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2002年7月到2004年6月对上海郊区祝桥镇、机场镇和朝阳农场及其附近区域的红隼种群密度进行了计数调查.调查通过固定路线进行,共进行调查53次.结果表明该区域红隼种群密度冬季明显高于夏季,呈现明显的月变化和季节变化,红隼种群的季节变动在一定程度上反映了该区域红隼的迁徙及居留情况,认为红隼在上海地区的居留状况包括留鸟、冬候鸟和过境鸟3种类型.混合农作物生境和芦苇生境中红隼种群密度具有极显著差异(t=4.6506,P=0.0000〈0.001),红隼更加偏好混合农作物生境.通过红隼的种群密度可以反映红隼的居留状况和对生境的选择情况.  相似文献   

红隼和黄爪隼繁殖分布区重叠,二者的外部特征十分相似,但行为却很不相同,包括是否远途迁徙、繁殖过程、食物与食性等。2006年56月和20106月和20102011年春夏及2012年52011年春夏及2012年57月,采用焦点观察法和路线调查法,对新疆北部几个繁殖区的黄爪隼和红隼的活动规律、栖息地选择、相互距离、繁殖习性、食物组成展开调查。虽然它们的生活环境比较接近,两者巢间距最近约30 m,但取食生态位却是不同的,红隼更喜欢捕捉沙鼠、小鸟、麻蜥或沙蜥等脊椎动物(占84.8%),而黄爪隼则以采食直翅目昆虫、蜈蚣等无脊椎动物为主(占95.3%)。二者每小时捕食育雏频次也显著不同。在中国,黄爪隼可能是一个"入侵"的或"东扩"物种,此消彼长,漂泊成性,营巢地不固定,近10年种群数量有增加的趋势。  相似文献   

半圈养条件下秋冬季水鹿行为时间分配的研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
对秋冬两个季节半圈养条件下水鹿行为的时间分配研究表明,水鹿在秋季时间花费最多的行为是休息,在冬季时间花费最多的则是站立。t检验的结果显示,与秋季相比,雌雄水鹿在冬季都减少了休息和反刍的时间,而站立的时间增加。在冬季雌鹿站立的时间多于雄鹿,而雌鹿臣地休息的时间少于雄鹿。同样,在秋季雌鹿站立的时间极显著多于雄鹿。  相似文献   

刚考上研究生的时候,有人问我的研究方向,我总是自豪地说:"我是研究猛禽的。"很多时候我得到的不是对方的羡慕而是疑惑:"猛禽?什么鸟啊?"我会立刻告诉他们,猛禽泛指各种鹰、隼、雕和猫头鹰,它们有锋利的嘴和爪子,以各种  相似文献   

冬季鹅喉羚昼间行为时间分配及活动节律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2007年12月,采用目标动物取样法在卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区观察鹅喉羚冬季昼间行为。将鹅喉羚的行为分为采食、警戒、休息、移动和“其他”5种类型,各类行为所占比例雌羊为68.0%、7.0%、19.6%、5.0%、0.4%,采食行为消耗的时间最多,“其他”行为消耗时间最短,雄羊为29.6%、19.2%、29.3%、20.6%、1.3%,采食行为所消耗时间仍占最多,但较雌羊已大幅减少。无论雌雄,各行为在10 min观察期内所占据平均时间均存在极显著差异(P<0.01);除“其他”行为在10 min观察期内所占据平均时间性别间差异不显著外,雌雄其余4类行为间差异均极显著(P<0.01)。雌羊采食行为存在3个高峰,分别在11:00—12:00、13:00—14:00和17:00—18:00;移动高峰出现在13:00—15:00和18:00—19:00;警戒最高峰出现在13:00—14:00;休息行为表现为双峰形,分别在12:00—13:00和16:00—17:00。雄羊采食行为也有3个高峰,分别在10:00—11:00、13:00—14:00和17:00—18:00,但不如雌性明显;移动行为在13:00—14:00和18:00—19:00有2个高峰;警戒行为在13:00—14:00和18:00—19:00出现小的高峰;休息在15:00—16:00达到最高峰。雌性鹅喉羚采食、移动、警戒、休息行为在各个时段差异均显著,而雄性则是采食和警戒存在显著差异。  相似文献   

