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The last tropical connection between Atlantic and Indian-Pacific habitats closed c. 2 million years ago (Ma), with the onset of cold-water upwelling off southwestern Africa. Yet comparative morphology indicates more recent connections in several taxa, including reef-associated gobies (genus Gnatholepis). Coalescence and phylogenetic analyses of mtDNA cytochrome b sequences demonstrate that Gnatholepis invaded the Atlantic during an interglacial period approximately 145,000 years ago (d = 0.0054), colonizing from the Indian Ocean to the western Atlantic, and subsequently to the central ( approximately 100,000 years ago) and eastern Atlantic ( approximately 30,000 years ago). Census data show a contemporary range expansion in the northeastern Atlantic linked to global warming.  相似文献   

Nine bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) calves that stranded in Virginia in 1996 and 1997 died of severe blunt-force trauma. Injuries were concentrated on the head and chest and multiple rib fractures, lung lacerations, and soft tissue contusions were prominent. Skeletal and/or soft tissue trauma occurred bilaterally in all of the calves. One had a bite wound across the left mandible that exhibited deep punctures consistent with the tooth placement in an adult bottlenose dolphin. The lesions were not compatible with predation, boat strike, fisheries interactions, rough-surf injury, or blast injury. However, they were similar to traumatic injuries described in stranded bottlenose dolphin calves and harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in Great Britain attributed to violent dolphin interactions. The evidence suggests that violent dolphin behavior was the cause of the trauma in the nine calves reported here and that infanticide occurs in bottlenose dolphins of the western North Atlantic.  相似文献   

In this study we reconstruct pollutant lead transport and input into the Caribbean basin in relation to the meteorological changes and past industrial activities. These reconstructions are based on the geochemical data obtained from massive corals collected in 1998 in Mona Island. Lead concentration profile mimics the general atmospheric lead trend obtained from the previous investigations on ice cores, carbonate skeletons and in sediments from the North Atlantic. This similarity corroborates the significance of anthropogenic impact on all reservoirs of the North Atlantic as associated with the proliferation of the automobile and use of leaded gasoline during the twentieth century. Our high-resolution record reveals a 2–4 years shift between the maximum pollutant lead input to Mona Island and leaded gasoline consumption peaks in North America, suggesting a possible longer secondary oceanic transport of US lead within the Subtropical North Atlantic Gyre system. A striking relationship is found between lead isotopic imprints and the winter North Atlantic oscillation (NAO) index for two specific periods (1914–1929 and 1965–1997). These periods are characterized by distinct isotopic signatures from the main pollutant lead emitter to the North Atlantic troposphere, North America and Western Europe. This involves a noteworthy influence of the NAO on pollutant input and distribution in the North Atlantic that strengthens the usefulness of lead isotopes as tracers of paleo-atmospheric circulation and changes in marine circulation pathways.  相似文献   

