AICc), explained 62% of the variation in butterfly species richness at the 2,100 m spatial extent. Average vegetation height and mean patch size were among the best predictors of butterfly species richness. The models that included plot-level information and topographic variables explained relatively less variation in butterfly species richness, and were improved significantly after including landscape metrics. Our results suggest that spatial heterogeneity greatly influences patterns in butterfly species richness, and that it should be explicitly considered in conservation and management actions.  相似文献   

The lycaenid butterfly, Maculinea rebeli, and its specialist parasitoid, Ichneumon eumerus, live in small, closed populations. Given the threatened status of the butterfly, it is reasonable to assume that its specialist parasitoid is even more vulnerable to local extinction than the butterfly host. Based on a mechanistic model recently developed for the tightly-woven community surrounding M. rebeli at a site in the Spanish Pyrenees, we investigate how the removal of habitat, and more particularly, specific habitat promoting the persistence of the butterfly, affects the population persistence of the parasitoid. Because of the relatively small impact of the parasitoid on the butterfly population in the Spanish Pyrenees, guidelines for conserving the parasitoid are only slightly more restrictive than those for its host. It is argued that at sites of more marginal quality for the butterfly than the reference site, achieving the dual aims of conserving both species will be more problematic. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Studies examining and using pattern variation in insects for identification and characterization of individuals and populations have been limited by the methods available for quantifying wing patterns objectively. In this paper, differences in wing pattern are demonstrated statistically using moment invariant data sets generated automatically from digitized images of the speckled wood butterfly, Pararge aegeria (Linnaeus). Studies with other biological subjects have already shown moment invariants to work well with outline shapes and silhouettes. A pilot study with replicated monochrome photographs of a single butterfly showed the method could detect pattern differences between wing surfaces, even in the presence of simulated wing fading and damage. In a further study of the wings of 228 specimens, multivariate analyses of variance using the moment data reliably detected differences between groups of butterflies according to sex, geographical origin and culture history. Potential applications and future improvements of the moment methodology are considered.  相似文献   

Abandonment of farming with the resultant increase in forest cover is one of the major threats to semi-natural grasslands in marginal agricultural areas. In Sweden, the loss of semi-natural grassland is a serious nature conservation problem since it is one of the most species-rich habitats. In this study, the consequences of grassland abandonment and afforestation on butterfly diversity and butterfly dispersal costs are estimated and used to compare three different future land-use scenarios for a marginal agricultural landscape in Sweden. Based on previous butterfly surveys on grasslands in the area, a relationship between land-use type and butterfly diversity was established. By comparing land-use maps of different scenarios, the number of suitable habitat patches and total suitable habitat patch area with low, medium and high butterfly diversity could be estimated. To obtain an indication of possible fragmentation effects, a least-cost analysis was used to compare travel costs of the butterflies between suitable habitat patches for the different scenarios. The results show that different land-use scenarios affect butterfly diversity and travel costs differently. In the extreme case scenario of cessation of full-time farming and a reduction in part-time farming, nearly all valuable butterfly habitats will vanish, since the most species-rich habitats lie in the periphery of the settlement and are expected to be abandoned and afforested first. If, on the other hand, grassland management is less reduced the effect of abandonment on butterflies depends very much on which areas continue to be managed. To preserve the most important grasslands for butterflies an active management strategy for the whole study area would be needed. While it seems relatively easy to identify the areas most important to conserve from a butterfly diversity perspective, it will be more difficult to find an optimal spatial solution that also minimises dispersal costs for butterflies.  相似文献   

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