普氏原羚昼夜行为时间分配的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
陈立伟  蔡平 《兽类学报》1997,17(3):172-183
在春(3-4月0、夏(6-7月0、秋(9-10月)3个季节内对385只次个体进行了231092s(64.19h)目标观察,对普氏原羚季节间的行为差异做了比较和方差分析;春、夏及春、秋两季间的采食时间比例差异显著(分别为D=0.1967〉D0.05及D=0.2556〉D0.05);移动时间夏季与秋季间的差异极显著(D=0.05686〉D0.01);在春秋、夏秋间的站立凝视时间比例的差异极显著(分别为  相似文献   

笼养大鸨越冬行为的时间分配   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
20 0 0~ 2 0 0 2年冬季 ,在哈尔滨动物园 ,采用瞬时扫描法对 2 2只笼养大鸨 (Otistarda)进行全日制观察 ,研究结果表明 :笼养大鸨可以在北方安全越冬。笼养大鸨越冬期行为活动日节律、行为分配 :休息行为 (趴卧、静站 )所占比例最大 ,达到 78. 40 % ,而取食行为 (6. 1 5 % )、游走 (7. 3 5 % )、理羽 (4 . 3 5 % )、啄草雪(2 . 65 % )、打蓬 (1 .1 0 % )所占比例相对较少 ,且各行为时间分配差异显著 (P <0 . 0 5 )。大鸨在冬季不同时期内除取食、打蓬、啄草雪外 ,各行为时间分配差异显著 (P <0 .0 5 )。温度、天气的变化对笼养大鸨越冬行为时间分配也具有显著影响 (P <0 . 0 5 )。  相似文献   

半散放东北虎行为活动时间的分配   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1998年5年-2001年4月在黑龙江东北虎林园,采用焦点动物取样法对10只半散放东北虎(5雌5雄)全年的昼间行为活动时间分配进行了研究。结果表明:(1)半散放东北虎的运动(37.53%)和休息(32.45%)行为较多,站立(6.24%),摄食(10.13%),社会(8.36%)和其他(5.29%,包括饮水,排遗,修饰等)行为较少;(2)不同季节的活动规律相似,运动,摄食,站立和社会行为在上午和下午各有1个高峰期,休息在中午有1个高峰期,运动和行为在存,冬季明显比春,秋季增多。将上述结果与笼养和野生东北虎的进行了比较,并提出了在今后的野化训练中应采取的措施。  相似文献   

张微  田颖  张亚琼  李杰  胡严 《动物学杂志》2024,59(3):349-357
红隼(Falco tinnunculus)被列为国家二级重点保护野生动物,是能同时适应农村和城市环境的小型猛禽,对维持城市生态系统稳定具有重要意义。2022年4月至7月,为在北京救助的7只红隼佩戴了卫星追踪器,追踪其活动轨迹,依据追踪的动物活动位点数据,采用净平方位移-时间曲线依次对各红隼的迁徙模式进行了判别,深入分析了迁徙红隼的迁徙时间、距离和路线等,并采用核心密度法分别计算了迁徙及留居型红隼95%及50%活动区面积。研究结果表明,在北京地区红隼的迁徙模式为部分迁徙,追踪的7只红隼个体(N01 ~ N07)中,4只为留鸟,1只为迁徙鸟,2只居留类型无法准确判断。N01为迁徙红隼,其度夏地和越冬地分别在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟和河北廊坊,此红隼秋季迁徙速度明显高于春季,其春季迁徙距离551 km,历时25 d,平均迁徙速度为22 km/d,而秋季迁徙距离412 km,历时2 d,平均迁徙速度为203 km/d,河北承德滦平县是其春季迁徙的重要中途停歇地。不同红隼个体间95%及50%活动区面积均存在较大差异,迁徙红隼N01 95%、50%活动区面积在度夏区分别为93.10 km2、17.50 km2,在越冬区分别为7.03 km2、0.99 km2;留居型红隼95%、50%活动区面积均值分别为1 165.34 km2、178.71 km2(n = 4),其中最大95%、50%活动区面积分别为4 320.26 km2(N02)、648.22 km2(N02),最小95%、50%活动区面积分别为2.80 km2(N03)、0.29 km2(N03)。本研究揭示了北京地区红隼的迁徙模式、迁徙路线、重要停歇地及活动区状况,为红隼的针对性保护和管理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