Gabriela S. Adamescu  Andrew J. Plumptre  Katharine A. Abernethy  Leo Polansky  Emma R. Bush  Colin A. Chapman  Luke P. Shoo  Adeline Fayolle  Karline R. L. Janmaat  Martha M. Robbins  Henry J. Ndangalasi  Norbert J. Cordeiro  Ian C. Gilby  Roman M. Wittig  Thomas Breuer  Mireille Breuer‐Ndoundou Hockemba  Crickette M. Sanz  David B. Morgan  Anne E. Pusey  Badru Mugerwa  Baraka Gilagiza  Caroline Tutin  Corneille E. N. Ewango  Douglas Sheil  Edmond Dimoto  Fidèle Baya  Flort Bujo  Fredrick Ssali  Jean‐Thoussaint Dikangadissi  Kathryn Jeffery  Kim Valenta  Lee White  Michel Masozera  Michael L. Wilson  Robert Bitariho  Sydney T. Ndolo Ebika  Sylvie Gourlet‐Fleury  Felix Mulindahabi  Colin M. Beale 《Biotropica》2018,50(3):418-430
We present the first cross‐continental comparison of the flowering and fruiting phenology of tropical forests across Africa. Flowering events of 5446 trees from 196 species across 12 sites and fruiting events of 4595 trees from 191 species across 11 sites were monitored over periods of 6 to 29 years and analyzed to describe phenology at the continental level. To study phenology, we used Fourier analysis to identify the dominant cycles of flowering and fruiting for each individual tree and we identified the time of year African trees bloom and bear fruit and their relationship to local seasonality. Reproductive strategies were diverse, and no single regular cycle was found in >50% of individuals across all 12 sites. Additionally, we found annual flowering and fruiting cycles to be the most common. Sub‐annual cycles were the next most common for flowering, whereas supra‐annual patterns were the next most common for fruiting. We also identify variation in different subsets of species, with species exhibiting mainly annual cycles most common in West and West Central African tropical forests, while more species at sites in East Central and East African forests showed cycles ranging from sub‐annual to supra‐annual. Despite many trees showing strong seasonality, at most sites some flowering and fruiting occurred all year round. Environmental factors with annual cycles are likely to be important drivers of seasonal periodicity in trees across Africa, but proximate triggers are unlikely to be constant across the continent.  相似文献   

We use high-resolution oxygen isotope data (δ18O) from planktonic foraminifera in the western tropical Atlantic Ocean (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 154, Site 925) to investigate millennial-scale climate variability during an interval of relative climate warmth, the early Pliocene. For this purpose, we have chosen a 100-kyr-long time interval from 4.13 to 4.24 Ma and subsampled it to obtain an average time step of 800 yr. We reconstruct changes in upper ocean hydrography using the δ18O values of Globigerinoides sacculifer, a mixed-layer dweller, and Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, a thermocline dweller. Their oxygen isotopic difference (Δδ18O) is taken as a measure of the mixed layer to thermocline thermal gradient. Time series analysis indicates that significant concentration of variance exists in the G. sacculifer and N. dutertrei at sub-Milankovitch periods of between 8 and 4 kyr, and in the Δδ18O record between 13 and 8 kyr. Wavelet analysis illustrates that the suborbital variance is only present in the record when the amplitude of the precessional signal is large between 4.24 and 4.20 Ma. In this particular portion of the record, however, we observe positive δ18O excursions in the individual δ18O time series. Thus, the suborbital periods evident in the spectra may reflect harmonics associated with asymmetrical time series. Because the excursions only occur when precession forcing is also strong, we suggest that there is a relationship between the proxy records and climate, although, we cannot conclude that it is cyclical in nature. The Δδ18O record on the other hand is characterized by positive as well as negative excursions. We observe significant concentration of variance close to half precession during the portion of the record when precession forcing is also strong, which we believe reflects a close, although nonlinear, response of the western tropical surface ocean to low-latitude insolation forcing.  相似文献   

The resting metabolic rates (R(R)) of western North Atlantic Ocean sciaenids, such as Atlantic croaker Micropogonias undulatus, spot Leiostomus xanthurus and kingfishes Menticirrhus spp., as well as the active metabolic rates (R(A)) of M. undulatus and L. xanthurus were investigated to facilitate inter and intraspecific comparisons of their energetic ecology. The R(R) of M. undulatus and L. xanthurus were typical for fishes with similar lifestyles. The R(R) of Menticirrhus spp. were elevated relative to those of M. undulatus and L. xanthurus, but below those of high-energy-demand species such as tunas Thunnus spp. and dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus. Repeated-measures non-linear mixed-effects models were applied to account for within-individual autocorrelation and corrected for non-constant variance typical of noisy R(A) data sets. Repeated-measures models incorporating autoregressive first-order [AR(1)] and autoregressive moving average (ARMA) covariances provided significantly superior fits, more precise parameter estimates (i.e. reduced s.e.) and y-intercept estimates that more closely approximated measured R(R) for M. undulatus and L. xanthurus than standard least-squares regression procedures.  相似文献   

Coastal and offshore ecotypes of common bottlenose dolphins have been recognized in the western South Atlantic, and it is possible that trophic niche divergence associated with social interactions is leading them to genetic and phenotypic differentiation. The significant morphological differentiation observed between these ecotypes suggests they represent two different subspecies. However, there is still a need to investigate whether there is congruence between morphological and genetic data to rule out the possibility of ecophenotypic variation accompanied by gene flow. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequence data and 10 microsatellite loci collected from stranded and biopsied dolphins sampled in coastal and offshore waters of Brazil as well as 106 skulls for morphological analyses were used to determine whether the morphological differentiation was supported by genetic differentiation. There was congruence among the data sets, reinforcing the presence of two distinct ecotypes. The divergence may be relatively recent, however, given the moderate values of mtDNA nucleotide divergence (dA = 0.008), presence of one shared mtDNA haplotype and possibly low levels of gene flow (around 1% of migrants per generation). Results suggest the ecotypes may be in the process of speciation and reinforce they are best described as two different subspecies until the degree of nuclear genetic divergence is thoroughly evaluated: Tursiops truncatus gephyreus (coastal ecotype) and T. t. truncatus (offshore ecotype). The endemic distribution of T. t. gephyreus in the western South Atlantic and number of anthropogenic threats in the area reinforces the importance of protecting this ecotype and its habitat.  相似文献   

Understanding the historical evolution of biotas and the dynamics of contemporary human-mediated species introductions are two central tasks of biology. One hypothesis may address both-the taxon cycle. Taxon cycles are phases of range expansion and contraction coupled to ecological and evolutionary niche shifts. These historical invasion processes resemble human-mediated invasions in pattern and possibly mechanism, but both the existence of historical cycles and the roles of recent introductions are in question. We return to the system that originally inspired the taxon cycle-Melanesian ants-and perform novel tests of the hypothesis. We analyze (i) the habitat distributions of Fiji's entire ant fauna (183 species), (ii) ecological shifts associated with the in situ radiation of Fijian Pheidole in a phylogenetic context, and (iii) the ecological structure of a massive exotic ant invasion of the archipelago. Our analyses indicate lineages shift toward primary habitats, higher elevation, rarity, and ecological specialization with increasing level of endemism, consistent with taxon cycle predictions. The marginal habitats that historically formed a dispersal conduit in the Pacific are now mostly replaced by human-modified habitats dominated by a colonization pulse of exotic species. We propose this may represent the first phase of an incipient global cycle of human-mediated colonization, ecological shifts, and diversification.  相似文献   