笼养东北虎行为的时间分配   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
1998 年4 月至2001 年3 月, 采用瞬时扫描取样法和全事件取样法对哈尔滨动物园的4 只笼养东北虎的活动规律进行了研究。结果表明, 笼养东北虎在全年的昼夜行为时间分配表现为睡眠所占比值最多; 其次是卧息和活动; 摄食和其它行为(包括饮水、排尿、排粪、修饰、嗅闻、嬉戏、站立、直立、发声等) 最少。在不同季节笼养东北虎的活动变化规律基本相似, 一昼夜的睡眠、运动和卧息均有两个高峰期, 但高峰期出现和持续的时间有所差异。睡眠的高峰期在10 : 00~14 : 00 和20 : 00 至次日06 : 00 , 活动的高峰期在05 : 00~10 : 00 和14 : 00~17 : 00 , 卧息的高峰期在05 : 00~10 : 00 和13 : 00~20 : 00 , 摄食仅在16 : 00~20 : 00 有一个高峰期。冬季(12~2 月) 与春(3~5 月) 、夏(6~8 月) 、秋季(9~11 月) 相比, 东北虎在白昼睡眠的时间显著减少,夜晚则显著增多。  相似文献   

Capsule In years with low vole abundance birds visited hunting grounds more frequently and for longer.

Aims To describe diet composition, hunting behaviour, habitat choice and reproductive success of urban Kestrels during changing vole abundance.

Methods For five years, we studied the hunting effort of Kestrels in a medium-sized city during the breeding season. Pitfall traps were used for determining vole abundance. Kestrel diet composition was determined from pellet analyses. The number of eggs and offspring was recorded during at least two consecutive visits for each nest and each breeding stage.

Results In contrast to larger European cities, the Common Vole Microtus arvalis was a key part of the Kestrels' diet and did not fluctuate significantly according to vole availability. Reproductive success was quite high and stable throughout years with different vole abundance. In years of low vole abundance, the arrival frequency at hunting grounds and time spent there increased. During years with a low vole population, Kestrels had less hunting success and the rate of successful visits decreased. Therefore, Kestrels probably had to change hunting grounds more frequently. During low vole years Kestrels used less demanding techniques, e.g. perching, despite the lower success of these hunting techniques, to avoid extremely high energetic costs.

Conclusions An increase in hunting helps to maintain a proper diet and consequently reproductive success. Vole abundance did not change dramatically during the study period, as reported by studies from western and northern Europe. The proportion of ruderal habitats on the city periphery is higher than in more monotonous farmland habitats. Ruderal habitats can be important when Kestrels look for mammals other than voles, especially during vole scarcity.  相似文献   

The fitness of an organism can be affected by conditions experienced during early development. In light of the impact that oxidative stress can have on the health and ageing of a bird species, this study evaluated factors accounting for the variation in oxidative stress levels in nestlings of the Eurasian kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) by measuring the serum concentration of reactive oxygen metabolites and the serum antioxidant barrier against hypochlorite-induced oxidation. The ratio between these two variables was considered as an index of oxidative stress, with higher values meaning higher oxidative damage. Six-chick broods showed the highest level of oxidative stress, while no effect of sex was found. Age showed an inverse relationship with the oxidants and the levels of oxidative stress, with younger birds having higher levels. Hatching date, body condition, body mass and carotenoid concentration did not show any relationship with oxidants, antioxidants or degree of oxidative stress. These findings suggest that intrabrood sibling competition could play a role in determining oxidative stress, and that in carnivorous birds other antioxidant molecules could be more important than carotenoids to reduce oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The predatory behaviour of eight wild adult common kestrels (Falco tinnunculus) was recorded during predatory tests carried out in the wild under controlled conditions. Those birds were offered one laboratory mouse each, which was restrained on a base, thereby simulating natural predation. The predatory sequence was recorded directly, but also video-taped. The sequence was rather homogeneous among the kestrels, with most kestrels starting the attack glide from a perch, then capturing the prey at high speed. The mouse was grabbed directly, upon landing; in one instance, however, it disentangled from the bird’s foot and was captured after a few seconds. The target was usually grabbed at the shoulders or neck, or at the trunk. Soon after capture the kestrel flew to a distant perch, where it usually stroked the prey with one single peck, before starting ingestion, which began about 1 min time after prey grasping. Our results are the first to show the possibility of maintaining standardized conditions to study the predatory behaviour of birds of prey. As they are very similar to those obtained in previous tests carried out in captivity using rehabilitated kestrels, our results also confirm earlier ones showing that the kestrel’s predatory behaviour is rather stereotyped—i.e. performed with limited variation—and that it can be studied reliably even in captivity.  相似文献   