Although recent data for several species of primate, including human and marmoset, indicate that the corpus luteum secretes high levels of radioimmunoassayable inhibin, the nature of the immunoreactive (ir) inhibin detected has not been established. In this study, plasma ir-inhibin levels during the ovarian cycle of the marmoset (n = 12 animals) were measured by alpha-subunit-directed inhibin RIA, and values were compared with those estimated by a recently developed two-site immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) specific for inhibin alpha-beta dimer. Consistent with earlier data, plasma levels of ir-inhibin measured by RIA (overall mean value 133 +/- 7 ng/ml; n = 171) reached values 4-fold higher (p less than 0.001) during the luteal phase (222 +/- 20 ng/ml) than during the follicular phase (58 +/- 8 ng/ml), being directly correlated with plasma progesterone levels (r = 0.65; p less than 0.001). In contrast, plasma ir-inhibin levels estimated by IRMA were substantially lower than those measured by RIA (overall mean value 9.62 +/- 1.08 ng/ml; n = 171) and did not vary significantly during the cycle. Administration of a luteolytic dose of cloprostenol during the late luteal phase/early pregnancy led to an abrupt fall in plasma concentrations of progesterone (95%) and alpha-inhibin measured by RIA (82%), whereas dimeric inhibin levels remained unchanged. Analysis of marmoset luteal extracts (n = 5) by RIA, IRMA, and inhibin bioassay yielded inhibin estimates of 102.6 +/- 21.0, 0.632 +/- 0.103, and less than 2.0 ng/mg, respectively, thus confirming that only a very small proportion of the inhibin produced was dimeric (i.e., bioactive) in nature.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Oceanic islands in the paths of currents induce the development of wakes and stationary eddies. The situation to the lee of Tobago, western tropical Atlantic Ocean, is further complicated by the occurrence of the seasonally variable, hypopycnal Orinoco plume. Here we investigate the impact of the combined plume, wake and eddy on bathyal benthic foraminifera to the NW of Tobago. Three surface sediment samples were recovered from around each of five well-sites to the NW of Tobago, three of the sites (Warap-A, Cassra-A and Cassra-CC) being at upper bathyal depths and two (Bene-1, Sancoche-1) at middle bathyal depths. Warap-A, Cassra-A, Cassra-CC and Bene-1 form a transect along the northern side of the leeward wake, while the other two sites are in the vicinity of the stationary eddy. The samples obtained around Sancoche-1 were taken north of the wake. These were supplemented by samples from four 80-cm piston cores from upper bathyal and outer neritic depths sampled at ~ 10 cm intervals. Benthic foraminifera reveal different biofacies at upper (Warap-A, Cassra-A, Cassra-CC) and middle (Bene-1, Sancoche-1) bathyal depths. The upper bathyal biofacies is dominated by Cassidulina curvata and the middle bathyal biofacies contains abundant Uvigerina hispidocostata, both of which are indicative of a high nutrient flux. The presence of Martinottiella communis and M. pallida at Warap-A indicate that pore waters are low in dissolved oxygen in the immediate lee of the island. Percentages of the fauna as serial tests indicated decreasing current velocities with increasing depth, as confirmed by the high abundance of Cibicides ex gr. aknerianus in the shallowest water core. Upper bathyal bottom-current strength was at its lowest in the immediate lee of the island. Species indicative of a perennial nutrient flux were more abundant to the NW, where the interaction of the plume and eddy appears to concentrate nutrients. The short cores, each from a different biofacies, indicate that these environmental conditions have been in place for at least the later Holocene. The most northerly, upper bathyal core presented a stable community structure with low assemblage turnover, while two cores taken farther south (upper bathyal and outer neritic) had an expansive structure with high assemblage turnover. These data raise the possibility of using benthic foraminifera to track the positions of the plume, core and eddy throughout the later Neogene.  相似文献   

Bioluminescence intensity acts as the indicator of the functional state of a plankton community. Data on bioluminescence intensity, zooplankton biomass, and chlorophyll a from the expeditions to the tropical and subtropical Atlantic Ocean were analyzed. The regression models implied a ~10-fold decline of bioluminescence intensity [bioluminescence potential (BP)] and zooplankton biomass for the 46 year time range from 1970 to 2016. The correlation was low between chlorophyll a (the indicator of phytoplankton biomass) and BP, but it was significant for the zooplankton biomass BP annual time series. The decline of BP was associated with the decreasing abundance of bioluminescent zooplankton, and increasing global warming-driven temperature.  相似文献   

There is an increasing evidence that populations of ectotherms can diverge genetically in response to different climatic conditions, both within their native range and (in the case of invasive species) in their new range. Here, we test for such divergence in invasive whitefly Bemisia tabaci populations in tropical Colombia, by considering heritable variation within and between populations in survival and fecundity under temperature stress, and by comparing population differences with patterns established from putatively neutral microsatellite markers. We detected significant differences among populations linked to mean temperature (for survival) and temperature variation (for fecundity) in local environments. A QST FST analysis indicated that phenotypic divergence was often larger than neutral expectations (QST > FST). Particularly, for survival after a sublethal heat shock, this divergence remained linked to the local mean temperature after controlling for neutral divergence. These findings point to rapid adaptation in invasive whitefly likely to contribute to its success as a pest species. Ongoing evolutionary divergence also provides challenges in predicting the likely impact of Bemisia in invaded regions.  相似文献   