上海郊区冬夏季鸟类群落特征比较   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:21  
2000年冬季和2001年夏季对上海郊区三种典型生境(农田居民区、湿地滩涂和丘陵林地)鸟类分别进行了调查,共记录到鸟类96种,隶属14目29科。本文重点探讨了冬夏两季鸟类群落的多样性、均匀度、优势度、生物量、重要值、种间相通机率、食性等群落特征。研究结果表明,上海郊区冬季鸟类种类、密度、多样性和生物量都明显高于夏季,而优势度则夏季高于冬季。不同生境中,湿地鸟类多样性和均匀度均最高,优势度农田居民区最高。密度冬季湿地最大,夏季农田居民区最大。改善环境的自然性、增加空间异质性、扩大保护区面积和减少人为干扰等可使鸟类群落的多样性和密度增加。  相似文献   

Instantaneous scanning and focal animal sampiing methods were used to record the behaviors of nine wild Great Bustards (Otis tarda) and their time budget from November 2004 to January 2005.The results indicated that foraging and resting time accounted for as high as 46.40% and 39.12%,respectively,while the rest of the behaviors,such as walking,alerting,preening and flying,only shared 6.83%,2.03%,2.64% and 1.84%,respectively.There were significant differences in foraging time,alert time and walking time between males and females (P<0.05).The preening and flying were closely related to males (Pearson's correlation,r=0.932),and it was similar for resting and walking in females (Pearson's correlation,r=0.716).Resting occurred mainly at dawn and dusk,and foraging appeared mostly from 9:30 to 11:30 and from 14:30 to 16:30.Non-parameter testing demonstrates that time budget among resting,flying and others in two temperature intervals (>-5℃ and≤-5℃) was significantly different.  相似文献   

Time budget and activity rhythm of wild Great Bustard in winter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Instantaneous scanning and focal animal sampling methods were used to record the behaviors of nine wild Great Bustards (Otis tarda) and their time budget from November 2004 to January 2005. The results indicated that foraging and resting time accounted for as high as 46.40% and 39.12%, respectively, while the rest of the behaviors, such as walking, alerting, preening and flying, only shared 6.83%, 2.03%, 2.64% and 1.84%, respectively. There were significant differences in foraging time, alert time and walking time between males and females (P < 0.05). The preening and flying were closely related to males (Pearson’s correlation, r = 0. 932), and it was similar for resting and walking in females (Pearson’s correlation, r = 0. 716). Resting occurred mainly at dawn and dusk, and foraging appeared mostly from 9:30 to 11:30 and from 14:30 to 16:30. Non-parameter testing demonstrates that time budget among resting, flying and others in two temperature intervals (> −5 °C and ⩽ −5 °C) was significantly different.  相似文献   

Xiong L H  Lu J J  Tong C F  He W S 《农业工程》2007,27(6):2160-2166
In winter, Common Kestrel minimizes energy expenditure by using the low-cost, low-profit technique of perch hunting. Existence of the perch sites is the precondition of perch hunting. Therefore, one can predict that the kestrels would prefer a habitat with more perch sites, and perch sites should have an important role in the kestrels' hunting technique use, habitat selection and habitat use in winter. To test this prediction, the authors manipulated two areas in a grassland. They increased the potential perch sites in one area with bamboo poles (hereafter test area) and kept another as control (hereafter control area). They observed and compared the kestrels' use and their behaviors in these two areas. Far more kestrels appearing in the test area with increasing perch sites than in the control area were recorded. The kestrels stayed in the test area with more perch sites significantly longer than in the control area. And in the test area with more perch sites, kestrels hunted 77.24% of the total hunting with the technique of perch hunting. In the control area, kestrels hunted only with the technique of flight-hunting. There was a significant correlation between the technique used by kestrels and the areas with or without perch sites. In the test area with increasing perch sites kestrels spent 51.8% of their time in perching and 12.1% in air, which were 30.1% and 34.8%, respectively, in the control area. There was no significant difference in hunting profit between areas. The results suggest that perch sites play an important role in the selection of hunting technique and foraging habitat for kestrels in winter, and kestrels appear to prefer the habitat with suitable perch sites in winter.  相似文献   

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