Understanding the role of humans in the dispersal of predominantly animal pathogens is essential for their control. We used newly developed Bayesian phylogeographic methods to unravel the dynamics and determinants of the spread of dog rabies virus (RABV) in North Africa. Each of the countries studied exhibited largely disconnected spatial dynamics with major geopolitical boundaries acting as barriers to gene flow. Road distances proved to be better predictors of the movement of dog RABV than accessibility or raw geographical distance, with occasional long distance and rapid spread within each of these countries. Using simulations that bridge phylodynamics and spatial epidemiology, we demonstrate that the contemporary viral distribution extends beyond that expected for RABV transmission in African dog populations. These results are strongly supportive of human-mediated dispersal, and demonstrate how an integrated phylogeographic approach will turn viral genetic data into a powerful asset for characterizing, predicting, and potentially controlling the spatial spread of pathogens.  相似文献   

Previously unknown larvae and poorly studied metamorphic and postmetamorphic stages of development of peacock flounder Bothus lunatus (Bothidae) with a length of 5.4 to 39.5 mm from the western and central tropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean are described, and their identification is substantiated. Small-and medium-sized larvae of this species (with a length of nearly 10 mm) at stages of pre-and postflexion, like all larvae of the genus Bothus at the corresponding stages of development, have a strongly flattened from the sides, moderately deep, and almost pigment-free transparent body; bear a long anterior ray in the dorsal fin; and have single melanophores in the end part of the body. They differ from larvae of other Atlantic species of the genus known at early stages of development in the shape of the anterior head profile, namely in the presence of a deep notch in front of the eyes. With growth, their body assumes a rounded shape. During metamorphosis of larval B. lunatus, the right eye shifts to the left side of the head through a slit formed during the separation of the origin of dorsal fin base from the cranium. This specific feature distinguishes them from larvae of the remaining species of the genus in which, during metamorphosis, the right eye passes to the left side through the hole in the head.  相似文献   

Aims Changes in habitat characteristics and species composition in successional gradients could determine temporal variation in phenology of second-growth forests. We evaluated phenological patterns in tree species occurring in successional forests in southern Brazil, aiming to assess community changes along succession. We tested for general patterns and phenophase seasonality of trees of forests in successional stages and for differences in occurrence, concentration, frequency and duration of phenophases.  相似文献   

Biomass, feeding and metabolic rates of planktonic copepods were studied in an oligotrophic area of the tropical Atlantic Ocean during an instability wave period (boreal summer) and a stratified period (boreal winter). In summer, zooplankton biomass was higher than in winter, showing a positive effect of the instability wave. Moreover, feeding equilibrated metabolic expenditures of copepods in most cases during the instability. In contrast, in stratified conditions copepods did not equilibrate their metabolic budget. Our results suggest that the microbial loop was the dominant trophic pathway during both periods but with a quicker cycling during the instability.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the white grunt Haemulon plumierii was studied from 360 individuals obtained from artisanal fisheries landings in the Abrolhos Bank, Brazil, between August 2010 and March 2012. The overall sex‐ratio did not differ significantly from 1:1, although males predominated in larger size classes. β‐Binomial modelling of historical sex‐ratio data indicated that the catch rate of females has increased in recent years. Females reached maturity at a smaller total length (LT; 214 mm) than males (235 mm LT) and the LT at which 50% of all individuals are mature (L50) was 220 mm, corresponding to 41·5% of the maximum recorded LT. Variation in the gonado‐somatic index and in the relative frequency of reproductive stages indicates that reproduction occurs year round, with increased activity during the austral spring and summer. Fecundity was not size dependent. The reproductive parameters provided here can support management measures focussed on seasonal closures during spawning peaks (September to November and February to March) and minimum sizes (>L50) for the capture of this important artisanal fisheries resource in Abrolhos, the region with the largest and most biodiverse coralline reefs in the South Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

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